Results for 'Strategy History.'

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  1.  17
    (1 other version)Platonic interpretive strategies, and the history of philosophy, with a comment on Renaud.Debra Nails - 2016 - Plato Journal 16:109-122.
    François Renaud replies to the question of what principles one ought to employ in the study of Plato by arguing that, and demonstrating how, the argument and the drama operate together successfully in the Gorgias. In agreement with Renaud’s approach, I expose some historical roots with a review of Platonic interpretive strategies of the modern period in the context of history of philosophy more generally. I also try to show why argument and drama operate together, an insight I attribute to (...)
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  2. Strategies for Bridging the History Gap in British Primary Schools: Valuable Models for American History Reform.Victor D. Brooks - 1989 - Journal of Social Studies Research 13 (2):19-23.
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    History and Nature of Science in High School: Building Up Parameters to Guide Educational Materials and Strategies.Thaís Cyrino de Mello Forato, Roberto de Andrade Martins & Maurício Pietrocola - 2012 - Science & Education 21 (5):657-682.
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    Attachment and life history strategy.Aurelio José Figueredo, Jon A. Sefcek & Sally G. Olderbak - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (1):26-27.
    Del Giudice addresses a complex and pertinent theoretical issue: the evolutionary adaptiveness of sex differences in attachment styles in relation to life history strategy. Although we applaud Del Giudice for calling attention to the problem, we regret that he does not sufficiently specify how attachment styles serve as an integral part of a coordinate life history strategy for either sex.
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    Queer Strategies of Gay History: Boswell's "Weapons", Foucault's Expérience.François·E. Charmaille - 2020 - Diacritics 48 (4):102-121.
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    Assortative Pairing and Life History Strategy.Aurelio José Figueredo & Pedro S. A. Wolf - 2009 - Human Nature 20 (3):317-330.
    A secondary analysis was performed on preliminary data from an ongoing cross-cultural study on assortative pairing. Independently sampled pairs of opposite-sex romantic partners and of same-sex friends rated themselves and each other on Life History (LH) strategy and mate value. Data were collected in local bars, clubs, coffeehouses, and other public places from three different cultures: Tucson, Arizona; Hermosillo, Sonora; and San José, Costa Rica. The present analysis found that slow LH individuals assortatively pair with both sexual and social (...)
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    Synthesizing life history theory with sexual selection: Toward a comprehensive model of alternative reproductive strategies.Jenée James Jackson & Bruce J. Ellis - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (1):31-32.
    Del Giudice's model of sex-specific attachment patterns demonstrates the usefulness of infusing life history theory with principles of sexual selection. We believe a full synthesis between the two theories provides a foundation for a comprehensive model of alternative reproductive strategies. We extend Del Giudice's ideas based on our own program of research, focusing specifically on the importance of intrasexual competition and the individual phenotype during development.
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    Reviewing history in apocalyptic literature as ideological strategy.P. M. Venter - 2004 - HTS Theological Studies 60 (3).
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    Visualizing the World. Epistemic Strategies in the History of Scientific Illustrations.Victoria Höög - 2012 - Ideas in History. The Journal of the Nordic Society of the History of Ideas 5:2010-2011.
    The history of scientific illustrations is a story that correspond the cultural, economic, political and scientific history of the world. A look into the history of sciences displays that pictures and illustrations had a decisive role for the sciences progressive success and rising societal status from the sixteenth century. The illustrations visualized the unknown to graspable facts. Without the pictures the new discovered continents, the blood circulatory system and the body’s muscles had remained theoretical proclamations. The scientific discoveries became visible (...)
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    The History of Philosophy as Counter- History: Strategies of Philosophico- Historiographical Dissidence.Andreas Urs Sommer - 2015 - In Valentin Pluder & Gerald Hartung (eds.), From Hegel to Windelband: Historiography of Philosophy in the 19th Century. Boston: DE GRUYTER. pp. 159-180.
