Results for 'Stefano Lilliu'

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  1.  39
    Metaphors of Metaphors: Reflections on the Use of Conceptual Metaphor Theory in Premodern Chinese Texts.Stefano Gandolfo - 2019 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 18 (3):323-345.
    In this essay, I challenge the use of Conceptual Metaphor Theory in the premodern Chinese setting. The dominant, implicit assumption in the literature is that conclusions reached by CMT on the ways in which cognition operates can be applied in toto and without qualification onto the makers of classical Chinese texts. I want to challenge this assumption and argue that textual evidence from premodern Chinese points to a different cognitive process. Differences in the use and conceptualization of image-based thinking as (...)
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    De Finetti’s No-Dutch-Book Criterion for Gödel logic.Stefano Aguzzoli, Brunella Gerla & Vincenzo Marra - 2008 - Studia Logica 90 (1):25-41.
    We extend de Finetti's No-Dutch-Book Criterion to Gödel infinite-valued propositional logic.
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    E. Lewis, Intents & Purposes. Philosophy and aesthetics of improvisation.Stefano Oliva - 2019 - Lebenswelt. Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 14.
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    Thomas Kuhn’s Linguistic Turn and the Legacy of Logical Empiricism: Incommensurability, Rationality, and the Search for Truth.Stefano Gattei - 2008 - Ashgate.
    Presenting a critical history of the philosophy of science in the twentieth century, focusing on the transition from logical positivism in its first half to the ...
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  5. Wolff, the Pursuit of Perfection and What We Owe to Each Other: The Case of Veracity and Lying.Stefano Bacin - 2024 - In Sonja Schierbaum, Michael Walschots & John Walsh (eds.), Christian Wolff's German Ethics: New Essays. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 237-252.
    My chapter deals with an important part of how Wolff pursued the normative ambitions of his ethics in giving practical guidance with regard to specific moral issues. I first consider how Wolff’s ethics tackles the duties to others, which traditionally represent a difficult issue for moral perfectionism. In this regard, I argue that Wolff’s strategy combines two aspects: (a) he includes in perfection non-active aspects and (b) operates with an agent-neutral notion of perfection, in spite of important passages that might (...)
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    Z.Stefano Bacin, Georg Mohr, Jürgen Stolzenberg & Marcus Willaschek - 2015 - In Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr & Stefano Bacin (eds.), Kant-Lexikon. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 2699-2768.
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  7.  23
    Kinopedagogy as non-conservative education and time as the abode of humans.Stefano Oliverio - 2024 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 57 (6):1103-1118.
    In this paper, the endeavour to understand how to think of education ‘after progress’, viz. in an age in which progress has become problematic, is undertaken by focusing on the theme of time. Dovetailing Klaus Mollenhauer’s reflections on the rise of the Bildungszeit at the dawn of modernity with Thomas Popkewitz’s analyses of ‘cosmopolitan time’ presiding over pedagogical reform from the 19th century to the present, I shall, first, explore this temporal configuration of modern schooling (which goes hand in hand (...)
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  8. Self-reflexive videogames: observations and corollaries on virtual worlds as philosophical artifacts.Stefano Gualeni - 2016 - G.A.M.E. - The Italian Journal of Game Studies 5 (1).
    Self-reflexive videogames are videogames designed to materialize critical and/or satirical perspectives on the ways in which videogames themselves are designed, played, sold, manipulated, experienced, and understood as social objects. This essay focuses on the use of virtual worlds as mediators, and in particular on the use of videogames to guide and encourage reflections on technical, interactive, and thematic conventions in videogame design and development. Structurally, it is composed of two interconnected parts: -/- 1) In the first part of this essay, (...)
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  9. Intentions, indexicals and communication.Stefano Predelli - 2002 - Analysis 62 (4):310-316.
  10. Does Religion Affect the Materialism of Consumers? An Empirical Investigation of Buddhist Ethics and the Resistance of the Self.Stefano Pace - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 112 (1):25-46.
    This paper investigates the effects of Buddhist ethics on consumers’ materialism, that is, the propensity to attach a fundamental role to possessions. The literature shows that religion and religiosity influence various attitudes and behaviors of consumers, including their ethical beliefs and ethical decisions. However, most studies focus on general religiosity rather than on the specific doctrinal ethical tenets of religions. The current research focuses on Buddhism and argues that it can tame materialism directly, similar to other religions, and through the (...)
