Results for 'Truth Types'

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  1. Herbert Hochberg.Truth Makers, Truth Predicates & Truth Types - 1991 - In Kevin Mulligan, Language, Truth and Ontology. Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 87--117.
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    Truth makers, truth predicates, and truth types.Herbert Hochberg - 1991 - In Kevin Mulligan, Language, Truth and Ontology. Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 87-117.
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  3. Truth conditions of tensed sentence types.L. A. Paul - 1997 - Synthese 111 (1):53-72.
    Quentin Smith has argued that the new tenseless theory of time is faced with insurmountable problems and should be abandoned in favour of the tensed theory of time. Smith;s main argument attacks the fundamental premise of the tenseless theory: that tenseless truth conditions for tokens of tensed sentences adequately capture the meaning of tensed sentences. His position is that tenseless truth conditions cannot explain the logical relations between tensed sentences, thus the tensed theory must be accepted. Against Smith, (...)
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  4. Austinian truth, attitudes and type theory ∗.Robin Cooper - unknown
    This paper is part of a broader project whose aim is to present a coherent unified approach to natural language dialogue semantics using tools from type theory. Here we explore aspects of our approach which relate to situation theory and situation semantics. We first point out a relationship between type theory and the Austinian notion of truth. We then consider how records in type theory might be used to represent situations and how dependent record types can be used (...)
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    Classical truth in higher types.Ulrich Berger - 2008 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 54 (3):240-246.
    We study, from a classical point of view, how the truth of a statement about higher type functionals depends on the underlying model. The models considered are the classical set-theoretic finite type hierarchy and the constructively more meaningful models of continuous functionals, hereditarily effective operations, as well as the closed term model of Gödel's system T. The main results are characterisations of prenex classes for which truth in the full set-theoretic model transfers to truth in the other (...)
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  6. Typed and Untyped Disquotational Truth.Cezary Cieśliński - 2015 - In T. Achourioti, H. Galinon, J. Martínez Fernández & K. Fujimoto, Unifying the Philosophy of Truth. Dordrecht: Imprint: Springer.
    We present an overview of typed and untyped disquotational truth theories with the emphasis on their (non)conservativity over the base theory of syntax. Two types of conservativity are discussed: syntactic and semantic. We observe in particular that TB—one of the most basic disquotational theories—is not semantically conservative over its base; we show also that an untyped disquotational theory PTB is a syntactically conservative extension of Peano Arithmetic.
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  7. Type-free truth.Thomas Schindler - 2015 - Dissertation, Ludwig Maximilians Universität München
    This book is a contribution to the flourishing field of formal and philosophical work on truth and the semantic paradoxes. Our aim is to present several theories of truth, to investigate some of their model-theoretic, recursion-theoretic and proof-theoretic aspects, and to evaluate their philosophical significance. In Part I we first outline some motivations for studying formal theories of truth, fix some terminology, provide some background on Tarski’s and Kripke’s theories of truth, and then discuss the prospects (...)
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    Truth in Science and ‘Truth’ in Religion: An Enquiry into Student Views on Different Types of Truth-Claim.Christina Easton - 2019 - In Berry Billingsley, Keith Chappell & Michael J. Reiss, Science and Religion in Education. Springer Verlag. pp. 123-139.
    Using focus groups, this small-scale, qualitative study investigated the way that students tend to think about religious truth-claims as compared to other types of truth-claim. All the student participants conceived of religious truth-claims as ‘opinions’, to be contrasted with the certain, indisputable ‘facts’ of science. For many students, it was the lack of empirical verification, as well as the existence of disagreement, which meant religious beliefs were relegated to this position. If these findings are generalisable, then (...)
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  9. Austinian truth in Martin-L¨of type theory.Robin Cooper - unknown
    A statement is said to be true when the historic state of affairs to which it is correlated by the demonstrative conventions (the ones to which it ‘refers’) is of a type with which the sentence used in making it is correlated by the descriptive conventions.
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    A Note on Typed Truth and Consistency Assertions.Carlo Nicolai - 2016 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 45 (1):89-119.
    In the paper we investigate typed axiomatizations of the truth predicate in which the axioms of truth come with a built-in, minimal and self-sufficient machinery to talk about syntactic aspects of an arbitrary base theory. Expanding previous works of the author and building on recent works of Albert Visser and Richard Heck, we give a precise characterization of these systems by investigating the strict relationships occurring between them, arithmetized model constructions in weak arithmetical systems and suitable set existence (...)
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  11. On truth conditions of tensed sentence types.W. L. Craig - 1999 - Synthese 120 (2):265-270.
