Results for 'Stephan Siemens'

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  1.  9
    In allen Lüften hallt es wie Geschrei.Hans-Ludwig Siemen - 2017 - Psyche 71 (5):389-411.
    Dass deutsche Ärzte während des Nationalsozialismus hunderttausende Menschen zwangsweise sterilisieren halfen und viele zehntausend Psychiatriepatienten und Anstaltsbewohner töteten, bleibt bis heute verstörend. Solche Verbrechen waren nur möglich, weil, neben politischen und gesellschaftlichen Bedingungen, Komplexität vereinfachende Ideologien auf einer Massenebene an individuelle regressive Abwehrstrukturen der Täter anknüpften. In der Psychiatrie des NS entfaltete sich das destruktive Potential der kollektiv geteilten Phantasmen von Reinheit und Nation. Anhand von historischen Kreuzungspunkten lässt sich zeigen, dass sozialpsychologische Dynamiken und gesellschaftliche Prozesse sich wechselseitig radikalisierten. Diese (...)
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  2. Agonal Communities of Taste: Law and Community in Nietzsche's Philosophy of Transvaluation.H. W. Siemens - 2002 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 24 (1):83-112.
  3. Nietzsche’s philosophy of hatred.Herman W. Siemens - 2015 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 77 (4):747-784.
    This essay examines Nietzsche’s thought on hatred in the light of the realist and perfectionist impulses of his philosophy. Drawing on remarks scattered across his writings, both unpublished and published, it seeks to reconstruct the “philosophy of hatred‘ that, as he himself observed, “has not yet been written‘. In S1 it is shown that hatred is a necessary ingredient in Nietzsche’s dynamic and pluralist ontology of conflict. Hatred plays an indispensable role in the drive to assimilate or incorporate other life-forms (...)
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    Agonal perspectives on Nietzsche's philosophy of critical transvaluation.Herman Siemens - 2021 - Boston: Walter de Gruyter. Edited by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche.
    Nietzsche's strengths as a critic are widely acknowledged, but his peculiar style of critique is usually ignored as rhetoric, or dismissed as violent or simply incoherent. In this book, Nietzsche's concept of the agon or Wettkampf, a measured and productive form of conflict inspired by ancient Greek culture, is advanced as the dynamic and organising principle of his philosophical practice, enabling us to make sense of his critical confrontations and the much disputed concept of transvaluation or Umwertung. Agonal perspectives are (...)
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    Nietzsche and Kant as thinkers of antagonism: towards a philosophy of conflict.Herman Siemens - 2024 - London: Bloomsbury Academic.
    The question antagonism, struggle and dissensus, their place, limits and value for democracy, has divided deliberative from agonistic theories, and remains the main source of the impasse between them. This open access book seeks to break this impasse by going back to their sources in Kant and Nietzsche, and reframes them as philosophers of conflict. For both philosophers, conflict is part of the 'deep structure' of reality at all levels, and their reflections on its constitutive, constructive and destructive potentials raise (...)
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  6. The Pœnitentiale Theodori in Theological Perspective: Soteriological Aspects of Confession according to Theodore of Tarsus.James Siemens - 2012 - Logos: A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 53 (1-2):83-91.
  7.  52
    Fitch-style rules for many modal logics.David F. Siemens - 1977 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 18 (4):631-636.
  8.  29
    ‘Punishment by Fate’ as a Cypher for Genealogy: Hegel and Nietzsche on Immanent Law.Herman W. Siemens - 2015 - In Leonel R. dos Santos & Katia Dawn Hay, Nietzsche, German Idealism and its Critics. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 35-65.
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    (1 other version)Nietzsche and the Political (review).Herman Siemens - 2008 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 35 (1):207-216.
  10. Nietzsche and the ‘Classical’: Traditional and Innovative Features of Nietzsche’s Usage, with Special Reference to Goethe.Herman Siemens - 2004 - In Paul Bishop, Nietzsche and antiquity: his reaction and response to the classical tradition. Rochester, NY: Camden House. pp. 391-410.
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  11. The Impotence of Reason Analysis of Hegel's Concrete Universal.Reynold L. Siemens - 1990
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  12. Grounding and Necessity.Stephan Leuenberger - 2014 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 57 (2):151-174.
