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Tadeusz Buksiński [25]T. Buksinski [2]Taduesz Buksinski [1]
  1.  10
    Conditional and Unconditional Morality.Tadeusz Buksiński - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 12:35-40.
    The paper describes the modern morality as conditional morality, represented by theories of social contract and utilitarianism. They conditionally impose the moral duties on people, if the other people fulfil moral duties, too. As a result they justify the use of the political power to compel the citizens to public morality, leaving a certain margin of freedom to individual morality in the private domain which is fairly inconsequential for collective life. Public morality, on the other hand, is rigorously regulated and (...)
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    Conflicting Notions of Democracy.Tadeusz Buksinski - 2006 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 2:165-168.
    The subject of this paper is modern representative democracy. Instead of discussing the many theories which strive to define and describe the essence of democracy, such as the classic, the competitive, the structural, the participatory, the concessionary, etc., it is our aim to present the various practical approaches to "democracy in action" in the post-Communist period, i.e., to characterize the various notions of the axiological and philosophical assumptions that provide the cornerstone of democracy.
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    (1 other version)Die begründung Des historischen wissens.Tadeusz Buksinski - 1985 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 16 (1):1-18.
    Summary The logical structure of the complete process of argumentation in the historical science is deductive. It implies confirmation and disconfirmation of hypotheses with the help of the concept of the indicator, which is more objective and more universal than the one of the source; the problem of the objectivity of criteria of the reasoning of hypotheses is being discussed.
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    Democracy in Western and Post-Communist Countries. Twenty Years after the Fall of Communism.Tadeusz Buksiński (ed.) - 2009 - Peter Lang.
    The authors of this book, scholars from Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Ukraina, Kirghizia and Poland, seek to answer the question, in what way the Westeuropean and postcommunist countries respond to the challenges posed to them by democratization in Central and Eastern Europe and European constitutional politics and policymaking. New democracies necessarily pose a challenge to non-democratic states, because they liberated themselves from the totalitarian regime. They pose a challenge for the old liberal democracies too, because they try to compromise individual (...)
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    Die kategorie der sittlichkeit und die wirklichkeit der postkommunistischen staaten.Tadeusz Buksiński - 1997 - In Wilhelm Raimund Beyer, Andreas Arndt, Myriam Gerhard & Jure Zovko (eds.), 1996. De Gruyter. pp. 169-173.
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  6. Dialog wokół myśli poszukującej Jakuba Litwina.Tadeusz Buksiński - 2013 - Colloquia Communia 95:161-172.
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    Hegel And The Modern State.Tadeusz Buksiński - 2008 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2008 (1):176-185.
  8.  42
    How Can Existence Be Cognized?Tadeusz Buksiński - 2008 - Dialogue and Universalism 18 (1-3):69-74.
    The paper tries to show that the theory of Srzednicki and Żurkowska can be viewed as an new and interesting solution of the classical problem: Can we cognize the objective reality? The theory discussed here conquer the cognitive skepticism on the condition, that there is not a impassable gap between the pre-ego experiencing without the notions and the subject cognizing by using the notions.
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    Interpretation in the humanities.Tadeusz Buksiński (ed.) - 1990 - Poznań: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu.
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  10. Imperatyw kategoryczny: osobowy.Tadeusz Buksiński - 2004 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 52 (4):191-211.
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  11. Jakub Litwin.Tadeusz Buksiński - 2013 - Colloquia Communia 95:158-160.
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  12.  23
    Metagoods, Metavalues and Metanorms in Politics.Tadeusz Buksiński - 2017 - Dialogue and Universalism 27 (2):129-140.
    The paper proposes a metaaxiological political framework, which is the ground for the thesis that the central idea that underlies politics is well-being and its improvement. Every political activity relies on certain goods, values and standards forming its operational framework. The aim and essence of politics is to ensure the realization of constitutive values. These values include the normative concept of the human being and constitutive values underpinning the functioning of the state and political community (i.e. good life, justice, freedom, (...)
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  13. Moralnośc publiczna a biznes w europie wschodniej.Tadeusz Buksiński - 1996 - Prakseologia 136 (136).
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  14. Od etyki solidarności do etyki egoizmu.Tadeusz Buksiński - 2015 - Filo-Sofija 15 (29):37-58.
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  15. Podstawy aksjologiczne sfery publicznej.Tadeusz Buksiński - 2014 - Filo-Sofija 14 (24):21-42.
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  16. Principes et méthodes de l'interprétation des textes.T. Buksinski - 1988 - Studia Filozoficzne 277:27-34.
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  17. Problematyzacje i interpretacje jako warunki upodmiotowienia.Tadeusz Buksiński - 2013 - Colloquia Communia 95:45-55.
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  18. Problemy sprawiedliwości globalnej.Tadeusz Buksiński - 2004 - Principia.
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    Racjonalność współdziałań: szkice z filozofii polityki.Tadeusz Buksiński - 1996
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  20. The Human Being in the Liberal-Democratic Epoch.T. Buksinski - 2000 - Analecta Husserliana 67:467-476.
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  21.  10
    The Moral Aspect of Political Protest under the Totalitarian System.Tadeusz Buksinski - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 41:24-31.
    The paper concerns the principles presupposed in political protest against the totalitarian regime. In contrast to the utilitarian view of participating in political protest the author tries to suggest the moral model of political protest. According to this model, the main reason and motif for challenging the regime is the transgression of the limits of concession, which jeopardizes the spiritual identity and essential qualities of the individuals and all groups. The participants of the protest do not calculate in terms of (...)
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  22.  29
    The Struggle for the Legal Status of Religion in the Polish Constitution.Tadeusz Buksiński - 2012 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 25 (4):577-583.
    The use of specific language in the democratic Polish Constitution enacted on 2 April 1997 has created the essential differences in the status of religions and Churches in Poland to this in some other countries. It accepts the modern principles and values (tolerance, freedom, mutual independence of state and churches) but precludes the atheistic, hostile or indifferent to religions interpretations and implementations of these values and principles.
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    Trzy teologie polityczne Carla Schmitta.Tadeusz Buksiński - 2014 - Filozofia Publiczna I Edukacja Demokratyczna 3 (1):24-44.
    The article refers exclusively to the Carl Schmitt’s political theology. His three conceptions of political theology and corresponding theoretical approaches are reconstructed and precisely analysed. The first conception is called the sociology of concepts or the theory of analogies between religious and legal-political concepts. The second Schmitt’s approach to political theology is the eschatological conception. Both these conceptions are basically descriptive and analytical. Solely the third conception is normative (and political), therefore, its presents the concept of political theology as a (...)
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  24. Zasady i metody interpretacji tekstów.Tadeusz Buksiński - 1988 - Studia Filozoficzne 277 (12).
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  25. Z problemów współczesnej filozofii.Tadeusz Buksiński, Marek Sikora & Lidia Godek - 2015 - Filo-Sofija 15 (29):9-10.
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  26.  30
    From imposed reason to immanent reason.Tadeusz Buksiński - 1994 - Metaphilosophy 25 (2-3):205-213.
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