Results for 'Thomasz Schramm'

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  1.  46
    Interest in Physician-Assisted Suicide among Oregon Cancer Patients.Linda Ganzini, Thomasz M. Beer, Matthew Brouns, Motomi Mori & Y. C. Hsieh - 2006 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 17 (1):27-38.
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    Preface: Methodologies for Research on Legal Argumentation.Michał Araszkiewicz & Thomasz Zurek - 2016 - Informal Logic 36 (3):265-270.
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    A qualified defence of a naturalist theory of health.Thomas Schramme - 2006 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 10 (1):11-17.
    The paper contrasts Lennart Nordenfelt’s normative theory of health with the naturalists’ point of view, especially in the version developed by Christopher Boorse. In the first part it defends Boorse’s analysis of disease against the charge that it falls short of its own standards by not being descriptive. The second part of the paper sets out to analyse the positive concept of health and introduces a distinction between a positive definition of health (‘health’ is not defined as absence of disease (...)
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  4.  59
    Handbook of the Philosophy of Medicine.Thomas Schramme & Steven Edwards (eds.) - 2017 - Springer.
    This is the first wide-ranging, multi-authored handbook in the field of philosophy of medicine, covering the underlying conceptual issues of many important social, political and ethical issues in health care. It introduces and develops over 70 topics, concepts, and issues in the field. It is written by distinguished specialists from multiple disciplines, including philosophy, health sciences, nursing, sociology, political theory, and medicine. Many difficult social and ethical issues in health care are based on conceptual problems, most prominently on the definitions (...)
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  5. Being Amoral: Psychopathy and Moral Incapacity.Thomas Schramme (ed.) - 2014 - MIT Press.
    Psychopathy has been the subject of investigations in both philosophy and psychiatry and yet the conceptual issues remain largely unresolved. This volume approaches psychopathy by considering the question of what psychopaths lack. The contributors investigate specific moral dysfunctions or deficits, shedding light on the capacities people need to be moral by examining cases of real people who seem to lack those capacities. -/- The volume proceeds from the basic assumption that psychopathy is not characterized by a single deficit--for example, the (...)
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    Scaffolding athletes’ choices and performance in risky and uncertain circumstances.Thomas Schramme - 2023 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 18 (3):293-305.
    In this paper, I discuss the risks of brain injuries in collision and contact sports and make a proposal to address them without limiting the autonomy of athletes. I aim to analyse the circumstances of profound uncertainty that athletes are facing in terms of the long-term impact of brain injuries. My strategy is to circumvent drastic measures in dealing with such risks, such as banning certain sports or changing their nature by introducing constitutive rule changes, and to scaffold individual autonomy (...)
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  7. Evidence, Hypothesis, and Grue.Alfred Schramm - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (3):571-591.
    Extant literature on Goodman’s ‘New Riddle of Induction’ deals mainly with two versions. I consider both of them, starting from the (‘epistemic’) version of Goodman’s classic of 1954. It turns out that it belongs to the realm of applications of inductive logic, and that it can be resolved by admitting only significant evidence (as I call it) for confirmations of hypotheses. Sect. 1 prepares some ground for the argument. As much of it depends on the notion of evidential significance, this (...)
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  8.  16
    Patienten und Personen. Zum Begriff der psychischen Krankheit.Thomas Schramme - 2000 - Fischer Tb-Verlag.
  9.  58
    Capable deliberators: towards inclusion of minority minds in discourse practices.Thomas Schramme - 2024 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 27 (5):835-858.
    It is widely assumed that severe mental disabilities prevent relevant deliberative capacities from developing or persisting. Accordingly, excluding many people with mental disabilities from discourse practices seems justified. Against this common assumption I wish to show that the general exclusion is not justified and amounts to a form of epistemic injustice, as theorised by Miranda Fricker. The received norm of capable deliberators is connected to a specific model of deliberation. I introduce an alternative model of deliberation, which I dub the (...)
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  10. Can we define mental disorder by using the criterion of mental dysfunction?Thomas Schramme - 2010 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 31 (1):35-47.
