Results for 'Steve Nimis'

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  1. Morals, reason, and animals.Steve F. Sapontzis - 1987 - Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
    This book criticizes the common belief that we are entitled to exploit animals for our benefit because they are not as rational as people. After discussing the moral (in)significance of reason in general, the author proceeds to develop a clear, commonsensical conception of what "animal rights" is about and why everyday morality points toward the liberation of animals as the next logical step in Western moral progress. The book evaluates criticisms of animal rights that have appeared in recent philosophical literature (...)
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  2. Unreal friends.Dean Cocking & Steve Matthews - 2000 - Ethics and Information Technology 2 (4):223-231.
    It has become quite common for people to develop `personal'' relationships nowadays, exclusively via extensive correspondence across the Net. Friendships, even romantic love relationships, are apparently, flourishing. But what kind of relations really are possible in this way? In this paper, we focus on the case of close friendship. There are various important markers that identify a relationship as one of close friendship. One will have, for instance, strong affection for the other, a disposition to act for their well-being and (...)
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    Philosophy, rhetoric, and the end of knowledge: a new beginning for science and technology studies.Steve Fuller - 2004 - Mahwah, N.J.: Lawerence Erlbaum. Edited by James H. Collier.
    This volume explores Science & Technology Studies (STS) and its role in redrawing disciplinary boundaries. For scholars/grad students in rhetoric of science, science studies, philosophy & comm, English, sociology & knowledge mgmt.
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    Reconciling reinforcement learning models with behavioral extinction and renewal: Implications for addiction, relapse, and problem gambling.A. David Redish, Steve Jensen, Adam Johnson & Zeb Kurth-Nelson - 2007 - Psychological Review 114 (3):784-805.
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  5. Structuralism, Invariance, and Univalence.Steve Awodey - 2014 - Philosophia Mathematica 22 (1):1-11.
    The recent discovery of an interpretation of constructive type theory into abstract homotopy theory suggests a new approach to the foundations of mathematics with intrinsic geometric content and a computational implementation. Voevodsky has proposed such a program, including a new axiom with both geometric and logical significance: the Univalence Axiom. It captures the familiar aspect of informal mathematical practice according to which one can identify isomorphic objects. While it is incompatible with conventional foundations, it is a powerful addition to homotopy (...)
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  6. Vitamin C and Cancer: Medicine or Politics.Evelleen Richards & Steve Sturdy - 1994 - Annals of Science 51 (3):325-326.
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    Is history and philosophy of science withering on the Vine?Steve Fuller - 1991 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 21 (2):149-174.
    Nearly thirty years after the first stirrings of the Kuhnian revolution, history and philosophy of science continues to galvanize methodological discussions in all corners of the academy except its own. Evidence for this domestic stagnation appears in Warren Schmaus's thoughtful review of Social Epistemology in which Schmaus takes for granted that history of science is the ultimate court of appeal for disputes between philosophers and sociologists. As against this, this essay argues that such disputes may be better treated by experimental (...)
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    Stigma and Self-Stigma in Addiction.Steve Matthews, Robyn Dwyer & Anke Snoek - 2017 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 14 (2):275-286.
    Addictions are commonly accompanied by a sense of shame or self-stigmatization. Self-stigmatization results from public stigmatization in a process leading to the internalization of the social opprobrium attaching to the negative stereotypes associated with addiction. We offer an account of how this process works in terms of a range of looping effects, and this leads to our main claim that for a significant range of cases public stigma figures in the social construction of addiction. This rests on a social constructivist (...)
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  9. Folk psychology and tacit theories : A correspondence between Frank Jackson and Steve Stich and kelby Mason.Frank Jackson, Kelby Mason & Steve Stich - 2008 - In David Braddon-Mitchell & Robert Nola (eds.), Conceptual Analysis and Philosophical Naturalism. Bradford. pp. 99--112.
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    The sanctity of life as a sacred value.Steve Clarke - 2023 - Bioethics 37 (1):32-39.
    The doctrine of the sanctity of life has traditionally been characterised as a Judeo‐Christian doctrine that has it that bodily human life is an intrinsic good and that it is always impermissible to kill an innocent human. Abortion and euthanasia are often assumed to violate the doctrine. The doctrine is usually understood as being derived from religious dogma and, as such, not amenable to debate. I show that this characterisation of the doctrine is problematic in a number of ways, and (...)
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    Chronic Automaticity in Addiction: Why Extreme Addiction is a Disorder.Steve Matthews - 2017 - Neuroethics 10 (1):199-209.
