Results for 'V. Šablicová'

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  1.  45
    Linear temporal logic with until and next, logical consecutions.V. Rybakov - 2008 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 155 (1):32-45.
    While specifications and verifications of concurrent systems employ Linear Temporal Logic , it is increasingly likely that logical consequence in image will be used in the description of computations and parallel reasoning. Our paper considers logical consequence in the standard image with temporal operations image and image . The prime result is an algorithm recognizing consecutions admissible in image, so we prove that image is decidable w.r.t. admissible inference rules. As a consequence we obtain algorithms verifying the validity of consecutions (...)
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    Revising Anthropocentrism of Technics in the Light of the 21st Century New Anthropological Models.V. P. Melnyk & U. I. Lushch-Purii - 2022 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 21:72-83.
    _Purpose._ To substantiate the definition of technics as the attributive characteristics of a human being and the necessity of its orientation towards human flourishing in the context of new anthropological models of the 21st century. _Theoretical basis._ Correlation between technics, technology and the human essence is examined. The role of technics is traced at different historical stages of human development. Negative and positive effects of digital technology development upon a contemporary human being is analysed in the light of new anthropological (...)
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    Privacy, deontic epistemic action logic and software agents.V. Wiegel, M. J. Van den Hoven & G. J. C. Lokhorst - 2005 - Ethics and Information Technology 7 (4):251-264.
    In this paper we present an executable approach to model interactions between agents that involve sensitive, privacy-related information. The approach is formal and based on deontic, epistemic and action logic. It is conceptually related to the Belief-Desire-Intention model of Bratman. Our approach uses the concept of sphere as developed by Waltzer to capture the notion that information is provided mostly with restrictions regarding its application. We use software agent technology to create an executable approach. Our agents hold beliefs about the (...)
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    The meaning of structure in the theory of the unconscious by J. Lacan, Z. Freud and C. Jung.Liliyа Borisovnа Vаryginа - 2022 - Kant 42 (2):114-118.
    The article examines the unconscious uncontrolled side of the human psyche, analyzes approaches to determining the structure of the unconscious, its constituent elements and their relationships from the point of view of the concepts of prominent psychoanalysts Z. Freud, C. Jung and J. Lacan. The significance of the "mirror stage" described by Lacan is revealed. in the understanding of human self-consciousness. Particular attention is paid to Lacan's thesis that the unconscious is, first of all, language; and it is he who (...)
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  5. Tezisy dokladov 25-ĭ nauchnoĭ konferent︠s︡ii studentov i aspirantov: politologii︠a︡ i teologii︠a︡.V. I︠A︡ Barkalov (ed.) - 1998 - Barnaul: Izd-vo Altaĭskogo gosuniversiteta.
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    No Title Provided.V. BeŠevliev - 1950 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 43 (2):257-258.
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    America's State Colleges.V. R. Cardozier - 1988 - Minerva 26 (4):549-574.
  8. Le problème de la compréhension dans les sciences sociales.V. Cernik - 1989 - Filozofia 44 (5):546-565.
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  9. Themes of German neokantism in italian philosophy reviews at the end of the 19th-century.V. Danna - 1986 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 6 (2):249-263.
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  10. A statutory requirement to report colleagues?V. English, G. Romano-Critchley, J. Sheather & A. Sommerville - 2002 - Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (5):330-330.
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    Neonatal feeding practices and infant mortality during the 18th century.V. Fildes - 1980 - Journal of Biosocial Science 12 (3):313-324.
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  12. Giacomo Perticone e la cultura giuridica del Novecento.V. Frosini - 1996 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 73 (1):123-131.
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    Kosmicheskoe mirovozzrenie--novoe myshlenie XXI veka: materialy mezhdunarodnoĭ nauchno-obshchestvennoĭ konferent︠s︡ii, 2003.V. V. Frolov (ed.) - 2004 - Moskva: Master-Bank.
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    Ecology of human and nature in the information and technical environment : 10th international scientific conference on problems ecological outlook.V. Yu Ivlev, M. L. Ivleva & V. I. Falco - 2019 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 23 (3):373-381.
  15. Konet︠s︡ vremeni kompozitorov.V. I. Martynov - 2002 - Moskva: Russkiĭ putʹ.
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  16. Language and World, Contributions to the 32nd International Wittgenstein Symposium.V. M. Muntz, K. Puhl & J. Wang (eds.) - 2009
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    Algorithmic model of social processes.V. I. Shalack - forthcoming - Philosophical Problems of IT and Cyberspace.
    The development of the social sciences needs to rely on precise methods. The nomological model of explanation adopted in the natural sciences is ill-suited for the social sciences. An algorithmic model of society can be a promising solution to existing problems. In its most general form, an algorithm is a generally understood prescription for what actions to perform and in what order to achieve the desired result. Any algorithm can be represented as a set of rules of the form «If (...)
