Results for 'Stimmung'

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  1. Stimmung: From Mood to Atmosphere.Angelika Krebs - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (4):1419-1436.
    Unlike human beings, landscapes, cities and buildings cannot feel anything in the literal sense. They do not have nervous systems. Nevertheless, we attribute “Stimmungen” such as peacefulness and melancholy to them. On what basis? With what right? And why does it matter anyway? This paper attempts an answer to this bunch of questions. The first section clarifies the concept of “Stimmung,” by distinguishing its three major meanings, namely harmony, mood and atmosphere. Section two discusses various models of how “ (...)” is infused into our natural and artificial environment. Section three lists several ways of how we experience atmosphere, preparing the ground for the specifically aesthetic claim in section four: how, when we experience atmosphere aesthetically, we respond to it by resonating or feeling at home. (shrink)
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    Stimmung e trascendenza. Il ruolo del pathos in Martin Heidegger.Elisa Zocchi - 2017 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 8 (1):47-60.
    This paper aims to investigate the significance of mood for a philosophical approach to emotion. Are moods problematic because they constrain us in an affective cage? Or do they rather give us access to the world? The starting point for this investigation is the work of Martin Heidegger: I analyze what he defines as vorweltlich arguing that this term refers to the emotional dimension of human existence, in particular, to mood, or, in Heideggerian terms, Stimmung. Human existence is not (...)
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    Stimmung/Nastrój as Content of Modern Science: On Musical Metaphors in Ludwik Fleck’s Theory of Thought Styles and Thought Collectives.Paweł Jarnicki - 2022 - Foundations of Science 27 (3):1207-1228.
    Thought style and thought collective are two well-known concepts from Ludwik Fleck’s theory of science, which he originally formulated in Polish and German. This paper contends that these two concepts cannot be fully understood without a third—Stimmung/nastrój, which is one of the musical metaphors that play an important role in Fleck’s thinking. Because it is most often translated into English as “mood”, Fleck’s musical metaphors are mostly lost in translation, appearing as mere rhetoric. Only if and when we understand (...)
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    Stimmung, Leib, Sprache: eine Konfiguration in der Wiener Moderne.Anna-Katharina Gisbertz - 2009 - München: Wilhelm Fink.
    Stimmungen bilden in der Wiener Moderne einen experimentellen Zugang zur Ich-Welt-Einheit. Sie führen Leib, Sprache und physikalische Welt in einen Zusammenhang, der sich jedoch begrifflichem Erfassen entzieht. So ist die Einheit, die Stimmungen vermitteln, paradoxerweise nur mehrdeutig sagbar. Sie drückt sich als eine bewegte Konfiguration aus Stimmung, Leib und Sprache in Texten der Wiener Moderne aus. Gisbertz' Studie fokussiert auf gemeinsame Strukturen und Funktionen von >StimmungStimmungStimmung.
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    The Mania and Stimmung: On the phenomenological differences of the perception of mania and their transformations.Renata Bazzo & Christian Ingo Lenz Dunker - 2020 - Phenomenology and Mind 18:242-248.
    Epidemiological studies of the last decade have shown a low prevalence of hypomania and bipolar I disorder in Western societies while pointing to a prevalence of unipolar mania in non-Western societies. This work seeks to investigate the explanatory role of the Stimmung concept to understand these differences, as much as the increase in the number of cases of mania in the West in the last two decades. It attempts to explore the relationship between the phenomenology of hypomania and its (...)
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  6. Stimmung : exploring the aesthetics of mood.Robert Sinnerbrink - unknown
    Few cinephiles would deny the importance of mood in film, yet the aesthetics of mood are curiously overlooked today. On the one hand, mood is an essential dimension of cinema: we define certain genres, for example, by suggesting the moods they evoke. On the other hand, words frequently fail us when we try to articulate such moods in a more abstract or analytical vein. I offer in this essay some critical reflections on the significance of mood, suggesting that mood works (...)
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    Stimmung, Emotion,Atmosphäre: phänomenologische Untersuchungen zur Struktur der menschlichen Affektivität.Thomas Bulka - 2015 - Münster: Mentis.
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    Sobre a Stimmung: biranismo e fenomenologia.Luís António Umbelino - 2009 - Arbor 185 (736):437-448.
