Results for 'Veronika Burz-Tropper'

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  1. Gottes-Bilder: zur Metaphorik biblischer Gottesrede.Veronika Burz-Tropper (ed.) - 2022 - Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer.
    Biblische Texte sprechen von Gott in Bildern, etwa als Vater, als Mutter, als Fels, als Adler. In den Gleichnissen Jesu tritt er unter anderem in der Rolle eines Winzers, Gutsbesitzers oder auch des Vaters auf. Der Band spannt den Bogen von den alttestamentlichen Forschungsergebnissen, nebst einer allgemeinen Einführung zur Metapherntheorie und Gottesbildern in der Kunst, über die zwischentestamentarische Literatur hin zu den neutestamentlichen Büchern und Textgattungen. Zur Abrundung loten zwei systematisch-theologische Beiträge die Potenziale biblischer Gottesbilder für die gegenwärtige Rede von (...)
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    Held oder/und Anti-held als Kategorie (n) für jesus von Nazaret? Der Versuch einer Spurensuche im Markusevangelium.Veronika Tropper - 2010 - Disputatio Philosophica 12 (1):7-20.
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  3. Research on Fair Trade Consumption—A Review.Veronika A. Andorfer & Ulf Liebe - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 106 (4):415-435.
    An overview and assessment of the current state of research on individual consumption of Fair Trade (FT) products is given on the basis of 51 journal publications. Arranging this field of ethical consumption research according to key research objectives, theoretical approaches, methods, and study population, the review suggests that most studies apply social psychological approaches focusing mainly on consumer attitudes. Fewer studies draw on economic approaches focusing on consumers’ willingness to pay ethical premia for FT products or sociological approaches relying (...)
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    Analysis of the contract cheating market in Czechia.Veronika Králíková & Tomáš Foltýnek - 2018 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 14 (1).
    Contract cheating is currently one of the most serious academic integrity issues around the globe. Numerous studies have been conducted, mostly in English speaking countries. So far, no such research has been conducted in Czechia, and consequently there have been no specific data available on Czech students’ fraudulent behaviour. For this study, we created a questionnaire to obtain primary data on student usage of essay mills and their self-reported exposure to contract cheating. The questionnaire focused on students and graduates of (...)
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    Transition from Academic Integrity to Research Integrity: The Use of Checklists in the Supervision of Master and Doctoral Students.Veronika Krásničan, Inga Gaižauskaitė, William Bülow, Dita Henek Dlabolova & Sonja Bjelobaba - 2024 - Journal of Academic Ethics 22 (1):149-161.
    Given the prevalence of misconduct in research and among students in higher education, there is a need to create solutions for how best to prevent such behaviour in academia. This paper proceeds on the assumption that one way forward is to prepare students in higher education at an early stage and to encourage a smoother transition from academic integrity to research integrity by incorporating academic integrity training as an ongoing part of the curriculum. To this end, this paper presents three (...)
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    Expression and the Perfection of Finite Individuals in Spinoza and Leibniz.Sarah Tropper - 2023 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 11 (2):31-48.
    It is obvious that both Spinoza and Leibniz attach importance to the notion of expression in their philosophical writings and that both do so in a similar fashion: They agree, for example, that the mind expresses the body (although this claim has rather different meanings for each of them). Another – albeit related – use of ‘expression’ that appears in both thinkers provides a deeper insight into some metaphysical similarity as well as difference: The idea that expression is closely connected (...)
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    “Geographical Distribution Patterns of Various Genes”: Genetic studies of human variation after 1945.Veronika Lipphardt - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 47:50-61.
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    "A Shotgun Wedding": Co-occurrence of War and Marriage Metaphors in Mergers and Acquisitions Discourse.Veronika Koller - 2002 - Metaphor and Symbol 17 (3):179-203.
    Starting from the notion of a structural relation between war and rape in patriarchal systems, this article aims at pointing out how this relation is reflected in the co-occurrence of war and marriage metaphors in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) discourse. Critical Discourse Analysis is combined with cognitive metaphor theory to show how metaphors of marriage and romance ("MERGERS ARE MARRIAGES") tend to co-occur with war and various derived metaphors ("M&As ARE BATTLES FOR TERRITORY"). The significance of these co-occurrences is illustrated (...)
