Results for 'Vítzěslav Horák'

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  1.  26
    A complementary perspective on business ethics in South Korea: Civil religion, common misconceptions, and overlooked social structures.Sven Horak & Inju Yang - 2017 - Business Ethics: A European Review 27 (1):1-14.
    Following the recent call for advancement in knowledge about business ethics in East Asia, this study proposes a complementary perspective on business ethics in South Korea. We challenge the conventional view that South Korea is a strictly collectivist country, where group norms and low trust determine the norms and values of behavior. Using the concept of civil religion, we suggest that the center of the South Korean civil religion can be seen in the affective ties and networks pervading the economic, (...)
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    Join In or Opt Out? A Normative–Ethical Analysis of Affective Ties and Networks in South Korea.Sven Horak - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 149 (1):207-220.
    So far overlooked by the international business ethics literature, we introduce, characterize, and normatively analyze the use of affective ties and networks in South Korea from an ethical point of view. Whereas the ethics of using Guanxi in China has been comprehensively discussed, Korean informal networks remain difficult to manage for firms in South Korea due to the absence of existing academic debate and research in this field. In this study, we concentrate mainly on the question of whether foreign firms (...)
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    Initiation Plants in Drug Addiction Treatment: The Purgahuasca Therapy.Miroslav Horák, Nahanga Verter & Kristina Somerlíková - 2021 - Anthropology of Consciousness 32 (1):33-54.
    Anthropology of Consciousness, Volume 32, Issue 1, Page 33-54, Spring 2021.
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    Informal Networks, Informal Institutions, and Social Exclusion in the Workplace: Insights from Subsidiaries of Multinational Corporations in Korea.Sven Horak & Yuliani Suseno - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 186 (3):633-655.
    Drawing on interviews with decision makers in multinational corporations (MNCs) in South Korea, we examine the role of informal networks in the social exclusion of women in the workforce. Although legislation in the country is in favor of gender equality, we found that informal barriers in the workplace remain difficult to overcome. Informal networks in Korea, yongo, present an ethical issue in the workplace, as they tend to socially exclude women, limiting possibilities for their participation and career progression. We found (...)
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    Dark side of the principles of non-discrimination and proportionality: the case of mandatory vaccination.Filip Horák & Jakub Dienstbier - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Deciding the conflict between various rights and interests, especially in medical ethics where health and lives are in question, has significant challenges, and to obtain appropriate outcomes, it is necessary to properly apply the principles of non-discrimination and proportionality. Using the example of mandatory vaccination policies, we show that this task becomes even more difficult when these principles lead us to counterintuitive and paradoxical results. Although the general purpose of these principles is to ensure that decisions and policies seek the (...)
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  6. Moral and political-philosophy today.P. Horak - 1994 - Filosoficky Casopis 42 (6):923-924.
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  7. The conception of substance with Bolzano and leibnitz and its ethical range.P. Horak - 1981 - Filosoficky Casopis 29 (6):863-869.
  8.  22
    Animal allure and health linked by plant pigments.Peeter Hõrak & Lauri Saks - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (8):746-747.
    Darwin1 introduced the idea that ornamental secondary sexual traits have evolved in response to female preferences for showy males. Among such traits, yellow and red carotenoid‐based ornaments have been considered as particularly good candidates for explaining why and how females would benefit from mating with showy partners. Because carotenoids can be used for promotion of both health and appearance, colourful male ornaments should honestly reveal the vigour of the bearers. Two recent experiments with birds2,3 now show how allocation of bodily (...)
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    Pavel Materna a třísložková teorie jazyka.Aleš Horák & Karel Pala - 2015 - Studia Philosophica 62 (2):114-119.