    Marc Richir ha mostrado en obras recientes la importancia de un análisis fenomenológico de las relaciones complejas entre fantasía, imaginación y afectividad, a fin de descifrar nuestra “demasiado humana” naturaleza. La terra incognita que se deja contemplar desde tal encrucijada de conceptos es difícil de analizar y plantea el reto de comprender que no podemos “medir” nuestra “condición humana” sin tomar en consideración las dimensiones imaginativas y afectivas, las fronteras de la razón, los puntales de la institución simbólica, la presencia (...)
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    Stimmung.Ilit Ferber - 2015 - In Andrew E. Benjamin & Dimitris Vardoulakis (eds.), Sparks Will Fly: Benjamin and Heidegger. Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 67-93.
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  10. Die Stimmung der Jetztzeit zwischen Gottessehnsucht und Systemfatalismus.Heinz Bude - 2017 - In Konrad Paul Liessmann (ed.), Über Gott und die Welt: Philosophieren in unruhiger Zeit. Wien: Paul Zsolnay Verlag.
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  11. Stimmung und Transzendenz: Die Antizipation der existenzialanalytischen Stimmungsproblematik bei Ignatius von Loyola.R. G. DE MENDOZA - 1970
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    Stimmung and einfühlung: Hydraulic model and analogic model in the theories of empathy.Andrea Pinotti - 1998 - Axiomathes 9 (1-2):253-264.
    This synthetic survey of the models on which theEinflihlungstheorie is based has showed the deficiency of a pattern and the oscillation of a distinction.The hydraulic model, which following a radical subjectivism is specified as a projection or transfer of pathemic contents from the subject into the object, experiences a crisis if confronted with the rights of the object, which claims to be empathized in this way or in that way. Such a claim induces to recognize a character proper to the (...)
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    Die Stimmung der Tatkraft und ihr Denken: Pragmatismus als eine Philosophie des Fühlens.Richard Shusterman - 2013 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 61 (5-6):643-664.
    Pragmatism is usually understood as a philosophy defined through action, but philosophical thought is typically contrasted with action. Where do we get the psychic energy for action, if thought is not its effective motor? Affect is the pragmatist answer proposed here. Our passionate nature, our feelings, emotions, or mood provide the dynamic trigger for action, including the action involved in cognition and inquiry. This paper explores the crucial, multiple cognitive roles that affect plays in pragmatism’s three founding fathers, Charles Sanders (...)
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    Stimmung in der Malerei. Zu einigen Bildern Georges Seurats.Bernhard Stumpfhaus & Klaus Herding - 2004 - In Bernhard Stumpfhaus & Klaus Herding (eds.), Pathos, Affekt, Gefühl: Die Emotionen in den Künsten. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Die „Stimmung“ im Spannungsfeld zwischen Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften: Ein Blick auf deren Trennungsgeschichte aus der Perspektive einer Denkfigur.Caroline Welsh - 2009 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 17 (2):135-169.
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    As Noções de Stimmung em uma Série Histórica: entre Disposição e Atmosfera.Arlenice Almeida da Silva - 2016 - Trans/Form/Ação 39 (s1):53-74.
    RESUMO: A relação entre arte e filosofia é examinada com base na noção de Stimmung, que surge no século XVIII, na teoria musical, como relação de proporção entre tons ou instrumentos, sendo, em seguida, transposta para a estética, no final do século, com Kant e Fichte. Em Kant, a Stimmung refere-se à disposição das faculdades de conhecimento para um conhecimento em geral, isto é, como o pressuposto da apresentação estética, por meio da qual se preserva a noção de (...)
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    Fenomenología y psiquiatría: de una división interna a la Stimmung.Marc Richir & Jeison Andrés Suárez-Astaiza - 2020 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 95:17-48.
    Se abordan aquí algunas dificultades de la ‘psiquiatría fenomenológica’ directamente en relación con la aprehensión de las patologías ‘psíquicas’ o ‘mentales’ dentro de un modelo de ‘normalidad’ derivado de la psicología del siglo XIX de inspiración filosófica. Desde el concepto de ‘sospecha’ freudiano, los estudios de las patologías mentales de Binswanger, los análisis de algunos problemas nucleares sobre la síntesis pasiva husserliana, Richir pretende explorar una nueva ‘vía’, más allá de los límites de la psiquiatría fenomenológica, que incluya, de manera (...)
