Results for 'Thierry Loisel'

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  1.  29
    De Herbart à Kant. Quelques considerátions sur le réalisme de Alois Riehl.Renato Pettoello & Thierry Loisel - 1998 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 3:347-366.
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    Entretien avec Thierry Hoquet à propos de Cyborg philosophie : penser contre les dualismes.Thierry Hoquet - 2013 - Cahiers Philosophiques 2:118.
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    ‘china As Philosophical Tool’: François Jullien In Conversation With Thierry Zarcone.François Jullien & Thierry Zarcone - 2003 - Diogenes 50 (4):15-21.
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    Unbeatable Light: Melammu and Its Biblical Parallels. By Shawn Zelig Aster.Anne-Carolin Rendu Loisel - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 137 (3).
    The Unbeatable Light: Melammu and Its Biblical Parallels. By Shawn Zelig Aster. Alter Orient und Altes Testament, vol. 384. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 2012. Pp. xviii + 421. $114. [Distributed in North America by Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake, Ind.].
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    When parsimony backfires: Neglecting DNA repair may doom neurons in Alzheimer's disease.Thierry Nouspikel & Philip C. Hanawalt - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (2):168-173.
    Taking advantage of the fact that they need not replicate their DNA, terminally differentiated neurons only repair their expressed genes and largely dispense with the burden of removing damage from most of their genome. However, they may pay a heavy price for this laxity if unforeseen circumstances, such as a pathological condition like Alzheimer's disease, cause them to re‐enter the cell cycle. The lifetime accumulation of unrepaired lesions in the silent genes of neurons is likely to be significant and may (...)
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    Jeux de déesses, de jeunes filles et d’enfants dans l’ancienne Mésopotamie.Anne-Caroline Rendu Loisel - 2022 - Clio 56:115-126.
    Parmi les déesses du monde mésopotamien, deux figures féminines se dégagent : les soeurs Ištar et Ereškigal. Ištar agit dans la sphère des relations amoureuses, et surtout de la bataille. Elle joue dans la guerre comme elle le ferait « avec une corde à sauter ». Ereškigal règne sur le monde des morts : elle est celle « qui n’a pas connu le jeu des jeunes filles ». Cette contribution s’appuie sur les documents écrits (hymnes, narrations mythologiques) en cunéiformes (sumérien (...)
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    The Jesuit Reading of Confucius: The First Complete Translation of the Lunyu (1687) Published in the West.Thierry Meynard - 2015 - Brill.
    Thierry Meynard examines how the Jesuits in China came to understand the Confucian tradition, and how they offered the first complete translation of the Lunyu in the West, in the Confucius Sinarum Philosophus.
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    History without Time: Buffon's Natural History as a Nonmathematical Physique.Thierry Hoquet - 2010 - Isis 101 (1):30-61.
    While "natural history" is practically synonymous with the name of Buffon, the term itself has been otherwise overlooked by historians of science. This essay attempts to address this omission by investigating the meanings of "physique," "natural philosophy," and "history," among other terms, with the purpose of understanding Buffon's actual objectives. It also shows that Buffon never claimed to be a Newtonian and should not be considered as such; the goal is to provide a historical analysis that resituates Buffon's thought within (...)
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    A semantics of evidence for classical arithmetic.Thierry Coquand - 1995 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 60 (1):325-337.
  10.  8
    Le geste auctorial.Thierry Lenain - 2022 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 119 (3):343-370.
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    Sex is not a solution for reproduction: The libertine bubble theory.Thierry Lodé - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (6):419-422.
    Here, I propose a new hypothesis: sex originated from an archaic gene transfer process among prebiotic bubbles without the prerequisite for reproduction. This de‐coupling from reproduction might make the thorny problem of accounting for the evolution of sex, despite the apparent advantages of parthenogenicity, more tractable.
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    L'ombre démesurée de Halley. Les recherches démographiques dans les Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Cem Behar.Thierry Martin - 2013 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 14 (1):129-131.
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    Hommage à : Jean DUVIGNAUD.Thierry Paquot - 2007 - Hermes 48:231.
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    (1 other version)Les miracles dans l'évangile de Marc. Examen de quelques études récentes.Thierry Snoy - 1972 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 3 (4):449-466.
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    Pluralizing Darwin: Making Counter-Factual History of Science Significant.Thierry Hoquet - 2021 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 52 (1):115-134.
