Results for 'Tonality'

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  1.  8
    Tonality.Roger Scruton - 1997 - In The Aesthetics of Music. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Gives an account of tonality, and why tonality is central to our musical tradition Shows that the attempt to replace tonality with atonal or serial forms of musical order threatens the foundations of musical perception, and explores the various ways in which music can depart from tonality while still maintaining its character as an object of aesthetic interest. Contains a critical account of Schoenberg's theories and of Adorno's associated socio‐cultural analysis.
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  2. Brentano and Stumpf on Tonal Fusion.Riccardo Martinelli - 2013 - In Denis Fisette & Guillaume Fréchette, Themes from Brentano. New York, NY: Editions Rodopi.
    This essay illustrates the main aspects of the discussion between Brentano and Stumpf about «tonal fusion». In his Tonpsychologie, Stumpf essentially moved from a Brentanian standpoint. Yet, he did not adopt Brentano’s subsequently developed new theory of «sensible qualities», so that a polemic eventually arouse between them. Far from representing a marginal issue, the episode is relevant to our understanding of their relationship. The discussion as to the mechanism of tonal fusion reveals a general divergence between Brentano and Stumpf concerning (...)
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    Tonality, Musical Form, and Aesthetic Value.Walter Horn - 2015 - Perspectives of New Music 53.
    It has been claimed by Diana Raffman, that atonal (and in particular serial) music can have no aesthetic value, because it is in an important sense meaningless. This worthlessness is claimed to result from cognitive/psychological facts about human listeners that have been confirmed by empirical investigations such as those conducted by Lerdahl and Jackendoff. Similar assertions about the necessary inferiority of 12-tone music have been made by, among others, Taruskin, Cavell, and Goldman, some of whom echo Raffman’s suggestion that both (...)
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    Die tonale Musik: Anatomie der musikalischen Ästhetik.Franz Sauter - 2000 - Hamburg: Books on Demand.
    Das Buch behandelt die Ästhetik der tonalen Musik. Analysiert werden Klangformen wie Konsonanz, Dissonanz, Tonalität, Takt, Kontrapunkt oder Motiv. Dabei zeigt sich: Alle harmonischen, rhythmischen und melodischen Klanggestalten sind ihrem Wesen nach Verhältnisse des klanglichen Zusammenpassens. Als solche sind sie systematisch aufeinander aufgebaut und bilden ein Ensemble aus acht ästhetischen Prinzipien, denen jeweils ein Kapitel dieses Buches gewidmet ist. In der logischen Abfolge dieser Kapitel wird der innere Zusammenhang von Harmonie, Rhythmus und Melodie offen gelegt. Die Suche nach einer "Bedeutung" (...)
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    Tonal range and volume level preferences of broadcast listeners.P. Eisenberg & H. A. Chinn - 1945 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 35 (5):374.
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    Tonal density.S. S. Stevens - 1934 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 17 (4):585.
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    Tonal attributes and frequency theories of hearing.R. Gundlach - 1929 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 12 (3):187.
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    The tonal function of a task-irrelevant chord modulates speed of visual processing.N. Escoffier & B. Tillmann - 2008 - Cognition 107 (3):1070-1083.
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    Hubris to humility: Tonal volume and the fundamentality of psychophysical quantities.Alistair M. C. Isaac - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 65:99-111.
    Psychophysics measures the attributes of perceptual experience. The question of whether some of these attributes should be interpreted as more fundamental, or “real,” than others has been answered differently throughout its history. The operationism of Stevens and Boring answers “no,” reacting to the perceived vacuity of earlier debates about fundamentality. The subsequent rise of multidimensional scaling (MDS) implicitly answers “yes” in its insistence that psychophysical data be represented in spaces of low dimensionality. I argue the return of fundamentality follows from (...)
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    The future of tonality.A. E. Denham - 2009 - British Journal of Aesthetics 49 (4):427-450.
    Is the tonal ordering of music, and the order of European triadic tonality in particular, the developed manifestation of an essential musical structure—a structure naturally suited to our human capacity to organize sounds musically? Historically and geographically, triadic tonality is a highly local phenomenon, limited to music beginning in the mid-seventeenth century and, until the nineteenth century, almost wholly confined to the Western European musical tradition. Some theorists accordingly regard tonality as a dispensable aesthetic convention—and one which, (...)
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    Tonality, Autonomy, and Competence in Post-Classical Music.Rose Rosengard Subotnik - 1979 - Critical Inquiry 6 (1):153-163.
    I try to indicate this special quality of classical intelligibility by linking it with the notion of "dual structure," a notion which should not be flattened to mean any sort of intelligibility to those listeners deemed "competent," especially if the term "competence" is used without qualification. Dual structure in music, as I construe it, is an intrastructural system of reference between pairs of discrete semiotic constructs both members of which are in some sense wholly embodied in a given musical structure. (...)
