Results for 'Timoteo Gener'

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  1. Filosofía, Ciencia y Religión: un diálogo con C. Jaspers.Timoteo Barth - 1960 - Verdad y Vida 18 (70):281-300.
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    Si può vivere felici agendo secondo le circostanze?: una disamina della prassi morale in Sesto Empirico.Timoteo Crispolti - 2014 - Roma: Aracne editrice S.r.l..
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    Quo Vadis, Sovereignty? : New Conceptual and Regulatory Boundaries in the Age of Digital China.Marina Timoteo, Barbara Verri & Riccardo Nanni (eds.) - 2023 - Springer Nature Switzerland.
    This book presents an interdisciplinary exploration of digital sovereignty in China, which are addressed mainly from political, legal and historical point of views. The text leverages a large number of native Chinese experts among the authors at a time when literature on China’s involvement in internet governance is more widespread in the so-called “West”. Numerous Chinese-language documents have been analysed in the making of this title and furthermore, literature conceptualising digital sovereignty is still limited to journal articles, making this one (...)
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    Benefits of diversity, communication costs, and public opinion dynamics.Gani Aldashev & Timoteo Carletti - 2009 - Complexity 15 (2):54-63.
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  5. Comunicación Basura.Jesús Timoteo Alvarez Fernández - 2006 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 43:79-87.
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  6. Jerrold J. Katz.Interpretative Semantics Vs Generative - 1970 - Foundations of Language 4:220.
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  7. Nicolas Generative Grammar - 1981 - In W. Klein & W. Levelt (eds.), Crossing the Boundaries in Linguistics. Reidel. pp. 23.
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    New books. [REVIEW]Gener P. - 1881 - Mind (22):294-b-294.
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  9. Relação custo-lucro e produtividade nas práticas culturais da cana-de-açúcar.Fernando Rodrigues de Amorim, Federico Del Giorgio Solfa & Timoteo Ramos Queiroz - 2024 - Journal of Management and Technology 24 (1):215-237.
    Objective of the study: To analyze the costs and profits of sugarcane production regarding the cultural practices of sugarcane suppliers. Methodology/approach: This study positions itself in this gap by comparatively analyzing 6 types of cultural practices: unraveling, windrowing, application of correctives, herbicides, insecticides and fertilizers, with the option of two systems Fixed rate (TF) and Variable rate (TV). Originality/Relevance: Brazil is a world reference in sugarcane production, with the State of São Paulo being the largest Brazilian producer. However, for sugarcane (...)
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  10. Bn Patnaik.Ancient Indian & Modern Generative - 2004 - In Omkar N. Koul, Imtiaz S. Hasnain & Ruqaiya Hasan (eds.), Linguistics, theoretical and applied: a festschrift for Ruqaiya Hasan. Delhi: Creative Books. pp. 1.
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  11. Derivation of Grammatical Sentences: Some Observations on Ancient Indian and.Modern Generative Linguistic Frameworks - 2000 - In Ajay K. Raina, B. N. Patnaik & Monima Chadha (eds.), Science and tradition. Shimla: Inter-University Centre for Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Advanced Study.
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  12. Generative AI and the Future of Democratic Citizenship.Paul Formosa, Bhanuraj Kashyap & Siavosh Sahebi - 2024 - Digital Government: Research and Practice 2691 (2024/05-ART).
    Generative AI technologies have the potential to be socially and politically transformative. In this paper, we focus on exploring the potential impacts that Generative AI could have on the functioning of our democracies and the nature of citizenship. We do so by drawing on accounts of deliberative democracy and the deliberative virtues associated with it, as well as the reciprocal impacts that social media and Generative AI will have on each other and the broader information landscape. Drawing on this background (...)
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  13. Calibrating Generative Models: The Probabilistic Chomsky-Schützenberger Hierarchy.Thomas Icard - 2020 - Journal of Mathematical Psychology 95.
