Results for 'Tomáš Ľalík'

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  1.  2
    La sexualización del amor cristiano en el falso misticismo: huellas históricas, ambigüedad discursiva y semejanzas ideológicas.Tomás J. Marín-Mena - 2024 - Teología y Vida 65 (3):295-341.
    Este trabajo profundiza en la legitimación teológica perversa que el falso místico hace de sus actos sexuales. Con tal propósito, se hace una introducción histórica a las prácticas sexuales de carácter gnóstico y se considera el juego discursivo ambiguo entre lo exotérico y esotérico. Como ejemplo, se analizan algunas ambigüedades textuales en la obra de Javier Garrido OFM (condenado canónicamente por “falso misticismo”), a la luz de la investigación sobre los abusos sexuales de los hermanos Philippe OP y Jean Vanier. (...)
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    El ente y la esencia.Tomás de Aquino, Saint Thomas & Eudaldo tr Forment - 2002 - Pamplona: EUNSA Ediciones Universidad de Navarra. Edited by Eudaldo Forment Giralt.
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    Conscious and Unconscious Mentality: Examining Their Nature, Similarities and Differences.Michal Polák, Tomáš Marvan & Juraj Hvorecký (eds.) - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    In this collection of essays, experts in the field of consciousness research shed light on the intricate relationship between conscious and unconscious states of mind. Advancing the debate on consciousness research, this book puts centre stage the topic of commonalities and differences between conscious and unconscious contents of the mind. The collection of cutting-edge chapters offers a breadth of research perspectives, with some arguing that unconscious states have been unjustly overlooked and deserve recognition for their richness and wide scope. Others (...)
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    Los epígrafes en los Escolios de Nicolás Gómez Dávila: hacia una lectura intertextual.Tomás Felipe Molina Peláez - 2019 - Universitas Philosophica 36 (73):235-258.
    Partial commentaries of Gomez Davila’s epigraphs in Scholia to an Implicit Text have been put forward by several scholars. Nevertheless, none of them has yet attempted a systematic study of their meaning and their relation to the rest of the book or the literary sources to which they allude. This article is aimed to present such a systematic analysis, thus revealing two things: first, a number of essential premises of Gómez Dávila’s thought; second, the importance of intertextuality for a thorough (...)
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    Analogía en las Atribuciones Divinas.José Tomás Alvarado, Juan Luis Gubbins & Diego Morales - 2014 - Signos Filosóficos 16 (32):72-102.
    Se ha sostenido tradicionalmente que los predicados atribuidos a Dios y a las criaturas son análogos. Pero, ¿qué es la analogía? Varios filósofos han pensado que la analogía debe ser considerada como una forma de ambigüedad. Argumentamos aquí que los predicados atribuidos a Dios y a las criaturas no son ambiguos o vagos. Siguiendo algunas sugerencias de McDaniel, proponemos una concepción de la analogía donde el fenómeno semántico está asociado con el carácter más o menos natural de la propiedad o (...)
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  6. Sophisticated linguistic modal theories.Jose Tomas Alvarado Marambio - 2008 - Pensamiento 64 (240):315-343.
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    Comentario a la Política de Aristóteles.Tomás de Aquino, Saint Thomas & Pedro de Alvernia - 2001 - Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra. Edited by Ana Mallea, Lértora Mendoza, Celina Ana & Petrus.
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    Biomedicina y biotecnología ante la violencia prenatal. Legislación comparada con el derecho español.Gloria María Tomas Y. Garrido - 2015 - Persona y Bioética 19 (1).
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    Legal and Ethical Considerations in Allowing Parental Exemptions From Newborn Critical Congenital Heart Disease (CCHD) Screening.Lisa A. Hom, Tomas J. Silber, Kathleen Ennis-Durstine, Mary Anne Hilliard & Gerard R. Martin - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (1):11-17.
    Critical congenital heart disease screening is rapidly becoming the standard of care in the United States after being added to the Recommended Uniform Screening Panel in 2011. Newborn screens typically do not require affirmative parental consent. In fact, most states allow parents to exempt their baby from receiving the required screen on the basis of religious or personally held beliefs. There are many ethical considerations implicated with allowing parents to exempt their child from newborn screening for CCHD. Considerations include the (...)
