Results for 'Trinity History of doctrines'

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  1.  38
    A Brief History of the Doctrine of the Trinity in the Early Church – By Franz Dünzl.Keith E. Johnson - 2009 - Modern Theology 25 (3):512-515.
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    A Brief History of the Doctrine of the Trinity in the Early Church. By Franz Dunzl.Glenn Morrison - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (5):822-823.
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    Trinity and temporality: the Christian doctrine of God in the light of process theology and the theology of hope.John Joseph O'Donnell - 1983 - New York: Oxford University Press.
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    History of the one God.John Milbank - 1997 - Heythrop Journal 38 (4):371–400.
    The article discusses the history of monotheism from the earliest times to the present. It begins with arguments against the notion of monotheists as an evolutionarily early stage in religion and then proceeds to characterize monotheism in the Old testament. The view that there was every a pre‐monotheistic phase of one ‘national God’ is called into question, along with the priority of the ‘God of history’ over the creator God. Association of the divine with social justice is shown (...)
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    The Philosophy of the Church Fathers: Faith, Trinity, Incarnation.Harry Austryn Wolfson - 1956 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    Harvard University Press takes pride in publishing the third edition of a work whose depth, scope, and wisdom have gained it international recognition as a classic in its field. Harry Austryn Wolfson, world-renowned scholar and most lucid of scholarly writers, here presents in ordered detail his long-awaited study of the philosophic principles and reasoning by which the Fathers of the Church sought to explain the mysteries of the Trinity and the Incarnation. Professor Wolfson first discusses the problem of the (...)
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    The doctrine of the Trinity: God's being is in becoming.Eberhard Jüngel - 1976 - Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press.
    Well-known in Germany for its insightful contribution to the ongoing discussion among theologians today about the being of God, this creative effort by Professor Jüngel, now in translation, aims at recovering an authentically trinitarian statement of the issue, structured along the lines of Karl Barth's discussion in "Church dogmatics".
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    'The little commonwealth of man': the Trinitarian origins of the ethical and political philosophy of Ralph Cudworth.Benjamin Carter - 2011 - Walpole, MA: Peeters.
    This book presents a contextual study of the life and work of the Cambridge Platonist Ralph Cudworth (1617-1688). Focusing on the theological basis of Cudworth's ethical philosophy, this book unlocks the hitherto ignored political aspect to Cudworth's ethical philosophy. Through a detailed examination of Cudworth's published works - particularly his voluminous "True intellectual system of the Universe" -, his posthumously published writings, and his 'freewill' manuscripts Benjamin Carter argues that the ethical and political arguments in Cudworth's philosophy develop out of (...)
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  8.  30
    Trinity, Number and Image. The Christian Origins of the Concept of Person.Graziano Lingua - 2022 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (4):1299-1315.
    The studies on the history of the notion of “personhood” have largely recognized that Christian thought had a central role in the development and significance of this concept throughout the history of Western civilization. In late antiquity, Christianity used some terms taken from the classic and Hellenistic vocabulary in order to express its own theological content. This operation generated a “crisis” of classical language, namely a semantic transformation in the attempt to address some aspects of reality which were (...)
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    The development of the Trinity: the evolution of a "new doctrine".Glen Davidson - 2012 - Hazelwood, Mo: Penecostal Publishing House.
  10. Product Details THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE DOCTRINE OF THE TRINITY: The Problem of Conceptualizing the Concepts of Space-Time Transcendency.Ulrich de Balbian - 2014 - Kindle.
    In this book we approach the development of the main doctrine of Trinitarianism. It is important to remind as we do so that that doctrine must be studied by both the criteria of Christian theology and history, and that as we study the development of doctrine, we need to establish a connection between what is confessed, or dogmas, and what is believed and taught, and go back diachronically from what is confessed to what was taught and to what was (...)
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    Some sources for a history of English socinianism a bibliography of 17th century English socinian writings.Daniela Bianchi - 1985 - Topoi 4 (1):91-120.
