Results for 'Torben Arboe'

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  1. Udforskningen af det danske sprog fra 1800.Torben Arboe - 2009 - In Ole Hã¸Iris & Thomas Ledet, Modernitetens Verden: Tiden, Videnskab, Historien Og Kunst. Aarhus Universitetsforlag. pp. 349.
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    Wittgenstein and Aesthetics: Perspectives and Debates.Alessandro Arbo, Michel LeDu & Sabine Plaud (eds.) - 2012 - De Gruyter.
    Wittgenstein has written a great number of remarks relevant to aesthetical issues: he has questioned the relation between aesthetics and psychology as well as the status of our norms of judgment; he has drawn philosophers attention to such topics as aspect-seeing and aspect-dawning, and has brought insights into the nature of our aesthetic reactions. The examination of this wide range of topics is far from being completed, and the purpose of this book is to contribute to such completion. It gathers (...)
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    Qu’est-ce qu’un « objet musical »?Alessandro Arbo - 2010 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 28:225-247.
    I. Dans un texte récent, le compositeur français Jean-Luc Hervé expose ainsi son projet d’une œuvre conçue pour un espace public, notamment un jardin : (…) une génération totalement aléatoire de son, si elle permet de varier continuellement le matériau sonore, interdit par définition toute construction musicale. Il est impossible par cette méthode de façonner des formes et de proposer à l’auditeur une écoute détaillée. Il ne peut reconnaître aucune forme, aucun objet musical (geste, phrase)....
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  4. Language Games and Musical Understanding.Alessandro Arbo - 2013 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 6 (1):187-200.
    Wittgenstein has often explored language games that have to do with musical objects of different sizes (phrases, themes, formal sections or entire works). These games can refer to a technical language or to common parlance and correspond to different targets. One of these coincides with the intention to suggest a way of conceiving musical understanding. His model takes the form of the invitation to "hear (something) as (something)": typically, to hear a musical passage as an introduction or as a conclusion (...)
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  5. Lo schematismo dell'acumeno. Lettura di Agostino, de musica, I-vi.A. Arbo - 1998 - Rivista di Estetica 38 (9):3-27.
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    Materially Blessed are the Middle Classes, for They are Virtuous: A Review Essay on Deirdre McCloskey’s Bourgeois Trilogy.Matthew Arbo - 2018 - Studies in Christian Ethics 31 (3):271-280.
    This essay reviews Deirdre McCloskey’s trilogy in political economy: Bourgeois Virtues, Bourgeois Dignity, and Bourgeois Equality. In this trilogy McCloskey seeks to reestablish the ethical, historical, and political legitimacy of modern capitalism. Success of the project is offset by misapprehension of normativity and thus of how human economy is ethical.
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  7. Minima musicalia (dodici note per Paolo Bozzi).Alessandro Arbo - 2003 - Rivista di Estetica 43 (24):12-17.
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    Perspectives de la modernitat avançada.Xavier Arbós & Angel Castiñeira (eds.) - 1994 - Barcelona: Enciclopèdia Catalana.
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    Quand l'enregistrement change la musique.Alessandro Arbo & Pierre-Emmanuel Lephay (eds.) - 2017 - Paris: Hermann.
    Comment l'enregistrement a-t-il modifié les manières d'être de la musique?Quelles incidences a-t-il eu sur nos façons d'interpréter et d'écouter les oeuvres ou les improvisations? Comment est-il devenu un outil dans la construction d'un répertoire, d'une tradition, voire d'un genre musical? Quel est son rôle dans la recherche musicologique? Voilà les questions, tant philosophiques que musicologiques, que cet ouvrage se propose d'aborder, en prenant en compte aussi bien la musique savante que les musiques populaires.
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  10. The normativity of musical works: a philosophical inquiry.Alessandro Arbo - 2021 - Boston: Brill.
    What do we mean when we talk about the identity of a musical work and what does such an identity involve? What in fact are the properties that make it something worth protecting and preserving? These issues are not only of legal relevance; they are central to a philosophical discipline that has seen considerable advances over the last few decades: musical ontology. Taking into account its main theoretical models, this essay argues that an understanding of the ontological status of musical (...)
