Results for 'Ulta Frith'

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  1.  25
    How autistics see the world.Francesca Happé & Ulta Frith - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (1):159-160.
  2.  26
    Broadening the debate: the future of JME feature articles.Lucy Frith & John McMillan - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (3):155-155.
    The JME editorial team selects its feature articles from the best papers accepted for publication based on their quality, novelty and capacity to move debate forward on a specific issue. Feature articles are made freely available and are published alongside reviewed and submitted commentaries. We do this partly to promote and acknowledge excellent work in medical ethics, but also to encourage authors to submit their best papers to the JME. JME feature articles have deepened the analysis of some central issues (...)
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  3. The self in action: Lessons from delusions of control.Chris Frith - 2005 - Consciousness and Cognition 14 (4):752-770.
    Patients with delusions of control are abnormally aware of the sensory consequences of their actions and have difficulty with on-line corrections of movement. As a result they do not feel in control of their movements. At the same time they are strongly aware of the action being intentional. This leads them to believe that their actions are being controlled by an external agent. In contrast, the normal mark of the self in action is that we have very little experience of (...)
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  4. Attention to action and awareness of other minds.Christopher D. Frith - 2002 - Consciousness and Cognition 11 (4):481-487.
    We have only limited awareness of the system by which we control our actions and this limited awareness does not seem to be concerned with the control of action. Awareness of choosing one action rather than another comes after the choice has been made, while awareness of initiating an action occurs before the movement has begun. These temporal differences bind together in consciousness the intention to act and the consequences of the action. This creates our sense of agency. Activity in (...)
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    HIV testing and informed consent.L. Frith - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (12):699-700.
    People should be allowed to decide how and where they wish to be tested for HIV without there being a formal requirement for pretest counsellingIn his paper, Ethics of HIV testing in general practice without informed consent, Fraser argues that pretest counselling and informed consent are pillars of the ethical conduct of HIV testing. In my response I want to look critically at these contentions. While I will agree with Fraser that it is always necessary to get informed consent from (...)
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  6.  32
    Contacting gamete donors to facilitate diagnostic genetic testing for the donor-conceived child: what are the rights and obligations of gamete donors in these cases? A response to Horton et al.Lucy Frith - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (3):220-222.
    In their paper Hortonet alargue that it is acceptable to contact an anonymous egg-donor to facilitate diagnostic genetic testing for the donor conceived child, despite the donor, ‘indicating on a historical consent form that she did not wish to take part in future research, and that she did not wish to be informed if she was found to be a carrier of a “harmful inherited condition”’. There are a number of claims embedded in Hortonet al’s position that it is acceptable (...)
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    Consciousness is for other people.Chris Frith - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):682-683.
    Gray has expanded his account of schizophrenia to explain consciousness as well. His theory explains neither phenomenon adequately because he treats individual minds in isolation. The primary function of consciousness is to permit high level interactions with other conscious beings. The key symptoms of schizophrenia reflect a failure of this mechanism.
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  8.  35
    Medical ethics, equity and social justice.Lucy Frith - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (4):221-221.
    As John McMillan notes in January’s editorial,1 many countries are reflecting on how they responded to the COVID-19 pandemic, what went wrong and how responses to such system shocks can be better managed in the future. However, while it is tempting to think that the COVID-19 pandemic is over and that what is now needed is a reflection on how countries could have responded better, some of the underlying issues and problems COVID-19 both highlighted and created are still with us. (...)
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  9. Explaining the symptoms of schizophrenia: Abnormalities in the awareness of action.Christopher D. Frith, S. J. Blakemore & D. Wolpert - 2000 - Brain Research Reviews 31 (2):357-363.
  10.  22
    The Neural Basis of Mentalizing.Chris D. Frith & Uta Frith - 2006 - Neuron 50 (4):531-534.
    Mentalizing refers to our ability to read the mental states of other agents and engages many neural processes. The brain's mirror system allows us to share the emotions of others. Through perspective taking, we can infer what a person currently believes about the world given their point of view. Finally, the human brain has the unique ability to represent the mental states of the self and the other and the relationship between these mental states, making possible the communication of ideas.