    The elucidations and regimentations of grounding offered in the literature standardly take it to be a necessary connection. In particular, authors often assert, or at least assume, that if some facts ground another fact, then the obtaining of the former necessitates the latter; and moreover, that grounding is an internal relation, in the sense of being necessitated by the existence of the relata. In this article, I challenge the necessitarian orthodoxy about grounding by offering two prima facie counterexamples. First, some (...)
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    Christ's restoration of humankind in the laterculus malalianus, 14.James R. Siemens - 2007 - Heythrop Journal 48 (1):18–28.
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    Introdução: o dicionário Nietzsche.Herman Siemens & Paul van Tongeren - 2012 - Cadernos Nietzsche 31:31-53.
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    Modeling the tropical wetland landscape and adaptations.Alfred H. Siemens - 2004 - Agriculture and Human Values 21 (2/3):243-254.
    Prolonged investigations of past and present use of wetland margins in various lowlands within Latin America have yielded a wealth of detail. It has become necessary to search out regularities in the natural environmental context and the human adaptations, all of which can be done advantageously in the context of the concept of landscape. Such a move in the direction of theory is attempted here by means of a heuristic model and an exploration of variations in its expression. The discussion (...)
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  16. Preliminary enquiries into the place of the Laterculus Malalianus among the chronicles of late antiquity.James Siemens - 2010 - Journal for Late Antique Religion and Culture 4:68-80.
  17.  32
    Aristoteles über Freundschaft: Untersuchungen zur Nikomachischen Ethik VIII und IX.Nathalie von Siemens - 2006 - Freiburg: Alber.
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  18. The fundamental: Ungrounded or all-grounding?Stephan Leuenberger - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (9):2647-2669.
    Fundamentality plays a pivotal role in discussions of ontology, supervenience, and possibility, and other key topics in metaphysics. However, there are two different ways of characterising the fundamental: as that which is not grounded, and as that which is the ground of everything else. I show that whether these two characterisations pick out the same property turns on a principle—which I call “Dichotomy”—that is of independent interest in the theory of ground: that everything is either fully grounded or not even (...)
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    Agonal Configurations in the Unzeitgemäße Betrachtungen.Herman Siemens - 2001 - Nietzsche Studien 30 (1):80-106.
  20.  46
    Nietzsche, Power and Politics: Rethinking Nietzsche's Legacy for Political Thought.Vasti Roodt & Herman W. Siemens (eds.) - 2008 - De Gruyter.
    Nietzsche's legacy for political thought is a highly contested area of research today. With papers representing a broad range of positions, this collection takes stock of the central controversies (Nietzsche as political / anti-political thinker? Nietzsche and / contra democracy? Arendt and / contra Nietzsche?), as well as new research on key concepts (power, the agon, aristocracy, friendship i.a.), on historical, contemporary and futural aspects of Nietzsche's political thought. International contributors include well-known names (Conway, Ansell-Pearson, Hatab, Taureck, Patton, Connolly, Villa, (...)
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  21.  15
    (1 other version)Nietzsche and the Temporality of (Self-) Legislation.Herman W. Siemens - 2008 - In Manuel Dries, Nietzsche on Time and History. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 191.
  22. Eastern Christian Approaches to Philosophy.James Siemens & Joshua Matthan Brown (eds.) - 2022 - Palgrave Macmillan.
    With few exceptions, the field of Eastern Christian studies has primarily been concerned with historical-critical analysis, hermeneutics, and sociology. For the most part it has not attempted to bring Eastern Christian philosophy into serious engagement with contemporary thought. This volume seeks to redress the matter by bringing the Eastern Christian tradition into a meaningful dialogue with contemporary philosophy. It boasts a diverse group of scholars―specialists in ancient philosophy, analytic philosophy, and continental philosophy―who engage with a wide range of pressing issues. (...)
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  23. Nietzsche on productive resistance.Herman Siemens - 2018 - In James S. Pearson & Herman Siemens, Conflict and Contest in Nietzsche's Philosophy. New York, NY, USA: Bloomsbury.
  24.  10
    The Rise of Political Agonism and its Relation to Deconstruction: The Case of Chantal Mouffe.Herman W. Siemens - 2012 - In Alberto Martinengo, Beyond Deconstruction: From Hermeneutics to Reconstruction. De Gruyter. pp. 213-224.