    Marc Lewis argues that addiction is not a disease, it is instead a dysfunctional outcome of what plastic brains ordinarily do, given the adaptive processes of learning and development within environments where people are seeking happiness, or relief, or escape. They come to obsessively desire substances or activities that they believe will deliver happiness and so on, but this comes to corrupt the normal process of development when it escalates beyond a point of functionality. Such ‘deep learning’ emerges from consumptive (...)
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  12.  41
    Discussion note: Is there philosophical life after Kuhn?Steve Fuller - 2001 - Philosophy of Science 68 (4):565-572.
  13.  14
    Sacred space: interdisciplinary perspectives within contemporary contexts.Steve Brie, Jenny Daggers & David Torevell (eds.) - 2009 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    The identification and positioning of sacred space within contemporary contexts has, to date, received scant attention. In reflecting upon a broad spectrum of conceptions of what constitutes sacred space, this collection of interdisciplinary essays presents a new perspective on an area that is developing into an important theological and philosophical concept.
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    Looking outward or looking inward? Obligations scholarship in the early 21st cnetury.Steve Hedley - 2009 - In Andrew Robertson & Hang Wu Tang (eds.), The goals of private law. Portland, Or.: Hart. pp. 193.
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  15. Personal identity, multiple personality disorder, and moral personhood.Steve Matthews - 1998 - Philosophical Psychology 11 (1):67-88.
    Marya Schechtman argues that psychological continuity accounts of personal identity, as represented by Derek Parfit's account, fail to escape the circularity objection. She claims that Parfit's deployment of quasi-memory (and other quasi-psychological) states to escape circularity implicitly commit us to an implausible view of human psychology. Schechtman suggests that what is lacking here is a coherence condition, and that this is something essential in any account of personal identity. In response to this I argue first that circularity may be escaped (...)
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    Heeding Grammar and Language-games: Continuing Conversations with Wittgenstein and Roth.Sam Gardner & Steve Alsop - 2020 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 21 (1):34-48.
    This paper continues a conversation about Wittgenstein’s picture of language and meaning and its potential applications for educational theorising. It takes the form of a response to Wolff-Michael Roth’s earlier paper “Heeding Wittgenstein on “understanding” and “meaning”: A pragmatist and concrete human psychological approach in/for education,” in which Roth problematizes the use of the terms “understanding” and “meaning” in education discourse and proposes their abandonment. Whilst we agree with Roth about a series of central points, at the same time we (...)
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  17. Informed Consent and Clinical Accountability: The Ethics of Auditing and Reporting Surgeon Performance.Yujin Nagasawa & Steve Clarke Justin Oakley (eds.) - 2007 - Cambridge University Press.
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    A cubical model of homotopy type theory.Steve Awodey - 2018 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 169 (12):1270-1294.
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    General strain theory of Internet addiction and deviant behaviour in social networking sites.A. R. Mubarak & Steve Quinn - 2019 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 17 (1):61-71.
    Purpose This study aims to explore the association between internet addiction and problem behaviours on social networking sites using the general strain theory. Design/methodology/approach Using the purposive sampling method, a survey was conducted, which collected data from 414 college students studying in two public universities in South Australia. The Delphi method was used to develop the questionnaire used for the survey. Findings 'Results of this research indicated a significant association between internet addiction and problem behaviours on SNS. Respondents who had (...)
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  20. Influences of attitude toward science, achievement motivation, and science self concept on achievement in science: A longitudinal study.J. Steve Oliver & Ronald D. Simpson - 1988 - Science Education 72 (2):143-155.
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    Response to Open Peer Commentaries on “Expanding Access to Testicular Tissue Cryopreservation: An Analysis by Analogy”.Tuua Ruutiainen, Steve Miller, Arthur Caplan & Jill P. Ginsberg - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (5):W9-W9.
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  22. Analysis, schmanalysis.Steve Petersen - 2008 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 38 (2):pp. 289-299.
    In Naming and Necessity, Saul Kripke employs a handy philosophical trick: he invents the term ‘schmidentity’ to argue indirectly for his favored account of identity. Kripke says in a footnote that he wishes someday “to elaborate on the utility of this device”. In this paper, I first take up a general elaboration on his behalf. I then apply the trick to support an attractive but somewhat unorthodox picture of conceptual analysis—one according to which it is a process of forming intentions (...)
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    The lies remain the same: A reply to Chalmers.Steve Clarke - 1995 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 73 (1):152 – 155.
    In her 1983 work How the Laws of Phyiscs Lie [1] Nancy Cartwright argued for antirealism about fundamental laws alongside realism about phenomenological laws. Her position was considerably altered by 1989 when, in Nature's Capacities and Their Measurement [2], she argued for a realist construal of capacities (close relations of Powers, natures, tendencies, propensities and disptısitions), which she took fundamental laws to be about. Most realists about capaeities, and their ilk, are realist about fundamental laws as well. However this is (...)