    A probabilistic Chomsky–Schützenberger hierarchy of grammars is introduced and studied, with the aim of understanding the expressive power of generative models. We offer characterizations of the distributions definable at each level of the hierarchy, including probabilistic regular, context-free, (linear) indexed, context-sensitive, and unrestricted grammars, each corresponding to familiar probabilistic machine classes. Special attention is given to distributions on (unary notations for) positive integers. Unlike in the classical case where the "semi-linear" languages all collapse into the regular languages, using analytic tools (...)
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    Generative Assembly after Katrina.Kyle Parry - 2018 - Critical Inquiry 44 (3):554-581.
    Although Hurricane Katrina precipitated considerable reflection across various media, a practice crucial to our capacities to apprehend and interpret the disaster has not yet been analyzed as such. I call this practice generative assembly. I don’t mean the events of emergency and political gathering that took place in response to the massive storm and fatal, preventable levee failures—although I will propose connections between different forms of assembly. Instead I mean a kind of documentary practice. That practice, which can be undertaken (...)
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  15. A Generative System for Intentional Action?Marco Mazzone - 2014 - Topoi 33 (1):77-85.
    It has been proposed that intentional actions are supplied by a generative system of the sort described by Chomsky for language. In this paper I aim to provide a closer analysis of this claim for the sake of conceptual clarification. To this end, I will first clarify what is involved in the thesis of a structural analogy between language and action, and then I will consider what kind of evidence there seems to be in favour of the thesis of a (...)
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    From Generative Models to Generative Passages: A Computational Approach to (Neuro) Phenomenology.Maxwell J. D. Ramstead, Anil K. Seth, Casper Hesp, Lars Sandved-Smith, Jonas Mago, Michael Lifshitz, Giuseppe Pagnoni, Ryan Smith, Guillaume Dumas, Antoine Lutz, Karl Friston & Axel Constant - 2022 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 13 (4):829-857.
    This paper presents a version of neurophenomenology based on generative modelling techniques developed in computational neuroscience and biology. Our approach can be described as _computational phenomenology_ because it applies methods originally developed in computational modelling to provide a formal model of the descriptions of lived experience in the phenomenological tradition of philosophy (e.g., the work of Edmund Husserl, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, etc.). The first section presents a brief review of the overall project to naturalize phenomenology. The second section presents and evaluates (...)
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    Generativity in biology.Ramsey Affifi - 2015 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 14 (1):149-162.
    The behavior of an organism, according to Merleau-Ponty, lays out a milieu through which significant phenomena of varying degrees of optimality elicit adjustment. This leads to the dialectical co-emergence of milieu and aptitude that is both the product and the condition of life. What is present as a norm soliciting optimization is species-specific, but it also depends on the needs of the organism and its prior experience. Although a rich entry point into biological phenomenology, Merleau-Ponty’s work does not adequately describe (...)
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  18. Generative AI entails a credit–blame asymmetry.Sebastian Porsdam Mann, Brian D. Earp, Sven Nyholm, John Danaher, Nikolaj Møller, Hilary Bowman-Smart, Joshua Hatherley, Julian Koplin, Monika Plozza, Daniel Rodger, Peter V. Treit, Gregory Renard, John McMillan & Julian Savulescu - 2023 - Nature Machine Intelligence 5 (5):472-475.
    Generative AI programs can produce high-quality written and visual content that may be used for good or ill. We argue that a credit–blame asymmetry arises for assigning responsibility for these outputs and discuss urgent ethical and policy implications focused on large-scale language models.
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    Generative Emergence: A New Discipline of Organizational, Entrepreneurial, and Social Innovation.Benyamin B. Lichtenstein - 2014 - Oup Usa.
    Generative Emergence provides insight into the non-linear dynamics that lead to organizational emergence through the use of complexity sciences. The book explores how the model of Generative Emergence could be applied to enact emergence within and across organizations.
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  20. Generative Artificial Intelligence and Authorship Gaps.Tamer Nawar - 2024 - American Philosophical Quarterly 61 (4):355-367.
    The ever increasing use of generative artificial intelligence raises significant questions about authorship and related issues such as credit and accountability. In this paper, I consider whether works produced by means of users inputting natural language prompts into Generative Adversarial Networks are works of authorship. I argue that they are not. This is not due to concerns about randomness or machine-assistance compromising human labor or intellectual vision, but instead due to the syntactical and compositional limitations of existing AI systems in (...)