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    Three types of freedom1.Francis M. Myers - 1967 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 10 (1-4):337-350.
    Freedom interpreted as absence of restraints, as such, is a vacuous ideal. It requires reference to some setting and course of action in order to distinguish those restraints that block human effort from those, say, that support it. More broadly, this notion of freedom has little meaning and less value without some external criterion for evaluating human action and its conditions. Many thinkers have argued that the. criterion must be the absolute Truth ? truth that is unconditioned, indubitable, (...)
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    Truth-value Semantics for the Theory of Types.H. Leblanc & R. K. Meyer - 1970 - In Karel Lambert, Philosophical problems in Logic. Dordrecht,: Reidel. pp. 77--101.
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    Are There Types of Truth?Ash Gobar - 1987 - International Philosophical Quarterly 27 (3):315-323.
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    On Types, Denotation, and Truth.R. M. Martin - 1954 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 19 (2):139-140.
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  16. (2 other versions)Types of Pragmatist Theory of Truth.Allan Tornudd - 1915 - Philosophical Review 24:683.
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    Musical works, types and modal flexibility reconsidered.Nemesio García-Carril Puy - 2022 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 80 (3):295–308.
    Guy Rohrbaugh and Allan Hazlett have provided two arguments against the thesis that musical works are types. In short, they assume that, according to our modal talk and intuitions, musical works are modally flexible entities; since types are modally inflexible entities, musical works are not types. I argue that Rohrbaugh’s and Hazlett’s arguments fail and that the type/token theorist can preserve the truth of our modal claims and intuitions even if types are modally inflexible entities. (...)
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  18. Naming and contingency: the type method of biological taxonomy.Joeri Witteveen - 2015 - Biology and Philosophy 30 (4):569-586.
    Biological taxonomists rely on the so-called ‘type method’ to regulate taxonomic nomenclature. For each newfound taxon, they lay down a ‘type specimen’ that carries with it the name of the taxon it belongs to. Even if a taxon’s circumscription is unknown and/or subject to change, it remains a necessary truth that the taxon’s type specimen falls within its boundaries. Philosophers have noted some time ago that this naming practice is in line with the causal theory of reference and its (...)
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  19. A type reduction from proof-conditional to dynamic semantics.Tim Fernando - 2001 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 30 (2):121-153.
    Dynamic and proof-conditional approaches to discourse (exemplified by Discourse Representation Theory and Type-Theoretical Grammar, respectively) are related through translations and transitions labeled by first-order formulas with anaphoric twists. Type-theoretic contexts are defined relative to a signature and instantiated modeltheoretically, subject to change.
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    Types, Tokens, and Talk about Musical Works.Julian Dodd & Philip Letts - 2017 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 75 (3):249-263.
    It has recently been suggested that the type/token theorist concerning musical works cannot come up with an adequate semantic theory of those sentences in which we purport to talk about such works. Specifically, it has been claimed that, since types are abstract entities, a type/token theorist can only account for the truth of sentences such as “The 1812 Overture is very loud” and “Bach's Two Part Invention in C has an F-sharp in its fourth measure” by adopting an (...)
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    Type-free property theory, exemplification and Russell's paradox.Francesco Orilia - 1991 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 32 (3):432-447.
    This paper presents a type-free property-theoretic system in the spirit of a framework proposed by Menzel and then supplements it with a theory of truth and exemplification. The notions of a truth-relevantly complex (simple) sentence and of a truth-relevant subsentence are introduced and then used in order to motivate the proposed theory. Finally, it is shown how the theory avoids Russell's paradox and similar problems. Some potential applications to the foundations of mathematics and to natural language semantics (...)
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    Towards transfinite type theory: rereading Tarski’s Wahrheitsbegriff.Iris Loeb - 2014 - Synthese 191 (10):2281-2299.
    In his famous paper Der Wahrheitsbegriff in den formalisierten Sprachen (Polish edition: Nakładem/Prace Towarzystwa Naukowego Warszawskiego, wydzial, III, 1933), Alfred Tarski constructs a materially adequate and formally correct definition of the term “true sentence” for certain kinds of formalised languages. In the case of other formalised languages, he shows that such a construction is impossible but that the term “true sentence” can nevertheless be consistently postulated. In the Postscript that Tarski added to a later version of this paper (Studia Philosophica, (...)
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  23. Three types of conditionals and their verb forms in English and Portuguese.Gilberto Gomes - 2008 - Cognitive Linguistics 19 (2):219-240.
