Results for 'Tommaso Pasini'

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  1.  9
    Train-O-Matic: Supervised Word Sense Disambiguation with no (manual) effort.Tommaso Pasini & Roberto Navigli - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 279 (C):103215.
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    MultiWiBi: The multilingual Wikipedia bitaxonomy project.Tiziano Flati, Daniele Vannella, Tommaso Pasini & Roberto Navigli - 2016 - Artificial Intelligence 241 (C):66-102.
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  3. Morfologie del rapporto parti/tutto: totalità e complessità nelle filosofie dell'età moderna.Giuseppe D'Anna, Edoardo Massimilla, Francesco Piro, Manuela Sanna & Francesco Toto (eds.) - 2019 - Milano: Mimesis.
    CONTENTS: -/- SEZIONE I IL TUTTO E' UNO? IL RISVEGLIO DI UN PROBLEMA TRA SCOLASTICA E RINASCIMENTO Il principio omne causatum est compositum fra Tommaso e Cajetano Igor Agostini, p. 25 Parti e tutto in Montaigne. La natura e l'individuo tra frammentazione e integrazione Raffaele Carbone 45 Le minuzzarie e il tutto. Giordano bruno e la conoscenza universale Maurizio Cambi 75 -/- SEZIONE II A PARTIRE DA CARTESIO. COME PUO' ESSERE UN TUTTO L'UOMO? -/- Mente/Corpo in Cartesio. Spunti per (...)
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    Mathematik, Erfindung und experimentelle Kenntnis bei Johann Heinrich Lambert.Enrico Pasini - 2022 - In Hans-Peter Nowitzki, Enrico Pasini, Paola Rumore & Gideon Stiening, Johann Heinrich Lambert (1728–1777): Wege Zur Mathematisierung der Aufklärung. De Gruyter. pp. 253-272.
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    Corpo E Funzioni Cognitive in Leibniz.Enrico Pasini - 1996 - Franco Angeli.
    The Author attempts to reconstruct Leibniz’s philosophy through the physiology of the processes of perception, inner sense, and general cognition, and their metaphysical implications, using both Leibniz’s published and unpublished works. The volume contains four chapters ("The Young Leibniz", "Thought Mechanisms", "The Means of Perception", "The Functions of Imagination"), and a number of hitherto unpublished texts by Leibniz.
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    La Monadologie de Leibniz: Genèse Et Contexte.Enrico Pasini (ed.) - 2005 - Mimesis Edizioni.
    La Monadologie est au même temps une oeuvre du philosophe allemand G.W. Leibniz entitulée ainsi par un éditeur qui inventa le mot, et une théorie. Les essais réunis ici en concernent l'origine, l'histoire et l'enjeu philosophique. F. Piro analyse le développements de la conception de l'individuation chez le jeune Leibniz. M. Fichant étudie en détail la constitution du concept de monade. La nature limitée des monades créées est ramenée par G. Mormino à la doctrine leibnizienne de la contingence et de (...)
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    Complete Concepts as Histories.Enrico Pasini - 2010 - Studia Leibnitiana 42 (2):229-243.
    Appeared in 2012. It was presented in conference form in the concluding session of the 2011 Leibniz-Kongress. Complete concepts, a key notion of Leibniz’s philosophy, are analysed in their metaphysical genesis in Leibniz’s theory of creation. Both forms they are supposed to have (collections of predicates, individual histories) are discussed in the framework of Leibniz’s metaphysics of individual essences.
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  8. Niklas Luhmann e la teoria dei sistemi. Presupposti e riferimenti (Prima parte: teorie del sistema sociale come sistema in equilibrio).Enrico Pasini - 1985 - Psicologia E Società 3:5-8.
    During the 19th and the 20th century the concept of system undergoes significant transformations. The interplay of biology and sociology gives rise to an olistic definition of the concept, in order to understand society by means of schemes developed in the field of theoris of organisms. It is possible to follow this development from Pareto and Henderson, to Parsons, and finally to Luhmann, by examining the various biological models to which they refer.
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  9. Paura'reciproca'e paura'comune'in Hobbes.Dino Pasini & Giurisprudenza di Napoli - forthcoming - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto.
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  10. Leibniz nell’Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie.Enrico Pasini - 2023 - Noctua 10 (2–3):251-270.
    The article presents the various phases in which one of the most eminent journals of the history of philosophy, the Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie (1888–), dealt with Leibniz’s philosophy and his intellectual legacy. In particular, this study compares the main moments of historiographical interest and disinterest for this subject to the specific attitudes of the journal during the long 20th century.
