Results for 'Tanay Gandhi'

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  1.  19
    Dam(n)med Bodies: Disorderly Subjectivity and Sublime Experience in the Narmada Movement.Tanay Gandhi - 2024 - Journal of Social and Political Philosophy 3 (1):52-66.
    This paper explores moments of democratising disorderliness that interrupt a vision of the sublime as a particular ordering of subjectivity. Situated within the context of the Narmada movement against the construction of the Sardar Sarovar Dam in India in the mid-1990s, it argues that sublime regimes and ‘counter-sublime’ insurgences draw their energies from the figures of the dam and the bund, respectively. Where the dam’s walls establish the horizons of visibility, of who counts as subject, the bund’s curved surfaces reveal (...)
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    Discovering the unknown unknowns of research cartography with high-throughput natural description.Tanay Katiyar, Jean-François Bonnefon, Samuel A. Mehr & Manvir Singh - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e50.
    To succeed, we posit that research cartography will require high-throughput natural description to identify unknown unknowns in a particular design space. High-throughput natural description, the systematic collection and annotation of representative corpora of real-world stimuli, faces logistical challenges, but these can be overcome by solutions that are deployed in the later stages of integrative experiment design.
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    Music in the Age of Ockham: The Interrelations Between Music, Mathematics, and Philosophy in the 14th Century.Dorit Esther Tanay - 1989 - Umi.
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    "Nos faysoms contre Nature...": Fourteenth-Century Sophismata and the Musical Avant Garde.Dorit Esther Tanay - 1998 - Journal of the History of Ideas 59 (1):29.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:“Nos faysoms contre Nature...”: Fourteenth-Century Sophismata and the Musical Avant GardeDorit TanayThe secular musical repertory of the late fourteenth century has been described in terms of unparalleled rhythmic intricacies, reflecting a conscious tendency to exhaust the scope of free play within the parameter of time in music. 1 Historians of music see in such musical complexity a case of a musical system in disarray, to be explained by patterns (...)
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    The Birth of Opera and the New Science.Dorit Tanay - 2006 - The European Legacy 11 (7):753-764.
    Since its birth in 1600 opera has been interpreted as an attempt to revive Greek tragedies in its marvelous music. Its provocative presentation of action and narration entirely in music has been seen as a manifestation of the enchanted universe of sixteenth-century hermeticism. Viewed as a final homage to the magical incantations of the premodern era, late Renaissance operas have been interpreted as the culmination rather than the dissolution of Renaissance culture. This paper proposes that the relationship between the natural (...)
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    The Image of Music and the Bodies of Knowledge in the Late Middle Ages: Rhythmic Procedures as Cultural Representations.Dorit Tanay - 1996 - Science in Context 9 (2):121-136.
    The ArgumentThe paper argues that the distinction between modernism and postmodernism can be applied metaphorically to clarify the changing image of music during the late Middle Ages. The paper discusses the scientific and rational strategies that thirteenth century musical theorists applied to revise earlier musical conceptualization. It highlights the thirteenth-century innovative affiliation of music with Aristotelian physics and argues that in a very subtle and seemingly contradictory way music theorists expressed the nascent awareness, if not tacit acknowledgment, of the mundane (...)
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  7. Gandhī-darśana.Gandhi - 1968 - Edited by Ramnarayan Upadhyay.
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  8. Gandhi's letters to a disciple.Mahatma Gandhi - 1950 - London: V. Gollancz. Edited by Mirabehn.
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    The Gandhi sutras.Mahatma Gandhi - 1949 - New York,: Devin-Adair. Edited by Dittakavi Subrahmanya Sarma.
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    Was Gandhi a “pathological altruist”?Arun Gandhi - 2011 - In Barbara Oakley, Ariel Knafo, Guruprasad Madhavan & David Sloan Wilson, Pathological Altruism. Oxford University Press. pp. 246.
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  11. Teachings of Mahatma Gandhi.Mahatma Gandhi - 1945 - Lahore,: The Indian printing works. Edited by Chander, Jag Parvesh & [From Old Catalog].
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    The wisdom of Gandhi.Mahatma Gandhi - 1967 - New York,: Philosophical Library; [distributed by Book Sales.
  13.  3
    The wisdom of Gandhi in his own words.Mahatma Gandhi - 1943 - London,: A. Dakers. Edited by Roy Walker.
