Results for 'Teachers Biography'

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  1.  9
    Confucius: great teacher of China. Dem - 2016 - New York: Shen's Books, an imprint of Lee & Low Books.
    An illustrated biography of Confucius (551 BCE-479 BCE), the ancient Chinese teacher, politician, thinker, and philosopher known for his popular aphorisms, his emphasis on education and study, and his models of social interaction. Includes a map and author's sources"--Provided by publisher.
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    Landau, a great physicist and teacher.Anna Livanova - 1980 - New York: Pergamon Press.
    A biography of Lev Landau, one of the greatest Soviet theoretical physicists, whose career was cut short by a catastrophic car accident in 1962 and who was still only sixty when he died six years later. He won the Nobel Prize 'for pioneering work on the theory of the condensed state of matter, particularly liquid helium'. But the book shows that Landau's characterisation of himself as 'one of the last of the universal men of theoretical physics' was fully justified. (...)
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    Arnold Sommerfeld: A biography: Michael Eckert: Arnold Sommerfeld: Science, life and turbulent times 1868–1951. Berlin: Springer, 2013, xiv+471pp, €53.49 PB.S. S. Schweber - 2014 - Metascience 24 (1):111-117.
    Michael Eckert has written a remarkable biography of Arnold Sommerfeld , the “off-scale” theoretical physicist who made his Seminar at the University of Munich the outstanding school of theoretical physics of the first third of the twentieth century. Sommerfeld was the teacher and mentor of a large number of exceptional theoretical physicists who studied with him either as doctoral or post-doctoral studentsSee the Wikipedia entry for Arnold Sommerfeld for a complete listing of all his students by category.; and among (...)
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    A Nineteenth Century Teacher: John Henry Bridges.Susan Liveing - 2007 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1926 and whilst not a biography in the strictest sense, this volume presents John Bridges’ life and character against the social and political background of the nineteenth century as well as examining his legacy for current generations.
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    From Prayer to Pragmatism: A Biography of John L. Childs.Lawrence J. Dennis - 1992 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    Lawrence J. Dennis’s intellectual biography of John L. Childs, a leading figure in twentieth-century American educational philosophy between 1930 and 1960, traces Childs’s influence not only on education but also on midcentury politics, economics, and social issues. A disciple of John Dewey and an associate of William Heard Kilpatrick, George S. Counts, Boyd Bode, and other key figures in modern American education, Childs laid the philosophic basis for social reconstruction and became an important contributor to and interpreter of pragmatism (...)
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    Examining the Complexity of Pre-Service Social Studies Teacher Dispositions: Ideology, Experience, and Privilege.Kevin Russel Magill - 2023 - Journal of Social Studies Research 47 (3-4):245-262.
    In this piece, the author examined the impact of ideology, experience, and privilege on pre-service Social Studies teacher disposition. Findings suggest that participants conceptually understood injustice and began to critique social antagonisms like whiteness and class. However, they continued reinforcing raced and classed ideologies in their interactions with those outside their group. When faced with the cognitive dissonance between stated ideology and their privileged position, the more liberal participants re-narrativize their political stances to adopt more critical ideological worldviews while maintaining (...)
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    William James: in the maelstrom of American modernism: a biography.Robert D. Richardson - 2006 - Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
    Biographer Richardson has written a moving portrait of James--pivotal member of the Metaphysical Club and author of The Varieties of Religious Experience. The biography, ten years in the making, draws on unpublished letters, journals, and family records. Richardson paints extraordinary scenes from what James himself called the "buzzing blooming confusion" of his life, beginning with childhood, as he struggled to achieve amid the domestic chaos and intellectual brilliance of Father, brother Henry, and sister Alice. James was a beloved teacher (...)
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    A teacher's experience: a collection.Stanislav Teofilovich Shat︠s︡kiĭ - 1981 - Moscow: Progress Publishers.
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    Heidegger’s Methodological Atheism: Biography and Philosophy.А.М Гагинский - 2023 - History of Philosophy 28 (1):67-81.
    The article is devoted to an investigation of the preconditions of Heidegger’s methodological atheism, according to which “philosophy is fundamentally atheistic”. Based on biographical evidence which sheds light on the mental experience of the young philosopher (“darkness of depressive sensitivity”, according to H. Ott) the author maintains that Heidegger was very prejudiced against the Catholic tradition. The author suggests that the origins of Heidegger’s methodology should be sought in the first and most important of the “turns” which took place around (...)
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  10.  34
    Classroom Conversations: A Collection of Classics for Parents and Teachers.Alexandra Miletta & Maureen McCann Miletta (eds.) - 2008 - The New Press.