    In 1697, the Presbyterian, William Bates, presented an address, on behalf of some dissenting ministers, to William of Orange. In this, he called for measures against the Socinians and Deists, and, in particular, for the banning of the publication of Socinian works. Bates' address was published in JOHN HOWE, Sermon Preech'd on the Day of Thanksgiving (1698). On 17th February, 1698, the House of Commons presented an address to the King, We do further, in all humility, beseech Your Majesty, that (...)
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    Persons in relation: an essay on the Trinity and ontology.Najib George Awad - 2014 - Minneapolis: Fortress Press.
    Tracing out the origins of the Trinitarian 'revivial' in the modern era, through to the destabilizing effects of postmodernity on Trinitarian discourse, the author provides a critical hermeneutic for the evaluation and implementation of Trinitarian theology in the contemporary world.
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  13.  29
    The Logic of the Trinity: Augustine to Ockham.Paul Thom - 2022 - Fordham University Press.
    This book recounts the remarkable history of efforts by significant medieval thinkers to accommodate the ontology of the Trinity within the framework of Aristotelian logic and ontology. These efforts were remarkable because they pushed creatively beyond the boundaries of existing thought while trying to strike a balance between the Church's traditional teachings and theoretical rigor in a context of institutional politics. In some cases, good theology, good philosophy, and good politics turned out to be three different things. The (...)
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  14.  26
    Stephen R. Holmes, The Quest for the Trinity: The Doctrine of God in Scripture, History, and Modernity.Adam Ployd - 2018 - Augustinian Studies 49 (1):136-139.
    This article examines Augustine’s anti-Donatist claim that it is not the punishment but the cause (non poena sed causa) that makes a martyr. Augustine’s non poena sed causa argument arises as part of the larger rhetoric of martyrdom that recent scholarship has highlighted in late antiquity. I argue here that a more specific look at classical rhetorical techniques can provide a better understanding of what Augustine is up to in his particular rhetoric of martyrdom. To that end, after providing an (...)
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    Intellectual traditions at the medieval university: the use of philosophical psychology in Trinitarian theology among the Franciscans and Dominicans, 1250-1350.Russell L. Friedman - 2013 - Boston: Brill.
    This book presents an overview of the later medieval trinitarian theology of the rival Franciscan and Dominican intellectual traditions, and includes detailed studies of thinkers such as Thomas Aquinas, Henry of Ghent, John Duns Scotus, ...
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  16.  30
    Decolonising the concept of the Trinity to decolonise the religious education curriculum.Anné H. Verhoef - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):8.
    This article brings into perspective the need to decolonise the concept of the Trinity (as the specific doctrine and Christian name of God) as a crucial step in decolonising the religious education curriculum. It discusses the concept of decolonisation and its applicability to religious education, specifically Christianity, within higher education (e.g. in Teacher Education Programmes) in the South African context. God as the Trinity has throughout the history of Atlantic slavery and colonialism been employed to legitimise colonial (...)
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  17.  37
    Hegel's Trinitarian Claim: A Critical Reflection.Dale M. Schlitt - 1984 - Leiden: State University of New York Press.
    _Landmark study of Hegel’s arguments for God as Trinity._.
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  18. The Logical Problem of the Trinity.Beau Branson - 2014 - Dissertation, University of Notre Dame
    The doctrine of the Trinity is central to mainstream Christianity. But insofar as it posits “three persons” (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), who are “one God,” it appears as inconsistent as the claim that 1+1+1=1. -/- Much of the literature on “The Logical Problem of the Trinity,” as this has been called, attacks or defends Trinitarianism with little regard to the fourth century theological controversies and the late Hellenistic and early Medieval philosophical background in which it took shape. (...)
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  19.  14
    The Christian understanding of God today: theological colloquium on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the foundation of Trinity College, Dublin.James M. Byrne (ed.) - 1993 - Dublin: Columba Press.
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    Göttliche Freiheit: die Trinitätslehre in Schellings Spätphilosophie.Malte Dominik Krüger - 2008 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    One of the reasons for this is that Schelling's most significant work on this subject, Urfassung der Philosophie der Offenbarung, was not published until 1992.