    The concept of mental disorder is often defined by reference to the notion of mental dysfunction, which is in line with how the concept of disease in somatic medicine is often defined. However, the notions of mental function and dysfunction seem to suffer from some problems that do not affect models of physiological function. Functions in general have a teleological structure; they are effects of traits that are supposed to have a particular purpose, such that, for example, the heart serves (...)
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  11.  14
    Krankheitstheorien.Thomas Schramme (ed.) - 2012 - Suhrkamp.
  12. ‘I hope that I get old before I die’: ageing and the concept of disease.Thomas Schramme - 2013 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 34 (3):171-187.
    Ageing is often deemed bad for people and something that ought to be eliminated. An important aspect of this normative aspect of ageing is whether ageing, i.e., senescence, is a disease. In this essay, I defend a theory of disease that concludes that ageing is not a disease, based on an account of natural function. I also criticize other arguments that lead to the same conclusion. It is important to be clear about valid reasons in this debate, since the failure (...)
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  13.  74
    Christopher Boorse and the Philosophy of Medicine.Thomas Schramme - 2014 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 39 (6):565-571.
    In 2012, the symposium "Christopher Boorse and the Philosophy of Medicine" was held at the University of Hamburg. The initial ideas presented at this event, which celebrated Chris's contribution to the development of what is now a vibrant area of research, especially to the theory of disease, form the core of the papers published in this issue. Similarly to what Robert Nozick once said about John Rawls's work, it can be demanded that philosophers of medicine must now either work within (...)
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  14.  40
    Health as Complete Well-Being: The WHO Definition and Beyond.Thomas Schramme - 2023 - Public Health Ethics 16 (3):210-218.
    The paper defends the World Health Organisation (WHO) definition of health against widespread criticism. The common objections are due to a possible misinterpretation of the word complete in the descriptor of health as ‘complete physical, mental and social well-being’. Complete here does not necessarily refer to perfect well-being but can alternatively mean exhaustive well-being, that is, containing all its constitutive features. In line with the alternative reading, I argue that the WHO definition puts forward a holistic account, not a notion (...)
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  15. Should we prevent non-therapeutic mutilation and extreme body modification?Thomas Schramme - 2007 - Bioethics 22 (1):8–15.
    ABSTRACT In this paper, I discuss several arguments against non‐therapeutic mutilation. Interventions into bodily integrity, which do not serve a therapeutic purpose and are not regarded as aesthetically acceptable by the majority, e.g. tongue splitting, branding and flesh stapling, are now practised, but, however, are still seen as a kind of ‘aberration’ that ought not to be allowed. I reject several arguments for a possible ban on these body modifications. I find the common pathologisation of body modifications, Kant's argument of (...)
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  16. Contested Services, Indirect Paternalism and Autonomy as Real Liberty.Thomas Schramme - 2015 - In New Perspectives on Paternalism and Health Care. Cham: Springer Verlag.
  17.  13
    Bioethik.Thomas Schramme - 2002 - Campus Verlag.
  18.  28
    Should We Prevent Non‐Therapeutic Mutilation and Extreme Body Modification?Thomas Schramme - 2008 - Bioethics 22 (1):8-15.
    In this paper, I discuss several arguments against non‐therapeutic mutilation. Interventions into bodily integrity, which do not serve a therapeutic purpose and are not regarded as aesthetically acceptable by the majority, e.g. tongue splitting, branding and flesh stapling, are now practised, but, however, are still seen as a kind of ‘aberration’ that ought not to be allowed. I reject several arguments for a possible ban on these body modifications. I find the common pathologisation of body modifications, Kant's argument of duties (...)
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  19. Rational Suicide, Assisted Suicide, and Indirect Legal Paternalism.Thomas Schramme - 2013 - International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 36 (5-6):477-484.
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  20.  68
    Being a (A-)moral Person and Caring About Morality.Thomas Schramme - 2014 - In Being Amoral: Psychopathy and Moral Incapacity. MIT Press. pp. 227-244.