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    Classical and Christian Ideas of World Harmony: Prolegomena to an Interpretation of the Word Stimmung.Leo Spitzer - 2021 - Johns Hopkins University Press.
    This uniquely fascinating volume is not merely a learned treatise in historical semantics; it is itself a stupendous display of world harmony as a creed-a vivid demonstration that "all is all.".
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    Le primat de la Stimmung sur la corporéité du Dasein.Michel Haar - 1986 - Heidegger Studies 2:67-80.
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    Stimmung und Transzendenz. [REVIEW]D. C. J. - 1972 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (4):748-749.
    In Being and Time and What is Metaphysics? Heidegger made a revolutionary use of the "mood". He said that the mood, and in particular the mood of Anxiety, had ontological significance. Not only is the mood nothing merely "subjective," but it has significance for the understanding of universal being itself. Anxiety is a "moodful experience of Being," a mood in which not one thing or a few things, but the very Being of beings itself, is illuminated and brought into view (...)
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    Die harmonische Stimmung aufgeklärter Bürger. Zum Verhältnis von Politik und ästhetik in Immanuel Kants Kritik der Urteilskraft.Markus Arnold - 2003 - Kant Studien 94 (1):24-50.
    Although Kant had to write his Critique of Judgement with an eye to the Prussian censorship, he nevertheless valued in his aesthetic theory the achievements of the French Revolution. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to analyze the underlying political philosophy of Immanuel Kant's third Critique in the context of the aesthetic theories of his time. The paper presents a brief account of his aesthetic theory (especially of his concepts of "harmony" and "free interplay" between the cognitive faculties) and (...)
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    „Gerichtetes Wahrnehmen“, „Stimmung“, „soziale Verstärkung“: Zur historischen Semantik einiger Grundbegriffe der Lehre vom Denkstil und Denkkollektiv.Julian Bauer - 2014 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 22 (1-2):87-109.
    This article analyses three basic concepts of Ludwik Fleck’s Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact. It shows first that Fleck’s notion of „directed perception“ is closely linked to Jakob von Uexküll’s writings on the „Umwelt“ of animals and humans. The article then proposes to regard the epistemological debates surrounding parapsychology as an important testing ground for the Fleckian concept of „mood“ and his concomitant hypotheses about „the tenacity of systems of opinion and the harmony of illusions“. It finally argues (...)
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  23. Sobre la noción de Stimmung en M. Heidegger.Pilar Gilardi - 2007 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 39 (118):41-48.
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  24. Langeweile: Zur Metaphysik einer Stimmung.Jurgen Grosharpe - 2006 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 32 (1):11-39.
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    Zweites Kapitel. Gemüth, Gefühl, Stimmung.Friedrich Wilhelm Tittmann - 1841 - In Über Die Schönheit Und Die Kunst. De Gruyter. pp. 194-208.
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    Atmosphäre und Stimmung.Frederik Wellmann - 2017 - In Pablo Schneider & Marion Lauschke (eds.), 23 Manifeste Zu Bildakt Und Verkörperung. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 19-24.
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    Il volto delle cose «physiognomie», «stimmung» e «atmosphäre» nella teoria del cinema di Béla Balázs.Antonio Somaini - 2006 - Rivista di Estetica 33 (33):143-162.
    Recensendo nel 1923 il film Phantom di Murnau (1922), Balazs lo descrive come «un buon film tedesco»: tedesco non a causa del luogo in cui è stato prodotto ma del suo «stile» particolare, caratterizzato dal tentativo di «spiritualizzare la tecnica cinematografica». Questa possibilità di conciliare spirito e tecnica si fonda, secondo Balazs, sulla capacità del film di captare fotograficamente la Stimmung - termine intraducibile, che renderemo a volte con ‘tonalità affettiva’, ‘situazione’ o ‘a...
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    La gratitude peut-elle être une Stimmung?Romano Claude - 2020 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 8 (2):97-117.
