Results for 'Simonetta Manfredi'

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  1.  17
    Balancing Gender in Higher Education: A Study of the Experience of Senior Women in a `New' UK University.Simonetta Manfredi & Sue Ledwith - 2000 - European Journal of Women's Studies 7 (1):7-33.
    This article discusses women's positions in higher education in Europe and compares these with a case study analysis of senior women at one `new' UK university. The study comprises interview data from 22 senior women in both academic schools and departments and in functional departments. The main findings include substantial differences between younger and older women in their career progression. While for both groups having children was a major in uence, the older women, especially the academics, had to weave their (...)
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    Higher education: advancing equality in challenging times.Simonetta Manfredi & Sara Hunter - 2012 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 16 (1):1-2.
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  3. The Stranger and Modernity: From Equality of Rights To Recognition of Difference.Simonetta Tabboni - 1995 - Thesis Eleven 43 (1):17-27.
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  4. Tacit beliefs and other doxastic attitudes.Pat A. Manfredi - 1993 - Philosophia 22 (1-2):95-117.
  5. El silencio y la palabra: secretarios, letrados y consejeros entre Humanismo y Renacimiento.Simonetta Scandellari - 2008 - Res Publica. Murcia 19:275-298.
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    Antagonismo sociale e diritto borghese.Mario Manfredi - 1977 - Bari: Edizioni Dedalo.
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    Entropy and reversibility in the Wigner representation of quantum mechanics.Giovanni Manfredi - 1995 - In Robert J. Russell, Nancey Murphy & Arthur R. Peacocke, Chaos and Complexity. Vatican Observatory Publications. pp. 257.
  8. El reto digital de las televisiones públicas en Europa. Las estrategias de la BBC y de RTVE.J. L. Manfredi - 2006 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 68:45-51.
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    L'amore e gli amori in J. J. Rousseau (1735-1755): teorie della sessualità.Gianfranco Manfredi - 1979 - Milano: G. Mazzotta.
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  10. Per la storia del giansenismo: xintesi del movimento fino al consolato napoleonica.G. S. Manfredi - 1929 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 5.
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    The Compatibility of a Priori Knowledge and Empirical Defeasibility.Pat A. Manfredi - 2000 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 38 (Supplement):159-177.
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    The compatibility of a priori knowledge and empirical defeasibility: A defense of a modest a priori.Pat A. Manfredi - 2000 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 38 (S1):179-189.
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    Two routes to narrow content: Both dead ends.Pat A. Manfredi - 1993 - Philosophical Psychology 6 (1):3-22.
    If psychology requires a taxonomy that categorizes mental states according to their causal powers, the common sense method of individuating mental states (a taxonomy by intentional content) is unacceptable because mental states can have different intentional content, but identical causal powers. This difference threatens both the vindication of belief/desire psychology and the viability of scientific theories whose posits include intentional states. To resolve this conflict, Fodor has proposed that for scientific purposes mental states should be classified by their narrow content. (...)
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    Voltaire et les vampires.Gianfranco Manfredi - 2008 - Multitudes 33 (2):91.
    In his article on « Vampires », in the Dictionnaire philosophique, Voltaire both evokes the phenomenon of the so-called « vampire plague » which hit Central Europe during the 1730s and recalls the controversial interpretations of this phenomenon in France and abroad. He takes advantage of the occasion to renew his anti-religious polemic, with a caustic irony that doesn’t spare even a sincere Voltairian like Jean Baptiste Boyer d’Argens, who had offered a penetrating analysis of this phenomenon in his Lettres (...)
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    Vico, Sorel, and Modern Artistic Primitivism.Manfredi Piccolomini - 1986 - New Vico Studies 4:123-130.
  16. Che cos' è il bello?Manfredi Porena - 1905 - Milano,: U. Hoepli.
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    The Last Postumii Albini.Manfredi Zanin - 2021 - Hermes 149 (4):474.
    The genealogy of the Postumii Albini from the second half of the second century bce onwards is uncertain and debated. This article attempts a new discussion of the evidence. Its main contention is that A. Postumius Albinus, cos. 99, should be distinguished from the homonymous legate, brother of Sp. Postumius Albinus, cos. 110; that the two moneyers A. Postumii Albini were, in all likelihood, not directly related to each other and were probably sons of the last two consuls of the (...)
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    Die Vorbilder des Kaisers.Manfredi Zanin - 2020 - História 69 (3):362.
