Results for 'Valeria Moriconi'

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  1.  14
    Bereaved Families: A Qualitative Study of Therapeutic Intervention.Valeria Moriconi & María Cantero-García - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundA child’s death is the most stressful event and the most complex grief that families face. The process of psychological adaptation to the illness and death of a child is difficult due to a variety of emotional reactions. Parental grief had received the attention of researchers only in recent years when it became clear that this reality differs substantially from the general grief process.ObjectiveThis work aims to highlight the needs of bereaved parents; increase the specificity and effectiveness of the therapeutic (...)
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  2. On Inversion Principles.Enrico Moriconi & Laura Tesconi - 2008 - History and Philosophy of Logic 29 (2):103-113.
    The idea of an ?inversion principle?, and the name itself, originated in the work of Paul Lorenzen in the 1950s, as a method to generate new admissible rules within a certain syntactic context. Some fifteen years later, the idea was taken up by Dag Prawitz to devise a strategy of normalization for natural deduction calculi (this being an analogue of Gentzen's cut-elimination theorem for sequent calculi). Later, Prawitz used the inversion principle again, attributing it with a semantic role. Still working (...)
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    Early Structural Reasoning. Gentzen 1932.Enrico Moriconi - 2015 - Review of Symbolic Logic 8 (4):662-679.
    This paper is a study of the opening section of Gentzen’s first publication of 1932,Über die Existenz unabhängiger Axiomensysteme zu unendlichen Satzsystemen, a text which shows the relevance of Hertz’s work of the 1920’s for the young Gentzen. In fact, Gentzen borrowed from Hertz the analysis of the notion of consequence, which was given in terms of the rules of thinning (Verdünnung) and cut (Schnitt) on sequents (there called “sentences”(Sätze)). Moreover, following Hertz again, he also judged it necessary to justify (...)
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  4. Inclusivist Egalitarian Liberalism and Temporary Migration: A Dilemma.Valeria Ottonelli & Tiziana Torresi - 2010 - Journal of Political Philosophy 20 (2):202-224.
  5.  11
    From Proof-Objects to Grounds.Enrico Moriconi - 2024 - In Antonio Piccolomini D'Aragona (ed.), Perspectives on Deduction: Contemporary Studies in the Philosophy, History and Formal Theories of Deduction. Springer Verlag. pp. 115-138.
    The paper is devoted to an examination of the epistemic account of the notion of deductive inference recently provided by D. Prawitz, and based on the notion of ground. This is part of the general scenario constituted by the “Proof-theoretic semantics”, presented since the ’70s of the last century as an alternative to the standard model-theoretic explication of the notion of logical consequence.Our argument pivots on the so-called “Curry–Howard Correspondence”, which exploited the idea of considering proofs as proper mathematical objects (...)
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    Ideologia come funzione. Lukács e l'Ontologia dell'essere sociale.Valeria Gualdi - 2014 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 26 (51).
    A partire dagli anni '60, György Lukács intraprende una ricerca volta a recuperare e sviluppare l'ontologia sociale racchiusa negli scritti di Marx nel tentativo di rinnovare la riflessione marxista dopo l'effetto inibitorio provocato dallo Stalinismo. Lo scopo di questo articolo è di indagare la concezione lukácsiana dell'ideologia come funzione sociale, mettendola in relazione con il regime di complessità descritto da Lukács nella sua ultima opera, Ontologia dell'essere sociale. Recuperando il riferimento goethiano implicito nell'idea di lavoro come “fenomeno originario” dell'azione sociale, (...)
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  7. Il mito del sistema completo.Enrico Moriconi - 2005 - Teoria 25 (2):183-190.
    The focus of this paper is on two attempts Sainati made to renew neo-idealistic themes by means of suggestions drawn from the famous Goedel’s Incompleteness Theorems of 1931. Sainati’s remarks on the relationship between «logo astratto » and «logo concreto» are here pursued by reference to some of Goedel’s unpublished texts.
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  8. I Tre Strati Della Logica Formale In Edmund Husserl.Enrico Moriconi - 1985 - Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine 3 (3/4):87-98.
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  9. La Lupa di Verga nella novella e nel dramma.Bernardina Moriconi - 2002 - Studium 98 (4):629-640.
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  10. Some Remarks on True Undecidable Sentences.Enrico Moriconi - 2018 - In John Baldwin (ed.), Truth, Existence and Explanation. Springer Verlag.
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  11. Zur Frage der IV. syllogistischen Figur in der "Dissertatio de arte combinatoria". Eine Jugendsünde Leibnizens?Enrico Moriconi - 1984 - Studia Leibnitiana 16:212.