  11.  30
    The Time of History, the Time of Politics, the Time of Strategy.Stathis Kouvelakis - 2016 - Historical Materialism 24 (4):150-169.
    The theoretical problem Bensaïd tries to confront from the 1990s onwards is the problem of the categories that are necessary to account for the traumatically new experience of history opened up by the defeat of the revolutionary experiments of the twentieth century. Hence the necessity of new answers to these fundamental and inexhaustible questions: How are we to understand history in its relation to human practice and to politics? Can we talk of ‘necessity’ in history, of ‘laws of history’, of (...)
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    Reading History in a Revolutionary Age: Strategies for Interpreting 1688 in Richard Price, James Mackintosh, and Edmund Burke.Morgan Rooney - 2008 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 27:27.
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  13. History of Immunizations (n. 2); Peter C. English," Therapeutic strategies to combat pneumococcal disease: Repeated failure of physicians to adopt pneumococcal vaccine, 1900-1945,". [REVIEW]A. Parish - 1987 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 30:170-85.
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    Instructors’ Rationales and Strategies for Teaching History of Science in Preservice Settings.Noushin Nouri, William F. McComas & Gerardo J. Aponte-Martinez - 2019 - Science & Education 28 (3-5):367-389.
    This multiple-case study examined the rationales and instructional strategies for teaching history of science of 16 instructors of a history of science course for undergraduate preservice teachers in the USA. Based on instructor syllabi, instructional materials, and instructor interviews, we conducted single-case and cross-case analyses to identify why they teach HOS, how they teach HOS, and what possible relationships might underlie instructor rationales and their instructional strategy choices for teaching HOS. We found 10 rationales in three overarching categories and (...)
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  15.  28
    History of Natural History Timothy Lenoir, The strategy of life: teleology and mechanics in nineteenth century German biology. Dordrecht: D. Reidel, 1982. Pp. xii + 314. ISBN 90-277-1363-4. DFL 135.00, $59.00. [REVIEW]David Knight - 1984 - British Journal for the History of Science 17 (3):318-319.
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    Corporatising compassion? A contemporary history study of English NHS Trusts' nursing strategy documents.Sarah M. Ramsey, Jane Brooks, Michelle Briggs & Christine E. Hallett - 2022 - Nursing Inquiry 29 (4):e12486.
    The purpose of this contemporary history study is to analyse nursing strategy documents produced by NHS Trusts in England in the period 2009–2013, through a process of discourse analysis. In 2013 the Francis Report on the Mid-Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust was published. The Report highlighted the full range of organisational failures in a Trust that valued financial efficiency over patient care. The analysis that followed, however, dwelt heavily on the failings of the nurses. Nursing strategy documents at that (...)
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  17.  53
    Two Didactic Strategies at the End of Herodotus 'Histories(9.108–122)'.Christopher Welser - 2009 - Classical Antiquity 28 (2):359-385.
    Although most scholars now seem to agree that Herodotus was to some extent a didactic historian writing for the instruction of his readers, the systematic nature of his didacticism has perhaps not been fully appreciated. The Histories' concluding episodes reveal at least two didactic programs or strategies: first, the reader is to be trained in the application of Herodotean thinking to events subsequent to the period covered by the narrative; second, the reader is to be warned of the moral and (...)
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  18. Interactive Art: Aspects, Histories and Strategies.Ryszard W. Kluszczyński - 2008 - Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur les Arts 10:119-146.
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  19. An examination of fieldtrip strategies and their implementation within a natural history museum.James Kisiel - 2006 - Science Education 90 (3):434-452.
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    Effects of Harsh and Unpredictable Environments in Adolescence on Development of Life History Strategies.Barbara Hagenah Brumbach, Aurelio José Figueredo & Bruce J. Ellis - 2009 - Human Nature 20 (1):25-51.