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  21. Generative memory.Kourken Michaelian - 2011 - Philosophical Psychology 24 (3):323-342.
    This paper explores the implications of the psychology of constructive memory for philosophical theories of the metaphysics of memory and for a central question in the epistemology of memory. I first develop a general interpretation of the psychology of constructive memory. I then argue, on the basis of this interpretation, for an updated version of Martin and Deutscher's influential causal theory of memory. I conclude by sketching the implications of this updated theory for the question of memory 's status as (...)
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    GENERATIVE GRAMMATIK.W. Grafe & U. Majer - 1978 - In Hans Radermacher Edmund Braun (ed.), Wissenschaftstheoretisches Lexikon. Köln: Verlag Styria. pp. 208-210.
    Mitte der fünfziger Jahre entsteht mit den Arbeiten der amerikanischen Linguisten Zellig S. Harris und Noam Chomsky die Theorie der generativen (Transformations-)Grammatiken a) Chomskys Grammatikmodell in den "Aspects" ... b) Entwicklung der Theorie ... nach 1965 ...
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    Is Generative AI Increasing the Risk for Technology‐Mediated Trauma Among Vulnerable Populations?Abdul-Fatawu Abdulai - 2025 - Nursing Inquiry 32 (1):e12686.
    The proliferation of Generative Artificial Intelligence (Generative AI) has led to an increased reliance on AI‐generated content for designing and deploying digital health interventions. While generative AI has the potential to facilitate and automate healthcare, there are concerns that AI‐generated content and AI‐generated health advice could trigger, perpetuate, or exacerbate prior traumatic experiences among vulnerable populations. In this discussion article, I examined how generative‐AI‐powered digital health interventions could trigger, perpetuate, or exacerbate emotional trauma among vulnerable populations who rely on digital (...)
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    Generative Critique in Interdisciplinary Collaborations: From Critique in and of the Neurosciences to Socio-Technical Integration Research as a Practice of Critique in R(R)I.Mareike Smolka - 2020 - NanoEthics 14 (1):1-19.
    Discourses on Responsible Innovation and Responsible Research and Innovation, in short RI, have revolved around but not elaborated on the notion of critique. In this article, generative critique is introduced to RI as a practice that sits in-between adversarial armchair critique and co-opted, uncritical service. How to position oneself and be positioned on this spectrum has puzzled humanities scholars and social scientists who engage in interdisciplinary collaborations with scientists, engineers, and other professionals. Recently, generative critique has been presented as a (...)
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    Generative Models.Sim-Hui Tee - 2020 - Erkenntnis 88 (1):23-41.
    Generative models have been proposed as a new type of non-representational scientific models recently. A generative model is characterized with the capacity of producing new models on the basis of the existing one. The current accounts do not explain sufficiently the mechanism of the generative capacity of a generative model. I attempt to accomplish this task in this paper. I outline two antecedent accounts of generative models. I point out that both types of generative models function to generate new homogenous (...)
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  26. A Generative Theory of Tonal Music.Fred Lerdahl & Ray Jackendoff - 1987 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 46 (1):94-98.
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  27. Generative Entrenchment and Evolution.Jeffrey C. Schank & William C. Wimsatt - 1986 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1986:33 - 60.
    The generative entrenchment of an entity is a measure of how much of the generated structure or activity of a complex system depends upon the presence or activity of that entity. It is argued that entities with higher degrees of generative entrenchment are more conservative in evolutionary changes of such systems. A variety of models of complex structures incorporating the effects of generative entrenchment are presented and we demonstrate their relevance in analyzing and explaining a variety of developmental and evolutionary (...)
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    A Generative Constituent-Context Model for Improved Grammar Induction.Dan Klein & Christopher D. Manning - unknown
    We present a generative distributional model for the unsupervised induction of natural language syntax which explicitly models constituent yields and contexts. Parameter search with EM produces higher quality analyses than previously exhibited by unsupervised systems, giving the best published unsupervised parsing results on the ATIS corpus. Experiments on Penn treebank sentences of comparable length show an even higher F1 of 71% on nontrivial brackets. We compare distributionally induced and actual part-of-speech tags as input data, and examine extensions to the basic (...)
