Results for 'Veronica Barrios'

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  1.  57
    Elucidating the neural correlates of egoistic and moralistic self-enhancement.Veronica Barrios, Virginia S. Y. Kwan, Giorgio Ganis, Jaime Gorman, Jennifer Romanowski & Julian Paul Keenan - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (2):451-456.
    Self-enhancement is the biasing of one’s view of oneself in a positive direction. The brain correlates of self-enhancement remain unclear though it has been reported that the medial prefrontal cortex may be important for producing self-enhancing responses. Previous studies have not examined whether the neural correlates of self-enhancement depend on the particular domain in which individuals are enhancing themselves. Both moralistic and egoistic words were presented to participants while transcranial magnetic stimulation was applied to the MPFC, precuneus or in a (...)
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  2. The Logics of Strict-Tolerant Logic.Eduardo Barrio, Lucas Rosenblatt & Diego Tajer - 2015 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 44 (5):551-571.
    Adding a transparent truth predicate to a language completely governed by classical logic is not possible. The trouble, as is well-known, comes from paradoxes such as the Liar and Curry. Recently, Cobreros, Egré, Ripley and van Rooij have put forward an approach based on a non-transitive notion of consequence which is suitable to deal with semantic paradoxes while having a transparent truth predicate together with classical logic. Nevertheless, there are some interesting issues concerning the set of metainferences validated by this (...)
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  3. Theories of Truth without Standard Models and Yablo’s Sequences.Eduardo Alejandro Barrio - 2010 - Studia Logica 96 (3):375-391.
    The aim of this paper is to show that it’s not a good idea to have a theory of truth that is consistent but ω-inconsistent. In order to bring out this point, it is useful to consider a particular case: Yablo’s Paradox. In theories of truth without standard models, the introduction of the truth-predicate to a first order theory does not maintain the standard ontology. Firstly, I exhibit some conceptual problems that follow from so introducing it. Secondly, I show that (...)
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  4. Meta-Classical Non-Classical Logics.Eduardo Barrio, Camillo Fiore & Federico Pailos - 2024 - Review of Symbolic Logic 17 (4):1146-1171.
    Recently, it has been proposed to understand a logic as containing not only a validity canon for inferences but also a validity canon for metainferences of any finite level. Then, it has been shown that it is possible to construct infinite hierarchies of ‘increasingly classical’ logics—that is, logics that are classical at the level of inferences and of increasingly higher metainferences—all of which admit a transparent truth predicate. In this paper, we extend this line of investigation by taking a somehow (...)
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  5. Truthmaker Maximalism defended again.Eduardo Barrio & Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereyra - 2015 - Analysis 75 (1):3-8.
    In this note we shall argue that Milne’s new effort does not refute Truthmaker Maximalism. According to Truthmaker Maximalism, every truth has a truthmaker. Milne has attempted to refute it using the following self-referential sentence M: This sentence has no truthmaker. Essential to his refutation is that M is like the Gödel sentence and unlike the Liar, and one way in which Milne supports this assimilation is through the claim that his proof is essentially object-level and not semantic. In Section (...)
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    Stability Over Time in the Preferences of Older Persons for Life-Sustaining Treatment.Ines M. Barrio-Cantalejo, Pablo Simón-Lorda, Adoración Molina-Ruiz, Fátima Herrera-Ramos, Encarnación Martínez-Cruz, Rosa Maria Bailon-Gómez, Antonio López-Rico & Patricia Peinado Gorlat - 2013 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 10 (1):103-114.
    Objective: To measure the stability of life-sustaining treatment preferences amongst older people and analyse the factors that influence stability. Design: Longitudinal cohort study. Setting: Primary care centres, Granada (Spain). Eighty-five persons age 65 years or older. Participants filled out a questionnaire with six contexts of illness (LSPQ-e). They had to decide whether or not to receive treatment. Participants completed the questionnaire at baseline and 18 months later. Results: 86 percent of the patients did not change preferences. Sex, age, marital status, (...)
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  7. La antropología de Novoa Santos.Jacinto Candelas Barrios - 1971 - Barcelona,: Pulso Editorial.
