Results for 'Theophan Prokopovich'

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  1.  12
    In Universam Philosophiam Prooemium.Theophan Prokopovich - 2020 - Sententiae 39 (1):109-125.
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    Remarks about the edition of the “Introduction” to the philosophical course by Theophan Prokopovich.Mykola Symchych - 2020 - Sententiae 39 (1):126-139.
    The article supplements the publication of the introduction to Theophan Prokopovych’s philosophical course (taught at Kyiv-Mohyla Academy in 1707-09). It analyses characteristics of Prokopovych’s manuscript in comparison with the manuscript of Georgiy Konyskyi’s philosophical course (taught in 1747-1749). The latter turns out to be a copy of the former, as it does not contain significant differences. The article describes the editorial principles of Prokopovych’s Prooemium and the significance of the text as well as gives short exposition of the content (...)
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    The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor: Byzantine and Near Eastern History, Ad 284-813.Theophanes the Confessor - 1996 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This is the first complete translation into English of the Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor, which covers the period AD 284-813 and is one of the most important sources of Byzantine history, that of the Arabs under the Umayyad and Abbasid dynasties and of other neighbouring peoples. The Chronicle is a compilation of earlier sources, many of them now lost: in order to use it critically the historian needs to know what texts Theophanes had in front of him and how he (...)
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    We Need a Framework – But Should the Focus Be Broader?Kathleen Prokopovich, Lyn Phillipson & Annette Braunack-Mayer - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (11):86-88.
    Chipman, Meagher and Barwise (2024) propose a framework to interrogate public health responsibilities for populations with limited proficiency in the predominant language. We agree with many of the...
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    Geometry, relativity, and philosophy: David Malament: Topics in the foundations of general relativity and Newtonian gravitation theory. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2012, xii+368pp, $55.00 HB.Theophanes Grammenos - 2014 - Metascience 24 (1):141-145.
    David Malament, now emeritus at the University of California, Irvine, where since 1999 he served as a Distinguished Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science after having spent twenty-three years as a faculty member at the University of Chicago , is well known as the author of numerous articles on the mathematical and philosophical foundations of modern physics with an emphasis on problems of space-time structure and the foundations of relativity theory. Malament’s Topics in the foundations of general relativity and (...)
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    Metaphysical experiments – Physics and the invention of the universe: by Bjørn Ekeberg, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, March 2019, 212 pp., $25.00 (Paperback)ISBN: 978-1-5179-0570-5.Theophanes Grammenos - 2019 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 32 (3-4):232-234.
    Volume 32, Issue 3-4, September - December 2019, Page 232-234.
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    Catullianum.Theophanes Kakridis - 1903 - The Classical Review 17 (05):252-.
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    Plautinum.Theophanes Kakridis - 1902 - The Classical Review 16 (06):305-.
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    Physicae scientiae.Theophan Prokopovych - 2018 - Sententiae 37 (2):141-158.
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    (1 other version)In Defense of Self-Determination: A Critique of B.F. Skinner.Andrew C. Theophanous - 1975 - Behaviorism 3 (1):97-116.
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    Kastoriadēs: mia philosophia tēs autonomias.Theophanēs Tasēs - 2007 - Athēna: Ekdoseis Eurasia.
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    Building machines that learn and think for themselves.Matthew Botvinick, David G. T. Barrett, Peter Battaglia, Nando de Freitas, Darshan Kumaran, Joel Z. Leibo, Timothy Lillicrap, Joseph Modayil, Shakir Mohamed, Neil C. Rabinowitz, Danilo J. Rezende, Adam Santoro, Tom Schaul, Christopher Summerfield, Greg Wayne, Theophane Weber, Daan Wierstra, Shane Legg & Demis Hassabis - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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  13. Aristē politeia: o politikos stochasmos stēn archaia Ellada.Iōannēs-Theophanēs A. Papadēmētriou (ed.) - 1980 - Athēna: I.T.A. Papadēmētriou.
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    Theophanes Continuatus VI and De Cerimoniis.Jeffrey Michael Featherstone - 2011 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 104 (1):115-122.