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    The Immanent and the Economic Trinity.Thomas Weinandy - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (4):655-666.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE IMMANENT AND THE ECONOMIC TRINITY THOMAS WEINANDY Greyfriars Hall Oxford, England I N HER MAJOR study on the Trinity, God For Us: The Trinity and Christian Life, Catherine Mowry LaCugna contends that theology should abandon the distinction between the immanent and the economic Trinity as it has been understood within contemporary theology. She believes that such a distinction segregates " God in himself " (...)
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  22. Le "De Trinitate" de Richard de Saint-Victor.Albert Marie Ethier - 1939 - Paris,: J. Vrin;.
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    The Trinitarian Christology of St Thomas Aquinas.Dominic Legge - 2016 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    This work brings to light the Trinitarian riches in Thomas Aquinas's Christology.
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    Die Trinitätsspekulation des Petrus von Poitiers und die Trinitätsspekulation des Richard von St. Viktor, ein Vergleich.Heinz Wipfler - 1965 - Münster: Aschendorff.
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    Gottes Sein als Ereignis sich schenkender Liebe: von der trinitarischen Ontologie Piero Codas zur trinitarischen Phänomenologie der Intersubjektivität und Interpersonalität.Eduard Prenga - 2018 - Freiburg: Herder.
    Was passiert, wenn jemand zeigt, dass die Dreifaltigkeit der Ausgangspunkt der Freiheitsgeschichte der Menschheit ist? Dass in ihr das Risiko grundgelegt ist, das in jeder Begegnung eingeschlossen ist? Dass sie das Netz ist, das jede menschliche Liebe unterfangt? Und dass sie schliesslich die ausserste Spannung auszieht, von der Fulle des Seins zum Nichts und zum Tod? Plotzlich ruckt dann die Dreifaltigkeit mitten ins Zentrum des Verstehens von Menschheitsentwicklung und Kultur, von Gottinnigkeit ebenso wie von Gottesferne. Nichts Geringeres unternimmt die vorliegende (...)
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  26.  30
    The translatability of the Holy Trinity.Retief Müller - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (1).
    This article considers the ambiguous translatability of the Christian doctrine of the Holy Trinity. The theme of the Trinity, as a central Christian doctrine, is brought into conversation with the so-called ‘translatability thesis’ regarding Christian history, which has been particularly expounded upon by Lamin Sanneh and Andrew Walls. Does the translatability of the gospel also imply the translatability of the Trinity, or is the equation not that straightforward? In answering this question, specific reference is made to (...)
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  27.  43
    Studies Preparatory to an Understanding of the Mysticism of St. Augustine and His Doctrine on the Trinity.John O’Meara - 1970 - Augustinian Studies 1:263-276.
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    Triunitas: Die Trinitätsspekulation des Nikolaus von Kues.Felix Resch - 2014 - Münster: Aschendorff Verlag.
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  29. Von der Wirklichkeit und Wirksamkeit des Dreieinen Gottes nach der appropriativen Trinitätstheologie des 12. Jahrhunderts.Ludwig Hödl - 1965 - München,: Hueber.
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  30.  9
    Die Trinitätslehre des Johannes Duns Scotus.Friedrich Wetter - 1967 - Münster, Westfalen,: Aschendorff.
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    Seinsstruktur und Trinitätsproblem.Eberhard Wölfel - 1965 - Münster Westfalen,: Aschendorff.
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  32.  40
    The Twelve Patriarchs, the Mystical Ark, Book Three of the Trinity[REVIEW]B. W. A. - 1979 - Review of Metaphysics 33 (2):445-447.
    That "The Classics of Western Spirituality" should regard the man Dante hailed as "beyond the human in contemplation," and St. Bonaventure believed to be the medieval rival of the greatest patristic contemplative worthy of a special volume is not surprising. Richard of St. Victor’s masterful analysis of the ascent of the mind to God in contemplative prayer and meditation, emphasizing the individual’s relationship to other individuals as the paradigm of how the Three Divine Persons are related in their inner life (...)
