Results for 'Timon Binder'

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  1.  12
    Der Körper in der Vernichtung – Kommunikationsstrategien der frühchristlichen Märtyrerliteratur am Beispiel der Passio Montani et Lucii.Timon Binder - 2004 - In Helmut Seng & Barbara Feichtinger (eds.), Die Christen Und der Körper: Aspekte der Körperlichkeit in der Christlichen Literatur der Spätantike. De Gruyter. pp. 75-100.
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    Staying with the Secret: The Public Sphere in Platform Society.Timon Beyes - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (4):111-127.
    Investigating the structural transformation of the public sphere should reckon with the secret and its modes of organization. The expansion of secrecy effected by the infrastructures, platforms, and applications of media technology is constitutive for the emergence and transformation of ‘digital publics’. Offering a rereading of Habermas’s Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere that is attuned to the organizational principle of secrecy, this paper discusses current notions of mediated publics in juxtaposition with the redoubling of media-technological and organizational secrecy at (...)
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  3. The neurobiology of semantic memory.Jeffrey R. Binder & Rutvik H. Desai - 2011 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 15 (11):527-536.
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    Agency, Freedom and Choice.Constanze Binder - 2019 - Dordrecht: Springer Verlag.
    In this book, Binder shows that at the heart of the most prominent arguments in favour of value-neutral approaches to overall freedom lies the value freedom has for human agency and development. Far from leading to the adoption of a value-neutral approach, however, ascribing importance to freedom’s agency value requires one to adopt a refined value-based approach. Binder employs an axiomatic framework in order to develop such an approach. She shows that a focus on freedom’s agency value has (...)
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    Franz Brentano Und Sein Philosophischer Nachlass.Thomas Binder - 2019 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Franz Brentano gilt als einer der einflussreichsten Philosophen an der Wende vom 19. zum 20. Jahrhundert. Dennoch sind die Philosophiehistoriker noch zu keinem endgültigen Urteil über seine Bedeutung gelangt. Der Grund hierfür ist vor allem darin zu suchen, dass Brentanos Werk bis heute nur unzureichend zugänglich ist, was vor allem daran liegt, dass der größte Teil davon nur in handschriftlicher Form existiert: Nach seinem unvollendet gebliebenen Hauptwerk, der Psychologie vom empirischen Standpunkt, hat Brentano keine größere Arbeit mehr veröffentlicht. Im ersten (...)
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    Zur Erschließung semantischer Strukturen durch algebraisch-topologische Konzepte: Vorstellung eines neuen Textmodells anhand von Also sprach Zarathustra IV.Timon Georg Boehm - 2023 - Nietzscheforschung 30 (1):289-299.
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  7. .Timon Boehm & Peter Villwock - unknown
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    Engadiner Gedanken-Gänge: Friedrich Nietzsche, der Wanderer und sein Schatten.Timon Boehm & Peter Villwock (eds.) - 2021 - Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag.
  9.  31
    Interpretationen der Affektivität bei Nietzsche und Spinoza.Timon Boehm - 2017 - Nietzsche Studien 46 (1):314-323.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Nietzsche-Studien Jahrgang: 46 Heft: 1 Seiten: 314-323.
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    Nietzsches Wiederholung Spinozas. Ein problemgeschichtlicher Bezug der Konzepte des conatus und des Willens zur Macht.Timon Boehm - 2017 - Nietzsche Studien 46 (1):28-57.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Nietzsche-Studien Jahrgang: 46 Heft: 1 Seiten: 28-57.
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  11. België, Vlaanderen en multilaterale fora. De samenwerking en het gegenereerde imago in de Wereldhandelsorganisatie en de Raad van Europa.Timon-Bo Salomonson & David Criekemans - 2001 - Res Publica 43 (1):147-169.
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    België, Vlaanderen en multilaterale fora : De samenwerking en het gegenereerde imago in de Wereldhandelsorganisatie en de Raad van Europa.Timon Bo Salomonson & David Criekemans - 2001 - Res Publica 43 (1):147-169.