    The aim of this paper is to discuss the phenomenological nature of gratitude. Nevertheless, gratitude would be an affective response triggered by a certain action or object, it has to be considered not properly “intentional” as it seems to be rather a Stimmung. Accordingly, I distinguish two accounts of gratitude and then, I argue that it may be considered a mood only if it is addressed toward the life itself in a way that allows to cover the entire phenomena (...)
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    Moods as Groundlessness of the Human Experience. Heidegger and Wittgenstein on Stimmung.Lucilla Guidi - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (4):1599-1611.
    The paper analyzes the ontological meaning of mood in Heidegger’s conception of Attunement, in order to relate this notion of Stimmung specifically to our “attunement” to a form of life, as conceived in Wittgenstein’s philosophy of language. It claims that moods spell out the constitutive impossibility to grasp and found the human experience as such. However, this impossibility is not a lack of human knowledge, but rather corresponds to the necessary opacity, indeterminability and groundlessness of every human experience, which (...)
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    Essay: The kunstwollen of the scientific era and Alois riegl’s stimmung.Konstantinos Vassiliou - 2018 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 27 (55-56):65-81.
    Alois Riegl’s essay “Die Stimmung als Inhalt der modernen Kunst” has been one of art historiography’s early attempts to bridge art and science. In this text, Riegl not only presents the background of some of his theoretical and methodological premises but he also provides an overarching argument for the way natural sciences af- fect modern spectatorship. In this way, he establishes the basis of a Kunstwollen for the ‘age of the natural sciences’ and describes its appropriate artistic traits. Addressing (...)
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    Beyond Mood and Atmosphere: a Conceptual History of the Term Stimmung.Gerhard Thonhauser - 2020 - Philosophia 49 (3):1247-1265.
    The last few years have seen increasing research interest in moods and atmospheres. While this trend has been accompanied by growing interest in the history of the wordStimmungin other disciplines, this has not yet been the case within philosophy. Against this background, this paper offers a conceptual history of the wordStimmung, focusing on the period from Kant to Heidegger, as this period is, presumably, less known to researchers working with notions like mood, attunement or atmosphere today. Thus, considering this period (...)
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    The Passivity of Reason – On Heidegger's Concept of Stimmung.Hans Ruin - 2000 - SATS 1 (2):143-159.
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    Der Grundton aller unserer Gefühle. Schleiermachers Begriff der Stimmung.Peter Grove - 2017 - In Jörg Dierken & Arnulf Scheliha (eds.), Der Mensch Und Seine Seele: Bildung – Frömmigkeit – Ästhetik. Akten des Internationalen Kongresses der Schleiermacher-Gesellschaft in Münster, September 2015. De Gruyter. pp. 533-552.
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  34. Friedrich Schiller als Philosoph des Selbstbewufitseins und der Stimmung.Milan Sobotka - 1995 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 40.
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    Concordia discors: Ästhetiken der Stimmung zwischen Literaturen, Künsten und Wissenschaften.Hans-Georg von Arburg & Sergej Rickenbacher (eds.) - 2012 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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    Coloraciones emotivas y temples anímicos en los Estudios acerca de la estructura de la conciencia de Husserl.Antonio Zirión Quijano - 2019 - Isegoría 60:123-145.
    El ensayo explora las nociones de “coloración” (o “resplandor”, “luz” o “brillo”) afectiva o emocional, así como la noción de Stimmung (temple anímico o estado de ánimo), tal como son expuestas en los manuscritos que integran el proyecto que Husserl denominó Studien zur Struktur des Bewusstseins, con una mención previa de otros dos textos que preceden a los Studien: las “Notas sobre la doctrina de la atención y el interés” de 1893 o 1894 (en Husserliana XXXVIII) y un pasaje (...)
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    El paisaje natural y los jardines en la vida de las ciudades.Juan Carlos Mansur Garda - 2023 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 55 (154):158-186.
