Results for 'Uchiyama Junzō'

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  1.  31
    San'ei-chō and Meat-Eating in Buddhist Edo.Junzō Uchiyama - 1992 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 19 (2/3):299-303.
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    Cultural evolution of genetic heritability.Ryutaro Uchiyama, Rachel Spicer & Michael Muthukrishna - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e152.
    Behavioral genetics and cultural evolution have both revolutionized our understanding of human behavior – largely independent of each other. Here, we reconcile these two fields under a dual inheritance framework, offering a more nuanced understanding of the interaction between genes and culture. Going beyond typical analyses of gene–environment interactions, we describe the cultural dynamics that shape these interactions by shaping the environment and population structure. A cultural evolutionary approach can explain, for example, how factors such as rates of innovation and (...)
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  3. ‘East versus West’: Beyond Dichotomy and towards an Acknowledgement of Differences.Junzo Kawada - 2003 - Diogenes 50 (4):95-103.
    The theme ‘East versus west’ is an old topic for discussion, but one that is constantly being rehashed. Though it has many aspects, a number of elements remain vague. Do East and West each form a monolithic bloc? Where does the East begin in the West's eyes, and vice versa, the West for the East? What, if any, are the basic differences separating the two?Palaeontologists tell us that a dividing line indicating a divergence of traditions in stone tools can be (...)
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  4. Nihon no kokoro.Junzō Karaki - 1965
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    Est contre Ouest.Junzo Kawada - 2002 - Diogène 200 (4):117-128.
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  6. Biishikiron: tsuketari sakuhin no kaishaku.Junzō Kobata - 1986 - Tōkyō: Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai. Edited by Junzō Kobata.
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    Das Wertwidrige in der Ethik Max Schelers.Minoru Uchiyama - 1966 - Bonn,: Bouvier.
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    Local reality: Can it exist in the EPR-Bohmgedanken experiment?Satoshi Uchiyama - 1995 - Foundations of Physics 25 (11):1561-1575.
    Measuring processes of a single spin-1/2 object and of a pair of spin-1/2 objects in the EPR-Bohm state are modeled by systems of differential equations. The latter model is a local model with hidden variables of the EPR-Bohm gedanken experiment. Although there is no dynamical interaction between the pair of spin-1/2 objects, the model reproduces approximately the quantum-mechanical correlations by coincidence counting. Hence the Bell inequality is violated. This result supports the idea that the coincidence counting is the source of (...)
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  9. Tetsugaku no bōken: mirai o osorezu utsukushiku ikiru tame ni.Takashi Uchiyama - 1985 - Tōkyō: Mainichi Shinbunsha.
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    Zoku Tetsugaku no bōken: Kōki 1960-nendai no seishinshi.Takashi Uchiyama - 1990 - Tōkyō: Mainichi Shinbunsha. Edited by Takashi Uchiyama.
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  11. Application of DNA computing to group control of elevators.Junzo Watada, D. J. F. Jeng & Ikno Kim - forthcoming - 2005 Anniversary Symposium on the Romanian Society for Fuzzy Systems and Ai, Iasi, Romania.
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  12. Kitchu-ron.Junzō Ishiko - 1986 - Tōkyō: Hatsubaimoto Hokutō Shobō.
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    "Kagakusha no shakaiteki sekinin" ni tsuite no oboegaki.Junzō Karaki - 1980 - Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō.
    科学の発展は我々の暮らしを豊かにし、人類が解決しえなかった多くの問題を解決してきた。しかしそれは同時に、科学では解決できない新たな問題を生み出す歴史でもあった。著者はその最たるものとして原子力をあげ、 望ましい科学のあり方について思索を進めていく。本書は、戦争を否定し平和を希求する科学者の集まり、パグウォッシュ会議の開催に触発されて書かれたもの。だが、会議の姿勢は評価しつつも、科学の発展そのものが文 明や人類を破壊しうるという認識が科学者の側には足らないと厳しく指摘する。二十世紀を代表する批評家が最後の力を振りしぼって遺した警世の書。.
