Results for 'Stefan Grätzel'

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  1.  13
    Abschied von der Lebenswelt?: zur Reichweite naturwissenschaftlicher Erklärungsansätze.T. Müller (ed.) - 2015 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
    Der enorme Erfolg der Naturwissenschaften fuhrte zugleich zu der vorherrschenden Auffassung, dass alles Wesentliche in der Welt naturwissenschaftlich erfasst werden kann. Auch lebensweltliche Phanomene sollen sich in dieser Perspektive prinzipiell auf kausal-funktionale Strukturen der Natur zuruckfuhren lassen. Die Beitrager dieses Bandes diskutieren diese reduktionistische Auffassung kritisch und zeigen, wie differenziert das Verhaltnis von Lebenswelt und naturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive ist. Mit Beitragen von Stefan Bauberger, Wolf-Jurgen Cramm, Thomas Fuchs, Stephan Gratzel, Michael Hampe, Matthias Jung, Anton Friedrich Koch, Uwe Meixner, Tobias Muller, (...)
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    Understanding Corporate Governance Reform in South Africa.Stefan Andreasson - 2011 - Business and Society 50 (4):647-673.
    This article investigates corporate governance reform in South Africa in the context of the country’s international links with Anglo-American corporate governance and domestic pursuit of socioeconomic development. Two key questions are evaluated. (a) How has divergence within the Anglo-American model influenced corporate governance reform in South Africa? (b) Can South Africa’s historical closeness to the Anglo-American model be combined with increasing attention to stakeholder issues to produce a hybrid “African model” of corporate governance? Evaluating these questions, the following issues are (...)
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  3. .Stefan Schick - unknown
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    The Stoic Sage 3.0- A Realistic Goal of Moral Enhancement Supporters?Stefan Lorenz Sorgner - 2016 - Journal of Evolution and Technology 26 (1):83-93.
    I propose to show that any direct moral bioenhancement procedures that could be realized within a relatively short period of time are not realistic options. This does not have to worry us; however; because alternative options for promoting morality are available. Consequently; moral bioenhancement is not an option for dealing successfully with the increased potential destructiveness of contemporary technologies within a short-term framework; i.e. within this century. In what follows; I will explain why this is the case; and why; contrary (...)
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    Emotionen und Verhalten: in theologischer und philosophischer Perspektive.Bernd Harbeck-Pingel & Michael Roth (eds.) - 2012 - Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
    English summary: The account of the fate of Stephen takes up a large part in the Acts of the Apostles. Being the first martyr, Stephen became a Saint and the patron of many churches. There is, however, a modern exegetical tradition which blames Stephen himself for his violent death. Against this, Haaker emphasises the psychological and historical plausibility of Luke's account. The volume reflects the drama of the biblical narrative of Stephen and provides incisive examples of its reception history until (...)
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    Religion in the Russell Family.Stefan Andersson - 1993 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 13 (2):117.
  7.  24
    The Rules of Ferrous Metallurgy: Genesis and Structure of a Field of Engineering Science, 1870–1914.Stefan Krebs - 2010 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 18 (1):29-60.
    The ways in which the sciences have been delineated and categorized throughout history provide insights into the formation, stabilization, and establishment of scientific systems of knowledge. The Dresdener school’s approach for explaining and categorizing the genesis of the engineering disciplines is still valid, but needs to be complemented by further-reaching methodological and theoretical reflections. Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of social practice is applied to the question of how individual agents succeed in influencing decisively a discipline’s changing object orientation, institutionalisation and self-reproduction. (...)
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    Posthumanism: a critical analysis.Stefan Herbrechter - 2013 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Towards a critical posthumanism -- Genealogy of posthumanism -- Our posthuman humanity and the multiplicity of its forms -- Posthumanism and science fiction -- Interdisciplinarity and the posthumanities -- Posthumanism, digitalization, and new media -- Posthumanity, subject, and system -- Other side of life.
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    Between experience and metaphysics: philosophical problems of the evolution of science.Stefan Amsterdamski - 1975 - Boston: D. Reidel Pub. Co..
    Polish philosophy of science has been the beneficiary of three powerful creative streams of scientific and philosophical thought. First and fore­ most was the Lwow-Warsaw school of Polish analytical philosophy founded by Twardowski and continued in their several ways by Les­ niewski, Lukasiewicz, and Tarski, the great mathematical and logical philosophers, by Kotarbinski, probably the most distinguished teacher, public figure, and culturally influential philosopher of the inter-war and post-war period, and by Ajdukiewicz, the linguistic philosopher who was intellectually sympathetic with (...)
