Results for 'Sheena Rogers'

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  1.  10
    Truth and meaning in pictorial space.Sheena Rogers - 2003 - In Heiko Hecht, Robert Schwartz & Margaret Atherton (eds.), Looking into Pictures. MIT Press. pp. 301--320.
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    Reflections on Shakespeare's Deathaversary.Jerry Rogers - 2021 - Listening 56 (1):81-82.
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    Teaching/learning events in the workplace: A comparative analysis of their organizational and interactional structure.Rogers Hall & Reed Stevens - 1996 - In Garrison W. Cottrell (ed.), Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference of The Cognitive Science Society. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 160--165.
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    Computational approaches to analogical reasoning.Rogers P. Hall - 1989 - Artificial Intelligence 39 (1):39-120.
  5. Costs of a predictible switch between simple cognitive tasks.Robert D. Rogers & Stephen Monsell - 1995 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 124 (2):207.
  6.  34
    Making Use of Existing International Legal Mechanisms to Manage the Global Antimicrobial Commons: Identifying Legal Hooks and Institutional Mandates.Susan Rogers Van Katwyk, Isaac Weldon, Alberto Giubilini, Claas Kirchhelle, Mark Harrison, Angela McLean, Julian Savulescu & Steven J. Hoffman - 2023 - Health Care Analysis 31 (1):9-24.
    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is an urgent threat to global public health and development. Mitigating this threat requires substantial short-term action on key AMR priorities. While international legal agreements are the strongest mechanism for ensuring collaboration among countries, negotiating new international agreements can be a slow process. In the second article in this special issue, we consider whether harnessing existing international legal agreements offers an opportunity to increase collective action on AMR goals in the short-term. We highlight ten AMR priorities and (...)
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    Studies in European Philosophy.A. K. Rogers - 1909 - Philosophical Review 18 (6):668-669.
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    Everyday life as text.Mary F. Rogers - 1984 - Sociological Theory 2:165-186.
    The work of literary structuralists, particularly Roland Barthes, provides sharper insights into ethnomethodology than symbolic interactionism, labeling theory, or phenomenology. Further, it suggests that the metaphor of text may be fruitful for analysts of everyday life. Greater theoretical benefits derive from that metaphor, however, if one applies it using the ideas of literary theorists outside the structuralist tradition.
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    (1 other version)Scepticism.A. K. Rogers - 1904 - Philosophical Review 13 (6):627-641.
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    “The Foolishness of Preaching”.John B. Rogers - 1991 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 45 (3):241-252.
    Like the word of resurrection uttered at the mouth of Jesus' tomb, preaching is the proclamation of a word from beyond ourselves, a word of God's invincible grace and steadfast love.
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  11. The Reciprocity of Human Organism and Circumstance: An Ecological Approach to Understanding the Actions and Experiences of a Human Organism in Its Environment.W. K. Rogers - 2000 - Analecta Husserliana 66:225-240.
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    (1 other version)Gödel numberings of partial recursive functions.Hartley Rogers - 1958 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 23 (3):331-341.
  13. A brief introduction to distributed cognition©.Yvonne Rogers - manuscript
    Distributed Cognition is a hybrid approach to studying all aspects of cognition, from a cognitive, social and organisational perspective. The most well known level of analysis is to account for complex socially distributed cognitive activities, of which a diversity of technological artefacts and other tools and representations are an indispensable part.
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  14. Theory of recursive functions and effective computability.Hartley Rogers - 1987 - Cambridge: MIT Press.
  15. Digital hyperconnectivity and the self.Rogers Brubaker - 2020 - Theory and Society 49 (5):771-801.
    Digital hyperconnectivity is a defining fact of our time. In addition to recasting social interaction, culture, economics, and politics, it has profoundly transformed the self. It has created new ways of being and constructing a self, but also new ways of being constructed as a self from the outside, new ways of being configured, represented, and governed as a self by sociotechnical systems. Rather than analyze theories of the self, I focus on practices of the self, using this expression in (...)