    An examination of conditionals in di¤erent languages leads to a distinction of three types of conditionals instead of the usual two (indicative and subjunctive). The three types can be explained by the degree of acceptance or as-if acceptance of the truth of the antecedent. The labels subjunctive and indicative are shown to be inadequate. So-called indicative conditionals comprise two classes, the very frequent uncertain-fact conditionals and the quite rare accepted-fact conditionals. Uncertain-fact conditionals may have a time shift (...)
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    How to type: Reply to Halbach.Alexander Paseau - 2009 - Analysis 69 (2):280-286.
    In my paper , I noted that Fitch's argument, which purports to show that if all truths are knowable then all truths are known, can be blocked by typing knowledge. If there is not one knowledge predicate, ‘ K’, but infinitely many, ‘ K 1’, ‘ K 2’, … , then the type rules prevent application of the predicate ‘ K i’ to sentences containing ‘ K i’ such as ‘ p ∧¬ K i⌜ p⌝’. This provides a motivated response (...)
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  25. Two types of deflationism.Aladdin M. Yaqub - 2008 - Synthese 165 (1):77-106.
    It is a fundamental intuition about truth that the conditions under which a sentence is true are given by what the sentence asserts. My aim in this paper is to show that this intuition captures the concept of truth completely and correctly. This is conceptual deflationism, for it does not go beyond what is asserted by a sentence in order to define the truth status of that sentence. This paper, hence, is a defense of deflationism as a (...)
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    A counterexample to Tarski-type truth-definitions as applied to natural languages.Jaakko Hintikka - 1975 - Philosophia 5 (3):207-212.
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    The informative value of type of repetition: Perceptual and conceptual fluency influences on judgments of truth.Rita R. Silva, Teresa Garcia-Marques & Rolf Reber - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 51 (C):53-67.
  28. Dissolving type‐b physicalism.Helen Yetter-Chappell - 2017 - Philosophical Perspectives 31 (1):469-498.
    The majority of physicalists are type-B physicalists – believing that the phenomenal-physical truths are only knowable a posteriori. This paper aims to show why this view is misguided. The strategy is to design an agent who (1) has full general physical knowledge, (2) has phenomenal concepts, and yet (3) is wired such that she would be in a position to immediately work out the phenomenal-physical truths. I argue that this derivation yields a priori knowledge. The possibility of such a creature (...)
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  29. Fitch's Argument and Typing Knowledge.Alexander Paseau - 2008 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 49 (2):153-176.
    Fitch's argument purports to show that if all truths are knowable then all truths are known. The argument exploits the fact that the knowledge predicate or operator is untyped and may thus apply to sentences containing itself. This article outlines a response to Fitch's argument based on the idea that knowledge is typed. The first part of the article outlines the philosophical motivation for the view, comparing it to the motivation behind typing truth. The second, formal part presents a (...)
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    Omitting types in fuzzy logic with evaluated syntax.Petra Murinová & Vilém Novák - 2006 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 52 (3):259-268.
    This paper is a contribution to the development of model theory of fuzzy logic in narrow sense. We consider a formal system EvŁ of fuzzy logic that has evaluated syntax, i. e. axioms need not be fully convincing and so, they form a fuzzy set only. Consequently, formulas are provable in some general degree. A generalization of Gödel's completeness theorem does hold in EvŁ. The truth values form an MV-algebra that is either finite or Łukasiewicz algebra on [0, 1].The (...)
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  31. Axiomatic Theories of Partial Ground II: Partial Ground and Hierarchies of Typed Truth.Johannes Korbmacher - 2018 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 47 (2):193-226.
    This is part two of a two-part paper in which we develop an axiomatic theory of the relation of partial ground. The main novelty of the paper is the of use of a binary ground predicate rather than an operator to formalize ground. In this part of the paper, we extend the base theory of the first part of the paper with hierarchically typed truth-predicates and principles about the interaction of partial ground and truth. We show that our (...)
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    Towards a logic 0f type-free modality and truth.Hannes Leitgeb - 2007 - In C. Dimitracopoulos, L. Newelski & D. Normann, Logic Colloquium 2005: Proceedings of the Annual European Summer Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic, Held in Athens, Greece, July 28-August 3, 2005. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 28--68.
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  33. How to be a type-C physicalist.Adrian Boutel - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 164 (2):301-320.
    This paper advances a version of physicalism which reconciles the “a priori entailment thesis” (APET) with the analytic independence of our phenomenal and physical vocabularies. The APET is the claim that, if physicalism is true, the complete truths of physics imply every other truth a priori. If so, “cosmic hermeneutics” is possible: a demon having only complete knowledge of physics could deduce every truth about the world. Analytic independence is a popular physicalist explanation for the apparent “epistemic gaps” (...)