    Though parts of the text traditionally called Theophanes Continuatus go back to the time of Constantine VII, it is in fact a compilation of various texts put together by a later redactor in the reign of Nicephorus Phokas. Likewise, the original parts of text known as the De Cerimoniis were produced in the reign of Constantine, but the text has come down to us in a later redaction, apparently also from the time of Phokas. In the case of the De (...)
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    Inhumation as Theophanic Encounter: The Eastern Orthodox Rejection of Cremation.Alexander Earl - 2024 - Christian Bioethics 30 (3):200-212.
    This essay aims to articulate why the Orthodox have historically, and to the present, opposed cremation. Its primary line of argument is that inhumation is a site of “theophanic encounter”: a manifestation of the Glory of God. This theophanic quality is borne out in the scriptures and the Church’s liturgical experience. In particular, the connections between the funeral service and the entombed Christ on Holy Friday and Saturday properly situate the meaning of the post-mortem body. This intimate connection between the (...)
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  16. Theophanes on the Iconoclasm of Leo III.Barry Baldwin - 1990 - Byzantion 60:426-428.
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    Zu Theophanes.C. de Boor - 1892 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 1 (3).
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    Theophanes (J.) Matthews The Journey of Theophanes. Travel, Business, and Daily Life in the Roman East. Pp. xviii + 244, ills, maps. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2006. Cased, £40, US$60. ISBN: 978-0-300-10898-. [REVIEW]Michael Whitby - 2008 - The Classical Review 58 (2):560-.
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    Comparative Analysis of Theophan Prokopovych’s and Georgii Konyskyi’s Philosophy of Mind.Yaroslava Stratii - 2018 - Sententiae 37 (2):20-48.
    The article compares selected chapters devoted the problems of mind (anima) from two philosophical courses by Georgii Konyskyi, taught at Kyiv-Mohyla Academy in 1747-1749 and 1749-1751 academic years. As Konyskyi taught his first course using verbatim Teofan Prokopovych’s philosophical course of 1706-08 academic years, the article compares the doctrines on mind by these two Mohylian authors. It also shows the evolution of Konyskyi’s views. -/- There are common elements between the philosophy of mind of Prokopovych and Konyskyi: their interpretations of (...)
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    Eine Verschollene Handschrift Des Theophanes.J. Enoch Powell - 1936 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 36 (1):5-6.
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    C. SODE, Jerusalem – Konstantinopel – Rom. Die Viten des Michael Synkellos und der Brüder Theodoros und Theophanes Graptoi.Eva de Vries- van der Velden - 2002 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 95 (2):711-714.
    The modern critical approach to things hagiographical still wavers when it comes to taking leave of twelve lines of iambic invective, branded with wonderful delicacy of touch on the saintly foreheads of two Palestinian brothers, Theodore and Theophanes, the so-called “Graptoi”. Barry Baldwin, noting that C.A. Trypanis, unlike the great B. Bury and others, was inclined to disbelieve the story, could not help expressing the hope that it was true (An Anthology of Byzantine Poetry, Amsterdam 1985, pp. 142–3). It is (...)
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    Paul Speck, Kaiser Leon III. Die Geschichtswerke des Nikephoros und des Theophanes und der liber pontificalis.Klaus-Peter Todt - 2005 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 97 (1):247-250.
    Dem Rezensenten obliegt die traurige Pflicht, das letzte Buch des vor kurzem (am 18. August 2003) verstorbenen Berliner Emeritus für Byzantinistik, Paul Speck, zu besprechen. Wie die große Menge seiner früheren Artikel und Monographien beschäftigt sich auch dieses Buch in z.T. polemischer Auseinandersetzung mit den Positionen anderer Forscher mit den Quellen zur byzantinischen Geschichte des 7.–9. Jahrhunderts, also mit der Zeit der sog. Dunklen Jahrhunderte, vor allem mit der Periode des sog. Bilderstreites. Es handelt sich, wie Speck selbst in der (...)
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    Un fantôme historique : «l’autre Theophane».Panayotis Yannopoulos - 2020 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 113 (1):189-218.
    At the beginning of the 9th c. George Syncellus began to write a universal chronicle, the second part of which was completed by the monk Theophanes. According to Byzantine tradition this monk was Theophanes the Confessor. But 10th-century sources note that this Theophanes was the grandfather or greatuncle of the emperor Constantine VII, which is historically impossible. This prompted P. Speck to invent “another Theophanes”, who lived during the second half of the 9th c. and was the editor of the (...)