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    Foundations of psychology: some personal views.David Price Rogers (ed.) - 1984 - New York: Praeger.
    Eminent psychologists were asked to reflect on their work and discuss the basic tenets of beliefs of their psychologies and how they arrived at them. The result is this fascinating collection. Contributors discuss subject matter for psychology, what findings they are most certain of, the best methods to study research problems, and what direction the field will take in the future.
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  17. Some Recent Theories of Consciousness.A. R. Rogers - 1920 - Mind 29:294.
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    Rethinking classical theory.Rogers Brubaker - 1985 - Theory and Society 14 (6):745-775.
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  19. Beyond “identity”.Rogers Brubaker & Frederick Cooper - 2000 - Theory and Society 29 (1):1-47.
  20. Why populism?Rogers Brubaker - 2017 - Theory and Society 46 (5):357-385.
    It is a commonplace to observe that we have been living through an extraordinary pan-European and trans-Atlantic populist moment. But do the heterogeneous phenomena lumped under the rubric “populist” in fact belong together? Or is “populism” just a journalistic cliché and political epithet? In the first part of the article, I defend the use of “populism” as an analytic category and the characterization of the last few years as a “populist moment,” and I propose an account of populism as a (...)
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  21.  31
    Hume: The Relation of the Treatise of Human Nature, Bk. I, to the Inquiry concerning Human Understanding.A. K. Rogers - 1905 - Philosophical Review 14:615.
  22.  34
    Restructuring the exercise of prosecutorial discretion in England.Rogers Jonathan - 2006 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 26 (4):775-803.
    Determining whether a person who appears to have committed an offence should then be prosecuted for it requires a number of assessments and weighing of interests. Yet, to read the latest Code for Crown Prosecutors, one would think that the exercise of prosecutorial discretion is a relatively unstructured process. This is because the Code does not require prosecutors to identify an aim in seeking the punishment of the accused, and because it does not distinguish between the harms caused to the (...)
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  23.  30
    Differentiated citizenship and the tasks of reconstructing the commercial republic.Rogers M. Smith - 2010 - Journal of Social Philosophy 41 (2):214-222.
  24.  43
    Exploring Models for an International Legal Agreement on the Global Antimicrobial Commons: Lessons from Climate Agreements.Susan Rogers Van Katwyk, Alberto Giubilini, Claas Kirchhelle, Isaac Weldon, Mark Harrison, Angela McLean, Julian Savulescu & Steven J. Hoffman - 2023 - Health Care Analysis 31 (1):25-46.
    An international legal agreement governing the global antimicrobial commons would represent the strongest commitment mechanism for achieving collective action on antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Since AMR has important similarities to climate change—both are common pool resource challenges that require massive, long-term political commitments—the first article in this special issue draws lessons from various climate agreements that could be applicable for developing a grand bargain on AMR. We consider the similarities and differences between the Paris Climate Agreement and current governance structures for (...)
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    The Public and its Problems: An Essay in Political Inquiry.Melvin L. Rogers (ed.) - 2012 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    The revival of interest in pragmatism and its practical relevance for democracy has prompted a reconsideration of John Dewey’s political philosophy. Dewey’s _The Public and Its Problems _ constitutes his richest and most systematic meditation on the future of democracy in an age of mass communication, governmental bureaucracy, social complexity, and pluralism. Drawing on his previous writings and prefiguring his later thinking, Dewey argues for the importance of civic participation and clarifies the meaning and role of the state, the proper (...)
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    Critical Approaches to Care: Understanding Caring Relations, Identities and Cultures.Chrissie Rogers & Susie Weller (eds.) - 2012 - Routledge.
    What does ‘care’ mean in contemporary society? How are caring relationships practised in different contexts? What resources do individuals and collectives draw upon in order to care for, care with and care about themselves and others? How do such relationships and practices relate to broader social processes? Care shapes people’s everyday lives and relationships and caring relations and practices influence the economies of different societies. This interdisciplinary book takes a nuanced and context-sensitive approach to exploring caring relationships, identities and practices (...)