  14.  12
    The wit and wisdom of Gandhi.Mahatma Gandhi - 1951 - Boston,: Beacon Press.
    Assembled with skill and sensitivity, this selection of brief and incisive quotations range from religion and theology, personal and social ethics, service, and international and political affairs, to the family, education, culture, Indian problems, and Gandhi's most original concept, satyagraha - group nonviolent direct action. Some quotes from this book: Ahimsa is the highest ideal. It is meant for the brave, never for the cowardly. Eating for the sake of pleasure is a sin like animal indulgence for the sake (...)
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    A day book of thoughts from Mahatma Gandhi.Mahatma Gandhi - 1951 - Calcutta,: Macmillan.
  16. Speeches and writings of Virchand R. Gandhi.Virchand Raghavji Gandhi & Bhagu F. Karbhari - 1910 - Bombay,: Jain Dnyan Prasarak Mandal.
    v. 1. The Jain philosophy, collected and edited by Bhagu F. Karbari.
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    Hind swaraj and other writings.Mohandas Gandhi - 2009 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Anthony Parel.
    Hind Swaraj is Mahatma Gandhi's fundamental work. Not only is it key to understanding his life and thoughts, but also the politics of South Asia in the first half of the twentieth century. Celebrating 100 years since Hind Swaraj was first published in a newspaper, this centenary edition includes a new Preface and Editor's Introduction, as well as a new chapter on 'Gandhi and the 'Four Canonical Aims of Life''. The volume presents a critical edition of the 1910 (...)
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  18. HeX and the single anthill: playing games with Aunt Hillary.J. M. Bishop, S. J. Nasuto, T. Tanay, E. B. Roesch & M. C. Spencer - 2016 - In Vincent C. Müller, Fundamental Issues of Artificial Intelligence. Cham: Springer. pp. 367-389.
    In a reflective and richly entertaining piece from 1979, Doug Hofstadter playfully imagined a conversation between ‘Achilles’ and an anthill (the eponymous ‘Aunt Hillary’), in which he famously explored many ideas and themes related to cognition and consciousness. For Hofstadter, the anthill is able to carry on a conversation because the ants that compose it play roughly the same role that neurons play in human languaging; unfortunately, Hofstadter’s work is notably short on detail suggesting how this magic might be achieved1. (...)
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  19. Authors' Response: Learning, Anticipation and the Brain.E. B. Roesch, M. Spencer, S. J. Nasuto, T. Tanay & J. M. Bishop - 2013 - Constructivist Foundations 9 (1):42-45.
    Upshot: Albeit mostly supportive of our work, the commentaries we received highlighted a few points that deserve additional explanation, with regard to the notion of learning in our model, the relationship between our model and the brain, as well as the notion of anticipation. This open discussion emphasizes the need for toy computer models, to fuel theoretical discussion and prevent business-as-usual from getting in the way of new ideas.
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  20. Exploration of the Functional Properties of Interaction: Computer Models and Pointers for Theory.E. B. Roesch, M. Spencer, S. J. Nasuto, T. Tanay & J. M. Bishop - 2013 - Constructivist Foundations 9 (1):26-33.
    Context: Constructivist approaches to cognition have mostly been descriptive, and now face the challenge of specifying the mechanisms that may support the acquisition of knowledge. Departing from cognitivism, however, requires the development of a new functional framework that will support causal, powerful and goal-directed behavior in the context of the interaction between the organism and the environment. Problem: The properties affecting the computational power of this interaction are, however, unclear, and may include partial information from the environment, exploration, distributed processing (...)
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  21.  29
    All Men Are Brothers: Autobiographical Reflections.Mahatma Gandhi - 1958 - Continuum. Edited by Krishna Kripalani.
    All Men Are Brothers is a compelling and unique collection of Gandhi's most trenchant writings on nonviolence, especially in the context of a post-nuclear world. This compendium, which reads like a traditional book - "Gandhi without tears" - is drawn from a wide range of his reflections on world peace. "It is not that I am incapable of anger, but I succeed on almost all occasions to keep my feelings under control. Such a struggle leaves one stronger for (...)
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  22.  14
    Variation in COVID-19 Resource Allocation Protocols and Potential Implementation in the Chicago Metropolitan Area.Rupali Gandhi, Gina M. Piscitello, William F. Parker & Kelly Michelson - 2021 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 12 (4):266-275.
