Results for 'The Rope'

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  1.  42
    Natural Theology in Evolution: A Review of Critiques and Changes. [REVIEW]Rope Kojonen - 2017 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 9 (2):83-117.
    The purpose of this article is to provide a broad overview and analysis of the evolution of natural theology in response to influential critiques raised against it. I identify eight main lines of critique against natural theology, and analyze how the defenders of different types of natural theology differ in their responses to these critiques, leading into several very different forms of natural theology. Based on the amount and quality of discussion that exists, I argue that simply referring to the (...)
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  2. Tensions in intelligent design's critique of theistic evolutionism.Erkki Vesa Rope Kojonen - 2013 - Zygon 48 (2):251-273.
    “Intelligent Design” (ID) is a contemporary intellectual movement arguing that there is scientific evidence for the existence of some sort of creator. Its proponents see ID as a scientific research program and as a way to build a bridge between science and theology, while many critics see it merely as a repackaged form of religiously motivated creationism: both bad science and bad theology. In this article, I offer a close reading of the ID movement's critique of theistic evolutionism and argue (...)
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    Design Discourse: A Way Forward for Theistic Evolutionism?Erkki Vesa Rope Kojonen - 2018 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 60 (3):435-451.
    Summary It is usually supposed that biological design arguments are made obsolete by Darwinian evolutionary theory. However, philosopher Alvin Plantinga and others have defended the continued possibility of a rational “design discourse”, in which biological order is taken as a sign of God’s purposeful action. In this article, I consider two objections to design discourse: a theological objection to biological design based on the problem of natural evil, and the evolutionary objection, according to which evolutionary theory removes the justification for (...)
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    Epistemic Egoism and the Protestant Uses of Tradition.Erkki Vesa Rope Kojonen - 2024 - TheoLogica: An International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology 9 (1).
    Although ecumenical dialogue has highlighted many commonalities between Protestants, Catholics, and Orthodox, many issues still remain contentious. One often recurring suspicion is that the Protestant idea of sola scriptura inevitably leads to an individualistic religiosity, neglecting the importance of the divinely guided Christian tradition and Christian church teaching for understanding the Bible. In this article, I relate this critique to the idea of “epistemic egoism”, as defined by Linda Zagzebski, and develop an alternative Protestant social epistemology based on tradition as (...)
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  5.  27
    Jump Rope Chant: A Cure for All Kinds of Stomach Aches, ca. 2000 BCE–ca. 2000 CE.Abby Minor - 2020 - Feminist Studies 46 (1):103.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 46, no. 1. © 2020 by Abby Minor 103 JUMP ROPE CHANT: A CURE FOR ALL KINDS OF STOMACH ACHES, ca. 2000 BCE–ca. 2000 CE Abby Minor Happy are those who stand in a field at night and hear the double rainbows land, or clap the gaps that RHYTHM makes, or shout to the beat of grasses; They are like trees planted by streams of water, (...)
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  6.  85
    Methodological naturalism and the truth seeking objection.Erkki Vesa Rope Kojonen - 2017 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 81 (3):335-355.
    Methodological naturalism, the exclusion of the supernatural from the natural sciences, has drawn critique from both proponents of Intelligent Design and some philosophical naturalists who argue that the methods of science can also be used to evaluate supernatural claims. One principal objection to methodological naturalism has been what I call the truth seeking objection. In this article I develop an understanding of methodological naturalism capable of answering the truth seeking objection. I further also argue that methodological naturalism as a convention (...)
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  7.  78
    An Examination of the Ethical and Legal Limits in Implementing “Traceback Testing” for Deceased Patients.Jessica Martucci, Yolanda Prado, Alan F. Rope, Sheila Weinmann, Larissa White, Jamilyn Zepp, Nora B. Henrikson, Heather Spencer Feigelson, Jessica Ezzell Hunter & Sandra Soo-Jin Lee - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (4):818-832.
    This paper examines the legal and ethical aspects of traceback testing, a process in which patients who have been previously diagnosed with ovarian cancer are identified and offered genetic testing so that their family members can be informed of their genetic risk and can also choose to undergo testing. Specifically, this analysis examines the ethical and legal limits in implementing traceback testing in cases when the patient is deceased and can no longer consent to genetic testing.
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  8.  33
    Ancient Rope—Grattius 24–7.J. A. Richmond - 1968 - Classical Quarterly 18 (02):380-.
    Vollmer, modifying the transposition by Fr. Jacobs of 61–74 after 24, placed these lines after 23; this finally put paid to the reading exordiar astus, which the authority of the Aldine edition had imposed on the early editors, and consequently v. 24 could no longer be taken as concluding the sense of the preceding lines.
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    Your Thwarts in Pieces, Your Mooring Rope Cut: Poetry from Babylonia and Assyria.Bendt Alster & Erica Reiner - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (1):132.
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  10.  22
    Bindepinde [stout rope] theology and religio-political dialogue in Zimbabwe.Edmore Dube - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (4):8.