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  27. Malcovati, ed., Plinio il Giovane, Il Panegirico di Traiano.R. S. Rogers - 1952 - Classical Weekly 46:172.
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  28. Nietzsche and the Aristocratic Ideal.A. K. Rogers - 1920 - Philosophical Review 29:602.
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    (1 other version)A survey of formal semantics.Robert Rogers - 1963 - Synthese 15 (1):17 - 56.
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    Freedom and Self Creation: Anselmian Libertarianism.Katherin A. Rogers - 2015 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
    Katherin A. Rogers presents a new theory of free will, based on the thought of Anselm of Canterbury. We did not originally produce ourselves. Yet, according to Anselm, we can engage in self-creation, freely and responsibly forming our characters by choosing 'from ourselves' between open options. Anselm introduces a new, agent-causal libertarianism which is parsimonious in that, unlike other agent-causal theories, it does not appeal to any unique and mysterious powers to explain how the free agent chooses. After setting (...)
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    Gender and trust in medicine: Vulnerabilities, abuses, and remedies.Wendy Rogers & Angela Ballantyne - 2008 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 1 (1):48-66.
    Trust is taken to be one of the foundational values in the doctor-patient relationship, facilitating access to the benefits of health care and providing a guarantee against possible harms. Despite this foundational role, some doctors betray the trust of their patients. Trusting involves granting discretionary powers and makes the truster vulnerable to the trustee. Patients trust medical practitioners to act with goodwill and to act competently. Some patients carry pre-existing vulnerabilities, for reasons such as gender, poverty, age, ethnicity, or disability, (...)
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    The hunters.Elman Rogers Service - 1966 - Englewood Cliffs, N.J.,: Prentice-Hall.
    A methodical study of the primitive cultures of the hunting-gathering peoples which focuses on their social structures and economic relations.
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    A.J. Ayer: A Life.Ben Rogers - 1999 - London: Grove Press.
    The first authorized biography of the great twentieth-century philosopher unravels the enigma surrounding this complicated man whose book Language, Truth and Logic rocked the world of philosophy. Reprint.
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    Pierre Bourdieus dialog med den klassiske sosiologien.Rogers Brubaker - 2006 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 24 (1-2):269-297.
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    Two Mistakes about Berkeley.Karen Rogers - 1980 - Philosophy 55 (214):552 - 553.
  36.  44
    Perfect Being Theology.Rogers Katherin A. Rogers - 2019 - Edinburgh University Press.
    That being than which a greater cannot be conceived.' This was the way in which the living God of biblical tradition was described by the great Medieval philosophers such as Augustine, Anselm and Aquinas.Contemporary philosophers find much to question, criticise and reject in the traditional analysis of that description. Some hold that the attributes traditionally ascribed to God - simplicity, necessity, immutability, eternity, omniscience, omnipotence, creativity and goodness - are inherently incoherent individually, or mutually inconsistent. Others argue that the divinity (...)
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    Paradoxes of populism during the pandemic.Rogers Brubaker - 2021 - Thesis Eleven 164 (1):73-87.
    Populist protests against Coronavirus-related restrictions in the US appear paradoxical in three respects. Populism is generally hostile to expertise, yet it has flourished at a moment when expertise has seemed more indispensable than ever. Populism thrives on crisis and indeed often depends on fabricating a sense of crisis, yet it has accused mainstream politicians and media of overblowing and even inventing the Corona crisis. Populism, finally, is ordinarily protectionist, yet it has turned anti-protectionist during the pandemic and challenged the allegedly (...)
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  38. Anselmian Eternalism.Katherin A. Rogers - 2007 - Faith and Philosophy 24 (1):3-27.
    Anselm holds that God is timeless, time is tenseless, and humans have libertarian freedom. This combination of commitments is largely undefended incontemporary philosophy of religion. Here I explain Anselmian eternalism with its entailment of tenseless time, offer reasons for accepting it, and defend it against criticisms from William Hasker and other Open Theists. I argue that the tenseless view is coherent, that God’s eternal omniscience is consistent with libertarian freedom, that being eternal greatly enhances divine sovereignty, and that the Anselmian (...)
