Results for 'Susan McReynolds'

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  1.  66
    Dostoevsky and Schiller: National renewal through aesthetic education.Susan McReynolds - 2004 - Philosophy and Literature 28 (2):353-366.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Dostoevsky and Schiller:National Renewal Through Aesthetic EducationSusan McReynoldsDostoevsky's novels pivot upon scenes of spiritual transformation, moments of revelation that resolve dilemmas for which no logical solution can be found. Raskolnikov, for example, analyzes his crime from philosophical and sociological angles until he almost dies; he is saved by his dream of the plague and by the image of Sonia's face. When insight and progress come to Dostoevsky's fictional characters, (...)
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    How to Think About Cyber Conflicts Involving Non-state Actors.Phillip McReynolds - 2015 - Philosophy and Technology 28 (3):427-448.
    A great deal of attention has been paid in recent years to the legality of the actions of states and state agents in international and non-international cyber conflicts. Less attention has been paid to ethical considerations in these situations, and very little has been written regarding the ethics of the participation of non-state actors in such conflicts. In this article, I analyze different categories of non-state participation in cyber operations and undertake to show under what conditions such actions, though illegal, (...)
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    Agency, Systems, and “Civilization”: Dewey and the Anthropocene.Phillip McReynolds - 2018 - The Pluralist 13 (2):72-95.
    The materialistic philosophy which sees 'man' as pitted against his environment is rapidly breaking down as technological man becomes more and more able to oppose the largest systems. Every battle that he wins brings a threat of disaster. The unit of survival—either in ethics or in evolution—is not the organism or the species but the largest system or 'power' within which the creature lives. If the creature destroys its environment, it destroys itself.Man needs the earth in order to walk, the (...)
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    Hope.Bradley McReynolds - 2021 - Questions: Philosophy for Young People 21:28-28.
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    Logical relationships between memorial and transient functions.Paul McReynolds - 1950 - Psychological Review 57 (3):140-144.
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  6. Terrorism as a technological concept : How low versus high technology defines terrorism and dictates our responses.Phillip McReynolds - 2005 - In Timothy Shanahan, Philosophy 9/11: Thinking About the War on Terrorism. Open Court.
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    Thinking conceptualized in terms of interacting moments.Paul McReynolds - 1953 - Psychological Review 60 (5):319-330.
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    Enhancing Our Way to Happiness?: Aristotle Versus Bacon on the Nature of True Happiness.Kathy McReynolds - 2004 - Upa.
    Author Kathy McReynolds argues that the modern self can indeed become self-fulfilled, but not truly happy, with the help of science, especially biotechnology. She draws upon the classical and modern theories of Aristotle and Francis Bacon to reconsider the idea of the soul. This book offers a unique perspective to the interesting and necessary discussion of the soul.
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  9. Nussbaum's Capabilities Approach: A Pragmatist Critique. [REVIEW]Phillip McReynolds - 2002 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 16 (2):142 - 150.
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    Christian Thomasius and the Origin of Psychological Rating Scales.Paul Mcreynolds & Klaus Ludwig - 1984 - Isis 75 (3):546-553.
  11.  40
    Autopoiesis and Transaction.Phillip McReynolds - 2017 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 53 (2):312.
    In this paper I argue that aspects of Deweyan pragmatism can and should be reconstructed in light of work in biological systems research. One background assumption for my argument is that pragmatism has been fruitfully stimulated by concepts arising from biology, evolution in particular. Another is that while pragmatism tends to be focused on practical problem solving, words and ideas often shape, frame, and help select what might appear as workable solutions and even how problems themselves come to be understood (...)
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    The American Philosopher: Interviews on the Meaning of Life and Truth.Phillip McReynolds - 2015 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book shows what it means to be an American philosopher by bringing key figures of contemporary American philosophy together to reflect upon the meaning and import of their life’s work.
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    Introduction.Corey McCall & Phillip McReynolds - 2020 - In Corey McCall & Phillip McReynolds, Decolonizing American Philosophy. Albany, NY: SUNY Press. pp. 1-13.
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    Doing Murga, Undoing Gender: Feminist Carnival in Argentina.Michael S. O’Brien & Julia Mcreynolds-Pérez - 2020 - Gender and Society 34 (3):413-436.
    Murga porteña, the satirical street theatre tradition associated with Carnival in Buenos Aires, Argentina, is historically a strongly patriarchal institution. Prominent roles such as reciting poetry, singing, and playing percussion instruments have been reserved exclusively for men. As the feminist movement in Argentina has grown in visibility and importance in recent years, feminist murga participants disrupted these patriarchal patterns. Women murga performers have begun to use murga as a space for feminist practice, both by creating women-only organizations to learn murga (...)