    In the wake of recent attempts at alternate history (Bowler 2013), this paper suggests several avenues for a pluralistic approach to Charles Darwin and his role in the history of evolutionary theory. We examine in what sense Darwin could be described as a major driver of theoretical change in the history of biology. First, this paper examines how Darwin influenced the future of biological science: not merely by stating the fact of evolution or by bringing evidence for it; but by (...)
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  16. About Brouwer's fan theorem.Thierry Coquand - 2004 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 230:483-489.
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    Junkware.Thierry Bardini - 2011 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    The essential junkiness of our culture and biology.
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  18.  22
    Does the Fact of Undergoing Natural Hazards Influence People's Environmental Values and Ecological Commitment?Thierry Long, Nathalie Pantaléon, Rolf Kleerebezem & Zakaria Babutsidze - 2021 - Environmental Values 30 (5):539-564.
    This article explores urban dwellers’ perceptions of climate change and their propensity to act ecologically. It argues that a better understanding of people's moral and psychological functioning toward ecology could guide the creation of more suitable environmental management strategies. The study is based on semi-structured interviews investigating the environmental values of urban inhabitants; the interviews were conducted in 2018, in a coastal French area affected by recurring floods. Our results showed no significant relationships among the three studied factors of experiencing (...)
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    Mobilising common biocultural heritage for the socioeconomic inclusion of small farmers: panarchy of two case studies on quinoa in Chile and Bolivia.Thierry Winkel, Lizbeth Núñez-Carrasco, Pablo José Cruz, Nancy Egan, Luís Sáez-Tonacca, Priscilla Cubillos-Celis, Camila Poblete-Olivera, Natalia Zavalla-Nanco, Bárbara Miño-Baes & Maria-Paz Viedma-Araya - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 37 (2):433-447.
    Valorising the biocultural heritage of common goods could enable peasant farmers to achieve socially and economically inclusive sustainability. Increasingly appreciated by consumers, peasant heritage products offer small farmers promising opportunities for economic, social and territorial development. Identifying the obstacles and levers of this complex, multi-scale and multi-stakeholder objective requires an integrative framework. We applied the panarchy conceptual framework to two cases of participatory research with small quinoa producers: a local fair in Chile and quinoa export production in Bolivia. In both (...)
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    Aux origines de l'apartheid.Thierry Secretan - 2004 - Multitudes 1 (1):271-282.
    Presenting a series of historical portraits of Bantu, Thierry Secretan recounts his investigation into the compounds that housed the black labor of the gold mines of the Rand, around Johannesburg. The use of a « pass » to control the black miners prefigured the apartheid system. From 1904 to 1939,Alfred Martin Duggan-Cronin, an Irish guard at one of the compounds, began to photograph the different kind of people doing the hard labor in the mines. The results were some 7200 (...)
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    Emotions, Argumentation and Argumentativity.Thierry Herman & Dimitris Serafis - 2019 - Informal Logic 39 (4):373-400.
    The present paper examines how discursive representations and emotive constructions underpin an argumentative dynamic that emerges from apparently non-argumentative statements, like those found in newspaper headlines. Our data comes from Greek broadsheet newspapers in the polarized context of the Greek crisis. First, we outline an analytic synergy that scrutinizes representational meaning and the semiotization of emotions in headlines. We then move towards the reconstruction of the inferential passage, contained in the headlines, that unites the implicit standpoint with its supporting argument.
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  22.  13
    Aristote démocrate? Les lectures de Hans Kelsen et d’Eric Voegelin.Thierry Gontier - 2022 - Philosophiques 49 (1):261-267.
  23.  41
    Propriété intellectuelle et brevets logiciels.Thierry Laronde - 2001 - Multitudes 2 (2):66-77.
    Thierry Laronde basing on the statement of the social utility of ideas, to denounce the policy of the European Office of Patents in which he blames for accepting in facts, software patenting and limit so the social circulation of ideas. Indeed in the case of the software, originality, only patentable, does not lie as in the theory as in an implementation by a soft-engineer which participates in a chain in which the assertion of an individual right is difficult even (...)
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    Epigenomics: Large scale analysis of chromatin modifications and transcription factors/genome interactions.Thierry Grange, Jean Imbert & Denis Thieffry - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (11):1203-1205.