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    Nishida Kitarō no sho.Junzō Karaki (ed.) - 1987 - Kyōto-shi: Ittōen Tōeisha.
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    Biishiki no genshōgaku.Junzō Kobata - 1984 - Tōkyō: Keiō Tsūshin.
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  16. Bi to geijutso no ronri.Junzō Kobata - 1980
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  17. Chōgoku shisō ron shū.Junzō Nihsi - 1969
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  18. Chūgoku kodai shisōshi ni okeru shizen ninshiki.Toshihiko Uchiyama - 1987 - Tōkyō: Sōbunsha.
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  19.  20
    Integrating cultural evolution and behavioral genetics.Ryutaro Uchiyama, Rachel Spicer & Michael Muthukrishna - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e182.
    The 29 commentaries amplified our key arguments; offered extensions, implications, and applications of the framework; and pushed back and clarified. To help forge the path forward for cultural evolutionary behavioral genetics, we (1) focus on conceptual disagreements and misconceptions about the concepts of heritability and culture; (2) further discuss points raised about the intertwined relationship between culture and genes; and (3) address extensions to the proposed framework, particularly as it relates to cultural clusters, development, and power. These commentaries, and the (...)
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    Jikan ni tsuite no jūnishō: tetsugaku ni okeru jikan no mondai.Takashi Uchiyama - 1993 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
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  21. Sontoku no jissen keizai rinri.Minoru Uchiyama - 1978
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  22.  22
    Semantics of dance for postmodern.Sumiko Uchiyama - 1999 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 21 (2):1-9.
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  23.  42
    Hidden Differences in Phenomenal Experience.Gary Lupyan, Ryutaro Uchiyama, Bill Thompson & Daniel Casasanto - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (1):e13239.
    In addition to the many easily observable differences between people, there are also differences in people's subjective experiences that are harder to observe, and which, as a consequence, remain hidden. For example, people vary widely in how much visual imagery they experience. But those who cannot see in their mind's eye, tend to assume everyone is like them. Those who can, assume everyone else can as well. We argue that a study of such hidden phenomenal differences has much to teach (...)
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  24. Yamazaki Ansai gakuha.Junzō Nishi, Ryūichi Abe & Masao Maruyama (eds.) - 1980 - Iwanami Shoten.
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  25.  31
    Eine Vorstudie ^|^uuml;ber den Entwicklungsproze^|^szlig; der Theorie der p^|^auml;dagogischen Leibes^|^uuml;bungen nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg in ^|^Ouml;sterreich.Haruki Uchiyama - 1997 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 19 (1):25-51.
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    On Characteristics of Quantum-Mechanical Measurements (Issues in the Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics (1)).Satoshi Uchiyama - 2009 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 17:31-45.
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    Shizen to ningen no tetsugaku.Takashi Uchiyama - 1988 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
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  28.  59
    Towards the appropriate human-centred information systems: A case study of the Japanese retail industry. [REVIEW]Ken Uchiyama - 1998 - AI and Society 12 (4):287-295.
    The industries of Japan have developed by learning from Western industries, especially the USA, and by implementing many of their concepts and technologies. However, Japanese industries have often implemented these concepts and technologies in a very different way from the USA. For example, while the USA uses information systems in retail industries as a tool by which data are collected and analysed to ‘control the market’, in Japan this same technology is considered rather as a learning device to ‘interpret the (...)
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  29.  21
    This Is Kendo: The Art of Japanese FencingAn Introduction to KendōAn Introduction to Kendo.Benjamin H. Hazard, Junzō Sasamori, Gordon Warner, Ronald Alexander Lidstone & Junzo Sasamori - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (3):625.
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    Studies on indian philosophy in japan, 1963-1987.Sengaku Mayeda & Junzō Tanizawa - 1991 - Philosophy East and West 41 (4):529-535.
