Results for 'Triangulation argument'

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  1.  43
    Donald Davidson’s Triangulation Argument: A Philosophical Inquiry.Robert H. Myers & Claudine Verheggen - 2015 - New York: Routledge.
    According to many commentators, Davidson’s earlier work on philosophy of action and truth-theoretic semantics is the basis for his reputation, and his later forays into broader metaphysical and epistemological issues, and eventually into what became known as the triangulation argument, are much less successful. This book by two of his former students aims to change that perception. In Part One, Verheggen begins by providing an explanation and defense of the triangulation argument, then explores its implications for (...)
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    Donald Davidson’s Triangulation Argument: A Philosophical Inquiry. [REVIEW]Ali Hossein Khani - 2018 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 26 (1):113-117.
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    Triangulation.Kathrin Glüer - 2005 - In Ernie Lepore & Barry C. Smith (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Language. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    As an analogy, triangulation was introduced into the philosophy of mind and language in Donald Davidson's 1982 paper ‘Rational animals’. The analogy is used to support the claim that linguistic communication not only suffices to show that a creature is a rational animal in the sense of having propositional thoughts, but that it is necessary as well: ‘rationality is a social trait. Only communicators have it’. The triangulation argument employs the premise that in order to have any (...)
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  4. (1 other version)Triangulation.Claudine Verheggen - 2013 - In Ernest LePore & Kirk Ludwig (eds.), A Companion to Donald Davidson (Blackwell Companions to Philosophy). Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 456-471.
    The chapter first provides a detailed exposition of Davidson's triangulation argument to the effect that only someone who has interacted simultaneously with another person and the world they share could have a language and thoughts. It then examines the core objections that have been made to the argument, namely, that triangulation is not needed either to fix the propositional contents of one's thoughts and utterances or to have the concept of objective truth; that one need not (...)
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  5. Triangulating on Thought and Norms.Kirk Ludwig - 2020 - Dialogue 59 (2):175-206.
    This article raises two questions about Robert Myers and Claudine Verheggen's terrific book, Donald Davidson's Triangulation Argument: A Philosophical Inquiry. The first question, concerning the first part of the book, is whether, starting from the assumption that a solitary individual cannot have thought contents, we can show that adding another individual to the picture cannot resolve the problem. The second question, concerning the second part, is whether a more sophisticated, decision-theoretic, Humean about the pro-attitudes can respond to the (...)
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  6. Triangulation, untranslatability, and reconciliation.Nathaniel Goldberg - 2009 - Philosophia 37 (2):261-280.
    Donald Davidson used triangulation to do everything from explicate psychological and semantic externalism, to attack relativism and skepticism, to propose conditions necessary for thought and talk. At one point Davidson tried to bring order to these remarks by identifying three kinds of triangulation, each operative in a different situation. Here I take seriously Davidson’s talk of triangular situations and extend it. I start by describing Davidson’s situations. Next I establish the surprising result that considerations from one situation entail (...)
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  7. (1 other version)Triangulation Triangulated.Kirk Ludwig - 2011 - In Cristina Amoretti & Gerhard Preyer (eds.), Triangulation: from an epistemological point of view. pp. 69-95.
    Appeal to triangulation occurs in two different contexts in Davidson’s work. In the first, triangulation—in the trigonometric sense—is used as an analogy to help explain the central idea of a transcendental argument designed to show that we can have the concept of objective truth only in the context of communication with another speaker. In the second, the triangulation of two speakers responding to each other and to a common cause of similar responses is invoked as a (...)
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  8.  15
    Triangulation Revisited.Murray Smith - unknown
    What is the relationship between detailed critical analysis and the background assumptions made by a given theory of film spectatorship? In this article, I approach this question by looking at Vittorio Gallese and Michele Guerra's The Empathic Screen in the light of the method of triangulation—the coordination and integration of phenomenological, psychological, and neuroscientific evidence, as set out in my Film, Art, and the Third Culture. In particular, I examine Gallese and Guerra's arguments concerning the role of camera movement (...)
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    6. Triangulation and the Beasts.Dorit Bar-On Matthew Priselac - 2011 - In Maria Cristina Amoretti & Gerhard Preyer (eds.), Triangulation: From an Epistemological Point of View. de Gruyter. pp. 121-152.
