Results for 'Thomas R. Metcalfe'

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    Kuka Movement.Thomas R. Metcalf & Fauja Singh Bajwa - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (3):670.
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    The Local Roots of Indian Politics, Allahad 1880-1920.Thomas R. Metcalf & C. A. Bayly - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (3):466.
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  3. From empire to India and back: a career in history.Thomas R. Metcalf - 2016 - In Antoinette M. Burton & Dane Keith Kennedy (eds.), How Empire Shaped Us. London: Bloomsbury Academic, An imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
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    Liberalism and Empire.Thomas R. Metcalf - 2014 - Journal of the History of Ideas 75 (4):687-695.
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    Rival Empires of Trade in the Orient 1600-1800.Thomas R. Metcalf & Holden Furber - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (3):379.
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    Land, Landlords, and the British Raj. Northern India in the Nineteenth Century.Rosane Rocher & Thomas R. Metcalf - 1982 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 (1):239.
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    An Imperial Vision: Indian Architecture and Britain's Raj.David Kopf & Thomas R. Metcalfe - 1992 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 112 (4):672.
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    Modern India: An Interpretive Anthology.Paul Wallace & Thomas R. Metcalf - 1973 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (1):124.
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    DDT: Scientists, Citizens, and Public Policy. Thomas R. Dunlap.Robert Metcalf - 1982 - Isis 73 (3):444-445.
  10. 21 Some Perspectives on Survival Thomas R. Tietze.Thomas R. Tietze - 1974 - In John Warren White (ed.), Frontiers of consciousness: the meeting ground between inner and outer reality. New York: Julian Press. pp. 337.
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    The role of the image in Sartre's aesthetic.Thomas R. Flynn - 1975 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 33 (4):431-442.
  12.  24
    Whistleblowing and power: A network perspective.R. Guy Thomas - 2020 - Business Ethics 29 (4):842-855.
    This article presents a network perspective on whistleblowing. It considers how whistleblowing affects, and is affected by, the preexisting distribution of power inside and outside an organization, where power is conceptualized as deriving from the network positions of the key actors. The article also highlights four characteristic features of whistleblowing: third‐party detriment, local subversion, appeal to central or external power, and reasonable expectation of concern. The feature of local subversion succinctly explains why whistleblowing is difficult. The feature of appeal to (...)
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  13. Paternalism in public health care.Thomas R. V. Nys - 2008 - Public Health Ethics 1 (1):64-72.
    University of Utrecht, Department of Philosophy, Heidelberglaan 6, 3584 CS Utrecht, The Netherlands. Tel.: +31 30 253 28 74, Email: Thomas.Nys{at} ' + u + '@' + d + ' '//-->Measures in public health care seem vulnerable to charges of paternalism: their aim is to protect, restore, or promote people's health, but the public character of these measures seems to leave insufficient room for respect for individual autonomy. This paper wants to explore three challenges to these charges: Measures in (...)
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    The impact of ethics code familiarity on manager behavior.Thomas R. Wotruba, Lawrence B. Chonko & Terry W. Loe - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 33 (1):59 - 69.
    Codes of ethics exist in many, if not the majority, of all large U.S. companies today. But how the impact of these written codes affect managerial attitudes and behavior is still not clearly documented or explained. This study takes a step in that direction by proposing that attention should shift from the codes themselves as the sources of ethical behavior to the persons whose behavior is the focus of these codes. In particular, this study investigates the role of code familiarity (...)
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    Oxytocin and the neurobiology of attachment.Thomas R. Insel - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (3):515-516.
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    Inquiry into Meaning and Truth.R. S. D. Thomas - 1990 - Philosophia Mathematica (1-2):73-87.
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    The 'Enlightened' View of Aging: Victorian Morality in a New Key.Thomas R. Cole - 1983 - Hastings Center Report 13 (3):34-40.
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    Saint Thomas and the Aristotelian Metaphysics: Some Observations.Thomas R. Heath - 1960 - New Scholasticism 34 (4):438-460.
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    The Social and Political Thought of Benedict Xvi.Thomas R. Rourke - 2010 - Lexington Books.
    Covering the entire trajectory of his religious life, this book identifies and analyzes the foundations of political and social order in the philosophy of Pope Benedict XVI. Thomas R. Rourke explains Benedict's belief in the value of the Christian tradition's contribution to a contemporary politics of reason.
