Tai-Nien Chang [18]Tung-sun Chang [7]Tsai Chang [5]T. Chang [4]
T. Ieh-chün Chang [4]Tʻieh-chün Chang [3]Te-wen Chang [3]T. Ai-yen Chang [3]

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  1.  75
    Do Large Language Models Know What Humans Know?Sean Trott, Cameron Jones, Tyler Chang, James Michaelov & Benjamin Bergen - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (7):e13309.
    Humans can attribute beliefs to others. However, it is unknown to what extent this ability results from an innate biological endowment or from experience accrued through child development, particularly exposure to language describing others' mental states. We test the viability of the language exposure hypothesis by assessing whether models exposed to large quantities of human language display sensitivity to the implied knowledge states of characters in written passages. In pre‐registered analyses, we present a linguistic version of the False Belief Task (...)
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  2. Framework for a protein ontology.Darren A. Natale, Cecilia N. Arighi, Winona Barker, Judith Blake, Ti-Cheng Chang, Zhangzhi Hu, Hongfang Liu, Barry Smith & Cathy H. Wu - 2007 - BMC Bioinformatics 8 (Suppl 9):S1.
    Biomedical ontologies are emerging as critical tools in genomic and proteomic research where complex data in disparate resources need to be integrated. A number of ontologies exist that describe the properties that can be attributed to proteins; for example, protein functions are described by Gene Ontology, while human diseases are described by Disease Ontology. There is, however, a gap in the current set of ontologies—one that describes the protein entities themselves and their relationships. We have designed a PRotein Ontology (PRO) (...)
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  3.  82
    Experiential ownership and body ownership are different phenomena.Caleb Liang, Wen-Hsiang Lin, Tai-Yuan Chang, Chi-Hong Chen, Chen-Wei Wu, Wen-Yeo Chen, Hsu-Chia Huang & Yen-Tung Lee - 2021 - Scientific Reports 10602 (11):1-11.
    Body ownership concerns what it is like to feel a body part or a full body as mine, and has become a prominent area of study. We propose that there is a closely related type of bodily self-consciousness largely neglected by researchers—experiential ownership. It refers to the sense that I am the one who is having a conscious experience. Are body ownership and experiential ownership actually the same phenomenon or are they genuinely different? In our experiments, the participant watched a (...)
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  4.  5
    Unlocking the Connection between Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy and Firm Performance: Unveiling Mediating and Moderating Effects.Jonah Tyan, Shih-Ching Liu, Carol Yeh-Yun Lin & Tien-Yu Chang - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-15.
    The question whether corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives can be transferred to firm performance to achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs) prompted this study to investigate how CSR strategies influence both SDGs and financial performance. A mediated moderating model based on the organizational alignment theory was developed to examine the mediating and moderating roles of organizational structure and corporate governance, respectively. By analyzing the three-year panel data of 1,480 firm-year observations from publicly listed companies in Taiwan, we find that organizational structure (...)
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  5.  39
    Individual differences in Zhong-Yong tendency and processing capacity.Ting-Yun Chang & Cheng-Ta Yang - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  6.  10
    A New Concept of Work Engagement Theory in Cognitive Engagement, Emotional Engagement, and Physical Engagement.Stanley Y. B. Huang, Chien-Hsiang Huang & Tai-Wei Chang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The concept of work engagement has aroused the interest of many scholars. However, there has been limited academic research in examining how authentic leadership can influence WE, which consequently influences organizational citizenship behavior and task performance. In particular, this study divides WE into cognitive engagement, emotional engagement, and physical engagement to fully reflect the engagement theory. This study introduces three dimensions of WE and tests the theoretical model to validate cognitive engagement, emotional engagement, and physical engagement. Empirical testing using a (...)
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  7.  21
    Knowledge and attitudes about end-of-life decisions, good death and principles of medical ethics among doctors in tertiary care hospitals in Sri Lanka: a cross-sectional study.Carukshi Arambepola, Pavithra Manikavasagam, Saumya Darshani & Thashi Chang - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-14.