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    Explanation, Prediction, and Confirmation.Stephan Hartmann, Marcel Weber, Wenceslao Gonzalez, Dennis Dieks & Thomas Uebe (eds.) - 2011 - Berlin: Springer.
    This volume, the second in the Springer series Philosophy of Science in a European Perspective, contains selected papers from the workshops organised by the ESF Research Networking Programme PSE (The Philosophy of Science in a European Perspective) in 2009. Five general topics are addressed: 1. Formal Methods in the Philosophy of Science; 2. Philosophy of the Natural and Life Sciences; 3. Philosophy of the Cultural and Social Sciences; 4. Philosophy of the Physical Sciences; 5. History of the Philosophy of Science. (...)
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  26. Emotions beyond brain and body.Achim Stephan, Sven Walter & Wendy Wilutzky - 2014 - Philosophical Psychology 27 (1):1-17.
    The emerging consensus in the philosophy of cognition is that cognition is situated, i.e., dependent upon or co-constituted by the body, the environment, and/or the embodied interaction with it. But what about emotions? If the brain alone cannot do much thinking, can the brain alone do some emoting? If not, what else is needed? Do (some) emotions (sometimes) cross an individual's boundary? If so, what kinds of supra-individual systems can be bearers of affective states, and why? And does that make (...)
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  27. The World as a Process: Simulations in the Natural and Social Sciences.Stephan Hartmann - 1996 - In Rainer Hegselmann et al , Modelling and Simulation in the Social Sciences from the Philosophy of Science Point of View.
    Simulation techniques, especially those implemented on a computer, are frequently employed in natural as well as in social sciences with considerable success. There is mounting evidence that the "model-building era" (J. Niehans) that dominated the theoretical activities of the sciences for a long time is about to be succeeded or at least lastingly supplemented by the "simulation era". But what exactly are models? What is a simulation and what is the difference and the relation between a model and a simulation? (...)
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  28.  14
    Antigone in der Irrenanstalt.Hans-Ludwig Siemen - 2022 - Psyche 76 (1):35-60.
    Anhand der Erinnerungskultur der NS-Psychiatrieverbrechen in den ersten Nachkriegsjahrzehnten wird der Frage nachgegangen, wie sich Erinnern und Gedenken gestalten lassen. Erinnern, Gedenken und Bewusstsein stehen in dynamischer Beziehung zueinander: Je nach Perspektive, ob der des Opfers oder des Täters, war das, was erinnert, wessen gedacht und was bewusst wurde bzw. unbewusst bleiben musste, sehr unterschiedlich. Durchgesetzt hat sich das Täter-Opfer-Narrativ der deutschen Nachkriegs-Psychiater, das die verstörende Realität, als Wissenschaft, als Institution und als Individuen so willfährig für ein verbrecherisches Regime gewesen (...)
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  29. The Intellectual Legacy of Theodore of Tarsus.James Siemens - 2013 - Logos: A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 54 (3-4):249-262.
  30. 'Theodore of Tarsus and the Syrian Bequest'.James Siemens - 2019 - In Jonathan Wooding & Andrew Louth, From the East to the Isles: Contacts between Early Celtic, English and Orthodox Christianity. Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius. pp. 76-88.
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  31. Bayesian Epistemology.Stephan Hartmann & Jan Sprenger - 2010 - In Sven Bernecker & Duncan Pritchard, The Routledge Companion to Epistemology. New York: Routledge. pp. 609-620.
    Bayesian epistemology addresses epistemological problems with the help of the mathematical theory of probability. It turns out that the probability calculus is especially suited to represent degrees of belief (credences) and to deal with questions of belief change, confirmation, evidence, justification, and coherence. Compared to the informal discussions in traditional epistemology, Bayesian epis- temology allows for a more precise and fine-grained analysis which takes the gradual aspects of these central epistemological notions into account. Bayesian epistemology therefore complements traditional epistemology; it (...)
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  32. Consensual Decision-Making Among Epistemic Peers.Stephan Hartmann, Carlo Martini & Jan Sprenger - 2009 - Episteme 6 (2):110-129.
    This paper focuses on the question of how to resolve disagreement and uses the Lehrer-Wagner model as a formal tool for investigating consensual decision-making. The main result consists in a general definition of when agents treat each other as epistemic peers (Kelly 2005; Elga 2007), and a theorem vindicating the “equal weight view” to resolve disagreement among epistemic peers. We apply our findings to an analysis of the impact of social network structures on group deliberation processes, and we demonstrate their (...)