    This article tries to answer two questions : 1) How does the cooperation between the Belgian and Flemish government work within the field of multilateral policy?; 2) How is the multilateral policy of the Belgian federation and the Flemish government received at the multilateral level? The Belgian constitution has foreseen a system in which all governments are equal. This has important consequences for Belgian delegations in multilateral fora : in 'mixed' dossiers, no government has decisive power. Thus, all Belgian governments (...)
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    Computational Agents, Design and Innovative Behaviour: Hetero Economicus.Timon Scheuer - 2018 - Economic Thought 7 (2):82.
    For too long, a majority of economic stories speak of perfectly informed, fully rational optimisation within a purely materialistic world – leaving a lack of evidence and explanation regarding human decision makers and entrepreneurs revolutionising the decision space. Strands like game theory and institutional economics have already adopted a more practical view. Evolutionary and behavioural economics were finally able to establish the necessary links to other disciplines – like psychology and informational science. This paper recaps selected parts of the literature (...)
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    Malebranche ou la Prière cartésienne.Alexandre Tilman-Timon - 1967 - Paris,: L'Auteur.
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    El Centro de Investigación del Cáncer (CSIC-Universidad de Salamanca): un ejemplo de cultura científica.Almudena Timón Sánchez - 2002 - Arbor 173 (683-684):653-668.
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    En torno a una revisión de la epojé escéptica radical.Enrique Timón - 2001 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 3:195.
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  17. Los problemas epistemológicos de la realidad virtual.Enrique Timón - 2007 - In César Moreno, Rafael Lorenzo & Alicia Ma de Mingo (eds.), Filosofía y realidad virtual. Zaragoza: Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza. pp. 215--228.
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    Re-envisioning Tangintebu Theological College in the context of climate change: An emerging model of coconut theological education and ministerial formation.Tioti Timon, Chammah J. Kaunda & Roderick R. Hewitt - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (1):8.
    This article engages through an interdisciplinary approach to re-envision Tangintebu Theological College’s (TTC) model of theological education in the context of climate change in Kiribati. It utilises the anthropological theory of symbolic interactionism within missiological, cultural and, theological studies of climate change. It argues for the coconut tree as an appropriate cultural conceptual metaphorical idiom for translating and understanding Christian faith and shaping a theological pedagogy within the Kiribati context of climate change. The coconut image is an indigenous, holistic way (...)
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  19.  38
    Effects of visualizing statistical information – an empirical study on tree diagrams and 2 × 2 tables.Karin Binder, Stefan Krauss & Georg Bruckmaier - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  20.  19
    Suffering a Healthy Life—On the Existential Dimension of Health.Per-Einar Binder - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This paper examines the existential context of physical and mental health. Hans Georg Gadamer and The World Health Organization’s conceptualizations are discussed, and current medicalized and idealized views on health are critically examined. The existential dimension of health is explored in the light of theories of selfhood consisting of different parts, Irvin Yalom’s approach to “ultimate concerns” and Martin Heidegger’s conceptualization of “existentials.” We often become aware of health as an existential concern during times of illness, and health and illness (...)
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  21.  11
    Social Ontology, Cultural Sociology, and the War on Terror.Werner Binder - 2013 - In Michael Schmitz, Beatrice Kobow & Hans Bernhard Schmid (eds.), The Background of Social Reality: Selected Contributions from the Inaugural Meeting of ENSO. Springer. pp. 163--181.
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  22.  24
    A New Visualization for Probabilistic Situations Containing Two Binary Events: The Frequency Net.Karin Binder, Stefan Krauss & Patrick Wiesner - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:506040.
    In teaching statistics in secondary schools and at university, two visualizations are primarily used when situations with two dichotomous characteristics are represented: 2×2 tables and tree diagrams. Both visualizations can be depicted either with probabilities or with frequencies. Visualizations with frequencies have been shown to help students significantly more in Bayesian reasoning problems than probability visualizations do. Because tree diagrams or double-trees (which are largely unknown in school) are node-branch-structures, these two visualizations (compared to the 2×2 table) can even simultaneously (...)
