Results for 'Start Page'

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  1. Volume: 27.Start Page - unknown
    This is the intellectual book of the year, and it ought to become one of the great classics of intellectual history. In it James Franklin brilliantly describes the early development and application of the concept of probability, by which is meant not just the sort of probability associated with dice throwing (which he calls `factual probability'), but also what we often refer to as `likelihood" (and which is sometimes termed `logical probability'). That is, the book deals with the early history (...)
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    Symbolic Mathematics and the Intellect Militant: On Modern Philosophy's Revolutionary Spirit.Carl Page - 1996 - Journal of the History of Ideas 57 (2):233-253.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Symbolic Mathematics and the Intellect Militant: On Modern Philosophy’s Revolutionary SpiritCarl PageWhat makes modern philosophy different? My question presupposes the legitimacy of calling part of philosophy “modern.” That presupposition is in turn open to question as regards its meaning, its warrant, and the conditions of its applicability. 1 Importance notwithstanding, such further inquiries all start out from the phenomenon upon which everyone agrees: philosophy running through Plato and (...)
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  3. If anyone is in Christ – new creation!Ben Page - 2020 - Religious Studies 4 (56):525-541.
    This article investigates the metaphysical transformation that occurs when a believer becomes a new creation, something which hasn't yet been explored in the literature. I start by setting out what this ontological transformation involves, and then provide two models as to how it might go. The first is a type of substratism, based on a theory of mixing, while the second thinks about this transformation in terms of replacementism. Throughout the article I seek to resolve difficulties that both of (...)
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    Negotiating Sacred Roles: A Sociological Exploration of Priests who Are Mothers.Sarah-Jane Page - 2011 - Feminist Review 97 (1):92-109.
    In 1992, in a historic move, the Church of England voted to allow women's ordination to priesthood and in 1994 the first women priests started to be ordained. Despite much research interest, the experiences of priests who are mothers to dependent children have been minimally investigated. Based on in-depth interviews with seventeen mothers ordained in the Church, this paper will focus on how the sacred-profane boundary is managed. Priests who are mothers have a particular insight into the Church hierarchy as (...)
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  5. Eternal Omni-Powers.Ben Page - forthcoming - Faith and Philosophy.
    Power metaphysicians are concerned with, well, powers. Theists claim interest in the most powerful entity there is, God. As such, recent work on the ontology of powers may well have much to offer theists when thinking about God’s power. In this paper I start to provide a metaphysics of God’s ‘power’, something many definitions of omnipotence make reference to. In particular I will be interested in explicating how a power ontology can account for the strength and range of God’s (...)
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    Sensible Britons and the American Revolution.Anthony Page - 2012 - Enlightenment and Dissent 28:212-239.

    In terms of its impact on Britain, historians have long treated the American Revolution as the poor cousin of the French Revolution. Following E P Thompson's Marxist emphasis on the 1790s as the start of The making of the English working class (1963), scholars have devoted enormous amounts of time and energy to studying British popular politics and intellectual developments in the last decade of the eighteenth century. The American Revolution has traditionally attracted less attention outside American national historiography.

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    Predicting Treatment Outcomes from Prefrontal Cortex Activation for Self-Harming Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder: A Preliminary Study.Anthony C. Ruocco, Achala H. Rodrigo, Shelley F. McMain, Elizabeth Page-Gould, Hasan Ayaz & Paul S. Links - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:186120.
    Self-harm is a potentially lethal symptom of borderline personality disorder (BPD) that often improves with dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). While DBT is effective for reducing self-harm in many patients with BPD, a small but significant number of patients either does not improve in treatment or ends treatment prematurely. Accordingly, it is crucial to identify factors that may prospectively predict which patients are most likely to benefit from and remain in treatment. In the present preliminary study, twenty-nine actively self-harming patients with (...)
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    Forgotten Pages in Baltic History: Diversity and Inclusion.Martyn Housden & David J. Smith (eds.) - 2011 - Editions Rodopi.
    The years from 1918 to 1945 remain central to European History. It was a breath-taking time during which the very best and very worst attributes of Mankind were on display. In the euphoria of peace which followed the end of the First World War, the Baltic States emerged as independent forces on the world stage, participating in thrilling experiments in national and transnational governance. Later, following economic collapse and in the face of rising totalitarianism among even Europe’s most cultured nations, (...)