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  29. The Philosophy of Generative Linguistics.Peter Ludlow - 2011 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Peter Ludlow presents the first book on the philosophy of generative linguistics, including both Chomsky's government and binding theory and his minimalist ...
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  30. Memory as a generative epistemic source.Jennifer Lackey - 2005 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 70 (3):636–658.
    It is widely assumed that memory has only the capacity to preserve epistemic features that have been generated by other sources. Specifically, if S knows (justifiedly believes/rationally believes) that p via memory at T2, then it is argued that (i) S must have known (justifiedly believed/rationally believed) that p when it was originally acquired at Tl, and (ii) S must have acquired knowledge that p (justification with respect to p/rationality with respect to p) at Tl via a non-memorial source. Thus, (...)
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    Generative-AI-Generated Challenges for Health Data Research.Kayte Spector-Bagdady - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (10):1-5.
    Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) promises to revolutionize data-driven fields (Milmo 2023). Building on decades of large language modeling (LLM) (Toner 2023), GenAI can collect, harmonize...
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    Generative Artificial Intelligence Systems and the Challenges in Latin American Education.Roberto Bernardo Usca Veloz, Wilian Alberto Yánez Arteaga, Edwin Olmedo Chávez Gavilánez & José Luis Vásconez Salazar - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1210-1229.
    This article examines the transformative role of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) in education, exploring diverse disciplines such as engineering, medicine, programming, and information systems. GAI emerges as a revolutionary force, promising to fundamentally change educational practices. The PRISMA 2020 methodology (Page et al., 2021) was used to evaluate the relevant scientific literature. The systematic review identified research that applied specific criteria in the analysis of IAG in education. The selected papers covered a variety of disciplines, providing a comprehensive view of (...)
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    Generative AI and medical ethics: the state of play.Hazem Zohny, Sebastian Porsdam Mann, Brian D. Earp & John McMillan - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (2):75-76.
    Since their public launch, a little over a year ago, large language models (LLMs) have inspired a flurry of analysis about what their implications might be for medical ethics, and for society more broadly. 1 Much of the recent debate has moved beyond categorical evaluations of the permissibility or impermissibility of LLM use in different general contexts (eg, at work or school), to more fine-grained discussions of the criteria that should govern their appropriate use in specific domains or towards certain (...)
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    How Generative Mindfulness Can Contribute to Inclusive Workplaces.Kathryn Goldman Schuyler, Lemuel Warren Watson & Elizabeth King - 2021 - Humanistic Management Journal 6 (3):451-478.
    Humanistic management and mindfulness practices can potentiate one another to foster an inclusive society. By moving beyond a limited instrumental understanding of mindfulness practice to a generative mindfulness that incorporates a recognition of the rich nature of the human mind, awareness of cultural practices, and deeply rooted ethical foundations, managers can create organizational cultures that honor the sacred in every human being. A set of interviews with noted consultants and researchers on mindfulness and leadership suggests convergence on this perspective, as (...)
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  35. Ethics of generative AI and manipulation: a design-oriented research agenda.Michael Klenk - 2024 - Ethics and Information Technology 26 (1):1-15.
    Generative AI enables automated, effective manipulation at scale. Despite the growing general ethical discussion around generative AI, the specific manipulation risks remain inadequately investigated. This article outlines essential inquiries encompassing conceptual, empirical, and design dimensions of manipulation, pivotal for comprehending and curbing manipulation risks. By highlighting these questions, the article underscores the necessity of an appropriate conceptualisation of manipulation to ensure the responsible development of Generative AI technologies.
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    Generative hermeneutics: proposal for an alliance with critical realism.Martin Durdovic - 2018 - Journal of Critical Realism 17 (3):244-261.