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    El mundo como teatro: la figura del espectador reflexivo en Hannah Arendt.Catalina Barrio - 2016 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: Prometeo Libros.
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    Historical-cultural notes on library extensions in health libraries.Yalily Laborda Barrios & Yosimary Romero Morales - 2018 - Humanidades Médicas 18 (2):405-416.
    RESUMEN El Servicio de Extensión Bibliotecaria es el medio adecuado que tiene la biblioteca para expandirse hacia la comunidad, de esa forma permite que aquellos usuarios que no la visitan hagan uso de sus servicios y documentos. Sin embargo, pocos conocen su historia y evolución a través del tiempo. Se muestra una revisión bibliográfica y el estado actual de este servicio. Los elementos incluidos en esta recolección abarcan publicaciones periódicas, sitios web, revistas electrónicas, publicados entre el siglo XVIII y el (...)
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  10. Apuntes sobre la relacion historica entre etica, lenguaje Y derecho.José Luis Barrios Lara - 1994 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 64.
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  11. Cayetano Betancur: "introducción A La Ciencia Del Derecho".José Barrio & Staff - 1954 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 13 (50):529.
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  12. Cristianesimo e ragion di stato.José Barrio & Staff - 1954 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 13 (48):199.
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    Electrical conductivity and resonant states of doped graphene considering next-nearest neighbor interaction.J. E. Barrios-Vargas & Gerardo G. Naumis - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (29):3844-3857.
  14. Joseph Moreau: Realisme Et Idealisme Chez Platon.José Barrio & Staff - 1953 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 12 (44):169.
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    ¿Libertad o seguridad?: el dilema de las democracias frente al terrorismo contemporáneo.Luis Adolfo Gaspar Barrios - 2023 - Logos Revista de Filosofía 141 (141):141-166.
    El artículo se enfoca en el dilema al que se enfrentan los gobiernos democráticos para hacer frente a la amenaza del terrorismo. Desde el marco de la filosofía política, el autor busca aportar un enfoque que contribuya a la discusión del tema. Como contexto, toma en cuenta las medidas implementadas después del 11 de septiembre de 2001, por parte de los gobiernos de Estados Unidos de América y de países de Europa para combatir al terrorismo. La mayoría de los gobiernos (...)
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    La vida como ensayo y otros ensayos: Kundera, Benjamin, Ortega.Manuel Barrios Casares - 2021 - Sevilla (España): Athenaica Ediciones.
  17.  10
    Jaspers en discusión con el pensamiento de su época.Jaime Franco-Barrio - 1994 - Anuario Filosófico 27 (3):1025-1039.
    Jaspers, using Weber as a model, makes a negative critique of Phenomenology, Neo-Kantism and modern Human Sciences, althoug he admires the discipline and clarity of thought of the two first philosophic movements.
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    The Good Example: Potential of Clinical Research to Expand Quality Care in Low- and Middle-Income Countries.Carlos H. Barrios - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (6):22-23.
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  19. Indexicalidad Y Realismo Modal.Eduardo Alejandro Barrio - 1999 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 45:49-67.
    In this paper, I attempt to throw some light on modal realism. Since it is David Lewis who has put forward the best arguments for thar position, I focus on his work. In the first, I point out that his approach does not provide an adequate account for the intuitive lack of symmetry between the actual and the possible. To begin with, I try to show that the strategy of appealing to both the spatio-temporal network and causality is not at (...)
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    Aproximación a una Metodología de Aprendizaje Emocional (MAE) en las enseñanzas de Arquitectura.Loreto Barrios Rodríguez & Carlos González-Bravo - 2011 - Arbor 187 (Extra_3):255-260.
    Las enseñanzas de Arquitectura en España han sufrido cambios significativos en el ámbito normativo en los últimos 50 años. La formación de la Arquitectura, basada mayoritariamente en el formato de taller, constituye un elemento de articulación entre distintas técnicas de aprendizaje. En este trabajo se plantea una aproximación a un Método de Aprendizaje Emocional (MAE), que pretende integrar, en el ámbito de Bolonia, una metodología docente específicamente sensible a las enseñanzas de Arquitectura. Los resultados obtenidos en los dos últimos cursos, (...)
