Results for 'Stephanie Cäsar'

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  1.  16
    Caesar als Truppenführer und Feldherr.H. G. Caesar - 2013 - In Der Gallische Krieg / Bellum Gallicum: Lateinisch - Deutsch. De Gruyter. pp. 644-647.
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    Caesar alsHeerführer und Feldherr.H. G. Caesar - 2012 - In Bürgerkrieg / Bellum Civile: Lateinisch - Deutsch. De Gruyter. pp. 365-368.
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    Caesar in Gallien.H. G. Caesar - 2013 - In Der Gallische Krieg / Bellum Gallicum: Lateinisch - Deutsch. De Gruyter. pp. 654-663.
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    Gaius Iulius Caesar.H. G. Caesar - 2013 - In Der Gallische Krieg / Bellum Gallicum: Lateinisch - Deutsch. De Gruyter. pp. 624-636.
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    Articulating the sources for an African normative framework of healthcare: Ghana as a case study.Caesar A. Atuire, Camillia Kong & Michael Dunn - 2020 - Developing World Bioethics 20 (4):216-227.
    Bioethics is gradually becoming an important part of the drive to increase quality healthcare delivery in sub‐Saharan African countries. Yet many healthcare service‐users in Africa are familiar with incidences of questionable health policies and poor healthcare delivery, leading to severe consequences for patients. We argue that the overarching rights‐based ethical administrative framework recently employed by healthcare authorities contributes to the poor uptake and enforcement of current normative tools. Taking Ghana as a case study, we focus on the cultural ethical context (...)
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    Some barriers to knowledge from the global south: commentary to Pratt and de Vries.Caesar Alimsinya Atuire - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (5):335-336.
    Pratt and de Vries1 pose an important and uncomfortable question to all stakeholders in the global bioethics space. If global bioethics as they define it is ‘the ethics of public health and healthcare problems that are characterised by a global level effect or that require action beyond individual countries, and the ethics of research related to such problems’, one would expect justice and inclusivity to be among the ethical priorities. Yet, Pratt and de Vries carefully demonstrate how different forms of (...)
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    Going Back to Nature When Nature’s All But Gone.Stephanie Mills - 2008 - Environmental Philosophy 5 (1):1-8.
    Stephanie Mills presented the following as the keynote address at the 2007 Annual Meeting of the International Association for Environmental Philosophy in Chicago. Mills addresses the readers of this journal in her role as a bioregional author and social critic. Adopting a narrative style rather than the typical format of the “philosophical essay,” she raises questions that are always and still at the core of our philosophical dialogue: What is nature? How do we humans perceive our relationship with nature? (...)
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  8. Empathy: Its ultimate and proximate bases.Stephanie D. Preston & Frans B. M. de Waal - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (1):1-20.
    There is disagreement in the literature about the exact nature of the phenomenon of empathy. There are emotional, cognitive, and conditioning views, applying in varying degrees across species. An adequate description of the ultimate and proximate mechanism can integrate these views. Proximately, the perception of an object's state activates the subject's corresponding representations, which in turn activate somatic and autonomic responses. This mechanism supports basic behaviors that are crucial for the reproductive success of animals living in groups. The Perception-Action Model, (...)
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    Ṛgvedic SocietyRgvedic Society.Stephanie W. Jamison & Enric Aguilari Matas - 1993 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 113 (2):311.
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    Modelling temperature and concentration dependent solid/liquid interfacial energies.Stephanie Lippmann, In-Ho Jung, Manas Paliwal & Markus Rettenmayr - 2016 - Philosophical Magazine 96 (1):1-14.
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    COVID-19 Heightens the Imperative to Decolonize Global Health Research.Caesar Alimsinya Atuire & Susan Bull - 2022 - Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric 13 (2):60-77.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has both highlighted and exacerbated global health inequities, leading for calls for responses to COVID to promote social justice and ensure that no one is left behind. One key lesson to be learnt from the pandemic is the critical importance of decolonizing global health and global health research so that African countries are better placed to address pandemic challenges in contextually relevant ways. This paper argues that to be successful, programmes of decolonization in complex global health landscapes (...)
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    Bürgerkrieg / Bellum Civile: Lateinisch - Deutsch.H. G. Caesar - 2012 - De Gruyter.
    Caesars "Bellum Civile" ist als Dokument römischer Geschichtsschreibung und als Quellenwerk über den Bürgerkrieg für jeden am antiken Rom Interessierten von außerordentlicher Bedeutung. Dennoch führt er neben dem "Gallischen Krieg" fast ein Schattendasein: zu Unrecht, wie sich erweist. Denn an Klarheit der Diktion und Prägnanz des Gedankens steht der "Bürgerkrieg" diesem nicht nach. Dazu ist der Zweikampf um die Macht zwischen Caesar und Pompeius ein erregender historischer Stoff, selbst dort, wo er weniger objektive Historiographie als eine Rechtfertigung für Caesars Handeln (...)
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    The Civil War.Julius Caesar - 2008 - Oxford University Press UK.