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    Sartre, Foucault, and Historical Reason, Volume Two: A Poststructuralist Mapping of History.Thomas R. Flynn - 2005 - University of Chicago Press.
    Sartre and Foucault were two of the most prominent and at times mutually antagonistic philosophical figures of the twentieth century. And nowhere are the antithetical natures of their existentialist and poststructuralist philosophies more apparent than in their disparate approaches to historical understanding. In Volume One of this authoritative two-volume study, Thomas R. Flynn conducted a pivotal and comprehensive reconstruction of Sartrean historical theory. This long-awaited second volume offers a comprehensive and critical reading of the Foucauldian counterpoint. A history, theorized (...)
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    What Adam Smith Really Thought Should Not Matter.Thomas R. Wells - 2019 - Business Ethics Journal Review 7 (7):40-46.
    Hühn and Dierksmeier argue that a better understanding of Adam Smith’s work would improve business ethics research and education. I worry that their approach encourages two scholarly sins. First, anachronistic historiography in which we distort Smith’s ideas by making him answer questions about contemporary debates in CSR theory. Second, treating him as a prophet by assuming that finding out what Smith would have thought about it is the right way to answer such questions.
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    Evidence both for and against metacognition is insufficient.Thomas R. Zentall - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (3):357-358.
    The authors' attempt to explore the ability of animals to monitor how certain they are of their choice behavior, necessarily fails both in their effort to include “higher” mammals (such as monkeys and dolphins) in the class of metacognitive organisms (humans) and in their conclusion that “lower” organisms are not capable of similar behavior.
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  23. Vacunas Anti-adicción.Thomas R. Kosten - 2007 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 50:140-147.
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    Daniel S. Milo. Good Enough: The Tolerance for Mediocrity in Nature and Society.Thomas R. Meagher - 2020 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 4 (2):183-186.
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    The Netherlands: negotiating sovereignty in an interdependent world.Thomas R. Rochon - 1999 - Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press.
    Across Europe, national leaders and ordinary citizens alike face the problems and opportunities raised by increasing economic and political interdependence. Interdependence between nations creates new dilemmas in every sphere of activity. In The Netherlands: Negotiating Sovereignty in an Interdependent World, Thomas Rochon offers a comparative focus and a strong conceptualization of small-state issues applied to present the Netherlands experience.Although all countries face issues of sovereignty and adjustment to international forces, the Dutch have addressed these issues more explicitly and over (...)
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    Ethics under fire: challenges for the Australian Army.Thomas R. Frame & Albert Palazzo (eds.) - 2017 - Sydney, New South Wales: University of New South Wales Press.
    The 1968 My Lai Massacre in South Vietnam and shocking events at Abu Graibh prison in Iraq in 2003 show that the behaviour of some in the American military has descended into barbarism. How strong is the military's commitment to avoiding misconduct and atrocity? This timely and compelling book asks critical questions and raises sobering issues the Australian Army can't ignore. Leading military personnel, aid workers, commentators and scholars discuss the Australian Army's commitment to behaving ethically and the challenges associated (...)
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    Cartwright, Giorgione, and the Principle of Substitutivity.Thomas R. Foster - 1979 - Philosophy Research Archives 5:235-241.
    Philosophers have both produced as well as replied to a number of alleged "counter-examples" to the rule of substitution. Recently, Cartwright has urged that the standard reply to at least one of them is inadequate. The counter-example he singles out is:1). Giorgioni is so-called because of his size.2). Giorgiori = Barbarelli :3). Barbarelli is so-called because of his size.Cartwright argues that since 1) and 2) are true while 3) false, substitution has failed. It is argued in reply that, contrary to (...)
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    Sartre on the Couch.Thomas R. Flynn - 2006 - Sartre Studies International 12 (2):92-100.
    Despite Sartre's almost proverbial rejection of Freudian psychoanalysis, Jean-Pierre Boulé places the philosopher himself on the couch in a wonderfully detailed and suggestive work. He notes that the fruit of his study may well be "to help us gain a better understanding of Sartre as an embodied sexual being and possibly demonstrate a new way of connecting biography with oeuvre." After analyzing Boulé's argument and considering the psychoanalytic method itself, I address this last claim about relating Sartre's biography and oeuvre, (...)