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  11.  31
    Democratic Justifications for Patient Public Involvement and Engagement in Health Research: An Exploration of the Theoretical Debates and Practical Challenges.Lucy Frith - 2023 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 48 (4):400-412.
    The literature on patient public involvement and engagement (PPIE) in health research has grown significantly in the last decade, with a diverse range of definitions and topologies promulgated. This has led to disputes over what the central functions and purpose of PPIE in health research is, and this in turn makes it difficult to assess and evaluate PPIE in practice. This paper argues that the most important function of PPIE is the attempt to make health research more democratic. Bringing this (...)
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  12. Explaining delusions of control: The comparator model 20years on.Chris Frith - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):52-54.
    Over the last 20 years the comparator model for delusions of control has received considerable support in terms of empirical studies. However, the original version clearly needs to be replaced by a model with a much greater degree of sophistication and specificity. Future developments are likely to involve the specification of the role of dopamine in the model and a generalisation of its explanatory power to the whole range of positive symptoms. However, we will still need to explain why symptoms (...)
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  13. Theory of mind and self-consciousness: What is it like to be autistic?Uta Frith & Francesca Happé - 1999 - Mind and Language 14 (1):1-22.
    Autism provides a model for exploring the nature of self‐consciousness: self‐consciousness requires the ability to reflect on mental states, and autism is a disorder with a specific impairment in the neurocognitive mechanism underlying this ability. Experimental studies of normal and abnormal development suggest that the abilities to attribute mental states to self and to others are closely related. Thus inability to pass standard ‘theory of mind’ tests, which refer to others’ false beliefs, may imply lack of self‐consciousness. Individuals who persistently (...)
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  14.  45
    Why health services research needs bioethics.Lucy Frith - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (10):655-656.
    It is nearly 20 years since Tony Hope wrote an editorial in this journal on Empirical Medical Ethics,1 arguing for both a recognition of the increasing amount of work being done in ‘empirical ethics’ and for its importance as a new direction for medical ethics research. Since then empirical ethics has flourished, with debates over the role of ‘empirical’ data in ethical reasoning producing a growing body of literature and the JME and other bioethics journals regularly publishing empirical studies. While (...)
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  15. Autism: beyond “theory of mind”.Uta Frith & Francesca Happé - 1994 - Cognition 50 (1-3):115-132.
  16. The social brain?Chris D. Frith - 2007 - In Nathan Emery, Nicola Clayton & Chris Frith (eds.), Social Intelligence: From Brain to Culture. Oxford University Press.
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  17.  48
    (1 other version)The Concise Argument.Lucy Frith - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (4):217-218.
    This issue of the Journal of Medical covers a range of ethical issues and care settings making the task of beginning to summarise these papers challenging. They reflect the diversity of our field, representing different branches of bioethics focussing on specific areas or topics using a variety of methodologies: but how do we categorise these branches of bioethics? What demarks one branch from another? And what function do such categorisations fulfil? From the early days of medical ethics we now have (...)
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  18.  50
    The role of the prefrontal cortex in self-consciousness: The case of auditory hallucinations.Christopher D. Frith - 1996 - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 351:1505-12.
  19. Consciousness, information processing and schizophrenia.Christopher D. Frith - 1979 - British Journal of Psychiatry 134:225-35.
  20.  74
    Use or ornament? Clinical ethics committees in infertility units: a qualitative study.Lucy Frith - 2009 - Clinical Ethics 4 (2):91-97.
    This paper examines the role of clinical ethics committees (CECs) in infertility clinics in the UK, focusing on whether they usefully support infertility clinicians' ethical decision-making. The overall aim of the study reported here was to investigate how infertility clinicians approached and handled ethical problems in their everyday practice and this paper reports on one aspect of these data – what they thought about the use of CECs. This paper gives an overview of what arrangements there are for such committees (...)
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  21. Models of the pathological mind.Christopher D. Frith & Shaun Gallagher - 2002 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 9 (4):57-80.