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    The worldview attitudes of an existential psychotherapist (based on the seminar of Rimas Kociunas “The picture of human life and the therapeutic process: introduction of an existential psychotherapist”).Veronika Bogdanova - 2020 - Sotsium I Vlast 2:90-101.
    The article is a description of Rimas Kociunas’ seminar “The picture of human life and the therapeutic process: the introduction of an existential psychotherapist”, held in Moscow from February 13 to 16, 2020. The seminar was devoted to the study of the basic philosophical principles of existential psychotherapy on which work with a client is based. A specificity of existential therapy is the lack of specific technical methods and methods of working with a client, therefore the content of therapeutic work (...)
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    Доцільність поєднання феміністичного та антиколоніального підходів до історіографії філософії.Veronika Puhach - 2022 - Наукові Записки Наукма. Філософія Та Релігієзнавство 9:137-146.
    Протягом кількох останніх десятиліть у англомовному академічному середовищі активно розробляють феміністичні дослідження, пов’язані з історіографією філософії, передусім західної. Ці розробки зумовили істотне переосмислення історико-філософського канону, сприяли випрацюванню низки методологічних рефлексій та відкриттю імен філософинь минулого. Паралельно з феміністичними активізуються й антиколоніальні студії, покликані протистояти передсуду, що філософія є західним феноменом. Водночас український історико-філософський канон лишається майже суто чоловічим, а антиколоніальну перспективу не застосовують до історії філософії, хоча значну частину своєї історії Україна не була самостійною, а її землі впродовж кількох століть (...)
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    Taboos in Communication—The Changing Identities Process.Veronika Azarova - 2008 - Semiotics:363-368.
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    Die Welt Im Ausnahmezustand: Eine Untersuchung Zu Aussagegehalt Und Theologie des Wächterbuches.Veronika Bachmann - 2009 - Walter de Gruyter.
    From a religious-historical perspective this work investigates the message and theology of the so-called Book of the Watchers as a separate book of early Judaism of the third century BC. Starting with the literary profile of the text, the study goes on to illuminate its importance in the context of the Ptolemaic supremacy over Palestine. From this perspective the Book of the Watchers appears as a powerful appeal addressed to a broad Jewish audience to recognize the relevance of its religion (...)
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    . Internet Studies during the pandemic (following the proceedings of the conference «Internet beyond 2020»).Veronika Bogdanova, Anastasia Gulevataya, Artur Dydrov & Regina Penner - 2021 - Sotsium I Vlast 3:89-101.
    The article is an overview of the VI Scientific and Practical Conference «Internet beyond 2020» (April 22-24, 2021) organized by the online school of Internet research with the support of the Higher School of Economics. The conference program included workshop reports and round tables on the role of the global network, the evolution of art and education during the COVID-19 pandemic. The conference brought together representatives of social sciences and humanities (sociologists, cultural scientists, linguists), artists, designers, and specialists in the (...)
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    Zwei dichter aus kyrene: Maximus AlS imitator Des kallimachos.Veronika Brandis - 2002 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 146 (1):172-178.
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    Ways to form a favorable emotional background in the English language lesson as a health-saving factor in distance learning.Veronika Mikhailovna Grebennikova, Larisa Ulfatovna Badrtdinova & Irina Gennadievna Galushko - 2021 - Kant 38 (1):213-217.
    The article describes techniques for organizing an English lesson that help reduce stress and increase students ' motivation. Comprehensive and continuous use of the described methods is the most important condition for a comfortable stress-free environment in the classroom, which forms a healthy and successful student. The article also contains recommendations for creating a comfortable emotional background in the English lesson by means of special mini-exercises, games, and chants aimed at attracting students attention.
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    Equilibrium Bidding without the Independence Axiom: A Graphical Analysis.Veronika Grimm - 2000 - Theory and Decision 49 (4):361-374.
    In this paper we examine optimal bidding without the independence axiom in a unified framework which allows for a clear graphical representation. Thus, we can show very simply the independence axiom to be a necessary and sufficient condition on preferences for strategical equivalence of the two first-price and second-price auctions, respectively, and for the second-price sealed-bid auction to be demand revealing. The analysis reveals that the betweenness property is necessary and sufficient for the ascending-bid auction to be demand revealing while (...)