    V příspěvku připomínáme originální spolupráci s prof. P. Maternou, která začala v 60. letech minulého století a vedla ke vzniku třísložkové teorie jazyka, jejímiž autory jsou spolu s Pavlem Maternou Karel Pala a Aleš Svoboda. Články o třísložkové teorii byly publikovány v r. 1976 a 1979, ovšem jméno P. Materny se v titulcích článků ne­smělo objevit, byl tak komunistickým režimem trestán za vyloučení z KSČ v r. 1969. Třísložková teorie jazyka, jak název naznačuje, pokrývá tři základní komponenty sys­tému jazyka, tedy (...)
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  10.  21
    Pre-precipitation rate in Al-10% Zn alloy neutron irradiated at 78°K.J. A. Horak - 1968 - Philosophical Magazine 17 (147):643-646.
  11.  5
    Le Langage Fleuri: histoire et analyse linguistique de l'euphemisme.André Horak - 2016 - Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Edition.
    Cet ouvrage explique certains usages de l euphemisme dans la diachronie. Il donne aussi un apercu critique des etudes significatives sur cette figure. De plus, il propose de nouvelles theories semantico-pragmatiques et rhetoriques sur le langage fleuri. Enfin, ce livre examine les relations qu entretient l euphemisme avec la litote et l hyperbole. ".
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  12. Structuralism, positivism and critical rationalism.P. Horak - 1979 - Filosoficky Casopis 27 (4):595-601.
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  13. The political ideas of 20th century.P. Horak - 1998 - Filosoficky Casopis 46 (3):462-464.
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  14.  9
    Filozofické poradenstvo - kritika.Otakar Horák - 2014 - Filosofie Dnes 5 (2):62-86.
    Philosophical counseling is a helping profession that relates to the ancient concept of philosophy as a discipline with therapeutic potential. Unfortunately, there is no empirical evidence supporting the claim of therapeutic effects philosophy is supposed to have. Philosophical counselors do not have any exclusive methods – distinctive from the procedures used in psychotherapy – that we could find as sources of therapeutic effects. Philosophical counselors often do not understand the processes that generate therapeutic effects and mistakenly attribute these effects to (...)
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    Development of ECJ case law in the field of health services.Hana Horak & Kosjenka Dumančić - forthcoming - Bioethics.
  16. On the notion of the subject in French structuralism-from the subject of existence to a subjectless structure.P. Horak - 1988 - Filosoficky Casopis 36 (2):239-257.
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  17. Philosophical Journal-Issue by Philosophical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in Prague Introduction.Petr Horak - 2009 - Filosoficky Casopis 57 (4):489-490.
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  18. Philosophy on the school bench-Politics II.P. Horak - 1998 - Filosoficky Casopis 46 (6):1009-1014.
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  19. Tendencies of the reflection of history in contemporary French Bourgeois philosophy.P. Horak - 1983 - Filosoficky Casopis 31 (3):418-425.
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  20. Concerning one metaphysical critique of the French-revolution-Camus, Albert and his L homme-revolte.P. Horak - 1989 - Filosoficky Casopis 37 (3):430-438.
  21. Humanism for postmodern humanity.Petr Horak - 2010 - Filosoficky Casopis 58 (4):483-484.
  22. Not only John Locke on tolerance.P. Horak - 1995 - Filosoficky Casopis 43 (5):719-729.
  23. On the anniversary of the world-war-1.P. Horak - 1994 - Filosoficky Casopis 42 (4):609-621.
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  24. Popper, Karl, Raimund-obituary.P. Horak - 1994 - Filosoficky Casopis 42 (5):891-891.
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  25. Sartre conception of the freedom of man and its criticism by Levi-Strauss.P. Horak - 1981 - Filosoficky Casopis 29 (3):405-414.
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  26. COMM 100 A May 2, 2006 “The Emergence of Satellite Radio: Current Issues and Employment Opportunities”.Amy Horak & Kate Betzolt - forthcoming - Emergence: Complexity and Organization.
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    Change and Nothing But Change, on Philip Rosen Change Mummified: Cinema, Historicity, Theory.Jan-Christopher Horak - 2003 - Film-Philosophy 7 (6).