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    Music and Life Experience: A Perspective from the Classroom.Stefan R. Stuber - forthcoming - Philosophy of Music Education Review.
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    Początki nowożytnego arystotelizmu chrześcijańskiego.Stefan Swieżawski - 1971 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 19 (1):41-56.
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  12. Kontynent mediów: dżungla i Przylądek Dobrej Nadziei.Stefan Symotiuk - 2007 - Colloquia Communia 82 (1-2):64-70.
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    Cross‐Linguistic Differences in Processing Double‐Embedded Relative Clauses: Working‐Memory Constraints or Language Statistics?Stefan L. Frank, Thijs Trompenaars & Shravan Vasishth - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (3):554-578.
    An English double-embedded relative clause from which the middle verb is omitted can often be processed more easily than its grammatical counterpart, a phenomenon known as the grammaticality illusion. This effect has been found to be reversed in German, suggesting that the illusion is language specific rather than a consequence of universal working memory constraints. We present results from three self-paced reading experiments which show that Dutch native speakers also do not show the grammaticality illusion in Dutch, whereas both German (...)
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    ‚Störende‘ und ‚gestörte‘ Tänze – Zyklizität und zentrierte Wahrnehmung als Bausteine einer impliziten Poetik des Tanzens in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters.Stefan Abel - 2018 - Das Mittelalter 23 (2):308-330.
    A vernacular fifteenth-century sermon tells us, in order to warn of the threats to spiritual welfare posed by dance, that cyclic motion and centering of sensory impressions – amongst them intimate conversation – are essential elements of dance. When blending out the parenesis, implicit poetics of medieval dance can be distilled from that sermon. The way how these essential elements of dance are used for generating disruptions within literary plots will be demonstrated in three literary texts dating from the thirteenth (...)
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    Między doświadczeniem a metafizyką.Stefan Amsterdamski - 1973 - Warszawa,: Książka i Wiedza.
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    (1 other version)A Moralist's Testimony [review of Al Seckel, Bertrand Russell on Ethics, Sex, and Marriage ].Stefan Andersson - 1990 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 10 (2).
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    On Nuclear Weapons: Denuclearization, Demilitarization and Disarmament: Selected Writings of Richard Falk.Stefan Andersson (ed.) - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    We are at a time when international law and the law of war are particularly important. The testing of nuclear weapons that is being used in the rhetoric surrounding threats of war is creating new fears and heightening current tensions. Richard Falk has for decades been an outspoken authority calling for nuclear disarmament and the enforcement of non-proliferation treaties. In this collection of essays, Falk examines the global threats to all humanity posed by nuclear weapons. He is not satisfied with (...)
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    William King’s Influence on Locke’s Second Edition Change of Mind about Human Action and Freedom.Stefan Storrie - 2019 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 27 (5):668-684.
    ABSTRACTLocke’s influential discussion of agency in the chapter ‘Of Power’ in the Essay Concerning Human Understanding underwent important changes between the first and second edition. He reconside...
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  19. Don’t make a fetish of faults: a vindication of moral luck.Stefan Https://Orcidorg Riedener - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (3):693-711.
    Is it appropriate to blame people unequally if the only difference between them was a matter of luck? Suppose Alice would drive recklessly if she could, Belen drove recklessly but didn’t harm anyone, and Cleo drove recklessly and killed a child. Luck-advocates emphasize that in real life we do blame such agents very unequally. Luck-skeptics counter that people aren’t responsible for factors beyond their control, or beyond their quality of will. I’ll defend a somewhat reconciliatory view. I’ll concede to the (...)
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  20. Analytic Tableaux for all of SIXTEEN 3.Stefan Wintein & Reinhard Muskens - 2015 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 44 (5):473-487.
    In this paper we give an analytic tableau calculus P L 1 6 for a functionally complete extension of Shramko and Wansing’s logic. The calculus is based on signed formulas and a single set of tableau rules is involved in axiomatising each of the four entailment relations ⊧ t, ⊧ f, ⊧ i, and ⊧ under consideration—the differences only residing in initial assignments of signs to formulas. Proving that two sets of formulas are in one of the first three entailment (...)
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    Why Kantian Symbols Cannot Be Kantian Metaphors.Stefan Forrester - 2012 - Southwest Philosophy Review 28 (2):107-127.
    There is some limited contemporary scholarship on the theory of metaphor Kant appears to provide in his Critique of Judgment. The dominant interpretations that have emerged of Kant’s somewhat nascent account of metaphors are what I refer to as the symbolist view, which states that Kantian symbols should be viewed as Kantian metaphors, and the aesthetic idea view, which holds that Kant defi ned metaphors as aesthetic ideas . In this essay, I claim that the symbolist view of Kantian metaphors (...)
