Results for 'Ubaldo R. Pérez-Paoli'

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  1.  27
    Truth and Justice in Anselm of Canterbury.Ubaldo R. Pérez-Paoli - 1994 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 17 (1-2):127-151.
    The following is an attempt to read Anselm’s treatise De veritate in accordance with its immanent intention by considering the question: to what extent and in which sense does it, in unfolding the concept of truth, more concretely determine the concept of God—and accordingly also the concept of man and his relationship to God? The question of whether and to what extent Anselm argues sola ratione will not be raised, but instead in what way his ratio is capable of developing (...)
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    Das Vernunft-Gefüge der Moderne. [REVIEW]Ubaldo R. Pérez-Paoli - 1994 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 17 (1-2):407-413.
    This work, The Rational-Architectonic of Modernity, understands itself to be part of a whole, which was begun with the same author’s Topologie der Metaphysik. The Topologie presented the history of metaphysics as a whole in the sense of something completed, which was taken there in the full significance of that which consists not only of beginning, middle, and end—contrary to the usual talk of the end of metaphysics as a failed undertaking—but also which had a concretely determined task to fulfill (...)
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  3. Ein Mensch zeugt einen Menschen: Zum aristotelischen Begriff der ovoíα, des sinnlich-wahrnehmbaren Seienden.Ubaldo Perez-Paoli - 1996 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 103 (1):103-122.
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  4. Identificación de un sujeto. Sobre el concepto de sujeto en el pensamiento de Nietzche.Ubaldo Pérez-Paoli - 1999 - Escritos de Filosofía 18 (35):131-158.
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    Der plotinische Begriff von Hypostasis und die augustinische Bestimmung Gottes als Subiectum.Ubaldo Ramón Pérez Paoli - 1990 - Würzburg: Augustinus-Verlag.
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  6. Verdad, tiempo yjusticia: Un tema de la filosofía de Anselmo de Canterbury.U. Perez Paoli - 1998 - Sapientia 53 (204):301-341.
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    Der plotinische Begriff Hypostasis und die augustinische Bestimmung Gottes als Subiectum.Pèrez Paoli & Ubaldo Ramón - 1990 - Würzburg: Augustinus-Verlag.
  8.  35
    Why are some dimensions integral? Testing two hypotheses through causal learning experiments.Fabián A. Soto, Gonzalo R. Quintana, Andrés M. Pérez-Acosta, Fernando P. Ponce & Edgar H. Vogel - 2015 - Cognition 143 (C):163-177.
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  9. Implicational paradoxes and the meaning of logical constants.Francesco Paoli - 2007 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 85 (4):553 – 579.
    I discuss paradoxes of implication in the setting of a proof-conditional theory of meaning for logical constants. I argue that a proper logic of implication should be not only relevant, but also constructive and nonmonotonic. This leads me to select as a plausible candidate LL, a fragment of linear logic that differs from R in that it rejects both contraction and distribution.
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    Propuesta del cine de ciencia ficción para educar en Bioética.Alina Josefina Alerm González & Ubaldo González-Pérez - 2019 - Persona y Bioética 23 (1).
    Science fiction cinema proposal for Bioethic education Proposta do cinema de ficção científica para educar em Bioética Posthumanism state that technologies will eliminate aging, improve cognitive, physical and psychological skills and keep alive human minds by uploading them in machines as artificial intelligence. These beliefs, as constant features in science fiction films, could be useful to educate medical students in Bioethics. We propose some of these science fiction films related with technological changes of humans and the noxious consequences: Being turned (...)
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    The Lattice of Subvarieties of √′ quasi-MV Algebras.T. Kowalski, F. Paoli, R. Giuntini & A. Ledda - 2010 - Studia Logica 95 (1-2):37 - 61.
    In the present paper we continue the investigation of the lattice of subvarieties of the variety of √′ P quasi-MV algebras, already started in [6]. Beside some general results on the structure of such a lattice, the main contribution of this work is the solution of a long-standing open problem concerning these algebras: namely, we show that the variety generated by the standard disk algebra D r is not finitely based, and we provide an infinite equational basis for the same (...)
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  12. MV algebras and quantum computation.Konig M. la, F. Paoli & R. Giuntini - 2006 - Studia Logica 82 (2).