    The chapter starts from a specific interpretation of what it means to know the difference between right and wrong, which stems from Gilbert Ryle. To know the difference between right and wrong implies caring about morality. The author links Ryle’s ideas to the notion of being a moral person. Two different ideas found in moral philosophy are delineated, namely, the amoral person, that is, someone who rejects the demands of morality, and the morally incapacitated person, that is, someone who cannot (...)
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  21. Einleitung: Die Begriffe "Gesundheit" und "Krankheit" in der philosophischen Diskussion.Thomas Schramme - 2012 - In Krankheitstheorien. Suhrkamp. pp. 9-37.
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  22. Counterfactuals and the 'Grue-Speaker'.Alfred Schramm - manuscript
    Freitag (2015) and Schramm (2014) have proposed different, although converging, solutions of Goodman’s New Riddle of Induction. Answering their proposals, Dorst (2016 and 2018) has used the fictitious character of a ‘grue-speaker’ as his principal device for criticizing counterfactual-based treatments of the Riddle. In this paper, I argue that Dorst’s arguments fail: On the observation of no other than green emeralds, the ‘grue-speaker’ cannot use the symmetry between the ‘green’- and ‘grue’-languages for claiming ‘grue’- instead of ‘green’-evidence, and the (...)
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    Introduction.Thomas Schramme - 2015 - In New Perspectives on Paternalism and Health Care. Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This chapter introduces the main findings of the medical research on psychopathy as well as the most significant threads of the philosophical debates surrounding psychopathy. It also introduces the articles collected in this volume. The introduction focuses on issues in moral psychology and metaethics, such as moral motivation, moral responsibility, and moral understanding. It shows the difficulty in conceptualising psychopathy and in using psychopathy as a test case for philosophical theories.
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  24.  31
    On the autonomy of the concept of disease in psychiatry.Thomas Schramme - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4:1-9.
  25. Introduction.Thomas Schramme - 2014 - In Being Amoral: Psychopathy and Moral Incapacity. MIT Press. pp. 1-39.
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  26.  21
    Theories of Health Justice: Just Enough Health.Thomas Schramme - 2018 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    Ideal for students in the philosophy of medicine, healthcare and public health, this book offers an introduction to the philosophical debates around health justice. It presents clear conceptual definitions of health, disease and illness and the various theories of justice, developing a specific normative argument in the debate on health justice.
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  27. The significance of the concept of disease for justice in health care.Thomas Schramme - 2007 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 28 (2):121-135.
    In this paper, I want to scrutinise the value of utilising the concept of disease for a theory of distributive justice in health care. Although many people believe that the presence of a disease-related condition is a prerequisite of a justified claim on health care resources, the impact of the philosophical debate on the concept of disease is still relatively minor. This is surprising, because how we conceive of disease determines the amount of justified claims on health care resources. Therefore, (...)
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  28.  49
    Is Rawlsian Justice Bad for the Environment?Thomas Schramme - 2006 - Analyse & Kritik 28 (2):146-157.
    In this paper I show that Rawls’s contract apparatus in A Theory of Justice depends on a particular presumption that is in conflict with the goal of conserving environmental resources. He presumes that parties in the original position want as many resources as possible. I challenge Rawls’s approach by introducing a rational alternative to maximising. The strategy of satisficing merely goes for what is good enough. However, it seems that under conditions of scarcity Rawls’s maximising strategy is the only rational (...)
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  29.  37
    Political Perfectionism and State Paternalism.Thomas Schramme - 2009 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 14 (1):147-166.
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  30. Paternalism, Coercion and Manipulation in Psychiatry.Thomas Schramme - 2012 - In Jan C. Joerden (ed.), Menschenwürde in der Medizin: quo vadis? Baden-Baden: Nomos. pp. 147-160.