    `All over Italy men were conscripted, and weapons requisitioned; money was exacted from towns, and taken from shrines; and all the laws of god and man were overturned.' The Civil War is Caesar's masterly account of the celebrated war between himself and his great rival Pompey, from the crossing of the Rubicon in January 49 B.C. to Pompey's death and the start of the Alexandrian War in the autumn of the following year. His unfinished account of the continuing struggle with (...)
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    Black Lives Matter and the Removal of Racist Statues. Perspectives of an African.Caesar Alimsinya Atuire - 2020 - 21: Inquiries Into Art, History and the Visuual 1 (2).
    The killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers and the subsequent Black Lives Matter protests have been accompanied by calls for the removal of statues of racists from public space. This has generated debate about the role of statues in the public sphere. I argue that statues are erected to represent a chosen narrative about history. The debate about the removal of statues is a controversy about history and how we relate to it. From this perspective, the Black Lives (...)
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    Rock the Baby, Not the Boat: A Defense of Epidemiology-Based and Values-Based Shared Decision Making at the Margin of Gestational Viability.Stephanie Kukora & Naomi Laventhal - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (8):16-18.
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    Piron, ou l’apothéose du poète qui ne fut rien.Stéphanie Loubère - 2016 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 35:1.
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  17. A Prolegomon to bioethics in Africa : issues, challenges and commonsensical recommendations.Caesar A. Atuire - 2018 - In Yaw A. Frimpong-Mansoh & Caesar A. Atuire, Bioethics in Africa: Theories and Praxis. Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press.
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  18. In Defense of Practical Reasons for Belief.Stephanie Leary - 2017 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 95 (3):529-542.
    Many meta-ethicists are alethists: they claim that practical considerations can constitute normative reasons for action, but not for belief. But the alethist owes us an account of the relevant difference between action and belief, which thereby explains this normative difference. Here, I argue that two salient strategies for discharging this burden fail. According to the first strategy, the relevant difference between action and belief is that truth is the constitutive standard of correctness for belief, but not for action, while according (...)
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    Les « objections » au cours Éthique et culture religieuse : retour sur les enjeux du débat.Stéphanie Tremblay - 2016 - Philosophiques 43 (2):499-507.
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  20. Gender Autonomy.Stephanie Kapusta - 2022 - In Ben Colburn, The Routledge Handbook of Autonomy. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 346-356.
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  21. Financialization, distribution and inequality.Stephanie Seguino - 2014 - In Gita Sen & Marina Durano, The remaking of social contracts: feminists in a fierce new world. London: Zed Books.
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  22. The Epistemic Risk in Representation.Stephanie Harvard & Eric Winsberg - 2022 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 32 (1):1-31.
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  23. Cause-related marketing: The new face of corporate philanthropy.Patricia Caesar - 1986 - Business and Society Review 59 (1):15-19.
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    INTRODUCTION Science communication in a changing world Stephanie Suhr.Stephanie Suhr - 2009 - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 9 (1):1-4.
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  25. Stephanie Bryant and Feiyi Wang, Aspects of adaptive reconfiguration in a scalable intrusion tolerant system, Complexity (2004) 9(2)74–83. [REVIEW]Stephanie Bryant & Feiyi Wang - 2004 - Complexity 9 (4):46-46.
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  26. The Core of Care Ethics.Stephanie Collins - 2015 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The ethics of care has flourished in recent decades yet we remain without a succinct statement of its core theoretical commitment. This book uses the methods of analytic philosophy to argue for a simple care ethical slogan: dependency relationships generate responsibilities. It uses this slogan to unify, specify and justify the wide range of views found within the care ethical literature.
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  27. Affective Deliberation: Toward a Humean Account of Practical Reasons.Stephanie Beardman - 2000 - Dissertation, Rutgers the State University of New Jersey - New Brunswick
    On a Humean account, a person's reasons for action are determined by her desires---in the broadest sense of 'desires', that is, noncognitive pro-attitudes. In four essays, I defend this account against several prominent objections. The first essay addresses the concern that the Humean cannot account for rationalizing reasons . The next three essays concern justifying reasons : reasons for action that are more fully normative than those that merely make action intelligible. Instrumental reasons, prudential reasons, and intrinsic reasons are three (...)
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    Time as Cultural Identifier.Stéphanie Walsh Matthews - 2009 - Semiotics:218-224.
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    "First" and "Third" World Feminism(s): Does Paul Ricoeur’s Philosophy Offer a Way to Bridge the Gap?Stephanie Riley - 2013 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 4 (1):57-70.
    This essay considers how Paul Ricoeur’s philosophy, including his philosophical hermeneutics and narrative theory, could be employed to facilitate dialogue and understanding between feminists from different contexts. Authors such as bel hooks and Hélène Cixous frame feminist tenets of liberation from sexual oppression and validation of the body as a source of knowledge. Weaving together Ricoeur’s writing and theories with the work of two feminist scholars, Trinh T. Minh-ha and Grace M. Cho, illuminates the potential Ricoeur’s work has to play (...)
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    Public Health Emergencies: Research's Friend or Foe?Stephanie Solomon - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (9):21-23.