    The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health data were used to test predictions from life history theory. We hypothesized that (1) in young adulthood an emerging life history strategy would exist as a common factor underlying many life history traits (e.g., health, relationship stability, economic success), (2) both environmental harshness and unpredictability would account for unique variance in expression of adolescent and young adult life history strategies, and (3) adolescent life history traits would predict young adult life history (...). These predictions were supported. The current findings suggest that the environmental parameters of harshness and unpredictability have concurrent effects on life history development in adolescence, as well as longitudinal effects into young adulthood. In addition, life history traits appear to be stable across developmental time from adolescence into young adulthood. (shrink)
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  21.  21
    Sex, aggression, and life history strategy.Aurelio Jose Figueredo, Paul Robert Gladden & Barbara Hagenah Brumbach - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (3-4):278-278.
    We agree that sexual selection is a more comprehensive explanation for sex differences in direct aggression than social role theory, which is an unparsimonious and vestigial remnant of human exceptionalism. Nevertheless, Archer misses several opportunities to put the theoretical predictions made by himself and by others into direct competition in a way that would further the interests of strong inference.
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  22. Connecting with history: Strategies for an inquiry classroom [Book Review].Deborah Simpson - 2013 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 48 (1):53.
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    Was Camillus Right? Roman History and Narratological Strategy in Livy 5.49.2.Ulrike Roth - 2020 - Classical Quarterly 70 (1):212-229.
    This article deals with one particular aspect of Livy's narrative of the Gallic Sack of Rome, told in Book 5, and traditionally placed in 390b.c.—namely the issue over the validity of the ransom agreement struck by the Romans with the Gauls. The broader context is well known—and needs only brief reiteration here. When the Gauls march on Rome, the Romans give battle at the river Allia, leading to a resounding Gallic victory. Most of the Romans flee the battlefield and then (...)
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    Storage of Carotenoids in Crustaceans as an Adaptation to Modulate Immunopathology and Optimize Immunological and Life‐History Strategies.Aurélie Babin, Jérôme Moreau & Yannick Moret - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (11):1800254.
    Why do some invertebrates store so much carotenoids in their tissues? Storage of carotenoids may not simply be passive and dependent on their environmental availability, as storage variation exists at various taxonomic scales, including among individuals within species. While the strong antioxidant and sometimes immune-stimulating properties of carotenoids may be beneficial enough to cause the evolution of features improving their assimilation and storage, they may also have fitness downsides explaining why massive carotenoid storage is not universal. Here, the functional and (...)
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    The Mediating Role of Chinese College Students’ Control Strategies: Belief in a Just World and Life History Strategy.Xuanxuan Lin, Rongzhao Wang, Tao Huang & Hua Gao - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:844510.
    The harshness and unpredictability of early life circumstances shape life history strategies for trade-offs between the resources devoted to somatic and reproductive efforts of individuals in the developmental process. This paper uses belief in a just world as a reflection of early environmental cues to predict an individual’s life history strategies. Research has found that belief in a just world influences life history strategies through a sense of control. However, the relationship between a sense of control and a life history (...)
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  26.  78
    In search of the chemical revolution: Interpretive strategies in the history of chemistry.John G. McEvoy - 2000 - Foundations of Chemistry 2 (1):47-73.
    In recent years the Chemical Revolution has become a renewed focus of interest among historians of science. This interest isshaped by interpretive strategies associated with the emergence anddevelopment of the discipline of the history of science. The disciplineoccupies a contested intellectual terrain formed in part by thedevelopment and cultural entanglements of science itself. Threestages in this development are analyzed in this paper. Theinterpretive strategies that characterized each stage are elucidatedand traced to the disciplinary interests that gave rise to them. Whilepositivists (...)
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  27. Structures and strategies of discourse: remarks towards a history of Foucault's philosophy of language.Arnold Davidson - 1997 - In Arnold Ira Davidson (ed.), Foucault and his interlocutors. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pp. 1--22.
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    The contribution of comparative research to the development and testing of life history models of human attachment and reproductive strategies.Dario Maestripieri - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (1):37-38.
