Results for 'Transcendence experiences'

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  1.  13
    Transcendent Experiences: Phenomenology and Critique.Louis Roy - 2001 - University of Toronto Press.
    Roy discusses the validity of transcendent experiences and the reasons why they can be considered non-illusory.
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    The transcendent experience of the other: Futurity in empathy.Frank Summers - 2012 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 32 (4):236-245.
    The recognition of the other as subject has achieved a prominent place in contemporary psychoanalysis on both sides of the analytic relationship, but this development has tended to focus on the recognition of who the other is and has been. It is the purpose of this article to add the future, the transcendent experience of the other, to the recognition of the other in the analytic dyad. Heidegger's concept of the “ek-static” will be used to elucidate the human subject as (...)
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  3. Why Thought Experiments Transcend Experience.James Robert Brown - 2004 - In Why Empiricism Won't Work. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 23-43.
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  4. Self-Transcendent Experience: Narrative & Analysis.Gregory Nixon (ed.) - 2011 - QuantumDream.
    How one transcends the self depends on the self that experiences it. Is it instigated or sought, does it happen by accident, or by an act of Grace? Is it common or rare? Is it brought on by the ingestion of psychedelic agents or by meditation or by being overcome by fear or merely by caring more about the welfare of others than oneself? Is it transcendence to experience a shift of perspective or dissolution of the self? In (...)
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  5. Nonordinary and transcendent experiences: Transpersonal aspects of consciousness.William Braud - 2003 - Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 97 (1):1-26.
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    Going beyond ourselves: the role of self-transcendent experiences in wisdom.Yena Kim, Howard C. Nusbaum & Fan Yang - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (1):98-116.
    Having good moral character often involves shifting one’s focus of attention from the self to others and the world. Across three studies (N = 605 adults), we found converging evidence that self-transcendent experiences, specifically awe and flow, enabled the expression of wisdom, as captured by wise reasoning and epistemic humility measures. Study 1 found that dispositionally awe- and flow-prone people have stronger wise reasoning and epistemic humility abilities, over and above dispositional happiness. Consistent with Study 1, Study 2 found (...)
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    Transcendent Experience. [REVIEW]Gordon Rixon - 2004 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 78 (4):679-682.
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    Wainwright, Maritain, and Aquinas on Transcendent Experiences.Louis Roy - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (4):655-672.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:WAiINWRIGHT, MARI'.rAIN, AND AQUINAS ON TRANSCENDENT EXPERIENCES1 Lours RoY, O.:P. Boston College Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts WHAT COULD ALLOW thoo1ogiianis to s1ay that rbrtanJScendent expmiences we, exiplicitly or implicitly, expenienoos of God? To ooswieir tMs question fully, one would ihavie Ibo ooga;ge in :two d:iisltmot mqumi1es. Fiirsit, religious, moml, iand psyoho101 giical icristeci:a 1are required in the evtalurution of concrete oases. They ctan he found in rthe grerut spi:ritUJal wriitings (...)
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  9. The Rothko Chapel Paintings and the ‘urgency of the transcendent experience’.Wessel Stoker - 2008 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 64 (2):89-102.
    Since the Romantic period, painters have no longer made use of traditional Christian iconography to express religious transcendence. Taking their cue from Schleiermacher's Reden Über die Religion, painters have sought for new, personal ways to express religious transcendence. One example is Caspar David Friedrich's Monk by the Sea. Rosenblum argues, in his Modern Painting and the Northern Romantic Tradition, that there is a parallel between Friedrich and the abstract expressionist Rothko with respect to the expression to religious (...). In this article I investigate how the experience of transcendence that Rothko's paintings want to evoke is to be described. Is it an experience of the sublime in the Romantic tradition? Is it the evocation of the ultimate in accordance with Tillich's broad concept of religion? Does it display affinity between Rothko and the first generation of abstract painters such as Kandinsky and Malevich? Or is it a transcendent experience that cannot be situated so easily within the options supplied? After determining Rothko's understanding of transcendence, some issues will be brought up that could be fruitful for Christian theology. (shrink)
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    Variations on familiarity in self-transcendent experiences.Dokic Jérôme - 2022 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 10 (1):19-48.
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    Symposium: Can Philosophical Theories Transcend Experience?Dorothy Emmet, C. H. Whiteley & J. Laird - 1946 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 20 (1):198 - 232.