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    Recalculating the White Page-GPS Love in Comme dans un film des frères Coen.Valerie Hastings - 2016 - Human and Social Studies 5 (1):53-72.
    Hastings reads the novel Comme dans un film des frères Coen by Bertrand Gervais as addressing both the midlife and the blank page crisis. Indeed, the main character of this novel is a writer in his fifties who still suffers from the failure of his last novel ignored by the critics. Disenchanted, he slowly enters a world of fantasy, and falls in love with the voice of his GPS he called Gwyneth “parle trop” therefore recalling the name of the (...)
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    Let's start again.Sarah Wood - 1999 - Diacritics 29 (1):4-19.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Let’s Start AgainSarah Wood (bio)Nicholas Royle. After Derrida. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1995.Robert Smith. Derrida and Autobiography. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1995.start... v. i. to shoot, dart, move suddenly forth, or out: to spring up or forward: to strain forward: to break away: to make a sudden or involuntary movement as of surprise or becoming aware: to spring open, out of place, or loose: to begin to move: of (...)
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    How does knowledge start? A reply to Pamela Moore.D. W. Hamlyn - 1981 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 15 (1):137–137.
    D W Hamlyn; How Does Knowledge Start? A Reply to Pamela Moore, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 15, Issue 1, 30 May 2006, Pages 137,
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    Leave No Trace Starts at Home: A Response to Critics and Vision for the Future.Peter Alagona & Gregory Simon - 2012 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 15 (1):119 - 124.
    Ethics, Policy & Environment, Volume 15, Issue 1, Page 119-124, March 2012.
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    A Page in Turkish and Islamic History: Hazaras in the B'burn'ma.Sinan İlhan - 2022 - Dini Araştırmalar 25 (63):603-630.
    The Hazaras, who are considered among one of the Turkish tribes that have emerged in the region of Afghanistan with the Mongol invasions, have found their place in historical sources and texts ever since the 13th century. Likewise, Hazaras were also mentioned in the Bâburnâma, a memoir penned in Chaghatai Turkic by Babur Shah, one of the most important figures in the history of Islamic states and the founder of the Mughal empire. The Bâburnâma represents the first of its kind, (...)
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    Experience and the growth of understanding: How does knowledge start?Pamela Moore - 1980 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 14 (2):261–264.
    Pamela Moore; Experience and the Growth of Understanding: how does knowledge start?, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 14, Issue 2, 30 May 2006, Pages.
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    Care of the terminal patient: Are we on the same page?Lauren Wancata - 2015 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 5 (1):28-30.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Care of the terminal patient:Are we on the same page?Lauren WancataIn surgical training a “service” or care team consists of sick patients admitted to the hospital and the medical team caring for the patient. Each service consists of an attending physician, a chief resident, a senior resident and junior residents structured as a hierarchy. The chief was gone for the week. As a senior trainee I would be (...)
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    Data critique and analytical opportunities for very large Facebook Pages: Lessons learned from exploring “We are all Khaled Said”.Liesbeth Zack, Robbert Woltering, Thomas Poell, Rasha Abdulla & Bernhard Rieder - 2015 - Big Data and Society 2 (2).
    This paper discusses the empirical, Application Programming Interface -based analysis of very large Facebook Pages. Looking in detail at the technical characteristics, conventions, and peculiarities of Facebook’s architecture and data interface, we argue that such technical fieldwork is essential to data-driven research, both as a crucial form of data critique and as a way to identify analytical opportunities. Using the “We are all Khaled Said” Facebook Page, which hosted the activities of nearly 1.9 million users during the Egyptian Revolution (...)
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  17.  15
    Effectiveness of the Health History in Mayabeque Web Page.Ada Rodríguez Suárez, Rosa Bermello Navarrete & Jessica Moret Rodríguez - 2017 - Humanidades Médicas 17 (2):369-382.
    En el 2011 la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Mayabeque no contaba con conexión a la red Infomed y a solicitud del departamento de Historia y Filosofía se diseñó una página web estática. Objetivo: Valorar la efectividad de la página web estática Historia de la Salud en Mayabeque a partir del uso que han hecho los usuarios de la red de bibliotecas. Método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal en la red de bibliotecas de la provincia en el (...)