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    Type Theory in the Semantics of Propositional Attitudes.Oleg A. Domanov - 2018 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 55 (4):26-37.
    The article deals with an approach to the analysis of propositional attitudes based on the type-theoretical semantics proposed by A. Ranta and originating from the type theory of P. Martin-Löf. Type-theoretical semantics contains the notion of context and tools of extracting information from it in an explicit form. This allows us to correctly formalize the dependence on contexts typical of propositional attitudes. In the article the context is presented as a dependent sum type (Record type in the proof assistant Coq). (...)
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    Resolving Bank-Type Puzzles via Action-Directed Pragmatics.Igal Kvart - 2022 - Synthese 200 (4):1-58.
    In this paper I undertake to resolve a main pragmatic puzzle triggered by Bank-type cases. After accepting ‘sanitized’ intuitions about Truth-Values, as reflected in x-phi experiments, the pragmatic puzzle about whether the husband is inconsistent remains, and if he isn’t, which intuitively is the case, how are we to explain it. The context in such cases is pragmatic, with awareness of high risks, and the treatment I propose is pragmatic as well, but not Gricean. I offer a new Pragmatics (...)
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    Embedding the Calendar and Time Type System in Temporal Type Theory.Georgios V. Pitsiladis & Costas D. Koutras - forthcoming - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics:1-48.
    Temporal Type Theory (TTT) has been recently introduced as a topos-theoretic approach to understanding the behaviour of systems over time. A truly innovative point of TTT is that it makes truth inherently dependent on time; this is to be contrasted with the classical approach in which past, present and future are related via logical operators. Further on this line of research, the notion of truth is substituted by the ‘time duration’ over which a proposition is true, giving rise (...)
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    Martin R. M.. On types, denotation, and truth. Methodos, vol. 3 , pp. 308–316.Alonzo Church - 1954 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 19 (2):139-140.
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    (1 other version)The Path to Truth Ibn-'Arabi and Nikolai Berdiaev (Two Types of Mystical Philosophizing)'.Andrei Smirnov - 1992 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 31 (3):7-39.
    The fact that the names of two philosophers who lived and worked in such different periods, under conditions of quite dissimilar cultures and civilizations, share the title of this article is in itself enough to require clarification. Nikolai Berdiaev, who belonged to a current of Russian philosophy that called itself mystical, hardly needs to be presented to the reader. Muhyiuddin ibn-'Arabi , the greatest mystic of the Arab Middle Ages, is known as the founder of a philosophical conception that was (...)
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    Unconditional types of inference and logical knowledge.Luiz Rosa - 2016 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 61 (2):350-362.
    In this paper I address the question 'How is knowledge of logical truths possible'. The sought-after explanation should be independent of what the true story about logical truth is. In particular, I try to account for the epistemic warrant that is conferred upon logical beliefs when they are neither inferred from other beliefs nor grounded on empirical evidence or testimony. The need for such an account is motivated by the apparent failure of the notions ofanalyticity on the one hand (...)
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  40. E-Type Pronouns and varepsilon -Terms.B. H. Slater - 1986 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 16 (1):27-38.
    Speaking of Professor Geach's belief that pronouns in natural language function like the bound variables in quantification theory, Gareth Evans, in ‘Pronouns, Quantifiers, and Relative Clauses - I’ says :I want to try to show that there are pronouns with quantifier antecedents that function in a quite different way. Such pronouns typically stand in a different grammatical relation to their antecedents, and; in contrast with bound pronouns, must be assigned a reference, so that their most immediate sentential contexts can always (...)
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    The disputation ? a special type of cooperative argumentative dialogue.Christoph Lumer - 1988 - Argumentation 2 (4):441-464.
    This article consists of three parts, two introductory, in which the limits and the methods of analysis of dialogues are expounded, and the major part, in which the main features of a philosophical theory of disputation are outlined.It was an essential aim of the philosophical analysis of argumentative dialogues to develop tools of substantiation for cases in which logic doesn't help any more. In the first part of this paper I show that such tools can and will be developed only (...)
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    Church's type theory.Peter Andrews - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Church’s type theory, aka simple type theory, is a formal logical language which includes classical first-order and propositional logic, but is more expressive in a practical sense. It is used, with some modifications and enhancements, in most modern applications of type theory. It is particularly well suited to the formalization of mathematics and other disciplines and to specifying and verifying hardware and software. It also plays an important role in the study of the formal semantics of natural language. When utilizing (...)
