Results for 'The Legend Hypothesis'

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  1.  30
    Legends and Transcendence.Tse-Fu Kuan - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 133 (4):607-634.
    Of the four complete Āgama collections, the Ekottarika Āgama (EĀ) has generated the most controversy about whether it can be attributed to any early Buddhist school and, if so, which school it could belong to. This paper examines the various hypotheses about the sectarian affiliation(s) of the EĀ. It shows that a considerable part of this corpus is likely to be of Mahāsāṃghika derivation, and that the EĀ contains numerous salient features of Mahāsāṃghika doctrine, particularly the transcendence of Buddhas and (...)
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    Alcman's Partheneion: Legend and Choral Ceremony.E. Robbins - 1994 - Classical Quarterly 44 (1):7-16.
    The papyrus text of the Partheneion, discovered in 1855 and now in the Louvre, consists of 101 lines in three columns. Of these the first 34 lines are badly mutilated owing to the disappearance of the left-hand side of the column, whereas lines 35–101 can be restored with almost complete confidence. Of a fourth column nothing is legible, though a coronis opposite the fifth line of column iii shows that the poem ended only four lines after our text runs out. (...)
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    Legende und Geschichte: Der Fatḥ Madīnat Harar von Yaḥyā b. NaṣrallāhLegende und Geschichte: Der Fath Madinat Harar von Yahya b. Nasrallah.L. M., Ewald Wagner, Legende & Geschichte - 1989 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 109 (1):163.
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  4. Hypothesis Testing in Scientific Practice: An Empirical Study.Moti Mizrahi - 2020 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 33 (1):1-21.
    It is generally accepted among philosophers of science that hypothesis testing is a key methodological feature of science. As far as philosophical theories of confirmation are con...
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  5. Hypothesis and belief.Christopher Isherwood - 1945 - In Vedanta for the Western world. Hollywood: The Marcel Rodd Co..
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    Hypothesis recognition failure in conjunctive and disjunctive concept-identification tasks.Ronald T. Kellogg - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 19 (6):327-330.
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  7. Hypothesis-testing goals and strategies-2 rules are better than one.Cm Wharton, Td Wickens & Pw Cheng - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (6):479-479.
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  8. Exploratory hypothesis tests can be more compelling than confirmatory hypothesis tests.Mark Rubin & Chris Donkin - 2024 - Philosophical Psychology 37 (8):2019-2047.
    Preregistration has been proposed as a useful method for making a publicly verifiable distinction between confirmatory hypothesis tests, which involve planned tests of ante hoc hypotheses, and exploratory hypothesis tests, which involve unplanned tests of post hoc hypotheses. This distinction is thought to be important because it has been proposed that confirmatory hypothesis tests provide more compelling results (less uncertain, less tentative, less open to bias) than exploratory hypothesis tests. In this article, we challenge this proposition (...)
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    Hypothesis Generation and Pursuit in Scientific Reasoning.Rune Nyrup - unknown
    This thesis draws a distinction between reasoning about which scientific hypothesis to accept, reasoning concerned with generating new hypotheses and reasoning about which hypothesis to pursue. I argue that and should be evaluated according to the same normative standard, namely whether the hypotheses generated/selected are pursuit worthy. A consequentialist account of pursuit worthiness is defended, based on C. S. Peirce’s notion of ‘abduction’ and the ‘economy of research’, and developed as a family of formal, decision-theoretic models. This account (...)
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  10. Rational Hypothesis: Inquiry Direction Without Evidence.Michele Palmira - forthcoming - Philosophical Topics.
    There are scenarios in which letting one’s own views on the question whether p direct one’s inquiry into that question brings about individual and collective epistemic benefits. However, these scenarios are also such that one’s evidence doesn’t support believing one’s own views. So, how to vindicate the epistemic benefits of directing one’s inquiry in such an asymmetric way, without asking one to hold a seemingly irrational doxastic attitude? To answer this question, the paper understands asymmetric inquiry direction in terms of (...)
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    Science, Hypothesis, and Hierarchy.Janet Folina - 2019 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 9 (2):388-406.
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    Semi-strong form market hypothesis: Evidence from cnbc's Jim Cramer's mad money stock recommendations.Elizabeth Dodson - 2006 - Inquiry: The University of Arkansas Undergraduate Research Journal 7.
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  13. Harmful ETI hypothesis denied : visiting ETIs likely altruists.Harold A. Geller - 2014 - In Douglas A. Vakoch, Extraterrestrial altruism: evolution and ethics in the cosmos. New York: Springer.
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  14. Lockwood's hypothesis.John A. Foster - 1991 - In John Foster, The Immaterial Self: A Defence of the Cartesian Dualist Conception of the Mind. Routledge.