    ABSTRACTThis article deals with the recent interest shown by critical realists in the study of generative mechanisms in sociology and proposes stronger integration of hermeneutics into this theoretical approach. There are important differences between realism and hermeneutics. While realism strives to overcome the extremes of empiricism and interpretivism with a new version of naturalism, hermeneutics bases its explanations of society on research into meanings. The question is whether underlining these differences is useful for social theory. On the one hand, underestimating (...)
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    Generative AI and the Foregrounding of Epistemic Injustice in Bioethics.Calvin Wai-Loon Ho - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (10):99-102.
    OpenAI’s Chat Generative Pre-training Transformer (ChatGPT), Google’s Bard and other generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) technologies can greatly enhance the capability of healthcare profess...
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    Dual Generative Network with Discriminative Information for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning.Tingting Xu, Ye Zhao & Xueliang Liu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-11.
    Zero-shot learning is dedicated to solving the classification problem of unseen categories, while generalized zero-shot learning aims to classify the samples selected from both seen classes and unseen classes, in which “seen” and “unseen” classes indicate whether they can be used in the training process, and if so, they indicate seen classes, and vice versa. Nowadays, with the promotion of deep learning technology, the performance of zero-shot learning has been greatly improved. Generalized zero-shot learning is a challenging topic that has (...)
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    Generative Explanation and Individualism in Agent-Based Simulation.Julie Zahle - 2013 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 43 (3):323-340.
    Social scientists associate agent-based simulation (ABS) models with three ideas about explanation: they provide generative explanations, they are models of mechanisms, and they implement methodological individualism. In light of a philosophical account of explanation, we show that these ideas are not necessarily related and offer an account of the explanatory import of ABS models. We also argue that their bottom-up research strategy should be distinguished from methodological individualism.
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  40. Generative entrenchment and an evolutionary developmental biology for culture.William C. Wimsatt - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (4):364-366.
    Mesoudi et al.'s new synthesis for cultural evolution closely parallels the evolutionary synthesis of Neo-Darwinism. It too draws inspiration from population genetics, recruits other fields, and, unfortunately, also ignores development. Enculturation involves many serially acquired skills and dependencies that allow us to build a rich cumulative culture. The newer synthesis, evolutionary developmental biology, provides a key tool, generative entrenchment, to analyze them. (Published Online November 9 2006).
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    General generative principles.Th E. Sprey - 1993 - Acta Biotheoretica 41 (4):481-494.
    In search of general generative principles I start from the postulate of a reality which comprises both materialistic and psychic aspects. This overall reality, described by others as the world of archetypes, is not directly accessible to sensory perception. Yet, by studying archetypical manifestations, it is possible to distinguish different structures or generative principles in it. Comparison of three models, which depict developmental processes in different disciplines, shows that they have the same basic structure. The effects of the archetypes involved (...)
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    A Generative Ontological Unity of Heart‐Mind and Nature in the Four Books.Chung-Ying Cheng - 2013 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 40 (2):234-251.
    Traditional scholarship seems not to pay sufficient attention to the fact that Daxue 《大學》 has established a system of ethical and political philosophy on the basis of the idea of xin 心 (heart-mind) whereas the Zhongyong 《中庸》 has argued for the participation of the human person in the creativities of heaven and earth based on the onto-generative nature (xing 性) of the human person. How to explain this fact and interrelate and integrate these two systems become both a historical challenge (...)
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    Generative models as parsimonious descriptions of sensorimotor loops.Manuel Baltieri & Christopher L. Buckley - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    The Bayesian brain hypothesis, predictive processing, and variational free energy minimisation are typically used to describe perceptual processes based on accurate generative models of the world. However, generative models need not be veridical representations of the environment. We suggest that they can be used to describe sensorimotor relationships relevant for behaviour rather than precise accounts of the world.
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    Generative and Perceptive Models of Volition.Danil N. Razeev - 2021 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 58 (1):112-124.
    In recent decades, scientists and philosophers have developed several naturalistic theories of consciousness, in which they try to work out some theoretical foundations for a satisfactory solution to the problem of voluntary acts, in particular the genesis of voluntary bodily movements. From the author’s point of view, depending on which concept of consciousness scientists rely on in their empirical studies of voluntary movements, volition can be understood either as a generative act or as a perceptual act. The first part of (...)