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    Medicina secunda philosophia. Die Einordnung der Medizin als Hauptdisziplin und die Zusammenstellung ihrer Quellen im ‘Speculum maius’ des Vinzenz von Beauvais.Stefan Schuler - 1999 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 33 (1):169-251.
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    Religiöse Aspekte von Maoritanga.Stefan Schlang - 1989 - Bonn: Holos.
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  24. Two perspectives on the requirements of a practice.Stefan Sciaraffa - 2011 - In Maksymilian Del Mar (ed.), New waves in philosophy of law. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
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    Sequence redundancy under conditions of randomization and spontaneous activity.Stefan Slak, Joseph I. Shaffer & Nancy C. Barone - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 19 (5):256-258.
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    The Heresy of Paraphrase Revisited.Stefan Snaevarr - 2004 - Contemporary Aesthetics 2.
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    Talk To the Animals: A Short Comment on Wolfgang Welsch's' Animal Aesthetics'.Stefan Snaevarr - 2004 - Contemporary Aesthetics 2.
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  28. W sprawie istnienia i statusu ontologicznego przyszłości.Stefan Snihur - 1997 - Filozofia Nauki 3.
    Two questions are the starting point for the discussion contained in this article: (a) Does the future exist? (b) What is the future? A preliminary analysis of these questions leads to the conclusion that their solution needs to introduce three different principal modes of existence characterized for objects belonging to the time sphere of being. They are: real (actual) existence (i.e. existence of „now”), postreal existence (the past) and potential (prereal) existence. In accordance with this differentiation the answer to point (...)
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  29. Zmiana i czas.Stefan Snihur - 1995 - Filozofia Nauki 3.
    The main thesis of the paper is that change and time depend existentially on a specific property of being, described by the author as the Heraclitean unstability (i.e. a kind ofsusceptibility to non-existence). Change and time are, in substance, quite different aspects of being; but they are mutually connected: time cannot exist without occurence of changes; and vice versa. All these intuitions are logically reconstructed by the author.
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    Musik in der antiken Philosophie: eine Einführung.Stefan Lorenz Sorgner & Michael Schramm (eds.) - 2010 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann ;.
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    Metaphysics without truth: on the importance of consistency within Nietzsche's philosophy.Stefan Lorenz Sorgner - 2007 - Milwaukee, Wis.: Marquette University Press.
    Is there any good reason to believe in Nietzsche's metaphysics even thought he himself claims that it is not "the truth" in correspondence with the world? According to Danto, Nietzsche's metaphysics is only valid for Nietzsche himself. However, this answer does not take into consideration Nietzsche's claim for the general superiority of his philosophy. Nietzsche's view seems inconsistent: on the one hand, he claimed all perspectives are equally false in respect to "the truth," but on the other, he regarded his (...)
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  32. Functional neuroimaging.Stefan Koelsch, Walter A. Siebel & Thomas Fritz - 2011 - In Patrik N. Juslin & John Sloboda (eds.), Handbook of Music and Emotion: Theory, Research, Applications. Oxford University Press.
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    Six Steps of Hermeneutical Process at H.-G. Gadamer.Stefan Vladutescu - 2018 - Postmodern Openings 9 (2):161-174.
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    The Politics of Perception and the Aesthetics of Social Change.Stefan Bird-Pollan - forthcoming - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism.
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    Nonconsensual Dose Reduction Mandates are Not Justified Clinically or Ethically: An Analysis.Stefan G. Kertesz, Ajay Manhapra & Adam J. Gordon - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (2):259-267.
    This manuscript describes the institutional and clinical considerations that apply to the question of whether to mandate opioid dose reduction in patients who have received opioids long-term. It describes how a calamitous rise in addiction and overdose involving opioids has both led to a clinical recalibration by healthcare providers, and to strong incentives favoring forcible opioid reduction by policy making agencies. Neither the 2016 Guideline issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention nor clinical evidence can justify or promote (...)
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    Android Data – Eigentum oder Träger von Rechten?Stefan Lorenz Sorgner - 2019 - In Michael C. Bauer (ed.), Neue Welten - Star Trek Als Humanistische Utopie? Springer Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 239-272.
    The Measure of a Man ist der Originaltitel der 9. Episode der 2. Staffel von Star Trek – The Next Generation, die im Mittelpunkt meiner Überlegungen steht. Hierin beabsichtigt der Kybernetikforscher und Sternenflottenoffizier Bruce Maddox, Forschung am Androiden Data durchzuführen, in der Hoffnung, schließlich Data-ähnliche Androiden erschaffen zu können. Die Forschungsprozesse implizieren jedoch Eingriffe, mit denen das Risiko einhergeht, dass Data zerstört wird, weshalb Data nicht bereit ist, an sich forschen zu lassen. Die entscheidende philosophische Frage diesbezüglich ist: Handelt es (...)