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  18.  14
    Dear Abby: Advice pages as a site for the operation of power.Dawn Currie - 2001 - Feminist Theory 2 (3):259-281.
    This article explores how textual analysis can help us understand subjectivity as an empirical, rather than purely theoretical, phenomenon. The texts discussed here are advice columns in adolescent magazines; the analysis takes as its starting point girls’ accounts of magazine reading. Drawing on focus group discussions and interviews with 48 girls between the ages of 13 and 17 years, I explore how the accomplishment of ‘individuality’– as a culturally and historically-specific task of adolescence – is mediated by advice texts. Because (...)
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  19.  90
    Reconsidering Marc Bloch's interrupted manuscript: Two missing pages of Apologie pour l'Histoire ou Metier d'Historien.Massimo Mastrogregori - 1998 - The European Legacy 3 (4):32-42.
    “History is the most dangerous compound yet contrived by the chemistry of intellect”: it was in response to these words by Paul Valéry that Marc Bloch, professor of economic history at the Sorbonne, after the defeat of 1940, began writing a book on “how and why history is studied.” He gave it the provisional title Apologie pour l'Histoire ou Métier d'historien translated into English as The Historian's Craft. In the spring of 1944, he was killed by a German firing squad (...)
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    Lotman, Leibniz, and the semiospheric monad: Lost pages from the archives.Pietro Restaneo - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (224):313-336.
    Throughout his life, Jurij Lotman lived at the crossroad between different worlds, ages, and cultures. The many authors, cultures, and ideas that shaped his thought and influenced his theories are scattered at either side of countless geographical, political, and cultural borders, beginning with the one that separates “Russian culture” from “European culture,” porous and ambiguous as any boundary.The task of reconstructing how Lotman’s ideas came to being, how they shifted their meaning as their context shifted, is more and more a (...)
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  21.  47
    Fashion, Faith, and Fantasy in the New Physics of the Universe. By Roger Penrose. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2016. 520 pages. US $29.95. [REVIEW]Javier Sánchez-Cañizares - 2017 - Zygon 52 (3):905-913.
    In his latest book,Roger Penrose deals with three foundational problems of current physics fromhis particularly fresh perspective.He criticizes mainstream string the- ories, standard interpretations of quantum mechanics, and pre-Big Bang cosmolo- gies inasmuch as they aim to solve profound questions while glossing over equally deep issues in our understanding of nature. In this review, I analyze Penrose’s main arguments, emphasizing his presentation of the Second Law conundrum as “the most profound mystery of cosmology”, and discuss his own proposals to overcome (...)
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    Della Rocca, Michael, The Parmenidean Ascent, New York: Oxford University Press, 2020, pages xxiii + 317, US$43.95 (hardback). [REVIEW]Kenneth L. Pearce - 2024 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 102 (2):535-535.
    Michael Della Rocca’s 2010 paper ‘PSR’ (Philosophers’ Imprint 10: 1–13) opens with a plea: ‘Please don’t let me start. The beginning is so seductive that once I get going, it’s hard for me to stop’...
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  23.  34
    Training Manual on Ethical and Human Rights Standards for Health Care Professionals: John Havard, London, BMJ Publishing Group, 1999, 71 pages, pound5.00. [REVIEW]Raymond Hoffenberg - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (1):67-67.
    This manual is designed to provide teaching modules on medical ethics for health care professionals in developing countries. The author acknowledges that, although there are common themes, their medical ethical dilemmas are often quite different from those which occur in developed countries and the approach needs to be somewhat less Western in orientation. Emphasis is properly given to topics such as AIDS/HIV and the status of women and children which create special local problems. Although universal principles of medical ethics are (...)
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    Patient, Heal Thyself: How the New Medicine Puts the Patient in Charge, Robert M. Veatch. Oxford University Press, 2008. 304 pages. Hardback. ISBN 978-0-19-531372-7. RRP: £16.99. [REVIEW]Matt James - 2010 - Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics 16 (1):123-126.
    In recent years a growing trend has emerged which has argued for a greater priority to be placed upon patient autonomy within the doctor-patient relationship. The patient self determination movement, which first began to emerge in the 1960s, helps to mark the start of this ground swell of patient power sentiment. In keeping with this idea, the recent book by Robert M. Veatch, Patient heal thyself: How the new medicine puts the patient in charge addresses this very idea, arguing (...)
