Results for 'Underground literature History and criticism.'

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  1. Picturing the Prophets: Should Art Create Doubt?: Children's literature -- History and criticism.Bluitgen KÃ¥re - 2009 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 47 (3):10-14.
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    Die philosophischen Totengespräche der Frühaufklärung.Riccarda Suitner - 2016 - Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag.
    Dieses Buch rekonstruiert erstmals die faszinierende Geschichte einer Reihe fiktiver Totengespräche, die zwischen 1729 und 1734 - anonym oder unter Pseudonym und sämtlich als Flugschriften veröffentlicht - in Deutschland erschienenen sind. Die Protagonisten dieser Gespräche gehören zu den berühmtesten Denkern der Frühaufklärung (u. a. Chr. Thomasius, A. H. Francke, J. Fr. Budde, N. H. Gundling) und Philosophen des 17. Jahrhunderts (Descartes, Leibniz, Bekker). In den fünf Jahren, in denen die Dialoge erschienen, lösten sie auf verschiedenen Feldern (philosophischen, theologischen, ökonomischen, persönlichen) (...)
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    Clandestine philosophy: new studies on subversive manuscripts in early modern Europe, 1620-1823.Gianni Paganini, Margaret C. Jacob & John Christian Laursen (eds.) - 2020 - London: University of Toronto Press in association with the UCLA Center for Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Studies and the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library.
    Clandestine philosophical manuscripts, made up of forbidden works including erotic texts, political pamphlets, satires of court life, forbidden religious texts, and books about the occult, had an avid readership in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, becoming objects of historical research by the twentieth century. The purveyors of the clandestine could be found in the Dutch Republic, Switzerland, Denmark, Spain, and not least in Paris or London. Despite the heavy risks, including prison, the circulation of these manuscripts was a prosperous venture. (...)
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    The hidden origins of the German Enlightenment.Martin Mulsow - 2023 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. Edited by H. C. Erik Midelfort & Martin Mulsow.
    The book offers an original reconstruction of long-forgotten but vital controversies among German figures in the "early" Enlightenment, c. 1680-1720, and also explores how the mainstream of the early Enlightenment in Halle and the underground of the fragmented "radical Enlightenment" were mutually dependent on each other.
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    The dialogues of the dead of the early German enlightenment.Riccarda Suitner - 2021 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Gwendolin Goldbloom.
    For the first time, this book reconstructs the fascinating story of a series of anonymous "dialogues of the dead" published in Germany in the early eighteenth century. The texts stage fictional debates between some of the most famous thinkers of the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, such as Descartes, Leibniz, Thomasius and Bekker. The dialogues were originally published as cheap prints and very few copies now survive; until today the links between these texts and the very existence of this textual (...)
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    Les Lumières imaginaires: Holbach et la traduction.Mladen Kozul - 2016 - Oxford: Voltaire Foundation.
    Dans les années 1760, l'atelier du baron d'Holbach est, avec Ferney au temps de Voltaire, le principal lieu de diffusion des idées hétérodoxes qui permettent la radicalisation des Lumières en France. L'activité de traduction d'Holbach, plus importante en quantité que son activité d'auteur, est étudiée ici pour la première fois de manière systématique. En comparant les ouvrages clandestins traduits et publiés par Holbach avec leurs vrais ou prétendus originaux (majoritairement anglais), Mladen Kozul analyse les manipulations énonciatives, thématiques et éditoriales qu'Holbach (...)
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    A History of Modern Criticism. [REVIEW]C. C. V. - 1955 - Review of Metaphysics 9 (2):365-365.
    The first two volumes of a four-volume study, destined surely to become the standard work in its field. Literary criticism in the broadest sense is the book's subject, but the author tries to avoid purely philosophical aesthetics at one extreme--Kant is given 3 pages to Schiller's 24--as well as unsubstantiated judgments of taste at the other. Since he tries to see the past as bearing upon and productive of the literary theory of the present, the book might be said to (...)
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    Handbuch Literatur und Philosophie.Hans Feger (ed.) - 2012 - Stuttgart: Verlag J.B. Metzler.