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    Love-Hate and War: Perfectionism and Self-Overcoming in Thus Spoke Zarathustra.Herman W. Siemens - 2023 - Nietzsche Studien 52 (1):225-260.
    This essay investigates the thought of self-overcoming (Selbst-Überwindung, sich überwinden) in Thus Spoke Zarathustra, and its relation to Nietzsche’s Emersonian perfectionism in Schopenhauer as Educator. It is a conceptual study focused on key passages on self-overcoming in Zarathustra and related problems – most notably how to combine the demand for boundless affirmation with the demand for total critique in Nietzsche’s project of critical transvaluation. The main thesis is that Zarathustra’s response depends on his addressees: with regard to the mob, the (...)
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  34. Effective Field Theories, Reductionism and Scientific Explanation.Stephan Hartmann - 2001 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 32 (2):267-304.
    Effective field theories have been a very popular tool in quantum physics for almost two decades. And there are good reasons for this. I will argue that effective field theories share many of the advantages of both fundamental theories and phenomenological models, while avoiding their respective shortcomings. They are, for example, flexible enough to cover a wide range of phenomena, and concrete enough to provide a detailed story of the specific mechanisms at work at a given energy scale. So will (...)
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  35. Another Book for Jarrow's Library? Coincidences in Exegesis between Bede and the Laterculus Malalianus.James Siemens - 2013 - The Downside Review 131 (462):15-34.
    As an original composition if the seventh-century archbishop of Canterbury, Theodore of Tarsus, it is reasonable to expect that, writing less than a generation after his death, Bede might have known the Laterculus Malalianus, despite there having been no acknowledgment of the text by him, and no discernment by Bede's readers of its influence on him even up to the present time. Recent analysis of the Laterculus, however, has given cause to reconsider this oversight, as exegetical motifs that appear almost (...)
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  36. A survey of the christology of Theodore of Tarsus in the Laterculus Malalianus.James Siemens - 2007 - Scottish Journal of Theology 60 (2):213-225.
    Bede’s Historia ecclesiastica makes it clear that Theodore of Tarsus, the seventh-century archbishop of Canterbury, is a figure who should command an immense amount of interest. His learning and cosmopolitan formation call upon the scholar to ask what it is that he contributed to the English Church in his time and beyond. Yet interest in Theodore as a theologian has been lacking to date, most likely due to the limited amount of material attributable to him. Jane Stevenson’s work on the (...)
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    Eckensteher.Herman Siemens, Gerd Schank & Paul van Tongeren - 2004 - In Herman Siemens, Gerd Schank & Paul van Tongeren, Abbreviatur - Einfach. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Nietzsche’s “post-Nietzschean” political “Wirkung”.Herman W. Siemens - 2012 - In Renate Reschke & Marco Brusotti, "Einige werden posthum geboren": Friedrich Nietzsches Wirkungen. De Gruyter. pp. 393-406.
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    Theatre in Passing 2: Searching for New Amsterdam.Elena Siemens - 2014 - Intellect.
    This book discusses spaces of performance from formal opera houses to parks and graffiti around the world and is a companion toTheatre in Passing: A Moscow Photo-Diary. Drawing once again on Michel de Certeau's notion of a “second poetic geography,” this new volume examines prominent theatrical destinations —New York, London, and Paris—along with others that are often overlooked, including Canada, Mexico, and Turkey. In addition to indoor theaters, the book covers a variety of outdoor theatrical spaces, as well as street (...)
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  40. Benefits of Collaborative Philosophical Inquiry in Schools.Stephan Millett & Alan Tapper - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (5):546-567.
    In the past decade well-designed research studies have shown that the practice of collaborative philosophical inquiry in schools can have marked cognitive and social benefits. Student academic performance improves, and so too does the social dimension of schooling. These findings are timely, as many countries in Asia and the Pacific are now contemplating introducing Philosophy into their curricula. This paper gives a brief history of collaborative philosophical inquiry before surveying the evidence as to its effectiveness. The evidence is canvassed under (...)
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  41. From Grounding to Supervenience?Stephan Leuenberger - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (1):227-240.