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    Transcranial magnetic stimulation of the human frontal eye field facilitates visual awareness.Marie-Hélène Grosbras & Tomáš Paus - 2003 - European Journal of Neuroscience 18 (11):3121-3126.
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    Enfermedades priónicas: historia, diversidad e importancia socioeconómica como paradigma de las Enfermedades Raras.Jorge M. Charco, Tomás Barrio & Hasier Eraña - 2021 - Araucaria 23 (46).
    Rare disease are those pathologies that affect a reduced proportion of the population. For this reason, the research on their causes and mechanisms, which is essential to find a way to treat or prevent them, is insufficient. This causes that the patients report a lack of coverage by the health system and the social discrimination that suffering one of these pathologies entails. Among rare diseases, we find the so-called prion diseases or transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. Although they are relatively well-known due (...)
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    An Empirical Examination of Firm, Industry, and Temporal Effects on Corporate Social Performance.G. Tomas M. Hult, Charles C. Snow, David J. Ketchen, Aaron F. McKenny & Jeremy C. Short - 2016 - Business and Society 55 (8):1122-1156.
    Research examining firm and industry effects on performance has primarily focused on the financial aspects of firm performance. Corporate social performance is a major aspect of firm performance that has been under-examined empirically in the literature to date. Adding to the fundamental debate regarding firm versus industry effects on performance, this study uses data drawn from the Kinder, Lydenberg and Domini Co. database to examine the degree to which CSP is related to firm, industry, and temporal factors. The results of (...)
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  13. Shem Tob Ibn Falaquera como discípulo y crítico de Maimónides:" El Moreh ha Moreh".Tomás Jesús Urrutia Sánchez - 2010 - In María José Cano, García Arévalo & Tania Ma (eds.), La interculturalidad en al-Andalus. Granada: Universidad de Granada.
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  14. Conceptual Relativity and Structures of Explanation.José Tomás Alvarado - 2008 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 95 (1):163-183.
    Hilary Putnam's doctrine of conceptual relativity sustains that there are many different incompatible, yet equivalent, descriptions of what have to be considered "the same" phenomena. This fact is reason to justify the idea that metaphysical realism is wrong and that a better general view of reality should be something like a "pragmatic realism." Putnam sustains further that the different incompatible and equivalent descriptions have to bear the same explanatory virtue. Here it is contended that there seems to be difficulties in (...)
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    Robotics.Tomas Lozano-Perez - 1982 - Artificial Intelligence 19 (2):137-143.
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    Introduction: Review Symposium on Morton’s Moving Up without Losing Your Way.Tomas de Rezende Rocha - 2021 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 40 (6):649-651.
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    Principialismo, bioética personalista y principios de acción en medicina y en servicios de salud.Jorge Tomas Insua - 2019 - Persona y Bioética 22 (2):223-246.
    Principialismo, bioética personalista y principios de acción en medicina y en servicios de salud Principialismo, bioética personalista e princípios de ação em medicina e serviços de saúde Since there is a gap and differences between bioethical concepts and other principles of action arising from the practice of modern medicine, their comparison is reasonable. Modern medicine has created principles of action based on evidence and principles of quality in medicine, and bioethical argumentation frequently resorts to principlism or personalist bioethics. This article (...)
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    Explorations in late scholasticism.Petr Dvořák & Tomáš Machula (eds.) - 2016 - Prague: Filosofia.
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  19. St. Thomas on the Transcendent Esse of God: Is it Platonic?Tomas G. Rosario Jr - 2009 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 13 (1-3).
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    Chimpanzees Predict the Hedonic Outcome of Novel Taste Combinations: The Evolutionary Origins of Affective Forecasting.Gabriela-Alina Sauciuc & Tomas Persson - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Livet etter det 21. århundret.Victor Lund Shammas & Tomas Bjerke Holen - 2019 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 37 (1):197-219.
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  22. Teorías modales lingüisticas refinadas.José Tomás Alvarado Marambio - 2008 - Pensamiento 64 (240):315-343.
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    The ethical dimension of managerial leadership two illustrative case studies in TQM.Manuel Guillén & Tomás F. González - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 34 (3-4):175 - 189.