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  23.  53
    Popper's Notion of Duality and His Theory of Negations.David Binder & Thomas Piecha - 2017 - History and Philosophy of Logic 38 (2):154-189.
    Karl Popper developed a theory of deductive logic in the late 1940s. In his approach, logic is a metalinguistic theory of deducibility relations that are based on certain purely structural rules. Logical constants are then characterized in terms of deducibility relations. Characterizations of this kind are also called inferential definitions by Popper. In this paper, we expound his theory and elaborate some of his ideas and results that in some cases were only sketched by him. Our focus is on Popper's (...)
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  24.  48
    The levels of perceptual processing and the neural correlates of increasing subjective visibility.Marek Binder, Krzysztof Gociewicz, Bert Windey, Marcin Koculak, Karolina Finc, Jan Nikadon, Monika Derda & Axel Cleeremans - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 55:106-125.
  25. Life’s demons: information and order in biology.Philippe M. Binder & Antoine Danchin - 2011 - EMBO Reports 12 (6):495-499.
    Two decades ago, Rolf Landauer (1991) argued that “information is physical” and ought to have a role in the scientific analysis of reality comparable to that of matter, energy, space and time. This would also help to bridge the gap between biology and mathematics and physics. Although it can be argued that we are living in the ‘golden age’ of biology, both because of the great challenges posed by medicine and the environment and the significant advances that have been made—especially (...)
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  26.  18
    Romantic Disciplinarity and the Rise of the Algorithm.Jeffrey M. Binder - 2020 - Critical Inquiry 46 (4):813-834.
    Scholars in both digital humanities and media studies have noted an apparent disconnect between computation and the interpretive methods of the humanities. Alan Liu has argued that literary scholars employing digital methods encounter a “meaning problem” due to the difficulty of reconciling algorithmic methods with interpretive ones. Conversely, the media scholar Friedrich Kittler has questioned the adequacy of hermeneutics as a means of studying computers. This paper argues that that this disconnect results from a set of contingent decisions made in (...)
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  27.  22
    The call of the unlived life: On the psychology of existential guilt.Per-Einar Binder - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This paper examines the psychology of existential guilt with Martin Heidegger and Rollo May’s conceptualizations as the point of departure. The concept of existential guilt describes preconditions for responsibility and accountability in life choices and the relationship to the potential given in the life of a human. It might also be used as a starting point to examine an individual’s relationship to the potential offered in their life and life context and, in this way, the hitherto unlived life of an (...)
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  28. Jaspers and Ortega on the Historicity of Being Human.Marnie Binder - 2019 - Existenz 14 (1):28-34.
    Spanish philosopher José Ortega y Gasset and German philosopher Karl Jaspers were both born in 1883, and they both maintained the position that humans are principally historical beings. Therefore, as attested by this notion itself, there are points in which their philosophy coincides. Ortega argued that human beings have no nature, only history. His argument is that history as such is human nature; what is most natural about being human is the fact of being historical and thus always having historicity. (...)
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    Elements of an Evolutionary Theory of Welfare: Assessing Welfare When Preferences Change.Martin Binder - 2010 - Routledge.
    It has always been an important task of economics to assess individual and social welfare. The traditional approach has assumed that the measuring rod for welfare is the satisfaction of the individual’s given and unchanging preferences, but recent work in behavioural economics has called this into question by pointing out the inconsistencies and context-dependencies of human behaviour. When preferences are no longer consistent, we have to ask whether a different measure for individual welfare can, and should, be found. This book (...)
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  30.  7
    Grundlegung zur rechtsphilosophie.Julius Binder - 1935 - Tübingen,: Mohr.