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    The weak square property.Steve Jackson - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (2):640-657.
    We formulate and prove a combinatorial property assuming AD + V = L(R). As a consequence, we show that every regular κ which is either a Suslin cardinal or the successor of a Suslin cardinal is δ 2 1 -supercompact. In particular, all the projective ordinals δ 1 n are δ 2 1 -supercompact.
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    The dialectic of politics and science from a post-truth standpoint.Steve Fuller - 2018 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 55 (2):59-74.
    This chapter takes off from Max Weber’s famous lectures on poli­tics and science as ‘vocations’ to explore the concept of ‘modal power’, that is, the power to determine what is possible. Politics and science are complementarily concerned with modal power, in ways that go to the heart of Michael Dummett’s influential metaphysical characterisation of the antirealism/realism distinc­tion, which the chapter pursues across several philosophical fields, including logic, epistemology, jurisprudence and finally historiog­raphy. The chapter adopts a ‘post-truth’ perspective in the sense (...)
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  26.  22
    The Trial of Socrates That Never Ends: An Introduction to the Socrates Tenured Symposium.Steve Fuller - 2017 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 48 (1):33-39.
    This introduction to the Socrates Tenured symposium reflects on the history of philosophy’s institutionalization as a specialized academic discipline, noting its relative recency in the English-speaking world. Despite occasionally paying lip service to its German idealist origins, philosophy in the United States is best understood as an extension of the Neo-Kantian world-view which came to dominate German academic life after Hegel’s death. Socrates Tenured aims to buck this trend toward philosophy’s academic specialization by a strategy that bears interesting comparison with (...)
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    Responsibility and Atonement.Steve L. Porter - 2000 - Philosophia Christi 2 (2):339-342.
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    Knowledge of God.Steve Schley - 2010 - Philosophia Christi 12 (1):223-227.
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    The Oxford Illustrated History of Western Philosophy.Steve Wilkens - 2003 - Philosophia Christi 5 (1):271-275.
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  30. Naturalism is (literally) self-explanatory.Steve Petersen - manuscript
    Methodological naturalism states (roughly speaking) that only science can be a route to knowledge. This purported piece of knowledge looks self-condemning, however; after all, it was formulated in the armchair, and not in the laboratory. I argue that on a popular (if largely unarticulated) construal of naturalism as inference to the best explanation, methodological naturalism escapes this charge of internal incoherence, and in fact is self-endorsing rather than self-condemning.
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    A neural network for creative serial order cognitive behavior.Steve Donaldson - 2008 - Minds and Machines 18 (1):53-91.
    If artificial neural networks are ever to form the foundation for higher level cognitive behaviors in machines or to realize their full potential as explanatory devices for human cognition, they must show signs of autonomy, multifunction operation, and intersystem integration that are absent in most existing models. This model begins to address these issues by integrating predictive learning, sequence interleaving, and sequence creation components to simulate a spectrum of higher-order cognitive behaviors which have eluded the grasp of simpler systems. Its (...)
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  32.  63
    Introduction to social epistemology in japan.Steve Fuller - 1999 - Social Epistemology 13 (3 & 4):241 – 242.
  33.  38
    Relativistic implications of a natural-language-based format for thought.Steve Henser - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (6):688-689.
    I will argue (contra Carruthers) that accepting natural language as the format of many of our thoughts should entail accepting a version of Whorfian relativism and that, rather than something to be avoided, evidence from bilingual cognition suggests that incorporating this idea into future research would yield further insights into the cognitive functions of natural language.
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    Consciousness and numerical identity.Steve F. Sapontzis - 1979 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 17 (1):107-117.
    This article criticizes the thesis, Suggested by wittgenstein and elaborated and defended by malcolm and others, That the concepts of numerical identity and difference do not apply to pains, Afterimages, Sudden thoughts, And other contents of consciousness. I argue that the arguments offered in support of this thesis cannot account for much of our common practice and language concerning these contents while acknowledging that these categories apply to these contents can account for these practices and language as well as for (...)
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    Subj: Determinism/Becoming.Steve Savitt - manuscript
    In response to the discussion of the "now" in PSYCHE - D, I sent a message (in 1996) to be posted, which the moderator killed. I think he (probably correctly) thinks the discussion is getting off topics appropriate for his list. At any rate, I wished to put a question to you (Henry Stapp) that you might (or might not) wish to address off list.
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    Rousseau, Cronon, and the Wilderness Idea.Steve Vanderheiden - 2002 - Environmental Ethics 24 (2):169-188.