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    Logical Forms, Substitutions and Information Types.Vít Punčochář - 2023 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 32 (3):459--473.
    This paper explores the relation between the philosophical idea that logic is a science studying logical forms, and a mathematical feature of logical systems called the principle of uniform substitution, which is often regarded as a technical counterpart of the philosophical idea. We argue that at least in one interesting sense the principle of uniform substitution does not capture adequately the requirement that logic is a matter of form and that logical truths are formal truths. We show that some specific (...)
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  44.  19
    Martin-Löf’s Type Theorу: Between Phenomenology and Analytical Philosophy.Oleg Domanov - 2024 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 13 (1):33-56.
    Martin-Löf’s type theory stems simultaneously from Frege and Russell’s logic-ontological ideas and Husserl’s phenomenology. The article examines this intermediate status of type theory using as examples Martin-Löf ’s syntactical-semantic method and the role of evidence and canonical objects in his approach. Martin-Löf borrows the syntactical-semantic method from Frege and extends it drawing on Husserl’s theory of meaning. In type theory this method leads to the identity (isomorphism) of syntax and semantics (formal logic and formal ontology). Unlike traditional formal logic the (...)
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  45. Molinism, Creature-types, and the Nature of Counterfactual Implication.Daniel Murphy - 2012 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 4 (1):65-86.
    Granting that there could be true subjunctive conditionals of libertarian freedom (SCLs), I argue (roughly) that there could be such conditionals only in connection with individual "possible creatures" (in contrast to types). This implies that Molinism depends on the view that, prior to creation, God grasps possible creatures in their individuality. In making my case, I explore the notions of counterfactual implication (that relationship between antecedent and consequent of an SCL which consists in its truth) and counterfactual relevance (...)
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  46. The cognitive act and the first-person perspective: an epistemology for constructive type theory.Maria van der Schaar - 2011 - Synthese 180 (3):391 - 417.
    The notion of cognitive act is of importance for an epistemology that is apt for constructive type theory, and for epistemology in general. Instead of taking knowledge attributions as the primary use of the verb 'to know' that needs to be given an account of, and understanding a first-person knowledge claim as a special case of knowledge attribution, the account of knowledge that is given here understands first-person knowledge claims as the primary use of the verb 'to know'. This means (...)
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  47. Propositions as Structured Cognitive Event‐Types.Wayne A. Davis - 2021 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 102 (3):665-692.
    According to act theories, propositions are structured cognitive act‐types. Act theories appear to make propositions inherently representational and truth‐evaluable, and to provide solutions to familiar problems with alternative theories, including Frege’s and Russell’s problems, and the third‐realm and unity problems. Act theories have critical problems of their own, though: acts as opposed to their objects are not truth evaluable, not structured in the right way, not expressed by sentences, and not the objects of propositional attitudes. I show (...)
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    Two Types of Narrative Theology.Gary Comstock - 1987 - Journal of the American Academy of Religion 55 (4):687-717.
    This paper argues that there are two camps in narrative theology, "pure" (e.g., Hans Frei) and "impure" (e.g., Paul Ricoeur) narrative theologians. Narrative theology, reflection on religious claims embedded in stories, is one of the most significant currents of late twentieth century thought. H. Richard Niebuhr initiated the conversation when he wrote in 1941 of "The Story of Our Lives." If his theme lay undeveloped for several decades, it burst onto the theological scene in the early 1970s. Demurrers followed, and (...)
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    On Types of Certainty: from Buddhism to Islam and Beyond.Michael Chase - 2022 - Comparative Philosophy 13 (2).
    Studies the threefold hierarchy of certainty, from its origins in Mahāyāna Buddhism, through Islam, to 17th century China. This tripartite scheme may be traced back to the ancient Buddhist scheme of the threefold wisdom as systematized by Vasubandhu of Gandhāra in the 4th-5th centuries CE. Following the advent of Islam in the 8th century, it was combined with Qur'anic notions of certainty. Initially taken up by early Islamic mystics such as Sahl al-Tustarī and al-Ḥākim al-Tirmiḏī, the notion of yaqīn was (...)
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  50. Why did Frege reject the theory of types?Wim Vanrie - 2021 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 29 (3):517-536.
    I investigate why Frege rejected the theory of types, as Russell presented it to him in their correspondence. Frege claims that it commits one to violations of the law of excluded middle, but this complaint seems to rest on a dogmatic refusal to take Russell’s proposal seriously on its own terms. What is at stake is not so much the truth of a law of logic, but the structure of the hierarchy of the logical categories, something Frege seems (...)
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