    Philosophical debates about the mental life of non-human animals provide an especially vivid illustration of how radically philosophers‘ intuitions concerning other minds can diverge. Do animals have mental states? Of what sort? Do any of the beasts have minds that overlap with ours? Is there any significant continuity between their minds and ours? Davidson is well known for arguing that, for conceptual reasons, at least when it comes to beliefs and other propositional attitudes, non-human animals differ from us in having (...)
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  10.  86
    Commonsense realism and triangulation.Chris Calvert-Minor - 2009 - Philosophia 37 (1):67-86.
    Realism about the external world enjoys little philosophical support these days. I rectify this predicament by taking a relatively pragmatist line of thought to defend commonsense realism; I support commonsense realism through an interpretation and application of Donald Davidson’s notion of triangulation, the triangle composed of two communicators coordinating and correcting their responses with a shared causal stimulus. This argument is important because it has a crucial advantage over the often used abductive argument for realism. My (...) avoids unwarranted conclusions, whereas the abductive argument is “inflationary” because it reaches beyond the limits of evidence for its realist conclusion. To illustrate the problems of the abductive argument and motivate my Davidsonian approach, I take a brief look at the abductive argument for realism in Frederick Will’s work. (shrink)
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    Semantischer Externalismus und Triangulation.Jasper Liptow - 2007 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 61 (4):439 - 458.
    Im Zentrum des Aufsatzes steht die Entwicklung eines Arguments für den sozialen Charakter des Denkens. Im Anschluss an Donald Davidson wird argumentiert, dass sich das für den Gehalt von Gedanken konstitutive kausale Element, das der Externalismus zu Recht behauptet, nur als ein Element von Situationen der gelingenden sprachlichen Verständigung zweier Wesen mit Bezug auf einen von beiden wahrgenommenen Gegenstand verständlich machen lässt. Diese Überlegungen haben Konsequenzen für den kausalen Externalismus: Die für den Gehalt von Gedanken konstitutive Kausalität lässt sich nicht (...)
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  12. How social must language be?Claudine Verheggen - 2006 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 36 (2):203-219.
    According to the communitarian view, often attributed to the later Wittgenstein, language is social in the sense that having a (first) language essentially depends on meaning by one's words what members of some community mean by them. According to the interpersonal view, defended by Davidson, language is social only in the sense that having a (first) language essentially depends on having used (at least some of) one's words, whatever one means by them, to communicate with others. Even though these views (...)
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  13.  23
    Radical scepticism and transcendental arguments.Ju Wang - unknown
    I aim to provide a satisfying response to radical scepticism, a view according to which our knowledge of the external world is impossible. In the first chapter I investigate into the nature and the source of scepticism. Radical scepticism is motivated both by the closureRK-based and the underdeterminationRK-based sceptical arguments. Because these two sceptical arguments are logically independent, any satisfying anti-sceptical proposal must take both of them into consideration. Also, scepticism is a paradox, albeit a spurious one, so we need (...)
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    (1 other version)Introduction.Olivia Sultanescu - 2020 - Dialogue 59 (2):157-164.
    In Donald Davidson's Triangulation Argument: A Philosophical Inquiry, Robert H. Myers and Claudine Verheggen spell out, and extensively build on, the triangulation argument advanced by Donald Davidson. This paper is an introduction to a symposium devoted to their development of that argument. The symposium began in 2018 as an authors-meet-critics session at the Canadian Philosophical Association Annual Congress, and consists in the responses of three critics, Kirk Ludwig, Alexander Miller, and Paul Hurley, followed by Verheggen's (...)
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    Foreword for the japanese edition of Donald Davidson.Simon Evnine - manuscript
    A preface to the Japanese translation of my book _Donald Davidson_ in which I discuss two issues on which Davidson's thought developed substantially after the book was published. First, I explain a new argument, the triangulation argument, which has come to play a prominent part in Davidson’s recent work. Secondly, I enter in some detail into a continuing controversy over supervenience and the causal efficacy of the mental, since Davidson has advanced the issue with a new paper (...)
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  16. Davidson’s Main Arguments for the Necessity of Language for Thought (In Persian).Ali Hossein Khani - 2013 - Ketab-E-Mah-E-Falsafeh 6 (68):66-77.