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    Die Seele der Tiere.Friedrich Niewöhner & Jean-Loup Seban (eds.) - 2001 - Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz in Kommission.
    Die Frage nach der Seele der Tiere ist so alt wie die Frage nach der Seele des Menschen und die nach der Welt. Die 18 Beitrage des Bandes geben einen Uberblick von der Antike bis in das 20. Jahrhundert, beschreiben den Stand der Forschung zu philosophischen sowie rechtsphilosophischen Fragen nachder Seele der Tiere und werfen zugleich die Frage nach dem Recht der Tiere auf.Aus dem InhaltJ.-C. Wolf, Haben Tiere Rechte?J.-H. Michel, Le droit romain et les animauxH. Schmidt-Glintzer, "Seid freundlich zu (...)
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  14. MV-Algebras and Quantum Computation.Antonio Ledda, Martinvaldo Konig, Francesco Paoli & Roberto Giuntini - 2006 - Studia Logica 82 (2):245-270.
    We introduce a generalization of MV algebras motivated by the investigations into the structure of quantum logical gates. After laying down the foundations of the structure theory for such quasi-MV algebras, we show that every quasi-MV algebra is embeddable into the direct product of an MV algebra and a “flat” quasi-MV algebra, and prove a completeness result w.r.t. a standard quasi-MV algebra over the complex numbers.
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  15. Teacher-Rated Executive Functions, Gender and Relative Age: Independent and Interactive Effects on Observed Fundamental Motor Skills in Kindergarteners.Elena Escolano-Pérez, Carmen R. Sánchez-López & Maria Luisa Herrero-Nivela - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Fundamental motor skills of children can be affected by different variables, such as executive functions, gender and relative age. However, the effects of these variables on FMS have been scarce studied, especially in early childhood, and show inconsistent results. To clarify these relationships, this study was carried out. Its aim was to analyze whether EF, gender and relative age influenced FMS in 43 Spanish kindergarteners. A multimethod and mixed methods approach was used. Kindergarteners’ teachers completed the Childhood Executive Functioning Inventory (...)
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    Doctor-patient sexual relationships in medical oaths.S. G. Perez, R. J. Gelpi & A. M. Rancich - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (12):702-705.
    Background: Doctor–patient sexual relationship is considered to be unfair because the first party would be abusing the second party’s vulnerability. The prohibition of this relationship is noted in the Hippocratic oath. Currently, a reprise of the use of oaths in medical schools can be observed.Aim: To determine whether the prohibition has been maintained and how its expression has varied in the oaths during different periods.Methods: 50 oaths were studied: 13 ancient–medieval and 37 modern–contemporary. Of the 50 texts, 19 were versions (...)
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  17.  34
    How Do Artificial Neural Networks Classify Musical Triads? A Case Study in Eluding Bonini's Paradox.Arturo Perez, Helen L. Ma, Stephanie Zawaduk & Michael R. W. Dawson - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (1):e13233.
    How might artificial neural networks (ANNs) inform cognitive science? Often cognitive scientists use ANNs but do not examine their internal structures. In this paper, we use ANNs to explore how cognition might represent musical properties. We train ANNs to classify musical chords, and we interpret network structure to determine what representations ANNs discover and use. We find connection weights between input units and hidden units can be described using Fourier phase spaces, a representation studied in musical set theory. We find (...)
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    Diagnosing a solar volumetric receiver combining NN-based modelling with online parameter identification and rule-based techniques.R. F. Garcia, J. L. Calvo-Rolle & F. J. Perez Castelo - 2015 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 23 (3):379-399.
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  19. Performing History: Theatrical Representations of the Past in Contemporary Theatre. By Freddie Rokem.J. R. P. Perez - 2004 - The European Legacy 9:407-407.
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  20. The Modern Scottish Novel: Narrative and the National Imagination. By Cairns Craig.J. R. P. Perez - 2003 - The European Legacy 8 (6):832-832.
  21. Allegories of Telling: Self-Referential Narrative in Contemporary British Fiction. By Lynn Wells.J. R. Prado-Perez - 2005 - The European Legacy 10 (6):665.
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  22. Literature: An Embattled Profession. By Carl Woodring.J. R. Prado-Perez - 2002 - The European Legacy 7 (1):137-137.