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    Dissolution of What? The Self Lost in Self-transcendent Experiences.Lena Lindström, Petri Kajonius & Etzel Cardeña - 2022 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 29 (5-6):75-101.
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  13. Transcendence, Ineffability and Nirvana: An Analysis of the Relation Between Religious Experience and Language According to Early Buddhism.Asanga Tilakaratne - 1992 - Dissertation, University of Hawai'i
    A popular view holds that religion necessarily involves a strong, 'non-rational' element. According to this view, which the present study calls the 'transcendent' interpretation of religion, in the heart of religion is the unknowable Transcendent which is ineffable . This view holds that transcendence and ineffability are the key characteristics of any religious experience. ;The problem with this interpretation of religion is that, it undermines the uniqueness of individual religions, and it attributes a uniform philosophy of reality and language (...)
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    Encountering transcendence: contributions to a theology of Christian religious experience.Lieven Boeve, Hans Geybels & Stijn Van den Bossche (eds.) - 2005 - Dudley, MA: Peeters.
    This volume consists of several contributions to a refined understanding of religious experience in view of contemporary theological epistemology.
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    Transcendence and Sublime Experience in Nature: Awe and Inspiring Energy.Lisbeth C. Bethelmy & José A. Corraliza - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    The wilderness is one of the most widely recognized sources of transcendent emotion. Various recent studies have demonstrated nature’s power to induce intense emotions. The study at hand will generate conceptual and operational definitions of sublime emotion toward nature. Taking into consideration the recent research on feelings of awe, an instrument is devised to measure sublime emotion toward nature. The proposed scale’s reliability and validity is tested in a sample of 280 participants from the general population of Madrid. Results show (...)
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    Rethinking transcendence: The role of language in zen experience.Dale S. Wright - 1992 - Philosophy East and West 42 (1):113-138.
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    Experience and transcendence.Marvin Farber - 1951 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 12 (1):1-23.
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  18. Language, Experience, and Transcendence.S. J. Friedo Ricken - 2009 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 13 (1-3).
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  19. Experience and transcendence.John Haldane - 2019 - In Fran O'Rourke & Patrick Masterson (eds.), Ciphers of transcendence: essays in philosophy of religion in honour of Patrick Masterson. Newbridge, Co. Kildare: Irish Academic Press.
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    Transcending Boundaries in Philosophy and Theology: Reason, Meaning and Experience.Kevin J. Vanhoozer & Martin Warner - 2007 - Routledge.
    The aim of this book is to set a limit to thought, or rather - not to thought, but to the expression of thoughts: for in order to be able to set a limit to thought, we should have to find both sides of the limit thinkable.
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  21. are Mystical Experiences Evidence For The Existence Of A Transcendent Reality? Evaluating Eugene D'aquili And Andrew Newberg's Argument For Absolute Unitary Being.Jonathan Miller - 2009 - Florida Philosophical Review 9 (1):40-55.
    The neuroscientists Eugene d'Aquili and Andrew Newberg, in addition to defending an empirically fruitful model of mystical experiences, argue that such experiences constitute evidence for the existence of a transcendent reality, which they call "Absolute Unitary Being." D'Aquili and Newberg point out that mystical experiences carry with them a vivid sense of reality, and that they involve characteristic forms of brain activity, just like perceptions of objects in ordinary waking consciousness. Their argument for Absolute Unitary Being fails, (...)
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    Selfhood, transcendence, and the experience of God.David R. Mason - 1987 - Modern Theology 3 (4):293-314.
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    Yoga in Penitentiary Settings: Transcendence, Spirituality, and Self-Improvement.Dr Mar Griera - 2017 - Human Studies 40 (1):77-100.
    Yoga, together with other so-called holistic spiritual practices such as reiki or meditation, is one of the most popular spiritual disciplines in our contemporary society. The success of yoga crosses the boundaries between health, sport, religion, and popular culture. However, from a sociological point of view, this is a largely under-researched field. Aiming to fill this gap, this article analyzes the impact, meaning, and implications of the practice of yoga by taking prisons as the institutional context of the study. The (...)
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    Religious Experience and Transcendence.Hampus Lyttkens - 1979 - Religious Studies 15 (2):211 - 220.