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    Wider das Primat des zweckrationalen Denkens: Eine Kritik am menschenunwürdigen Umgang mit sich selbst und anderen.Veronika Hilzensauer & Karin Hutflötz - 2019 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 6 (2):43-70.
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    Patients’ statements and experiences concerning receiving mechanical ventilation: a prospective video‐recorded study.Veronika Karlsson, Berit Lindahl & Ingegerd Bergbom - 2012 - Nursing Inquiry 19 (3):247-258.
    KARLSSON V, LINDAHL B and BERGBOM I. Nursing Inquiry 2012; 19: 247–258 Patients’ statements and experiences concerning receiving mechanical ventilation: a prospective video‐recorded studyProspective studies using video‐recordings of patients during mechanical ventilator treatment (MVT) while conscious have not previously been published. The aim was to describe patients’ statements, communication and facial expressions during a video‐recorded interview while undergoing MVT. Content analysis and hermeneutics inspired by the philosophy of Gadamer were used. The patients experienced almost constant difficulties in breathing and lost (...)
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    (1 other version)Der Zusammenhang des Verstandes und der Vernunft innerhalb Hegels zweiter Stellung des Gedankens zur Objektivität.Veronika Klauser - 2019 - Hegel Jahrbuch 2019 (1):59-66.
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  20. A “Miserable Piece of Patchwork”.Veronika Petkovich - 2003 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 96 (3).
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    Female immigration in Russia: Social risks and prevention.Veronika Romanenko & Olga Borodkina - 2019 - Human Affairs 29 (2):174-187.
    There is an increasing number of female migrants among the international migrants in Russia. The purpose of this study is to identify the social risks female migrants face. Statistics and data from surveys were analyzed, interviews were held with experts providing practical assistance to women and focus groups were conducted with female migrants. The employment sector in which young female migrants face the most risks and are likely to work illegally is commercial sex services. The social risks are mainly related (...)
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    Über Kategorien und ihre Herausbildung.Veronika Schlüter - 2000 - Cuxhaven: Traude Junghans.
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  23. The State of Mishnah Studies.Amram Tropper - 2011 - In Tropper Amram (ed.), Rabbinic Texts and the History of Late-Roman Palestine. pp. 91.
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  24. Rabbinic Texts and the History of Late-Roman Palestine.Tropper Amram - 2011
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    Differential activation patterns during visual and spatial working memory in children with ADHD, Dysthymic Disorder and typically developing children.Vilgis Veronika, Vance Alasdair & Silk Timothy - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Nonlinear probability weighting can reflect attentional biases in sequential sampling.Veronika Zilker & Thorsten Pachur - 2022 - Psychological Review 129 (5):949-975.
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    Understanding the Role of “the Hidden Curriculum” in Resource Allocation—The Case of the UK NHS.Veronika Wirtz, Alan Cribb & Nick Barber - 2003 - Health Care Analysis 11 (4):295-300.
    In this paper we want to briefly illustrate the ways in which technical, ethical and political judgements of various kinds are interwoven in the processes of healthcare decision-making in the UK. Drawing upon the research for the “Choices in Health Care” project we will borrow the notion of the hidden curriculum from education to illuminate the nature of resource allocation decision processes. In particular we will indicate some of the fundamental but largely hidden political factors in play in these processes (...)
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    Altering traumatic memory.Veronika Nourkova, Daniel Bernstein & Elizabeth Loftus - 2004 - Cognition and Emotion 18 (4):575-585.
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    Motivational Incongruence and Well-Being at the Workplace: Person-Job Fit, Job Burnout, and Physical Symptoms.Veronika Brandstätter, Veronika Job & Beate Schulze - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Between urgency and data quality: assessing the FAIRness of data in social science research on the COVID-19 pandemic.Veronika Batzdorfer, Wolfgang Zenk-Möltgen, Laura Young, Alexia Katsanidou, Johannes Breuer & Libby Bishop - 2024 - Research Ethics 20 (4):744-763.
    Balancing speed and quality during crises pose challenges for ensuring the value and utility of data in social science research. The COVID-19 pandemic in particular underscores the need for high-quality data and rapid dissemination. Given the importance of behavioural measures and compliance with measures to contain the pandemic, social science research has played a key role in policymaking during this global crisis. This study addresses two key research questions: How FAIR ( findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable) are social science data (...)