    Research with nonhuman primates can make important contributions to life history models of human attachment and reproductive strategies, such as: including parental responsiveness into female reproductive strategies, testing the assumption that adult attachment is a reproductive adaptation, assessing genetic and environmental effects on attachment and reproduction, and investigating the mechanisms through which early stress results in accelerated reproductive maturation.
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    Debord, Time and History.Tom Bunyard - 2011 - Historical Materialism 19 (1):3-36.
    This essay reads Guy Debord's theoretical work through its primary philosophical and theoretical influences, and in doing so draws attention to his concerns with time and history. These concerns are used as a means of clarifying Debord's theory of 'spectacle' and of highlighting its virtues and failings. The essay uses Debord's remarks on subjectivity and temporality to pursue the theoretical dimensions of his interest in strategy, and thereby addresses his Hegelian Marxism via his comments on the relation between (...), history and dialectics. His concerns with temporality are however also shown to pertain to the theory of spectacle's shortcomings as an account of capitalist society. The essay thus attempts to draw out some of the more neglected foundational material upon which the theory of spectacle rests, contending that the former may be of greater contemporary interest than the latter. (shrink)
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  30. Book Review: Discursive Analytical Strategies: Understanding Foucault, Koselleck, Laclau, Luhmann, A Short History of Cultural Studies, Irony and Crisis: A Critical History of Postmodern Culture, Economy, Culture and Society: A Sociological Critique of Neo-liberalism. [REVIEW]Chamsy el-Ojeili - 2005 - Thesis Eleven 81 (1):103-109.
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    A strategy to what end? “The strategy of model building in population biology” in its programmatic context.Zvi Hasnes-Beninson - 2024 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 46 (4):1-33.
    “The Strategy of Model Building in Population Biology” published by Richard Levins in 1966 has been cited over 2500 times. For a paper concerned with modeling approaches in population biology a surprisingly large part of the attention. The Strategy received comes from history and philosophy of biology, and specifically from accounts on model and model formulation. The Strategy is an unusual paper; it presents neither new data nor a new formal model; at times it reads like a (...)
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    Ola Wolfhechel Jensen . Histories of Archaeological Practices: Reflections on Methods, Strategies, and Social Organisation in Past Fieldwork. 336 pp., illus., index. Stockholm: National Historical Museum, 2012. David L. Browman. Cultural Negotiations: The Role of Women in the Founding of Americanist Archaeology. ix + 354 pp., bibl., index. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2013. $65. [REVIEW]Conor Burns - 2015 - Isis 106 (1):162-163.
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    Evolution of strategies to stay in the game.Jukka Jokela & Erkki Haukioja - 2000 - Biology and Philosophy 15 (2):177-196.
    Life-history evolution is a complexprocess. Life-history theory covers the fundamentallevel of the process, the evolution of life-historytraits. Life-history traits interact; thosecoevolving as a response to the same selectionpressure form life-history tactics. Top level of thehierarchy, life-history strategy, is formed bygenetically interconnected tactics. Our aim is toexpand the traditional view to life-history evolutionby considering what boundary conditions a successfullife-history strategy has to fulfil. We claim thatthe most fundamental condition successful strategieshave to meet is to minimize the risk of evolutionaryfailure. (...)
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    Autoaesthetics: Strategies of the Self after Nietzsche.Stephen Barker - 1992 - Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press.
    Combining a Nietzschean framework with close attention to a wide range of carefully selected literary texts, Autoaesthetics presents a case for Nietzche's centrality in contemporary aesthetic and literary studies. Based on Nietzche's own practice of combining poetry and philosophy by transcending ressentiment and approaching life to its fullest, Autoaesthetics engages in a heated but intricate debate through and with Nietzche's re-articulation of the self as a strategic (and impossible) aesthetic creation." "Stephen Barker argues that all notions of self are aesthetic, (...)
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  35. Strategies in the interfield discovery of the mechanism of protein synthesis.Lindley Darden & Carl Craver - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 33 (1):1-28.