    Mother and daughter Alexandra and Maureen point to the great thinkers who have shaped their beliefs and practices in education, and who continue to influence teachers today. 19 essays from Dewey to Delpit offer parents and new educators an overview of education. These touchstone texts are framed by commentary, as the Milettas include both personal readings with wider contextual value and brief biographies.
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    The Great Philosophers as Teachers of Mankind.Werner Busch - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 52:17-23.
    The question is, of whether alongside a theme and method concentrated philosophy teaching it would be sensisible for young people to have a teaching form where great philosophers themselves are the centre of interest and are presented as personalities engaged in philosophical research. As an illustration the philosophers Plato, René Descartes, John Locke and Immanuel Kant, who essentially laid down the foundations of modern scientific thinking, would be presented in relationship to teaching practice. This train of thought can be extended (...)
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    Twelve world teachers: a summary of their lives and teachings.Manly Palmer Hall - 1937 - Los Angeles, Calif.: Philosophical Research Society.
    Akhenaten -- Hermes Trismegistus -- Orpheus -- Zoroaster -- Buddha -- Confucius -- Lao-Tse -- Plato -- Jesus -- Mohammed -- Padmasambhava -- Quetzalcoatl.
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    Where He Stands: Albert Shanker of the American Federation of Teachers.Dickson A. Mungazi - 1995 - Westport, Conn.: Praeger.
    The purpose of this book is to discuss some critical components of Albert Shanker's work in American education, first as a teacher, then as president of the AFT. This is done in the context of the developments that took place in the United States since 1902 and the formation of the AFT in 1916. It focuses on the elements of leadership that were critical to the development of the United States from that time to the present. It presents these developments (...)
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  14.  11
    Becoming Dallas Willard: the formation of a philosopher, teacher, and Christ follower.Gary W. Moon - 2018 - Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press.
    Dallas Willard was a personal mentor and inspiration to hundreds of pastors, philosophers, and average churchgoers. In Gary W. Moon’s candid and inspiring biography, we read about the development of Willard's personal character, philosophical writing, and spiritual teaching, and how he has inspired some of the most influential books on spirituality of the last generation.
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    The attributes of peace educators from Sang Pencerah, the biography of KH Ahmad Dahlan: A hermeneutic study.Purwadi Purwadi, Wahyu N. E. Saputra, Rina R. S. Sudaryani & Prima S. Rohmadheny - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):8.
    Peace encourages humans to eliminate the impulse of violence within themselves. Peace in students can drive the development of peace in their social environment. Educators should be able to play the role of peace educators to take part in creating true peace. This study aims to identify the attributes of peace educators through the life experiences of KH Ahmad Dahlan, as narrated in the novel Sang Pencerah (The Enlightener). This qualitative research employs the hermeneutic approach. The research stages include overall (...)
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  16.  41
    John Duns Scotus: A Teacher for our Times. [REVIEW]C. P. A. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (1):183-183.
    A rather popular mixture of biography, philosophy, and theology, for the Catholic layman. Scotus' role in the defense of the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception receives special emphasis. --A. C. P.
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    Samuel Pufendorf in der Welt des 17. Jahrhunderts: Untersuchungen zur Biographie Pufendorfs und zu seinem Wirken als Politiker und Theologe.Detlef Döring - 2012 - Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann.
    Im Winterhalbjahr 2009/10 führte das Thomas-Mann-Archiv der ETH Zürich zusammen mit den beiden evangelisch-reformierten Gemeinden Fraumünster und Großmünster in Zürich eine Vortragsreihe durch zum Thema "Der ungläubige Thomas. Zur Religion in Thomas Manns Romanen". Im Gesamtbogen der Romane Thomas Manns wird Religion auf eine faszinierend vielschichtige Weise und in einer sich vertiefenden Denkbewegung thematisch. Die Auseinandersetzung mit Kernthemen jüdisch-christlicher wie auch mythisch-antiker Traditionen geschieht bei Thomas Mann in einer Breite und Tiefe wie bei nur wenigen seiner literarischen Zeitgenossen. Durch alle (...)
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  18.  33
    Two Roads to Ignorance: A Quasi Biography.Eliseo Vivas - 1979 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    This account of one man’s search for truth bears witness to defection and apostasy and, in the end, to the humility of deeply lived experience. Eliseo Vivas, distinguished teacher, lit­erary critic, and philosopher, relates the search by his alter ego, Alonzo Quijano, for a philosophy to live by as well as one to think well by. His intellectual odys­sey is marked by defection from com­munism and apostasy from the philoso­phy of John Dewey. Vivas provides throughout this ac­count of Alonzo’s rupture (...)
