Results for 'T. Pistorius'

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  1.  64
    T. Pistorius: Hegemoniestreben und Autonomiesicherung in der griechischen Vertragspolitik klassischer und hellenistischer Zeit. (Europäische Hochschulschriften, Reihe III, Bd. 272.) Pp. 206. Frankfurt a. M., Bern, New York: Lang, 1985. Paper, 51 Sw.frs. [REVIEW]P. J. Rhodes - 1986 - The Classical Review 36 (2):329-329.
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    Oscar Pistorius, enhancement and post-humans.S. Camporesi - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (9):639-639.
    Oscar Pistorius was born without fibulas and had both legs amputated below the knee when he was 11 months old. A business student at the University of Pretoria, Pistorius runs with the aid of carbon-fibre artificial limbs and is the double amputee world record holder in the 100, 200 and 400 metres events.1“I don’t see myself as disabled,” says Oscar, “There’s nothing I can’t do that able-bodied athletes can do.”2 But then the question is: do prosthetic limbs simply (...)
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    Plotinus and neoplatonism.Philippus Villiers Pistorius - 1952 - Cambridge [Eng]: Bowes & Bowes.
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    The Imagination in Charge.Mark Hunyadi - 2010 - NanoEthics 4 (3):199-204.
    According to Marc Peschansky, one of the leaders in biotechnological research in France, «with stem-cells, the imagination is in charge». This paper explores the new role of imagination in the converging technologies (NBIC report) in their relationship to practice. For the great German philosopher Hans Jonas, it is knowledge (positive: what we know, or negative: what we don’t know) that must guide our action. With converging technologies (nano-, bio-, info- and cogno-), knowledge and technique are relegated to the rank of (...)
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  5. Plotinus, an Introductory Study.P. V. Pistorius - 1954 - Philosophy 29 (109):186-188.
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  6. Thought, God, and the common man.P. V. Pistorius - 1961 - London,: Bowes & Bowes.
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  7. Review of The critique of practical reason (1794). [REVIEW]Hermann Andreas Pistorius - 2024 - In Michael Walschots, Kant's Critique of Practical Reason: Background Source Materials. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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    La Sagesse De Plotin.Plotinus and Neoplatonism.Maurice de Gandillac & P. V. Pistorius - 1954 - Philosophical Review 63 (2):269-272.
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    Aristotle.T. J. Crowley - 2013 - Acumen Publishing.
    This careful and engaging introduction to Aristotle equips readers of ancient philosophy and classics with an intellectual map that will guide their further exploration within the terrains of Aristotelian philosophy and logic. The book does not seek to provide a verdict or to persuade the reader of the usefulness of Aristotle's ideas. Instead it offers a comprehensive introduction to key philosophical areas while situating the reader within the ongoing intellectual debates on Aristotle's significance and relevance. Crowley's book allows an overview (...)
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    Fairness, Regulation of Technology and Enhanced Human: A Comparative Analysis of the Pistorius Case and the Cybathlon.Rémi Richard, Damien Issanchou & Sylvain Ferez - 2020 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 15 (4):507-521.
    Ensuring fairness is a capital issue in any sporting competition. However, fairness is a complex concept. We seek here to offer an analysis of the construction and upholding of fairness within comp...
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    Antwoord aan Prof. P.V. Pistorius.A. S. Geyser - 1951 - HTS Theological Studies 8 (1).
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  12. The original empty formalism objection : Pistorius and Kant.Paul Guyer - 2020 - In James A. Clarke & Gabriel Gottlieb, Practical Philosophy From Kant to Hegel: Freedom, Right, and Revolution. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Plotinus, an Introductory Study. By P. V. Pistorius. (Bowes and Bowes, Price 21s.).W. R. Inge - 1954 - Philosophy 29 (109):186-.
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  14.  32
    A Universal P.R. Function?T. Parent - manuscript
    This paper details an algorithm for a binary, primitive recursive function that apparently computes, for any $i$ and $n$, $f_i\left(i,n\right)$. The algorithm works by exploiting the fact that, in the formal system described, the index assigned to a p.r. function codes the definitional composition of the function. The algorithm exploits such a code to generate a "canonical proof" of $f_i\left(i,n\right)=m$. Since this kind of algorithm is shown impossible by diagonal arguments, the algorithm must be in error. But the error is (...)
