Results for 'Silvio Ranise'

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  1.  14
    Termination of constraint contextual rewriting.Alessandro Armando & Silvio Ranise - 2000 - In Dov M. Gabbay & Maarten de Rijke (eds.), Frontiers of combining systems 2. Philadelphia, PA: Research Studies Press. pp. 47--61.
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    Filtering unification and most general unifiers in modal logic.Silvio Ghilardi & Lorenzo Sacchetti - 2004 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 69 (3):879-906.
    We characterize (both from a syntactic and an algebraic point of view) the normal K4-logics for which unification is filtering. We also give a sufficient semantic criterion for existence of most general unifiers, covering natural extensions of K4.2⁺ (i.e., of the modal system obtained from K4 by adding to it, as a further axiom schemata, the modal translation of the weak excluded middle principle).
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  3.  33
    Berkeley e o papel das hipóteses na filosofia natural.Silvio Seno Chibeni - 2010 - Scientiae Studia 8 (3):389-419.
  4.  34
    The New Wine and the Old Cask. Tolerance, Religion and the Law in Contemporary Europe.Silvio Ferrari - 1997 - Ratio Juris 10 (1):75-89.
    The author argues that a correct approach to the question of tolerance cannot ignore the increasing importance of the religious factor on the political, cultural and social scene of the last few years. The common European model of the relationship between the State and religious faiths that may be called the Law possesses some margins of elasticity. These margins of elasticity may be defined as tolerance. A mechanism of selection allows the law to welcome those new requests for liberty that (...)
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    The experiment and its role in the theory of knowledge.Silvio Fiala - 1951 - Philosophy of Science 18 (3):253-258.
    The theory of knowledge is justified only by its results. Each of its statements is essentially an hypothesis, valuable in so far as its practical purpose is fulfilled. Consequently, the same speculative characteristics common to all natural sciences, must be attributed also to the theory of knowledge.
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    A “Constituição dos Atenienses” de Pseudo-Xenofonte.Silvio Marino - 2019 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 28:e02809.
    A Constituição dos Atenienses é uma pequena obra acerca da politeia de Atenas e das condições que permitem que a democracia permaneça em Atenas como forma de gerenciar a vida da polis. Esta obra representa um problema filológico e historiográfico, porque, embora esteja no corpus das obras de Xenofonte, ela é considerada obra de outro autor, conhecido como Pseudo-Xenofonte ou “Velho Oligarca”. Trata-se de um pamphlet de orientação oligárquica que apresenta Atenas como um mundo ao contrário, em que os piores (...)
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    Lembrança de Giovanni Casertano.Silvio Marino - 2024 - Dois Pontos 21 (2).
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    (1 other version)Un argumento trascendental para la inducción (a transcendental argument for induction).Sílvio Pinto - 2007 - Theoria 22 (2):189-211.
    Aquí lo que me interesa es, primero, distinguir dos problemas de justificación con respecto a la inferencia inductiva: por un lado, el de una justificación persuasiva de este tipo de inferencia y, por otro lado, el de una justificación explicativa de tal inferencia. En segundo lugar, intento mostrar que el argumento de Ramsey-de Finetti a favor de las reglas inductivas de la lógica bayesiana no es capaz de proporcionar una justifi-cación persuasiva de estas reglas. Finalmente, propongo una justificación explicativa para (...)
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    Nouvelles Etudes sur Vasco de Quiroga.Silvio Zavala - 1967 - Moreana 4 (Number 15-4 (3):380-384.
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  10. Unification in intuitionistic logic.Silvio Ghilardi - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (2):859-880.
    We show that the variety of Heyting algebras has finitary unification type. We also show that the subvariety obtained by adding it De Morgan law is the biggest variety of Heyting algebras having unitary unification type. Proofs make essential use of suitable characterizations (both from the semantic and the syntactic side) of finitely presented projective algebras.
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  11.  35
    Constructive canonicity in non-classical logics.Silvio Ghilardi & Giancarlo Meloni - 1997 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 86 (1):1-32.
    Sufficient syntactic conditions for canonicity in intermediate and intuitionistic modal logics are given. We present a new technique which does not require semantic first-order reduction and which is constructive in the sense that it works in an intuitionistic metatheory through a model without points which is classically isomorphic to the usual canonical model.
