Results for 'Snežana Živanović'

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  1.  43
    The case of Pseudo-Bartter's syndrome: an atypical presentation of cystic fibrosis.Snežana Živanović, Šaranac Lj & Gordana Kostić - 2008 - Facta Universitatis, Series: Linguistics and Literature 15 (1):33-36.
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    Plato, Machiavelli and machiavellism.Igor Zivanovic - 2011 - Filozofija I Društvo 22 (3):45-67.
    Ovaj rad predstavlja preispitivanje Makijavelijevog makijavelizma, odnosno stanovista da je Makijavelijeva politicka teorija imoralisticka. Prvi deo rada posvecen je poredjenju Platonove i Makijavelijeve politicke filozofije. U njemu se analiziraju slicnosti i razlike u delima ova dva filozofa. Autor zastupa tezu da su Platonova shvatanja politike i politicke zajednice pogubnija od Makijavelijevih, kao i da je Makijavelijevo razumevanje politike, drzave i zakona blize nacelima liberalizma, nego nacelima tiranije ili totalitarizma. Drugi deo rada posvecen je tumacenju koncepta autonomije politike i koriscenju svireposti (...)
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  3. Sistem sintetičke pravne filozofije.Toma Zivanović - unknown - Beograd,: Srpska Akademija Nauka, posebna izdanja, knj. 433, odeljenje društvenih nauka knj..
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  4. Language, Form, and Logic: In Pursuit of Natural Logic's Holy Grail.Peter Ludlow & Sašo Živanović - 2022 - Oxford University Press.
    This book explores the idea that all of logic can be reduced to two very simple rules that are sensitive to logical polarity. The authors show that this idea has profound consequences for our understanding of the nature of human inferential capacities, and for some of the key issues in contemporary linguistics.
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    The Syntax of Prominence.Sašo Živanović & Peter Ludlow - 2023 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 23 (69):307-334.
    The standard view on discourse pronoun resolution is that determining the antecedents of discourse pronouns is typically a function of extralinguistic reasoning. In contrast, Stojnić (2021) argues that pronoun resolution is a function of linguistic facts. In this article we offer what we take to be a friendly amendment to the technical aspects of Stojnić’s proposal. Our point of departure will be with our idea that prominence is not determined by the position of the candidate antecedent within a stack, but (...)
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  6. An adaptive median post-filter for impedance estimation based on differential equation algorithm.Rastko Zivanovic - 2005 - In Alan F. Blackwell & David MacKay, Power. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  7. Besmisleno je govoriti o'doslednom'disidentstvu-intervju sa Mihailom Markovićem.Igor Živanović - 2010 - Theoria: Beograd 53 (2):155-159.
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    Psychological Distress in Elite Sambo and Recreational Athletes.Tatjana Tubić, Bogdan Živanović, Nemanja Lakićević, Nataša Zenić, Barbara Gilić, Eduardas Rudas, Sergey Eliseev, Tatjana B. Trivić, Antonino Bianco & Patrik Drid - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundPrevious studies suggest that engagement in any type of physical activity can be protective against mental health issues, whereas elite-level athletes can endure various mental health challenges. The aim of this study was to determine variations in the prevalence of psychological distress among elite sambo athletes and their recreational counterparts.MethodsA sample consisting of 245 athletes was chosen. Out of the total sample, 105 were elite-level athletes while 140 were recreational athletes. Participants were accessed via the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales-21 to (...)
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    Proactive Stakeholder Alliances in the Renewable Energy Industry.Terry Porter & Ana Zivanovic - 2009 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 20:171-181.
    Renewable energy has gained much-deserved prominence on the world stage of sustainable development, yet despite the surging interest there is a notable lack of understanding regarding best practices in business – stakeholder relations. Using a constructivist grounded theory approach (Charmaz, 2005) and drawing from complexity theory and social scientific theories of identity, our empirical study shows that core values and identity are strongly implicated in the formation and negotiation of stakeholder attitudes for both individuals and social groups. Specifically, we find (...)
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  10.  64
    Research Integrity Practices from the Perspective of Early-Career Researchers.Snežana B. Krstić - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (5):1181-1196.
    Unavailability of published data and studies focused on young researchers in Europe and research integrity issues reveals that clear understanding and stance on this subject within European area is lacking. Our study provides information on attitudes and experiences of European researchers at early career stages, based on a limited sample of respondents. The study provides both quantitative and qualitative results for the examined issues. The data suggest that awareness and interest of the younger researchers surveyed in research integrity issues is (...)
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  11.  27
    Mathematicians and Their Gods: Interactions Between Mathematics and Religious Beliefs.Snezana Lawrence & Mark McCartney (eds.) - 2015 - Oxford: Oxford University Press UK.
    To open a newspaper or turn on the television it would appear that science and religion are polar opposites - mutually exclusive bedfellows competing for hearts and minds. There is little indication of the rich interaction between religion and science throughout history, much of which continues today. From ancient to modern times, mathematicians have played a key role in this interaction. This is a book on the relationship between mathematics and religious beliefs. It aims to show that, throughout scientific history, (...)