  23.  17
    Adapting to Adversity: Effects of COVID-19 on Parenting in Chile.J. Carola Pérez, Daniela Aldoney, Anastassia Vivanco-Carlevari, Soledad Coo, Eugenio J. Guzmán & Jaime R. Silva - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The pandemic outbreak in March 2020 and its associated sanitary regulations and restrictions triggered an abrupt and significant change for society in general and for families’ organization in particular. In Chile, the Santiago Metropolitan District was under a strict lockdown that involved the closure of the entire educational system. From a systemic-family stress perspective, the impact of these changes might have consequences not only for each individual family member, but for the parental dynamic and, consequently, for children’s well-being. This paper (...)
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    Diseño de un modelo de publicidad de los servicios educativos que ofrece El Centro de Estudios Universitarios (Design of a publicity model of educational services offerred by El Centro de Estudios Universitarios).R. Pérez & J. L. Abreu - 2008 - Daena 3 (1):426-613.
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  25.  41
    Do two-level systems and boson peak persist or vanish in hyperaged geological glasses of amber?T. Pérez-Castañeda, R. J. Jiménez-Riobóo & M. A. Ramos - 2016 - Philosophical Magazine 96 (7-9):774-787.
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  26. Machine discovery praxis.R. E. Valdes-Perez - 1995 - Foundations of Science 1 (2):219-224.
  27.  30
    Homogenization of a micro-periodic helix.J. M. Vivar-Pérez, J. Bravo-Castillero, R. Rodriguez-Ramos & M. Ostoja-Starzewski - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (33-35):4201-4212.
  28.  97
    Expanding Quasi-MV Algebras by a Quantum Operator.Roberto Giuntini, Antonio Ledda & Francesco Paoli - 2007 - Studia Logica 87 (1):99-128.
    We investigate an expansion of quasi-MV algebras ([10]) by a genuine quantum unary operator. The variety of such quasi-MV algebras has a subquasivariety whose members—called cartesian—can be obtained in an appropriate way out of MV algebras. After showing that cartesian . quasi-MV algebras generate ,we prove a standard completeness theorem for w.r.t. an algebra over the complex numbers.
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    Sotillo, Laurentius R., S. L, Compendium iuris publici ecclesiastici. [REVIEW]R. Perez - 1963 - Augustinianum 3 (1):148-149.
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  30. Governance quality indicators for organ procurement policies.David Rodríguez-Arias, Alberto Molina-Pérez, Ivar R. Hannikainen, Janet Delgado, Benjamin Söchtig, Sabine Wöhlke & Silke Schicktanz - 2021 - PLoS ONE 16 (6):e0252686.
    Background Consent policies for post-mortem organ procurement (OP) vary throughout Europe, and yet no studies have empirically evaluated the ethical implications of contrasting consent models. To fill this gap, we introduce a novel indicator of governance quality based on the ideal of informed support, and examine national differences on this measure through a quantitative survey of OP policy informedness and preferences in seven European countries. -/- Methods Between 2017–2019, we conducted a convenience sample survey of students (n = 2006) in (...)
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  31. One R or the other – an experimental bioethics approach to 3R dilemmas in animal research.Christian Rodriguez Perez, David M. Shaw, Brian D. Earp, Bernice S. Elger & Kirsten Persson - 2024 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy (4):497-512.
    Sacrificial dilemmas such as the trolley problem play an important role in experimental philosophy (x-phi). But it is increasingly argued that, since we are not likely to encounter runaway trolleys in our daily life, the usefulness of such thought experiments for understanding moral judgments in more ecologically valid contexts may be limited. However, similar sacrificial dilemmas are experienced in real life by animal research decision makers. As part of their job, they must make decisions about the suffering, and often the (...)
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    Monserrat Melliá, Vicente, O. P., Derecho Matrimonial Canónico. [REVIEW]R. Perez - 1966 - Augustinianum 6 (1):132-133.
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    Sartori, Cosmas, O. F. M., Enchiridion Canonicum seu Sanctae Sedis Responsiones post editum Codicem I. C. datae. [REVIEW]R. Perez - 1964 - Augustinianum 4 (1):202-203.