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    The Chronology of Theophanes 607—775.E. W. Brooks - 1899 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 8 (1).
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    Pompey and Theophanes of Mytilene.Barbara K. Gold - 1985 - American Journal of Philology 106 (3):312.
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    The sources of Theophanes and the Syriac chroniclers.E. W. Brooks - 1906 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 15 (2):578-587.
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  27. The Sources of Theophanes for the Heraclian Dynasty.Ann S. Proudfoot - 1974 - Byzantion 44:367-439.
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  28. Constantin porphyrogenete et theophane le confesseur.Panayotis Yannopoulos - 2005 - Byzantion 75:362-372.
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    Challenging Rahner’s Reading of Augustine on Theophanic and Incarnational Peculiarity.Martin E. Robinson - 2024 - Augustinian Studies 55 (2):221-238.
    This article explores Karl Rahner’s assessment of Augustine’s treatment of Old Testament theophanies and the Incarnation. It scrutinizes Rahner’s contention that Augustine deviated from the Christological interpretation held by earlier church fathers and finds that while Augustine’s interpretation differs from the majority of his predecessors, he is not the first significant church father to embrace such a view. Moreover, Augustine’s approach to the theophanies is shown to have deep roots in both tradition and scripture, challenging the explanatory power of the (...)
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    (1 other version)Systemelemente des philosophisch-theologischen Denkens in Byzanz. Zum Dialog Theophanes des Gregorios Palamas.Georgi Kapriev - 1997 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 64 (2):263-290.
    Die Bestimmung des byzantinischen Gottesdenkens als «System» ist immer ein scandalum gewesen. Es wird als solches eher von seinen Kritikern begriffen, während seine Fürsprecher diese Bezeichnung überwiegend ablehnen. Wenn die byzantinischen Autoren in das Zentrum der Gotteserkenntnis eine Erfahrung oder eine Praxis stellen, die als Quelle der Theologie und als «wahre Philosophie» betrachtet werden, so ist zu erwarten, daß sie, Erfahrung oder Praxis, in systematischen Schriften selten und unwillig besprochen werden. Vielmehr begründen die meisten Autoren das Erscheinen ihrer Texte mit (...)
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    Henry Corbin and D.T. Suzuki: On Theophanic Imagination as Imaginatio vera.Shun Miyajima - forthcoming - Comparative and Continental Philosophy.
    This paper analyses the concept of the Imagination of Henry Corbin (1903–1978) in relation to Daisetsu T. Suzuki (1870–1966). Besides being a renowned orientalist and scholar of Islamic thought, Corbin was a philosopher par excellence whose original thought deserves to be studied. So, I present this paper as a contribution to the evaluation of Corbin as a philosopher. In doing so, I shall shed light upon the philosophical affinity between Corbin and Suzuki, which has thus far rarely been discussed in (...)
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  32. The public and private worlds of Theophanes of Hermopolis Magna.Malcolm Choat - 2006 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 88 (1):41-75.
  33. Génésios et le Continuateur de Théophane.Franjo Barisic - 1958 - Byzantion 28:119-133.
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    Ilse Rochow, Byzanz im 8. Jahrhundert in der Sicht des Theophanes.Albrecht Berger - 1992 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 84-85 (1-2):519-519.
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    Οθονια und andere Stoffbezeichnungen im 'Wäschekatalog' des Ägypters Theophanes und im neuen Testament.Josef Blinzler - 1955 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 99 (1-2).
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    On the date of the first four books of the Continuator of Theophanes.E. W. Brooks - 1901 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 10 (2):416-417.
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    Observations sur la chronologie de Théophane et de quelques lettres des papes.H. Hubert - 1897 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 6 (3).
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  38. Comme le dit Georges le Syncelle ou, je pense, Théophane.P. Yannopoulos - 2004 - Byzantion 74 (1):139-146.
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    Zu einer Stelle der Chronik des Theophanes.J. B. Bury - 1897 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 6 (3).
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  40. Les vicissitudes historiques de la Chronique de Théophane.Panayotis Yannopoulos - 2000 - Byzantion 70 (2):527-553.