    The article is motivated by a growing interest to solve local problems by infusing indigenous knowledge systems. It discusses the strained interface between religious and political actors using a local brand of theology, termed bindepinde [stout rope] theology. This theology is based on a local fable told to children, on how a Hare abused Hippopotamus and Elephant using a tethering rope. The folk story is taken as a metaphor in which Hare represents the sly politician abusing the (...) to control Hippopotamus and Elephant, representing religious actors. Though Zimbabwe has a special place in this research, the research has shown that politicians act as third forces the world over. Religious entities often act as fodder for the progress of political demagogues, whose egos are legitimised by competing religious ideologies. Many religious bodies inadvertently enable politicians, thinking that they are fulfilling their own mandates. The article proposes negotiated versions of liberation theology and synodality as possible ways of overcoming inadvertent scaffolding of bindepinde theology. It concludes that while it may be difficult to tame the politician, it may be worthwhile to minimise the damage by making him focus more on the common good. Contribution: This article contributes bindepinde brand of theology as an indigenous theory of knowledge in the area of religio-political dialogue. The bindepinde theology has proved applicable to various contexts globally, where it thrives on dualism. Its mitigation lies in Kairos theology. (shrink)
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    Rope, Robe, Shoe or Chariot? Sophocles, Polyxena Fr. 527.Lyndsay Coo - 2018 - Classical Quarterly 68 (1):23-30.
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  12.  40
    Geometry by ropes and rods.W. Balzer & A. Kamlah - 1980 - Erkenntnis 15 (2):245 - 267.
  13.  19
    Synthetic biology: A tight‐rope walk between humility, ambition and language.Andrew Moore - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (8):645-645.
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    Poetry from old rope: a neglected emendation in Aristophanes, Frogs 1298.Neil O'Sullivan - 2000 - Classical Quarterly 50 (01):297-.
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  15.  30
    Hitchcock's Undertexts: Objects and Language.Brigitte Peucker - 2023 - Film-Philosophy 27 (1):50-63.
    This article explores the way in which the generative capacity of language inflects objects and props in several films by Alfred Hitchcock, focusing in particular on Rope (1948) and Strangers on a Train (1951). Camera angle and framing, the duration of the shot, the close-up or the long shot – all give shape to the filmed object. But why is language – or its absence – not mentioned among the set of operations that determines cinematic objects? In the form (...)
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  16.  15
    Expert and Novice Performers Respond Differently to Attentional Focus Cues for Speed Jump Roping.Kaylee F. Couvillion & Jeffrey T. Fairbrother - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  17. Ethics Committees in Western Eu rope.B. Lucas - 1989 - Bioethics 3:56-57.
  18.  21
    Man with a Candle and Rope.Deborah Selbach - 2004 - Feminist Studies 30:28-32.
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  19.  30
    List of Names.Basem Abdallah, Steven A. Abrams, Mark B. Adams, Ben Agger, Rüdiger Ahrens, Arnold Aletrino, Dante Alighieri, Edward D. Allen, Lindsay Allen & Jean AmØry - 2011 - In Brian Hurwitz & Paola Spinozzi (eds.), Discourses and Narrations in the Biosciences. V&R Unipress. pp. 287.
  20.  10
    (1 other version)Immediacy and Meaning.George P. Adams - 1927 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 1:109-132.
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  21.  14
    2. Conduct and Doctrine.Thomas Ahnert - 2014 - In The Moral Culture of the Scottish Enlightenment: 1690–1805. New Haven: Yale University Press. pp. 34-65.
  22.  16
    Characteristics of Paramārtha's Trisvabhāva Theory: in San wu hsing lun with reference to Indian Yogācāra texts (II).Sung-Doo Ahn - 2014 - The Journal of Indian Philosophy 42:261-299.
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    Frontmatter.Thomas Ahnert - 2014 - In The Moral Culture of the Scottish Enlightenment: 1690–1805. New Haven: Yale University Press.
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    Index.Thomas Ahnert - 2014 - In The Moral Culture of the Scottish Enlightenment: 1690–1805. New Haven: Yale University Press. pp. 205-216.
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    Introduction: Religion, Morality, and Enlightenment.Thomas Ahnert - 2014 - In The Moral Culture of the Scottish Enlightenment: 1690–1805. New Haven: Yale University Press. pp. 1-16.
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  26.  98
    Null.Doohwan Ahn, Sanda Badescu, Giorgio Baruchello, Raj Nath Bhat, Laura Boileau, Rosalind Carey, Camelia-Mihaela Cmeciu, Alan Goldstone, James Grieve, John Grumley, Grant Havers, Stefan Höjelid, Peter Isackson, Marguerite Johnson, Adrienne Kertzer, J.-Guy Lalande, Clinton R. Long, Joseph Mali, Ben Marsden, Peter Monteath, Michael Edward Moore, Jeff Noonan, Lynda Payne, Joyce Senders Pedersen, Brayton Polka, Lily Polliack, John Preston, Anthony Pym, Marina Ritzarev, Joseph Rouse, Peter N. Saeta, Arthur B. Shostak, Stanley Shostak, Marcia Landy, Kenneth R. Stunkel, I. I. I. Wheeler & Phillip H. Wiebe - 2009 - The European Legacy 14 (6):731-771.