    Wie nah sind sich Literatur und Philosophie? Die beiden Disziplinen stehen für ganz unterschiedliche Formen der Welterkenntnis und der Erkenntnisvermittlung. Doch ohne das Verständnis des jeweils anderen Bereiches kommen die literaturwissenschaftliche und die philosophische Analyse schnell an ihre Grenzen. Dass es zahlreiche Berührungspunkte zwischen Literatur und Philosophie gibt, zeigt dieses Handbuch. In 16 ausführlichen Kapiteln schafft es einen Überblick über Problemkonstellationen, bei denen die Trennung beider Fachgebiete relativiert oder aufgehoben ist.
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    Latin Literature: A History (review).Richard F. Thomas - 1997 - American Journal of Philology 118 (3):471-475.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Latin Literature. A HistoryRichard F. ThomasGian Biagio Conte. Latin Literature. A History. Translated by Joseph B. Solodow. Revised by Don Fowler and Glenn W. Most. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994. xxxiii 1 827 pp. $65.00.The work under review is a translation of Gian Biagio Conte’s 1987 book Letteratura latina; Manuale storico dalle origini alla fine dell’ impero, a book whose title (...)
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    Literary Criticism, a Short History[REVIEW]G. S. R. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (1):169-170.
    The authors aptly describe their work as a narrative. The protagonists are sometimes great thinkers, sometimes ideas about literary criticism, sometimes different approaches to literature whose intermingling histories are here described. At the same time the authors are in quest of a varied and many-sided presentation of the nature and writing of literature. Accordingly the insights of philosophers and literary men are stressed more than the consistency of their opinions; understanding is valued more highly than the certainty of (...)
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    Studies in Jain literature.Vaman Mahadeo Kulkarni - 2001 - Ahmedabad: Shresthi Kasturbhai Lalbhai Smarak Nidhi.
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    Literatures of the world: beyond world literature.Ottmar Ette - 2021 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Mark W. Person.
    Beginning with Erich Auerbach's reflections on the Goethean concept of world literature, Ottmar Ette unfolds the theory and practice of Literatures of the World. Today, only those literary theories which are oriented upon a history of movement are still capable of doing justice to the confusing diversity of highly dynamic, worldwide transformations. This is because they examine transareal pathways in the field of literature. This volume captures literary processes of exchange and transformation between the Mediterranean, Atlantic and (...)
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    What Isn't History: The Snares of Demystifying Ideological Criticism.Robert Markley - 1989 - Critical Inquiry 15 (3):647-657.
    Oscar Kenshur’s “Demystifying the Demystifiers: Metaphysical Snares of Ideological Criticism” should go a long way toward convincing most readers that the cure for “ideological” criticism is worse than the disease. His attempt to uncouple ideology and epistemology in Thomas Hobbes’ Leviathan and Michael Ryan’s Marxism and Deconstruction belongs to an increasingly popular subgenre of metacriticism, the “more-historical-than-thou” offensive against Marxists and new historicists for their alleged essentialist procedures.1 There is no question that Kenshur raises significant issues about the nature of (...)
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  14. A philosophy of literature.Raymond Tschumi - 1961 - Philadelphia,: Dufour Editions.
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    Friedrich Nietzsche als umwerter der deutschen literatur.Ingeborg Beithan - 1933 - Heidelberg,: C. Winter.
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  16. Die Rezeption Arthur Schopenhauers in der kroatischen Literatur und Philosophie.C. Mirjana Stanci - 1994 - Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
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    After Derrida: literature, theory and criticism in the 21st century.Jean-Michel Rabaté (ed.) - 2018 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    It is important for the materialist historian, in the most rigorous way possible, to differentiate the construction of a historical state of affairs from what one customarily calls its "reconstruction." The "reconstruction" in empathy is one- dimensional. "Construction" presupposes "destruction." Almost fourteen years after the death of Jacques Derrida, the least one can say is that his inheritance is as contested and fraught with rivalries, rejections, and appropriations as at the time of the flowering of Deconstruction in American universities in (...)
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    Four Dilemmas: Theory, Criticism, History, Faith: Sketches on the Threshold of Literary Anthropology.Dorota Heck - 2010 - Księgarnia Akademicka.