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    Tonal cues modulate line bisection performance: preliminary evidence for a new rehabilitation prospect?Masami Ishihara, Patrice Revol, Sophie Jacquin-Courtois, Romaine Mayet, Gilles Rode, Dominique Boisson, Alessandro Farnè & Yves Rossetti - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    THEterm tonal music can be applied to a large variety of musical styles in the West. This includes that of the four periods (Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Modern) into which Western art-music is commonly divided, as well as other musical styles from popular.Emmanuel Bigand & Bénédicte Poulin-Charronnat - 2008 - In Susan Hallam, Ian Cross & Michael Thaut, Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology. Oxford University Press.
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  14. Tonal cognition.Emmanuel Bigand & Poulin-Charronat & Benedicte - 2008 - In Susan Hallam, Ian Cross & Michael Thaut, Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology. Oxford University Press.
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    What is musical intuition? Tonal theory as cognitive science.Mark DeBellis - 1999 - Philosophical Psychology 12 (4):471 – 501.
    Lerdahl and Jackendoff's Generative Theory of Tonal Music (GTTM) is an important contribution to cognitive science. Jackendoff claims it is a computationalist theory and that the mental representations it postulates are unconscious. Thus GTTM looks to be a kind of cognitive science remote from the folk-psychological. I argue that this picture of GTTM is mistaken: GTTM is at least as much music analysis as cognitive science. Jackendoff's metatheory fails to explain how a listener can tell that a structural description corresponds (...)
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    Comparison of tonal distances.C. C. Pratt - 1928 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 11 (2):77.
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    Tonal Symmetry Induces Fluency and Sense of Well-Formedness.Fuqiang Qiao, Fenfen Sun, Fengying Li, Xiaoli Ling, Li Zheng, Lin Li, Xiuyan Guo & Zoltan Dienes - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The Effect of Speech Variability on Tonal Language Speakers’ Second Language Lexical Tone Learning.Kaile Zhang, Gang Peng, Yonghong Li, James W. Minett & William S.-Y. Wang - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Speech variability facilitates non-tonal language speakers’ lexical tone learning. However, it remains unknown whether tonal language speakers can also benefit from speech variability while learning second language (L2) lexical tones. Researchers also reported that the effectiveness of speech variability was only shown on learning new items. Considering that the first language (L1) and L2 probably share similar tonal categories, the present study hypothesizes that speech variability only promotes the tonal language speakers’ acquisition of L2 tones that are different from the (...)
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  19.  37
    Bisection of Tonal Intervals Smaller Than an Octave.C. C. Pratt - 1923 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 6 (3):211.
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    Tonal Emergence: An agent-based model of tonal coordination.Matthew D. Setzler & Robert L. Goldstone - 2022 - Cognition 221 (C):104968.
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  21. A Generative Theory of Tonal Music.Fred Lerdahl & Ray Jackendoff - 1987 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 46 (1):94-98.
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  22.  17
    The tonal manifold.R. M. Ogden - 1920 - Psychological Review 27 (2):136-146.
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    Geistige und tonale grundlagen der modernen musik im spiegel der gegenwart und vergangenheit.Lotte Kallenbach-Greller - 1930 - Leipzig,: Breitkopf & Härtel.
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    The emergence of a tonal sensation.J. Donald Harris & Cecil K. Myers - 1949 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 39 (2):228.
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    Tonality and Ethos.Matthew M. Heard - 2013 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 46 (1):44-64.
    In her essay examining how rhetoric attends to an “explicitly nonhermeneutic, ethical dimension” of the relationship between self and other, Diane Davis argues that the act of attunement is vital to the rhetorical challenge of “keep[ing] hermeneutic interpretation from absorbing the strictly rhetorical gesture of the [other’s] approach, which interrupts the movement of appropriation and busts any illusion of having understood” (2005, 208, original hers). This comment is part of a larger conversation about ethical action in the face of radical (...)
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  26.  36
    Bisection of tonal intervals larger than an octave.C. C. Pratt - 1928 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 11 (1):17.
  27.  21
    Atonality and Tonality: Musical Analogies in Roland Barthes's Lectures at the Collège de France.Lucy O'meara - 2008 - Paragraph 31 (1):9-22.
    Though explicit references to music are infrequent in Barthes's Collège de France lectures, Barthes's use of music in other work from the 1970s makes it clear that music can act as a fruitful analogy in consideration of the text. This article uses the serialist or atonal analogy, as set up by Barthes in ‘From Work to Text’ and elsewhere, to examine the structuring of Comment vivre ensemble and The Neutral. In viewing these courses as serial or open works we can, (...)
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  28. Abyssal tonalities : Heidegger's language of hearkening.David Kleinberg-Levin - 2016 - In Michael J. Bowler & Ingo Farin, Hermeneutical Heidegger. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
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    Tonal interference in relation to cochlear injury.E. G. Wever & M. Lawrence - 1941 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 29 (4):283.
  30. Tonal harmony as a formal system.P. PulkkO - 1988 - Acta Philosophica Fennica 43:300-322.
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    Precategorical selective attention and tonal specificity in auditory recognition.Harold L. Hawkins, Gerald B. Thomas, Joelle C. Presson, Andrew Cozic & David Brookmire - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 103 (3):530.
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    The Pastoral Origin of Semiotically Functional Tonal Organization of Music.Aleksey Nikolsky - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:508791.