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  25. Building Bioethics-Conversations with Clouser and Friends on Medical Ethics: Edited by Loretta M Kopelman, Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999, 250 pages, pound72.00. [REVIEW]Søren Holm - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (3):206-1.
    We sometimes forget that medical ethics has a history, and that many of the issues we discuss today have already been discussed many times previously. As the field grows older, and the pioneers retire, we are, however, given some opportunity to recognise that there is in fact such a history, and that we could learn much from paying attention to it. A number of histories of bioethics have been published, and collections centred around the work of major figures are also (...)
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    Title Index to Daoist Collections (review). [REVIEW]Poul Andersen - 2004 - Philosophy East and West 54 (3):407-411.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Title Index to Daoist CollectionsPoul AndersenTitle Index to Daoist Collections. By Louis Komjathy. Cambridge, MA: Three Pines Press, 2002. Pp. ii + 216.Title Index to Daoist Collections by Louis Komjathy provides a combined index to the titles of the works contained in seven of the most important collections of Daoist texts. In addition to the Ming dynasty Daoist Canon of the Zhengtong reign period, Zhengtong daozang—first printed in (...)
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    (1 other version)The Notitia Intuitiva and Notitia Abstractiva of the External Senses in Second Scholasticism: Suárez, Poinsot and Francisco de Oviedo.Daniel Heider - forthcoming - New Content is Available for Vivarium.
    _ Source: _Page Count 31 This paper analyzes the theories of three representatives of Second Scholasticism, namely Francisco Suárez, SJ, John Poinsot, OP, and Francisco de Oviedo, SJ, on the issue of the intuitive and abstractive cognition of the external senses. Based on a comparison of their theories, linked to the historical starting point of the debate in the first decades of the fourteenth century, the paper argues that the doctrinal and argumentative matrix of these authors’ texts is significantly ‘present’ (...)
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  28. ‘Learning (Not) To’ and Practical Knowledge.Christos Douskos - 2017 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 94 (4):495-523.
    _ Source: _Page Count 29 The author raises objections to the intellectualist analysis of knowing-how on the basis of certain features of ‘learning to’ ascriptions. He starts by observing that ‘learning to’ ascriptions can only have a first-personal reading. Since embedded questions make the generic reading available, this suggests that ‘learning to’ ascriptions are not embedded question configurations. Then the author locates an ambiguity in ‘learning to’ ascriptions. They can be used to ascribe either the acquisition of practical knowledge, or (...)
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    The Time of the Body in Maurice Merleau-Ponty.Maria Catena - 2015 - In Flavia Santoianni (ed.), The Concept of Time in Early Twentieth-Century Philosophy: A Philosophical Thematic Atlas. Cham: Springer Verlag.
    The starting point of Merleau-Ponty’s reflection on time is the notion of functioning intentionality observed in its specific application as a perceptive activity. Through an original treatment of the notion of the perceptual field, the French philosopher describes the activity that, within this field, a particular protagonist carries out, namely one’s own body: a particular kind of extension thanks to which it is possible to overcome all those dualistic prejudices that abstractly contrast the subject, or consciousness, with the world and (...)
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    Übergänge – Ornamente und Diagramme zwischen Text, Buchstabe und Bild in Handschriften des Frühmittelalters.Patrizia Carmassi - 2017 - Das Mittelalter 22 (2):408-430.
    Starting from the concept and definition of littera in the Grammar treatises of the Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, the contribution analyzes common graphic elements which were used by the scribes to create initials, ornamental patterns and the layout of the manuscript page. These elements and their functions were partly described in encyclopaedic works, e. g. of Isidor of Sevilla and Martianus Capella in the chapters about Geometry. Not only were these features well known through the study (...)
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  31. 9 errors in talk.Origins' responses to creationism.Philip Dorrell - manuscript
    home page other lists my email address Philip Dorrell, 6 September 2005 At there is a list of creationist claims with links to accompanying responses. The responses attempt to refute the corresponding claims, but there are errors in some of the refutations. Each item below starts with a link to the section of the site that responds to a particular creationist claim.
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    Localism as a first step toward symbolic representation.John E. Hummel - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (4):480-481.
    Page argues convincingly for several important properties of localist representations in connectionist models of cognition. I argue that another important property of localist representations is that they serve as the starting point for connectionist representations of symbolic (relational) structures because they express meaningful properties independent of one another and their relations.
