Results for 'Verena Lehmbrock'

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  1.  22
    Zur Geschichte einer Metakategorie: Das ‚Empirische‘ in der deutschen Ökonomischen Aufklärung und frühen Agrarwissenschaft um 1800.Verena Lehmbrock - 2016 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 39 (1):79-98.
    Tracing the History of a Super‐Category: The ‘Empirical’ in German Agricultural Improvement and Science around 1800. In accordance with some historians of philosophy, this paper claims that Kant′s critical philosophy can be seen as a watershed between the largely negative and ascriptive term ‘empiric’ applied during the early modern period and the more self‐referential term ‘empiricist’ of the modern period. I will examine the usage and polemical function of the ‘empirical’ label in German agricultural improvement, and will point out its (...)
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    Ecopolitics: the environment in poststructuralist thought.Verena Andermatt Conley - 1997 - New York: Routledge.
    Ecopolitics is a study of environmental awareness--or non-awareness--in contemporary French theory. Arguing that it is now impossible not to think in an ecological way, Verena Andermatt Conley traces the roots of today's concern for the environment back to the intellectual climate of the late '50s and '60s. Major thinkers of 1968, the author argues, changed the way we think the world; this owes much to an ecological awareness that remains at the heart of issues concerning cultural theory in general. (...)
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    Shared Responsibility for Societal Problems: The Role of Internal Activists in Reframing Corporate Responsibility.Verena Girschik - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (1):34-66.
    This article addresses intraorganizational pressures for organizational transformation toward more responsible business practices by exploring the role of internal activists. Building on the interactive framing perspective, I ask how internal activists develop a framing of their company’s responsibilities as they attempt to transform its business practices from the inside out. I explore this question in the context of a Danish pharmaceutical company’s responsibilities regarding the rising diabetes problem. Grounded in an inductive, interpretive analysis, I show how internal activists developed a (...)
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    The numbering system of the tractatus.Verena Mayer - 1993 - Ratio 6 (2):108-120.
    The significance of the complicated numbering of the propositions in the Tractatus has occasioned much speculation. Wittgenstein's own explanation has, following Stenius, been generally regarded as misleading. But an examination of the Prototractatus reveals that the numbering system was for Wittgenstein principally an aid in the composition of his work. It allowed him to mark out certain propositions which required further work or supplementation, without disturbing the basic structure of the treatise. But the reworking of the Prototractatus to form the (...)
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    Collective Writing – Writing Collectives: Die Konstruktion kollektiver Identität in life writings der US-Nicaragua-Solidaritätsbewegung der 1980er.Verena Baier - 2019 - Zeitschrift Für Kultur- Und Kollektivwissenschaft 5 (1):49-78.
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  6. Suche nach einer modernen judischen identitaf: Der beginn der Spinoza-Rezeption unter den juden im zarenreich.Verena Dohrn - 1997 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 13:141-160.
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    Einleitung.Verena Maria Holl - 2017 - In Politische Legitimation in der Demokratie: Eine Studie Zur Hochschulpolitik Anhand der Theorien von Rawls Und Dewey. De Gruyter. pp. 1-9.
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    Literaturverzeichnis.Verena Maria Holl - 2017 - In Politische Legitimation in der Demokratie: Eine Studie Zur Hochschulpolitik Anhand der Theorien von Rawls Und Dewey. De Gruyter. pp. 199-216.
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  9. The ruins of melancholy in Sterne's Tristram Shandy.Verena Olejniczak Lobsien - 2013 - In Klaus Vieweg, James Vigus & Kathleen M. Wheeler (eds.), Shandean Humour in English and German Literature and Philosophy. Legenda, Modern Humanities Research Association and Maney Publishing.
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  10.  15
    „Umma – Be part of it!“: Vergemeinschaftung und soziale Grenzziehungen in der pop-islamischen Jugendkultur in Deutschland.Verena Maske - 2019 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 27 (1):103-124.