    In recent decades, Total Quality Management (TQM) has become an important phenomenon in the world of business, but the implications and scope of quality programs are quite different everywhere. Since different explanations have been given, most authors agree that management commitment and leadership are indispensable elements for a successful TQM implementation. Nevertheless, the study of the literature reflects a terminological confusion on this point. The authors of this paper argue that commitment and leadership are not synonymous terms.While committed managers may (...)
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  24. Desambiguación de presuposiciones anafóricas: el caso de ‘también’.William Jimenez Leal & Tomas Barrero - 2024 - Signos 57 (114):105-128.
    Este trabajo analiza los patrones de desambiguación de presuposiciones que se pueden considerar anafóricas y son generadas por partículas indexicales. En contraste con teorías recientes sobre la presuposición que privilegian la información lexical proponemos un análisis perspectivo de la presuposición según el cual la inferencia por defecto sobre este tipo de información hace uso de la perspectiva de los hablantes. En dos estudios exploramos el patrón de desambiguación de oraciones que contienen la palabra ‘también’ en contextos donde se usa el (...)
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    Acerca de “Nueva literatura en Rusia” de Walter Benjamin (1927).Erica Brasca & Tomás Sufotinsky - forthcoming - Verinotio – Revista on-line de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas.
    El presente texto acompaña la traducción de los apuntes de Walter Benjamin sobre la literatura de la Rusia Soviética hacia finales de la década de 1920. En este sentido, se intentará reponer el contexto de producción de estos apuntes con el fin de proponer una lectura que recorra aquellos rasgos de la incipiente cultura soviética que suscitaron estas impresiones en el pensador alemán.
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    From a Sociological Given Context to Changing Practice: Transforming Problematic Power Relations in Educational Organizations to Overcome Social Inequalities.Yannick Lémonie, Vincent Grosstephan & Jean-Luc Tomás - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:608502.
    In 2012, the international PISA survey reinforced the observation that the French educational system is one of the most unequal among OECD countries. The observation of serious inequalities in access to educational success for pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds could lead to a pessimistic vision suggesting that any possibility of transformation of the system is doomed to failure. Thus, the fight against inequalities in access to educational success is a form of runaway object which constitutes a challenge for research which treats (...)
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  27. Consecuencias normativas de la naturaleza.José Tomás Alvarado Marambio - 2006 - Sapientia 61 (219):153-170.
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  28. Intuicionismo, anti-realismo y manifestación en Michael Dummett.José Tomás Alvarado Marambio - 2004 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 30 (1):65-95.
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  29. Natural laws, modality and universals.José Tomás Alvarado Marambio - 2010 - Epistemologia 33:207-234.
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    Optimal Modeling of Wireless LANs: A Decision-Making Multiobjective Approach.Tomás de Jesús Mateo Sanguino & Jhon Carlos Mendoza Betancourt - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-15.
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  31. Médicos y Hospitales en el Nuevo Reino de León.Tomás Mendirichaga Cueva - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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    La Nación como relato.Tomás Pérez Vejo - forthcoming - Araucaria.
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    Modeling Cultural Transmission of Rituals in Silico: The Advantages and Pitfalls of Agent-Based vs. System Dynamics Models.Vojtěch Kaše, Tomáš Hampejs & Zdeněk Pospíšil - 2018 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 18 (5):483-507.
    This article introduces an agent-based and a system-dynamics model investigating the cultural transmission of frequent collective rituals. It focuses on social function and cognitive attraction as independently affecting transmission. The models focus on the historical context of early Christian meals, where various theoretically inspiring trends in cultural transmission of rituals can be observed. The primary purpose of the article is to contribute to theorizing about cultural transmission of rituals by suggesting a clear operationalization of their social function and cognitive attraction. (...)
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  34. índice general del volumen LVII.Tomás de Aquino - 2002 - Sapientia 57 (212):509.
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    Positivismo jurídico y cognitivismo ético: valoración crítica y planteamiento alternativo.Tomás De Domingo Pérez - 2022 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 56:71-96.
    La apertura al cognitivismo ético representa la principal línea argumental en defensa del positivismo jurídico. A partir de ella se han examinado las relaciones entre derecho y moral para ver en qué medida se puede seguir manteniendo la tesis de la separación. En este trabajo se sostiene que el problema del positivismo radica en su concepto de derecho y se plantea como alternativa una indagación que exige recuperar la filosofía del derecho como actividad orientada a comprender la raíz del fenómeno (...)