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  21. Nuevos retos, nuevas realidades. La medicina individualizada.Jaime del Barrio Seoane - 2008 - In Salomé Adroher Biosca, Los avances del derecho ante los avances de la medicina. Cizur Menor: Thomson/Aranzadi.
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    Conjeturas semánticas: justificar sin confrontar.Eduardo A. Barrio - 1999 - Análisis Filosófico 18 (2):151-157.
    In this paper I criticize Comesaña's point of view on Putnam's model-theoretic argument. I claim that there is an interesting point made by the argument that Comesaña has not taken into account: if we want our semantic assertions to be at ali justified, the externalist claim according to which justification requires the God 's Eye View has to be given up.
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  23. Desarrollo de competencias a través de proyectos de investigación.Zuleny Barrios, Luz Maritza Reyes & Diego Muñoz Cabas - 2009 - Telos (Venezuela) 11 (2):229-243.
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  24. Linguistic Knowledge and Cognitive Integration.Edison Barrios - 2012 - Critica 44 (130):35-67.
    Según la Propositional Attitude View (PAV), un hablante es competente en su idioma en virtud de poseer actitudes proposicionales cuyo contenido es su gramática interna. En este artículo desarrollo una objeción a PAV, llamada �el reto de la integración�, originalmente propuesto por Stich (1978) y Evans (1981), y que está constituido por dos premisas: (1) las actitudes proposicionales se caracterizan por su integración inferencial, y (2) los estados que contienen información gramatical no están inferencialmente integrados. En este artículo considero y (...)
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    Paradojas, Paradoxjas y más Paradojas.Eduardo Barrio (ed.) - 2014 - College Publications.
    En Paradojas, Paradojas y mas Paradojas se analiza de modo claro y preciso un problema fundamental: Que es una paradoja y cual es su importancia en la filosofia contemporanea? El libro pone al alcance del lector no especializado una seleccion de las paradojas mas conocidas e inquietantes, y realiza un analisis y discusion que permite que el lector pueda tener una comprension profunda de ellas y de las alternativas que surgen frente a ellas. Las paradojas son un fenomeno multidisciplinario: la (...)
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    The Place, the Pimp, the Profit: Puns on the Procurer’s Name in Plautus’ Poenulus.Peter Barrios-Lech - 2018 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 111 (4):485-501.
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  27. IEEE SpringSim Proceedings 2019.A. Del Barrio, C. J. Lynch, F. J. Barros & X. Hu (eds.) - 2019 - IEEE.
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    Conversión de san Agustín «Via et sapientia Dei».Tarsicio Jáñez Barrio - 1987 - Augustinus 32 (125-128):231-259.
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  29. Notes on ω-inconsistent theories of truth in second-order languages.Eduardo Barrio & Lavinia Picollo - 2013 - Review of Symbolic Logic 6 (4):733-741.
    It is widely accepted that a theory of truth for arithmetic should be consistent, but -consistency is a highly desirable feature for such theories. The point has already been made for first-order languages, though the evidence is not entirely conclusive. We show that in the second-order case the consequence of adopting -inconsistent theories of truth are considered: the revision theory of nearly stable truth T # and the classical theory of symmetric truth FS. Briefly, we present some conceptual problems with (...)
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    Presentación clínica del Mieloma Múltiple en pacientes de un Hospital Regional.Barrios-Hernández Irma Leticia & Gómez-Muñoz Jessica Iveth - 2013 - El Dilema de la Enseñanza 27 (1):116.
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  31. A Hierarchy of Classical and Paraconsistent Logics.Eduardo Alejandro Barrio, Federico Pailos & Damian Szmuc - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 49 (1):93-120.
    In this article, we will present a number of technical results concerning Classical Logic, ST and related systems. Our main contribution consists in offering a novel identity criterion for logics in general and, therefore, for Classical Logic. In particular, we will firstly generalize the ST phenomenon, thereby obtaining a recursively defined hierarchy of strict-tolerant systems. Secondly, we will prove that the logics in this hierarchy are progressively more classical, although not entirely classical. We will claim that a logic is to (...)