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  12.  16
    The concept: a map for generations.Snežana Vesnić & Miloš Ćipranić - 2019 - Rivista di Estetica 71:101-116.
    The concept features as a vital element in architectural protocol and its vocabulary. If architecture and philosophy are defined as creation of concepts, then they are the terra nullius shared by both disciplines. By distinguishing the architectural concept from its philosophical counterpart, this paper analyzes the former as an entity that animates and directs a project as the documental prefiguration of an architectural object. In a more radical move, we consider architecture itself as a concept, that is, what makes architecture (...)
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    Architectural Concept: (Op)Positional Infinity of the City.Snežana Vesnić - 2024 - Rivista di Estetica 85 (85):157-167.
    This paper analyzes the role of the architectural concept in the creation and life of the city. Aiming to identify the urban qualities in the concept, I introduce the distinction between the first and the second object of architecture, where the former represents the architectural concept, which then materializes its authenticity in the latter, that is, architecture’s real state. Within this temporal order of architectural creation, the paper focuses on the transition from the first object to the second, in which (...)
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  14.  24
    What is an architectural concept? The “concept” of Deleuze and “project” of Eisenman.Snezana Vesnic - 2017 - Filozofija I Društvo 28 (4):1122-1135.
    Two great theories - one in philosophy, one in architecture - emerge nearly simultaneously in the twentieth century: Gilles Deleuze?s understanding of the?concept,? that is, defining philosophy as an activity that produces concepts, and Peter Eisenman?s idea of the?project? as a platform,?position,? or?theory? of an architect. My intention is to suggest and problematize the idea of the concept as?capacity? or?potentiality? implying the production of a multitude of?concepts? or varying?conceptions.? Deleuze?s great significance for architecture of this century allowed for the construction (...)
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    Dispositif between Philosophical Category and Architectural Concept.Snežana Vesnić - 2022 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 42 (4):821-832.
    The answer to the question of whether there is a tension between the insight that the concept of dispositif reveals to us the variability of objective reality and the theory that the design of an architectural object depends on the various elements captured by the concept of dispositif The primary thesis of this paper is that the application of dispositifs in the field of architecture helps us to better understand this concept – from Michel Foucault to Gilles Deleuze to Giorgio (...)
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    The Object as a Series of Its Acts.Snežana Vesnić, Petar Bojanić & Miloš Ćipranić - 2023 - Filozofski Vestnik 44 (3):131-44.
    Our intention is to construct the conditions for a new position that more closely explains the reality of the object (its location, concreteness, possibility of being seen, extension, instantaneousness, etc.), but also the object’s movement, the “situation” in which it is or becomes a potential agent that “works,” influences us and incites us to _movement _towards us, indeed gives us a _turn_ towards an ideal object and its realization. Using a variety of texts that thematize the object, a few passages (...)
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  17.  12
    Neo Afž: Revolution without Premeditation.Snežana Žabić - 2011 - Feminist Review 99 (1):147-154.
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    Is it possible to delete a philosophical consciousness? Metaphysical aspects of Ssearle’s neurobiological approach of free will.Snezana Grujic - 2016 - Filozofija I Društvo 27 (4):901-919.
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  19. Capital G for Geometry : Masonic lore and the history of geometry.Snezana Lawrence - 2015 - In Snezana Lawrence & Mark McCartney, Mathematicians and Their Gods: Interactions Between Mathematics and Religious Beliefs. Oxford: Oxford University Press UK.
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  20.  39
    Size and number of neurons in the aging indusium griseum.Snežana Pavlović, Natalija Stefanović, Rade Čukuranović, Svetlana Antić & Vesna Stojanović - 2003 - Facta Universitatis, Series: Linguistics and Literature 10 (3):116-119.
  21.  22
    Contextual and Psychological Predictors of Militant Extremist Mindset in Youth.Maša Vukčević Marković, Aleksandra Nicović & Marko Živanović - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The present study aims to identify contextual and psychological factors of proneness to radicalization and violent extremism operationalized through the Militant Extremist Mindset scale consisting of three distinct aspects: Proviolence, Vile World beliefs, and trust in Divine Power. A community sample of 271 high school students from Belgrade and Sandžak regions in Serbia completed: a 24-item MEM scale; contextual measures including a 6-item scale of family dysfunction and a 4-item composite measure capturing exposure to a harsh school environment and peer (...)
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  22.  38
    Sex steroid receptors in skeletal differentiation and epithelial neoplasia: is tissue‐specific intervention possible?John A. Copland, Melinda Sheffield-Moore, Nina Koldzic-Zivanovic, Sean Gentry, George Lamprou, Fotini Tzortzatou-Stathopoulou, Vassilis Zoumpourlis, Randall J. Urban & Spiros A. Vlahopoulos - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (6):629-641.