    Someone may ask what the reasons are for putting religious experience and transcendence together. My answer is the following. My general philosophical position is empirical by nature. I am of the opinion that everything that is said about reality must in some way or other, in order to be true or probable, be related to or grounded in reality. If God is thought to be real in some sense of the word and if he is said to have the (...)
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    Transcendence, religion and social bonding.Simon Dein - 2020 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 42 (1):77-88.
    This article examines the relationship between religion, transcendence and social bonding. I speculate that the capacity to undergo transcendent experiences facilitated social bonding. Following a discussion of Gorelik’s typology of transcendence, it examines the relationship between ritual, transcendence and bonding with an emphasis on singing, dancing and synchrony. It then moves on to explore theory of mind and transcendence. Finally, transcendent emotions like compassion, admiration, gratitude, love and awe will be discussed. I conclude by arguing (...)
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  26. Immanence, Self-Experience, and Transcendence in Edmund Husserl, Edith Stein, and Karl Jaspers.Dermot Moran - 2008 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 82 (2):265-291.
    Phenomenology, understood as a philosophy of immanence, has had an ambiguous, uneasy relationship with transcendence, with the wholly other, with the numinous. If phenomenology restricts its evidence to givenness and to what has phenomenality, what becomes of that which is withheld or cannot in principle come to givenness? In this paper I examine attempts to acknowledge the transcendent in the writings of two phenomenologists, Edmund Husserl and Edith Stein (who attempted to fuse phenomenology with Neo-Thomism), and also consider the (...)
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  27. Why Thought Experiments Do Not Transcend Empiricism.John D. Norton - 2004 - In Christopher Hitchcock (ed.), Contemporary debates in philosophy of science. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 44-66.
    Thought experiments are ordinary argumentation disguised in a vivid pictorial or narrative form. This account of their nature will allow me to show that empiricism has nothing to fear from thought experiments. They perform no epistemic magic. In so far as they tell us about the world, thought experiments draw upon what we already know of it, either explicitly or tacitly; they then transform that knowledge by disguised argumentation. They can do nothing more epistemically than can argumentation. I defend my (...)
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  28. Self-Transcendence Correlates with Brain Function Impairment.Bernardo Kastrup - 2017 - Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 4 (3):33-42.
    A broad pattern of correlations between mechanisms of brain function impairment and self-transcendence is shown. The pattern includes such mechanisms as cerebral hypoxia, physiological stress, transcranial magnetic stimulation, trance-induced physiological effects, the action of psychoactive substances and even physical trauma to the brain. In all these cases, subjects report self-transcending experiences o en described as ‘mystical’ and ‘awareness-expanding,’ as well as self-transcending skills o en described as ‘savant.’ The idea that these correlations could be rather trivially accounted for (...)
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    Transcendence and reason.Hayden Ramsay - 1998 - Ratio 11 (1):55–65.
    Nussbaum argues for a (limited) transcendence through contemplation which is compatible with practical reasoning and aspiration towards other human goods. This paper raises difficulties for this account based on a) the relation of thinking to human freedom, and b) the self‐constitutive nature of human thinking. It explores connections Thomas Aquinas makes between contemplation, transcendence and happiness, and explains the relation between (unlimited) transcendent experience and rationality by considering individuals who lack rational judgement but do seem capable of contemplation (...)
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  30. God's Beloved: Jesus' Experience of the Transcendent.Bernard J. Cooke - 1992
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    The experience of illness: Integrating metaphors and the transcendence of illness.Earl E. Shelp - 1984 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 9 (3):253-256.
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    The new frontier of religion and science: religious experience, neuroscience and the transcendent.John Hick - 2006 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This is the first major response to the new challenge of neuroscience to religion. There have been limited responses from a purely Christian point of view, but this takes account of eastern as well as western forms of religious experience. It challenges the prevailing naturalistic assumption of our culture, including the idea that the mind is either identical with or a temporary by-product of brain activity. It also discusses religion as institutions and religion as inner experience of the Transcendent, and (...)
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    Religious Experience as Self-Transcendance and Self-Deception.Merold Westphal - 1992 - Faith and Philosophy 9 (2):168-192.
  34. Intentionality and transcendence as core components of the spiritual-religious experience.Teresa Gargiulo - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 14 (3):71-94.