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    Entendre comme: Wittgenstein et l'esthétique musicale.Alessandro Arbo - 2013 - Paris: Hermann.
    Ce livre se veut une lecture d'ensemble des reflexions que Wittgenstein a consacrees aux questions esthetiques concernant la musique. Il s'attache notamment a explorer les fonctions de l' entendre comme un outil conceptuel susceptible de nous aider a analyser nos manieres de comprendre cet art et a mieux definir ses proprietes expressives et son pouvoir emotionnel. Plus generalement, l'approfondissement de ces thematiques a pour objectif la definition d'une strategie pour re-penser l'acte performatif et l'experience auditive.
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  12. Much more than fairness : the shape of justice in the new testament.Matthew B. Arbo - 2014 - In Greg Forster & Anthony B. Bradley, John Rawls and Christian Social Engagement: Justice as Unfairness. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
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    Gli uccelli cantano davvero?Alessandro Arbo - 1998 - Rivista di Estetica 38 (8):113-126.
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  14. Il cristallo, il pianto e la conciliazione. Nota su Schubert nella filosofia della musica di Adorno.A. Arbo - 1990 - Rivista di Estetica 29 (33):123-135.
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  15. Lo spazio sonoro.Alessandro Arbo - 2000 - Rivista di Estetica 40 (13):59-85.
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    La traccia del suono: espressione e intervallo nell'estetica illuminista.Alessandro Arbo - 2001 - Napoli: Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici.
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    Types of Recording, Types of Performance and the Ontological Identity of Musical Works.Alessandro Arbo - 2025 - Philosophies 10 (1):24.
    While all types of musical works have been affected by the advent of recording, it has not always been in the same way or to the same extent. The aim of this paper is to delve into these differences and to clarify the role played by recording in defining the ontological identity of musical works. Starting from the discussion of some ontological approaches, it considers music recording in light of the conceptual tension between its meaning as a document of a (...)
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    Che cos’è un “oggetto musicale”?Alessandro Arbo - 2012 - Rivista di Estetica 50:9-27.
    The discussion about the uses of the concept “musical object” highlights the difficulties of the project – put forward by Pierre Schaeffer (1966) – of basing its definition on the idea of “objet sonore”. Moreover, the proposal to assimilate the functions of the “objet sonore” to those fulfilled by a “musical work” turns out to be no less problematic. A new definition is proposed: a musical object is a social object resulting from the inscription of perceived sound(s), or of the (...)
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    John Rawls and Christian Social Engagement: Justice as Unfairness.Matthew Arbo, Hunter Baker, Jerome C. Foss, Daniel Kelly, Joseph Knippenberg, Bryan McGraw, Matthew Parks, Karen Taliaferro, John Addison Teevan & Micah Watson (eds.) - 2014 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    In this book, leading Christian political thinkers and practitioners critique the Rawlsian concepts of “justice as fairness” and “public reason” from the perspective of Christian political theory and practice. It provides a new level of analysis from Christian perspectives, including implications for such hot topics as the culture war.
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  20. Some remarks on “hearing-as” and its role in the aesthetics of music.Alessandro Arbo - 2009 - Topoi 28 (2):97-107.
    Starting from the context in which Wittgenstein thinks of the concepts of “seeing-as” and “hearing-as”, the basic relation is clarified between the question of representation, musical understanding, and the theory of musical expressiveness. The points of views of Wollheim, Scruton, Levinson, and Ridley are discussed, in a re-consideration of the notions of hearing and understanding within Wittgenstein’s “last philosophy”.
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    Theodicy and Commerce.Matthew B. Arbo - 2014 - Studies in Christian Ethics 27 (2):131-143.
    Recent theological treatments of political economy have tended to ignore the early-modern origins from which the capital market system arose. An effort is made here to trace a specific conceptual development from the theodicies of G. W. Leibniz and Bishop William King to the economic theory of David Hume and Adam Smith, a development that implies certain theological transmutations. Both the theodicist and economist claim, for different reasons, that nature itself is capable of redeeming evils. Two theoretical shifts contributed to (...)