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    Ethics in business.Thomas R. Masterson (ed.) - 1968 - New York,: Pitman.
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    What can we learn from the absence of evidence?Thomas R. Zentall - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (1):133-134.
    Heyes discounts findings of imitation and self recognition in nonhuman primates based on flimsy speculation and then indicates that even positive findings would not provide evidence of theory of mind. Her proposed experiment is unlikely to work, however, because, even if the animals have a theory of mind, a number of assumptions, not directly related to theory of mind, must be made about their reasoning ability.
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    Explanation and the poverty of pragmatics.Thomas R. Grimes - 1987 - Erkenntnis 27 (1):79 - 92.
  32. Reasoning about Development: Essays on Amartya Sen's Capability Approach.Thomas R. Wells - 2013 - Dissertation, Erasmus University Rotterdam
    Over the last 30 years the Indian philosopher-economist Amartya Sen has developed an original normative approach to the evaluation of individual and social well-being. The foundational concern of this ‘capability approach’ is the real freedom of individuals to achieve the kind of lives they have reason to value. This freedom is analysed in terms of an individual’s ‘capability’ to achieve combinations of such intrinsically valuable ‘beings and doings’ (‘functionings’) as being sufficiently nourished and freely expressing one’s political views. In this (...)
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    The promiscuity of bootstrapping.Thomas R. Grimes - 1987 - Philosophical Studies 51 (1):101 - 107.
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  34. Transformation without Paternalism.Thomas R. Wells & John B. Davis - 2016 - Journal of Human Development and Capabilities 17 (3):360-376.
    Human development is meant to be transformational in that it aims to improve people's lives by enhancing their capabilities. But who does it target: people as they are or the people they will become? This paper argues that the human development approach relies on an understanding of personal identity as dynamic rather than as static collections of preferences, and that this distinguishes human development from conventional approaches to development. Nevertheless, this dynamic understanding of personal identity is presently poorly conceptualized and (...)
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  35. Organism-environment mutuality epistemics, and the concept of an ecological niche.Thomas R. Alley - 1985 - Synthese 65 (3):411 - 444.
    The concept of an ecological niche (econiche) has been used in a variety of ways, some of which are incompatible with a relational or functional interpretation of the term. This essay seeks to standardize usage by limiting the concept to functional relations between organisms and their surroundings, and to revise the concept to include epistemic relations. For most organisms, epistemics are a vital aspect of their functional relationships to their surroundings and, hence, a major determinant of their econiche. Rejecting the (...)
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    Perceived age, physical attractiveness and sex differences in preferred mates' ages.Thomas R. Alley - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (1):92-92.
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    Ästhetik der Begegnung: Kunst als Erfahrungsraum der Anderen.Thomas R. Huber - 2013 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
    Wie wird Kunst in sozialen Prozessen wirksam? Welche Rolle spielen Stereotypen in der Begegnung? Wie hängen Wahrnehmen und Handeln zusammen? Dieses Buch ist ein Plädoyer für die Bilder im Zeitalter großer sozio-politischer Wandlungen. Arbeiten von Tania Bruguera, Isaac Julien, Nikki S. Lee, Teresa Margolles, Adrian Piper, Santiago Sierra und Lorna Simpson werden als performative Räume erschlossen. In den Bildern kommen andere Menschen sehr nahe und die am Werk Teilhabenden begegnen sich selbst in ihnen. Begehren und Diskriminieren der Anderen werden als (...)
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  38. The Path to Gun Control in America Goes through Political Philosophy.Thomas R. Wells - 2019 - Public Philosophy Journal 2 (1).
    This essay argues that gun control in America is a philosophical as well as a policy debate. This explains the depth of acrimony it causes. It also explains why the technocratic public health argument favored by the gun control movement has been so unsuccessful in persuading opponents and motivating supporters. My analysis also yields some positive advice for advocates of gun control: take the political philosophy of the gun rights movement seriously and take up the challenge of showing that a (...)
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    Foucault on experiences and the historical a priori: with Husserl in the rearview mirror of history.Thomas R. Flynn - 2016 - Continental Philosophy Review 49 (1):55-65.