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  19. W nowej rzeczywistości, 1945-1965.Stefan Swieżawski - 1991 - Lublin: Red. Wydawnictw Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego.
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    Ren Wen Xue Ren: Zhang Qizhi Jiao Shou Ji Shi.Guanghua Fang & Zhanfeng Chen (eds.) - 2008 - Xi'an Chu Ban She.
    张岂之先生毕生从事中国思想史的研究与教学, 为中国思想史学科的发展倾注了大量心血. 七月中旬, 来自全国各地的一百余位学者, 在西安就先生最关心的中国思想史研究事业进行回顾总结.
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    Rejsen til Smyrna: Christen Kolds dagbog 1842-1847.Christen Mikkelsen Kold - 1979 - [København]: i samarbejde med Selskabet for dansk skolehistorie.
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    Richard Hönigswalds Pädagogikbegriff: zur Verhältnisbestimmung von Philosophie u. Pädagogik.Erwin Hufnagel - 1979 - Bonn: Bouvier.
  23. Ustodi kasbi najib.M. Mansurov - 1968
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    Juraj Hronec, pedagóg.Viera Žbirková - 1975 - Bratislava: Slovenské pedagogické nakl..
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    Zhongguo bo shi jing ying.Yong Zhou (ed.) - 1991 - [Canton]: Zhongshan da xue chu ban she.
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  26. Giovanni Antonio Colozza: pedagogista e maestro: (con brani estratti dalle opere).Antonio Di Tullio - 1973 - [Campobasso]: Cassa di risparmio molisana.
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    Życie i działalność Karola Libelta: 1807-1875.Zdzisław Grot - 1977 - Poznań: Państwowe Wydawn. Naukowe.
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  28. Julius Stone: a bio-bibliography including "Trends in jurisprudence in the second half century," an unpublished speech [by Julius Stone] presented 24 March 1967 at the University of Texas School of Law.Barbara Drexler Hathaway - 1980 - Austin: Tarlton Law Library. Edited by Julius Stone, Adrienne DeVergie & Judith Helburn.
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    Reflexões sobre a formação dos homens.José Fernandes Fafe - 1975 - Lisboa: Iniciativas Editoriais.
  30. Kyōshi soko made no michi: jidenteki kyōikuron.Norio Miyazaki - 1984 - Tōkyō: Ayumi Shuppan.
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  31.  10
    Socrates: Greek philosopher.Richard Bowen - 2013 - Broomall: Mason Crest Publishers. Edited by Iassen Ghiuselev.
    A biography of Socrates, a philosopher and teacher in ancient Greece who held that wisdom comes from questioning ideas and values rather than simply accepting what is passed on by parents and teachers.
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  32. Nichijō to genshi.Kōji Kawatsu - 1975
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    Sven Lindman: hans vetenskapssyn och vetenskapliga gärning.Dag Anckar - 1986 - Åbo: Åbo akademi.
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    Crash course: the life lessons my students taught me.Kim Bearden - 2014 - New York: Simon & Schuster.
    The inspiring true story of a teacher's experiences with her students and the life lessons she learned that can help others find joy and success. Crash Course chronicles the life lessons that Kim Bearden has learned during an award-winning career in education that has spanned three decades. Kim has taught more than 2,000 students, and each has shown her something about the world and the abundant capacity for love, resilience, and appreciation that we all possess. By sharing her students' stories, (...)
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    Art and the Elite.Quentin Bell - 1974 - Critical Inquiry 1 (1):33-46.
    University teachers, as is well known, commit acts of despotism. About three years ago I committed such an act. I told my students that I would not accept papers which included the words protagonist, basic , alienation, total , dichotomy, and a few others including elite and elitist. On consideration I decided to remove the ban on the last two for it seemed to me that there was no other term that could be used to discuss what is, after (...)
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    Wise guy: the life and philosophy of Socrates.Mark David Usher - 2005 - New York: Farrar Straus Giroux. Edited by William Bramhall.
    A biography of Socrates, a philosopher and teacher in ancient Greece who held that wisdom comes from questioning ideas and values rather than simply accepting what is passed on by parents and teachers.
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    Socrates: the public conscience of Golden Age Athens.Jun Lim - 2006 - New York: Rosen Pub. Group.
    Biography of Greek philosopher and teacher Socrates describing his lasting influence on human understanding.
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  38. Keruzen no shūhen.Ryūichi Nagao - 1980 - Tōkyō: Mokutakusha.