    In psycho-clinical research the notion of spirituality acquires a semantic plurality. This equivocal and ambiguous connotation that characterizes this term represents an obstacle to the epistemic and methodological validity of research designs, recognized as the threat to construct validity. In order to overcome this difficulty, we introduce, from Dietrich von Hildebrand's phenomenology, the notions of intentionality and transcendence insofar as these are capable of accounting for the specific element of the spiritual-religious phenomenon and discriminating it from the other phenomena (...)
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  35. Metaphysics between experience and transcendence: Thomas Aquinas on metaphysics as a science.Rudi te Velde - 2021 - Münster: Aschendorff Verlag.
    Metaphysics in discussion : the medieval context -- The degrees of abstraction and the metaphysical Separatio -- From physics to metaphysics : the way of Resolutio -- The transcendental focus of metaphysics -- The place of analogy in metaphysics -- From experience to transcendence -- The double challenge to metaphysics in the present-day world.
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    Yoga in Penitentiary Settings: Transcendence, Spirituality, and Self-Improvement.Mar Griera - 2017 - Human Studies 40 (1):77-100.
    Yoga, together with other so-called holistic spiritual practices such as reiki or meditation, is one of the most popular spiritual disciplines in our contemporary society. The success of yoga crosses the boundaries between health, sport, religion, and popular culture. However, from a sociological point of view, this is a largely under-researched field. Aiming to fill this gap, this article analyzes the impact, meaning, and implications of the practice of yoga by taking prisons as the institutional context of the study. The (...)
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    Metaphysics between Experience and Transcendence: Thomas Aquinas on Metaphysics as a Science by Rudi A. te Velde. [REVIEW]Philip-Neri Reese - 2022 - Review of Metaphysics 76 (1):162-164.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Metaphysics between Experience and Transcendence: Thomas Aquinas on Metaphysics as a Science by Rudi A. te VeldeO.P. Philip-Neri ReeseVELDE, Rudi A. te. Metaphysics between Experience and Transcendence: Thomas Aquinas on Metaphysics as a Science. Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2021. vii + 246 pp. 38,00€In the opening chapter of Metaphysics 4, Aristotle states not only that there is a science of being as being and its per se (...)
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    Transcending postmodernism: performatism 2.0.Raoul Eshelman - 2025 - New York: Routledge.
    Transcending Postmodernism: Performatism 2.0 is an ambitious attempt to expand and deepen the theory of performatism. Its main thesis is that, beginning in the mid-1990s, the strategies and norms of postmodernism have been displaced by ones that force readers or viewers to experience effects of aesthetically mediated transcendence. These effects include specific temporal strategies ("chunking"), stylizing separated subjectivity (the genius and the fool being its two main poles) and orienting ethics toward actions taken by centered agents bearing a sacral (...)
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  39. A religious experience argument for the existence of a holy transcendent being.Alexander Pruss - manuscript
    Much of the discussion had focussed on the question of whether religious experiences are veridical, but then Richard M. Gale asked a more fundamental question: Are they even cognitive? An experience is cognitive if it takes an intentional accusative, such as “red cube” in “I see a red cube,” as opposed to the cognate accusative exemplified by the use of the word “waltz” in “I am dancing a waltz” which is synonymous with “I am dancing waltzily.” Cognitive experiences (...)
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    Transcendence in Technology.Ciano Aydin & Peter-Paul Verbeek - 2015 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 19 (3):291-313.
    According to Max Weber, the “fate of our times” is characterized by a “disenchantment of the world.” The scientific ambition of rationalization and intellectualization, as well as the attempt to master nature through technology, will greatly limit experiences of and openness for the transcendent, i.e. that which is beyond our control. Insofar as transcendence is a central aspect of virtually every religion and all religious experiences, the development of science and technology will, according to the Weberian assertion, (...)
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    Culture and transcendence: a typology of transcendence.Wessel Stoker & Willem Lodewikus Van der Merwe (eds.) - 2012 - Walpole, MA: Peeters.
    The spectrum of religious experience and spirituality in contemporary postmodern, postsecular and religiously pluralized Western culture is extremely broad. Is it possible to trace the development, the shifts, breaches and patterns of religious and spiritual transcendence in this deeply diversified context? In this volume, a heuristic model of four types of transcendence is proposed and discussed. The four types are immanent transcendence, radical transcendence, radical immanence and transcendence as alterity. Of each type two examples from (...)