    Zusammenfassung Der vorliegende Beitrag analysiert die Bedeutung der Idee der umma in der „Muslimischen Jugend in Deutschland e. V.“ und der sie umgebenden pop-islamischen Szene entlang der Frage sozialer Grenzziehungsprozesse. Es soll gezeigt werden, dass soziale Grenzen nicht nur durch Zuschreibungs- und Exklusionsprozesse von außen konstruiert, sondern auch entlang von gemeinschaftsbildenden Identifikationsprozessen junger Musliminnen und Muslime hergestellt werden. Indem individuelle und kollektive Bedeutungen der Umma im Kontext des Untersuchungsfeldes erfasst werden, werden Prozesse der Vergemeinschaftung ebenso in den Blick genommen wie (...)
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    The Significance of Objectifying Acts in Husserl’s Fifth Investigation.Verena Mayer & Christopher Erhard - 2019 - In John J. Drummond & Otfried Höffe (eds.), Husserl: German Perspectives. New York, NY: Fordham University Press. pp. 163-192.
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    Klaus-Michael Kodalle: Verzeihung denken. Die verkannte Grundlage humaner Verhältnisse.Verena Rauen - 2014 - Philosophische Rundschau 61 (3):242-244.
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  13. Hume on Pyrrhonian Scepticism and Suspension of Judgement.Verena Wagner & Scott Stapleford - 2024 - In Scott Stapleford & Verena Wagner (eds.), Hume and contemporary epistemology. New York, NY: Routledge.
    This paper examines Hume’s understanding of a third doxastic position distinct from belief and disbelief, arguing that his epistemology presupposes different forms of doxastic neutrality. While Hume does not explicitly discuss this third position, his Treatise of Human Nature and Enquiry concerning Human Understanding offer ideas relevant to contemporary debates on suspension of judgement and inquiry. Hume engaged with Pyrrhonian scepticism, finding its suspension of judgement excessive, yet acknowledging that the Pyrrhonian arguments are theoretically difficult to refute. Based on various (...)
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    Making worlds from literature: W.E.B. Du Bois’s The Quest of the Silver Fleece and Dark Princess.Verena Adamik - 2021 - Thesis Eleven 162 (1):105-120.
    While W.E.B. Du Bois’s first novel, The Quest of the Silver Fleece (1911), is set squarely in the USA, his second work of fiction, Dark Princess: A Romance (1928), abandons this national framework, depicting the treatment of African Americans in the USA as embedded into an international system of economic exploitation based on racial categories. Ultimately, the political visions offered in the novels differ starkly, but both employ a Western literary canon – so-called ‘classics’ from Greek, German, English, French, and (...)
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  15.  12
    Nurses matter: reclaiming our professional identity.Verena Tschudin - 1999 - Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan.
    Today's nurses find themselves in the position of having to redefine their identity. They must ask themselves why they matter, what is important about them as professionals, and how they contribute as team members. In this innovative and stimulating book, Verena Tschudin draws on her research and expertise to bring together aspects of nursing and ethics in a fresh and challenging way. Starting from the premise that 'people matter', she develops a basis for a nursing identity which gives a (...)
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  16. Committing to Indecision: A Taxonomy of Suspension of Judgment.Verena Wagner - 2025 - In Verena Wagner & Zinke Alexandra (eds.), Suspension in epistemology and beyond. New York, NY: Routledge.
    Suspension of judgment or belief is often described as the neutral doxastic position or stance, alongside belief and disbelief. However, in this contribution, I will demonstrate that there is more than one way of being neutral. I will introduce paradigmatic cases involving cognitive neutrality and highlight significant differences in their nature, such as their relation to inquiry. I will argue that judgment suspension is an act of committing to indecision, leading to a qualified neutral state of mind. However, subjects can (...)
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  17.  37
    Ambiguität in der Kunst: Typen und Funktionen eines ästhetischen Paradigmas.Verena Krieger, Rachel Mader & Katharina Jesberger (eds.) - 2010 - Köln: Böhlau.
    Die hier versammelten Beiträge analysieren Typen und Funktionen der Ambiguität an Beispielen aus der mittelalterlichen bis zur zeitgenössischen Kunst.
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    Expressing Contempt in Rome—Language, Rhetoric, and Critique.Verena Schulz - 2023 - Emotion Review 15 (3):235-239.