    Christopher Frith is a research professor at the Functional Imaging Laboratory of the Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience at University College, London. He explores, experimentally, using the techniques of functional brain imaging, the relationship between human consciousness and the brain. His research focuses on questions pertaining to perception, attention, control of action, free will, and awareness of our own mental states and those of others. As the following discussion makes clear, Frith investigates brain systems involved in the choice (...)
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  22.  52
    Lockdown, public good and equality during COVID-19.Lucy Frith - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (11):713-714.
    On 22nd September 2020 the UK Government announced new lockdown restrictions to supress the COVID-19 virus, with some areas of England having more restrictive lockdown guidance. Students in a number of cities have been confined to their halls of residences after outbreaks of COVID-19 and in Manchester security guards were preventing students leaving the buildings. The scientific community are, unsurprisingly, divided over the question of how far lockdowns should extend.1 Monday 21st September 2020 saw the publication of two open letter (...)
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  23. Consciousness, information processing, and the brain.Christopher D. Frith - 1992 - Journal of Psychopharmacology 6:436-40.
  24.  23
    The limits of evidence: evidence based policy and the removal of gamete donor anonymity in the UK.Lucy Frith - 2015 - Monash Bioethics Review 33 (1):29-44.
    This paper will critically examine the use of evidence in creating policy in the area of reproductive technologies. The use of evidence in health care and policy is not a new phenomenon. However, codified strategies for evidence appraisal in health care technology assessments and attempts to create evidence based policy initiatives suggest that the way evidence is used in practice and policy has changed. This paper will examine this trend by considering what is counted as ‘good’ evidence, difficulties in translating (...)
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  25.  29
    Bringing context into ethical discussion: what, when and who?Lucy Frith - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (6):375-376.
    Arguably one of the strengths of the discipline of medical ethics is its close attention to the context in which ethical dilemmas, questions and issues play out. As a discipline that is concerned with helping and supporting practitioners, policy-makers and the public to address the ethical aspects of healthcare provision and practice in the best way they can, context is crucially important. As McMillan puts it, ‘ethics should be grounded’ in the practical realities of the situation.1 What, where and who (...)
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  26.  59
    Symbiotic empirical ethics: A practical methodology.Lucy Frith - 2012 - Bioethics 26 (4):198-206.
    Like any discipline, bioethics is a developing field of academic inquiry; and recent trends in scholarship have been towards more engagement with empirical research. This ‘empirical turn’ has provoked extensive debate over how such ‘descriptive’ research carried out in the social sciences contributes to the distinctively normative aspect of bioethics. This paper will address this issue by developing a practical research methodology for the inclusion of data from social science studies into ethical deliberation. This methodology will be based on a (...)
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  27. Can neuroscience explain consciousness?Jakob Hohwy & Christopher D. Frith - 2004 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 11 (7-8):180-198.
    Cognitive neuroscience aspires to explain how the brain produces conscious states. Many people think this aspiration is threatened by the subjective nature of introspective reports, as well as by certain philosophical arguments. We propose that good neuroscientific explanations of conscious states can consolidate an interpretation of introspective reports, in spite of their subjective nature. This is because the relative quality of explanations can be evaluated on independent, methodological grounds. To illustrate, we review studies that suggest that aspects of the feeling (...)
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  28.  20
    Commentary on Revonsuo's Can Functional Brain Imaging Discover Consciousness in the Brain?.Christopher D. Frith - 2001 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 8 (3):30.
    Antti Revonsuo has given us an engaging and deliberately provocative paper discussing the value of brain imaging in the search for the neural basis of consciousness. In some places, however, his enthusiasm for the controversial nature of the topic has led him to overstate or misdirect his case.
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  29.  6
    Deficits and Pathologies.Christopher D. Frith - 1998 - In George Graham & William Bechtel (eds.), A Companion to Cognitive Science. Blackwell. pp. 380–390.
    The systematic examination of the relationship between brain and behavior is generally considered to have begun in 1861 with Broca's description of a patient with a specific language deficit associated with a circumscribed lesion of the left frontal cortex. This observation was taken to show that there was a specific region in the brain concerned with language which was relatively independent of other regions concerned with other abilities. In the next decade a number of other patients were described with various (...)