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    La Escuela de Madrid: un ensayo de filosofía.José Luis Abellán & Tomás Mallo - 1991 - Madrid: Asamblea de Madrid. Edited by Tomás Mallo.
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    (1 other version)Fórmulas Barcan de segundo orden Y universales trascendentes.José Tomás Alvarado Marambio - 2013 - Ideas Y Valores 62 (152):111-131.
    Se ha destacado recientemente que la Fórmula de Barcan y la Conversa de la Fórmula de Barcan para lógica modal cuantificacional de orden superior parecen válidas. Si se interpreta que los cuantificadores tienen como rango propiedades, la validez de y de orden superior parece implicar la existencia de universales trascendentes, esto es, universales que no requieren estar instanciados para existir en un mundo posible. Este trabajo discute esta línea de argumentación. En primer lugar, se sostiene que la semántica en la (...)
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  38. The substraction argument in universal transcendentals.Jose Tomas Alvarado Marambio - 2012 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 53 (125):263-279.
  39. La analogía en la filosofía Y en la teología.Según Santo Tomás de Aquino - 1996 - Sapientia 199:41.
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    E. Dussel: filosofía de la liberación y diálogo intercultural.Tomás Miranda Alonso - 2009 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 47:107-122.
    E. Dussel builds an ethics involved in the liberation of the victims of a world-system increasingly global. In this paper the contributions that this ethics of liberation does to the necessary project of an intercultural dialogue are studied. This dialogue must begin with a critic of modern reason, which is eurocentric and violent, and it has to be based on a «transmodern» rationality, whose starting point is the afirmation and the recognition of the reason of the Other (the excluded human (...)
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  41. Presentació del Diccionari manual grec clàssic-català de l'editorial Vox.Autors Reglà, Remei Tomàs, Guillem Cintas & Priscila Borrell - 2012 - Methodos. Revista de didàctica dels estudis clàssics 1:299.
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  42. Consecuencias normativas de la naturaleza.José Tomas Alvarado Marambio - 2006 - Sapientia 61 (219-220).
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  43. La función de los universales en metafísica modal.Jose Tomas Alvarado Marambio - 2010 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 29 (3):77-101.
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    The notion of a priori justification.José Tomás Alvarado Marambio - 2008 - Discusiones Filosóficas 9 (12):97 - 122.
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    Etonism, Philosophy of Tolerant Reason.António Tomas Ana & Patrício Batsîkama - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 28:29-44.
    The term etonism reflects the Angolan ancestral philosophy… Etona in Kikôngo, etonolo or etonuilo in Umbûndu: allegations, reasons, indulgence (tolerance). In Nyaneka form is etŏnya. These significances constitute the essence of the etonism: 1) reasons, 2) allegations, 3) indulgence, 4) evidence that generates the justice and the tolerance. «Who is correct tolerates who is wrong». Also, Etonism identifies 1) racism, 2) tribalism and 3) discrimination as a serious sequel of neo-colonialism, and calls the attention of the Angolan people, using roots (...)
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    Uncanny Creatures of the Dark.José Tomás Ibarra & Pelayo Benavides - 2021 - Anthropos 116 (1):163-176.
    Belief systems of human societies are deeply related with animals, which are symbolised in traditional narratives. Here we review reported cases from around the world and our own ethnographic observations from southern Chile, to analyse beliefs associated with owls. In particular, we explore the role that owls play in traditional narratives and the likely reasons of their saliency, including their connections with the extraordinary. For the latter, we utilise the concept of “the uncanny” to analyse how owls generate a feeling (...)
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    Postmetafizinės Ungrund principo prielaidos Schellingo laisvės filosofijoje.Brigita Gelžinytė & Tomas Sodeika - 2015 - Problemos 88:44.
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  48. Reflexión fugaz sobre el derecho a la vida.Tomás Requena López - forthcoming - Aletheia: Cuadernos Críticos Del Derecho.
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    Die Professionalisierung der Seelsorge am Beispiel der evangelischen Krankenhausseelsorge – eine soziologische Perspektive.Kornelia Sammet & Tomas Steffens - 2005 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 13 (1):61-80.
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    What's in a name? Commentary: A crisis in comparative psychology: where have all the undergraduates gone.Mathias Osvath & Tomas Persson - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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