  12.  35
    A Blatant Case of Over-Accommodation.Valeria Ottonelli - unknown
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  13. Politics.Valeria Ottonelli & Italo Testa - 2014 - In Tiziana Andina (ed.), Bridging the Analytical Continental Divide: A Companion to Contemporary Western Philosophy. Boston: Brill. pp. 241-269.
  14.  19
    Pajas muy pajeras Masculinidad hegemónica, tecnologías y masturbación.Valeria Radrigán - 2021 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 12:75-104.
    This article reflects on the relationships between hegemonic masculinity, technologies and masturbation. It is established that this sexual practice has been determined by a series of powers and "myth loops" that, especially affecting cis-hetero men, have limited the emancipatory possibilities of self-pleasure. The text provides a general historical overview to review relevant gender differences regarding to masturbation, and focuses specifically on the Chilean case, their traditions, norms, evaluations and stereotypes to review the emergence of hegemonic male masturbatory practices. These and (...)
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    Three Things About the Good Life.Valéria Regecová - 2009 - Human Affairs 19 (2):233-238.
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    Profili dell'averroismo bolognese: metafisica e scienza in Taddeo da Parma.Valeria Sorge - 2001 - Napoli: Luciano.
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  17. The utopian dimension of new technologies : a feminist technophilosophical approach to sex and gender.Valeria Venditti - 2023 - In Mary L. Edwards & S. Orestis Palermos (eds.), Feminist philosophy and emerging technologies. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  18. Normalization and meaning theory.Enrico Moriconi - 2000 - Epistemologia 23 (2):281-304.
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    Voluntariness and Migration: A Restatement.Valeria Ottonelli & Tiziana Torresi - 2023 - Ethics and International Affairs 37 (4):406-426.
    A key question in the theory of migration and in public debates on immigration policies is when migration can be said to be voluntary and when, conversely, it should be seen as nonvoluntary. In a previous article, we tried to answer this crucial question by providing a list of conditions we view as sufficient for migration to be considered nonvoluntary. According to our account, one condition that makes migration nonvoluntary is when people migrate because they lack acceptable alternatives to doing (...)
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    Aristotle and Menander on the Ethics of Understanding.Valeria Cinaglia - 2014 - Boston: Brill.
    In Aristotle and Menander on the Ethics of Understanding , Valeria Cinaglia offers a parallel study of Menander’s New Comedy and Aristotle’s philosophy and she explores the depth and implications of their analogies in subjects ranging from epistemology and psychology to ethics.
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    Temporary migration projects and voting rights.Valeria Ottonelli & Tiziana Torresi - 2014 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 17 (5):580-599.
  22.  15
    The Psychological and Social Impact of Covid-19: New Perspectives of Well-Being.Valeria Saladino, Davide Algeri & Vincenzo Auriemma - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Pós-verdade, fake news e outras drogas.Valéria Cristina Lopes Wilke - 2020 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 7 (1):8-27.
    O advento da sociedade em rede promoveu mudanças significativas na experiência-com-o-mundo. Observa-se nos últimos anos a crescente toxidade no ambiente informacional, marcado tanto pela vivência tóxica da informação que circula legalmente nas redes sociais como por informações que intoxicam os indivíduos e grupos. O objetivo é discutir, em tempos de pós-verdade e da sociedade non-stop, o aspecto tóxico da informação, que ao tornar o ambiente informacional tóxico, adoece indivíduos e também as sociedades democráticas, ao esmaecer a empatia para com os (...)
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    Manipulative imagination: how to move things around in mathematics.Valeria Giardino - 2018 - Theoria : An International Journal for Theory, History and Fundations of Science 33 (2):345-360.
    In the first part of the paper, previous work about embodied mathematics and the practice of topology will be presented. According to the proposed view, in order to become experts, topologists have to learn how to use manipulative imagination: representations are cognitive tools whose functioning depends from pre-existing cognitive abilities and from specific training. In the second part of the paper, the notion of imagination as “make-believe” is discussed to give an account of cognitive tools in mathematics as props; to (...)
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    Investigating Knowledge Flows in Scientific Communities: The Potential of Bibliometric Methods.Valeria Aman & Jochen Gläser - forthcoming - Minerva:1-28.
    In their everyday work, scholars constantly acquire and transfer knowledge. Many of these knowledge flows are difficult to observe, not least because scholars are often not aware of them. This may be the reason why the attention to knowledge flows is very unevenly distributed across science studies, with bibliometric citation-based studies contributing the most research. Starting from the premise that bibliometric methods can be more readily exploited in the study of knowledge flows, this review explores the potential of bibliometric methods (...)