  25.  16
    Thomas d’Aquin et la Trinité ou l’utile précaution.Thierry-Dominique Humbrecht - 2020 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 133 (2):53-65.
    Pour Thomas d’Aquin, la Trinité n’est pas d’ordre philosophique mais théologique, dépendant de la révélation biblique. Les controverses trinitaires sont déjà loin, les résolutions conciliaires aussi, mais Thomas, à plusieurs reprises et à chaque fois de manière différente, expose un traité des plus délicats. Il s’agit de poser trois personnes dans une seule substance. L’un de ses principaux apports est d’enrichir les relations d’origine qui distinguent les trois personnes en relations substantielles. Thomas tire les concepts au-delà de leur acception ordinaire, (...)
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  26. La fin du christianisme: Désenchantement, déconstruction et démocratie.Thierry Laus - 2001 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 133 (4).
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    Conclusions.Thierry Maire - 1994 - World Futures 41 (1):153-156.
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    Action médicale et confiance.Thierry Martin & Pierre-Yves Quiviger (eds.) - 2007 - Besançon: Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté.
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    Liang Shuming's Thought and Its Reception: Guest Editor's Introduction.Thierry Meynard - 2008 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 40 (3):3-15.
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  30. Adam Smith et l’approche des capabilités : une fondation pour le post-capitalisme.Thierry C. Pauchant - 2024 - Cités 99 (3):15-29.
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    Linguistic and cognitive abilities in infancy: when does language become a tool for categorization?Thierry Nazzi & Alison Gopnik - 2001 - Cognition 80 (3):B11-B20.
  32.  20
    Mental Simulation of Painful Situations Has an Impact on Posture and Psychophysiological Parameters.Thierry Lelard, Olivier Godefroy, Said Ahmaidi, Pierre Krystkowiak & Harold Mouras - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Saint Thomas d'Aquin.Thierry-Dominique Humbrecht & Ysabel de Andia (eds.) - 2010 - Paris: Cerf.
    Considérer saint Thomas d'Aquin comme un philosophe : la gageure est moindre que pour saint Augustin. Les images d'Epinal ne sont pas toujours mensongères et, s'il en est une qui dit la vérité, c'est bien celle de la distinction que Thomas tient entre foi et raison, théologie et philosophie. A condition toutefois de préciser que les deux disciplines ne sont par lui distinguées que pour unir, sinon leurs principes, leurs méthodes et leurs résultats, du moins la totalité du spectre de (...)
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    Use of phonetic specificity during the acquisition of new words: differences between consonants and vowels.Thierry Nazzi - 2005 - Cognition 98 (1):13-30.
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    Introduction aux fondements du politique.Thierry Hentsch - 1993 - Sainte-Foy, Québec: Sainte-Foy : Presses de l'Université du Québec.
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    François Noël’s Contribution to the Western Understanding of Chinese Thought: Taiji sive natura in the Philosophia sinica.Thierry Meynard - 2018 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 17 (2):219-230.
    Jesuits in China adopted key Confucian terms to express Christian notions; for example, Tian 天 or Shangdi 上帝 was considered an equivalent for God, and guishen 鬼神 for angels. A Terms controversy started among the Jesuits and other missionaries and developed into the famous Rites Controversy. However, all the missionaries agreed in rejecting the Neo-Confucian concept of Taiji 太極, which was believed to be materialistic, pantheistic, or atheistic. The Flemish Jesuit François Noël, after a careful study of Neo-Confucian texts, interpreted (...)
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    Type theory.Thierry Coquand - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  38.  15
    Johann Gottlieb. Fichte lecteur de notre mondialisation. Une critique radicale de l’échange international.Thierry Pouch - 2023 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 24 (2):3-36.
    Toute nation participant à la division internationale du travail retire nécessairement un gain économique supérieur à une situation d’autarcie. C’est le message fondamental, normatif, de toutes les écoles théoriques ayant œuvré à la compréhension des fondements de l’échange entre les pays. Le protectionnisme est par conséquent très souvent vilipendé par les économistes qui y voient un frein à la circulation internationale des biens et des services, bloquant ainsi la croissance, l’emploi et l’élévation des niveaux de vie. Le questionnement actuel portant (...)
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    Phénoménologie de l'action sociale: à partir d'Alfred Schütz.Thierry Blin - 1999 - Paris: Editions L'Harmattan.