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    Philosophical Tools for Technological Culture. [REVIEW]Phillip McReynolds - 2003 - Teaching Philosophy 26 (1):85-89.
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    Book Review: Performing Femininity: Woman as Performer in Early Russian Cinema by Rachel Morley. [REVIEW]Louise McReynolds - 2020 - Feminist Review 124 (1):210-211.
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    Decolonizing American Philosophy.Corey McCall & Phillip McReynolds (eds.) - 2020 - Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
    Wide-ranging examination of American philosophy's ties to settler colonialism and its role as both an object and a force of decolonization.
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  18. The Rejected Body: Feminist Philosophical Reflections on Disability.Susan Wendell - 1996 - Routledge.
    The Rejected Body argues that feminist theorizing has been skewed toward non-disabled experience, and that the knowledge of people with disabilities must be integrated into feminist ethics, discussions of bodily life, and criticism of the cognitive and social authority of medicine. Among the topics it addresses are who should be identified as disabled; whether disability is biomedical, social or both; what causes disability and what could 'cure' it; and whether scientific efforts to eliminate disabling physical conditions are morally justified. Wendell (...)
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    Categories and induction in young children.Susan A. Gelman & Ellen M. Markman - 1986 - Cognition 23 (3):183-209.
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    Regarding the pain of others.Susan Sontag - 2003 - Diogène 201 (1):127-.
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    The Nature of Fiction.Susan L. Feagin - 1992 - Philosophical Review 101 (4):948.
  22. (1 other version)Political liberalism, justice, and gender.Susan Moller Okin - 1994 - Ethics 105 (1):23-43.
  23.  26
    Evidence Matters: Science, Proof, and Truth in the Law.Susan Haack - 2014 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Is truth in the law just plain truth - or something sui generis? Is a trial a search for truth? Do adversarial procedures and exclusionary rules of evidence enable, or impede, the accurate determination of factual issues? Can degrees of proof be identified with mathematical probabilities? What role can statistical evidence properly play? How can courts best handle the scientific testimony on which cases sometimes turn? How are they to distinguish reliable scientific testimony from unreliable hokum? These interdisciplinary essays explore (...)
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  24. The Pleasures of Tragedy.Susan L. Feagin - 1983 - American Philosophical Quarterly 20 (1):95 - 104.
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    The Language of Thought: A New Philosophical Direction.Susan Schneider - 2011 - MIT Press.
    A philosophical refashioning of the Language of Thought approach and the related computational theory of mind.
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    A Prima Facie Duty Approach to Machine Ethics Machine Learning of Features of Ethical Dilemmas, Prima Facie Duties, and Decision Principles through a Dialogue with Ethicists.Susan Leigh Anderson & Michael Anderson - 2011 - In Michael Anderson & Susan Leigh Anderson, Machine Ethics. Cambridge Univ. Press.
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    How biological is essentialism.Susan A. Gelman & Lawrence A. Hirschfeld - 1999 - In Douglas L. Medin & Scott Atran, Folkbiology. MIT Press. pp. 403--446.
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    Feminism & bioethics: beyond reproduction.Susan M. Wolf (ed.) - 1996 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Bioethics has paid surprisingly little attention to the special problems faced by women and to feminist analyses of current health care issues other than ...
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  29. Does consciousness cause behaviour?Susan Pockett - 2004 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 11 (2):23-40.
  30. Justice and gender.Susan Moller Okin - 1987 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 16 (1):42-72.
  31.  38
    Triangulating Clinical and Basic Research: British Localizationists, 1870–1906.Susan Leigh Star - 1986 - History of Science 24 (1):93.
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    What connectionist models learn.Susan Hanson & D. Burr - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences.
  33. Responsibility, Moral and Otherwise.Susan Wolf - 2015 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 58 (2):127-142.
    Philosophers frequently distinguish between causal responsibility and moral responsibility, but that distinction is either ambiguous or confused. We can distinguish between causal responsibility and a deeper kind of responsibility, that licenses reactive attitudes and judgments that a merely causal connection would not, and we can distinguish between holding people accountable for their moral qualities and holding people accountable for their nonmoral qualities. But, because we sometimes hold people deeply responsible for nonmoral qualities of behavior and character, these distinctions are not (...)
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  34. (1 other version)Women in Western Political Thought.Susan Moller Okin - 1980 - Philosophy 55 (214):564-565.
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  35. Epistemic Justice and Democratic Legitimacy.Susan Dieleman - 2015 - Hypatia 30 (4):794-810.