    BackgroundCompetent end-of-life care is an essential component of total health care provision, but evidence suggests that it is often deficient. This study aimed to evaluate the knowledge and attitudes about key end-of-life issues and principles of good death among doctors in clinical settings.MethodsA cross-sectional study was conducted among allopathic medical doctors working in in-ward clinical settings of tertiary care hospitals in Sri Lanka using a self-administered questionnaire with open- and close-ended questions as well as hypothetical clinical scenarios. Univariate and logistic (...)
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  8.  34
    Skewed Exposure to Environmental Antigens Complements Hygiene Hypothesis in Explaining the Rise of Allergy.Wilfried Allaerts & Tse Wen Chang - 2017 - Acta Biotheoretica 65 (2):117-134.
    The Hygiene Hypothesis has been recognized as an important cornerstone to explain the sudden increase in the prevalence of asthma and allergic diseases in modernized culture. The recent epidemic of allergic diseases is in contrast with the gradual implementation of Homo sapiens sapiens to the present-day forms of civilization. This civilization forms a gradual process with cumulative effects on the human immune system, which co-developed with parasitic and commensal Helminths. The clinical manifestation of this epidemic, however, became only visible in (...)
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  9.  9
    Evaluation of Taiwan's IC industry production and market efficiencies under the consideration of corporate social responsibility.Tai-Yu Lin, Hsiao-Wen Chiang, Yung-Ho Chiu, Tzu-Han Chang & Chung-Tzer Liu - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    Taiwan has a complete semiconductor industry chain and is important in global semiconductor manufacturing. In addition to considering operational conditions, companies have also attached importance to corporate social responsibility (CSR) in recent years. This research thus takes 60 integrated circuit (IC) companies in Taiwan as a research sample and adopts the Meta Two-stage dynamic RDM DDF (range directional model directional distance function) under an exogenous CSR model to explore their market stage efficiency and production stage efficiency. This study aimed to (...)
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  10.  46
    Re-exploring Wang Yangming's Theory of Liangzhi : Translation, Transliteration, and Interpretation.Tzu-li Chang - 2016 - Philosophy East and West 66 (4):1196-1217.
    Admittedly there exists a considerable amount of contemporary literature on liangzhi that, to a certain extent, provides us with fruitful and insightful perspectives into Wang Yangming’s doctrine. And the majority of this literature, as if by tacit agreement, focuses on the interconnection between liangzhi and knowledge, whether it be innate, original, perfect, or moral knowledge. While this academic endeavor is credited with pushing forward studies of Chinese thought, it is the task of philosophy always to engage in the examination of (...)
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  11.  35
    Tseng, Roy, Confucian Liberalism: Mou Zongsan and Hegelian Liberalism.Tzuli Chang - 2023 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 22 (4):685-691.
  12.  41
    A space-time theory with a privileged frame.T. Chang - 1983 - Foundations of Physics 13 (10):1013-1022.
    A space-time theory is studied in a framework of four-dimensional symmetry, In this theory there is a privileged frame (ether frame), and the simultaneity of distant clocks is absolute. The results of such a theory are not only equivalent to special relativity, but also valid to describe the superluminous phenomena.
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  13.  25
    Individual differences in working memory capacity and workload capacity.Ju-Chi Yu, Ting-Yun Chang & Cheng-Ta Yang - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  14. A Formulation of the Gravitational Equation of Motion.T. Chang - 1994 - Apeiron (Misc) 20:33.
  15. Chung-kuo chê hsüeh shih chiao hsüeh tzŭ liao.Tai-Nien Chang (ed.) - 1964
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  16. Chê hsüeh.Tung-sun Chang - 1931
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  17. Chung-kuo lun li ssŭ hsiang fa chan kuei lü ti chʻu pu yen chiu.Tai-Nien Chang - 1957
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  18.  20
    Chia Ming's Elements of Dietetics.T. Chang - 1934 - Isis 20 (2):324-334.