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    P.Stefano Bacin, Georg Mohr, Jürgen Stolzenberg & Marcus Willaschek - 2015 - In Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr & Stefano Bacin (eds.), Kant-Lexikon. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 1728-1868.
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  12.  33
    An edifying philosophy of education? Starting a conversation between Rorty and post-critical pedagogy.Stefano Oliverio - 2019 - Ethics and Education 14 (4):482-496.
    In this paper, I will establish a conversation between Rorty and the recent proposal of post-critical pedagogy. The assumption is that through this dialogue some tenets of the latter could find a Rortyan redescription that avoids the risk of ‘metaphysical’ formulations, whereas Rorty’s ideas can increase in their relevance with respect to education thanks to the post-critical perspective. In particular, the conversation will develop by focusing on the shared attitude towards the critical-negative attitude of poststructuralist thought, the significance of the (...)
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  13.  42
    Phenomenology of Unclear Phantasy.Stefano Micali - 2020 - Husserl Studies 36 (3):227-240.
    Two disciplines have greatly contributed to a new understanding of phantasy and imagination in contemporary thought: phenomenology and psychoanalysis. These two different approaches to Phantasie developed almost simultaneously at the beginning of the twentieth century. The examination of Phantasie can focus on the concrete form of the phantasm as a unique object formation—or better, as scene. The attention can also be directed to the style of imagining as specific intentionality. Whereas the second line of research has been extensively studied in (...)
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  14. Kant’s Lectures on Ethics and Baumgarten’s Moral Philosophy.Stefano Bacin - 2015 - In Lara Denis & Oliver Sensen (eds.), Kant's Lectures on Ethics: A Critical Guide. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 15-33.
    The chapter shows how Kant’s ethical thought as reflected in the lectures, responds to Baumgarten’s works on moral philosophy. I argue that Kant chose Baumgarten’s textbooks for his classes for genuinely philosophical reasons. The thorough discussion of Baumgarten’s views provided Kant with important clues for developing an original position, even if mostly in opposition to Baumgarten. I illustrate this complex role of Baumgarten with a few significant examples, that also highlight some original aspects of Baumgarten’s position in comparison to Wolff’s: (...)
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  15. Artificial Beings Worthy of Moral Consideration in Virtual Environments: An Analysis of Ethical Viability.Stefano Gualeni - 2020 - Journal of Virtual Worlds Research 13 (1).
    This article explores whether and under which circumstances it is ethically viable to include artificial beings worthy of moral consideration in virtual environments. In particular, the article focuses on virtual environments such as those in digital games and training simulations – interactive and persistent digital artifacts designed to fulfill specific purposes, such as entertainment, education, training, or persuasion. The article introduces the criteria for moral consideration that serve as a framework for this analysis. Adopting this framework, the article tackles the (...)
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    Infrangere le norme: vita, scienza e tecnica nel pensiero di Georges Canguilhem.Fiorenza Lupi & Stefano Pilotto (eds.) - 2019 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  17. Scare quotes and their relation to other semantic issues.Stefano Predelli - 2003 - Linguistics and Philosophy 26 (1):1-28.
    The main aim of this paper is that of providing a unified analysis for some interesting uses of quotation marks, including so-called scare quotes. The phenomena exemplified by the cases I discuss have remained relatively unexplored, notwithstanding a growing interest in the behavior of quotation marks. They are, however, of no lesser interest than other, more widely studied effectsachieved with the help of quotationmarks. In particular, as I argue in whatfollows, scare quotes and other similar instances bear interesting relations with (...)
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  18. The origin of the Everettian heresy.Stefano Osnaghi, Fábio Freitas & Olival Freire - 2009 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 40 (2):97-123.
  19. 10. Selection, Drift, and the “Forces” of Evolution Selection, Drift, and the “Forces” of Evolution (pp. 550-570).Paul Teller, Stefano Gattei, Kent W. Staley, Eric Winsberg, James Hawthorne, Branden Fitelson, Patrick Maher, Peter Achinstein & Mathias Frisch - 2004 - Philosophy of Science 71 (4).