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  12.  21
    From spiritual ecology to balanced spiritual ecosystems.Silvio S. S. Scatolini - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (2).
    This article suggests developing the concept of spiritual ecology into that of balanced spiritual ecosystems. Philosophies, theologies, education systems, political parties, and gender-based and ethnic identity politics need to be critiqued both from within and without so that they can finally contribute to the creation, maintenance and flourishing of balanced spiritual ecosystems.Contribution: Spiritual ecology is a concept on which converge different worldviews. This article recommends using balanced spiritual ecosystems, instead. The new concept could provoke further reflection on how our -ontologies (...)
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  13.  27
    Dictionnaire archeologique des techniques.Silvio Bedini - 1965 - Isis 56 (2):235-236.
  14.  21
    Leituras e travessias pelas memórias afetivas e musicais: experiências subjetivas.Silvio Roberto Silva Carvalho - 2022 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 27:022007.
    O presente artigo trata sobre experiências leitoras motivadas por canções, memórias autobiográficas e comentários publicados em plataformas digitais. Partindo-se do princípio de que a leitura é mais que uma simples atividade de decodificação, defende-se que ao deixar-se ler pelas canções e pela arte o sujeito, involuntariamente, arma-se para produzir sentidos às marcas inscritas e re-inscritas na sua própria história, reinventando-se e gerando novos processos de subjetivação. Os objetivos deste trabalho são: 1. Construir uma compreensão sobre o lugar da canção no (...)
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  15.  14
    Hume on unobservable entities.Silvio Seno Chibeni - 2018 - Doispontos 15 (1).
  16.  15
    Em Torno de Uma Poética Do/No Pensamento.Sílvio Gallo - 2015 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 23:350-363.
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    Pseudo-Xenophon’s Constitution of the Athenians.Silvio Marino - 2019 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 28:1-26.
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  18.  10
    Der Humor in der Orientierung. Dittsche – Das wirklich wahre Leben.Silvio Pfeuffer - 2016 - In Andrea Bertino, Ekaterina Poljakova, Andreas Rupschus & Benjamin Alberts (eds.), Zur Philosophie der Orientierung. Boston: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 363-372.
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  19.  19
    Critical study de 'A semântica transcendental de Kant' de Zeljko Loparic.Silvio Pinto - 2002 - Manuscrito 25 (1):291-322.
  20.  31
    Philosophy of Language.Silvio Mota Pinto - 2013 - Manuscrito 36 (1):197-205.
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  21.  37
    Wittgenstein on the Social Character of Language.Sílvio Pinto - 1999 - Critica 31 (93):75-103.
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  22.  22
    Fünfzehn Sätze zur Rationalität.Silvio Senn - 1974 - Philosophica 14 (2):9-14.
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  23.  12
    La caccia alle streghe.Silvio Silvi - 2018 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 23 (Especial):59-77.
    Resumo: Entre 1450 e 1750, na Europa e nas suas colônias, milhares de mulheres, mas não só, foram processadas pelo crime de bruxaria. A acusação se baseava em fofocas difundidas e muitas vezes acreditadas pela “má fama” dos acusados. Seria redutivo atribuir toda a responsabilidade a um complexo de crenças fruto de uma desordem mental generalizada. A caça às bruxas foi uma combinação de intervenções precisas e racionalizadas que objetivavam construir o espectro do monstro demoníaco. O tribunal inquisitório, formalmente obstinado, (...)
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  24.  11
    Allargare gli orizzonti della razionalità: prospettive per la filosofia.Silvio Spiri & Tommaso Valentini - 2010 - Roma: Editori riuniti University Press.
  25.  9
    No hay enemigos a la derecha.Silvio Villegas - 1937 - Manizales, Colombia,: A. Zapata.
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  26. (1 other version)Fray Alonso de la Veracruz, iniciador del derecho agrario en México.Silvio Zavala - 1984 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 50:345-358.
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  27.  16
    Best solving modal equations.Silvio Ghilardi - 2000 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 102 (3):183-198.
    We show that some common varieties of modal K4-algebras have finitary unification type, thus providing effective best solutions for equations in free algebras. Applications to admissible inference rules are immediate.