  17. The norms of thought: Are they social?Pascal Engel - 2001 - Mind and Society 2 (1):129-148.
    A commonplace in contemporary philosophy is that mental content has normative properties. A number of writers associate this view to the idea that the normativity of content is essentially connected to its social character. I agree with the first thesis, but disagree with the second. The paper examines three kinds of views according to which the norms of thought and content are social: Wittgenstein’s rule following considerations, Davidson’s triangulation argument, and Brandom’s inferential pragmatics, and criticises each. It is (...)
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    Meaning, Evidence, and Objectivity.Olivia Sultanescu - 2020 - In Syraya Chin-Mu Yang & Robert H. Myers (eds.), Donald Davidson on Action, Mind and Value. Springer. pp. 171-184.
    This chapter addresses the question of what makes expressions meaningful according to the conception of meaning offered by Donald Davidson. It addresses this question by reflecting on Kathrin Glüer’s recent response to it. It argues that Glüer misconstrues both the evidence for meaning that the radical interpreter must rely on and the way in which the principle of charity must be deployed. The articulation of the correct construal of the evidence and the principle reveals the thoroughly non-reductionist aspect of Davidson’s (...)
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    Replies to Kirk Ludwig and Alexander Miller.Claudine Verheggen - 2020 - Dialogue 59 (2):235-253.
    RÉSUMÉCet article est une réponse aux commentaires de Kirk Ludwig et d'Alexander Miller sur la première partie de Donald Davidson's Triangulation Argument: A Philosophical Inquiry. Il répond aux objections de Ludwig selon lesquelles l'argument de la triangulation ne réussit pas à établir le caractère social du langage et de la pensée. Il répond à l'invitation de Miller à comparer le non-réductionnisme de Davidson avec celui de Crispin Wright, ainsi que l'aspect social de la thèse de Davidson (...)
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  20. Davidson’s Answer to Kripke’s Sceptic.Olivia Sultanescu & Claudine Verheggen - 2019 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 7 (2):8-28.
    According to the sceptic Saul Kripke envisages in his celebrated book on Wittgenstein on rules and private language, there are no facts about an individual that determine what she means by any given expression. If there are no such facts, the question then is, what justifies the claim that she does use expressions meaningfully? Kripke’s answer, in a nutshell, is that she by and large uses her expressions in conformity with the linguistic standards of the community she belongs to. While (...)
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  21.  57
    Kripke’s Wittgenstein’s Sceptical Solution and Donald Davidson’s Philosophy of Language.Ali Hossein Khani - 2017 - Dissertation, University of Otago
    This thesis is an attempt to investigate the relation between the views of Wittgenstein as presented by Kripke and Donald Davidson on meaning and linguistic understanding. Kripke’s Wittgenstein, via his sceptical argument, argues that there is no fact about which rule a speaker is following in using a linguistic expression. Now, if one urges that meaning something by a word is essentially a matter of following one rule rather than another, the sceptical argument leads to the radical sceptical (...)
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  22.  17
    Davidson and Radical Skepticism.Duncan Pritchard - 2013 - In Ernie Lepore & Kurt Ludwig (eds.), Blackwell Companion to Donald Davidson. Blackwell. pp. 519–532.
    Donald Davidson famously argued, contra radical skepticism, that belief is in its nature veridical. In assessing whether Davidson was successful in this regard, it is first necessary to establish the exact philosophical basis Davidson was adducing for this claim, which is far from clear. In particular, a lot of the critical focus on Davidson's approach to radical skepticism has tended to focus on his appeal to an omniscient interpreter, and yet a closer evaluation of Davidson's antiskepticism reveals that this notion (...)
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  23. A Davidsonian Response to Radical Scepticism.Ju Wang - 2015 - Logos and Episteme 6 (1):95-111.
    In this paper, I attempt to show how Davidson’s anti-sceptical argument can respond to the closureRK-based radical scepticism. My approach will focus on the closureRK principle rather than the possibility that our beliefs could be massively wrong. I first review Davidson’s principle of charity and the triangulation argument, and then I extract his theory on content of a belief. According to this theory, content of a belief is determined by its typical cause and other relevant beliefs. With (...)