    This paper reconsiders the political facets and purposes of Caracalla's imitatio Alexandri and esteem for Sulla. Both emulations represented the result of a well-pondered political way of thinking and acting. On the one hand, Caracalla reclaimed the exemplum Sullanum displayed by his father, and sought to lead fruitfully the edgy relationships with the Roman political class also through the political role-model embodied by Sulla; on the other hand, by activating the cultural and historical heritage of Alexander in the hellenophone and (...)
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    The Realism and Ecology of Augmented Reality.Giovanni Simonetta - 2015 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 19 (1):92-112.
    Unlike in the phrase “Virtual Reality,” in the phrase “Augmented Reality” the stress is put on the word “reality.” It seems, though, that we still lack a concept of reality which can fit the world of both humans and computers. In connection with this philosophical issue, this paper aims to provide the background for a better insight into the meaning of Augmented Reality and its impact on human behavior. My thesis is that an ecological version of direct perception’s realism constitutes (...)
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  20.  23
    Abelian C-minimal groups.Patrick Simonetta - 2001 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 110 (1-3):1-22.
    Macpherson and Steinhorn 165–209) introduce some variants of the notion of o-minimality. One of the most interesting is C-minimality, which provides a natural setting to study algebraically closed-valued fields and some valued groups. In this paper we go further in the study of the structure of C-minimal valued groups, giving a partial characterization in the abelian case. We obtain the following principle: for abelian valued groups G for which the valuation satisfies some kind of compatibility with the multiplication by any (...)
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  21.  19
    Remote Home-Based Virtual Training of Functional Living Skills for Adolescents and Young Adults With Intellectual Disability: Feasibility and Preliminary Results.Simonetta Panerai, Valentina Catania, Francesco Rundo & Raffaele Ferri - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  22. Searching for an uneasy synthesis between Aristotelian political language and Christian political theology.Stefano Simonetta - 2011 - In Luca Bianchi, Christian readings of Aristotle from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers. pp. 273--285.
  23. Bruno and job. Philosophy and religion at the end of the 16th century.Simonetta Bassi - 2008 - Rinascimento 48:315-334.
  24.  6
    Bruno nel XXI secolo: interpretazioni e ricerche: atti delle giornate di studio (Pisa, 15-16 ottobre 2009).Simonetta Bassi & Maria Elena Severini (eds.) - 2012 - Firenze: L.S. Olschki.
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    Bruno secondo Bruno: le ricerche di Ludovico Limentani.Simonetta Bassi - 1995 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 50 (3):617.
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  26. Computational Linguistics Meets Philosophy: A Latent Semantic Analy-sis of Giordano Bruno's Texts.Simonetta Bassi, Felice Dell'orletta, Daniele Esposito & Alessandro Lenci - 2006 - Rinascimento 46:631-647.
  27. Editoria e filosofia nella seconda meta del'500: Giordano Bruno ei tipografi londinesi'.Simonetta Bassi - 1997 - Rinascimento 37:437-58.
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  28. From collector to scholar: The path of Avraam Norov (Avraam Sergeevic Norov).Simonetta Bassi - 2006 - Rinascimento 46:619-628.
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  29. Giordano Bruno, Opere mnemotecniche, II. Edizione diretta da Michele Ciliberto, a cura di Marco Matteoli, Rita Sturlese e Nicoletta Tirinnanzi.Simonetta Bassi - 2011 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 66 (1):169.
  30.  14
    Intellettuali italiani al Warburg Institute 1937-1939.Simonetta Bassi - 1999 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 1.
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    Il lessico della modernità: continuità e mutamenti dal XVI al XVIII secolo.Simonetta Bassi & Elisa Fantechi (eds.) - 2023 - Roma: Carocci editore.
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    Il sogno di Ezechiele: Tocco e Gentile interpreti di Bruno.Simonetta Bassi - 2004 - Roma: Edizioni di storia e letteratura.
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    L'arte di Giordano Bruno: memoria, furore, magia.Simonetta Bassi - 2004 - [Firenze]: Leo S. Olschki Editore.
  34.  9
    L'incanto del pensiero: studi e ricerche su Giordano Bruno.Simonetta Bassi - 2014 - Roma: Edizioni di storia e letteratura.
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    Momenti della fortuna di giordano bruno fra la fine dell'Ottocento e i primi anni del Novecento.Simonetta Bassi - 2012 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 3:545-567.
  36. More on Bruno and Copernicus.Simonetta Bassi - 2007 - Rinascimento 47:107-121.
  37. Moments of luck of Giordano Bruno between the end of nineteenth and early twentieth century.Simonetta Bassi - 2012 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 67 (3):549-567.