    Scarce resource allocation policies vary across the United States. Little is known about regional variation in resource allocation protocols and variation in their application. We sought to evaluat...
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  23.  56
    Does 'hypnosis' by any other name smell as sweet? The efficacy of 'hypnotic' inductions depends on the label 'hypnosis'.Balaganesh Gandhi & David A. Oakley - 2005 - Consciousness and Cognition 14 (2):304-315.
    Hypnosis is associated with profound changes in conscious experience and is increasingly used as a cognitive tool to explore neuropsychological processes. Studies of this sort typically employ suggestions following a hypnotic induction to produce changes in perceptual experience and motor control. It is not clear, however, to what extent the induction procedure serves to facilitate suggested phenomena. This study investigated the effect on suggestibility of a hypnotic induction and labelling that procedure ‘hypnosis.’ Suggestibility of participants was tested before and after (...)
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  24.  8
    From Yeravda Mandir: Ashram observances.Mahatma Gandhi - 1945 - Ahmedabad,: Navajivan Pub. House.
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    (1 other version)The Common Cause: Postcolonial Ethics and the Practice of Democracy, 1900-1955.Leela Gandhi - 2014 - University of Chicago Press.
    Europeans and Americans tend to hold the opinion that democracy is a uniquely Western inheritance, but in _The Common Cause_, Leela Gandhi recovers stories of an alternate version, describing a transnational history of democracy in the first half of the twentieth century through the lens of ethics in the broad sense of disciplined self-fashioning. Gandhi identifies a shared culture of perfectionism across imperialism, fascism, and liberalism—an ethic that excluded the ordinary and unexceptional. But, she also illuminates an ethic (...)
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  26.  30
    Nationhood Today in the US and India.Rajmohan Gandhi - 2021 - The Acorn 21 (1):5-20.
    The drives of white nationalism in the US and Hindu nationalism in India are found to be significantly similar in aim and methods. Witnessed in two large nations that are alike too in diversity and in constitutions, the two drives violate statutory norms as also the norms of democracy and equality acknowledged by the world. Contrasting these drives with Gandhi’s vision of partnership and mutual respect among communities and races is illuminating. It may be seen, in addition, that both (...)
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  27. Rāshṭrīya cāritrya nirmāṇa ke buniyādī tattva: Gāndhījī kī "Maṅgala Prabhāta" pustikā kī vyākhyā.Gandhi - 1991 - Naī Dillī: Ācārya Kākā Sāheba Kālelakara Smāraka Nidhi. Edited by Dattātreya Bālakr̥shṇa Kālelakara.
    Text, with extensive interpretive notes, of Maṅgala prabhāta, a treatise on ethics by Mahatma Gandhi, 1869-1948, Indian statesman.
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  28.  19
    The Essential Writings.Mahatma Gandhi - 2008 - Oxford University Press UK.
    'those who say that religion has nothing to do with politics do not know what religion means' Mahatma Gandhi was a profound and original thinker as well as one of the most influential figures in the history of the twentieth century. A religious and social reformer, he became a notable leader in the Indian nationalist movement, made famous for his advocacy of non-violent civil resistance. His many and varied writings are essentially responses to the specific challenges he faced, and (...)
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    Hindu dharma.Mahatma Gandhi - 1950 - Ahmedabad,: Navajivan Pub. House. Edited by Bharatan Kumarappa.
    These are both critical as well as constructive, and thus inspire the reader to be a better Hindu and a better citizen of India and the world.
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  30. The Story of My Experiments with Truth.M. K. GANDHI - 1957
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    Home in the World: A Memoir.Leela Gandhi - 2024 - Common Knowledge 30 (1):143-144.
    Amartya Sen's teeming account of an ecumenical life lived across three continents and over nine decades, in the interstices of colonial encounter, takes the reader on an intimate journey through some of the most significant global, intellectual, and historical events of the second half of the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. We learn of Sen's formative years at Rabindranath Tagore's Shantiniketan University (he was named by the sage himself), and of the lasting impact of the Bengal Famine of 1943 on (...)
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    The Persian Writings on Vedānta Attributed to Banwālīdās Walī.Supriya Gandhi - 2020 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 48 (1):79-99.