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    The musical work in cyberspace: some ontological and aesthetic implications.Alessandro Arbo - 2016 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 9 (1):5-27.
    The article examines some of the consequences of the migration of musical works in cyberspace, particularly with regard to their ways of being and the ways in which we listen to them. Streaming is interpreted as the last stage in the expansion of a phenomenon that arose with the advent of phonography, namely, the ubiquity and availability of the works. A new development consists in the production of musical units in modular terms: works can consist of independent parts, which can (...)
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    Why Political Liberalism? On John Rawls’s Political Turn by Paul Weithman.Matthew Arbo - 2013 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 33 (1):203-204.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Why Political Liberalism? On John Rawls’s Political Turn by Paul WeithmanMatthew ArboWhy Political Liberalism? On John Rawls’s Political Turn Paul Weithman New York: Oxford University Press, 2010. 379 pp. $65.00In Why Political Liberalism? Paul Weithman takes a bifocal look at political liberalism in the Rawlsian tradition. First he interrogates the rationale for John Rawls’s “political turn” from A Theory of Justice to Political Liberalism. Second, he explores the (...)
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    Foreword.Alessandro Arbo & Fabrizio Desideri - 2016 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 9 (1):3-4.
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    Il suono instabile: saggi sulla filosofia della musica nel Novecento.Alessandro Arbo - 2000 - Torino: Trauben.
    Metamorfosi del tragico : Beethoven fra Nietzsche e Michelstaedter -- Riflessioni sul silenzio : fra Adorno e Jankélévitch -- Musica e fenomenologia -- Musica nel museo : riflessioni su un tema di Gadamer -- ermeneutica della musica? -- Prospettive per l'estetica della musica.
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    The classical tradition in mexico. D. García Pérez, C. olivares Chávez la persistencia de Los clásicos. Pp. 126. Mexico: Universidad nacional autónoma de méxico, 2012. Paper. Isbn: 978-607-02-3070-7. [REVIEW]Desiree Arbo - 2016 - The Classical Review 66 (1):278-280.
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  27. Torben Braüner, per Hasle and Peter øhrstrøm/preface Patrick blackburn/arthur prior and hybrid logic B. jack copeland/meredith, prior, and the history of possible worlds semantics.Torben Braüner - 2006 - Synthese 150 (1):509-510.
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  28. Filosofia da ciência e epistemologias feministas: entrevista com Helen Longino.Yasmin Haddad, Jade Arbo & Maria Helena Silva Soares - 2021 - Em Construção 1 (10).
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    A mão esquerda da escuridão, de Ursula K. Le Guin, como experimento de pensamento: uma investigação do fazer literário como fazer filosófico.Bruna Schneid da Silva & Jade Bueno Arbo - 2021 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 21 (3):99-111.
    This essay intersects literature and epistemology in order to understand what it means to take “The left hand of darkness”, as proposed by the author Ursula K. Le Guin, as a thought experiment. As we look at Science Fiction as a literary genre and how it relates to the notion of thought experiment, we conclude that Science Fiction authors, through the imaginary displacement they perform as they create people, worlds, political organizations, and explore the relations between subjects within these imaginary (...)
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  30. Moving Pictures: A New Theory of Film Genres, Feelings, and Cognition.Torben Grodal - 1999 - Clarendon Press.
    Providing an alternative to pyschoanalytically based descriptions, this major study presents a unique, new theoretical account of the way emotions and thought patterns interact in creating aesthetic effects in films. Using diverse examples, Torben Grodal shows how films activate effects in the viewer and how these effects are moulded by genres which determine the way in which characters will react in given situations.
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    The concept of legal competence: an essay in conceptual analysis.Torben Spaak - 1994 - Brookfield, Vt.: Dartmouth Pub. Co..
    Explains the concept of legal competence (or power). This book then discusses the analysis and definition of legal concepts in general; the relation between the concept of competence and (in)validity; what it means to exercise competence; different types of competence; and competence norms.
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    Kelsen’s Metaethics.Torben Spaak - 2022 - Ratio Juris 35 (2):158-190.