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  27.  11
    Notes.Thomas Ahnert - 2014 - In The Moral Culture of the Scottish Enlightenment: 1690–1805. New Haven: Yale University Press. pp. 141-182.
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  28.  26
    Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries Introduction to Newton's ‘Principia’. By I. Bernard Cohen. London: Cambridge University Press, and Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1971. Pp. xxi + 380. £13. [REVIEW]E. J. Aiton - 1972 - British Journal for the History of Science 6 (1):94-95.
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  29. Afterword.Kamran Asdar Ali - 2021 - In Sanjukta Sunderason & Lotte Hoek (eds.), Forms of the left in postcolonial South Asia: aesthetics, networks and connected histories. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  30. Style.Charles Altieri - 2009 - In Richard Thomas Eldridge (ed.), The Oxford handbook of philosophy and literature. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  31.  24
    Socrates in Plato’s Philebus.William H. F. Altman - 2022 - In Claudia Marsico (ed.), Socrates and the Socratic Philosophies: Selected Papers from Socratica IV. Baden-Baden: Academia Verlag. pp. 141-150.
  32. Thomas A. Lewis, Religion, Modernity, and Politics in Hegel. [REVIEW]Mark Alznauer - 2012 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 42 (1):114-118.
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  33. Kant on Science and Common Knowledge.Karl Ameriks - 2000 - In Eric Watkins (ed.), Kant and the Sciences. New York, US: Oxford University Press. pp. 31--52.
  34.  37
    Black is Beautiful: A Philosophy of Black Aesthetics. [REVIEW]Luvell Anderson - 2018 - The Philosophers' Magazine 81:110-111.
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  35.  15
    Russell's Life, Legacy and Work [review of Peter Stone, ed., Bertrand Russell's Life and Legacy ].Stefan Andersson - 2019 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 38 (2):173-86.
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  36. Review symposium on Donald Levine : Anthropological Investigations.Kevin Anderson - 1997 - History of the Human Sciences 10 (2):141-147.
  37. Structural greed and creation: a theological reflection.Lucas Andrianos - 2015 - In Athena Peralta & Rogate R. Mshana (eds.), The greed line: tool for a just economy. Geneva, Switzerland: World Council of Churches.
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  38.  33
    Historical Experience Interrogated: A Conversation.Frank Ankersmit & Jonathan Menezes - 2017 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 11 (2):247-273.
  39.  24
    “francis Richard John Sandford, First Baron Sandford, 1824-94,”.W. H. G. Armytage - 1948 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 31 (1):110-119.
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    Sometimes My Shadow.Kristin Aronson - 1986 - Between the Species 2 (3):4.
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  41. An impossibility theorem in population axiology with weak ordering assumptions.Gustaf Arrhenius - 1999 - In Ryszard Sliwinski (ed.), Philosophical crumbs. Essays dedicated to Ann-Mari Henschen-Dahlquist on the occasion of her seventy-fifth birthday. Uppsala philosophical studies. pp. 11-21.
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    Popper on necessity and natural laws.Alberto Artosi & Guido Governatori - 2006 - In Mario Alai & Gino Tarozzi (eds.), Karl Popper philosopher of science : proceedings of the conference. Soveria Mannelli, Italy: Rubbettino. pp. 107-118.
    During his philosophical career Karl Popper sought to characterize natural laws alternately as strictly universal and as 'naturally' or 'physically' necessary statements. In this paper we argue that neither characterization does what Popper claimed and sketch a reconstruction of his views that avoids some of their major drawbacks.
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    Truth and Technology.Benedict M. Ashley - 1993 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 67:27-40.
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  44. Old Philosophy and New Power: Cicero in fifth-century North Africa.Margaret Atkins - 2002 - In Gillian Clark & Tessa Rajak (eds.), Philosophy and Power in the Graeco-Roman World: Essays in Honour of Miriam Griffin. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  45. Chisholmian justification, causation, and epistemic virtue.Robert Audi - 1997 - In Lewis Edwin Hahn (ed.), The Philosophy of Roderick M. Chisholm. Chicago: Open Court. pp. 25--323.
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  46. Pain and Pleasure.Murat Aydede - 2024 - In Andrea Scarantino (ed.), : The Routledge Comprehensive Guide Volume II: Theories of Specific Emotions and Major Theoretical Challenges. Routledge.
    This is a piece written for interdisciplinary audiences and contains very little philosophy. It looks into whether, or in what sense, pains and pleasures are emotions.
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  47. Book Review. [REVIEW]Marc Baer - 2008 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 128 (4):773-776.
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  48. Truthfulness.Leo Baeck - 2009 - In Hans Küng (ed.), How to do good & avoid evil: a global ethic from the sources of Judaism. Woodstock, Vt.: SkyLight Paths.
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  49.  13
    A French "Russell on…"[Review of Bertrand Russell, Le Pacifisme et la révolution: écrits politiques]. [REVIEW]K. B. - 2016 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 36 (1).
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  50. Luck and Significance.Nathan Ballantyne & Samuel Kampa - 2019 - In Ian M. Church & Robert J. Hartman (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy and Psychology of Luck. New York: Routledge. pp. 160-70.
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