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  33. La riscoperta della via regia. Freud lettore di Platone.Marco Solinas - 2012 - Psicoterapia E Scienze Umane (4):539-568.
    Starting with the reference to “Plato’s dictum” that Freud added in the second last page of the first edition of The Interpretation of Dreams, the author explains the convergences between the conception of dreams expounded by Plato in the Republic and Freud’s fundamental insights. The analysis of bibliographic sources used by Freud, and of his interests, allow than to suppose not only that Freud omitted to acknowledge the Plato’s theoretical genealogy of “the Via Regia to the unconscious”, but also (...)
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    Go slowly, breathe and smile: Dharma art by Rashani Réa with the wisdom of Thich Nhat Hanh.Rashani Réa - 2022 - Coral Gables: Mango Media. Edited by Nhá̂t Hạnh.
    Start your day with these peaceful, empowering words of wisdom. All of these words are interwoven with meditative, inspiring images of celebration. Each page is designed to increase positive thinking and improve your mental health. Life-changing mindful meditations. Strengthen your mindset with these empowering words of wisdom that are referenced as essential advice for how to grow spirituality and mentally strong. Meditation practices are essential to building mindfulness. Go Slowly, Breathe and Smile is a unique convergence of wisdom (...)
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    (1 other version)The Concept of Action and the Relevance of Intentional Collective Action in History.Doris Gerber - forthcoming - New Content is Available for Journal of the Philosophy of History.
    _ Source: _Page Count 13 The article starts with the theses that it is the very concept of action that is at stake in many debates between philosophers and historians. Whereas in philosophy actions are conceptualized by reference to their beginning, namely their motives or intentions, in historiography the consequences of actions are much more in the focus of interest. Especially the debate about the dualism of structure and agency is characterized by different concepts of action. In the article it (...)
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  36. Stroud, Hegel, Heidegger: A Transcendental Argument.Kim Davies - 2018 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism.
    _ Source: _Page Count 25 This is a pre-print. Please cite only the revised published version. This paper presents an original, ambitious, truth-directed transcendental argument for the existence of an ‘external world’. It begins with a double-headed starting-point: Stroud’s own remarks on the necessary conditions of language in general, and Hegel’s critique of the “fear of error.” The paper argues that the sceptical challenge requires a particular critical concept of thought as that which may diverge from reality, and that this (...)
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    Societal pessimism in Japan, the United States, and The Netherlands.Pepijn van Houwelingen - 2016 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 17 (3):427-450.
    This paper starts out with a theoretical argument, based on panel data, that public mood in general and societal pessimism in particular should be measured from an explicitly temporal perspective. Next, based on a survey among more than 200 Japanese students and a wide array of existing data sources in three different languages and covering several decades it is shown that public mood in three quite different countries – first and foremost Japan, but also the United States and The Netherlands (...)
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    Notes On Reading.Carola Barbero - 2022 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 22 (65):267-285.
    Reading starts with the act of perception and rapidly moves into an area concerning the recognition of written words. Word recognition consists of two aspects (functioning simultaneously and working in parallel): the phonological—converting groups of letters into sounds—and the lexical— giving access to a mental dictionary of the meaning of words. But what does the act of reading consist of? According to Peter Kivy, there is a parallel between reading texts and reading scores. And what about the reasons for reading? (...)
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    Rediscovering values: a guide for economic and moral recovery.Jim Wallis - 2011 - New York, NY: Howard Books.
    When we start with the wrong question, no matter how good an answer we get, it won’t give us the results we want. Rather than joining the throngs who are asking, When will this economic crisis be over? Jim Wallis says the right question to ask is How will this crisis change us? The worst thing we can do now, Wallis tells us, is to go back to normal. Normal is what got us into this situation. We need a (...)
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    Propertius and Livy.A. J. Woodman - 1998 - Classical Quarterly 48 (02):568-569.
    Towards the start of the elegy which prefaces his third book, Propertius rejects lengthy, martial epic in favour of slender poetry : it is on account of the latter that fame elevates him above the earth, his Muse triumphant ; accompanying him in the triumphal chariot are his Amores , and following the wheels is a crowd of writers . The latter, in the race for glory, rival the poet to no purpose . Many writers will praise Rome and (...)