  20. ‘Holmes’and Holmes-A Millian Analysis of Names from Fiction.Stefano Predelli - 2002 - Dialectica 56 (3):261–279.
    In this paper, I defend a view of names from fiction compatible with the Millian theory of proper names. Unlike other attempts at providing a Millian analysis of names from fiction, my approach gives semantic recognition to our pre‐theoretic intuitions without postulating metaphysically dubious entities. The intuitively correct treatment of typical examples, including true negative existential statements, is obtained by appealing only to independently motivated results in the semantics for natural languages.
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    Musical Emotions and Timbre: from Expressiveness to Atmospheres.Nicola Di Stefano - 2023 - Philosophia 51 (5):2625-2637.
    In this paper, I address the question of how emotional qualities can be attributed to musical timbre, an acoustic feature that has proven challenging to explain using traditional accounts of musical emotions. I begin presenting the notion of musical expressiveness, as it has been conceived by cognitivists to account for the emotional quality of various musical elements like melody and rhythm. However, I also point out some limitations in these accounts, which hinder their ability to fully elucidate the emotional expressiveness (...)
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  22. The Experience Machine: Existential reflections on Virtual Worlds.Stefano Gualeni - 2016 - Journal of Virtual Worlds Research 9 (3).
    Problems and questions originally raised by Robert Nozick in his famous thought experiment ‘The Experience Machine’ are frequently invoked in the current discourse concerning virtual worlds. Having conceptualized his Gedankenexperiment in the early seventies, Nozick could not fully anticipate the numerous and profound ways in which the diffusion of computer simulations and video games came to affect the Western world. -/- This article does not articulate whether or not the virtual worlds of video games, digital simulations, and virtual technologies currently (...)
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  23. Musical ontology and the argument from creation.Stefano Predelli - 2001 - British Journal of Aesthetics 41 (3):279-292.
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  24. Kaplan's three monsters.Stefano Predelli - 2014 - Analysis 74 (3):389-393.
    This paper distinguishes three non-equivalent senses of 'monster' in Kaplan's Demonstratives: context-shifters, global-shifters, and character-shifters.
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    Fictional Discourse: A Reply to von Solodkoff’s ‘Demoting Fictional Names’.Stefano Predelli - 2022 - British Journal of Aesthetics 62 (2):231-240.
    In Fictional Discourse, I proposed an analysis of what I call ‘fictional discourse’, first and foremost as it appears in an author’s fictional creation (what Ta.
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  26. Determination and Uniformity: The Problem with Speech-Act Theories of Fiction.Stefano Predelli - 2019 - Erkenntnis 84 (2):309-324.
    Taking inspiration from Searle’s ‘The Logic of Fictional Discourse’, this essay presents an argument against different versions of the so-called ‘speech act theory of fiction’. In particular, it argues that a Uniformity Argument may be constructed, which is additional to the Determination Argument commonly attributed to Searle, and which does not rely on his presumably controversial Determination Principle. This Uniformity Argument is equally powerful against the ‘Dedicated Speech Act’ theories that Searle originally targeted, and the more recent, Grice-inspired versions of (...)
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  27. The demonstrative theory of quotation.Stefano Predelli - 2008 - Linguistics and Philosophy 31 (5):555-572.
    This essay proposes a systematic semantic account of Davidson’s demonstrative theory of pure quotation (Davidson Theory and decision, 11: 27–40, 1979) within a classic Kaplan-style framework for indexical languages (Kaplan 1977). I argue that Davidson’s informal hints must be developed in terms of the idea of ‘character-external’ aspects of meaning, that is, in terms of truth-conditionally idle restrictions on the class of contexts in which quotation marks may appropriately be used. When thus developed, Davidson’s theory may correctly take into account (...)
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  28.  19
    Introduzione.Guido Baggio & Stefano Oliva - 2019 - Lebenswelt. Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 13.
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  29. Preface.Fred Moten & Stefano Harney - 2018 - In Tyson E. Lewis (ed.), Inoperative learning: a radical rewriting of educational potentialities. New York, NY: Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa Business.