    El presente artículo es una reflexión sobre los paisajes naturales y los jardines como paisajes construidos, a fin de hacer comprensible su importancia en las ciudades, así como la necesidad de reincorporarlos a la vida citadina y al diseño urbano. Para ello, me he centrado en las consideraciones filosóficas de Simmel y Watsuji sobre el tema, con el propósito de mostrar que el encuentro poéti- co entre la naturaleza y su contemplador no sólo permite reconoce el carácter particular o (...) del paisaje natural con el cual nos vinculamos, sino que, al habitar poéticamente con la naturaleza, se manifiesta nuestro Kimochi, éste revela nuestro vínculo existencial e histórico con el clima y los eventos naturales, nos invita a desarrollar un lazo cultural existencial con los demás y con nosotros mismos. De ahí la necesidad de incorporar la naturaleza en las ciudades y apren- der a habitar poéticamente con ella. (shrink)
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    Being musically attuned: the act of listening to music.Erik Wallrup - 2015 - Ashgate Publishing Company : Burlington, VT, USA: Ashgate.
    Stimmung in music -- The philosophy of Stimmung -- Playing in between -- History -- Duration -- Aftersong.
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  39. Affectivity in Heidegger I: Moods and Emotions in Being and Time.Andreas Elpidorou & Lauren Freeman - 2015 - Philosophy Compass 10 (10):661-671.
    This essay provides an analysis of the role of affectivity in Martin Heidegger's writings from the mid to late 1920s. We begin by situating his account of mood within the context of his project of fundamental ontology in Being and Time. We then discuss the role of Befindlichkeit and Stimmung in his account of human existence, explicate the relationship between the former and the latter, and consider the ways in which the former discloses the world. To give a more (...)
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  40. Toward a Phenomenology of Mood.Lauren Freeman - 2014 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 52 (4):445-476.
    Martin Heidegger's account of attunement [Befindlichkeit] through mood [Stimmung] is unprecedented in the history of philosophy and groundbreaking vis-à-vis contemporary accounts of emotion. On his view, moods are not mere mental states that result from, arise out of, or are caused by our situation or context. Rather, moods are fundamental modes of existence that are disclosive of the way one is or finds oneself [sich befinden] in the world. Mood is one of the basic modes through which we experience (...)
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    The Atmosphere of a City.Hermann Schmitz - 2019 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 46:147-167.
    Dans cet article ici en traduction inédite, dont la première version allemande date de 2011, Hermann Schmitz s’interroge sur les éléments qui, se déployant dans l’interaction entre les édifices et la vie sensible et affective des habitants, constituent l’atmosphère d’une ville. Dans cette perspective, il met à contribution plusieurs grands concepts de sa philosophie (la « Nouvelle Phénoménologie » développée dès les années 1960), destinée à élucider l’expérience vécue involontaire : dynamique du corps de chair (Leib), suggestions de mouvements, caractères (...)
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    The wonder of being: Varieties of rationalism and its critique.Andrea Kern - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy 32 (3):937-948.
    In his book The Culmination, Pippin leaves no doubt that he still thinks that German Idealism has achieved a level of understanding and radicality that makes its proponents the best conversational partners to develop an understanding of what philosophy is about. It is the question of the very possibility of understanding that comes to be at the center of their writings and informs every page. Yet this radicality is now seen in a different light. It is now conceived as a (...)
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    The unconscious as sedimentation: threefold manifestations of the unconscious in consciousness.Joanne Chung-yan Wun - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-23.
    This article explores the notion of the unconscious (das Unbewusste) in terms of its nature and constitutive manifestations in consciousness. In contrast to the psychoanalytic formulation, the unconscious is conceptualized here distinctively as sedimentation (die Sedimentierung) within the Husserlian framework. All `experiences sediment and are “stored” in a darkened, affectless region of the psyche, which is nonetheless not in any sense separated from the sphere of consciousness. Rather, the sedimented experiences move dynamically between the unconscious and consciousness, constantly affecting and (...)
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  44. The Nature of Stimmungen.Otto Friedrich Bollnow - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (4):1399-1418.
    This essay comprises two chapters from the first part of Bollnow’s book on moods, namely the second chapter on the concept of Stimmung and the third chapter on Stimmungen as the sustaining foundation of the soul. It argues that moods constitute the simplest and most original form in which human life comes to know itself. Moods are understood as a specific harmony between, first, the inner and outer world; second, the states of the body and the soul; and, third, (...)
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    Vom Lebenswege, Gesammelte Vorträge und Aufsätze (Classic Reprint).Friedrich Jodl - 2016 - Forgotten Books.