    This article presents three brief case studies of the way Romans talked about and expressed contempt. It examines aspects of discourses about contempt that are characteristic both of Roman literature and of modern concepts. The focus is on the relationship of hierarchy, recognition, and (active and passive) contempt in the Latin vocabulary and in two literary motifs taken from invective and historiography, two genres in which expressions of contempt are particularly frequent and prominent.
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  19.  41
    Fulfilled Emotional Outcome Expectancies Enable Successful Adoption and Maintenance of Physical Activity.Verena Klusmann, Lisa Musculus, Gudrun Sproesser & Britta Renner - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  20.  30
    Reading Lacan.Verena Andermatt Conley & Jane Gallop - 1987 - Substance 16 (1):97.
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  21.  19
    Morality of vaccination: the influence of moral conviction on vaccination decisions.Verena Aignesberger & Tobias Greitemeyer - 2025 - Ethics and Behavior 35 (1):29-54.
    Vaccine hesitancy persists despite vaccination’s important role in global health. As many vaccines provide social benefits through herd immunity, vaccination decisions can raise moral concerns. Two studies explored the role of moral convictions in vaccination decisions. Study 1 (N = 485) revealed higher vaccination intentions when individuals thought about vaccination in moral terms. Emotions and moral piggybacking positively predicted moral convictions. In Study 2 (N = 1,111), we evaluated the effects of emotional, moral, and scientific pro-vaccination arguments on moral convictions, (...)
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  22. Agnosticism as settled indecision.Verena Wagner - 2021 - Philosophical Studies 179 (2):671-697.
    In this paper, I spell out a descriptive account of agnosticism that captures the intuitive view that a subject enters the mental state of agnosticism via an act or event called suspension. I will argue that agnosticism is a complex mental state, and that the formation of an attitude is the relevant act or event by which a subject commits to indecision regarding some matter. I will suggest a ‘two-component analysis’ that addresses two aspects that jointly account for the settled (...)
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  23.  88
    Wider den doxastischen Kompatibilismus.Verena Wagner - 2019 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 96 (4):569-595.
    The aim of this paper is to show that doxastic compatibilists are making a strong case for genuine doxastic freedom when modelled on compatibilist free will. Unfortunately, their arguments from analogy can be used for the introduction of rather odd forms of freedom that concern our emotions, e.g. “freedom of fear” and “freedom of anger”. The author argues that this problem of overgeneralisation also concerns free will compatibilists who originally provided the weak conditions that are used by doxastic compatibilists. She (...)
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  24.  10
    The Patient's Charter.Verena Tschudin & Richard Smith - 1995
    Part of a series exploring ethical issues relevant to the practising nurse. In terms of ethics, The Patient's Charter is about the rights of patients and clients. This book views the ethical issues of the charter from four different viewpoints - the nurse, the doctor, the manager and the patient.
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    Der Tod gibt zu denken: interdisziplinäre Reflexionen zur (einzigen) Gewissheit des Lebens.Verena Begemann (ed.) - 2010 - Münster: Waxmann.
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  26. Literature, space, and the French nation-state after the 1950s.Verena Andermatt Conley - 2010 - In Christie McDonald & Susan Rubin Suleiman (eds.), French Global: A New Approach to Literary History. Columbia University Press.
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    Missexual MissteryLa Jeune Nee.Verena Conley, Helene Cixous & Catherine Clement - 1977 - Diacritics 7 (2):70.
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    Inhalt.Verena Mayer & Sabine A. Döring - 2002 - In Sabine A. Döring & Verena Mayer (eds.), Die Moralität der Gefühle. De Gruyter. pp. 5-6.
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  29.  9
    Discretio – Unterscheidung – Abgeschiedenheit.Verena Epp - 2011 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 45 (1).
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    Levels of Perceptual Content and Visual Images. Conceptual, Compositional, or Not?Verena Gottschling - 2005 - In Markus Werning, Edouard Machery & Gerhard Schurz (eds.), The Compositionality of Meaning and Content. Volume I - Foundational Issues,. De Gruyter. pp. 111-134.
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    Neuplatonismus und Ästhetik: zur Transformationsgeschichte des Schönen.Verena Olejniczak Lobsien & Claudia Olk (eds.) - 2007 - New York: De Gruyter.