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  30.  45
    Mental structure in the psychoses: The only hope for a neuropsychology of schizophrenia.Chris Frith - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (3):447-448.
  31. The Autobiographical Writings of Three Asperger Syndrome Adults: Problems of Interpretation and Implications for Theory.Uta Frith (ed.) - 1991 - Cambridge University Press.
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  32. Neural correlates of change detection and change blindness.Diane Beck, Geraint Rees, Christopher D. Frith & Nilli Lavie - 2001 - Nature Neuroscience 4 (6):645-650.
  33.  49
    Attention to action and awareness of other minds.Chris Frith - 2002 - Consciousness and Cognition 11 (4):481-487.
    We have only limited awareness of the system by which we control our actions and this limited awareness does not seem to be concerned with the control of action. Awareness of choosing one action rather than another comes after the choice has been made, while awareness of initiating an action occurs before the movement has begun. These temporal differences bind together in consciousness the intention to act and the consequences of the action. This creates our sense of agency. Activity in (...)
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  34.  21
    The social functions of consciousness.Chris D. Frith - 2008 - In Lawrence Weiskrantz & Martin Davies (eds.), Frontiers of consciousness. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 225--244.
  35. Egocentrism, allocentrism, and Asperger syndrome.Uta Frith & Frederique de Vignemont - 2005 - Consciousness and Cognition 14 (4):719-738.
    In this paper, we attempt to make a distinction between egocentrism and allocentrism in social cognition, based on the distinction that is made in visuo-spatial perception. We propose that it makes a difference to mentalizing whether the other person can be understood using an egocentric (‘‘you'') or an allocentric (‘‘he/ she/they'') stance. Within an egocentric stance, the other person is represented in relation to the self. By contrast, within an allocentric stance, the existence or mental state of the other person (...)
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  36. Functional imaging of 'theory of mind'.Helen L. Gallagher & Christopher D. Frith - 2003 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 7 (2):77-83.
  37.  25
    Developing translational bioethics—Suggestions for ways forward.Lucy Frith - 2024 - Bioethics 38 (3):204-212.
    This paper will take as its starting point the premise that developing translational bioethics is a worthwhile endeavour. I will develop an account of translational bioethics and discuss what implications this would have for the wider discipline of bioethics and argue that this would be a useful development for bioethics. The paper will conduct a form of ‘translational meta‐bioethics analysis’, in the words of Bærøe. I will argue that if we are serious about instituting translational bioethics, then it will need (...)
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  38.  93
    Dual-Process Theories and Consciousness: The Case for "Type Zero" Cognition.Nicholas Shea & Chris D. Frith - 2016 - Neuroscience of Consciousness 2016:1-10.
    A step towards a theory of consciousness would be to characterise the effect of consciousness on information processing. One set of results suggests that the effect of consciousness is to interfere with computations that are optimally performed non-consciously. Another set of results suggests that conscious, system 2 processing is the home of norm-compliant computation. This is contrasted with system 1 processing, thought to be typically unconscious, which operates with useful but error-prone heuristics. -/- These results can be reconciled by separating (...)
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  39.  44
    The NHS and market forces in healthcare: the need for organisational ethics.Lucy Frith - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (1):17-21.
    The NHS in England is an organisation undergoing substantial change. The passage of the Health and Social Care Act 2012, consolidates and builds on previous health policies and introduces further ‘market-style’ reforms of the NHS. One of the main aspects of these reforms is to encourage private and third sector providers to deliver NHS services. The rationale for this is to foster a more competitive market in healthcare to encourage greater efficiency and innovation. This changing healthcare environment in the English (...)
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  40.  20
    A Brief History of the Scientific Approach to the Study of Consciousness.Chris D. Frith & Geraint Rees - 2007 - In Max Velmans & Susan Schneider (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness. New York: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 1–16.