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    Ethnicity as cognition.Rogers Brubaker, Mara Loveman & Peter Stamatov - 2004 - Theory and Society 33 (1):31-64.
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    Aims and Limitations of British Planning.John F. Rogers - 1949 - Science and Society 13 (2):97 - 117.
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    Anne Cova & Bruno Dumons (dir.), Destins de Femmes. Religion, culture et société (France.Rebecca Rogers - 2015 - Clio 41:338-338.
    Ces deux ouvrages, de format différent, partagent la volonté de faire sortir de l’ombre des trajectoires de femmes à la croisée de la vie publique et de la vie privée. Ils participent à l’essor d’une démarche de type prosopographique qui s’affirme en ce moment avec la publication en trois volumes aux Éditions des femmes du Dictionnaire universel des créatrices (sous la direction de Béatrice Didier, Antoinette Fouque et Mireille Calle-Gruber, 2013) et celle, prévue en 2015, du Dictionnaire des...
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    Anselm’s Other Argument, by A. D. Smith.Katherin Rogers - 2015 - Faith and Philosophy 32 (2):235-238.
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    Professor Royce and monism.A. K. Rogers - 1903 - Philosophical Review 12 (1):47-61.
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  44. The Commercialization of Eighteenth-Century English Literature.Dd Rogers - 1989 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 18 (2):171-178.
  45. Précis of semantic cognition: A parallel distributed processing approach.Timothy T. Rogers & James L. McClelland - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (6):689-714.
    In this prcis we focus on phenomena central to the reaction against similarity-based theories that arose in the 1980s and that subsequently motivated the approach to semantic knowledge. Specifically, we consider (1) how concepts differentiate in early development, (2) why some groupings of items seem to form or coherent categories while others do not, (3) why different properties seem central or important to different concepts, (4) why children and adults sometimes attest to beliefs that seem to contradict their direct experience, (...)
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  46. Anselm on Freedom.Katherin Rogers - 2008 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Can human beings be free and responsible if there is an all-powerful God? Anselm of Canterbury offers viable answers to questions which have plagued religious people for at least two thousand years. Katherin Rogers examines Anselm's reconciliation of human free will and divine omnipotence in the context of current philosophical debates.
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  47. Aristotle on loving another for his own sake.Kelly Rogers - 1994 - Phronesis 39 (3):291-302.
  48.  81
    Feminism and public health ethics.W. A. Rogers - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (6):351-354.
    This paper sketches an account of public health ethics drawing upon established scholarship in feminist ethics. Health inequities are one of the central problems in public health ethics; a feminist approach leads us to examine not only the connections between gender, disadvantage, and health, but also the distribution of power in the processes of public health, from policy making through to programme delivery. The complexity of public health demands investigation using multiple perspectives and an attention to detail that is capable (...)
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  49. Classical theism and the multiverse.Katherin A. Rogers - 2020 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 88 (1):23-39.
    Some analytic philosophers of religion argue that theists should embrace the hypothesis of the multiverse to address the problem of evil and make the concept of a “best possible creation” plausible. I discuss what classical theists, such as Augustine, Anselm, and Aquinas, might make of the multiverse hypothesis including issues such as: the principle of plenitude, what a classical theist multiverse could look like, and how a classical theist multiverse could deal with the problem of evil and the question of (...)
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  50.  22
    Understanding the Black Flame and Multigenerational Education Trauma: Toward a Theory of the Dehumanization of Black Students.June Cara Christian & Mary Rogers-Grantham - 2014 - Lexington Books.
    Using Africana critical theory as a critical framework to analyze W. E. B. Du Bois’s Black Flame trilogy, this study establishes a transdisciplinary theory of the dehumanization of Black students in the United States. As lenses of analysis, critical race theory and Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome reveal how the processes of racialization, colonization, and globalization contribute to the multigenerational traumas many Blacks have experienced in education since Reconstruction.
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