    In the 1950s and 1960s, an interfield interaction between molecular biologists and biochemists integrated important discoveries about the mechanism of protein synthesis. This extended discovery episode reveals two general reasoning strategies for eliminating gaps in descriptions of the productive continuity of mechanisms: schema instantiation and forward chaining/backtracking. Schema instantiation involves filling roles in an overall framework for the mechanism. Forward chaining and backtracking eliminate gaps using knowledge about types of entities and their activities. Attention to mechanisms highlights salient features of (...)
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  36.  11
    Cultural History and Postmodernity: Disciplinary Readings and Challenges.Mark Poster & Professor Mark Poster - 1997 - Columbia University Press.
    In a series of incisive readings of signature historical works, Mark Poster charts the move from social history to new practices of cultural history that are drawing strength from poststructuralist interpretive strategies and raising issues found in feminist and postcolonialist discourse. In the process, he sets forth an outline for a postmodern historiography that can negotiate the contested terrain between the ambiguities of discourse and the pull of the "real." As Poster provides close readings of leading historians and theorists such (...)
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  37. Adopting and Sustaining Use of New Teaching Strategies for American History in Secondary Classrooms.Rachel G. Ragland - 2007 - Journal of Social Studies Research 31 (2):43-60.
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    Mostly harmful: Strategies for spacefaring: Claude A. Piantadosi: Mankind beyond earth: The history, science, and future of human space exploration. New York: Columbia University Press, 2012, 336pp, $35.00, £24.00 HB. [REVIEW]Lisa Messeri - 2013 - Metascience 23 (2):331-333.
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    Parasite stress, ethnocentrism, and life history strategy.Aurelio José Figueredo, Paul Robert Gladden & Candace Jasmine Black - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (2):87-88.
    Fincher & Thornhill (F&T) present a compelling argument that parasite stress underlies certain cultural practices promoting assortative sociality. However, we suggest that the theoretical framework proposed is limited in several ways, and that life history theory provides a more explanatory and inclusive framework, making more specific predictions about the trade-offs faced by organisms in the allocation of bioenergetic and material resources.
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  40.  40
    Livelihood strategies and household resilience to food insecurity: insight from a farming community in Aguie district of Niger.Abdou Matsalabi Ado, Patrice Savadogo & Hamidou Taffa Abdoul-Azize - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (4):747-761.
    Niger is regularly affected by food insecurity, mainly due to the high sensitivity of its agricultural sector to climate variability. Despite the support from multiple development institutions and households’ willingness to address food security, hunger and malnutrition continue to challenge many vulnerable households. This study aims to analyze household livelihood strategies toward food security and assess factors determining their resilience. To address the issue, cluster analysis and the principal component analysis were used to identify the different livelihood strategies and to (...)
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  41.  29
    Does Reproduction Shorten Telomeres? Towards Integrating Individual Quality with Life‐History Strategies in Telomere Biology.Joanna Sudyka - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (11):1900095.
    Reproduction, a basic property of biological life, entails costs for an organism, ultimately detectable as reduction in survival prospects. Telomeres are an excellent candidate biomarker for explaining these reproductive costs, because their shortening correlates with increased mortality risk. For similar reasons, telomeres are perceived as biomarkers of individual “quality.” The relationship between reproduction and telomere dynamics is reviewed, emphasizing that cost and quality perspectives, commonly presented in isolation, should be integrated. While a majority of correlative studies have confirmed the relationship (...)
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  42.  29
    Parent and offspring strategies in the transition at adolescence.Michele K. Surbey - 1998 - Human Nature 9 (1):67-94.
    Adolescence signifies a transition from the use of prereproductive to reproductive strategies in the life history of Homo sapiens. Insofar as human generations overlap, events at adolescence, surrounding the onset of puberty, offer a unique glimpse into human adaptation from the point of view of the changing strategies of both parents and offspring. The timing of puberty is an important life history trait that varies between species, but also between and within the sexes in human beings. The onset of puberty (...)