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    Hypothesis in Early Modern Science.Ernan McMullin - 2009 - In Michael Heidelberger & Gregor Schiemann, The Significance of the Hypothetical in Natural Science. De Gruyter. pp. 7-38.
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    Blank trials and hypothesis behavior in young children.Karen G. Foreit - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 3 (1):1-3.
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    Perception as hypothesis testing.Timothy A. Salthouse & Warren L. Danziger - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 11 (3):197-199.
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  18. Deconfounding hypothesis generation and evaluation in Bayesian models.Elizabeth Baraff Bonawitz & Thomas L. Griffiths - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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    Learning hypothesis spaces and dimensions through concept learning.Joseph L. Austerweil & Thomas L. Griffiths - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 73--78.
  20. Hypothesis and illusion: Explorations in perception and science.Richard L. Gregory - 1993 - In Edmond Leo Wright, New Representationalisms: Essays in the Philosophy of Perception. Ashgate. pp. 232--262.
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  21. Fenna H. Poletiek, Hypothesis-testing Behaviour.L. M. Osbeck - 2002 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 16 (2):187-190.
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    Hypothesis: transcript‐templated repair of DNA double‐strand breaks.Deborah A. Trott & Andrew C. G. Porter - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (1):78-83.
    Two mechanisms are available for the repair of DNA double‐strand breaks (DSBs) in eukaryotic cells: homology directed repair (HDR) and non‐homologous end‐joining (NHEJ). While NHEJ is not restricted to a particular phase of the cell cycle, it is incapable of accurately repairing DBSs that have suffered a loss or gain of nucleotide sequence information. In contrast, HDR achieves accurate repair of such DSBs by use of a sister chromatid as a DNA template, but is restricted to cell cycle phases (S/G2) (...)
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    Schizophrenic hypothesis behavior in concept identification.Vladimir Pishkin & W. Vail Williams - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 8 (5):385-388.
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    Hypothesis and Realism.David K. Johnson - 1995 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 15 (1):80-85.
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    Hypothesis Competition beyond Mutual Exclusivity.Jonah N. Schupbach & David H. Glass - 2017 - Philosophy of Science 84 (5):810-824.
    Competition between scientific hypotheses is not always a matter of mutual exclusivity. Consistent hypotheses can compete to varying degrees either directly or indirectly via a body of evidence. We motivate and defend a particular account of hypothesis competition by showing how it captures these features. Computer simulations of Bayesian inference are used to highlight the limitations of adopting mutual exclusivity as a simplifying assumption to model scientific reasoning, particularly due to the exclusion of hypotheses that may be true. We (...)
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  26. Linear hypothesis: regression (Quantile).R. Koenker - 2001 - In Neil J. Smelser & Paul B. Baltes, International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier. pp. 13--8893.
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  27. Hypothesis testing in statistics.G. Casella & R. Berger - 2001 - In Neil J. Smelser & Paul B. Baltes, International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier. pp. 7118--7121.
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    (1 other version)Hypothesis.J. H. Muirhead - 1894 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society (1):99 - 118.
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    Hypothesis testing in stimulus integration tasks of varying difficulty.Kent L. Norman - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 9 (2):106-108.
  30. Epistemic Contextualism: An Idle Hypothesis.John Turri - 2017 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 95 (1):141-156.
    Epistemic contextualism is one of the most hotly debated topics in contemporary epistemology. Contextualists claim that ‘know’ is a context-sensitive verb associated with different evidential standards in different contexts. Contextualists motivate their view based on a set of behavioural claims. In this paper, I show that several of these behavioural claims are false. I also show that contextualist test cases suffer from a critical confound, which derives from people's tendency to defer to speakers’ statements about their own mental states. My (...)
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    Reconstructing Chrysippus’ Cosmological Hypothesis. On Plut. Stoic. rep. 1054c–d.Michele Alessandrelli - 2019 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 40 (1):67-98.
    Two literal quotations from Chrysippus’ On Possibles, preserved in Plutarch’s On the Contradictions of the Stoics, seem to contradict the Stoic thesis of the isotropy of the void. According to this thesis the void is an infinite undifferentiated expanse whose center is marked by, and coincides with, the position of the world. Since there is nothing else outside the world, the cohesive force that pervades it is sufficient on its own to guarantee the quasi–indestructibility of the trans–cyclical διακόσμησις and the (...)
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  32. Hypothesis Testing, “Dutch Book” Arguments, and Risk.Daniel Malinsky - 2015 - Philosophy of Science 82 (5):917-929.