    Sex steroids, through their receptors, have potent effects on the signal pathways involved in osteogenic or myogenic differentiation. However, a considerable segment of those signal pathways has a prominent role in epithelial neoplastic transformation. The capability to intervene locally has focused on specific ligands for the receptors. Nevertheless, many signals are mapped to interactions of steroid receptor motifs with heterologous regulatory proteins. Some of those proteins interact with the glucocorticoid receptor and other factors essential to cell fate. Interactions of steroid (...)
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  23.  20
    Book Review: Contemporary Women's Poetry and Urban Space: Experimental Cities. [REVIEW]Snežana Žabić - 2016 - Feminist Review 113 (1):e14-e15.
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    Book Review: Mapping British Women Writers’ Urban Imaginaries: Space, Self and Spirituality by Arina Cirstea. [REVIEW]Snežana Žabić - 2019 - Feminist Review 123 (1):143-145.
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    Book Review: Women Writers of the Beat Era: Autobiography and Intertextuality by Mary Paniccia Carden. [REVIEW]Snežana Žabić - 2020 - Feminist Review 126 (1):209-211.
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    Book Review: Working with Feminism: Curetting and Exhibitions in Eastern Europe. [REVIEW]Snežana Žabić - 2014 - Feminist Review 107 (1):e6-e8.
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    William R. Newman. Newton the Alchemist: Science, Enigma, and the Quest for Nature’s “Secret Fire”. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2019. [REVIEW]Snezana Lawrence - 2022 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 28 (2):170-172.
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    Epidemiology and antimicrobial resistance of Streptococcus pneumoniae strains isolated in Niš district during 1999-2003.Snežana Mladenović-Antić, Branislava Kocić, Gordana Ranđelović, Slavica Ivić & Predrag Stojanović - 2006 - Facta Universitatis, Series: Linguistics and Literature 13 (1):25-31.
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  29. Oxidative stress and inflammation induced by environmental and psychological stressors: a biomarker perspective.Pietro Ghezzi, Luciano Floridi, Diana Boraschi, Antonio Cuadrado, Gina Manda, Snezana Levic, Fulvio D'Acquisito, Alice Hamilton, Toby J. Athersuch & Liza Selley - 2018 - Antioxidants and Redox Signaling 28 (9):852-872.
    The environment can elicit biological responses such as oxidative stress (OS) and inflammation as a consequence of chemical, physical, or psychological changes. As population studies are essential for establishing these environment-organism interactions, biomarkers of OS or inflammation are critical in formulating mechanistic hypotheses. By using examples of stress induced by various mechanisms, we focus on the biomarkers that have been used to assess OS and inflammation in these conditions. We discuss the difference between biomarkers that are the result of a (...)
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  30.  40
    Morphology and histochemical characteristics human pineal gland acervuli during the aging.Svetlana Antić, Ivan Jovanović, Natalija Stefanović, Snežana Pavlović, Gorana Rančić & Slađana Ugrenović - 2004 - Facta Universitatis, Series: Linguistics and Literature 11 (2):63-67.
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    Executive Functions Rating Scale and Neurobiochemical Profile in HIV-Positive Individuals.Vojislava Bugarski Ignjatovic, Jelena Mitrovic, Dusko Kozic, Jasmina Boban, Daniela Maric & Snezana Brkic - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Design of self-cleaning TiO2coating on clay roofing tiles.Milica Hadnadjev, Jonjaua Ranogajec, Snezana Petrovic, Sinisa Markov, Vilma Ducman & Radmila Marinkovic-Neducin - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (22):2989-3002.
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    The values of bone mineral density in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and depression syndrome.Branislava Lazarević-Jovanović, Milena Dimić, Aleksandar Dimić, Zorica Marković, Dušica Pavlović & Snežana Cekić - 2004 - Facta Universitatis, Series: Linguistics and Literature 11 (1):20-25.
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    Chronic respiratory symptoms and ventilatory function in workers exposed to tea dust: effect of duration of exposure and smoking.Jordan Minov, J. Karadzinska-Bislimovska, Snežana Risteska-Kuc & Sašo Stoleski - 2005 - Facta Universitatis, Series: Linguistics and Literature 12 (1):37-43.
  35.  20
    Daily Monitoring of Emotional Responses to the Coronavirus Pandemic in Serbia: A Citizen Science Approach.Selka Sadiković, Bojan Branovački, Milan Oljača, Dušanka Mitrović, Dejan Pajić & Snežana Smederevac - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Snezana Lawrence and Mark McCartney , Mathematics and Their Gods: Interactions between Mathematics and Religious Beliefs. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. Pp. 304. ISBN 978-0-19-870305-1. £24.99. [REVIEW]Laura Kotevska - 2016 - British Journal for the History of Science 49 (3):526-527.
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    Snezana Lawrence and Mark McCartney, eds. Mathematicians and Their Gods: Interactions between Mathematics and Religious Beliefs. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. Pp. vi+298, index. $44.95. [REVIEW]Madeline Muntersbjorn - 2016 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 6 (2):333-336.