    The volume enquires into the relationship between philosophy and aesthetics in Late Antiquity. Is the sensuous beauty of art a medium for the highest thinkable truth?
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  32. Einleitung.Verena Mayer - 2008 - In Verena Mayer & Christopher Erhard (eds.), Edmund Husserl: logische Untersuchungen. Berlin: Akademie Verlag Berlin.
  33. Husserl und die Kognitionswissenschaften.Verena Mayer - 2011 - In Verena Mayer, Christopher Erhard & Marisa Scherini (eds.), Die Aktualität Husserls. Freiburg: Karl Alber.
  34. Peter Goldie (Hg.), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Emotion.Verena Mayer - 2011 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 118 (2):424.
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  35. Living martyrs" : testifying what is to come.Verena Straub - 2019 - In Kerstin Schankweiler, Verena Straub & Tobias Wendl (eds.), Image testimonies: witnessing in times of social media. New York: Routledge/Taylor and Francis Group.
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    Global Trends in Nursing Ethics.Verena Tschudin - 1998 - In Helga Kuhse & Peter Singer (eds.), A Companion to Bioethics. Malden, Mass., USA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 563–569.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Professional Issues Educational Issues Policy Issues Leadership Issues Specific Issues References.
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  37. A Response To Alastair V. Campbell.Verena Tschudin - 1989 - Studies in Christian Ethics 2 (1):17-19.
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    (1 other version)Earth Follies: Coming to Feminist Terms with the Global Environmental Crisis.Verena Andermatt Conley & Joni Seager - 1995 - Substance 24 (1/2):212.
  39.  55
    Der Logische Aufbau als Plagiat: Oder: Eine Einführung in Husserls System der Konstitution.Verena Mayer - 2016 - In Guillermo E. Rosado Haddock (ed.), Husserl and Analytic Philosophy. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 175-260.
  40.  27
    The Impact of Conflict and War on International Nursing and Ethics.Verena Tschudin & Christine Schmitz - 2003 - Nursing Ethics 10 (4):354-367.
    Modern nursing evolved out of a war. Today’s nurses not only work in war zones but the profession as a whole needs to consider its responsibility in caring for victims of conflict and what its international duty is in preventing wars. This means that nurses must be informed of the devastation caused by conflict not only in countries where conflicts and war take place but also world-wide. Nurses’ responsibility is to prevent illness and alleviate suffering, which includes the long-term morbidity (...)
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    Smart cities as a testbed for experimenting with humans? - Applying psychological ethical guidelines to smart city interventions.Verena Zimmermann - 2023 - Ethics and Information Technology 25 (4):1-15.
    Smart Cities consist of a multitude of interconnected devices and services to, among others, enhance efficiency, comfort, and safety. To achieve these aims, smart cities rely on an interplay of measures including the deployment of interventions targeted to foster certain human behaviors, such as saving energy, or collecting and exchanging sensor and user data. Both aspects have ethical implications, e.g., when it comes to intervention design or the handling of privacy-related data such as personal information, user preferences or geolocations. Resulting (...)
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  42.  52
    Das Paradox des Regelfolgens in Kants Moralphilosophie.Verena Mayer - 2006 - Kant Studien 97 (3):343-368.
    1 Das Paradox des Regelfolgens Regeln im Sinne von Handlungsvorschriften setzen ihre Anwendbarkeit schon begrifflich voraus. Alle Regeln regeln mögliches Verhalten, seien es Verkehrsregeln, juridische Gesetze, mathematische und logische Verfahren, und selbst „Bedeutungs-postulate“, die festlegen, wie ein Ausdruck verständlich zu verwenden ist. Regeln ohne irgendeinen möglichen Anwendungsspielraum sind sinnlos. Dabei werden durch Regeln nicht nur mögliche Anwendungen präsupponiert, sondern umgekehrt aus gegebenen Tatsachen oder Ereignissen Regelmäßigkeiten herausgelesen, die sich in der Regel ausdrücken. Die Regel bezeichnet in diesem Sinne das „Prinzip (...)