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  28.  44
    Presheaf semantics and independence results for some non-classical first-order logics.Silvio Ghilardi - 1989 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 29 (2):125-136.
    The logicD-J of the weak exluded middle with constant domains is proved to be incomplete with respect to Kripke semantics, by introducing models in presheaves on an arbitrary category. Additional incompleteness results are obtained for the modal systems with nested domains extendingQ-S4.1.
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  29.  5
    Die Entgrenzung der Verantwortung: Nietzsche, Dostojewskij, Levinas.Silvio Pfeuffer - 2008 - New York: De Gruyter.
    Das Buch stellt Nietzsches und Levinas' Destruktionen des griechisch-europäauml;ischen Denkens und der in ihm eingeschlossenen Moral einander gegenüuuml;ber. Dabei werden Anlässe ihrer Kritik und ihre Ausnahmestellung im philosophischen Diskurs herausgearbeitet. Im Anschluss werden Nietzsches und Levinas' Alternativen zu den allgemeinen moralischen Werten verglichen und ihre Vereinbarkeit und Unvereinbarkeit geklärt. Beide Alternativen führen auf eine prinzipiell unbegrenzte Verantwortung des Einzelnen hinaus, die mit Textbeispielen Dostojewskijs unterlegt wird.
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  30. .Silvio Leone - unknown
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  31.  36
    The emergence of post-normal science.Silvio O. Funtowicz & Jerome R. Ravetz - 1992 - In René von Schomberg (ed.), Science, politics, and morality: scientific uncertainty and decision making. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 85--123.
  32.  28
    El grabado en la ciencia hispánicaJosé Maria López Piñero.Silvio Bedini - 1990 - Isis 81 (2):318-319.
  33. The spiritist paradigm.Silvio S. Chibeni - 1990 - Human Nature 1 (2):82-87.
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    Foreword.Silvio Ghilardi - 2003 - Studia Logica 73 (1):3-3.
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  35. O Ensino Fundamental: Formação e Transformação.Sílvio Gallo - 2006 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 8 (2).
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  36.  27
    A model-theoretic characterization of monadic second order logic on infinite words.Silvio Ghilardi & Samuel J. van Gool - 2017 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 82 (1):62-76.
    Monadic second order logic and linear temporal logic are two logical formalisms that can be used to describe classes of infinite words, i.e., first-order models based on the natural numbers with order, successor, and finitely many unary predicate symbols.Monadic second order logic over infinite words can alternatively be described as a first-order logic interpreted in${\cal P}\left$, the power set Boolean algebra of the natural numbers, equipped with modal operators for ‘initial’, ‘next’, and ‘future’ states. We prove that the first-order theory (...)
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  37.  9
    Uma defesa do Argumento da Terra gêmea Moral contra o Realismo Moral Naturalista.Silvio Kavetski - 2023 - Princípios 30 (63).
    O Argumento da Terra Gêmea Moral (ATGM) é o desafio semântico central para o Realismo Moral Naturalista (RMN). À fim de evitar tal problema, os defensores do RMN têm articulado uma série de réplicas ao ATGM. Neste artigo, abordo algumas dessas réplicas e defendo a tese de que elas não refutam o ATGM. Considero duas propostas em específico: o Argumento da Tradução, de D. Copp, e o Argumento do Fim da Investigação Moral, de A. Viggiano. Apresento essas objeções, mostro em (...)
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  38.  24
    A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity. Whittaker, E. T.Silvio Magrini - 1914 - Isis 2 (1):222-224.
  39.  8
    Ivan Jordović, Taming Politics. Plato and the Democratic Roots of Tyrannical Man.Silvio Marino - 2021 - Philosophie Antique 21:278-281.
    De nombreuses publications analysent par différents biais l’idéologie de la démocratie et la déconstruisent, tout en relevant les liens qui existent entre la pensée démocratique et la pensée aristocratique (voire oligarchique ou tyrannique). L’ouvrage de Luciano Canfora de 2004 (La democrazia. Storia di un’ideologia), qui retrace l’histoire de l’idéologie démocratique et a soulevé de nombreuses polémiques, a notamment montré qu'il s'agit là d'un terrain glissant. Dans son introduction, Ivan J...