    Als Mitinitiator des Neuhegelianismus war Julius Binder (1870 - 1939) einer der bedeutendsten Vertreter auf dem Gebiet der Rechtsphilosophie. Die Fundamente seiner Philosophie des Rechtes entwickelte er in der vorliegenden Schrift. Ergänzend befindet sich zudem ein Beitrag zur Interpretation der Hegelschen Rechtsphilosophie in diesem Buch. Binder wurde am 12. Mai 1870 in Würzburg als Sohn einer Juristen- und Theologenfamilie geboren. Nach dem Studium der Rechtswissenschaften in München und Würzburg habilitierte er sich 1898 und wurde anschließend außerordentlicher Professor in (...)
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    Language and the rise of the algorithm.Jeffrey M. Binder - 2022 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    A wide-ranging history of the intellectual developments that produced the modern idea of the algorithm. Bringing together the histories of mathematics, computer science, and linguistic thought, Language and the Rise of the Algorithm reveals how recent developments in artificial intelligence are reopening an issue that troubled mathematicians long before the computer age. How do you draw the line between computational rules and the complexities of making systems comprehensible to people? Here Jeffrey M. Binder offers a compelling tour of four (...)
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  32.  60
    What Is An Author?Marnie Binder - 2007 - Philosophy Now 60:22-25.
    What is an Author? What’s in a name? Marnie Binder asks if it matters who’s writing, and other questions of authorship.
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    Designing for work place learning.Thomas Binder - 1995 - AI and Society 9 (2-3):218-243.
    The use of computers to support learning at work has for long been propagated. Although a large bulk of experience exists in this field, it is still an open question what role computer applications play and can play in the process of learning. It can even be questioned if the learning processes themselves are sufficiently well understood to enable designers and others to provide relevant support. In this article these questions are addressed with reference to experience gained with two projects (...)
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  34. Un posible diálogo historicista entre William James y José Ortega y Gasset.Marnie Binder - 2013 - la Torre Del Virrey, Revista de Estudios Culturales 14 (2):17-20.
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    Further Considerations on Testing the Null Hypothesis and the Strategy and Tactics of Investigating Theoretical Models.Arnold Binder - 1963 - Psychological Review 70 (1):107-115.
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    Organizing Counterpublics: Scenes from Contemporary Russia.Anna Kalinina & Timon Beyes - 2024 - Theory, Culture and Society 41 (7-8):57-71.
    Writings on counterpublics, publicness and the public realm present a theoretical and empirical dialectic of a public sphere in the singular and multiple counterpublics. We update and relocate this interplay by situating our paper in present-day Russia and the protests against the invasion of Ukraine. Through exemplary scenes of counterpublicness, and drawing upon Russian and Western scholarship, we develop a notion of counterpublics as a minimal condition of organization understood as the collective capacity to act. If the public sphere designates (...)
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    Encyclopedia of Neuroscience.M. Binder, N. Hirokawa, U. Windhorst & H. Hirsch (eds.) - 2008
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    Critical legal studies.Guyora Binder - 1996 - In Dennis M. Patterson (ed.), A Companion to Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory. Blackwell. pp. 267–278.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Critical Legal Studies as Analytic Jurisprudence: The Critique of Liberal Rights Theory Critical Legal Studies as Social Theory Conclusion References.
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  39.  71
    Die Brentano-Gesellschaft und das Brentano-Archiv in Prag.Thomas Binder - 2000 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 58 (1):533-565.
    Im Februar 1930 beschloß das Parlament der tschechoslowakischen Republik, Präsident Th. G. Masaryk aus Anerkennung seiner Verdienste um die Republiksgründung eine Summe von 20 Millionen Kronen zu widmen. Aus Dankbarkeit seinem philosophischen Lehrer Franz Brentano gegenüber ermöglichte Masaryk mit einem Teil dieser Summe im darauffolgenden Jahr die Gründung einer Brentano-Gesellschaft und eines Brentano-Archives in Prag unter der Leitung von Oskar Kraus. Der vorliegende Beitrag versucht die Vorgeschichte und die Geschichte der Gesellschaft bis zu ihrer endgültigen Auflösung im Jahre 1955 und (...)