  19. Chih shih yü wen hua.Tung-sun Chang - 1974
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  20. Chung-kuo tao tê ssŭ hsiang ching i.Ting-yü Chang - 1968
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  21. Chang Tung-sun ti to yüan jên shih lun.Tung-sun Chang - 1936 - Edited by Chan, Wên-hu & [From Old Catalog].
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  22. Chung-kuo wei wu chu i ssŭ hsiang chien shih.Tai-Nien Chang - 1957 - Chung-Kuo Ch'ing Nien Ch'u Pan Shê.
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  23. Chŏng Yag-yong ŭi haengjŏng sasang.Tong-hŭi Chang - 1986 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Ilchisa.
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  24. (1 other version)Guo fu min sheng shi guan su yi.Tieh-chün Chang - 1965
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  25.  6
    Geschichte, Verstehen und Praxis: eine Untersuchung zur philosophischen Hermeneutik Hans-Georg Gadamers unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Annäherung an die Tradition der praktischen Philosophie.Ting-Kuo Chang - 1994 - Marburg: Tectum Verlag.
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  26.  14
    Interfacing philosophy and religion: a borderline issue in religion studies.T. J. Chang - 1986 - Journal of Dharma 11:322-347.
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  27. Ju chia hsüeh shuo tsai chin jih.Tʻieh-chün Chang - 1972
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  28. Kuo fu yüan hsüeh ssŭ hsiang fa wei.Tʻieh-chün Chang - 1965
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  29.  36
    On the choice of evolutional parameter within a framework of four-dimensional symmetry.T. Chang - 1988 - Foundations of Physics 18 (6):651-658.
    Within the context of the variational principle, there is the freedom to choose specific evolutional parameters. Different parameters can be associated with physical time, while allowing the physical laws to preserve the property of four-dimensional symmetry. In this sense, the concept of time has flexibility. Besides proper time and relativistic time, another natural choice emerges, which is called the generalized Galilean time. We study the impact of this choice here. This approach provides a deeper understanding of the theory of special (...)
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  30.  8
    Posu chŏngsin ŭi t'amsaek =.Tae-Hong Chang - 2020 - Sŏul: Pibong Ch'ulp'ansa.
    1. Mŏrimal -- 2. Inyŏm taerip kwa chŏngch'i hyŏnsil -- 3. Kŏdae han ch'akkak -- 4. Chayu sasang ŭi pyŏnch'ŏn kwa posu chŏngsin -- 5. T'arinyŏmjŏk inyŏm ŭi ppuri -- 6. Posujuŭi chŏngsin ŭi chaebalgyŏn -- 7. Sasil, chinsil kwa sahoe t'onghap -- 8. Maejŭmmal : yŏmwŏn kwa hyŏnsil.
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  31.  38
    Personal identity, moral agency and Liang-zhi: A comparative study of Korsgaard and Wang yangming.Tzu-li Chang - unknown
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  32.  47
    Problems of synchronization in special relativity: Comments on a paper by G. Cavalleri and G. Spinelli.Tsao Chang - 1983 - Foundations of Physics 13 (12):1237-1240.
    G. Cavalleri and G. Spinelli believe that a unique ether frame exists, and they attempt to find this ether frame by using a new method. Certain problems of synchronization raised by them are discussed and clarified.
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  33. Ssu hsiang yü she hui.Tung-sun Chang - 1946
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  34. Tongyang chŏntʻong chayŏn sasang tʻamgu.Tong-sun Chang - 2001 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Chimmundang.
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  35. Tao te che hsüeh.Tung-sun Chang - 1972
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  36. Tung yü ching.Tʻieh-chün Chang - 1942
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  37.  5
    Wert und Kultur: Wilhelm Windelbands Kulturphilosophie.Tsun-Hwa Chang - 2012 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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  38.  26
    The Chinese supervisor's perspective of receiving unsolicited subordinate helping behaviour: a theoretical analysis.Shih Yung Chou & Tree Chang - 2017 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 10 (4):445.