    In this article, I argue,inter alia, that Kelsen’s mature view—as expressed in, and around the time of, the second edition ofReine Rechtslehre—was that of a metaethical relativist, and that the commitment to metaethical relativism was the reason why Kelsen defended democracy as well as tolerance in the shape of a constitutionally guaranteed freedom of thought. I also consider the possibility that in his post‐1960 phase Kelsen abandoned metaethical relativism for moral fictionalism, but argue that, on the whole, a relativist interpretation (...)
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    Hybrid Logic and its Proof-Theory.Torben Braüner - 2010 - Dordrecht and New York: Springer.
    This is the first book-length treatment of hybrid logic and its proof-theory. Hybrid logic is an extension of ordinary modal logic which allows explicit reference to individual points in a model. This is useful for many applications, for example when reasoning about time one often wants to formulate a series of statements about what happens at specific times. There is little consensus about proof-theory for ordinary modal logic. Many modal-logical proof systems lack important properties and the relationships between proof systems (...)
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    Intuitionistic hybrid logic.Torben Braüner & Valeria de Paiva - 2006 - Journal of Applied Logic 4 (3):231-255.
    Hybrid logics are a principled generalization of both modal logics and description logics, a standard formalism for knowledge representation. In this paper we give the first constructive version of hybrid logic, thereby showing that it is possible to hybridize constructive modal logics. Alternative systems are discussed, but we fix on a reasonable and well-motivated version of intuitionistic hybrid logic and prove essential proof-theoretical results for a natural deduction formulation of it. Our natural deduction system is also extended with additional inference (...)
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    Legal positivism, conventionalism, and the normativity of law.Torben Spaak - 2018 - Jurisprudence 9 (2):319-344.
    ABSTRACTThe aim of this article is to see whether we can account for the normativity of law within the framework of legal positivism and whether the idea of a social convention could be of help in this endeavour. I argue, inter alia, that we should distinguish between the problem of accounting for the normativity of law, conceived as a necessary property of law, and the problem of accounting for the use of normative legal language on the part of legal actors; (...)
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    The true futures.Torben Braüner - 2023 - Synthese 202 (5):1-23.
    In this paper various branching time semantics are compared with the aim of clarifying the role of true futures of counterfactual moments, that is, true futures of moments outside the true chronicle. First we give an account of Arthur Prior’s Ockhamistic semantics where truth of a formula is relative to a moment and a chronicle. We prove that this is equivalent to a version of a semantics put forward by Thomason and Gupta where truth is relative to a moment and (...)
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  37. Modal logic, truth, and the master modality.Torben Braüner - 2002 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 31 (4):359-386.
    In the paper (Braüner, 2001) we gave a minimal condition for the existence of a homophonic theory of truth for a modal or tense logic. In the present paper we generalise this result to arbitrary modal logics and we also show that a modal logic permits the existence of a homophonic theory of truth if and only if it permits the definition of a socalled master modality. Moreover, we explore a connection between the master modality and hybrid logic: We show (...)
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    Natural deduction for first-order hybrid logic.Torben BraÜner - 2005 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 14 (2):173-198.
    This is a companion paper to Braüner where a natural deduction system for propositional hybrid logic is given. In the present paper we generalize the system to the first-order case. Our natural deduction system for first-order hybrid logic can be extended with additional inference rules corresponding to conditions on the accessibility relations and the quantifier domains expressed by so-called geometric theories. We prove soundness and completeness and we prove a normalisation theorem. Moreover, we give an axiom system first-order hybrid logic.
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    Hybrid-Logical Reasoning in the Smarties and Sally-Anne Tasks.Torben Braüner - 2014 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 23 (4):415-439.
    The main aim of the present paper is to use a proof system for hybrid modal logic to formalize what are called false-belief tasks in cognitive psychology, thereby investigating the interplay between cognition and logical reasoning about belief. We consider two different versions of the Smarties task, involving respectively a shift of perspective to another person and to another time. Our formalizations disclose that despite this difference, the two versions of the Smarties task have exactly the same underlying logical structure. (...)
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    Being Deceived: Information Asymmetry in Second‐Order False Belief Tasks.Torben Braüner, Patrick Blackburn & Irina Polyanskaya - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (2):504-534.