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  18. The problem of freedom in the oeuvre of Spinoza, his place and his role in the history of philosophy.V. Sokolov - 1977 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 31 (119):158-173.
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  19. L'avvento dell'Anticristo.V. Soloviev & Adolfo Asnaghi - 1953 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 9 (4):436-436.
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  20. Bellezza e armonia della natura in L'idea di natura.V. Stella - 1987 - Studium 83 (4-5):675-690.
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  21. Estimation and prognostication of reliability of electronic elements and systems.–Kiev.V. Streljnikov & A. Feduhin - forthcoming - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España].
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  22.  29
    Socrates’ Second Sailing.V. Tejera - 1992 - International Studies in Philosophy 24 (3):99-104.
  23. Revival of mysticism and contemplative prayer in religion.V. F. Vineeth - 2009 - Journal of Dharma 34 (4):393-412.
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  24.  31
    Ascriptions and appraisals.V. C. Walsh - 1958 - Journal of Philosophy 55 (24):1062-1072.
  25. R. Schlüter, Schopenhauers Philosophie in seinen Briefen. [REVIEW]V. C. - 1901 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 6:465.
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    S. Animali e P. Seri, Diffusione geografica delle sedi universitarie e sviluppo locale. Knowledge impact nel caso delle Marche. [REVIEW]V. Goglio - 2010 - Polis: Research and studies on Italian society and politics 24 (1):151-153.
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    New books. [REVIEW]V. K. H. - 1914 - Mind 23 (1):625-626.
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    "Novye" i "vechnye" problemy filosofii: sbornik nauchnykh trudov tretʹeĭ konferent︠s︡ii aspirantov i soiskateleĭ SO RAN "Novye" i "vechnye" problemy filosofii, Novosibirsk, 25 mai︠a︡ 2000 g.V. I. Suprun (ed.) - 2000 - Novosibirsk: In-t filosofii i prava SO RAN.
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    Finitude and Transcendence in the Platonic Dialogues. [REVIEW]V. Tejera - 1999 - International Studies in Philosophy 31 (2):149-150.
  30.  11
    Tempo, Coscienza e Essere nella filosofia di Aristotele (review). [REVIEW]V. Tejera - 1973 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 11 (1):111-115.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 111 One fascinating item is the author's extensive account of the most violent and extended controversy in the history of aesthetics---the veneration of images and the disputes between the Iconoclasts and the Iconophiles. This sometimes physical battle raged for over 100 years! The Byzantine society, obviously, took art seriously. Tatarkiewicz' great labor is an object lesson in historiography and bibliographic technique. At one and the same time (...)
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    Freiheitsidee und Rechtsbegriff in der Philosophie von Johann Gottlieb Fichte. Ein Beitrag zur Rechtsphilosophie des Tranzendentalen Idealismus. [REVIEW]G. V. J. Mc - 1936 - Journal of Philosophy 33 (5):134-134.
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    V. S. Stepin’s Concept of Post-Non-Classical Science and N. N. Moiseev’s Concept of Universal Evolutionism.V. I. Arshinov & V. G. Budanov - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (4):96-112.
    The article is devoted to the memory of Vyacheslav Semenovich Stepin and Nikita Nikolaevich Moiseev, whose multifaceted work was integrally focused on philosophical, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research of the key ideas and principles of universal human-dimensional evolutionism. Other remarkable Russian scientists V.I. Vernadsky, S.P. Kurdyumov, S.P. Kapitsa, D.S. Chernavsky worked in the same tradition of universal evolutionism. While V.I. Vernadsky and N.N. Moiseev had been the originators of that scientific approach, V.S. Stepin provided philosophical foundations for the ideas of those (...)
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  33. Király V. István - Death and History.István Király V. - 2016 - Budapesti Konyv Szemle (2):79-83.
    Recenzio Kiraly V. Istvan Death and History c. konyverol.
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  34. Chelovek v kulʹture: filosofskie, antropologicheskie, regionalʹnye aspekty kulʹtury i russkogo kosmizma: monografii︠a︡.V. V. Lytkin (ed.) - 2022 - Moskva: RU-SCIENCE.
    Glava 1. Osmyslenie "ideala" russkim kosmizmom -- Glava 2. Analiz osnovnykh filosofsko-antropologicheskikh ideĭ v russkoĭ religioznoĭ filosofii -- Glava 3. Idei kosmizma v russkoĭ religioznoĭ filosofii -- Glava 4. V.I. Vernadskiĭ o sootnoshenii nauki, filosofii i religii -- Glava 5. Mifologicheskoe i nauchnoe v izuchenii obraza protopopa Avvakuma -- Glava 6. Ėkonomicheskoe razvitie i nravstvennai︠a︡ degradat︠s︡ii︠a︡ cheloveka i obshchestva v format︠s︡ionnom podkhode Karla Marksa i Fridrikha Ėngelʹsa.