    The concept of supervenience and a regimented concept of grounding are often taken to provide rival explications of pre-theoretical concepts of dependence and determination. Friends of grounding typically point out that supervenience claims do not entail corresponding grounding claims. Every fact supervenes on itself, but is not grounded in itself, and the fact that a thing exists supervenes on the fact that its singleton exists, but is not grounded in it. Common lore has it, though, that grounding claims do entail (...)
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  42. Modeling Partially Reliable Information Sources: A General Approach Based on Dempster-Shafer Theory.Stephan Hartmann & Rolf Haenni - 2006 - Information Fusion 7:361-379.
    Combining testimonial reports from independent and partially reliable information sources is an important epistemological problem of uncertain reasoning. Within the framework of Dempster–Shafer theory, we propose a general model of partially reliable sources, which includes several previously known results as special cases. The paper reproduces these results on the basis of a comprehensive model taxonomy. This gives a number of new insights and thereby contributes to a better understanding of this important application of reasoning with uncertain and incomplete information.
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  43. Nietzsche's agon with ressentiment: Towards a therapeutic reading of critical transvaluation. [REVIEW]Herman W. Siemens - 2001 - Continental Philosophy Review 34 (1):69-93.
    This paper examines the therapeutic implications of Nietzsche's critique of ressentiment and revenge as our signature malady. §I examines the obstacles to a therapeutic reading of Nietzsche's thought, including his anti-teleological tendencies and the value he places on sickness. Then there is the energetic problem of finding resources to tackle ressentiment, given the volitional exhaustion of modern nihilism. Finally, the self-referential implications of Nietzsche's critique of slave values threaten to trap his thought in a futile ressentiment against ressentiment. If the (...)
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  44.  26
    Choice and Chance: An Introduction to Inductive Logic.David F. Siemens - 1966 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 41 (2):547.
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    Ontology after Carnap.Stephan Blatti & Sandra Lapointe - 2016 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 71 (1):166-169.
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  46. Judgment aggregation and the problem of tracking the truth.Stephan Hartmann & Jan Sprenger - 2012 - Synthese 187 (1):209-221.
    The aggregation of consistent individual judgments on logically interconnected propositions into a collective judgment on those propositions has recently drawn much attention. Seemingly reasonable aggregation procedures, such as propositionwise majority voting, cannot ensure an equally consistent collective conclusion. The literature on judgment aggregation refers to that problem as the discursive dilemma. In this paper, we motivate that many groups do not only want to reach a factually right conclusion, but also want to correctly evaluate the reasons for that conclusion. In (...)
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    Judgment Difficulty and the Moral Intensity of Unethical Acts: A Cognitive Response Analysis of Dual Process Ethical Judgment Formation.John R. Sparks & Jennifer Christie Siemens - 2014 - Ethics and Behavior 24 (2):151-163.
    This study analyzes cognitive responses to explore a dual processing perspective of ethical judgment formation. Specifically, the study investigates how two factors, judgment task difficulty and moral intensity, influence the extent of deontological and teleological processing and their effects on ethical judgments. A single experiment on 110 undergraduate research participants found that judgment task difficulty affected the extent of deontological and teleological processing. Although moral intensity affected ethical judgments, it did not produce effects on either deontological or teleological cognitive responses. (...)
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    (1 other version)Models in science.Stephan Hartmann & Roman Frigg - 2012 - In Ed Zalta, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, CA: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Models are of central importance in many scientific contexts. The centrality of models such as the billiard ball model of a gas, the Bohr model of the atom, the MIT bag model of the nucleon, the Gaussian-chain model of a polymer, the Lorenz model of the atmosphere, the Lotka-Volterra model of predator-prey interaction, the double helix model of DNA, agent-based and evolutionary models in the social sciences, or general equilibrium models of markets in their respective domains are cases in point. (...)
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    (2 other versions)Ceteris Absentibus Physicalism.Stephan Leuenberger - 2008 - Oxford Studies in Metaphysics 4:145-170.
  50. Future-Directed Counterfactuals, Practical Reasoning, and the Open Future.Stephan Torre - forthcoming - Disputatio.
    One stark difference between the past and the future lies in our ability to shape the future in a way in which we are unable to shape the past. This paper investigates what kind of beliefs about the future serve as premises in our reasoning about how to act. If we think about belief in terms of agents representing the world, we cannot lose sight of the fact that agents are part of, and shape, the same world they represent. Beliefs (...)
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