    “Dutch Book” arguments and references to gambling theorems are typical in the debate between Bayesians and scientists committed to “classical” statistical methods. These arguments have rarely convinced non-Bayesian scientists to abandon certain conventional practices, partially because many scientists feel that gambling theorems have little relevance to their research activities. In other words, scientists “don’t bet.” This article examines one attempt, by Schervish, Seidenfeld, and Kadane, to progress beyond such apparent stalemates by connecting “Dutch Book”–type mathematical results with principles actually endorsed (...)
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    A Hypothesis: Metabolic Contributions to 16p11.2 Deletion Syndrome.Brandon Kar Meng Choo, Sarah Barnes & Hazel Sive - forthcoming - Bioessays:e202400177.
    ABSTRACT16p11.2 deletion syndrome is a severe genetic disorder associated with the deletion of 27 genes from a Copy Number Variant region on human chromosome 16. Symptoms associated include cognitive impairment, language and motor delay, epilepsy or seizures, psychiatric disorders, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), changes in head size and body weight, and dysmorphic features, with a crucial need to define genes and mechanisms responsible for symptomatology. In this review, we analyze the clinical associations and biological pathways of 16p11.2 locus genes and (...)
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  34. Boyle's corpuscular hypothesis and Locke's primary-secondary quality distinction.David Palmer - 1976 - Philosophical Studies 29 (3):181 - 189.
    Locke denied that ideas of secondary qualities resemble their causes. It has been suggested that Locke denied this because he accepted a mechanical corpuscular hypothesis about the constitution of objects. This paper shows that this and other usual explanations of Locke's denial are mistaken. Further, it suggests an alternative relationship between the scientific account and Locke's philosophical views, and finally it provides Locke's real justification for his claim that ideas of secondary qualities do not resemble their causes.
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  35. Hypothesis and Convention in Poincaré’s Defense of Galilei Spacetime.Scott Walter - 2009 - In Michael Heidelberger & Gregor Schiemann, The Significance of the Hypothetical in Natural Science. De Gruyter. pp. 193-220.
    According to the conventionalist doctrine of space elaborated by the French philosopher-scientist Henri Poincaré in the 1890s, the geometry of physical space is a matter of definition, not of fact. Poincaré's Hertz-inspired view of the role of hypothesis in science guided his interpretation of the theory of relativity (1905), which he found to be in violation of the axiom of free mobility of invariable solids. In a quixotic effort to save the Euclidean geometry that relied on this axiom, Poincaré (...)
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    Hypothesis and Convention in Poincaré’s Defense of Galilei Spacetime.Scott Walter - 2009 - In Michael Heidelberger & Gregor Schiemann, The Significance of the Hypothetical in Natural Science. De Gruyter. pp. 193-219.
    According to the conventionalist doctrine of space elaborated by the French philosopher-scientist Henri Poincaré in the 1890s, the geometry of physical space is a matter of definition, not of fact. Poincaré’s Hertz-inspired view of the role of hypothesis in science guided his interpretation of the theory of relativity (1905), which he found to be in violation of the axiom of free mobility of invariable solids. In a quixotic effort to save the Euclidean geometry that relied on this axiom, Poincaré (...)
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  37. (1 other version)Induction and Hypothesis.S. F. Barker - 1960 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 11 (42):164-166.
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    Hypothesis Testing as a Moral Choice.David J. Pittenger - 2001 - Ethics and Behavior 11 (2):151-162.
    Although many researchers may perceive empirical hypothesis testing using inferential statistics to be a value free process, I argue that any conclusion based on inferential statistics contains an important and intractable value judgment. Consequently, I conclude that researchers should use the same rationale for examining the ethical ramifications of committing errors in statistical inference that they use to examine the ethical parameters of a proposed research design.
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  39. Learning as Hypothesis Testing: Learning Conditional and Probabilistic Information.Jonathan Vandenburgh - manuscript
    Complex constraints like conditionals ('If A, then B') and probabilistic constraints ('The probability that A is p') pose problems for Bayesian theories of learning. Since these propositions do not express constraints on outcomes, agents cannot simply conditionalize on the new information. Furthermore, a natural extension of conditionalization, relative information minimization, leads to many counterintuitive predictions, evidenced by the sundowners problem and the Judy Benjamin problem. Building on the notion of a `paradigm shift' and empirical research in psychology and economics, I (...)
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  40. A Hypothesis of Extraterrestrial Behavior (2nd edition).William C. Lane - manuscript
    Developments that suggest the universe is full of life make the Fermi paradox increasingly pressing, but our search for an extraterrestrial technological civilization (“ETC”) is handicapped by our ignorance of its probable nature and behavior. This paper offers a way around this problem by drawing on information theoretical concepts, including game theory and Bayesian probability. It argues that, whatever its ultimate goals, an ETC would have the same instrumental goals as other intelligent agents. Generically, these are self-preservation and the acquisition (...)