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  11. Ludovico Geymonat (1908-1991): filosofia e scienza.Enrico Pasini - 2008 - In Gianluca Cuozzo & Giuseppe Riconda, Le Due Torino. Primato Della Religione o Primato Della Politica? Trauben. pp. 241-256.
    Ludovico Geymonat was the most important philosopher of science in 20th-century Italy, but he also engaged in the Liberation War and in political activity. Here the first part of his career, when his activity was mostly based in Turin, is aketched, and an overall balance is suggested.
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  12. Ex oppositis quid. Cusano, Erasmo, Leibniz.Enrico Pasini - 2013 - In Gianluca Cuozzo, Cusano E Leibniz. Prospettive Filosofiche. Mimesis Edizioni. pp. 249-269.
    To avoid the mystical rapture that seizes interpreters put before the theme of unitas oppositorum in Cusanus and Leibniz, this contribution shall move from the prosaic question: what does ensue from such opposites or from their conjunction? 2) interweave the analysis with some external point of view, notably that of Erasmus. This question will be investigated on the background of two antitethical traditions in dealing philosophically with opposition and contradiction, although in the end we shall try and find out other (...)
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  13. La concordia e l'armonia. Leibniz e la globalizzazione di una tradizione europea.Enrico Pasini - 2012 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 51 (129-131):373-381.
    Leibniz participates in a quite important thought tradition of christian Europe, that of concordia between Christians, or between religions. With him this heritage is universalised: the globalization of concordia gives birth to Leibniz’s harmony of universal truth, that the whole of humankind can access.
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  14. La prima recezione della monadologia. Dalla tesi di Gottsched alla controversia sulla dottrina delle monadi.Enrico Pasini - 1994 - Studi Settecenteschi 14:107-163.
  15. Peano e la filosofia della matematica.Enrico Pasini - 2004 - In Elisa Gallo - Livia Giacardi - Clara Silvia Roero, Conferenze E Seminari 2003-2004. Associazione Subalpina Mathesis. pp. 203-220.
    It is well known that Peano had a reluctant attitude towards philosophy, including philosophy of mathematics. Some scholars have suggested the existence of an 'implicit' philosophy, without being able to describe it. In this paper a first attempt is done to reconstruct, if not a general philosophy of mathematics, at least Peano' epistemology of mathematics and its relation to contemporary positions.
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  16. Arcanum Artis Inveniendi: Leibniz and Analysis.Enrico Pasini - 1997 - In Michael Otte & Marco Panza, Analysis and Synthesis in Mathematics,. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 35-46.
  17. Il carteggio fra Peano e Camillo Berneri.Enrico Pasini - 2001 - In Clara Silvia Roero, Giuseppe Peano. Matematica, Cultura E Società. L’Artistica. pp. 49-59.
    Between Giuseppe Peano and Camillo Berneri, a foremost protagonist of the Italian anarchist movement, an interesting correspondence was exchanged in the years 1925-1929. Along with a presentation of the correspondence, Peano's political attitude and the role of his international language projects in early 20th century Italian left are discussed.
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    Teaching a Habit - Business and Controversy around the Art of Memory in the Seventeenth Century.Enrico Pasini - 2024 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 13 (2):9-36.
    The focus of this paper will be, on the one hand, on a prime example of the historical issues and practices related to the teaching of the habits involved in the art of artificial memory: on Lambert Schenckel, a didactic genius, possibly the most important teacher that the tradition of the art of memory ever saw; on Martin Sommer, his follower and betrayer; on the true history of the Gazophylacium artis memoriae. This, on the other hand, will allow us to (...)
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  19. Leibniz tras los pasos de Spinoza.Enrico Pasini - 2014 - In Leticia Cabanas and Oscar M. Esquisabel, Leibniz frente a Spinoza. Una interpretacíon panorámica. Editorial Comares. pp. 71-95.
    The paper (an ample reworking of a 2005 Italian paper) tries to evaluate Leibniz’s enduring fascination with Spinoza and presents an overview in five stages of the development of his complex relationship to his thought, beginning with the time of Mainz, when Leibniz shows a strange urgency to get in epistolary contact with the author of the Theologico-Political Treatise, despite his public rejection of both the work and the author; then Leibniz’s stay in Paris, especially in the year 1675, when (...)
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  20. L'antico e il nuovo.Enrico Pasini - 1992 - Multimedia 7:37-43; 40-45.