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  24. (1 other version)Davidson’s Transcendental Externalism.Jason Bridges - 2006 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 73 (2):290-315.
    One of the chief aims of Donald Davidson's later work was to show that participation in a certain causal nexus involving two creatures and a shared environment–Davidson calls this nexus “triangulation”–is a metaphysically necessary condition for the acquisition of thought. This doctrine, I suggest, is aptly regarded as a form of what I call transcendental externalism. I extract two arguments for the transcendental-externalist doctrine from Davidson's writings, and argue that neither succeeds. A central interpretive claim is that the arguments (...)
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    Replies to Kirk Ludwig and Paul Hurley.Robert H. Myers - 2020 - Dialogue 59 (2):255-269.
    RÉSUMÉEn réponse à Paul Hurley, je soutiens que l'argument de la triangulation de Donald Davidson ne peut s'appliquer aux croyances normatives que si ces croyances correspondent à des propriétés à la fois normatives et causales. L'argument engage donc Davidson à une forme de naturalisme non-réductif et étonnamment non-révisionniste. En réponse à Kirk Ludwig, je soutiens que Davidson avait de bonnes raisons d'abandonner les théories humiennes des pro-attitudes, parce qu'il avait de bonnes raisons d'accepter la forme de naturalisme (...)
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    Conceptual Schemes Revisited: Davidsonian Metaphysical Pluralism. [REVIEW]Timothy J. Nulty - 2009 - Metaphysica 10 (1):123-134.
    Davidson’s 1974 argument denying the possibility of incommensurable conceptual schemes is widely interpreted as entailing a denial of metaphysical pluralism. Speakers may group objects differently or have different beliefs about the world, but there is just one world. I argue there is tension arising from three aspects of Davidson’s philosophy: the 1974 argument against conceptual schemes; Davidson’s more recent emphasis on primitive triangulation as a necessary condition for thought and language; and Davidson’s semantic approach to metaphysics, what (...)
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  27. Kripke’s Wittgenstein’s Sceptical Paradox: A Trilemma for Davidson.Ali Hossein Khani - 2019 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 9 (1):21–37.
    Davidson’s later philosophy of language has been inspired by Wittgenstein’s Investigations, but Davidson by no means sympathizes with the sceptical problem and solution Kripke attributes to Wittgenstein. Davidson criticizes the sceptical argument for relying on the rule-following conception of meaning, which is, for him, a highly problematic view. He also casts doubt on the plausibility of the sceptical solution as unjustifiably bringing in shared practices of a speech community. According to Davidson, it is rather success in mutual interpretation that (...)
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    The Normativity of Mind and Supervenience Thesis : Focused on Davidsonian conception of mind. 서석구 - 2016 - Journal of the Society of Philosophical Studies 115:81-108.
    이 글은 데이빗슨의 수반 논제를 비판적으로 검토한다. 우선 데이빗슨의 삼각측량 논증을 고려할 때, 그의 수반 논제가 (그 논제에 대한 일반적 이해 방식인) 형이상학적 논제가 아닌 술어의 적용과 관련한 방법론적 논제나 규제적 원리로 해석된다는 사실을 확인한다. 이렇게 해석될 때, 그의 수반은 비판자들의 비판과 달리 무법칙적 일원론과 일관적이며, 심물 (술어) 간의 의존 관계를 말하는 유연한 형태의 비환원적 물리주의를 제공한다. 그러나 이러한 해석에는 그것이 답하지 못하는 물음이 남는다. 수반이 술어의 적용과 관련된 방법론적 논제로 해석되고, 술어의 적용이 규범적 차원 내부에서만 논의되므로, 데이빗슨의 수반은 마음의 (...)
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    The early Rousseau’s egalitarian feminism: a philosophical convergence with Madame Dupin and ‘The Critique of the Spirit of the Laws’.Eileen Hunt Botting - 2017 - History of European Ideas 43 (7):732-744.
    ABSTRACTFeminists have long criticized Rousseau for his patriarchal political theory. But when his lesser-known writings on women from the 1740s are taken into account, including a nearly 900-page manuscript critiquing Montesquieu from a feminist perspective, we see how the early Rousseau robustly converged in feminist ideas with his employer Madame Louise Dupin, before he gradually diverged from this egalitarian school of thought over the course of the 1750s. I add to the evidence of the early Rousseau’s egalitarian response to ‘the (...)