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  39.  13
    The Catholic Church Vis-à-Vis Liberal Society.Roger Cardinal Etchegaray & Translated by Mei Lin Chang - 2019 - Common Knowledge 25 (1-3):357-363.
    Cardinal Etchegaray argues here that the dialogue between church and state, with both parties rooted in sometimes conflicting absolute claims and values, has become more recently a wider-ranging dialogue between the church and a pluralist, relativist liberal society. The very definition of “liberal society” is open to argument, and the church may find elements to commend or oppose in any given definition. Since the nineteenth century the church has often found itself in opposition to various ideas of “liberty,” especially those (...)
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  40.  15
    A Moderated Mediation Model of Emotional Engagement in the Development of Emotional Exhaustion: The Moderating Role of Emotional Resources.Ling Hu, Tai-Wei Chang, Yue-Shi Lee & Chien-Hsiang Huang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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  41.  26
    Notes on a Recent Handbook for Chinese Literature.David R. Knechtges, Taiping Chang, William H. Nienhauser, Charles Hartman, Y. W. Ma & Stephen H. West - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (2):293.
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  42.  15
    Operation-Specific Lexical Consistency Effect in Fronto-Insular-Parietal Network During Word Problem Solving.Chan-Tat Ng, Tzu-Chen Lung & Ting-Ting Chang - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    The practice of mathematical word problem is ubiquitous and thought to impact academic achievement. However, the underlying neural mechanisms are still poorly understood. In this study, we investigate how lexical consistency of word problem description is modulated in adults' brain responses during word problem solution. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging methods, we examined compare word problems that included relational statements, such as “A dumpling costs 9 dollars. A wonton is 2 dollars less than a dumpling. How much does a wonton (...)
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  43.  18
    Isha Yoga Practices and Participation in Samyama Program are Associated with Reduced HbA1C and Systemic Inflammation, Improved Lipid Profile, and Short-Term and Sustained Improvement in Mental Health: A Prospective Observational Study of Meditators.Senthilkumar Sadhasivam, Suresh Alankar, Raj Maturi, Amy Williams, Ramana V. Vishnubhotla, Sepideh Hariri, Mayur Mudigonda, Dhanashri Pawale, Sangeeth Dubbireddi, Senthil Packiasabapathy, Peter Castelluccio, Chithra Ram, Janelle Renschler, Tracy Chang & Balachundhar Subramaniam - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: Meditation is gaining recognition as a tool to impact health and well-being. Samyama is an 8-day intensive residential meditation experience conducted by Isha Foundation requiring several months of extensive preparation and vegan diet. The health effects of Samyama have not been previously studied. The objective was to assess physical and emotional well-being before and after Samyama participation by evaluating psychological surveys and objective health biomarkers.Methods: This was an observational study of 632 adults before and after the Isha Samyama retreat. (...)
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  44.  9
    Consumers’ Recognition of Multifunctionality in Agriculture and Price Premiums for Environmentally Friendly Agricultural Products: Evidence from a Survey Experiment.Mikitaro Shobayashi, Daisuke Takahashi & Tsaiyu Chang - 2019 - Food Ethics 2 (2-3):111-125.
    We conduct an online survey experiment to determine the influence of multifunctionality recognition in agriculture on the price premiums of environmental-friendly agricultural products. We use the case of fish-friendly rice produced in Shiga prefecture, Japan, which contributes to the conservation of the water and ecosystem in rural areas around Lake Biwa by setting up fish ways and reducing the use of herbicides. We assume two conditions for consumers to pay premiums on environmental-friendly agricultural products. The first is that consumers recognize (...)
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  45.  15
    Editorial: Consciousness, cognition, and compassion.Balachundhar Subramaniam, Tracy F. H. Chang & Senthilkumar Sadhasivam - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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