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    Pierre Duhem: Un savant-philosophe dans le sillage de Blaise Pascal.Jean-François Stoffel - 2007 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 63 (1/3):275 - 307.
    This article starts, on the one hand, with a consideration of the paradoxical way in which, namely when he wanted to evoke those intellectual figures that have decidedly contributed to the revelation of the "true Pascal", i. e., of the Pascal that had known the good usage of reason, Fortunat Strowski comes to the idea of putting side by side Pierre Duhem and Leon Brunschvicg. On the other, a reference is made to the fact that Duhem only published two articles (...)
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    The invention of history: The pre-history of a concept from Homer to herodotus.Francois Hartog - 2000 - History and Theory 39 (3):384–395.
    The following pages, which deal with the pre-history of the concept of history from Homer to Herodotus, first propose to decenter and historicize the Greek experience. After briefly presenting earlier and different experiences, they focus on three figures: the soothsayer, the bard, and the historian. Starting from a series of Mesopotamian oracles , they question the relations between divination and history, conceived as two, certainly different, sciences of the past, but which share the same intellectual space in the hands of (...)
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    A Quest for an Eco-centric Approach to International Law: the COVID-19 Pandemic as Game Changer.Sara De Vido - 2021 - Jus Cogens 3 (2):105-117.
    This Reflection starts from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic as unprecedented occasio to reflect on the approach to international law, which—it is contended—is anthropocentric, and its inadequacy to respond to current challenges. In the first part, the Reflection argues that there is, more than ever, an undeferrable need for a change of approach to international law toward ecocentrism, which puts the environment at the center and conceives the environment as us, including humans, non-human beings, and natural objects. To encourage the incorporation (...)
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    The Chorus of Alcman's Partheneion.Denys Page - 1937 - Classical Quarterly 31 (2):94-101.
    The irregular division of vv. 35 sqq. between two semi-choruses seems to bo widely accepted and approved.2 I wish first to discuss the obvious objection that such an irregular division is unparalleled in a strophic chorus,3 and secondly to show that the reasons advanced for the division are themselves insufficient.
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    First Philosophies and Regressive Philosophy.Chaim Perelman, David A. Frank & Michelle K. Bolduc - 2003 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 36 (3):189-206.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 36.3 (2003) 189-206 [Access article in PDF] First Philosophies and Regressive Philosophy Chaïm Perelman "As a crystal reconstitutes itself from one of its particles, all philosophy creates itself from the idea of an open dialectic, and carries, in itself, the same dialectical character." —Ferdinand Gonseth A number of metaphysicians, including Bergson and Heidegger, consider metaphysics the only knowledge of consequence and use the word to refer (...)
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  46. Meningitis Homepage.On This Page - 2008 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 57 (17):462-465.
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  47. Interview with the publication of.Ken Wilber - manuscript
    Ken Wilber : Well.... I started keeping these journals as a type of experiment. They are definitely personal journals, like a diary--they contain personal incidences, meditation experiences, accounts of events in my daily life, and so on. But they also contain entries that are short essays--anywhere from one to ten pages--on topics that are of concern to me and my writing, and I hope are of concern to others.
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  48. (1 other version)Twilight of the Idols.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (ed.) - 1888 - Mineola, New York: Oxford University Press UK.
    `Anyone who wants to gain a quick idea of how before me everything was topsy-turvy should make a start with this work. That which is called idol on the title-page is quite simply that which was called truth hitherto. Twilight of the Idols - in plain words: the old truth is coming to an end...' Nietzsche intended Twilight of the Idols to serve as a short introduction to his philosophy, and as a result it is the most synoptic (...)
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  49.  15
    Georges Gurvitch and Sergey Hessen on the Possibility of Forming Social Unity.M. Yu Zagirnyak - forthcoming - Kantian Journal:72-96.
    The early decades of the last century saw European philosophical thought becoming increasingly interested in the sociological extension of the idea of law. From the viewpoint of the sociology of law, law is formed in the process of social interactions and is not sanctioned by the state. Sergey Hessen and Georges Gurvitch base their conceptions of social law on the sociology of law in the 1920s and 1930s. They start a polemic in the pages of the journal Sovremenniye zapiski. (...)
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  50. Climatic Justice and the Fair Distribution of Atmospheric Burdens.Edward Page - 2011 - The Monist 94 (3):412-432.
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