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    Once Dishonest, Always Dishonest? The Impact of Perceived Pervasiveness of Moral Evaluations of the Self on Motivation to Restore a Moral Reputation.Stefano Pagliaro, Naomi Ellemers, Manuela Barreto & Cecilia Di Cesare - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  31. Virtual World-Weariness: On Delaying the Experiential Erosion of Digital Environments.Stefano Gualeni - 2019 - In Andri Gerber & Ulrich Götz (eds.), The Architectonics of Game Spaces: The Spatial Logic of the Virtual and its Meaning for the Real. Transcript. pp. 153-165.
    A common understanding of the role of a game developer includes establishing (or at least partially establishing) what is interactively and perceptually available in (video)game environments: what elements and behaviors those worlds include and allow, and what is – instead – left out of their ‘possibility horizon’. The term ‘possibility horizon’ references the Ancient Greek origin of the term ‘horizon’, ὄρος (oros), which denotes a frontier – a spatial limit. On this etymological foundation, ‘horizon’ is used here to indicate the (...)
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  32.  22
    Is Failure the Best Option? An Untimely Reflection on Teaching.Stefano Oliverio - 2023 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 27 (1S):65-74.
    After outlining the renascent interest in teaching within contemporary educational theory, the present paper engages with a reflection on teaching beyond the predominant learnification and the related emphasis on efficacy as a primary value. In this endeavour, the theme of teachers’ demoralization is introduced in a philosophical-educational key, by deploying an existential perspective. Within this horizon, a special focus is on failure construed as intimately linked with the ‘essence’ of education qua an encounter of free beings and as a possibility (...)
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  33.  73
    Talk about Music: From Wolterstorffian Ambiguity to Generics.Stefano Predelli - 2011 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 69 (3):273-283.
  34.  58
    Accomplishing Modernity: Dewey's Inquiry, Childhood and Philosophy.Stefano Oliverio - 2012 - Education and Culture 28 (2):54-69.
    In her recent much-debated manifesto for Socratic education, Martha Nussbaum (2010) makes two statements seemingly dissonant with each other: on the one hand, she recognizes in Dewey "a thinker who brought Socrates into virtually every American classroom" (p. 64); on the other hand, she points out that "Dewey, however, never addressed systematically the question of how Socratic critical reasoning might be taught to children of various ages" (p. 73). The latter remark works as a sort of springboard to the introduction (...)
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  35. Against musical platonism.Stefano Predelli - 1995 - British Journal of Aesthetics 35 (4):338-350.
  36.  21
    Dead-ending Philosophy?Stefano Oliverio - 2020 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 12 (1).
    In this paper, I will explore Rorty’s recommendation to shift from a philosophical to a literary culture by addressing this theme through a philosophical-educational lens and in reference to the question of what kind of education we need in order to foster democratic ethos. In this perspective, I will establish a comparison/contrast between Rorty’s idea of sentimental education and Matthew Lipman’s Philosophy for Children understood as two (alternative?) ways of recontextualizing Dewey’s heritage. After discussing Rorty’s understanding of a need for (...)
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    The child and the p4c curriculum.Stefano Oliverio - 2020 - Childhood and Philosophy 16 (36):01-26.
    In this paper I take my cue from what I suggest calling “the Adamitic modernity.” By this phrase I endeavor to capture a specific ‘removal’ of childhood that occurs in the Cartesian gesture of the enthroning of Reason. By drawing upon a reading of the major philosophical works of Descartes, I will argue that one of the main thrusts of his conceptual device is a deep-seated, and even anguished, mistrust of childhood and its errors. To put it in a nutshell: (...)
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    Perception of Cyberbullying in Adolescence: A Brief Evaluation Among Italian Students.Valeria Saladino, Stefano Eleuteri, Valeria Verrastro & Filippo Petruccelli - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Cyberbullying is associated with the expansion of digital devices and the Internet. In Italy and other European and non-European countries, the phenomenon is growing. Young people who suffer from cyberbullying develop psychopathological symptoms of anxiety, depression, and social phobia that can lead to extreme acts, such as suicide. The pressure, the sense of isolation, and helplessness experienced by cyber-victims also affect their family and the school context. Cyberbullying is acted through digital tools, it is often anonymous, and aims to destroy (...)
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  39. Towards a semantics for biscuit conditionals.Stefano Predelli - 2009 - Philosophical Studies 142 (3):293 - 305.