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  15. Phenomenal qualities of ayahuasca ingestion and its relation to fringe consciousness and personality.T. Bresnick & R. Levin - 2006 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 13 (9):5-24.
    Ayahuasca, a hallucinogen with profound consciousness- altering properties, has been increasingly utilized in recent studies (e.g., Strassman, 2001; Shanon, 2002a,b). However, other than Shanon's recent work, there has been little attempt to examine the effects of ayahuasca on perceptual, affective and cognitive experience, its relation to fringe consciousness or to pertinent personality variables. Twenty-one volunteers attending a seminar on ayahuasca were administered personality measures and a semi-structured interview about phenomenal qualities of their experience. Ayahuasca ingestion was associated with profound alterations (...)
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  16. The Unreality of Time.T. L. S. Sprigge - 1992 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 92 (1):1-20.
  17.  30
    The Need for Dialogical Encounter: An Account of Christian Parents' Making Decisions on Behalf of Their Severely Handicapped Child.T. M. McConnell & R. A. McConnell - 2014 - Christian Bioethics 20 (3):376-389.
  18.  86
    Greek Theories of Art and Literature Down to 400 B.C.T. B. L. Webster - 1939 - Classical Quarterly 33 (3-4):166-.
    Greek art and literature follow parallel courses through the long period from Homer to Euripides. Homer and Euripides, Dipylon vases and the latest white lekythoi are as far apart from each other as it is possible for works in the same medium to be. The distance can only be explained by a similar change in the views of artists, writers, and their public.
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  19.  43
    South Italian Vases and Attic Drama.T. B. L. Webster - 1948 - Classical Quarterly 42 (1-2):15-.
    In The Theatre of Dionysus in Athens Dr. Pickard-Cambridge includes a most useful and convenient collection of south Italian vase-paintings which have been held to throw light on the stage-settings of Greek tragedy. He concludes that they give no evidence for Athens in the fifth century and in particular do not justify the assumption that interior scenes were played in a porch in front of the central door. The second conclusion is true, but some of the vases do show that (...)
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  20.  57
    Ethical Relativity. Edward Westermarck.T. V. Smith - 1932 - International Journal of Ethics 43 (1):73-77.
  21.  32
    The Use of Local and Global Ordering Strategies in Number Line Estimation in Early Childhood.Jaccoline E. Van ’T. Noordende, M. J. M. Volman, Paul P. M. Leseman, Korbinian Moeller, Tanja Dackermann & Evelyn H. Kroesbergen - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Response to Critics.T. L. Short - 2024 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 59 (4):432-455.
    This response to a variety of criticisms of _Charles Peirce and Modern Science_ restates and attempts to clarify and explain major themes of the book.
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  23. Recent British Periodical Literature in Ethics.T. Stearns Eliot - 1918 - International Journal of Ethics 28 (2):270-277.
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  24. The American and the Law.T. V. Smith - 1930 - International Journal of Ethics 40 (3):338-353.
  25.  25
    Other Times: Philosophical Perspectives on Past, Present and Future.T. L. S. Sprigge - 1997 - Philosophical and Phenomenological Research 61 (2):485-488.
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  26. Professor Sidgwick on "progressive morality".T. Fowler - 1885 - Mind 10 (39):481-488.
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  27. Neven Sesardic, Making Sense of Heritability.T. A. C. Reydon - 2007 - Philosophy in Review 27 (3):218.
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    Himmelskörper, Himmelserscheinungen und Kalenderdaten in Tamilinschriften (15.–17. Jahrhundert).T. V. Venkateswaran - 2020 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 28 (3):431-449.
    In this paper, a survey of 180 inscriptions in Tamil between 1346 CE and 1400 CE is analysed for its notions and visualization of astral themes present in the epigraphical inscriptions as well as for the calendrical practices implicit in those inscriptions. I demonstrate the rich diversity of calendrical practices employed in this period. Although there are clear local usages, the applied methods of identification show that in several cases methods from other Indian calendrical traditions have also been used. This (...)
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  29. Principles of Oncology Nursing.T. Ades & P. Greene - forthcoming - Holleb Ai, Fink Dj, Murphy Gp, Organizadores. American Cancer Society of Clinical Oncology. Atlanta (Geo): American Cancer Society.
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    Menander's Гεωργóς.T. L. Agae - 1898 - The Classical Review 12 (02):141-.
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  31. Intention varhaishistoria.T. Aho - 1989 - Ajatus 46:87-99.