    William Cronon has recently argued that the current debate concerning justifications for protecting wilderness relies upon conceptions of natural value premised upon a nature/society dualism that originated in older nature writing but which still animates contemporary thinking. This dualism, he argues, prevents adequate realization of the human and social places in nature, and is ultimately counterproductiveto the task of articulating the proper relationship between humans and the natural world. While the origin of one of these conceptions of natural value (the (...)
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    The cofinality of the random graph.Steve Warner - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (3):1439-1446.
    We show that under Martin's Axiom, the cofinality cf(Aut(Γ)) of the automorphism group of the random graph Γ is 2 ω.
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    Bibliophile. [REVIEW]Lyn May & Steve Deery - 2000 - The Philosophers' Magazine 12:59-59.
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    Book reviews. [REVIEW]Steve Giles - 1987 - British Journal of Aesthetics 27 (4):279-280.
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  40. Review: Guyer (ed & tr), Bowman (tr), & Rauscher (tr), Notes and Fragments. [REVIEW]Steve Naragon - 2006 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2006 (1).
  41.  19
    A New Start For The Humanities Is Required For The 21st Century: A Debate Among Steve Fuller, Ronald Schleifer And Robert Markley.Steve Fuller, Ronald Schleifer & Robert Markley - 2009 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 44 (1):109-122.
  42.  52
    Nietzsche and Heraclitus.Stephen A. Nimis & Jackson P. Hershbell - 1979 - Nietzsche Studien 8 (1):17-38.
  43.  67
    The sociology of intellectual life: the career of the mind in and around the academy.Steve Fuller - 2009 - London: SAGE.
    The Sociology of Intellectual Life outlines a social theory of knowledge for the 21st century. Steve Fuller deals directly with a world in which it is no longer taken for granted that universities and academics are the best places and people to embody the life of the mind. While Fuller defends academic privilege, he takes very seriously the historic divergences between academics and intellectuals, attending especially to the different features of knowledge production that they value."--BOOK JACKET.
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    Thomas Kuhn: A Philosophical History for Our Times.Steve Fuller - 2000 - University of Chicago Press.
    This work discusses whether Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions was revolutionary. Steve Fuller argues that Kuhn held a profoundly conservative view of science and how one ought to study its history.
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  45. What Can the Capabilities Approach Learn from an Ubuntu Ethic? A Relational Approach to Development Theory.Nimi Hoffmann & Thaddeus Metz - 2017 - World Development 97 (September):153–164.
    Over the last two decades, the capabilities approach has become an increasingly influential theory of development. It conceptualises human wellbeing in terms of an individual's ability to achieve functionings we have reason to value. In contrast, the African ethic of ubuntu views human flourishing as the propensity to pursue relations of fellowship with others, such that relationships have fundamental value. These two theoretical perspectives seem to be in tension with each other; while the capabilities approach focuses on individuals as the (...)
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    Miʻmār al-fikr al-Muʻtazilī: qirāʼh fī tārīkh al-iʻtizāl mundhu tafattuḥihi ḥattá inṭifāʼihi = Architecture of the Muʻtazili thought: reading in the history of the Muʻtazilism from start to extinction.Saʻīd Ghānimī - 2021 - Bayrūt: Dār al-Rāfidayn.
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    An Introduction to Daoist Philosophies.Steve Coutinho - 2013 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Steve Coutinho explores in detail the fundamental concepts of Daoist thought as represented in three early texts: the _Laozi_, the _Zhuangzi_, and the _Liezi_. Readers interested in philosophy yet unfamiliar with Daoism will gain a comprehensive understanding of these works from this analysis, and readers fascinated by ancient China who also wish to grasp its philosophical foundations will appreciate the clarity and depth of Coutinho's explanations. Coutinho writes a volume for all readers, whether or not they have a background (...)
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    The split economy: Saint Paul goes to Wall Street.Nimi Wariboko - 2020 - Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
    Starting with Marx and Freud, scholars have attempted to identify the primary ethical challenge of capitalism. They have named injustice, inequality, repression, exploitative empires, and capitalism psychic hold over all of us, among other else. Nimi Wariboko instead argues that the core ethical problem of capitalism lies in the split nature of the modern economy, an economy divided against itself. Production is set against finance, consumption against saving, and the future against the present. As the rich enjoy their lifestyle, their (...)
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    Philosophy of science and its discontents.Steve Fuller - 1989 - Boulder: Westview Press.
    The most important and exciting recent development in the philosophy of science is its merging with the sociology of scientific knowledge. Here is the first text book to make this development available.
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  50. Social Epistemology.Steve Fuller - 1990 - Erkenntnis 33 (1):131-135.
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