    This paper presents a new line of inquiry into when and how music as a semiotic system was born. Eleven principal expressive aspects of music each contains specific structural patterns whose configuration signifies a certain affective state. This distinguishes the tonal organization of music from the phonetic and prosodic organization of natural languages and animal communication. The question of music’s origin can therefore be answered by establishing the point in human history at which all eleven expressive aspects might have been (...)
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    Tonal Prosody in Three Poems by Wang Rong.Meow Hui Goh - 2004 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 124 (1):59-68.
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    Familiar Tonal Context Improves Accuracy of Pitch Interval Perception.Jackson E. Graves & Andrew J. Oxenham - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    The tonal and the foundational: Ansermet on stravinsky.Michael Krausz - 1984 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 42 (4):383-386.
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  36. Relaciones entre tonal y nagual en el pensiamento magico.Rp Gomez - 1987 - Franciscanum 29 (86-87):237-247.
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  37. Recognition of short tonal compositions by connectionist models and listeners: Effects of feature manipulation and training.Catherine Stevens & Cyril Latimer - 1993 - In Mojsej Grigorévić Boroda, Fundamentals of musical language: an interdisciplinary approach. Bochum: Universitätsverlag Dr. N. Brockmeyer.
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    A preliminary study of tonal volume.G. J. Rich - 1916 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 1 (1):13.
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    Statistical learning of a tonal language: the influence of bilingualism and previous linguistic experience.Tianlin Wang & Jenny R. Saffran - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Auf der Suche nach dem Logos der Musik. Eine Kritik der Tonalitätsbegründung bei Ansermet [In Search of the Logos of Music. A Critique of Ansermet’s Foundation of Tonality].Max Gottschlich - 2010 - Königshausen&Neumann.
    Philosophisch relevante Auseinandersetzungen mit Musik, die aufzuschließen vermögen, wie und unter welchen Voraussetzungen das Element der Empfindung schönheitsfähig ist, finden sich kaum. Ernest Ansermets Die Grundlagen der Musik im menschlichen Bewusstsein (1961) ist zweifellos eine solche. Ansermets zentrales Anliegen ist Begründung der Tonalität. Worin gründet die „natürlich“ erscheinende – und zugleich im 20. Jahrhundert als überholt angesehene – tonale Syntax? Wodurch unterscheidet sich diese von nachtonalen Formen? Ansermet unternimmt angesichts der musikalischen Entwicklungen des 20. Jahrhunderts eine großangelegte Apologie der Tonalität. (...)
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    Implicit learning of tonality: A self-organizing approach.Barbara Tillmann, Jamshed J. Bharucha & Emmanuel Bigand - 2000 - Psychological Review 107 (4):885-913.
  42. What Is Tonality?David Pitt - 1995 - International Journal of Musicology 4:291-300.
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    Evolution of Tonal Organization in Music Optimizes Neural Mechanisms in Symbolic Encoding of Perceptual Reality. Part-2: Ancient to Seventeenth Century.Aleksey Nikolsky - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    The nature of the memory buffer in implicit learning: Learning Chinese tonal symmetries.Feifei Li, Shan Jiang, Xiuyan Guo, Zhiliang Yang & Zoltan Dienes - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (3):920-930.
    Previous research has established that people can implicitly learn chunks, which do not require a memory buffer to process. The present study explores the implicit learning of nonlocal dependencies generated by higher than finite-state grammars, specifically, Chinese tonal retrogrades and inversions , which do require buffers . People were asked to listen to and memorize artificial poetry instantiating one of the two grammars; after this training phase, people were informed of the existence of rules and asked to classify new poems, (...)
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    Ambiguity in tonal music: A preliminary study Kofi Agawu.Roger Parker McCreless, David Rosen & Arnold Whittall - 1994 - In Anthony Pople, Theory, analysis and meaning in music. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Evolution of tonal organization in music mirrors symbolic representation of perceptual reality. Part-1: Prehistoric.Aleksey Nikolsky - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  47. Unconscious structural knowledge of tonal symmetry: Tang poetry redefines limits of implicit learning.Shan Jiang, Lei Zhu, Xiuyan Guo, Wendy Ma, Zhiliang Yang & Zoltan Dienes - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):476-486.
    The study aims to help characterize the sort of structures about which people can acquire unconscious knowledge. It is already well established that people can implicitly learn n-grams and also repetition patterns. We explore the acquisition of unconscious structural knowledge of symmetry. Chinese Tang poetry uses a specific sort of mirror symmetry, an inversion rule with respect to the tones of characters in successive lines of verse. We show, using artificial poetry to control both n-gram structure and repetition patterns, that (...)
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  48.  10
    A new classification of tonal qualities.C. C. Ruckmick - 1929 - Psychological Review 36 (2):172-180.
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    Time-order errors in the discrimination of short tonal durations.L. H. Stott - 1935 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 18 (6):741.
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  50. Statistical learning of tonal sequences by human infants and adults. Saffran Jr, E. K. Johnson, R. N. Aslin & E. L. Newport - 1999 - Cognition 70:27-52.
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