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    (1 other version)Oto kotoba ningen.Tōru Takemitsu & Junzō Kawada - 1980 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten. Edited by Junzō Kawada.
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    Rethinking 'IT/IS use in a technological mature society' from the actuality point of view: critical learning in reflection on SSM meeting about 'IT/IS use'. [REVIEW]Kenichi Uchiyama & Satoshi Suzuki - 2013 - AI and Society 28 (4):389-398.
  33.  29
    Harden, Kathryn Paige. 2021. The Genetic Lottery: Why DNA Matters for Social Equality.Michael Muthukrishna, Rachel Spicer & Ryutaro Uchiyama - 2022 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 6 (1):107-110.
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    Models of Elderly Care in Japan and The Netherlands: Social Quality Perspectives.Rachel Kurian & Chihiro Uchiyama - 2012 - International Journal of Social Quality 2 (1):74-88.
    This article argues that the social quality approach can be usefully applied to studying “models of elderly care“ that enhance the wellbeing of the elderly and empower them to participate in social activities. Examining three cases in Japan and another three cases in e Netherlands, the study identifies actors, institutions and processes that have provided services for the elderly, highlighting the importance of history and culture in influencing the “social“ of the elderly. The article deals with a range of opportunities (...)
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    (1 other version)The role of locomotion in psychological development.David I. Anderson, Joseph J. Campos, David C. Witherington, Audun Dahl, Monica Rivera, Minxuan He, Ichiro Uchiyama & Marianne Barbu-Roth - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
  36.  20
    Do Balance Demands Induce Shifts in Visual Proprioception in Crawling Infants?David I. Anderson, Minxuan He, Paula Gutierrez, Ichiro Uchiyama & Joseph J. Campos - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    THE THIEF CAN NOT CATCH THIEF HIMSELF The ancestry of Meditation being explained by neurobiology.Regina Chamon, Liliana Centurione, Elaine Sales, Mary Uchiyama Nakamura & Roberto Cardoso - 2018 - Simbio-Logias Revista Eletrônica de Educação Filosofia e Nutrição 10 (13):141-148.
    Is the state we experienced meditating a religious, philosophical, mystical experience? Or is it just a change in brain physiology? Is it possible to achieve a state "beyond the mind" (meditative state) through a technique that uses the mind (meditative technique)? This article explores these aspects by the perspective of neurobiology.
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  38. Hōgaku kōgi.Teruo Minemura, Masayuki Takanashi, Hideo Wada & Shōzō Uchiyama (eds.) - 1969 - Tōkyō: Seirin Shoin Shinsha.
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  39. M. UCHIYAMA, "Das Wertwidrige in der Ethik Max Schelers".G. Ferretti - 1970 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 62:487.
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  40. Tanabe Hajime, Karaki Junzō ōfuku shokan.Hajime Tanabe - 2004 - Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō. Edited by Junzō Karaki.
  41. The Hand of Thought: A Cross-Tradition Examination of Kosho Uchiyama and Martin Heidegger.Gregory Burgin - 2024 - Comparative Philosophy 15 (1).
    This paper presents how the Sōtō Zen priest, Kōshō Uchiyama, and the mercurial and polarizing German philosopher, Martin Heidegger, approach what the former calls “opening the hand of thought” (omoi no te banashi). For Uchiyama, the metaphoric opening of our mental hand requires the meditative practice of zazen or “just sitting” (shikantaza) and is said to mean that we avoid the act of thinking. Conversely, Heidegger maintains that the “releasement” (Gelassenheit) of our conceptual grasp is the basis of (...)
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    (1 other version)Zen Internationalism: Inoue Shūten and Uchiyama Gudō and the Crisis of Buddhist Modernity in Late Meiji Japan.James Mark Shields - 2022 - In Heine Welter (ed.), Approaches to Chan, Sŏn, and Zen studies: Chinese Chan Buddhism and its spread throughout East Asia. Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 319-343.