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    Educational strategy to lessen risk factors in children with atopic dermatitis.Leydis Suárez Ramos, Omara León Gómez, Edilberto Francisco Sánchez Suárez & Esteban Florencio Bassols Viñas - 2017 - Humanidades Médicas 17 (2):270-290.
    Se presenta un artículo acerca de los factores de riesgo asociados a la dermatitis atópica en niños, enfermedad con una incidencia significativa en el municipio Nuevitas. A partir de la revisión de Historias Clínicas en los Consultorios 4,5 y 6 del territorio, en el período comprendido de enero a septiembre del 2015, se constató como importantes los factores genéticos y los medioambientales en estos pacientes. Con el objetivo de disminuir los últimos se elaboró una estrategia educativa para la familia de (...)
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    Modelling Strategies: Creating Autonomy for Biology's Theory of Games.Sergio Sismondo - 1997 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 19 (2):147 - 161.
    John Maynard Smith is the person most responsible for the use of game theory in evolutionary biology, having introduced and developed its major concepts, and later surveyed its uses. In this paper I look at some rhetorical work done by Maynard Smith and his co-author G.R. Price to make game theory a standard and common modelling tool for the evolutionary study of behavior. The original presentation of the ideas — in a 1973 Nature article — is frequently cited but almost (...)
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    Estrategias de Historia de Vida Life History Strategies.M. H. Badii, H. Rodríguez, E. Cerna, Y. Ochoa, J. Landeros & J. Valenzuela - 2013 - Daena 8 (1):94-102.
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    Strategies of valuation: repertoires of worth at the financial margins.Anya Degenshein - 2017 - Theory and Society 46 (5):387-409.
    This article draws upon thirteen months of ethnographic research in a Chicago pawnshop to show how prices of objects in pawnshops are actively, socially negotiated using what I term discursive strategies of valuation. Three kinds of discursive strategies of valuation emerge repeatedly in the data: a. references to the specific material attributes of the objects, b. references to the unique biographical histories of the objects, c. reference to the financial need and (relative) social positioning of the customer involved in the (...)
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  47. Einstein׳s physical strategy, energy conservation, symmetries, and stability: “But Grossmann & I believed that the conservation laws were not satisfied”.J. Brian Pitts - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 54 (C):52-72.
    Recent work on the history of General Relativity by Renn, Sauer, Janssen et al. shows that Einstein found his field equations partly by a physical strategy including the Newtonian limit, the electromagnetic analogy, and energy conservation. Such themes are similar to those later used by particle physicists. How do Einstein's physical strategy and the particle physics derivations compare? What energy-momentum complex did he use and why? Did Einstein tie conservation to symmetries, and if so, to which? How did (...)
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    History and theory after the fall: an essay on interpretation.Fred Weinstein - 1990 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    In this ambitious work, Fred Weinstein confronts the obstacles that have increasingly frustrated our attempts to explain social and historical reality. Traditionally, we have relied on history and social theory to describe the ways people understand the world they live in. But the ordering explanations we have always used--derived from the classical social theories originally forged by Marx, Tocqueville, Weber, Durkheim, Freud--have collapsed. In the wake of this collapse or "fall," the rival claims of fiction, psychoanalysis, sociology, anthropology, and history (...)
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    Are Expectations the Missing Link between Life History Strategies and Psychopathology?Phillip S. Kavanagh & Bianca L. Kahl - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Rhetorical Strategies in the Presentation of Ethology and Comparative Psychology in Magazines after World War II.Donald A. Dewsbury - 1997 - Science in Context 10 (2):367-386.
    The ArgumentEuropean ethology and North American comparative psychology have been the two most prominent approaches to the study of animal behavior through most of the twentieth century. In this paper I analyze sets of popular articles by ethologist Nikolaas Tinbergen and psychologist Frank Beach, in an effort to understand the contrasting rhetorical styles of the two. Among the numerous ways in which Tinbergen and Beach differed were with respect to expressing the joy of research, the kind of scientific approach adopted, (...)
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