    Cet ouvrage a pour enjeu de débattre du schéma théorique forgé par Alfred Schütz, promoteur de l'idée de sociologie phénoménologique (puisant son cadre analytique dans une lecture de la sociologie compréhensive weberienne, de la philosophie de la durée bergsonienne, et de la phénoménologie husserlienne). Les catégories princeps de la recherche sont dès lors celles de conscience, de temporalité et de signification. La structure phénoménologique de l'expérience sociale, l'essence de la compréhension intersubjective, les perspectives offertes par les tenants d'une sociologie formiste (...)
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  40. Can an Art Show Like dOCUMENTA Be Dangerous?Thierry Geoffroy - 2012 - Continent 2 (3):224-228.
    continent. 2.3 (2012): 224–228 Introduction Jamie Allen Thierry Geoffroy’s conceptual, event- and environment-based art practice has generated over two-decades of definitional activity around what he terms “format art.” The works re-galvanize the energies of a syndicatable, open and atmospheric arrangement, of varying specifics dependent on context, participants and environment. With formats like the Emergency Room, Biennalist, and the Critical Run, Geoffroy endeavors to imbricate art and artist in the most exigent and current of social, political and mediatised spectacles. The (...)
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    The enigma of faith.William Thierry - 1974 - Washington,: Cistercian Publications. Edited by John D. Anderson.
    "Based on the reading of the only twelfth-century manuscript of the Enigma extant, Charleville MS. 114, and an examination of the fifteenth-century manuscript Uppsala C. 79." Revision of the editor's thesis, Catholic University of America, 1971, presented under title: The enigma fidei of William of Saint Thierry, a translation and commentary. Bibliography: p. 119-120.
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  42. Edmund Burke.Thierry Baudet & Michiel Visser - 2012 - In Thierry Baudet & Michiel Visser (eds.), Revolutionair verval en de conservatieve vooruitgang in de achttiende en negentiende eeuw. Amsterdam: Bakker.
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    Revolutionair verval en de conservatieve vooruitgang in de achttiende en negentiende eeuw.Thierry Baudet & Michiel Visser (eds.) - 2012 - Amsterdam: Bakker.
    Portretten van 21 belangrijke conservatieve denkers uit de achttiende en negentiende eeuw.
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    Présentation – La matière de l'art: Diderot et l'expérience esthétique dans les premiers "Salons".Thierry Belleguic - 2007 - Diderot Studies 30:3 - 10.
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    The assessment of total energy expenditure of female farmers under field conditions.Thierry Brun - 1992 - Journal of Biosocial Science 24 (3):325-333.
    The paper reviews methods, and their difficulties, in the measurement of the daily energy expenditure of rural women under field conditions in developing countries. Since all methods need to be validated against a reference method which is usually based on indirect calorimetry, examples of the use of this technique are given. The energy costs of most agricultural and daily tasks of rural women in developing countries have been measured. Large intra- and inter-individual variations in the cost of a single activity (...)
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    Semantics for Naive Set Theory in Many-Valued Logics.Thierry Libert - 2006 - In Johan van Benthem, Gerhard Heinzman, M. Rebushi & H. Visser (eds.), The Age of Alternative Logics: Assessing Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics Today. Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer. pp. 121--136.
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    (1 other version)Généalogie, critique de la responsabilité morale et constitution de la subjectivité selon Nietzsche.Thierry Ménissier - 2010 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 142 (1):21-36.
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    Differentiated non-differentiation: A diagrammatical approach to the trialectics of difference – from mono-dialectics to mono-trialectics.Thierry Mortier - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (222):113-131.
    Journal Name: Semiotica Issue: Ahead of print.
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    Matérialisme dialectique et psychanalyse selon wilhelm Reich.Thierry Simonelli - 2001 - Actuel Marx 30 (2):217-233.
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    Le genre dans l’histoire du sport.Thierry Terret - 2006 - Clio 23:209-238.
    Les premiers travaux d’histoire du sport sont à peu près contemporains des premières initiatives en faveur d’une histoire des femmes au début des années 1970. Dans ces conditions, le constat d’une antériorité des travaux nord-américains sur l’histoire du sport féminin dans les années 1980 puis, ultérieurement, sur l’histoire du sport et du genre, ne saurait véritablement surprendre, États-Unis et Canada étant en l’occurrence des nations doublement pionnières en matière d’histoire du sport et...
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