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  33. On a complex theory of a simple God: an investigation in Aquinas' philosophical theology.Christopher Hughes - 1989 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    [I] Divine Simplicity: God and His Existence Types of Divine Simplicity Of the properties ascribed to God in Aquinas' natural theology, we may call one sort ...
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    Philosophie und Trinität: Erörterungen.Waltraud Maria Neumann - 2002 - New York: G. Olms.
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    Tommaso d'Aquino: croce-via per una ontologia trinitaria?Mauro Mantovani & Emanuele Pili (eds.) - 2024 - Roma: Città nuova.
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    John Duns Scotus on Grace and the Trinitarian Missions.Mitchell J. Kennard - 2022 - Boston: BRILL.
    A presentation of Franciscan theologian John Duns Scotus (d. 1308) as a significant contributor to the medieval theology of grace, worthy of careful contemporary consideration.
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  37.  11
    God's being is in becoming: the trinitarian being of God in the theology of Karl Barth: a paraphrase.Eberhard Jüngel - 2001 - Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans.
    This volume presents an entirely new translation of Eberhard Jungel's Gottes Sein ist im Werden, published twenty-five years ago as The Doctrine of the Trinity, a brilliant interpretation of Karl Barth's exposition of God's being. This work by Jungel is central to fully appreciating Barth's thought, and it remains of enduring significance for constructive trinitarian theology. Building on a paraphrase of Barth's discussion of the Trinity in Church Dogmatics, Jungel first explores God's being as "self-revelation" -- for Barth (...)
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  38.  69
    The sentences . Giulio silano, translator. 4 volumes: Book 1: The mystery of the trinity , and: The sentences . Giulio silano, translator. 4 volumes: Book 2: On creation , and: The sentences . Giulio silano, translator. 4 volumes: Book 3: On the incarnation of the word , and: The sentences . Giulio silano, translator. 4 volumes: Book 4: The doctrine of signs (review). [REVIEW]Marcia L. Colish - 2011 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 49 (2):247-249.
    With the arrival of the fourth volume of this work, Peter Lombard's Sentences is now fully available in English for the first time. Giulio Silano's text, based on the third critical edition by Ignatius C. Brady in two volumes (Grottaferrata, 1971-81) is distinguished by its accuracy and readability, meeting the exacting criteria of a Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies translation. Each volume has a detailed table of contents, an index of biblical and patristic references, and a full bibliography of English (...)
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    Theology and history in the methodology of Herman Bavinck: revelation, confession, and Christian consciousness.Cameron Clausing - 2024 - New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
    This book examines the theological methodology of Dutch theologian, Herman Bavinck (1854-1921). The focus of the book is on the influence of the German historicist movement on his theological method and uses Bavinck's doctrine of the Trinity as a way to test the argument that while not embracing all of the relativising implications of the movement, the role of history as a force that both shapes the present and allows for development into the future has a demonstrable influence (...)
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    On the Trinity: An Ecumenical Conversation.Isidoros C. Katsos - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (2):493-508.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:On the Trinity:An Ecumenical ConversationIsidoros C. KatsosIntroductionThis paper explores the potential impact of Fr. Thomas Joseph White's impressive new book on the Trinity for the ecumenical dialogue between the Roman Catholic and the Orthodox Churches.1 In doing so, the paper responds to the editors' kind request for an explicitly ecumenical approach to the book. Therefore, this paper concentrates on the issue of the Trinity from an (...)
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  41.  38
    The Place of Revelation in Philosophical Thought.George Bosworth Burch - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (3):396 - 408.
    Some Christian philosophers, notably Tertullian, have gloried in this absurdity, finding in its very irrationality a sign of the dogma's truth. But most Christian philosophers, following Augustine, have tried to find some reconciliation between reason and revelation. The history of medieval philosophy is the history of the attempt to make the revealed truths rationally intelligible. The attempt was a failure. As we proceed chronologically from Anselm of Canterbury to Abelard, Thomas Aquinas, Duns Scotus, and William of Occam, we (...)