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    The demographic determinants of Africa’s changing global position.Valéria Bankóová - 2018 - Human Affairs 28 (4):367-378.
    Demographic growth has in recent years been one of the determining characteristics of African development, and if projections are correct, the continent is set to become a population superpower. Its proportion of the world population, especially relative to the “old continent”, is increasing in a historically unprecedented manner, and its inhabitants are younger than ever. Although it is still difficult to assess whether this trend should be regarded as an opportunity or as a potential risk factor, it is already possible (...)
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  27. Le De Felicitate dans les Communia de Salamanque : contexte de composition et sources.Valeria Buffon - 2018 - In Claude Lafleur (ed.), Les philosophies morale et naturelle du Pseudo-Robert Grosseteste: étude, édition critique et traduction des Communia de Salamanque (Ms. Salamanca, BU 1986, fol. 99ra-102vb). Québec: Les Presses de l'Université Laval.
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    L’intuition intellective du Premier principe : les maîtres ès arts de Paris et Avicenne.Valeria Buffon - 2010 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 66 (1):85-103.
    Pour déterminer la cognoscibilité du Premier principe, Avicenne emprunte dans sa Métaphysique trois voies: la connaissance scientifique par démonstration, l’intuition intellective et la connaissance à travers le discours prophétique. Dans le cadre de la réception de l’Éthique aristotélicienne, les maîtres ès arts de Paris empruntent deux de ces voies au milieu du XIIIe siècle. Même si beaucoup d’éléments sont semblables dans les deux cas, les artiens ne sortiront pas de leur spécificité professionnelle: le discours philosophique.
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    Liminaire. Regards chronologiques sur un thème de gnoséologie et d'épistémologie à travers l'Antiquité et le Moyen Âge.Valeria Buffon, Claude Lafleur & François Lortie - 2010 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 66 (1):9-12.
  30.  16
    O Observatório Social Como Exercício de Democracia e Sua Interface Com a Legislação Ambiental.Valéria Giumelli Canestrini & Denise Schmitt Siqueira Garcia - 2022 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 7 (2):112-127.
    A pesquisa expõe o instituto Democracia e o exercício da cidadania, nas formas de participação popular, como o observatório social, e a importância deste para a lisura dos procedimentos de licenciamentos urbanos-ambientais, fundado na sustentabilidade. Justifica-se pela necessidade acadêmica de reavivar a democracia e seus objetivos, enfatizando que os observatórios sociais podem ser efetivos na fiscalização da legislação ambiental para garantir direitos socioambientais nas políticas públicas. Elegeu-se o método dedutivo, a técnica bibliográfica. Conclui-se que o exercício da democracia pela cidadania (...)
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    Il poeta, l'alchimista, il demone: la dottrina tetravalente dei temperamenti poetici di Gaston Bachelard.Valeria Chiore - 2004 - Genova: Il melangolo.
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    Where Are We Now? The Epidemic as Politics.Valeria Dani - 2021 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben presents an account of the political upheavals that ensued as the COVID-19 pandemic brought his country—and with it his countrymen's personal liberties—to a crashing halt. While controversial, Agamben’s reflections on the transformation of Western democracies hold implications far beyond any present crisis.
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    Desmuteados: por qué las opiniones y las creencias se escuchan más fuerte que la verdad.Valeria Groisman - 2021 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: Librería Akadia Editorial.
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  34. Da bene pubblico a bene comune: le aree verdi come oggetto di un impegno congiunto.Valeria Zani Martino - 2024 - Rivista di Estetica 85 (85):103-117.
    Although there is much confusion about it in everyday language, the distinction between public and common goods is clear enough within Economics. While the former involves the fact of being open to all and state management, the latter requires common but still limited management. The different kind of administration can also be explored through the reference to a different kind of agent meant as the one who makes use of the different goods: if in the case of public goods, we (...)
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    Dimostrazioni e significato: Michael Dummett, Dag Prawitz, Per Martin-Löf.Enrico Moriconi - 1993 - Francoangeli.
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    Dummett's transcendence.Enrico Moriconi & Ernesto Napoli - 1988 - Philosophia 18 (4):371-383.
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  37. Il "Neopositivismo logico" venticinque anni dopo.Enrico Moriconi - 2003 - Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine 21 (2):78-86.
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  38. I teoremi di Godel e la fine del fondazionalismo.Enrico Moriconi - 2004 - Epistemologia 27 (2):319-326.