    Philip Rosen _Change Mummified: Cinema, Historicity, Theory_ Minneapolis and London: University of Minnesota Press, 2001 ISBN 0-8166-3637-0 445 pp.
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  28. Das Bild als Werkzeug.Vitezslav Horak - 2006 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 32 (1):81-96.
    Bilder gehören zu den ältesten Zeugnissen der menschlichen Kultur. Sie sind, soweit bekannt, wesentlich älter als jede Form des sprachlich vermittelten diskursiven Denkens. Bereits dieser historische Umstand markiert die Bilder als etwas Vortheoretisches. Philosophische Theorien über Bilder stützen von Beginn an diese geschichtliche Kontingenz. Die Bildtheorie verdankt Platon die bis in unsere Tage überaus wirksame Denkposition, dass sich Bilder primär an die Sinnlichkeit wenden und nicht an den Verstand. Eine alte Feindschaft - die zwischen Sprache und Bild, dem Diskursiven und (...)
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  29. Hegel, Tocqueville et la révolution.P. Horak - 1988 - Filozofia 43 (2):223-229.
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    Solving zero-sum one-sided partially observable stochastic games.Karel Horák, Branislav Bošanský, Vojtěch Kovařík & Christopher Kiekintveld - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence 316 (C):103838.
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    The Archeology of Vision: On The Image in Dispute: Art and Cinema in the Age of Photography , edited by Dudley Andrew.Jan-Christopher Horak - 1998 - Film-Philosophy 2 (1).
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  32. Voltaire would-be 300 on 21st november 1994.P. Horak - 1994 - Filosoficky Casopis 42 (6):1073-1074.
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  33.  25
    An integrative ethical approach to leader favoritism.Inju Yang, Sven Horak & Nada K. Kakabadse - 2020 - Business Ethics: A European Review 30 (1):90-101.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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  34. Beyond words and things.Petr Horak - 2010 - Filosoficky Casopis 58 (5):643-644.
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  35. From a letters of Patocka, Jan to Campbell, Robert in Paris.P. Horak - 1994 - Filosoficky Casopis 42 (6):903-921.
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  36. Nominalist conception of structure with levistrauss, C.P. Horak - 1977 - Filosoficky Casopis 25 (3):411-428.
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  37. The criticism of Bourgeois philosophical approaches to contemporary scientific and technical progress.Rr Akolektiv, R. Steindl, P. Horak, Z. Javurek & V. Zatka - 1983 - Filosoficky Casopis 31 (1):38-55.
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    Possibility and Reality.Hans Rott & Vitezslav Horak (eds.) - 2003 - Walter de Gruyter.
    Die Philosophie wurde von so unterschiedlichen Philosophen wie Wolff und Russell als Moglichkeitswissenschaft bezeichnet. Doch erwiesen sich die modalen Konzepte von Moglichkeit und Notwendigkeit als sperrig und vieldeutig, und ihr Verhaltnis zum Wirklichkeitsbegriff bleibt problematisch. Die vorliegende Sammlung beleuchtet die Metaphysik und Logik von Moglichkeit und Wirklichkeit aufs Neue und betrachtet sie aus unterschiedlichsten Perspektiven jenseits der Dichotomie von analytischer und kontinentaler Philosophie. Die Philosophiegeschichte (von der griechischen Antike bis zu David Lewis) kommt ebenso zu Wort wie die Semantik moglicher (...)
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  39. The concept of the Putsch.F. Weyr & P. Horak - 1995 - Filosoficky Casopis 43 (3):449-460.