  31. Bleisch, Barbara (2009). Complicity in harmful action : contributing to world poverty and duties of care. In: Mack, Elke; Schramm, Michael; Klasen, Stephan; Pogge, Thomas. Absolute poverty and global justice : empirical data, moral theories, initiatives.Barbara Bleisch, Elke Mack, Michael Schramm, Stephan Klasen & Thomas Pogge (eds.) - 2009
  32.  40
    Wenn Philosophen aus der Hüfte schießen.Thomas Schramme - 2015 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 2 (2):377-384.
    In diesem Artikel wird argumentiert, dass die Philosophie nicht über passende Methoden verfügt, reale politische Probleme angemessen zu analysieren. So sind die tatsächlich vorzufindenden Empfehlungen zur Lösung solcher Fragen meist trivial oder unterkomplex. Es wird geraten, zuerst geeignete Instrumentarien der angewandten bzw. konkreten Ethik zu entwickeln, bevor sich PhilosophInnen zu solch komplexen Fragen wie die der Flüchtlingspolitik äußern.
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  33.  45
    The Quantitative Problem for Theories of Dysfunction and Disease.Thomas Schramme - 2021 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 17 (2):(SI7)5-30.
    Mnoge biološke funkcije dopuštaju stupnjevanje. Na primjer, lučenje određenog hormona u organizmu može biti na višoj ili nižoj razini, u usporedbi s istim organizmom drugom prilikom ili u usporedbi s drugim organizmima. Koje razine funkcioniranja predstavljaju slučajeve disfunkcije; gdje da povučemo crtu? To je kvantitativni problem za teorije disfunkcije i bolesti. Cilj mi je braniti verziju bioloških teorija disfunkcije kako bih se uhvatio u koštac s ovim problemom. Međutim, također ću dopustiti da evaluativna razmatranja uđu u teoriju bolesti. Moj argument (...)
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  34. Comparative and Non-Comparative Perspectives on Disability.Thomas Schramme - 2013 - In Jerome E. Bickenbach, Franziska Felder & Barbara Schmitz (eds.), Disability and the Good Human Life. Cambridge University Press. pp. 72-92.
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  35.  7
    Freundschaft im Neuplatonismus: Politisches Denken und Sozialphilosophie von Plotin bis Kaiser Julian.Michael Schramm - 2013 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Die hier anzuzeigende Monographie basiert auf einer Habilitationsschrift, die Michael Schramm an der Universität Leipzig eingereicht hat. Ihr Thema ist die Philosophie der Freundschaft im Neuplatonismus, doch behandelt sie darüber hinaus zahlreiche weitere Facetten sowohl des politischen Denkens als auch der Sozialphilosophie dieser intellektuellen Bewegung der Spätantike. Aus praktischen Gründen beschränkt sich die Untersuchung auf das dritte und vierte Jahrhundert und hierbei auf eine Auswahl von vier Autoren, nämlich Plotin, Jamblich, Themistios und Kaiser Julian. Schon diese Zusammenstellung verdeutlicht, dass (...)
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    Philosophie und Medizinethik.Thomas Schramme - 2016 - Ethik in der Medizin 28 (4):263-266.
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  37. New trends in philosophy of psychiatry.Thomas Schramme - 2010 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 31 (1):1-4.
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  38.  51
    “Properly a Subject of Contempt”: The Role of Natural Penalties in Mill's Liberal Thought.Thomas Schramme - 2020 - Journal of Social Philosophy 51 (3):391-409.
  39.  26
    Resistance to extinction in GSR conditioning following different numbers of postpeak acquisition trials.C. F. Schramm & H. D. Kimmel - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 84 (2):239.
  40.  35
    Noncomparative Justice Regarding Health and Its Social Determinants.Thomas Schramme - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (3):44-45.
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  41.  41
    On Norman Daniels' interpretation of the moral significance of healthcare.T. Schramme - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (1):17-20.
    According to Norman Daniels, the moral significance of health needs stem from their impact on the normal opportunity range: pathological conditions involve comparative disadvantage. In this paper I defend an alternative reading of the moral importance of healthcare, which focuses on non-comparative aspects of disease. In the first section I distinguish two contrasting perspectives on pathological conditions, viz a comparative versus a non-comparative. By using this distinction I introduce a related disparity regarding the moral importance of personal responsibility for disease. (...)