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    On the need for improved protections of incapacitated and non-benefiting research subjects.Stefan Eriksson - 2010 - Bioethics 26 (1):15-21.
    In this article, it is claimed that the protective provisions for adults with impaired decision-making capacity are misguided, insofar as they do not conclusively state whether research on this group should be permitted only as an exception, and as they arbitrarily allow for some groups to benefit from such research while others will not. Moreover, the presumed or former will of the subject is given insufficient weight, and the minimal risk standard does not make sense in this context. Because of (...)
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  38. Walking backwards into the future : the conception of time in the ancient Near East.Stefan Maul - 2008 - In Tyrus Miller (ed.), Given world and time: temporalities in context. New York: CEU Press.
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    Multicultural education: embeddedness, voice and change.Stefan Ramaekers - 2010 - Ethics and Education 5 (1):55-66.
    This article is a discussion of a dominant (and mostly taken-for-granted) discourse of multicultural education (the phrase 'intercultural education' is sometimes used). My aim is, simply, to highlight two issues which, I think, are insufficiently dealt with in relation to multicultural education: the observation that differences can be irreconcilable and the idea of change. In the first part of this article, I try to sketch this discourse by giving some examples in which some characteristic markers of this discourse are illustrated (...)
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    The Evolution of Science: Reformation and Counter-Reformation.Stefan Amsterdamski - 1975 - Diogenes 23 (89):21-43.
    The remarks which follow deal with the ideas which I developed in more detail in my book: between Experience and Metaphysics. They are inspired principally by the vigorous polemic aroused by the publication several years ago of a work which caused a great uproar in epistemological circles; I am speaking of The Structure of Scientific Revolution by T.S. Kuhn. One could thus consider this essay, as well as my book, as an element to be added to that polemic's dossier. It (...)
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  41. Ernest Gellner’s Use of the Social Sciences in Philosophy.Stefan Schubert - 2012 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 44 (1):3-22.
    It is well known that Ernest Gellner made substantial use of his knowledge of the social sciences in philosophy. Here I discuss how he used it on the basis of a few examples taken from Gellner’s philosophical output. It is argued that he made a number of highly original “translations”, or re-interpretations, of philosophical theories and problems using his knowledge of the social sciences. While this method is endorsed, it is also argued that some of Gellner’s translations crossed the line (...)
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  42. On interpersonal comparison of value.Manfred J. Holler & Stefan Napel - 2001 - Acta Philosophica Fennica 68:119-138.
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    Studying empirically religious development: Interview, Repertory Grid, and specific Questionnaire Techniques1.Stefan Huber Schenker, K. Helmut Reich & Dominik - 2002 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 24 (1):180-201.
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    “Discipline history” and “intellectual history” reflections on the historiography of the social sciences in Britain and France.Stefan Collini - 1988 - Revue de Synthèse 109 (3-4):387-399.
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    Word category and verb–argument structure information in the dynamics of parsing.Stefan Frisch, Anja Hahne & Angela D. Friederici - 2004 - Cognition 91 (3):191-219.
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    Motive-oriented therapeutic relationship building for patients diagnosed with schizophrenia.Stefan Westermann, Marialuisa Cavelti, Eva Heibach & Franz Caspar - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    (1 other version)Conditionals: Logic, Linguistics and Psychology.Stefan Kaufmann, Over David & Ghanshyam Sharma (eds.) - 2022 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This edited book examines conditionals from a number of interdisciplinary perspectives, drawing on research from fields as diverse as linguistics, psychology, philosophy and logic. Across 13 chapters, the authors not only investigate and examine various commonly-held perceptions about conditionals, but they also challenge many of the assumptions underpinning current conditionals scholarship, setting an agenda for future research. Based in part on the papers presented at a unique international summer school - Conditionals in Paris - this volume represents the cutting edge (...)
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    Frontmatter.Stefan Fischer - 2018 - In The Origin of Oughtness: A Case for Metaethical Conativism. Berlin: De Gruyter.
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    5 halbig’s value realism.Stefan Fischer - 2018 - In The Origin of Oughtness: A Case for Metaethical Conativism. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 79-102.
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  50. Advertising Science for High Impact Publication.Stefan Franzen & Keith T. Gagnon - 2010 - Open Ethics Journal 4:1-9.
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