    Dilemma one, Between the theoretical concepts and authorial intention -- Dilemma two, Good manners and eristic -- Dilemma three, Between strangeness and familiarity -- Dilemma four, Between scholarly research and faith.
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    A History of Modern Criticism, 1750-1950. [REVIEW] Cronin - 1956 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 31 (1):148-152.
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    ʻIlm al-jamāl va jamāl dar adab-i Fārsī.Sīmīn Dānishvar - 2011 - Tihrān: Nashr-i Qaṭrah. Edited by Masʻūd Jaʻfarī Jazī.
    Aesthetics ; Aesthetics in literature ; history and criticism of Persian literature.
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    French Global: A New Approach to Literary History.Christie McDonald & Susan Rubin Suleiman (eds.) - 2010 - Columbia University Press.
    Recasting French literary history in terms of the cultures and peoples that interacted within and outside of France's national boundaries, this volume offers a new way of looking at the history of a national literature, along with a truly global and contemporary understanding of language, literature, and culture. The relationship between France's national territory and other regions of the world where French is spoken and written (most of them former colonies) has long been central to discussions (...)
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    History as Criticism: The Dialogue of History and Literature[REVIEW]Suzanne Gearhart - 1987 - Diacritics 17 (3):56.
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    How to Do Literary Criticism as a History of Ideas.Christian Reidenbach - 2024 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 98 (1):153-178.
    Der Beitrag nimmt Erich Auerbachs Postulat einer transnationalen Ideengeschichte als Ausgangspunkt, um aktuelle Potenziale einer ideenhistorisch geprägten Literaturwissenschaft zu prüfen. Einerseits ausgehend von der sozialgeschichtlichen bzw. sprachkritisch geprägten Neuausrichtung der Ideengeschichte, wie man sie mit dem Schlüsseljahr 1969 und den Namen Foucault und Skinner in Verbindung bringen kann, und andererseits vor dem Hintergrund ihrer kulturwissenschaftlichen Expansion lotet der Artikel die Möglichkeiten einer Ideengeschichte aus, die sich wieder stärker der Interpretation von Bedeutung, von Ideen als geistigen Tatsachen zuwendet. Dazu schlägt er (...)
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    Chapter II. Literary History and Literary Criticism Literature's Dual Mode o£ Existence.Wesley Morris - 1972 - In Toward a New Historicism. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 14-32.
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    Concept of emptiness in Pāli literature.Mădavacciyē Dhammajōti - 2009 - Colombo: Godage International Publishers.
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    The literature of the Madhyamaka school of philosophy in India.David Seyfort Ruegg - 1981 - Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
    INTRODUCTION: THE NAME MADHYAMAKA The Madhyamaka school of Mahayana Buddhism goes back to Nagarjuna, the great Indian Buddhist philosopher who is placed ...
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    Umwertung aller Werte: deutsche Literatur im Urteil Nietzsches.Matthias Politycki - 1989 - New York: Walter de Gruyter.
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Umwertung aller Werte?" verfügbar.
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    Socio-economic philosophy of Buddhism: an investigation based on Pāli literature.Nhat Huong Thao Pham - 2019 - Delhi, India: Eastern Book Linkers.
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    Philosophical perspectives in Tamil literature.CōNa Kantacāmi - 2016 - Chennai, India: Institute of Asian Studies. Edited by G. John Samuel.
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    Literature, philosophy, political theory: selected essays.Rustam Singh - 2022 - Delhi, India: Aakar Books.
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    The philosophy of English literature.John Thomas Ingram Bryan - 1930 - Tokyo,: Maruzen company.
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    Literatur als philosophisches Erkenntnismodell: literarisch-philosophische Diskurse in Deutschland und Frankreich.Sebastian Hüsch & Sikander Singh (eds.) - 2016 - Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto.
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    Humanism in Sanskrit literature.Praśānta Kumāra Mahalā, Swapan Mal, Samir Kumar Mandal & Atanu Adhya (eds.) - 2018 - Kolkata: The Banaras Mercantile Co..
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    Schönheit und Geschmack: die Theorie der Künste in der spanischen Literatur des 18. Jahrhunderts.Helmut C. Jacobs - 1996 - Frankfurt: Vervuert.