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  42.  44
    Paternalism and Self‐Interest: A Rejoinder.Thomas Schramme - 2009 - Bioethics 24 (4):208-210.
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    Philosophy and Psychiatry.Thomas Schramme & Johannes Thome (eds.) - 2003 - De Gruyter.
    The interdisciplinary contributions of this edition promote the development of a new "philosophical psychopathology".
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  44.  10
    Psychiatry’s Unruly Practices and Their Implications for the Ethics of Psychiatry.Thomas Schramme - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (12):92-94.
    In my commentary on Hempeler et al.’s (2024) important contribution to the ethics of psychiatry I will argue that psychiatric practices are necessarily unruly, and that this fact has important impl...
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  45. No Justification for Smith’s Incidentally True Beliefs.Alfred Schramm - 2022 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 99 (2):273–292.
    Edmund Gettier (1963) argued that there can be justified true belief (JTB) that is not knowledge. I question the correctness of his argument by showing that Smith of Gettier’s famous examples does not earn justification for his incidentally true beliefs, while a doxastically more conscientious person S would come to hold justified but false beliefs. So, Gettier’s (and analogous) cases do not result in justified _and_ true belief. This is due to a tension between deductive closure of justification and evidential (...)
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  46.  32
    Die Eigenständigkeit des Krankheitsbegriffs in der Psychiatrie.Thomas Schramme - 2012 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 60 (6):955-970.
    Does the reference to a mental realm in using the notion of mental disorder lead to a dilemma that consists in either implying a Cartesian account of the mind-body relation or in the need to give up a notion of mental disorder in its own right? Many psychiatrists seem to believe that denying substance dualism requires a purely neurophysiological stance for explaining mental disorder. However, this conviction is based on a limited awareness of the philosophical debate on the mind-body problem. (...)
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  47.  51
    Essay Review: Steps towards the Idea of Function: A Comparison between Eastern and Western Science of the Middle Ages: Augustine to Galileo.Matthias Schramm - 1965 - History of Science 4 (1):70-103.
  48. Methodological Objectivism and Critical Rationalist ’Induction’.Alfred Schramm - 2006 - In Ian Jarvie, Karl Milford & David Miller (eds.), Karl Popper: A Centenary Assessment, Volume II. Ashgate.
    This paper constitutes one extended argument, which touches on various topics of Critical Rationalism as it was initiated by Karl Popper and further developed in his aftermath. The result of the argument will be that critical rationalism either offers no solution to the problem of induction at all, or that it amounts, in the last resort, to a kind of Critical Rationalist Inductivism as it were, a version of what I call Good Old Induction. One may think of David Miller (...)
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    Der Homo-Mensura-Satz des Protagoras.Michael Schramm - 2017 - Méthexis 29 (1):20-45.
    The paper presents a subjectivist interpretation of Protagoras’ man-measure fragment, by explaining some key terms (‘all things’, ‘measure’, ‘man’) and reconstructing his ontological, epistemological and anthropological views. The argument uses other fragments and testimonies of Protagoras as well as intertextual allusions to previous authors (especially Anaxagoras) and instances of reception of Protagoras by Plato, Aristotle and Isocrates which are particularly used here for the first time in order to interpret the man-measure fragment. It is argued that Protagoras denied metaphysical speculation (...)
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  50.  8
    Sustainable Sufficientarianism: Combining ‘Enough for all’ with Eco-Sufficiency.Thomas Schramme - forthcoming - Ethics, Policy and Environment.
    Sufficientarianism is a theory of social justice that determines individual entitlements by setting a threshold of what is enough for a decent life. Sufficientarianism therefore seems to be a suitable ally for theories of climate justice, because it restricts claims of justice to a minimum. Furthermore, the notion of sufficiency has been theorized in ecological discourse, so there is pertinent conceptual overlap between the two perspectives. In this paper, I aim to combine sufficientarianism with eco-sufficiency. I will use a framework (...)
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