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    Can the absolute threshold be conditioned?T. S. Aiba - 1963 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 65 (3):233.
  33.  13
    Kalemi sayesinde yaşamak: Profesör Mehmed Ali Aynî -hayatı ve eserleri-.Ali Kemalı̂ Aksüt - 2021 - İstanbul: Büyüyenay Yayınları. Edited by Ahmet Yasin Çomoğlu.
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    Aristophanes, Knights, 532, 3.T. W. Allen - 1902 - The Classical Review 16 (02):101-102.
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    Mr. Agar's Homerica. Reply.T. W. Allen - 1910 - Classical Quarterly 4 (03):206-.
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    The Epic Cycle ( Continued from page 74).T. W. Allen - 1908 - Classical Quarterly 2 (02):81-.
    I will next briefly enumerate the evidence for the separate poems, beginning with the Trojan series.
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    The Text of the Iliad—II.T. W. Allen - 1900 - The Classical Review 14 (06):290-291.
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  38. Identität und Differenz. Eine Begegnung mit Martin Heidegger.T. Barth - 1959 - Wissenschaft Und Weisheit 22:81-92.
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    Zen Masters: A Maverick, a Master of Masters, and a Wandering Poet. John Stevens.T. H. Barrett - 1999 - Buddhist Studies Review 16 (2):245-246.
    Zen Masters: A Maverick, a Master of Masters, and a Wandering Poet. John Stevens. Kodansha International, Tokyo 1999. 161 pp. £8.99. ISBN 4-7700-2385-5.
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    O definicji bazy fonematycznej.T. Batóg - 1971 - Studia Logica 27 (1):121-121.
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  41. Anumānacintāmaṇi: anumitiprakaraṇa, byāptipañcaka, siṃhabyāghralakshaṇa, byadhikaraṇa: anubāda o bibr̥ti saha.Biśvabandhu Bhaṭṭācāryya - 1993 - Kalakātā: Yādabapura Biśvabidyālaẏa sahāẏaka Ke. Pi. Bāgacī ayāṇḍa Kompānī. Edited by Gaṅgeśa.
    Commentary, with Bengali translation, of Anumānakhaṇḍa, a portion of Tattvacintamaṇi, basic work on the neo-Nyaya school in Hindu philosophy, by Gaṅgeśa, 13th century.
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  42. Jagat̲ o āmi.Pañcānana Bhaṭṭācāryya - 1992 - Kalikātā: Maheśa Lāibrerī Prakāśana Saṃsthā.
    On the Hindu philosophical tradition in the light of Yoga and Hindu rituals.
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  43. Nyāyamañjarī: sampādakagrathitanyāyasaurabhākhyaṭippaṇīsamanvitā.Jayanta Bhaṭṭa - 1969 - Maisūr: Prācyavidyāsaṃśodhanālayaḥ, Maisūruviśvavidyālayaḥ. Edited by Ke Es Varādācarya.
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  44. (2 other versions)Nyāyamañjarī.Jayanta Bhaṭṭa - 1936 - Edited by Śukla, Sūryanārāyaṇa, [From Old Catalog] & Gautama.
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    Modern Interpretations of Marx.T. B. Bottomore - 1981 - Oxford : B. Blackwell.
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  46. Phyl. of Science 62, 197 (1995).T. Breuer - 1996 - Synthese 107 (1).
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    Physiognomonica (review).T. Corey Brennan - 2006 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 99 (2):202-203.
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  48. Johnson, Egypt and the Roman Empire.T. S. Brown - 1952 - Classical Weekly 46:73.
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  49. Launey, Recherches sur les armées hellénistiques.T. S. Brown - 1951 - Classical Weekly 45:169.
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  50.  11
    Nauka v razlichnykh izmerenii︠a︡kh: sbornik nauchnykh trudov II Mezhdunarodnoĭ teoretiko-prakticheskoĭ konferent︠s︡ii, posvi︠a︡shchennoĭ pami︠a︡ti doktora filosofskikh nauk, professora Georgii︠a︡ Fedorovicha Mironova.T. N. Brysina & G. F. Mironov (eds.) - 2010 - Ulʹi︠a︡novsk: UlGTU.
    Книга включает материал, охватывающий основной курс проблем философии науки, социологии и истории знания, научного творчества, являющихся сферой интересов Г. Ф. Миронова. В качестве специального раздела представлены работы молодых исследователей.
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