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  39. On the meaning of Hilbert's consistency problem (paris, 1900).Enrico Moriconi - 2003 - Synthese 137 (1-2):129 - 139.
    The theory that ``consistency implies existence'' was put forward by Hilbert on various occasions around the start of the last century, and it was strongly and explicitly emphasized in his correspondence with Frege. Since (Gödel's) completeness theorem, abstractly speaking, forms the basis of this theory, it has become common practice to assume that Hilbert took for granted the semantic completeness of second order logic. In this paper I maintain that this widely held view is untrue to the facts, and that (...)
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    Ricordo di Ettore Casari.Enrico Moriconi - 2019 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 10 (2):224-225.
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    Steps Towards a Proof-Theoretical Semantics.Enrico Moriconi - 2012 - Topoi 31 (1):67-75.
    The aim of this paper is to reconsider several proposals that have been put forward in order to develop a Proof-Theoretical Semantics, from the by now classical neo-verificationist approach provided by D. Prawitz and M. Dummett in the Seventies, to an alternative, more recent approach mainly due to the work of P. Schroeder-Heister and L. Hallnäs, based on clausal definitions. Some other intermediate proposals are very briefly sketched. Particular attention will be given to the role played by the so-called Fundamental (...)
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    Scienza, linguaggio, esperienza.Valeria Novielli - 1973 - Bari,: Dedalo libri.
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    Interactive justice, pluralism and oppression.Valeria Ottonelli - 2019 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 22 (4):473-479.
  44.  14
    Reply to Critics.Valeria Ottonelli & Tiziana Torresi - 2023 - Law, Ethics and Philosophy 9:180-199.
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    «Larvatus prodeo». For a Critics of the System of Evaluation.Valeria Pinto - 2012 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 25 (3):475-494.
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    Acontecimiento y fuerza diferencial. Benjamin-Hamacher-Derrida.Valeria Campos Salvaterra - 2020 - Isegoría 62:125-150.
    The link between force, violence and events in the philosophy of Jacques Derrida is explored, arguing that this relationship is at the very heart of the problem of meaning and its performativity. This thesis is based on the analysis of Derrida’s reading of both Benjamin’s Critique of Violence, as well as Austin’s linguistic performative theory, which allows, at first, to link the question of signification with that of force or violence. Subsequently, we use the analysis of W. Hamacher about Benjamin (...)
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    Introduction. Phenomenology of Social Impairments: Towards New Research Paths.Valeria Bader Bizzari - 2021 - Phenomenology and Mind 21:12-18.
    Authentic human life is the open-ended dialogue. Life by its very nature is dialogic. To live means to participate in dialogue: to ask questions, to head, to respond, to agree, and so forth. In this dialogue a person participates wholly and throughout his whole life: with his eyes, lips, hands, soul, spirit, with his whole body and deeds. He invests his entire self in discourse, and this discourse enters into the dialogic fabric of human life, into the world symposium. (Bahktin, (...)
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    Equal respect, equal competence and democratic legitimacy.Valeria Ottonelli - 2012 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 15 (2):201-218.
    Equal respect for persons is often appealed to as the grounding principle of democratic rule. I argue here that if it needs to account for the specific content of democratic political rights, it must be understood as respect for people as competent political decision-makers. However, the claim that respect is due to people as a response to their actual equal competence leads to a conflation of democratic legitimacy and substantive justice, resting on implausible factual assumptions and making it impossible to (...)
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    Which Kind of Body in “Mental” Pathologies? Phenomenological Insights on the Nature of the Disrupted Self.Valeria Bizzari - 2023 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 48 (2):116-127.
    Guided by a phenomenological perspective, this paper aims to account for the existence of a corporeal consciousness—something that clinicians should take into account, not merely in the case of physical pathologies but especially in the case of mental disorders. Firstly, I will highlight three cases: schizophrenia, depression, and autism spectrum disorder. Then, I will show how these cases correspond to three different kinds of bodily existence: disembodiment (in the case of schizophrenia), chrematization (in melancholic depression), and dyssynchrony (in the autism (...)
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  50. Introduction: Varieties of Iconicity.Valeria Giardino & Gabriel Greenberg - 2015 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 6 (1):1-25.
    This introduction aims to familiarize readers with basic dimensions of variation among pictorial and diagrammatic representations, as we understand them, in order to serve as a backdrop to the articles in this volume. Instead of trying to canvas the vast range of representational kinds, we focus on a few important axes of difference, and a small handful of illustrative examples. We begin in Section 1 with background: the distinction between pictures and diagrams, the concept of systems of representation, and that (...)
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