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    Fred Moten’s Refusals and Consents: The Politics of Fugitivity.George Shulman - 2021 - Political Theory 49 (2):272-313.
    This essay analyzes Fred Moten’s “antipolitical” romance with the “fugitive black sociality” that he radically opposes to “politics,” defined as inescapably tied to antiblack modernity. By comparing Moten’s argument to other voices in the black radical tradition, and by triangulating Moten with Hannah Arendt and Sheldon Wolin, this essay opens inherited conceptions of the political to risk and reworking but also complicates figurations of fugitivity and resists the antagonism Moten posits between black fugitivity and democratic politics.
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    Heidegger and the Thinking of Place: Explorations in the Topology of Being.Jeff Malpas - 2012 - MIT Press.
    The idea of place--topos--runs through Martin Heidegger's thinking almost from the very start. It can be seen not only in his attachment to the famous hut in Todtnauberg but in his constant deployment of topological terms and images and in the situated, "placed" character of his thought and of its major themes and motifs. Heidegger's work, argues Jeff Malpas, exemplifies the practice of "philosophical topology." In Heidegger and the Thinking of Place, Malpas examines the topological aspects of Heidegger's thought and (...)
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  32.  12
    The Philosophy of Place and the Place of Philosophy.Annika Schlitte - 2023 - In Markus Tiedemann (ed.), Philosophical Education Beyond the Classroom. J.B. Metzler. pp. 25-39.
    The text provides an overview of a current in contemporary phenomenology and hermeneutics that puts place at the center of its thinking and seeks to distinguish it from a natural science-based understanding of space. After an outline of the relationship between place and space in the history of philosophy and the introduction of some core ideas of this current, an argument for the fundamental importance of place for our access to the world is presented in the form of the (...)
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    Philosophie der Verortung und Verortung der Philosophie.Annika Schlitte - 2021 - In Markus Tiedemann (ed.), Außerschulische Lernorte, Erlebnispädagogik Und Philosophische Bildung. J.B. Metzler. pp. 29-45.
    Der Text gibt einen Überblick über eine Strömung in der zeitgenössischen Phänomenologie und Hermeneutik, die den Ort ins Zentrum ihres Denkens stellt und diesen von einem naturwissenschaftlich geprägten Raumverständnis abzugrenzen sucht. Nach einem philosophiegeschichtlichen Abriss des Verhältnisses von Ort und Raum und der Vorstellung einiger Kerngedanken dieser Strömung wird mit dem Konzept der Triangulation, das Jeff Malpas von Donald Davidson übernimmt, ein Argument für die fundamentale Bedeutung des Ortes für unseren Weltzugang vorgestellt. Weil auch das Denken in diesem (...)
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    Methodologies of Rule of Law Research: Why Legal Philosophy Needs Empirical and Doctrinal Scholarship.Sanne Taekema - 2020 - Law and Philosophy 40 (1):33-66.
    Rule of law is a concept that is regularly debated by legal philosophers, often in connection to discussion of the concept of law. In this article, the focus is not on the substance of the conceptual claims, but on the methodologies employed by legal philosophers, investigating seminal articles on the rule of law by Joseph Raz and Jeremy Waldron. I argue that their philosophical argumentations often crucially depend on empirical or legal doctrinal arguments. However, these arguments remain underdeveloped. I explore (...)
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    The Value of Independence between Experts: Epistemic Autonomy and Different Perspectives.Jack Wright - forthcoming - Episteme:1-17.
    I offer two interpretations of independence between experts: (i) independence as deciding autonomously, and (ii) independence as having different perspectives. I argue that when experts are grouped together, independence of both kinds is valuable for the same reason: they reduce the likelihood of erroneous consensus by enabling a greater variety of critical viewpoints. In offering this argument, I show that a purported proof from Finnur Dellsén that groups of more autonomous experts are more reliable does not work. It relies (...)
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    The Responsibility for Peace (R4P): Understanding the study of peace from a global justice and development perspective.Blagovesta Tacheva, Garrett Wallace Brown & Alexandra Bohm - 2024 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Politica 6:73-97.