    This essay proposes a semantic analysis of biscuit-conditionals, such as Austin's classic example "there are biscuits in the cupboard if you want some". The analysis is grounded on the ideas of contextual restrictions, and of non-character encoded aspects of meaning, and provides a rigorous framework for the widespread intuitions that the if-clause in a biscuit-conditional is truth-conditionally idle, but it 'qualifies' the speech-act in question. In the concluding section of this essay, the analysis is also applied to the importantly similar (...)
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  40.  34
    Joseph Agassi’s Critical Historiography of Science.Stefano Gattei - 2023 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 53 (1):49-59.
    In Towards an Historiography of Science (1963) and in other related works spanning over his entire career, Agassi presents his wide-ranging and original understanding of the history of science. It emerges from the criticism of two distinctive approaches, each informed by the uncritical acceptance, on the part of historians, of two philosophies of science: inductivism (scientific theories emerge from facts), and conventionalism (scientific theories are mathematical frameworks for classifying facts). Both produce unsatisfactory historical reconstructions, in which errors are either concealed (...)
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  41.  19
    Symposium introduction vocabularies of hope in place of vocabularies of critique: can rorty help us to redescribe (philosophy of) education?Stefano Oliverio - 2019 - Ethics and Education 14 (4):449-452.
    ABSTRACTThis introduction outlines the rationale of the symposium 'Vocabularies of Hope in Place of Vocabularies of Critique: Can Rorty Help Us to Redescribe Education?'. In particular, it argues that, despite some early statements of Richard Rorty, he may turn out to be a particularly timely thinker in reference to debates occurring in the field of educational theory and philosophy, especially by suggesting an engagement with the latter through vocabularies of hope. Moreover, after highlighting that a valuable dialogue may be established (...)
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  42.  80
    Malapropisms and the simple picture of communication.Stefano Predelli - 2010 - Mind and Language 25 (3):329-345.
    This essay defends an analysis of malapropisms consistent with the Simple Picture of communication, namely the view that speakers communicate that P by employing expressions associated with P by the regularities appropriate for the linguistic community to which they belong. My analysis, grounded on the distinction between traces, shapes, and forms, is consistent with an intuitive assessment of the contents conveyed by instances of malapropisms, and with a standard, ‘fully articulated’ approach to semantic interpretation.
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  43.  12
    Physics and Philosophy: Volume 4: Philosophical Papers.Stefano Gattei & Joseph Agassi (eds.) - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    This collection of the writings of Paul Feyerabend is focused on his philosophy of quantum physics, the hotbed of the key issues of his most debated ideas. Written between 1948 and 1970, these writings come from his first and most productive period. These early works are important for two main reasons. First, they document Feyerabend's deep concern with the philosophical implications of quantum physics and its interpretations. These ideas were paid less attention in the following two decades. Second, the writings (...)
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    The anatomical foundations of language dominance.Stefano F. Cappa - 2019 - Evolutionary Linguistic Theory 1 (2):162-174.
    The evidence about asymmetries between the two hemispheres in human and non-human species may contribute to the current debate about language evolution. Here I present a selective review of the available data, limited to the macroscopic and microscopic anatomy of the main language areas. Both post-mortem and imaging studies confirm the presence of a leftward asymmetry in the Planum Temporale region in humans; in the case of Broca’s area the evidence is less consistent. The data about non-human primates also support (...)
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  45.  22
    Editor's introduction of The Kuhn Controversy.Stefano Gattei - unknown
    This special issue of Social Epistemology is devoted to critical comments on Fuller's study of the philosophy of Thomas S. Kuhn and its context.
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    Karl popper—the formative years, 1902–1945: Politics and philosophy in interwar vienna.Stefano Gattei - 2001 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 52 (4):815-825.
  47.  28
    Riflessioni sulla matematica, a partire da Giordano Bruno.Stefano Gattei - 2011 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 3:553-557.
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    The Kuhn Controversy.Stefano Gattei - unknown
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    Intorno a Tullio De Mauro: il dialogo coi classici, le sfide teoriche e educative.Stefano Gensini (ed.) - 2023 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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    Volgar favella: percorsi del pensiero linguistico italiano da Robortello a Manzoni.Stefano Gensini - 1993 - Sandicci (Firenze): La Nuova Italia.
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