  31. Non-naturalism and Normative Necessities.Stephanie Leary - 2017 - Oxford Studies in Metaethics 12.
    This chapter argues that the best way for a non-naturalist to explain why the normative supervenes on the natural is to claim that, while there are some sui generis normative properties whose essences cannot be fully specified in non-normative terms and do not specify any non-normative sufficient conditions for their instantiation, there are certain hybrid normative properties whose essences specify both naturalistic sufficient conditions for their own instantiation and sufficient conditions for the instantiation of certain sui generis normative properties. This (...)
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  32. Pursuing nation building within multi-partisan fragmentation: the case of Ghana.Caesar Alimsinya Atuire - 2019 - National Identities 5 (22):533-547.
    Ghana has earned many accolades for multi-partisan democracy in sub Saharan Africa. This political system has also produced many social and economic benefits for the citizenry. However, political parties are also a vehicle for the promotion of ethnic fragmentation that perils nation building. This article explores how partisan politics in Ghana is undermining nation building. I propose a three-pronged approach to working towards nation building amidst the fragmentation of adversarial multi-partysm.
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    Anmerkungen.H. G. Caesar - 2013 - In Der Gallische Krieg / Bellum Gallicum: Lateinisch - Deutsch. De Gruyter. pp. 490-623.
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    Affiliation and Mourning in a Career of Specialization.Terry Caesar - 1999 - Symploke 7 (1):30-48.
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    Abkürzungen römischer Vornamen.H. G. Caesar - 2012 - In Bürgerkrieg / Bellum Civile: Lateinisch - Deutsch. De Gruyter. pp. 404-404.
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    Anlaß und Ausbruch des Bürgerkrieges.H. G. Caesar - 2012 - In Bürgerkrieg / Bellum Civile: Lateinisch - Deutsch. De Gruyter. pp. 362-365.
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    Business Cards and Unions.Terry Caesar - 2010 - Symploke 18 (1-2):343-348.
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    Überlieferung und Textgestaltung.H. G. Caesar - 2013 - In Der Gallische Krieg / Bellum Gallicum: Lateinisch - Deutsch. De Gruyter. pp. 690-715.
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    Caesars Gestalt im Wandel der Geschichte.H. G. Caesar - 2013 - In Der Gallische Krieg / Bellum Gallicum: Lateinisch - Deutsch. De Gruyter. pp. 716-722.
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    Caesars Heer.H. G. Caesar - 2013 - In Der Gallische Krieg / Bellum Gallicum: Lateinisch - Deutsch. De Gruyter. pp. 637-643.
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    Der Aufbau des Werkes.H. G. Caesar - 2013 - In Der Gallische Krieg / Bellum Gallicum: Lateinisch - Deutsch. De Gruyter. pp. 676-684.
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    Die Entstehung des Bellum Civile.H. G. Caesar - 2012 - In Bürgerkrieg / Bellum Civile: Lateinisch - Deutsch. De Gruyter. pp. 374-377.
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    Der Gallische Krieg / Bellum Gallicum: Lateinisch - Deutsch.H. G. Caesar - 2013 - De Gruyter.
    Caesars Bericht der Unterwerfung Galliens in den Jahren 58 bis 51 v.Chr. gehort zweifellos zu den popularsten Dokumenten der Antike. Es ging ihm vor allem darum, seine oft selbstherrlichen Massnahmen zu rechtfertigen, die Argumente seiner politischen Gegner in Rom zu entkraften und Freunden wie Feinden seine glanzenden - wenngleich oft waghalsigen - militarischen Operationen darzulegen. Die unerreichte Schlichtheit des Stils und die Klarheit der Sprache lassen dabei den propagandistischen Zweck geschickt in den Hintergrund treten. Caesars Schilderungen von Sitten und Gewohnheiten, (...)
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    Darstellungselemente im Bellum Gallicum.H. G. Caesar - 2013 - In Der Gallische Krieg / Bellum Gallicum: Lateinisch - Deutsch. De Gruyter. pp. 670-675.
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    Darstellungselemente im Bellum Civile.H. G. Caesar - 2012 - In Bürgerkrieg / Bellum Civile: Lateinisch - Deutsch. De Gruyter. pp. 377-383.
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    Diary of a Retirement.Terry Caesar - 2010 - Symploke 18 (1-2):229-246.
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    Entstehung und „Tendenz” des Bellum Callicum.H. G. Caesar - 2013 - In Der Gallische Krieg / Bellum Gallicum: Lateinisch - Deutsch. De Gruyter. pp. 664-669.
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    Gallien und die Gallier.H. G. Caesar - 2013 - In Der Gallische Krieg / Bellum Gallicum: Lateinisch - Deutsch. De Gruyter. pp. 648-653.
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    Inhalt.H. G. Caesar - 2013 - In Der Gallische Krieg / Bellum Gallicum: Lateinisch - Deutsch. De Gruyter. pp. 5-5.
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    Italian Feminism and the Novel: Sibilla Aleramo's A Woman.Ann Caesar - 1980 - Feminist Review 5 (1):79-87.
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