    This article introduces a new conceptualisation of the relationship between global distributive justice, development, and the study of peace, which we label the Responsibility for Peace (R4P). In doing so, the article examines the notion of positive peace within peace studies, its relation to arguments within global distributive justice, and to what degree this important relationship is recognised in the primary international framework to prevent and protect populations from mass atrocity crimes, the Responsibility to Protect (R2P). The article argues that (...)
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  37. Spatiotemporal Thinking.John Campbell - 1986 - Dissertation, University of Oxford (United Kingdom)
    Available from UMI in association with The British Library. Requires signed TDF. ;The position that it is through the study of communication that thought is to be investigated receives its impetus from the idea that the central concepts of any account of content have to be elucidated by appeal to the character of communication. Thus it may be held that the standards of truth and falsity can be set only by a linguistic community. The aim of this thesis is to (...)
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    Who’s Where?John A. Scott - 2012 - Environment, Space, Place 4 (2):7-24.
    Central to several current philosophical projects is determining which conversational conventions will best locate and accommodate all the required participants. This article follows Troy Paddock’s lead in exploring a number of conventions currently on offer, particularly Heidegger’s aesthetic nearness-to-hand and Latour’s scientific Actor-Network-Theory. This article also introduces Donald Davidson’s social triangulation as a complementary model of approach: one thatimplicates propositional agents in potentially revealing relations. It concludes that a close study of implicational, as distinct from inferential, argument and (...)
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    Culture, Truth, and Science After Lacan.Grant Gillett - 2015 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 12 (4):633-644.
    Truth and knowledge are conceptually related and there is a way of construing both that implies that they cannot be solely derived from a description that restricts itself to a set of scientific facts. In the first section of this essay, I analyse truth as a relation between a praxis, ways of knowing, and the world. In the second section, I invoke the third thing—the objective reality on which we triangulate as knowing subjects for the purpose of complex scientific endeavours (...)
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    Making a vague difference: Kagan, Nefsky and the Sorites Paradox.Mattias Gunnemyr - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (9):3501-3526.
    In collective harm cases, bad consequences follow if enough people act in a certain way even though no such individual act makes a difference for the worse. Global warming, overfishing and Derek Parfit’s famous case of the harmless torturers are some examples of such harm. Shelly Kagan argues that there is a threshold such that one single act might trigger harm in all collective harm cases. Julia Nefsky points to serious shortcomings in Kagan’s argument, but does not show that (...)
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    Triangulación y contenido objetivo.William Duica - 2017 - Dianoia 62 (78):27-46.
    Resumen: En este artículo examino una crítica de McDowell a Davidson en relación con la fijación del contenido representacional. En la primera parte, expongo un análisis de McDowell de acuerdo con el cual se puede prescindir del contexto de triangulación al explicar cómo responde al mundo objetivo el contenido de la percepción. En la segunda parte, discuto este análisis mediante una crítica que, aunque sea de espíritu davidsoniano, introduce dos elementos: la distinción entre la interdependencia y la complementariedad de los (...)
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    ‘A fruit of every clime’? Rousseau’s environmental politics.Rebecca Aili Ploof - 2023 - Contemporary Political Theory 22 (3):307-329.
    An important branch of environmental theory frames the climate crisis as a moral problem in need of a moral solution: human hubris is responsible for environmental degradation and must be atoned for through humility. Politically indeterminate, however, such argumentation is vulnerable to de-politicizing and mal-politicizing capture. In an effort to fend off the threat of either, this paper turns to the history of political thought and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who theorized the environment as both a moral and a political domain. I (...)
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    Triangles, Schemes and Worlds: Reply to Nulty. [REVIEW]Julien Beillard - 2010 - Metaphysica 11 (2):181-190.
    Nulty proposes a Davidsonian argument for metaphysical pluralism, the thesis that there are many actual worlds, which appeals to the possibility of alien forms of triangulation. I dispute Nulty’s reading of Davidson on two important points: Davidson’s attack on the notion of a conceptual scheme is not, as Nulty thinks, directed at pluralism, and his understanding of the notions of objective truth and reality is at odds with the conception needed for Nulty’s argument. I also show that (...)
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  44. Covariance/invariance: A Cognitive Heuristic in Einstein's Relativity Theory Formation.Andrea Cerroni - 2000 - Foundations of Science 5 (2):209-224.