    The Mughal court was the main sponsor of Persian works on Vedānta, broadly conceived, from the late sixteenth until the mid-seventeenth century. Thereafter, the audience for such works shifted outside the court. Several Hindus literate in Persian composed or circulated Vedāntic writings. This article surveys three hitherto neglected Persian texts treating Vedānta that appear to have been composed independently from court sponsorship. All three are attributed to Banwālīdās Walī. They comprise the Gulzār-i ḥāl [Rose-garden of ecstatic states], which is itself (...)
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  33.  20
    Health Care Surrogacy Laws Do Not Adequately Address the Needs of Minors.Rupali Gandhi, Erin Talati Paquette, Lainie Friedman Ross & Erin Flanagan - 2020 - Hastings Center Report 50 (2):16-18.
    A couple and their five‐year‐old daughter are in a car accident. The parents are not expected to survive. The child is transported to a children's hospital, and urgent treatment decisions must be made. Whom should the attending physician approach to make decisions for the child? When such cases arise in, for example, the hospitals where we work, the social worker or chaplain is instructed to use the Illinois Health Care Surrogacy Act as a guidepost to identify a decision‐maker. But in (...)
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  34. Ahimsa and the Metaphysics of Hon-violence.Leela Gandhi - 2010 - In J. Sharma A. Raguramaraju, Grounding Morality. Routledge. pp. 160.
  35.  19
    An Exploration of Mental Health Discussions in Live Streaming Gaming Communities.Reesha Gandhi, Christine L. Cook, Nina LaMastra, Jirassaya Uttarapong & Donghee Yvette Wohn - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Live streaming is a unique form of media that creates a direct line of interaction between streamers and viewers. While previous research has explored the social motivations of those who stream and watch streams in the gaming community, there is a lack of research that investigates intimate self-disclosure in this context, such as discussing sensitive topics like mental health on platforms such as This study aims to explore discussions about mental health in gaming live streams to better understand how (...)
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  36.  54
    A false lead in the philosophy of language.Ramchandra Gandhi - 1973 - Philosophical Studies 24 (1):38 - 44.
  37.  10
    All religions are true.Mahatma Gandhi - 1962 - Bombay,: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. Edited by Anand T. Hingorani.
  38. Building a global culture of peace and nonviolence.Ela Gandhi - 2015 - In Olivier Urbain & Ahmed Abaddi, Global visioning: hopes and challenges for a common future. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers.
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    Bapu's letters to Mira, 1924-1948.Mahatma Gandhi & Mirabehn - 1949 - Ahmedabad: Navajivan Pub. House. Edited by Mirabehn.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and (...)
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    Bapu's letters to Ashram sisters, from 6-12-1926 to 30-12-1929.Mahatma Gandhi - 1952 - Ahmedabad,: Navajivan Pub. House. Edited by Dattātreya Bālakr̥shṇa Kālelakara.
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  41. Contemporary relevance of Sri Aurobindo.Kishor Gandhi - 1973 - Delhi,: Vivek Pub. House.
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  42. Debate on Christian Missions.Virchand R. Gandhi - 1894 - The Monist 5:268.
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  43. Essays and Reflections on his Life and Work. together with a new Memorial Section.Mahatma Gandhi & S. Radhakrishnan - 1950 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 12 (3):608-608.
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    Editors’ Introduction.Leela Gandhi & Deborah L. Nelson - 2014 - Critical Inquiry 40 (4):285-297.
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    The Emperor Jahangir: Power and Kingship in Mughal India By Lisa Balabanlilar.Supriya Gandhi - 2022 - Journal of Islamic Studies 34 (2):272-276.
    In the recent past, it was common to hear complaints about the paucity of biographies on South Asian historical subjects. During the last few years, the situati.
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    Ethics of fasting.Mahatma Gandhi - 1944 - Lahore: Indian Printing Works. Edited by Jag Parvesh Chander.
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    Gandhigrams.Mahatma Gandhi - 1947 - Bombay,: Hind Kitabs. Edited by Shripad Ramchandra Tikekar.
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  48. God is truth.Gandhi - 1957 - Bombay: Published for Anand T. Hingorani by Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. Edited by Hingorani, T. Anand & [From Old Catalog].
  49. Gāndhī ke taʻlīmī khayālāt.Gandhi - 1975
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  50. Imperative and Indicative Utterances and the Presuppositions of Communication.Ramchandra Gandhi - 1970
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