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    The meaning of literature.Timothy J. Reiss - 1992 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    Introduction In Rene Wellek wrote that the "political attack on literature is a foolish generalization." He was dismissing those who would deprecate ...
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    Offene Formen in der modernen Kunst und Literatur: zur Entstehung e. neuen Ästhetik.Ekbert Faas - 1975 - München: Goldmann.
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  37. How Memories Become Literature.Lisa Zunshine - 2022 - Substance 51 (3):92-114.
    Cognitive science can help literary scholars formulate specific questions to be answered by archival research. This essay takes, as its starting point, embedded mental states (that is, mental states about mental states) and their role in generating literary subjectivity. It then follows the transformation of embedded mental states throughout several manuscripts of Christa Wolf’s autobiographical novel, Patterns of Childhood (Kindheitsmuster, 1976), available at the Berlin Academy of Arts. The author shows that later versions of Patterns of Childhood have more complex (...)
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    Literature & Philosophy.Stephen David Ross - 1969 - New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts.
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    (1 other version)Literature Science Psychoanalysis 1830-1971.Helen Small & Trudi Tate (eds.) - 2003 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The interactions between literature and science and between literature and psychoanalysis have been among the most thriving areas for interdisciplinary study in recent years. Work in these 'open fields' has taught us to recognize the interdependence of different cultures of knowledge and experience, revealing the multiple ways in which science, literature, and psychoanalysis have been mutually enabling and defining, as well as corrective and contestatory of each other. Inspired by Gillian Beer's path-breaking work on literature and (...)
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    Die Rezeption Friedrich Nietzsches in der kroatischen Literatur um die Jahrhundertwende.Mirjana Stančić - 1993 - Bochum: N. Brockmeyer.
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    Literatur und Gewissen.Erich Hackl - 2016 - Innsbruck: Insbruck University Press.
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    The idea of history in rabbinic Judaism.Jacob Neusner - 2004 - Boston: Brill.
    Jacob Neusner is Research Professor of Religion and Theology at Bard College, Member of the Institute of Advanced Study, and Life Member of Clare Hall, ...
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    Friedrich Christoph Oetinger: Wirkungen auf Literatur und Philosophie seiner Zeit.Henry F. Fullenwider - 1975 - Göppingen: A. Kümmerle.
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    Internal And External Criticism Of Sources Of Turkish History And Literature.Menderes Coşkun - 2008 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:188-198.
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  45. Western Philosophical Systems in Russian Literature: A Collection of Critical Studies.Anthony M. Mlikotin (ed.) - 1979 - University of Southern California Press.
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    Die Rezeption Arthur Schopenhauers in der kroatischen Literatur und Philosophie.Mirjana Stančić - 1994 - Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
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  47. Mysli ob iskusstve i literature: sbornik.Aleksandr Herzen - 1987 - Kiev: "Mystet︠s︡tvo".
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    Technopoetics: Seeing What Literature Has to Do with the Machine.Strother B. Purdy - 1984 - Critical Inquiry 11 (1):130-140.
    What I refer to is how our thought in inventing, designing, modifying, and using machines carries over into acts we do not consciously associate with them—like writing or reading poetry. An airplane in flight may be “pure poetry,” or a Ferrari “a poem in steel”; it intrigues me to consider that beneath such object comparisons an object-of-thought connection may be made. Or in other words, there may be really something to a hackneyed compliment like “poem in steel.” My preference for (...)
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    African Literature as Political Philosophy.Mary Stella Chika Okolo - 2007 - Zed Books.
    This book looks in particular at Achebe's Anthills of the Savannah and Petals of Blood by Ngugi wa Thiong'o, but situates these within the broader context of developments in African literature over the past half-century, discussing writers from Ayi Kwei Armah to Wole Soyinka. M.S.C. Okolo provides a thorough analysis of the authors' differing approaches and how these emerge from the literature. Okolo argues that these authors have been profoundly affected by the political situation of Africa, but have (...)
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    Ātman in pre-Upanisadic Vedic literature.H. G. Narahari - 1944 - [Madras]: Adyar Library.
    77 ff. ; RS Deshmukh, Religion in Vedic Literature, p. 331. Jacobi seems to take the extreme view that the conception of immortality of the Soul was unknown ...
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