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  45. Generative Explanation and Individualism in Agent-Based Simulation.Caterina Marchionni & Petri Ylikoski - 2013 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 43 (3):323-340.
    Social scientists associate agent-based simulation (ABS) models with three ideas about explanation: they provide generative explanations, they are models of mechanisms, and they implement methodological individualism. In light of a philosophical account of explanation, we show that these ideas are not necessarily related and offer an account of the explanatory import of ABS models. We also argue that their bottom-up research strategy should be distinguished from methodological individualism.
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    Overqualified: generative replicators as Darwinian reproducers: Hodgson and Knudsen: Darwin’s Conjecture: the search for general principles of social and economic evolution. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2010.Matt Gers - 2012 - Biology and Philosophy 27 (4):595-605.
    Darwin’s Conjecture is a bold attempt to bring evolutionary explanation to the social sciences, particularly economics. The book outlines the history of Darwinian explanation in social science then puts forward a generalized replicator account of social evolution by natural selection. The authors identify habits and routines as examples of the generative replicators necessary in order that social evolution is Darwinian. This reviewer notes that the replicator approach limits the generality of this account and suggests that habits and routines might better (...)
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    Generative Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Practice: Undergraduate Experience.Carmen M. Alegría-Bernal, Jhan C. Fernández-Delgado & Fernando S. Andía-Alegría - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:532-542.
    The objective of this article is to assess the impact of generative artificial intelligence (AGI) as a learning tool in clinical practice, as perceived by clinical students of human medicine. To this end, six learning activities were devised and executed, employing diverse pedagogical approaches and AGI tools, with the objective of addressing various facets of clinical practice. These included the creation of explanatory material, literature analysis, the selection of clinical cases for publication, the development of self-assessment questions, the production of (...)
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  48. Generative AI in EU Law: Liability, Privacy, Intellectual Property, and Cybersecurity.Claudio Novelli, Federico Casolari, Philipp Hacker, Giorgio Spedicato & Luciano Floridi - 2024 - Computer Law and Security Review 55.
    The complexity and emergent autonomy of Generative AI systems introduce challenges in predictability and legal compliance. This paper analyses some of the legal and regulatory implications of such challenges in the European Union context, focusing on four areas: liability, privacy, intellectual property, and cybersecurity. It examines the adequacy of the existing and proposed EU legislation, including the Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA), in addressing the challenges posed by Generative AI in general and LLMs in particular. The paper identifies potential gaps and (...)
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    Generative Verantwortung im Anthropozän – Perspektiven psychoanalytischer Aufklärung.Vera King - 2022 - Psyche 76 (12):1132-1156.
    Im Zentrum des Beitrags stehen Konzeption und Analyse generativer Verantwortung. Dazu werden erstens Herausforderungen der Verantwortung für die Folgegeneration und ihre Blockaden beschrieben. Zweitens wird Generativität als Sorge und Verantwortung für die Nachkommen psychoanalytisch-sozialpsychologisch bestimmt. Drittens geht es um Aufklärungspotenziale psychoanalytischer Perspektiven. Normative Orientierungen der von vielen Seiten geforderten neuen Aufklärung im Anthropozän erlangen potenzielle Wirkmächtigkeit – so eine zentrale These – erst durch die systematische Analyse der Widerstände gegen generative Verantwortung. Die Möglichkeit der Aufklärung ergibt sich dabei nicht allein (...)
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    Les questions en grammaire générative.Jean-Charles Khalifa - 2019 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 29 (HS).
    Dans cette contribution, nous examinons, dans la perspective de la grammaire générative version Principles & Parameters, l’architecture des interrogatives, en traitant successivement des questions directes ouvertes et fermées, puis des questions imbriquées, après de brèves considérations théoriques permettant de saisir les niveaux de construction et les différents mouvements mis en jeu. Nous concluons par un très bref aperçu des mêmes structures analysées dans la perspective un peu plus récente du Split-CP, où les projections sont multipliées dans la périphérie gauche des (...)
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