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  41. Les sources de Génésios et du Continuateur de Théophane pour l'histoire de Michael II (820-829).Franjo Barisic - 1961 - Byzantion 31:257-271.
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  42. Adaptation Des noms étrangers à la grammaire du grec byzantin le cas'narsis'dans la chronique de théophane.Panayotis Yannopoulos - 2013 - Byzantion 83:421-432.
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  43. L. Breyer, Bilderstreit und Arabersturm in Byzanz. Das 8. Jahrhundert (717-813) aus der Weltchronik des Theophanes. Übersetzt, eingeleitet und erklärt.[Byzantinische Geschichtsschreiber, 6.] Graz-Wien-Köln, Styria (1957). 244 S., 2 Karten. Das 8. Jahrhundert birgt mit Bildcrstreit und Arabersturin zweifellos Ereignisse. [REVIEW]München F. Dölger - 1932 - Byzantion 7:265.
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    Harry Turtledove: The Chronicle of Theophanes. An English translation of anni mundi 6095–6305 , with introduction and notes. Pp. xxiv + 201. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1982. £18.75. [REVIEW]Michael Whitby - 1983 - The Classical Review 33 (2):372-373.
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    (1 other version)Sprachliche und textkritische Studien zur Chronik des Theophanes Confessor. Inauguraldissertation von David Tabachovitz. Pp. viii + 72. Uppsala: Almquist and Wiksell, 1926. [REVIEW]A. Souter - 1927 - The Classical Review 41 (6):241-241.
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    Politics and Technology in Eighteenth-Century Russia.Alfred J. Rieber - 1995 - Science in Context 8 (2):341-368.
    The ArgumentThe question posed by this paper is why the Russian autocracy failed to pursue successfully Peter the Great's conscious policy of creating a society dominated by technique and competitive with technological levels achieved by Western Europe. The brief answer is that Peter's idea of a cultural revolution that would create new values and institutions hospitable to the introduction of technology clashed with powerful interests within society. The political opposition centered around three groups which were indispensable to the state in (...)
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    Religious Experience.Amber L. Griffioen - 2021 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    This Element looks at religious experience and the role it has played in philosophy of religion. It critically explores the history of the intertwined discourses on mysticism and religious experience, before turning to a few specific discussions within contemporary philosophy of religion. One debate concerns the question of perennialism vs. constructivism and whether there is a 'common core' to all religious or mystical experience independent of interpretation or socio-historical background. Another central discussion concerns the epistemology of purportedly theophanic experience and (...)
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    Becoming-Other: Foucault, Deleuze, and the Political Nature of Thought.Vernon W. Cisney - 2014 - Foucault Studies 17:36-59.
    In this paper I employ the notion of the ‘thought of the outside’ as developed by Michel Foucault, in order to defend the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze against the criticisms of ‘elitism,’ ‘aristocratism,’ and ‘political indifference’—famously leveled by Alain Badiou and Peter Hallward. First, I argue that their charges of a theophanic conception of Being, which ground the broader political claims, derive from a misunderstanding of Deleuze’s notion of univocity, as well as a failure to recognize the significance of the (...)
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    Науки фізики.Теофан Прокопович - 2018 - Sententiae 37 (2):141-158.
    Translation into Ukrainian of several sections of the still unknown books of "Physics" by Teofan Prokopovich, who entered the course of Georgian Konissky's lectures and devoted to consideration of mind problem. The publication was prepared by Yaroslava Stratii.
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  50. Henry Corbin and the Imaginal: A Look at the Concept and Function of the Creative Imagination in Iranian Philosophy.Ali Shariat - 1991 - Diogenes 39 (156):83-114.
    The phenomenological term “imaginal” was coined and introduced into the French language by Henry Corbin (1903-1978). Throughout his work, Corbin used the “imaginal” as his fundamental concept, as the very foundation of a Weltanschauung. Etymolo-gically, this new term was derived from the Latin phrase mundus imaginalis. As for its meaning, it is synonymous with several Persian and Arabic technical terms, such as alam al-mithal (the world of images, archetypical ideas), malakut (the subtle world of the souls), barzakh (interworld), hurqalya (the (...)
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