    The paper discusses problems related to historical change in the field of technology applied to the preservation and communication of knowledge. Debates of the years 1990s about the possible decadence of (printed) books in favour of other technologies, are evaluated with the help of a historical analogy. The art of memory was a widespread non-material technique for managing information in a world of prevalent oral communication, which was set aside by the new technologies of printed communication. In the first part, (...)
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  21. Alienazione.Enrico Pasini - 2002 - In Pier Paolo Portinaro, I Concetti Del Male. Torino: Einaudi. pp. 3-18.
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    Solidarity and the Role of the State in Italian Health Care.Nicola Pasini - 2000 - Health Care Analysis 8 (4):341-354.
    The article deals with the issue of solidarity in health care,with particular reference to the Italian context. It presents thedifficulties of the Italian NHS and assesses the current proposalto counter the crisis of the Welfare State by giving upinstitutional arrangements, in order to favour the so-called`social private'. Moreover, it addresses the question ofprioritisation and targeting in the context of health care,arguing for the insufficiency of the standard approach of neutralliberalism, and showing how the concept of solidarity might helpto develop a (...)
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  23. Le ontologie tascabili di Leibniz.Enrico Pasini - 2003 - Rivista di Estetica 43 (22-24).
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    Generalized Hardy fields in several variables.Leonardo Pasini - 1988 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 29 (2):193-197.
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    Alles begann mit Tschirnhaus.Enrico Pasini - 2016 - Quaestio 16:27-45.
    Did it all begin with Tschirnhaus? This paper discusses the exemplary role that Tschirnhaus could play in the reconstruction of an empirically oriented, scientific, somewhat radical and variously unorthodox current in 18th-century German philosophy, starting from 18th-century characterizations of his intellectual image.
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    … Aliorum diligentiae relinquo.Enrico Pasini, Margherita Palumbo, Giovanna Varani, Maria Rosa Antognazza, Luca Fonnesu & Roberto Palaia - 2012 - In Wenchao Li, Komma Und Kathedrale: Tradition, Bedeutung Und Herausforderung der Leibniz-Edition. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 225-234.
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  27. Anima E corpo nella teologia bizantina.Giorgio Pasini - 2010 - Divus Thomas 113 (3):164-207.
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    Ars experimentandi et conjectandi. Laws of Nature, Material Objects, and Contingent Circumstances.Enrico Pasini - 2019 - In Rodolfo Garau & Pietro Omodeo, Contingency and Natural Order in Early Modern Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 317-342.
    The scattered and pervasive variability of material objects, being a conspicuous part of the very experience of early-modern and modern science, challenges its purely theoretic character in many ways. Problems of this kind turn out in such different scientific contexts as Galilean physics, chemistry, and physiology. Practical answers are offered on the basis of different approaches, among which, in particular, two can be singled out. One is made out by what is often called an ‘art’ of experiments. From the Renaissance (...)
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  29. Business community e arena pubblica.Nicola Pasini - 2001 - Filosofia Oggi 6 (1):139.
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  30. Both Mechanistic and Teleological. The Genesis of Leibniz's Concept of Organism, with Special Regard to His Du rapport general de toutes choses.Enrico Pasini - 2011 - In Hubertus Busche & Stephan Hessbrüggen-Walter, Departure to Modern Europe -- Philosophy Between 1400 and 1700. Meiner. pp. 1216-1235.
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    Comprensione di un'Utopia di servizio: ricerca valutativa sulla casa della salute in Italia, da sperimentazione a modello.Marco Pasini - 2012 - Comprendre 10 (3).
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  32. Cinque storie sulla Monadologia di Leibniz.Enrico Pasini - 2005 - In B. M. D'Ippolito, A. Montano & F. Piro, Monadi E Monadologie. Il Mondo Degli Individui Tra Bruno, Leibniz E Husserl. Rubbettino. pp. 147-167.
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  33. Dubbio e scetticismo in Erasmo da Rotterdam.Enrico Pasini - 2008 - In Enrico Pasini & Pietro B. Rossi, Erasmo da Rotterdam E la Cultura Europea. Erasmus of Rotterdam and European Culture. Sismel - Edizioni Del Galluzzo. pp. 199-250.
    Popkin set Erasmus as the beginner of modern skepticism, and made of him an apologetic sort of sceptic, that uses doubt to make acceptable the tradition and authority of the church. The pivotal moment is the debate concerning free will. Luther is particularly upset by Erasmus’ professions of skepticism in his De libero arbitrio, although it was meant by him as an appeal to moderation: the key to Erasmus’ skepticism isn’t religious incredulity, but putting doubt to good use, in suspending (...)