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    Cultural evolutionary theory is not enough: Ambiguous culture, neglect of structure, and the absence of theory in behavior genetics.Callie H. Burt - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e157.
    Uchiyama et al. propose a unified model linking cultural evolutionary theory to behavior genetics (BG) to enhance generalizability, enrich explanation, and predict how social factors shape heritability estimates. A consideration of culture evolution is beneficial but insufficient for purpose. I submit that their proposed model is underdeveloped and their emphasis on heritability estimates misguided. I discuss their ambiguous conception of culture, neglect of social structure, and the lack of a general theory in BG.
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  44.  32
    Cultural evolution may influence heritability by shaping assortative mating.Tian Chen Zeng & Joseph Henrich - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e181.
    Uchiyama et al. productively discuss how culture can influence genetic heritability and, by modifying environmental conditions, limit the generalizability of genome-wide association studies (GWASs). Here, we supplement their account by highlighting how recent changes in culture and institutions in industrialized, westernized societies – such as increased female workforce participation – may have increased assortative mating. This alters the distribution of genotypes themselves, increasing heritability and phenotypic variance, and may be detectable using the latest methods.
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    Differential application of cultural practices at the family and individual levels may alter heritability estimates.Oren Kolodny, Marcus W. Feldman, Arnon Lotem & Yoav Ram - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e167.
    Uchiyama et al. emphasize that culture evolves directionally and differentially as a function of selective pressures in different populations. Extending these principles to the level of families, lineages, and individuals exposes additional challenges to estimating heritability. Cultural traits expressed differentially as a function of the genetics whose influence they mask or unmask render inseparable the influences of culture and genetics.
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    Measuring heritability: Why bother?David M. Shuker & Thomas E. Dickins - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e175.
    Uchiyama et al. rightly consider how cultural variation may influence estimates of heritability by contributing to environmental sources of variation. We disagree, however, with the idea that generalisable estimates of heritability are ever a plausible aim. Heritability estimates are always context-specific, and to suggest otherwise is to misunderstand what heritability can and cannot tell us.
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    The evolutionary dance between culture, genes, and everything in between.Abdel Abdellaoui - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e153.
    Uchiyama et al. describe how a more complete measurement of the dynamic nature of culture could help us unmask the true richness of genetic effects on behaviour. I underscore this notion here by reflecting on the role that the dynamic relationship between culture and DNA has played in our evolutionary history and will play in our evolutionary future.
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    Cultural evolution: The third component of mental illness heritability.Davide Amato - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e154.
    Uchiyama et al. provide a theoretical framework to explain the gap between reported gene–environment interactions and real-life epidemiological statistics. Through cultural evolution, informed behavioral approaches mitigate the impact of environmental risk on disease onset. Similarly, here we propose that fostering certain behavioral traits, transmitted culturally or through access to scientific knowledge, could confer resilience to mental illnesses such as schizophrenia.
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  49.  15
    The many geographical layers of culture.Friedrich M. Götz, Tobias Ebert & Peter J. Rentfrow - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e163.
    Uchiyama et al. present a dual inheritance framework for conceptualizing how behavioural genetics and cultural evolution interact and affect heritability. We posit that to achieve a holistic and nuanced representation of the cultural environment and evolution against which genetic effects should be evaluated, it is imperative to consider the multiple geographic cultural layers impacting individuals and genetic heritability.
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    The dubious precision and utility of heritability estimates.Steven J. Heine & Ilan Dar-Nimrod - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e164.
    Uchiyama et al. question heritability estimates in a convincing manner. We offer additional arguments to further bolster their claims, highlighting methodological issues in heritability coefficients' derivation, their misuse in various contexts, and their potential contributions to exacerbating common erroneous intuitions that have been shown to lead to deleterious social phenomena. We conclude that science should move away from using them.
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