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    Analysis of the role-play “Ethics of life. Ancient philosophers’ experience”.Veronika Bogdanova - 2020 - Sotsium I Vlast 4:56-70.
    The article is aimed at studying the use of philosophical practices in the educational process and everyday life. The author proceeds from the idea that ancient philosophy provides rich material for understanding a person’s lifestyle, on the basis of which anyone can create a set of spiritual exercises, philosophical practices for self-knowledge and selfdevelopment. In the research, the author describes the experience of role-playing, participating, in which students independently developed philosophical practices, based on the ideas and value principles of ancient (...)
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  32. Narrative practices as a way to develop subjectivity.Veronika Bogdanova - forthcoming - Sotsium I Vlast.
    Introduction. In foreign and domestic studies there is a steady scientific and practical interest in studying subjectivity, but methods and techniques that promote its development at the value and meaning level are not sufficiently presented. The study considers narrative practices that are effective ways to develop subjectivity. Narrative prac- tices are aimed at making sense of past experience, developing the ability to goal-setting and creating a positive mood for the future. The purpose of the study is to reveal the potential (...)
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  33. The Linguistics and Psycholinguistics of Secondary Spatial Deixis.Veronika Ehrich - 1985 - In Geer A. J. Hoppenbrouwers, Pieter A. M. Seuren & A. J. M. M. Weijters (eds.), Meaning and the lexicon. Cinnaminson, U.S.A.: Foris Publications. pp. 225--35.
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    „Wär’ schön, wenn sie’s schaffen würde!“: Das Kestenberg Movement Profile, Inas Kinderanalyse und ein Vorschlag zur Flexibilität.Veronika Heller - 2018 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 27 (1):253-270.
    This article is based on the KMP for assessment of child development and movement behavior. I investigate characteristic movement patterns in a videotaped child psychoanalytic session. How do therapist and child move together? Since the KMP is commonly applied in dance therapy to evaluate movement skills and give support to development process, I will propose some suggestions for alternative modes of moving and encourage the building up of a new dialogue through action modification.
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  35. Woraus lebt das Anerkennungsgeschehen? : Paul Ricœur und die gegenwärtige (Religions-)Philosophie der Gabe.Veronika Hoffmann - 2018 - In Stefan Orth, Peter Reifenberg & Paul Ricœur (eds.), Hermeneutik der Anerkennung: philosophische und theologische Anknüpfungen an Paul Ricoeur. Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
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    Michel Foucault: Zrození biopolitiky.Veronika Ježková - 2010 - Pro-Fil 10 (2).
    Michel Foucault Zrození biopolitiky. Překlad a doslov Petr Horák. 1. vyd. Brno: CDK, 2009, 352 s., ISBN 978-80-7325-181-9.
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    Socialization of Coping in Pediatric Oncology Settings: Theoretical Consideration on Parent–Child Connections in Posttraumatic Growth.Veronika Koutná & Marek Blatný - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Eriugenas Hypertheologie.Veronika Limberger - 2015 - Boston: De Gruyter. Edited by Johannes Scotus Erigena.
    "Eriugenas Bedeutung für die negative Theologie ist unumstritten. Auf der Suche nach einer Sprache für das Unaussprechliche entwickelt er in Anlehnung an Ps.-Dionysius Areopagita das Konzept einer negativ-positiven Theologie. Die vorliegende Studie analysiert diese 'Hypertheologie' und liefert zudem eine Neuübersetzung zentraler Textpassagen aus Periphyseon. Sie richtet sich damit gleichermaßen an Philosophen, Theologen und Philologen."--Cover.
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    Personenregister.Veronika Limberger - 2015 - In Eriugenas Hypertheologie. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 219-221.
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    Zitierweise.Veronika Limberger - 2015 - In Eriugenas Hypertheologie. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 1-2.
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    Das Gefühl zu Denken: Machterfahrungen beim Lesen von Theorie.Veronika Reichl - 2018 - In Falk Bornmüller & Katrin Felgenhauer (eds.), Macht:Denken: Substantialistische Und Relationalistische Theorien - Eine Kontroverse. Transcript Verlag. pp. 153-158.
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    Sociotechnical infrastructuring for digital participation in rural development: A survey of public administrators in Germany.Veronika Stein, Christian Pentzold, Sarah Peter & Simone Sterly - forthcoming - Communications.