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  35. Constantin TONU: István KIRÁLY V., Death and History, Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, ISBN: 978-3-659-80237-9, 172 pages, 2015.V. Istvan Kiraly & Constantin Tonu - 2016 - Metacritic Journal for Comparative Studies and Theory 2 (1).
    Review the Istvan Kiraly V.'s book: Death and History.
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    Izbrannye proizvedenii︠a︡ v 5-ti tomakh.V. O. Kudin - 2009 - Kiev: Vipol.
    v. 1. Obrazovanie v sud'bakh narodov. Education in the fates of nations -- v. 2. Razdumyi︠a︡. Thoughts -- v. 3. Krutogori︠a︡mi zhizni. Steep roads of the life -- v. 4. Ėstetika i tvorchestvo. Aesthetics and creativity -- v. 5. T︠S︡ivilizat︠s︡ii︠a︡ v zhizni planety. The civilization in the life of our planet.
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  37. Amerika v filosofii istorii Gegeli︠a︡ i problema "novoĭ ontologii" Ameriki.V. A. Anishin - 1983 - In Artur Vladimirovich Sagadeev, N. S. Kirabaev & V. A. Anishin, Iz istorii filosofii osvobodivshikhsi︠a︡ stran: sbornik nauchnykh trudov. Moskva: Universitet druzhby narodov.
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    Kosmos v proizvedenii︠a︡kh drevnikh filosofov.V. I. Bakina - 2003 - Moskva: Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta.
  39.  14
    Poznanie v dei︠a︡telʹnosti i obshchenii: ot teorii i praktiki k ėksperimentu.V. A. Barabanshchikov, V. N. Nosulenko & E. S. Samoĭlenko (eds.) - 2011 - Moskva: Institut psikhologii RAN.
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    Poznanie v strukture obshchenii︠a︡.V. A. Barabanshchikov & E. S. Samoĭlenko (eds.) - 2008 - Moskva: In-t psikhologii RAN.
  41. Vvedenie v psikhologii︠u︡ polimorfnoĭ individualʹnosti.V. V. Belous - 2000 - Pi︠a︡tigorsk: PGLU.
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  42.  30
    Особливості становлення кельтського варіанту християнства в ірландії в V – на початку VI ст.V. R. Buchovskyi - 2008 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 47:119-127.
    Throughout Christianity, its activities are in one way or another connected to the historical reality of its time. Usually, for different epochs, the strength of these bonds was different, but during the Middle Ages, they were significantly stronger than before and after. It is here that perhaps the most important moment was the rise of Christianity, which spread over a relatively short period of time almost throughout Europe. It was then - and never again in all its history - that (...)
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  43. Chelovek v mire tradit︠s︡iĭ: monografii︠a︡.V. I︠U︡ Bystrov - 2001 - Velikiĭ Novgorod: Novgorodskiĭ gos. universitet im. I︠A︡roslava Mudrogo.
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  44. V poiskakh mirovozzrenii︠a︡ XXI veka: mezhvuzovskiĭ sbornik nauchnykh trudov.V. P. Durin (ed.) - 2002 - Khabarovsk: Dalʹnevostochnyĭ gos. universitet puteĭ soobshchenii︠a︡.
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  45. Soznanie v sot︠s︡iokulʹturnom izmerenii.V. P. Filatov & V. A. Kruglikov (eds.) - 1990 - Moskva: Akademii︠a︡ nauk SSSR, In-t filosofii.
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  46. (1 other version)V. I. Lenin i suchasna fizyka.V. S. Gott - 1960
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    V. Laurent, Le Corpus Des Sceaux De L'empire Byzantin.V. Grumel - 1968 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 61 (1).
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  48.  16
    Chelovek v poiskakh Rodiny.V. D. Gubin - 2010 - Moskva: Rossiĭskiĭ gos. gumanitarnyĭ universitet.
    Рассматриваются актуальные проблемы философской антропологии, проводится анализ парадоксов и противоречий, возникающих при изучении человека, тех кардинальных сдвигов в культуре, которые открыли новые стороны человеческого бытия. Для студентов.
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    Chelovek v trekh izmerenii︠a︡kh.V. D. Gubin - 2010 - Moskva: Rossiĭskiĭ gos. gumanitarnyĭ universitet. Edited by E. N. Nekrasova.
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    Chelovek v izmeni︠a︡i︠u︡shcheĭsi︠a︡ nauchnoĭ kartine mira.V. A. Ivanova - 2002 - Barnaul: Barnaulʹskiĭ gos. pedagog. universitet.
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