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  43.  53
    Zerlegung und Struktur von Gedanken.Verena E. Mayer - 1990 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 37 (1):31-57.
    Frege spricht einerseits von der Zerlegung von Gedanken in Gedankenteile, andrerseits aber vom Aufbau von Gedanken. Scheinbar werden damit verschiedene inkompatible Auffassungen über Struktur bzw. Strukturlosigkeit von Gedanken ausgedrückt. Frege gebraucht jedoch den Ausdruck „Zerlegung" in mehreren Bedeutungen, die mit der Idee einer Konstruktion des Gedankens aus Teilen nicht nur vereinbar sind, sondern diese Idee sinnvoll ergänzen. Gedanken im Sinne Freges sind schon an sich auf eine bestimmte Weise logisch strukturiert und unterschieden sich gerade dadurch wesentlich von den sprachlichen Bedeutungen (...)
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  44. Being a Foreigner in Philosophy: A Taxonomy.Verena Erlenbusch - 2018 - Hypatia 33 (2):307-324.
    The question of diversity, both with regard to the demographic profile of philosophers as well as the content of philosophical inquiry, has received much attention in recent years. One figure that has gone relatively unnoticed is that of the foreigner. To the extent that philosophers have taken the foreigner as their object of inquiry, they have focused largely on challenges nonnative speakers of English face in a profession conducted predominantly in English. Yet an understanding of the foreigner in terms of (...)
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  45.  31
    From Utopian Island to Global Empire: Alex Garland's The Beach.Verena Adamik - 2021 - Utopian Studies 31 (3):457-474.
    This article discusses how Alex Garland's The Beach engages with conceptions of utopian islands, nation, and colonialism in modernity and how it, from this basis, develops a different spatiality that reflects on a more deterritorialized form of imperial domination within late twentieth-century globalization, as exercised by the United States. The novel is shown to subvert, but not to abolish, two spatial formations that originated in early modernity: nation and utopia. Building on Jean Baudrillard's elaborations regarding simulation and simulacra, the article (...)
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    Ethik als Kunst der Lebensführung: festschrift fur Friedrich Heckmann.Verena Begemann, Christiane Burbach, Dieter Weber & Friedrich Heckmann (eds.) - 2018 - Stuttgart: Kohlhammer Verlag.
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    Southern sustainability initiatives in agricultural value chains: a question of enhanced inclusiveness? The case of Trustea in India.Verena Bitzer & Alessia Marazzi - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (2):381-395.
    Recent studies have shed light on the emergence of Southern sustainability initiatives in commodity-based value chains. These initiatives position themselves as countering the exclusionary nature of many global multi-stakeholder initiatives, as critically analysed by previous studies. However, a common theoretical perspective on the inclusiveness of MSIs is still lacking. By drawing on the theory of regimes of engagement, we develop a theoretical framework which helps understanding the overt and subtle practices of including or excluding different stakeholders in MSIs. We apply (...)
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  48.  9
    Nancy’s Worlds.Verena Andermatt Conley - 2014 - Diacritics 42 (2):84-98.
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    The Concept of Sovereignty in Contemporary Continental Political Philosophy.Verena Erlenbusch - 2012 - Philosophy Compass 7 (6):365-375.
    The concept of sovereignty is one of the central concepts of modern political philosophy. However, faced with processes of economic globalization as well as legal and political universalism, contemporary political theory struggles to account for the exercise of state power in terms of the traditional understanding of sovereignty. This survey article reviews the most influential conceptualizations of sovereignty in contemporary continental political philosophy. These include Schmitt’s defense of sovereignty and Agamben’s rejection of sovereign politics as well as a number of (...)
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    Understanding the democratic promise of the city.Verena Frick - 2024 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (10):1591-1611.
    Looking at current theoretical approaches to democracy and the city, this article deepens our understanding of the democratic relevance of cities. It suggests four ideals of the democratic city which are labelled the city as a school of democracy, the urban cosmopolis, the city as a commons and the sustainable city. Tracing commonalities between the ideals, while avoiding their pitfalls, the article develops an argument for understanding the democratic promise of the city by linking John Dewey’s concept of democratic action (...)
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