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    La potestad de la Iglesia. (Análisis de su aspecto jurídico). [REVIEW]R. Perez - 1962 - Augustinianum 2 (1):230-232.
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    Regatillo, Eduardus F., S.I., Interpretatio et Jurisprudentia Codicis Iuris Canonici. [REVIEW]R. Perez - 1962 - Augustinianum 2 (1):226-227.
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    Avian Emotions: Comparative Perspectives on Fear and Frustration.Mauricio R. Papini, Julio C. Penagos-Corzo & Andrés M. Pérez-Acosta - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:433390.
    Emotions are complex reactions that allow individuals to cope with significant positive and negative events. Research on emotion was pioneered by Darwin’s work on emotional expressions in humans and animals. But Darwin was concerned mainly with facial and bodily expressions of significance for humans, citing mainly examples from mammals (e.g., apes, dogs, and cats). In birds, emotional expressions are less evident for a human observer, so a different approach is needed. Understanding avian emotions will provide key evolutionary information on the (...)
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    Nuclear alignment of147Nd.G. R. Bishop, M. A. Grace, C. E. Johnson, H. R. Lemmer & J. Perez Y. Jorba - 1957 - Philosophical Magazine 2 (16):534-540.
  38. Validación del Cuestionario de auto-reporte de conducta antisocial y prosocial en adolescentes: CACSA.P. Alarcón, R. Pérez-Luco, S. Salvo, G. Roa, K. Jaramillo & C. Sanhueza - 2010 - Paideia (Misc) 20 (47):291-302.
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  39. Ambassador Ramon del Rosario, Sr.: A Lifetime Legacy.Ramon R. del Rosario Jr, Oscar J. Hilado & Jocelyn Perez - 2010 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 14 (2 & 3):125-130.
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    Historiography and Postmodernism: Reconsiderations.Perez Zagorin - 1987 - History and Theory 26 (3):263-274.
    Zagorin presents a critique of F. R. Ankersmit's postmodernist philosophy of history as fallacious and opposed to some of the fundamental convictions and intuitions historians feel about their discipline. It questions Ankersmit's conclusion that the overproduction of historical writings and continuing generation of new interpretations has obliterated the past as an object of knowledge. It argues that Ankersmit's attempt, in accord with Hayden White, to aestheticize historiography and regard it as a linguistic construction indistinguishable from literature, must sever it from (...)
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    “Help! I Need Somebody”: Music as a Global Resource for Obtaining Wellbeing Goals in Times of Crisis.Roni Granot, Daniel H. Spitz, Boaz R. Cherki, Psyche Loui, Renee Timmers, Rebecca S. Schaefer, Jonna K. Vuoskoski, Ruth-Nayibe Cárdenas-Soler, João F. Soares-Quadros, Shen Li, Carlotta Lega, Stefania La Rocca, Isabel Cecilia Martínez, Matías Tanco, María Marchiano, Pastora Martínez-Castilla, Gabriela Pérez-Acosta, José Darío Martínez-Ezquerro, Isabel M. Gutiérrez-Blasco, Lily Jiménez-Dabdoub, Marijn Coers, John Melvin Treider, David M. Greenberg & Salomon Israel - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Music can reduce stress and anxiety, enhance positive mood, and facilitate social bonding. However, little is known about the role of music and related personal or cultural variables in maintaining wellbeing during times of stress and social isolation as imposed by the COVID-19 crisis. In an online questionnaire, administered in 11 countries, participants rated the relevance of wellbeing goals during the pandemic, and the effectiveness of different activities in obtaining these goals. Music was found to be the most effective activity (...)
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  42.  70
    Robotic pets in the lives of preschool children.Peter H. Kahn, Batya Friedman, Deanne R. Pérez-Granados & Nathan G. Freier - 2006 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 7 (3):405-436.
    This study examined preschool children’s reasoning about and behavioral interactions with one of the most advanced robotic pets currently on the retail market, Sony’s robotic dog AIBO. Eighty children, equally divided between two age groups, 34–50 months and 58–74 months, participated in individual sessions with two artifacts: AIBO and a stuffed dog. Evaluation and justification results showed similarities in children’s reasoning across artifacts. In contrast, children engaged more often in apprehensive behavior and attempts at reciprocity with AIBO, and more often (...)