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    Hōgakusha, hito to sakuhin.Masami Itō (ed.) - 1985 - Tōkyō: Nihon Hyōronsha.
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  40. Bolzanovo působení na pražské univerzitě.Marie Pavlíková - 1985 - Praha: Univerzita Karlova.
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  41. Mimamoru kyōiku.Tomojirō Yamanaka - 1977
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  42.  25
    Paul Elmer More. [REVIEW]C. N. R. - 1961 - Review of Metaphysics 14 (3):567-567.
    A biography made up chiefly of excerpts from correspondence of Paul E. More, literary critic, editor of The Nation and teacher of classical and early Christian philosophy at Princeton. The central theme is More's religious development from Calvinism through humanism to a final great sympathy with Anglicanism.--R. C. N.
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  43. Gaṇḍūrina garime Ji. Hanumantarāv.Javare Gowda & Deve Gowda - 2006 - Maisūru: Ḍi. Vi. Ke. Mūrti Prakāśakaru.
    Biography of Ji. Hanumantarāv, 1898-1974, professor of Philosophy at University of Mysore.
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  44. (3 other versions)Ethics: Masonic Edition.Baruch Spinoza - 1677 - Hackett.
    The Oxford Philosophical Texts series consists of authoritative teaching editions of canonical texts in the history of philosophy from the ancient world down to modern times. Each volume provides a clear, well laid out text together with a comprehensive introduction by a leading specialist, giving the student detailed critical guidance on the intellectual context of the work and the structure and philosophical important of the main arguments and explain unfamiliar references and terminology, and a full bibliography and index are also (...)
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  45.  12
    Śāntarakṣita and Kamalaśīla: Life and Teaching.Lev I. Titlin - 2020 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 24 (4):570-589.
    The article details the biography and teachings of Śāntarakṣita, a famous Buddhist scholar and enlightener, a leading figure in the spread of Buddhism in Tibet and his closest student Kamalaśīla. Śāntarakṣita is the author of several treatises, including Compendium of Entities - Tattvasaṃgraha, a monumental work that can rightfully be called the Buddhist Philosophical Encyclopedia, consisting of 26 sections, in which all key philosophical schools of India, namely: Mīmāṃsa, Vedānta, Sāṃkhya, Yoga, Nyāya, Vaiśeṣika, Lokāyata, Jainism and Buddhism of other (...)
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    Confucius, ancient Chinese philosopher.Alan L. Paley - 1973 - Charlotteville, N.Y.,: SamHar Press.
    A brief biography of the Chinese teacher and sage whose teachings, though largely ignored during his lifetime, influenced all aspects of Chinese life for many centuries after his death.
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    Life and Letters of Hannah E. Pipe.Anna M. Stoddart - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    The writer Anna M. Stoddart published biographies of Isabella Bird and the classical scholar John Stuart Blackie before this 1908 life of the educationalist Hannah E. Pipe. Pipe was sent in 1847 to Chorlton high school, run by William Ballantyne Hodgson, who mapped out for her a teaching career. This biography was written for, and at the urging of, Pipe's ex-pupils, concerned to record her life 'before it crumbles into oblivion'. She opened her first school in Manchester, but moved (...)
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  48.  12
    Taken by Design: Photographs From the Institute of Design, 1937-1971.David Travis & Elizabeth Siegel (eds.) - 2002 - University of Chicago Press.
    One of Chicago's great cultural achievements, the Institute of Design was among the most important schools of photography in twentieth-century America. It began as an outpost of experimental Bauhaus education and was home to an astonishing group of influential teachers and students, including Lázló Moholy-Nagy, Harry Callahan, and Aaron Siskind. To date, however, the ID's enormous contributions to the art and practice of photography have gone largely unexplored. Taken by Design is the first publication to examine thoroughly this remarkable (...)
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  49.  27
    On the Evolution of Spinoza's Political and Philosophical Ideas.V. V. Sokolov - 1964 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 2 (4):57-62.
    One of the most persistent and popular bourgeois myths about Spinoza is that of his unwillingness to participate in any kind of political struggle whatever. This myth is sustained particularly by those non-Marxist historians of philosophy who contend that the essence of Spinozism is the development of a new form of religiosity, free of the limitations of any national religion. Such a conception of the Dutch thinker is partially based on facts related by his first biographers, particularly Lucas. As we (...)
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  50. Obʺi︠a︡tʹ neobʺi︠a︡tnoe: zapiski pedagoga.M. P. Shchetinin - 1986 - Moskva: Pedagogika.
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