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  1. Conspiratio maligna w naczyniu, czyli globalne teorie spiskowe a sceptycyzm.Szymon Makuła - 2021 - Analiza I Egzystencja 56:53-73.
    Celem artykułu jest porównanie szczególnej odmiany teorii spiskowych, tzw. globalnej teorii spiskowej do sławnego eksperymentu myślowego autorstwa H. Putnama o mózgach w naczyniu. Uznanie istnienia złowrogiego spisku światowego stawia wierzącą weń osobę w podobnej sytuacji do tej, w której znajduje się człowiek próbujący rozstrzygnąć, czy jest mózgiem w naczyniu. Dzieje się tak, ponieważ conspiratio maligna ma niczym nieograniczoną moc wywierania wpływu, kontrolowania, a nawet tworzenia dowolnych aspektów naszego społecznego, politycznego i ekonomicznego życia. Wszechmoc tej tajemniczej organizacji jest powodem, dla którego (...)
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  2. Is There an Alternative to Moderate Scientism?Szymon Makuła - 2022 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 29 (1):128-164.
    This paper’s primary purpose is to show that there is a peculiar alternative to scientism whose central thesis is not about sources of knowledge or the existence of various objects, but it aims at setting out a strategy to help decide which of the two mutually exclusive beliefs is the better one to adopt. Scientophilia, to coin a term, recommends preferring, without any discussion, a position consistent with the consensus of credible and reliable experts in a given domain. In case (...)
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  3. Rola analizy w "Tractatus logico-philosophicus" Ludwiga Wittgensteina.Szymon Makuła - 2012 - Folia Philosophica 30:221--238.
    The aim of the paper is to compare the role played by logical analysis in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus logico-philosophicus and Russell’s On Denoting. Whereas in Russell’s work it is an important element of his argument in support of description theory, in his pupil’s it does not function this way. Russell, while analysing various propositions, including descriptions translates them into formal language, indicating that those propositions, despite the appearances, in fact do not denote. Logical analysis shall be a tool decisive in favour (...)
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    The Devil is in the Framework. Comment on Mizrahi vs. all Debate on the Strength of Arguments from an Expert Opinion.Szymon Makuła - 2022 - Philosophia 50 (4):1999-2013.
    In one of his papers, Moti Mizrahi argues that arguments from an expert opinion are weak arguments. His thesis may seem controversial due to the consensus on this topic in the field of informal logic. I argue that its controversy is framework-dependent, and if translated into a different framework, it appears to be a correct, however trivial, claim. I will use a framework based on Douglas Walton’s argumentation scheme theory and his conception of examination dialogue to demonstrate that it is (...)
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