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    Reseña de "Consecuencia lógica, modalidad y generalidad irrestricta" de Tomás Barrero.Eduardo Alejando Barrio - 2009 - Ideas Y Valores 58 (139):217-220.
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  33. Knowledge of Grammar and Concept Possession.Edison Barrios - 2012 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 63 (3):577-606.
    This article deals with the cognitive relationship between a speaker and her internal grammar. In particular, it takes issue with the view that such a relationship is one of belief or knowledge (I call this view the ‘Propositional Attitude View’, or PAV). I first argue that PAV entails that all ordinary speakers (tacitly) possess technical concepts belonging to syntactic theory, and second, that most ordinary speakers do not in fact possess such concepts. Thus, it is concluded that speakers do not (...)
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  34. C. G. Jung: Transformaciones Y Símbolos De La Libido.José Barrio & Staff - 1954 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 13 (48):188.
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  35. El método en los estudios penales.Modesto Emilio Barrios - 1912 - Leon, Nicaragua,:
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  36. J. Arnold Toynbee: Le Monde Et L'occident.José Barrio & Staff - 1954 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 13 (49):333.
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    Kierkegaard frente al hegelianismo.Jaime Franco Barrio - 1996 - Valladolid: Secretariado de Publicaciones e Intercambio Científico, Universidad de Valladolid.
  38. Trascendentalismo, contenido semántico y verdad.Eduardo A. Barrio - 1996 - Análisis Filosófico 16 (1):43-66.
    In his article “The Status of Content”, Boghossian defends what has been called “trascendentalism about content”. According to him, the thesis that there is nothing in the world that corresponds to our thoughts “is not merely implausible but incoherent”. In other words, he thinks that the thesis in question is not simply false on empirical basis but rather self-refuting or pragmatically incoherent. My purpose in this article is to show that Boghossian´s argument for his point of view is not valid. (...)
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    Subalternity in the clinical space: A commentary on Farr (2022).Bruno Jaraba Barrios - 2024 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 44 (3):217-219.
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  40. The Yablo Paradox and Circularity.Eduardo Alejandro Barrio - 2012 - Análisis Filosófico 32 (1):7-20.
    In this paper, I start by describing and examining the main results about the option of formalizing the Yablo Paradox in arithmetic. As it is known, although it is natural to assume that there is a right representation of that paradox in first order arithmetic, there are some technical results that give rise to doubts about this possibility. Then, I present some arguments that have challenged that Yablo’s construction is non-circular. Just like that, Priest (1997) has argued that such formalization (...)
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    El derecho de exclusiva en la elección de los papas. Su utilización por los reyes en los siglos XVI-XVIII.Alejandro Río Barrio - 2022 - Salmanticensis 69 (1):203-230.
    Después de decir unas palabras sobre el origen, historia, organi- zación y legislación del cónclave para la elección del romano pontífice, me centro en el objetivo del artículo: el estudio del derecho de exclusiva que tenían el empe- rador y los reyes de España y Francia para impedir la elección de un cardenal que no les era afecto. Analizo, en primer lugar, la evolución histórica de este dere- cho y luego hago un repaso somero sobre su aplicación en los cónclaves (...)
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    Advance Directives and Proxies' Predictions About Patients' Treatment Preferences.Inés Maria Barrio-Cantalejo, Adoración Molina-Ruiz, Pablo Simón-Lorda, Carmen Cámara-Medina, Isabel Toral López, Maria del Mar Rodríguez del Águila & Rosa Maria Bailón-Gómez - 2009 - Nursing Ethics 16 (1):93-109.
    The accuracy of proxies when they interpret advance directives or apply substituted decision-making criteria has been called into question. It therefore became important to know if the Andalusian Advance Directive Form (AADF) can help to increase the accuracy of proxies' predictions. The aim of this research was to compare the effect of the AADF on the accuracy of proxies' predictions about patients' preferences with that gained from informative and deliberative sessions about end-of-life decision making. A total of 171 pairs of (...)