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    Inno anacreontico alla SS. Trinità di Metrofane arcivescovo di Smirne.Silvio Giuseppe Mercati - 1929 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 30 (1).
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    Cybernetics as a Discipline and an Interdiscipline.Silvio Ceccato & Catherine Bougarel - 1966 - Diogenes 14 (53):99-114.
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  42.  82
    Incompleteness results in Kripke semantics.Silvio Ghilardi - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (2):517-538.
    By means of models in toposes of C-sets (where C is a small category), necessary conditions are found for the minimum quantified extension of a propositional (intermediate, modal) logic to be complete with respect to Kripke semantics; in particular, many well-known systems turn out to be incomplete.
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  43.  45
    Cantor theorem and friends, in logical form.Silvio Valentini - 2013 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 164 (4):502-508.
    We prove a generalization of the hyper-game theorem by using an abstract version of inductively generated formal topology. As applications we show proofs for Cantor theorem, uncountability of the set of functions from N to N and Gödel theorem which use no diagonal argument.
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  44.  73
    Undefinability of propositional quantifiers in the modal system S.Silvio Ghilardi & Marek Zawadowski - 1995 - Studia Logica 55 (2):259 - 271.
    We show that (contrary to the parallel case of intuitionistic logic, see [7], [4]) there does not exist a translation fromS42 (the propositional modal systemS4 enriched with propositional quantifiers) intoS4 that preserves provability and reduces to identity for Boolean connectives and.
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  45.  22
    Continuity, freeness, and filtrations.Silvio Ghilardi - 2010 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 20 (3):193-217.
    The role played by continuous morphisms in propositional modal logic is investigated: it turns out that they are strictly related to filtrations and to suitable variants of the notion of a free algebra. We also employ continuous morphisms in incremental constructions of (standard) finitely generated free ????4-algebras.
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  46.  23
    An algebraic theory of normal forms.Silvio Ghilardi - 1995 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 71 (3):189-245.
    In this paper we present a general theory of normal forms, based on a categorial result for the free monoid construction. We shall use the theory mainly for proposictional modal logic, although it seems to have a wider range of applications. We shall formally represent normal forms as combinatorial objects, basically labelled trees and forests. This geometric conceptualization is implicit in and our approach will extend it to other cases and make it more direct: operations of a purely geometric and (...)
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  47.  38
    Hume contra Aristóteles, Locke y Leibniz sobre la causalidad.Silvio Mota Pinto - 2020 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 59:367-396.
    Aristotle’s conception of causality and the ones Modern philosophers have bequeathed us have been exhaustively discussed, although the contrast between them has not, in my opinion, been sufficiently highlighted. This paper proposes to fill this gap. I start with Aristotelian causality and his theses that causal explanation requires knowledge of causal laws and that the necessity associated with these laws presupposes the existence of causal powers. I discuss next Locke’s and Leibniz’s attempts to modernize Aristotle’s theses on causality. The third (...)
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  48.  47
    Unification, finite duality and projectivity in varieties of Heyting algebras.Silvio Ghilardi - 2004 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 127 (1-3):99-115.
    We investigate finitarity of unification types in locally finite varieties of Heyting algebras, giving both positive and negative results. We make essential use of finite dualities within a conceptualization for E-unification theory 733–752) relying on the algebraic notion of a projective object.
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  49. Linguaggio, consapevolezza, pensiero.Silvio Ceccato & Bruna Zonta - 1980 - [Milano]: Feltrinelli. Edited by Bruna Zonta.
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  50.  25
    Experiências que grafitam o corpo e o viver - Entrevista com Josemar Blures.Sílvio Roberto dos Santos Oliveira & Josemar Blures de Souza Dias - 2023 - Odeere 8 (1):47-58.
    Este texto reflete sobre o memoricídio, consequente à presunção racial branca, como vestígio de operações para o genocídio dos corpos e das mentes negras a partir da Peleja de Inácio da Catingueira contra Romano. Sob o jogo discursivo da humilhação, já se encontrava a vontade brutal de destruição de qualquer traço, perspectiva, visão remanescente de saberes e culturas africanas ou descendentes, fossem de cunho material, simbólico, reflexivo, imagético, expressivo, na língua, no corpo. No embate, Inácio, negro, escravizado, já rebaixado sob (...)
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