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  42. Transcending absurdity.Joe Mintoff - 2008 - Ratio 21 (1):64–84.
    Many of us experience the activities which fill our everyday lives as meaningful, and to do so we must (and do) hold them to be important. However, reflection undercuts this confidence: our activities are aimed at ends which are arbitrary, in that we have reason to regard our taking them so seriously as lacking justification; they are comparatively insignificant; and they leave little of any real permanence. Even though we take our activities seriously, and our everyday lives to be important, (...)
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    God and other spirits: intimations of transcendence in Christian experience.Phillip H. Wiebe - 2004 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Many people believe in angels and evil spirits, and popular culture abounds in talk about encounters with such entities. Yet the question of the existence of such spirits is ignored in the academy. Even the Christian Church, which one might expect to show keen interest in transcendent realities, does not appear to be paying much attention. In this book Phillip Wiebe defends the plausibility of the traditional Christian claim that spirits are real. Wiebe examines descriptions of encounters with both good (...)
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    Transcendence: Critical Realism and God.Margaret Scotford Archer - 2004 - Routledge. Edited by Andrew Collier & Douglas V. Porpora.
    Atheism as a belief does not have to present intellectual credentials within academia. Yet to hold beliefs means giving reasons for doing so, ones which may be found wanting. Instead, atheism is the automatic default setting within the academic world. Conversely, religious belief confronts a double standard. Religious believers are not permitted to make truth claims but are instead forced to present their beliefs as part of one language game amongst many. Religious truth claims are expected to satisfy empiricist criteria (...)
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  45.  12
    Transcending Language.Peter Spader - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 32:125-130.
    It is the goal of this essay to challenge the belief that one never transcends language — that all one knows, indeed all one can meaningfully experience, is defined within language. My challenge lies not in words, but in the use of words to evoke what is beyond language and to invite a lived experience of it. If one accepts this use of language as not only possible, but primary, we ultimately see meaning not within language, but through it. Under (...)
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    Self-transcendent positive emotions increase spirituality through basic world assumptions.Patty Van Cappellen, Vassilis Saroglou, Caroline Iweins, Maria Piovesana & Barbara L. Fredrickson - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (8):1378-1394.
    Spirituality has mostly been studied in psychology as implied in the process of overcoming adversity, being triggered by negative experiences, and providing positive outcomes. By reversing this pathway, we investigated whether spirituality may also be triggered by self-transcendent positive emotions, which are elicited by stimuli appraised as demonstrating higher good and beauty. In two studies, elevation and/or admiration were induced using different methods. These emotions were compared to two control groups, a neutral state and a positive emotion (mirth). Self-transcendent (...)
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    Transcendent God, Rational World: A Maturidi Theology by Ramon Harvey (review).Arnold Yasin Mol - 2024 - Philosophy East and West 74 (4):1-5.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Transcendent God, Rational World: A Maturidi Theology by Ramon HarveyArnold Yasin Mol (bio)Transcendent God, Rational World: A Maturidi Theology. By Ramon Harvey. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2021. Pp. xiv + 280, Hardcover £90.00, isbn 978-1-4744-5164-2.When can it be claimed that a certain discipline is doing something so new and innovative, that it can be labeled as such? Or when is something so new and innovative that it can (...)
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    God and Other Spirits: Intimations of Transcendence in Christian Experience, By Phillip Wiebe.Robert Larmer - 2006 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 22:134-134.
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    Signals of transcendence: listening to the promptings of life.Os Guinness - 2023 - Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP, an imprint of InterVarsity Press.
    Making sense of our human existence can be difficult, but we may experience particular moments that prompt us to search for something deeper. Os Guinness tells stories of people who experienced these "signals of transcendence" and followed them to find new meaning and purpose in life-and the same can be true for us.
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    Transcendence in Philosophy and Religion.James E. Faulconer - 2003 - Indiana University Press.
    Can transcendence be both philosophical and religious? Do philosophers and theologians conceive of the same thing when they think and talk about transcendence? Philosophy and religion have understood transcendence and other matters of faith differently, but both the language and concepts of religion, including transcendence, reside at the core of postmodern philosophy. Transcendence in Philosophy and Religion considers whether it is possible to analyze religious transcendence in a philosophical manner, and if so, whether there (...)
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