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    Diritto, società e Stato in Vico.Dino Pasini - 1970 - Napoli,: Jovene.
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  35. Erasmo da Rotterdam E la Cultura Europea. Erasmus of Rotterdam and European Culture.Enrico Pasini & Pietro B. Rossi (eds.) - 2008 - Sismel - Edizioni Del Galluzzo.
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    F. Venturino, "Riforma elettorale e cambiamento partitico. Un'analisi delle elezioni maggioritarie in Italia.N. Pasini - 2004 - Polis 18 (3):534-536.
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  37. (1 other version)Il diritto delle violenza in Vico.Dino Pasini - 1979 - Giornale di Metafisica. Nuova Serie Torino 1 (3):479-514.
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  38. Impresa e pubblica amministrazione.Nicola Pasini - 2002 - Filosofia Oggi 7 (1):137.
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    Il Neoilluminismo italiano: cronache di filosofia, 1953-1962.Mirella Pasini & Daniele Rolando (eds.) - 1991 - Milano: Il saggiatore.
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    Il Reale E L'Immaginario. La Fondazione Del Calcolo Infinitesimale Nel Pensiero di Leibniz.Enrico Pasini - 1993 - Edizioni Sonda.
  41. Leibniz alla caccia di Spinoza.Enrico Pasini - 2005 - In Stefano Gensini, Linguaggio, mente, conoscenza: intorno a Leibniz. Roma: Carocci. pp. 59-86.
    The paper (of which an ample Spanish reworking has appeared in 2012, see <>) tries to evaluate Leibniz’s enduring fascination with Spinoza and presents an overview in five stages of the development of his complex relationship to his thought, beginning with the time of Mainz, when Leibniz shows a strange urgency to get in epistolary contact with the author of the Theologico-Political Treatise, despite his public rejection of both the work and the author; then Leibniz’s stay in Paris, especially in (...)
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  42. La doctrine de la spontanéité dans la Théodicée.Enrico Pasini - 2011 - In Paul Rateau, Lectures et interprétations des Essais de théodicée de G. W. Leibniz. [Studia Leibnitiana Sonderhefte 40]. Steiner. pp. 155-173.
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    L'Europa di Montesquieu. Cronaca di un convegno.Mirella Pasini - 1994 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 49 (1):111.
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    L’Accademia di Sant’Ambrogio.Cesare Pasini - 2004 - Augustinianum 44 (2):511-514.
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    L’Accademia di sant’Ambrogio presso la Biblioteca Ambrosiana di Milano.Cesare Pasini - 2005 - Augustinian Studies 36 (1):295-298.
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    La filosofia a Genova.Mirella Pasini & Daniele Rolando - 2000 - Rivista di Filosofia 91 (2):219-250.
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  47. La filosofia dell'Ateneo torinese e il Risorgimento nazionale.Enrico Pasini - 2013 - In Clara Silvia Roero, Dall’Università di Torino All’Italia Unita. Contributi Dei Docenti Al Risorgimento E All’Unità. Deputazione Subalpina di Storia Patria. pp. 137-167.
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  48. L'altra faccia dell'uomo della Luna. Lambert e l'Erfindungskunst.Enrico Pasini - 2005 - In Massimo Mori & Stefano Poggi, La Misura Dell’Uomo. Filosofia, Teologia E Scienza Nel Dibattito Antropologico in Germania (1760-1915). Il Mulino. pp. 49-70.
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    Korrespondenten von G. W. Leibniz: 12. Detlev Clüver geb. um 1645 in Schleswig -gest. den 21. Februar 1708 in Hamburg.Enrico Pasini - 1994 - Studia Leibnitiana 26 (1):108-124.
    Detlev Clüver (1645-1708) was among the first to criticize Leibniz's new infinitesimal analysis. Although his criticisms were vague and his methods inconsistent, Leibniz had always for him a friendly sort of consideration. The article presents Clüver's biography, writings, and thought, together with a detailed description of Leibniz's relations to him and of their correspondence, and contains a bibliography of Clüver's writings.
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  50. Le giustificazioni della guerra in Erasmo.Enrico Pasini - 2012 - In Enzo A. Baldini & Massimo Firpo, Religione E Politica in Erasmo da Rotterdam. Edizioni di Storia E Letteratura. pp. 51-82.
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