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  40.  11
    Adolescent Cranial Volume as a Sensitive Marker of Parental Investment: The Role of Non-material Resources?Velda Lauringson, Gudrun Veldre & Peeter Hõrak - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Growth of different body parts in humans is sensitive to different resource constraints that are mediated by parental investment. Parental investment can involve the expenditure of material, cognitive, and emotional resources on offspring. Cranial volume, an important predictor of cognitive ability, appears understudied in this context. We asked whether there are associations between growth and family structure, self-reported estimates for resource availability, and sibling number; and whether these constraints relate to head and body growth in a similar manner. We assessed (...)
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  41. The End of the Right to the City: A Radical-Cooperative View.Caleb Althorpe & Martin Horak - 2023 - Urban Affairs Review 59 (1):14-42.
    Is the Right to the City (RTTC) still a useful framework for a transformative urban politics? Given recent scholarly criticism of its real-world applications and appropriations, in this paper, we argue that the transformative promise in the RTTC lies beyond its role as a framework for oppositional struggle, and in its normative ends. Building upon Henri Lefebvre's original writing on the subject, we develop a “radical-cooperative” conception of the RTTC. Such a view, which is grounded in the lived experiences of (...)
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  42.  6
    Unwatchable.Nicholas Baer, Maggie Hennefeld, Laura Horak & Gunnar Iversen (eds.) - 2019 - New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.
    We all have images that we find unwatchable, whether for ethical, political, or sensory-affective reasons. From news coverage of terror attacks to viral videos of police brutality, and from graphic horror films to incendiary artworks that provoke mass boycotts, many of the images in our media culture strike as beyond the pale of consumption. Yet what does it mean to proclaim a media object "unwatchable": disturbing, revolting, poor, tedious, or literally inaccessible? Appealing to a broad academic and general readership, Unwatchable (...)
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  43.  29
    On to real-life movements.Paul J. Cordo, Fay B. Horak & Susan P. Moore - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (2):214-215.
  44. Some theoretical and philosophical aspects and sources of the thought of comenius, ja.V. Herold & P. Horak - 1987 - Filosoficky Casopis 35 (6):930-940.
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  45.  14
    Defect structure of Pb-doped Bi2Te3single crystals.T. Plecháček, J. Navrátil, J. Horák & P. Lošt’ák - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (21):2217-2228.
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  46. Rousseau and Nietzsche-2 types of the conception of nature in Bourgeois thought and their connections.M. Havelka & P. Horak - 1987 - Filosoficky Casopis 35 (5):764-771.
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  47.  19
    Sensory Re-weighting for Postural Control in Parkinson’s Disease.Kelly J. Feller, Robert J. Peterka & Fay B. Horak - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:437406.
    Postural instability in Parkinson’s disease (PD) is characterized by impaired postural responses to transient perturbations, increased postural sway in stance and difficulty transitioning between tasks. In addition, some studies suggest that loss of dopamine in the basal ganglia due to PD results in difficulty using proprioceptive information for motor control. Here, we quantify the ability of subjects with PD and age-matched control subjects to use and re-weight sensory information for postural control during steady-state conditions of continuous rotations of the stance (...)
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  48.  25
    Twenty‐five years of management research on poverty: A systematic review of the literature and a research agenda.Abraham Stefanidis, R. Mitch Casselman & Sven Horak - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 33 (1):14-39.
    Despite significant economic growth in both developed and emerging markets, several disadvantaged and marginalized segments of the global population still live in poverty. Recognizing the important role of business in alleviating poverty, management scholars have been increasingly investigating the topic of poverty. Although reviews of the extant literature have provided overviews of select poverty-related themes, such as that of the base of the pyramid, no one study has reviewed the topic of poverty across the management literature. The present systematic literature (...)
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  49.  13
    Structural defects in Cu-doped Bi2Te3single crystals.J. Bludská, I. Jakubec, Č Drašar, P. Lošťák & J. Horák - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (2):325-335.
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    Horak nonbyŏn ŭi chŏn'gae wa hyŏndaejŏk kach'i.Chŏng-gŭn Hong - 2020 - Kyŏnggi-do Koyang-si: Hakkobang.
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