    Excerpt from Vom Lebenswege, Gesammelte Vortrage und Aufsatze "Ich habe Gedanken fur manche Menschen an allen Enden meines Weges verstreut. Etwas wird aus allem und jedem; was, - das kummert mich nicht. Aueh in den Waldern fallen die Blatter ungezahlt zu Boden; wer fragt naeh ihnen und hebt sie auf? Aber die Wurzeln der Baume, die sie schutzend deeken, wissen von ihnen und wachsen auf zu hohen Kronen, die uber alles Land ihre Bluten schutten." Villers. Dem Motto, das Friedrich Jodl (...)
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  46. Il corpo affettivo. L’esperienza sonora nella costituzione della persona.Elia Gonnella - 2022 - InCircolo - Rivista di Filosofia E Culture 14:175-197.
    Listening is not an incorporeal experience; we do not listen with our non-extended minds. We listen with all our body, and music can change completely our personal structure. It is through sound experience that we change and asset ourselves. Studies in the doctrine of affects often use sonorous metaphors and concepts such as Stimmung, resonance, consonance, that refer to sound experience. In this paper, I try first of all to show how listening is rooted in body experience. Then, I (...)
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    Der Spiritismus (Classic Reprint).Eduard Von Hartmann - 2018 - Forgotten Books.
    Excerpt from Der Spiritismus Man erkennt schon aus diesen vorausgeschickten Bemerkungen, dass man es bei dem Erscheinungsgebiet, auf welches der Spiritismus sich stutzt, mit wesentlich anderen Versuchsbedingungen zu thun hat, als bei Ex perimenten mit unorganischen Stoffen oder organischen Korpern. Nur ein kleiner Theil der mediumistischen Erscheinungen ist seiner Wirkung nach rein physikalisch; aber selbst dieser Theil ist seiner Entstehung nach an psychische Bedingungen, an Stimmung, Zuversicht, un gestorte Behaglichkeit des Mediums geknupft. Nun ist es ab er ganz ungerechtfertigt, (...)
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    From Categories to Existentialia: The Programmed Destruction of Philosophy.Emmanuel Faye - 2018 - Critical Horizons 19 (4):274-291.
    ABSTRACTThis essay tracks Heidegger’s thought from 1919 forwards to the decisive years of his political engagement, on behalf of the Nazi movement. Part 1 tracks how the question concerning Being devolves into the implicitly identitarian question of who “we” are. Part 2 addresses the “existential” of Befindlichkeit which Heidegger in Sein und Zeit positions as prior to understanding, and examines his esoteric mode of writing as the means to cultivate a prerational Stimmung. Part 3 examines Heidegger’s response to his (...)
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    Nietzsche and drawing near to the personalities of the pre-Platonic Greeks.Sean D. Kirkland - 2011 - Continental Philosophy Review 44 (4):417-437.
    This essay focuses on and attempts to uncover the truly radical character of Nietzsche’s early “philological” work, specifically asking after the benefit he claims the study of classical culture should have for our present, late-modern historical moment. Taking up his study of the Pre-Platonic thinkers in 1873’s Philosophie im tragischen Zeitalter der Griechen , the first section analyzes Nietzsche’s statement that history’s principle task is the uncovering of Persönlichkeiten . I argue that it is not at all the subjective character (...)
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  50. Neidüberwindung als Problem der philosophischen Lebenskunst.Ulrich Diehl - 2010 - In B. Harress (ed.), neid. Darstellung un Deutung in den Wissenschaften und Künsten.
    Der Neid wirft als Thema der philosophischen und psychologischen Reflexion eine ganze Reihe von Fragen auf, die theoretischer Natur sind. Dazu gehören die Frage nach der Analyse des alltagspsychologischen Neidbegriffes, die damit verbundene Frage nach der Abgrenzung des psychologischen Phänomens des Neides im Verhältnis zu verwandten Emotionen, wie z.B. Eifersucht, Habgier, Ehrgeiz, Wetteifer, Geiz, etc., die Frage nach dem Wesen des Neides als einem reflexartigen und unkontrollierbaren Affekt, als einer dauerhaften und unbewussten Stimmung, als einem momentanen, intentionalen und bewussten (...)
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