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    À propos d'une inscription perdue d'Haghios Géorgios (Épine).Marisa Del Barrio - 1998 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 122 (2):501-509.
    Διαθέτουμε δύο αντίγραφα (το ένα του Μελετίου, το άλλο του Lyons) μιας επιγραφής από την Ήπειρο που είναι αναθηματική σε κάποιο ποταμό Ωρωπό. Η επιγραφή, χαμένη σή- μέρα, βρισκόταν στο ρωμαϊκό υδραγωγείο της Νικόπολης, στο ύψος του Αγίου Γεωργίου. Η πιο ενδιαφέρουσα διαφορά μεταξύ των δύο διατηρουμένων αντιγράφων εντοπίζεται στην ανάγνωση του υδρωνυμίου (Μελέτιος : ΩΡΟΡΟΝ, Lyons : ΩΡΩΠΩ). Συζητούνται οι διαφορές και προτείνεται μια νέα υπόθεση : τ]φ 'Ρωγών ποταμω.
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  44. Estructuralismo y Psicoanálisis: dos enfoques complementarios de lo humano.A. -B. Espina Barrio - 1990 - Ciudad de Dios 203 (2):439-450.
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    Medical Education, challenges and prospects.Clara R. García Barrios, Arturo T. Menéndez Cabezas & Mayda E. Durán Matos - 2015 - Humanidades Médicas 15 (3):392-400.
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    Volume II: New advances in Logics of Formal Inconsistency.Eduardo Alejandro Barrio & Walter Carnielli - 2020 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (5):845-850.
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  47. Symposium on Yablo's Paradox: Introducción.Eduardo Alejandro Barrio - 2012 - Análisis Filosófico 32 (1):5-5.
    El contenido de la presente discusión de Análisis Filosófico surge a partir de diversas actividades organizadas por mí en SADAF y en la UBA. En primer lugar, Roy Cook dictó en SADAF el seminario de investigación intensivo On Yablo's Paradox durante la última semana de julio de 2011. En el seminario, el profesor Cook presentó el manuscrito aún sin finalizar de su libro The Yablo Paradox: An Essay on Circularity, Oxford, Oxford UP, (en prensa). Extensas y apasionantes discusiones ocurrieron durante (...)
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    Information, Genetics and Entropy.Julio Ernesto Rubio Barrios - 2015 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 19 (1):121.
    The consolidation of the informational paradigm in molecular biology research concluded on a system to convert the epistemic object into an operational technological object and a stable epistemic product. However, the acceptance of the informational properties of genetic acids failed to clarify the meaning of the concept of information. The “information”’ as a property of the genetic molecules remained as an informal notion that allows the description of the mechanism of inheritance, but it was not specified in a logic–semantic structure. (...)
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  49. What is a Paraconsistent Logic?Damian Szmuc, Federico Pailos & Eduardo Barrio - 2018 - In Walter Carnielli & Jacek Malinowski, Contradictions, from Consistency to Inconsistency. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
    Paraconsistent logics are logical systems that reject the classical principle, usually dubbed Explosion, that a contradiction implies everything. However, the received view about paraconsistency focuses only the inferential version of Explosion, which is concerned with formulae, thereby overlooking other possible accounts. In this paper, we propose to focus, additionally, on a meta-inferential version of Explosion, i.e. which is concerned with inferences or sequents. In doing so, we will offer a new characterization of paraconsistency by means of which a logic is (...)
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  50. (Meta)inferential levels of entailment beyond the Tarskian paradigm.Eduardo Alejandro Barrio, Federico Pailos & Damian Szmuc - 2019 - Synthese 198 (S22):5265-5289.
    In this paper we discuss the extent to which the very existence of substructural logics puts the Tarskian conception of logical systems in jeopardy. In order to do this, we highlight the importance of the presence of different levels of entailment in a given logic, looking not only at inferences between collections of formulae but also at inferences between collections of inferences—and more. We discuss appropriate refinements or modifications of the usual Tarskian identity criterion for logical systems, and propose an (...)
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