    The attempt to develop a systematic approach to the study of consciousness begins with René Descartes (1596–1650) and his ideas still have a major influence today. He is best known for the sharp distinction he made between the physical and the mental (Cartesian dualism). According to Descartes, the body is one sort of substance and the mind another because each can be conceived in terms of totally distinct attributes. The body (matter) is characterized by spatial extension and motion, while the (...)
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  41. Commentary on free will in the light of neuropsychiatry.Christopher D. Frith - 1996 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 3 (2):91-93.
    For the new generation of cognitive neuroscientists, the mind-brain problem is no longer a matter for philosophical speculation; how the mind links with the brain can be studied experimentally. The strength of this belief is demonstrated by a stream of popular science books purporting to show how consciousness emerges from the brain. In contrast, Sean Spence presents a rigorous, modest and wholly admirable discussion of the physiological underpinnings of free will. It is of particular importance that he brings to our (...)
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  42.  50
    Good Clinical Practice and Ethics in European Drug Research.L. Frith - 1996 - Journal of Medical Ethics 22 (4):249-249.
  43.  23
    Non-Electoral Representation and Promoting Welfare—Beyond Descriptive Representation.Lucy Frith - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (4):56-58.
    McCoy et al. (2020) give a finely tuned analysis of the role and responsibilities of non-elected or self-appointed representatives in public policy. They take the example of autism activism to illu...
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    Studying brain function with neuroimaging.Christopher D. Frith & Karl J. Friston - 1997 - In Michael D. Rugg (ed.), Cognitive Neuroscience. MIT Press. pp. 169--195.
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  45.  23
    The concise argument – choice, choices and the choice agenda.Lucy Frith - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (1):1-2.
    Choice is probably one of the most often discussed areas in bioethics, alongside the related concepts of informed consent and autonomy. It is generally, prima facie, portrayed as a good thing. In healthcare, the 2000s saw the UK Prime Minister Tony Blair pursue the ‘Choice Agenda’ where, ‘As capacity expands, so choice will grow. Choice will fundamentally change the balance of power in the NHS.’1 In a consumerist society giving consumers more choice is seen as desirable. However, choice is not (...)
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  46. The industrialization of popular music, part I.Simon Frith - 2013 - In Sara Horsfall, Jan-Martijn Meij & Meghan D. Probstfield (eds.), Music sociology: examining the role of music in social life. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers.
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  47.  8
    The Unity of Consciousness: Binding, Integration, and Dissociation.Chris Frith - 2003 - Oxford University Press.
    Consciousness has many elements - from sensory experiences such as vision, audition, and bodily sensation, to nonsensory aspects such as volition, emotion, memory, and thought. With all these facets - how can consciousness appear to us as a unified experience? Is this apparent unity just an illusion? Why and when does this unity break down? In recent years many have attempted to answer this, one of the most puzzling and intriguing dimensions of consciousness. With chapters from leading thinkers on consciousness, (...)
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  48.  32
    Beneath the Rhetoric: The Role of Rights in the Practice of Non-Anonymous Gamete Donation.Lucy Frith - 2001 - Bioethics 15 (5-6):473-484.
    The use of rights based arguments to justify claims that donor offspring should have access to information identifying their gamete donor has become increasingly widespread. In this paper, I do not intend to revisit the debate about the validity of such rights. Rather, the purpose is to examine the way that such alleged rights have been implemented by those legislatures that have allowed access to identifying information. I will argue that serious inconsistencies exist between the claim that donor offspring have (...)
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  49.  50
    They Can't Have My Embryo: The Ethics of Conditional Embryo Donation.Lucy Frith & Eric Blyth - 2013 - Bioethics 27 (6):317-324.
    There are substantial numbers of frozen embryos in storage that will not be used by those who produced them for their own fertility treatment. One option for such embryos is to donate them to others to use in their fertility treatment. There has been considerable debate about how this process should be organized. In the US, there are embryo adoption programmes that mediate between those relinquishing embryos and potential recipients. This is a form of conditional embryo donation, where the relinquishing (...)
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  50.  63
    The impact of orthographic consistency on dyslexia: A German-English comparison.Karin Landerl, Heinz Wimmer & Uta Frith - 1997 - Cognition 63 (3):315-334.
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