  38.  2
    Not only infinity: Poverty and ‘minutiae’ in the philosophy of Giordano Bruno.Simonetta Bassi - forthcoming - Diogenes:1-11.
    This paper develops two perspectives. On the one hand, it analyzes and reconstructs the relationship between wealth and poverty as addressed by Giordano Bruno in the Expulsion of the Triumphant Beast, both against the backdrop of the new geographical discoveries and mercantilist theories and in relation to Bruno’s project of ethical, political, and religious renewal. On the other hand, it recovers Bruno’s passages on the ‘minuzzarie’ as a key concept to redress ‘ontological poverty’ by locating in every aspect of reality, (...)
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    The alchemy of Extremes.Simonetta Bassi - 2004 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2.
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  40. Alle radici del cambiamento.Simonetta Botti - 2003 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 13:65-81.
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  41. Governance: ripensare l'esser-ci collettivo.Simonetta Botti - 2005 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 18:115-128.
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  42.  20
    Italie : Consensus émotionnel et maintien des antagonismes critiques.Simonetta Ciula - 2006 - Hermes 46:125.
    La presse italienne a suivi de très près l'agonie et la mort du pape Jean-Paul II. Il s'agit certainement de l'événement le plus médiatisé depuis les attentats terroristes du 11 septembre 2001. Les quatre titres italiens, malgré leur positionnement politique différent, analysent l'événement avec le même degré de dramatisation et d'intensité. Ils proposent un récit fortement sentimental à travers le recours à un langage émotionnel, à des images touchantes ou, encore, à une mise en page spécifique. Les thèmes qui reviennent (...)
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    Di che aura parliamo? Aura, ovvero della meravigliosa modifica della nozione stessa di arte.Simonetta Lux - 2013 - Rivista di Estetica 52:131-148.
    Benjamin does not see or does not want to see the new “aura” that makes the art of cinema “art” which stays as the central feature of the totally renewed statute of artistic activity in the age of mechanical reproduction. In his essay of 1936, Benjamin acquires the arguments of all those authors who, between the first and second decades of the Twentieth century, had described this art and his new aura: Paul Valéry, George Duhamel, Léon Pierre-Quint, Luigi Pirandello, Bertolt (...)
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    Gift and Self-Giving in the Relationship of Communion.Simonetta Magari - 2014 - Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration 19 (1-2):165-176.
    Psychology doesn’t seem to be really interested in the theme of gift; in the last decades it focus on the central role of recognition in the psyche building up. The authors underline Chiara Lubich’s original intuition linking profoundly the them of gift and recognition.
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  45.  22
    The Vattimo Dictionary.Simonetta Moro (ed.) - 2023 - Edinburgh University Press.
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    Schlegels Lucinde oder der ästhetische Roman.Simonetta Sanna - 1987 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 61 (3):457-479.
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  47. Bruno and the" Munera lulliani ingenii". Notes for a reinterpretation.Simonetta Bassi-Elisabetta Scapparone - 2010 - Rinascimento 50:55-85.
  48. El" consejo Y consejeros Del Principe": Algunos aspectos de la literatura politica española Del siglo XVI.Simonetta Scandellari - 2005 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 15 (1).
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  49.  12
    Il ruolo delle variabili culturali nel processo di modernizzazione del Giappone.Simonetta Secondini - 2021 - Science and Philosophy 9 (1):179-190.
    The present work aims to underline the role played by cultural variables on the development of social processes, both at micro and macro-social level. Specifically, I want to focus on the role played by the philosophical current of Confucianism in the process of medernization of Japan, which shows how the cultural aspects, both in terms of intenalized values, both in the form of cultural norms and models approved by the group have influence on the development of social processes. Japanese society (...)
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  50.  9
    Arthur Lovejoy et la rationalité de l’histoire des idées.David Simonetta - 2019 - Noesis 33:9-25.
    Nous présenterons ici l’œuvre d’Arthur Lovejoy et expliquerons, en suivant son parcours, pourquoi et comment il en est venu à inventer cette discipline qu’il nomme « history of ideas ». Nous montrerons tout d’abord en quoi cette nouvelle discipline procède chez lui d’une ambition rationnelle très forte, c’est-à-dire d’un désir de faire de la philosophie une science, et de lui apporter un cadre académique idoine ; puis nous montrerons en quoi la pratique même de l’histoire des idées a conduit Lovejoy (...)
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