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    Collective Effervescence, Self-Transcendence, and Gender Differences in Social Well-Being During 8 March Demonstrations.Larraitz N. Zumeta, Pablo Castro-Abril, Lander Méndez, José J. Pizarro, Anna Włodarczyk, Nekane Basabe, Ginés Navarro-Carrillo, Sonia Padoan-De Luca, Silvia da Costa, Itziar Alonso-Arbiol, Bárbara Torres-Gómez, Huseyin Cakal, Gisela Delfino, Elza M. Techio, Carolina Alzugaray, Marian Bilbao, Loreto Villagrán, Wilson López-López, José Ignacio Ruiz-Pérez, Cynthia C. Cedeño, Carlos Reyes-Valenzuela, Laura Alfaro-Beracoechea, Carlos Contreras-Ibáñez, Manuel Leonardo Ibarra, Hiram Reyes-Sosa, Rosa María Cueto, Catarina L. Carvalho & Isabel R. Pinto - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    8 March, now known as International Women’s Day, is a day for feminist claims where demonstrations are organized in over 150 countries, with the participation of millions of women all around the world. These demonstrations can be viewed as collective rituals and thus focus attention on the processes that facilitate different psychosocial effects. This work aims to explore the mechanisms involved in participation in the demonstrations of 8 March 2020, collective and ritualized feminist actions, and their correlates associated with personal (...)
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  44.  17
    Kant no Brasil.Daniel Omar Perez & Valério Rohden (eds.) - 2005 - São Paulo, SP: Escuta.
    Os nomes de Guido de Almeida, Ricardo R. Terra, Valerio Rohden e Zeljko Loparic representam, sem dúvida, uma marca nos estudos kantianos que não pode ser negligenciada nem mesmo pelo leitor mais desatento. Qualquer aproximação dos escritos de Immanuel Kant que demande o debate de idéias e o confronto de argumentos não deve ignorar as obras destes filósofos que, nas últimas décadas, balizaram o rumo das pesquisas filosóficas no Brasil. A maturidade do pensamento se reflete aqui na heterogeneidade de abordagens, (...)
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    Two books on Thomas Hobbes.Perez Zagorin - 1999 - Journal of the History of Ideas 60 (2):361-371.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Two Books on Thomas HobbesPerez ZagorinQuentin Skinner, Reason and Rhetoric in the Philosophy of Hobbes (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996), xvi, 477p.The Correspondence of Thomas Hobbes, ed. Noel Malcolm, 2 vols. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994), lxxxv, 1008p.The literature on Hobbes in English and other European languages has grown so large in the past two decades that it has become almost unmanageable by students of the philosopher. No one who (...)
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  46.  55
    The Place of Relations in Hieronymus Pardo's Semantics of Propositions.Paloma Pérez-Ilzarbe - 2016 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 24 (3):512-531.
    I examine a sixteenth-century development of the anti-realist propositional semantics which is based on the notion of ‘mode’. Pardo uses this notion to offer a personal interpretation of the Buridanian criticism of complexe significabilia. He develops a middle way between the reduction of the significate of propositions to particular things and the postulation of non-standard entities which are only complexly signifiable. The key to this middle way is Pardo's understanding of the notion of ‘mode’ as connoting a relation between individual (...)
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  47. [Professional integration in a West African urban environment].S. Traore, E. Voland, R. I. Dunbar, C. Z. Guilmoto, K. B. Newbold, G. M. Nunez-Rocha, M. Bullen-Navarro, B. C. Castillo-Trevino, E. Solis-Perez & C. R. Duncan - 1997 - Journal of Biosocial Science 29 (3):251-65.
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  48.  39
    Differences of Perceived Image Generated through the Web Site: Empirical Evidence Obtained in Spanish Destinations.Juan J. Blazquez-Resino, Ana I. Muro-Rodriguez & Israel R. Perez-Jimenez - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  49. Recension de "Maritain R., Journal de Raïssa, coll. Poche, Paris, DDB, 2018, 11x17, 404 p., 9,90 €. ISBN 978-2-220-09540-0". [REVIEW]Alejandro Pérez - 2019 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 141 (2):340.
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  50. Vi (r) ajes.Cristina Pérez Andrés - 1999 - A Parte Rei 5:7.
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