    Relativity Theory by Albert Einstein has been so far littleconsidered by cognitive scientists, notwithstanding its undisputedscientific and philosophical moment. Unfortunately, we don't have adiary or notebook as cognitively useful as Faraday's. But physicshistorians and philosophers have done a great job that is relevant bothfor the study of the scientist's reasoning and the philosophy ofscience. I will try here to highlight the fertility of a `triangulation'using cognitive psychology, history of science and philosophy of sciencein starting answering a clearly very complex (...)
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    Quine on the Indeterminacy of Translation: A Dilemma for Davidson.Ali Hossein Khani - 2018 - Dialectica 72 (1):101-120.
    Davidson has always been explicit in his faithful adherence to the main doctrines of Quine’s philosophy of language, among which the indeterminacy of translation thesis is significant. For Quine, the indeterminacy of translation has considerable ontological consequences, construed as leading to a sceptical conclusion regarding the existence of fine-grained meaning facts. Davidson’s suggested reading of Quine’s indeterminacy arguments seems to be intended to block any such sceptical consequences. According to this reading, Quine’s arguments at most yield the conclusion that there (...)
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    Anísio Teixeira e Richard Morse.José Geraldo Pedrosa & Maria Isabel Rios de Carvalho Viana - 2022 - Educação E Filosofia 36 (76):405-444.
    Resumo: O tema do artigo é referente à presença de iberismo e anglo-americanismo no Brasil e às expressões dessas heteronomias como obstáculos a uma identidade brasileira. A abordagem se alimenta das polêmicas desencadeadas por Richard Morse e sua tese sobre a Ibéria perdida, o Brasil à deriva e sua universidade descompromissada. A tese de Morse afirma a vitalidade da tradição ibérica original e sua capacidade de inspirar futuros para o Brasil, em inversão à referência anglo-americana, inconsistente e sem futuro. O (...)
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  47. Radical Interpretation, Feminism, and Science.Sharyn Clough - 2011 - Dialogues with Davidson.
    This chapter’s main topic revolves around Davidson’s account of radical interpretation and the concept of triangulation as a necessary feature of communication and the formation of beliefs. There are two important implications of this model of belief formation for feminists studying the effects of social location on knowledge production generally, and the production of scientific knowledge in particular. The first is Davidson’s argument that whatever there is to the meaning of any of our beliefs must be available from (...)
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  48. Davidson's Debt to Anscombe.Paul Hurley - 2020 - Dialogue 59 (2):219-233.
    RÉSUMÉL'interprétation de la philosophie pratique de Donald Davidson proposée par Robert Myers représente correctement maints aspects fondamentaux de sa pensée. Myers soutient à juste titre que Davidson évite les incohérences entre la position internaliste, l'objectivité éthique et le modèle croyance-désir en modifiant des éléments centraux de ce modèle, et que l'alternative proposée par Davidson rend légitime l'extension des arguments de l'interprétation et de la triangulation dans la sphère pratique. Cependant, Myers s’égare à une bifurcation cruciale de la route interprétative. (...)
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    Interpretation and Value.Robert H. Myers - 2013 - In Ernie Lepore & Kurt Ludwig (eds.), Blackwell Companion to Donald Davidson. Blackwell. pp. 314–327.
    Davidson's theory of radical interpretation, and his principle of charity, are well known in their application to beliefs and meanings, but rarely discussed in their application to desires and values. This is a pity, for they provide the makings of an argument for normative realism that is definitely worth exploring. After introducing Davidson's interpretation argument, I work through some familiar grounds for doubting that it applies to desires and values. Foremost among these are doubts about the extent to (...)
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  50. Interpretation and Skill.David Simpson - 1998 - ProtoSociology 11:93-109.
    In this paper I argue that Donald Davidson's rejection of the notion of language, as commonly understood in philosophy and linguistics, is justified. However, I argue that his position needs to be supplemented by an account of the development and nurture of pre-linguistic communicative skills. Davidson argues (in ‘A Nice Derangement of Epitaphs' and elsewhere) that knowledge of a language (conceived of as a set of rules or conventions) is neither sufficient nor necessary for 'linguistic' communication. The strongest argument (...)
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