    The “smart village” flourishes – at least in policy papers that envision the revitalization of rural areas through the civic deployment of networked media and telecommunications. Yet, while such aspirations are widespread, little is known about the views of those tasked with supervising and supporting digitally driven public participation for rural progress. To address the lack of insight into what these intermediary administrators conceive as catalysts and challenges for the realization of smart village conceptions, we surveyed representatives of regions in (...)
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    How the Triangle of Bologna Quality Assurance, a National Legal Framework and Internal Quality Enhancement Supports Institutional Improvement.Kareva Veronika, Dika Zamir, Henshaw Heather & Memedi Xhevair - 2016 - Seeu Review 12 (1):113-124.
    The Republic of Macedonia has been a part of the Bologna process since 2003. The Ministry of Education, law and policy makers and higher education institutions have actively engaged with its main concepts. In parallel with this, since the adoption of the law on higher education in 2008 and the reform of the Accreditation and Evaluation Board, there have been numerous changes and amendments culminating in the fast-tracked adoption of a new law at the beginning of 2015. Some of its (...)
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    Essentialism, Vitalism, and the GMO Debate.Veronika Szántó - 2018 - Philosophy and Technology 31 (2):189-208.
    There has been a long-standing opposition to genetically modified organisms worldwide. Some studies have tried to identify the deep-lying philosophical, conceptual as well as psychological motivations for this opposition. Philosophical essentialism, psychological essentialism, and vitalism have been proposed as possible candidates. I approach the plausibility of the claim that these notions are related to GMO opposition from a historical perspective. Vitalism and philosophical essentialism have been associated with anti-GMO stance on account of their purported hostility to species and organismic mutability. (...)
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    Vertane Chancen? Die aktuelle politische Debatte um Erweiterte DNA‐Analysen in Ermittlungsverfahren.Veronika Lipphardt - 2018 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 41 (3):279-301.
    Wasted Chances? The Current Political Debate on DNA Phenotyping and Biogeographical Ancestry Analysis in Criminal Investigation in Germany. This paper discusses diverse understandings of ‘responsible science’ in heated political debates. It takes a current public debate around a German law amendment draft concerning the use of novel forensic genetic techniques, namely DNA‐phenotyping and biogeographical ancestry analysis, as an example. A distinction is being made between an understanding that emphasizes scientific debate and precision, and another one that focuses on political agency. (...)
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    Comment on Healey’s “Quantum Theory and the Limits of Objectivity”.Veronika Baumann, Flavio Del Santo & Časlav Brukner - 2019 - Foundations of Physics 49 (7):741-749.
    In this comment we critically review an argument against the existence of objective physical outcomes, recently proposed by Healey [1]. We show that his gedankenexperiment, based on a combination of “Wigner’s friend” scenarios and Bell’s inequalities, suffers from the main criticism, that the computed correlation functions entering the Bell’s inequality are in principle experimentally inaccessible, and hence the author’s claim is in principle not testable. We discuss perspectives for fixing that by adapting the proposed protocol and show that this, however, (...)
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    Stronger attentional biases can be linked to higher reward rate in preferential choice.Veronika Zilker - 2022 - Cognition 225 (C):105095.
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    ‘Good’ and ‘bad’ deaths: Narratives and professional identities in interviews with hospice managers.Veronika Koller, Zsófia Demjén & Elena Semino - 2014 - Discourse Studies 16 (5):667-685.
    This article explores the formal and functional characteristics of narratives of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ deaths as they were told by 13 UK-based hospice managers in the course of semi-structured interviews. The interviewees’ responses include a variety of remarkably consistent ‘narratives of successful/frustrated intervention’, which exhibit distinctive formal characteristics in terms of the starting point and core of the action, the choice of personal pronouns and metaphors, and the ways in which positive and negative evaluation is expressed. In functional terms, the (...)
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    Identity games in the world of network communications.Veronika Bogdanova & Lyudmila Alexandrova - 2019 - Sotsium I Vlast 6:39-45.
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    Philosophy of Biology in Early Logical Empiricism.Veronika Hofer - 2013 - In Hanne Andersen, Dennis Dieks, Wenceslao J. Gonzalez, Thomas Uebel & Gregory Wheeler (eds.), New Challenges to Philosophy of Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 351--363.
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