    Braüner, Blackburn and Polyanskaya relate children’s being deceived to their theory of mind skills. Second‐order false‐belief tasks are often used to test children’s second‐order theory of mind development. The article gives a logical analysis of the reasoning needed to solve four types of second‐order false belief tasks, distinguished on whether a story character is deceived, and on whether the story hinges on facts in the world changing. The principle of inertia plays an important role. [74].
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    Alf Ross on the Concept of a Legal Right.Torben Spaak - 2014 - Ratio Juris 27 (4):461-476.
    In this article, I discuss Alf Ross's claim that the concept of a legal right is best understood as a technical tool of presentation, which ties together a disjunction of operative facts and a conjunction of legal consequences, and that rights statements render the content of a number of legal norms in a convenient manner. I argue that while Ross's analysis is appealing, it is problematic in at least three respects. I also argue, however, that despite these difficulties Ross's analysis (...)
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  42. Legal Positivism, Law's Normativity, and the Normative Force of Legal Justification.Torben Spaak - 2003 - Ratio Juris 16 (4):469-485.
    In this article, I distinguish between a moral and a strictly legal conception of legal normativity, and argue that legal positivists can account for law's normativity in the strictly legal but not in the moral sense, while pointing out that normativity in the former sense is of little interest, at least to lawyers. I add, however, that while the moral conception of law's normativity is to be preferred to the strictly legal conception from the rather narrow viewpoint of the study (...)
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    The Cambridge Companion to Legal Positivism.Torben Spaak (ed.) - 2021 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Legal positivism is one of the fundamental theories of jurisprudence studied in law and related fields around the world. This volume addresses how legal positivism is perceived and makes the case for why it is relevant for contemporary legal theory. The Cambridge Companion to Legal Positivism offers thirty-three chapters from leading scholars that provide a comprehensive commentary on the fundamental ideas of legal positivism, its history and major theorists, its connection to normativity and values, its current development and influence, as (...)
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    Karl Olivecrona's Legal Philosophy. A Critical Appraisal.Torben Spaak - 2011 - Ratio Juris 24 (2):156-193.
    I argue in this article (i) that Karl Olivecrona's legal philosophy, especially the critique of the view that law has binding force, the analysis of the concept and function of a legal rule, and the idea that law is a matter of organized force, is a significant contribution to twentieth century legal philosophy. I also argue (ii) that Olivecrona fails to substantiate some of his most important empirical claims, and (iii) that the distinction espoused by Olivecrona between the truth and (...)
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    The leftist fascination with Schmitt and the esoteric quality of `the political'.Torben Bech Dyrberg - 2009 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 35 (6):649-669.
    The article looks critically at the Schmitt revival among radical leftists, how they try to insulate his work from his political conviction and make a problematic distinction between liberalism and democracy, which undercuts the specificity of modern democracy and plays into reactionary identity politics. I then turn to how Schmitt conceptualizes the political and argue that the structure of his argument is antithetic to modern democracy. Against those who hold that it is possible to use Schmitt against himself, I argue (...)
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    A Critical Appraisal of Karl Olivecrona's Legal Philosophy.Torben Spaak - 2014 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book offers a critical appraisal of Karl Olivecrona's legal philosophy. Based on Olivecrona's critique of the view that law has binding force, the analysis of the concept and function of a legal rule, and the idea that law is a matter of organized force, the book argues that Olivecrona's legal philosophy is a unique contribution to twentieth century legal philosophy. It shows how Olivecrona's philosophy can be used in the assessment of contemporary theories of law, such as those put (...)
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    Norms that Confer Competence.Torben Spaak - 2003 - Ratio Juris 16 (1):89-104.
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    Functional Completenes for a Natural Deduction Formulation of Hybridized S5.Torben Braüner - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev, Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 31-49.
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    Functional Completenes for a Natural Deduction Formulation of Hybridized S5.Torben Braüner - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev, Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 31-49.
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  50. Naturalizing jurisprudence – by Brian Leiter.Torben Spaak - 2008 - Theoria 74 (4):352-362.
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