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    Science and Hypothesis: Historical Essays on Scientific Methodology.Larry Laudan & R. Laudan - 1981 - Springer.
    This book consists of a collection of essays written between 1965 and 1981. Some have been published elsewhere; others appear here for the first time. Although dealing with different figures and different periods, they have a common theme: all are concerned with examining how the method of hy pothesis came to be the ruling orthodoxy in the philosophy of science and the quasi-official methodology of the scientific community. It might have been otherwise. Barely three centuries ago, hypothetico deduction was in (...)
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  42. Evidence, Hypothesis, and Grue.Alfred Schramm - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (3):571-591.
    Extant literature on Goodman’s ‘New Riddle of Induction’ deals mainly with two versions. I consider both of them, starting from the (‘epistemic’) version of Goodman’s classic of 1954. It turns out that it belongs to the realm of applications of inductive logic, and that it can be resolved by admitting only significant evidence (as I call it) for confirmations of hypotheses. Sect. 1 prepares some ground for the argument. As much of it depends on the notion of evidential significance, this (...)
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  43. Null-hypothesis tests are not completely stupid, but bayesian statistics are better.David Rindskopf - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (2):215-216.
    Unfortunately, reading Chow's work is likely to leave the reader more confused than enlightened. My preferred solutions to the “controversy” about null- hypothesis testing are: (1) recognize that we really want to test the hypothesis that an effect is “small,” not null, and (2) use Bayesian methods, which are much more in keeping with the way humans naturally think than are classical statistical methods.
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    Hypothesis vs. problem in scientific investigation.Mapheus Smith - 1945 - Philosophy of Science 12 (4):296-301.
    It is widely stated that a hypothesis is necessary to the execution of a scientific investigation. However, the dogmatic acceptance of this, as of every other proposition, is to be condemned until its implications have been adequately explored.It is the writer's view that hypotheses are not prerequisite to every study which contributes to organized and systematic knowledge of the observable world. It is also concluded that the recognition of a problem requiring a solution or a question deserving an answer (...)
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    Hypothesis testing: Strategy selection for generalising versus limiting hypotheses.Barbara A. Spellman - 1999 - Thinking and Reasoning 5 (1):67 – 92.
    Humans appear to follow normative rules of inductive reasoning in "premise diversity tasks" that is, they know that dissimilar rather than similar evidence is better for generalising hypotheses. In three experiments, we use a "hypothesis limitation task" to compare a related inductive reasoning skill knowing how to limit hypotheses by using a negative test strategy. Participants are told that one category member has some property (e.g. Dogs have a merocrine gland) and are asked what evidence they would test to (...)
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    Montesquieu hypothesis and football: players from hot countries are more expressive after scoring a goal.P. Szarota, I. E. Onyishi, A. Sorokowska & P. Sorokowski - 2013 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 44 (4):421-430.
    Analysis of sportsmen behavior enabled the authors to conduct simultaneous analysis of emotional expression of people from many distinct countries and cultures. In the study, participants from Nigeria and Poland watched all the goals scored in group matches of the 1998, 2002 and 2006 World Cups and assessed the emotions players expressed after scoring each goal on three scales. Based on the assessment of the participants, emotional expression of football players from 51 countries was analyzed. Basing on “Montesquieu hypothesis”, (...)
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    When efficient market hypothesis meets Hayek on information: beyond a methodological reading.Nathanaël Colin-Jaeger & Thomas Delcey - 2019 - Journal of Economic Methodology 27 (2):97-116.
    Hayek and the Efficient Market Hypothesis are often seen as proposing a similar theory of prices. Hayek is seen as proposing to understand prices as information conveyer, incorporating inform...
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  48.  24
    Intuition, Hypothesis, and Reality.David K. Johnson - 1991 - Dissertation, University of Massachusetts Amherst
    Realism about the external, natural world is an overarching empirical hypothesis. The method of hypothetical realism rejects as an excessive concession to the skeptic these two assumptions of constructivist intuitionism: first, that everything real must be exhaustively inspectable; and second, that our beliefs are to be justified to the point of certainty. We prefer to say that nothing is ever known directly; that all of our contact with the world is mediated by thoughts, words, and percepts construed as signs (...)
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  49. Is God an unnecessary hypothesis?Peter van Inwagen - 2005 - In Andrew Dole & Andrew Chignell, God and the Ethics of Belief: New Essays in Philosophy of Religion (Festschrift for Nicholas Wolterstorff). New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Epistemology as Hypothesis.Hilary Putnam & Ruth Anna Putnam - 1990 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 26 (4):407 - 433.
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