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  42.  42
    Lorenzo Valla on the Problem of Speaking About the Trinity.Charles Edward Trinkaus - 1996 - Journal of the History of Ideas 57 (1):27-53.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Lorenzo Valla on the Problem of Speaking about the TrinityCharles TrinkausLorenzo Valla was a major Renaissance humanist critic of scholasticism, and a proponent of empirical and language-based thought. He also ventured into the field of theology with his humanistic preconceptions that not ancient philosophy but the literary arts and philology should provide the proper model for its study. Salvatore Camporeale in his major studies of Valla, and in a (...)
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  43.  43
    Achard of Saint Victor and Primordial Plurality.Pascal Massie - 2008 - Saint Anselm Journal 5 (2):1-18.
    The conditions for an investigation of Achard of Saint Victor (who died in 1171) have only recently become available. Now the discovery of a very significant turn in the history of twelfth-century thought is open to examination. The author focuses on Achard’s claim concerning an ontologically primary plurality. In the very title of Achard’s main treatise, De unitate Dei et pluralitate creaturarum, it is the word ‘et’ that joins together unity and plurality, expressing the core of Achard’s ontological insight, (...)
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  44. Tommaso d'Aquino e l'ontologia: significato, fonti, eredità.Piero Coda, Vito Limone & Mauro Mantovani (eds.) - 2024 - Firenze: Nerbini International.
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  45.  8
    Marius Victorinus: zur Philosophie in seinen theologischen Schriften.Matthias Baltes - 2002 - München: Walter de Gruyter.
    Die Philosophie des Neuplatonismus zwischen Porphyrios, Jamblich und Syrian ist uns nur sehr lückenhaft bekannt. Schließen können wir diese Lücke nur mit Hilfe von Autoren wie des römischen Rhetors Marius Victorinus, der sich nach seiner Konversion zum Christentum daranmachte, mit Hilfe der von ihm vorher in Rom gelehrten Philosophie die christliche Trinitätslehre zu verteidigen. Wir wir seit den bahnbrechenden Arbeiten von P. Hadot über Marius Victorinus wissen, hat sich Victorinus dabei einer Form des Neuplatonismus bedient, die nachplotinisch ist. Aber während (...)
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  46.  13
    God hidden and revealed: the interpretation of Luther's deus absconditus and its significance for religious thought.John Dillenberger - 1953 - Philadelphia: Muhlenberg Press. Edited by Martin Luther.
    Excerpt from God Hidden and Revealed: The Interpretation of Luther's Deus Absconditus and Its Significance for Religious Thought In a conversation with William Adams Brown shortly before his death, he said to me: We have lost the first person of the trinity in contemporary Protestantism and only the second person is left. This statement was surprising, since it came from the lips of one of the leading representatives of the theological school which was largely responsible for the situation he (...)
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    Die Zweideutigkeit von Gott und Welt in J. Moltmanns Theologien.Józef Niewiadomski - 1982 - Innsbruck: Tyrolia-Verlag.
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    Theology and intelligibility.Michael Durrant - 1973 - Boston;: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
  49.  25
    “Iraqnophobia”: A Biomedical History of State-Rearing and Shock Doctrine in Iraq.Michael Hennessy Picard - 2017 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 30 (1):81-114.
    The history of Western foreign policy in the Middle East has long assimilated Arab culture to sickness. Specifically, the biological episteme of “contamination” has shaped American foreign policy in the Gulf for decades. In so doing, the US Government continually borrowed references from the natural sciences to frame its foreign policy, leading some commentators to claim that biology supplanted philosophy and religion as the primary political category. The article analyses the semantics of Iraqnophobic metaphors, from the British experience of (...)
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  50.  31
    The 1998 Meeting of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies.Peggy Starkey - 1999 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 19 (1):175-177.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The 1998 Meeting of the Society for Buddhist-Christian StudiesPeggy StarkeyThe annual meeting of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies was held at the Walt Disney World Dolphin in Orlando, Florida, on Friday, November 20, and Saturday, November 21, 1998. The theme for this year’s sessions was “Ritual and Its Connection to Ethical Activity in the World.”The Friday afternoon panel, moderated by John Berthrong (Boston University), focused on Buddhist views. John (...)
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