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    Facing the uncertainties of being a person: On the role of existential vulnerability in personal identity.Per-Einar Binder - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    This paper explores the role of existential vulnerability in the experience of personal identity and how identity is found and created. Existential vulnerabilities mark a boundary between what humans can bring about willfully or manipulate to their advantage and what is resistant to such actions. These vulnerabilities have their origin, on an ontological level, in fundamental conditions of human existence. At the same time, they have implications on a psychological level when it comes to self-experience and identity formation. Narrative and (...)
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  41. Humanitarian Crises and the International Politics of Selectivity.Martin Binder - 2009 - Human Rights Review 10 (3):327-348.
    How has the international community responded to humanitarian crises after the end of the Cold War? While optimistic ideational perspectives on global governance stress the importance of humanitarian norms and argue that humanitarian crises have been increasingly addressed, more skeptical realist accounts point to material interests and maintain that these responses have remained highly selective. In empirical terms, however, we know very little about the actual extent of selectivity since, so far, the international community’s reaction to humanitarian crises has not (...)
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    The future of the philosophy of economics: papers from the XI. INEM Conference at Erasmus University Rotterdam.Constanze Binder, Conrad Heilmann & Jack Vromen - 2015 - Journal of Economic Methodology 22 (3):261-263.
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    Terrorism and the internet: How dangerous is online radicalization?Jens F. Binder & Jonathan Kenyon - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This work is concerned with the extent and magnitude of threat related to online radicalization in the context of terrorist acts and related offending. Online influences have been depicted as major drivers for the propagation and adoption of extremist ideologies, which often contain an element of collective grievance, and subsequent acts of violence. This is most pronounced in the discussion of so-called lone actor terrorism, but extends to all forms of extremist offending, and beyond. The present work situates online radicalization (...)
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  44. Anti-Dualism in History and Nature: A Study between John Dewey and José Ortega y Gasset.Marnie Binder - 2010 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 4 (1):44-64.
    This paper argues that a principle manner in which Spanish philosopher José Ortega y Gasset’s historicist maxim ’man has no nature, what he has is history’ can be understood is through a pragmatist basis of anti-dualism, in part inherited from American philosopher John Dewey. The thesis here is that it is not that man has no nature, per se, rather that history is his nature because the two are anti-dualistic concepts; history is our nature because it is comprised of, as (...)
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  45. Alexius Meinong Die Grazer Schule der Gegenstandstheorie & Psychologie : Katalog Zur Gleichnamigen Ausstellung Aus den Beständen der Universitätsbibliothek Graz Und der Forschungsstelle Und Dokumentationszentrum Für Österreichische Philosophie.Thomas Binder, Ulf Höfer & Jutta Valent - 1995 - Universitätsbibliothek der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz.
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    Análisis político criminal: bases metodológicas para una política criminal minimalista y democrática.Alberto M. Binder - 2012 - Buenos Aires: Editorial Astrea.
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    A pragmatist philosophy of history.Marnie Binder - 2023 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book examines the contributions of William James, John Dewey, F.C.S. Schiller, C.S. Peirce, George Herbert Mead, and Jane Addams to a case for a pragmatist philosophy of history. Together, they expand our understanding on how we process the past, which impacts our present and our future.
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    A statistical model for the process of visual recognition.Arnold Binder - 1955 - Psychological Review 62 (2):119-129.
  49.  23
    Becoming Aware of Inner Self-Critique and Kinder Toward Self: A Qualitative Study of Experiences of Outcome After a Brief Self-Compassion Intervention for University Level Students.Per-Einar Binder, Ingrid Dundas, Signe Hjelen Stige, Aslak Hjeltnes, Vivian Woodfin & Christian Moltu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  50. Bildungsmarkt, Bildungsqualität, Bildungsverwaltung und die Öffentlichkeit als invisible hand : ein fiktives Streitgespräch.Ulrich Binder - 2013 - In Tamara Deluigi (ed.), Sakralität, Demokratie und Erziehung: Auseinandersetzungen mit der historischen Pädagogik Fritz Osterwalders. Zürich: Lit.
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