    I defend three claims regarding Foucault’s historical a priori and the intelligibility of history that counter commonly received accounts of Husserl’s approach to the same. First, Foucault is not a transcendental thinker in the Kantian sense of the term. His use of the HP is contingent, postdictive, regional and hypothetical. Second, the three “axes” of the dyads knowledge/truth, power/government, and subjectivation/ethics along with Foucault’s “history of the present” enclose a space called “experience” Erfahrung as nonreflective and “freed from inner life.” (...)
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  40. Exile the Rich!Thomas R. Wells - 2016 - Krisis 2016 (1):19-28.
    The rich have two defining capabilities: independence from and command over others. These make being wealthy very pleasant indeed, but they are also toxic to democracy. First, I analyse the mechanisms by which the presence of very wealthy individuals undermines the two pillars of liberal democracy, equality of citizenship and legitimate social choice. Second, I make a radical proposal. If we value the preservation of democracy we must limit the amount of wealth any individual can have and still be a (...)
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  41. The sailor's snug harbor.Thomas R. Ryan - 1952 - Westminster, Md.,: the Newman Book Shop.
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    Macphail (1987) Revisited: Pigeons Have Much Cognitive Behavior in Common With Humans.Thomas R. Zentall - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The hypothesis proposed by Macphail is that differences in intelligent behavior thought to distinguish different species were likely attributed to differences in the context of the tasks being used. Once one corrects for differences in sensory input, motor output, and incentive, it is likely that all vertebrate animals have comparable intellectual abilities. In the present article I suggest a number of tests of this hypothesis with pigeons. In each case, the evidence suggests that either there is evidence for the cognitive (...)
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    (2 other versions)Social learning mechanisms.Thomas R. Zentall - 2011 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 12 (2):233-261.
    Social influence and social learning are important to the survival of many organisms, and certain forms of social learning also may have important implications for their underlying cognitive processes. The various forms of social influence and learning are discussed with special emphasis on the mechanisms that may be responsible for opaque imitation. Three procedures are examined, the results of which may qualify as opaque imitation: the bidirectional control procedure, the two- action procedure, and the do-as-I-do procedure. Variables that appear to (...)
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    Cover Image.R. Guy Thomas - 2020 - Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (4):i-i.
    The cover image is based on the Original Article Whistleblowing and power: A network perspective by R. Guy Thomas, image.
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    A Theory of Personalism.Thomas R. Rourke & Rosita A. Chazarreta Rourke - 2006 - Lexington Books.
    This distinctive and contemporary departure from hackneyed discussions of political theory introduces readers to a contemporary personalism rooted in the work of Bartolome de Las Casas and emerging again in the contributions of Dorothy Day, Peter Maurin as well as the liberation theology of Gustavo Guiterrez and Jon Sobrino. Thomas R. Rourke and Rosita A. Chazarreta Rourke introduce readers to new sources of personalism by investigating and revising the intellectual history of this theory and its development.
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  46. Sartre, Foucault and Historical Reason, vol. 1 : Toward an Existentialist Theory of History.Thomas R. Flynn - 1997 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 188 (4):498-500.
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    Mannequins and Spirits: Representation and Resistance of Siberian Shamans.Thomas R. Miller - 1999 - Anthropology of Consciousness 10 (4):69-80.
    In the early 20th century anthropologists collected sounds, images and artifacts to represent traditional cultures. Under the direction of Franz Boas, anthropologists working for the American Museum of Natural History's JesupNorth Pacific Expedition documented a variety of northeastern Siberian shamanisms. Demonstrations staged for the phonograph and the camera served as models for museum representations. These ethnographic inscriptions, together with the collection of texts and sacred objects, documented shamanistic traditions; yet ceremonial traditions remained partially obscured, resisting full intelligibility. The complexity of (...)
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    Lotze and the one and the many.Thomas R. Kelly - 1931 - Philosophical Review 40 (5):430-443.
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    Preface.Thomas R. H. Havens - 1970 - In Nishi Amane and modern Japanese thought. Princeton, N.J.,: Princeton University Press.
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    V. Attack on Neo-Confucianism.Thomas R. H. Havens - 1970 - In Nishi Amane and modern Japanese thought. Princeton, N.J.,: Princeton University Press. pp. 114-140.
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