    The deliberative turn in political philosophy sees theorists attempting to ground democratic legitimacy in free, rational, and public deliberation among citizens. However, feminist theorists have criticized prominent accounts of deliberative democracy, and of the public sphere that is its site, for being too exclusionary. Iris Marion Young, Nancy Fraser, and Seyla Benhabib show that deliberative democrats generally fail to attend to substantive inclusion in their conceptions of deliberative space, even though they endorse formal inclusion. If we take these criticisms seriously, (...)
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  36. Epistemological Reflections of an Old Feminist.Susan Haack - 1993 - Reason Papers 18:31-43.
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    Reasoning about containment events in very young infants.Susan J. Hespos & Renée Baillargeon - 2001 - Cognition 78 (3):207-245.
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  38. The relational self: An interpersonal social-cognitive theory.Susan M. Andersen & Serena Chen - 2002 - Psychological Review 109 (4):619-645.
  39. Manifesto of a Passionate Moderate: Unfashionable Essays.Susan Haack - 2000 - Philosophical Quarterly 50 (198):133-134.
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    Coordinating cognition: The costs and benefits of shared gaze during collaborative search.Susan E. Brennan, Xin Chen, Christopher A. Dickinson, Mark B. Neider & Gregory J. Zelinsky - 2008 - Cognition 106 (3):1465-1477.
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  41. The Ethics of Belief 'Reconsidered'.Susan Haack - 2001 - In Matthias Steup, Knowledge, truth, and duty: essays on epistemic justification, responsibility, and virtue. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 21.
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  42. Against Supererogation.Susan C. Hale - 1991 - American Philosophical Quarterly 28 (4):273 - 285.
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    Emergent Spacetime, the Megastructure Problem, and the Metaphysics of the Self.Susan Schneider - 2024 - Philosophy East and West 74 (2):314-332.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Emergent Spacetime, the Megastructure Problem, and the Metaphysics of the SelfSusan Schneider (bio)The aim of this article is to introduce new thoughts on some pressing topics relating to my book, Artificial You, ranging from the fundamental nature of reality to quantum theory and emergence in large language models (LLM) like GPT-4. Since Artificial You was published, the innovations in the domain of AI chatbots like GPT-4 have been rapid-fire, (...)
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    Pragmatism old & new: selected writings.Susan Haack & Robert Lane (eds.) - 2006 - Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books.
    “The most likely use for Haack’s volume will be in introductory pragmatism courses and it is eminently appropriate for this task. However, others who would wish to speak out about pragmatism authoritatively would do well to go through the book from cover to cover. Outside of philosophy, the volume provides an introduction to a vital aspect of what philosophy has to offer to other disciplines, psychology among is hard to think what could have been done to improve upon the (...)
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  45. Working memory and language.Susan E. Gathercole - 2009 - In Gareth Gaskell, Oxford Handbook of Psycholinguistics. Oxford University Press.
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  46. Reflections on Relativism: From Momentous Tautology to Seductive Contradiction.Susan Haack - 1996 - Philosophical Perspectives 10:297-315.
  47. Coconsciousness and numerical identity of the person.Susan Leigh Anderson - 1976 - Philosophical Studies 30 (July):1-10.
    The phenomenon of multiple personality--Like the "split-Brain" phenomenon--Involves a disintegration of the normally unified self to the point where one must question whether there is one, Or more than one, Person associated with the body even at a single moment in time. Besides the traditional problem of determining identity over time, There is now a new problem of personal identity--Determining identity at a single moment in time. We need the conceptual apparatus to talk about this new problem and a test, (...)
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    Shape and representational status in children's early naming.Susan A. Gelman & Karen S. Ebeling - 1998 - Cognition 66 (2):B35-B47.
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    Public Bioethics and Publics: Consensus, Boundaries, and Participation in Biomedical Science Policy.Susan E. Kelly - 2003 - Science, Technology and Human Values 28 (3):339-364.
    Public bioethics bodies are used internationally as institutions with the declared aims of facilitating societal debate and providing policy advice in certain areas of scientific inquiry raising questions of values and legitimate science. In the United States, bioethical experts in these institutions use the language of consensus building to justify and define the outcome of the enterprise. However, the implications of public bioethics at science-policy boundaries are underexamined. Political interest in such bodies continues while their influence on societal consensus, public (...)
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    The hidden curriculum: Undergraduate nursing students’ perspectives of socialization and professionalism.Susan Harrison Kelly - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (5):1250-1260.
    Background and aim Nursing students form a professional identity from their core values, role models, and past experiences, and these factors contribute to the development of their professional identity. The hidden curriculum, a set of ethics and values learned within a clinical setting, may be part of developing a professional identity. Nursing students will develop a professional identity throughout school; however, their identity might be challenged as they attempt to balance their core values with behaviors learned through the hidden curriculum. (...)
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