Results for 'Victor Mercante'

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  1. El paisaje musical.Victor Mercante - 1933 - Buenos Aires: Tall, gráf. Ferrari hnos..
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    Infancia, Una “Flora Abundante de Crueldades”.Leonardo Visaguirre - 2023 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 8 (1):1-17.
    El presente artículo aborda la historia de la educación argentina desde una perspectiva ligada a la historia de las ideas filosóficas/pedagógicas (Roig, 1993, 2009; Arpini, 2003; Ramaglia, 2020), tomando como objeto de estudio la representación de la infancia presente en los trabajos sobre criminología infantil del pedagogo positivista Víctor Mercante (1870-1934). Analizamos los elementos epistemológicos que articulan el discurso positivista e higienista del pedagogo normalista argentino y su relación con el complejo universo discursivo que lo entrama y promueve. Realizamos (...)
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  3. Las claves hermenéuticas del pensamiento de Ramón Llull.Sebastià Trias Mercant - 1997 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 4:51-64.
    Una de las graves dificultades para entender la filosofía de Ramon Llull es fijar las claves hermenéuticas de su pensamiento. Unos han valorado excesivamente sus formación latino-escolástica. Otros han buscado sus raíces arábicas. El presente artículo hace una revisión crítica de la bibliografía al respecto y considera que la formación científica del pensamiento luliano, siempre fuera del marco universitario de su época, es el resultado del contacto con la lengua y la ideología de los musulmanes de la post-conquista de Mallorca, (...)
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    Judíos y cristianos: la apologética de la tolerancia en el «Llibre del gentil».Sebastià Trías Mercant - 1998 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 5:61.
    In order to understand Llullian apologetics of tolerance we must situate the Llibre del gentil within the context of the Mall orca of the three religions, that of the Judea-Christian disputes, of the JudeaMuslim sectarisms, of the schism and of the Christian heterodoxies. Only by taking all this into account, can we study in Llullian apologetics concepts such as "tolerance of benevolence" or "rational tolerance". Llullian apologetics doesn't try to change a belief by another but to lay the bridge of (...)
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  5. Sebastian Garcias Palou: un hombre de iglesia y un hombre de ciencia.S. Trias Mercant - 1987 - Studia Lulliana 27 (77):241-251.
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  6. El lulismo barroco y Fray Francisco Marçal.Sebastià Trias Mercant - 1989 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 16:107-126.
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  7. Judíos y cristianos: la apologética de la tolerancia en el "Llibre del gentil".Sebastià Trias Mercant - 1998 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 5:61-74.
    Para entender la apologética luliana de la tolerancia debemos situar el "Llibre del gentil" (1274 / 76) en el contexto de la Mallorca de las tres religiones, de las disputas judeo-cristianas, de los sectarismos judíos y musulmanes y del cisma y heterodoxias cristianas. A partir de ahí se estudian los conceptos de "tolerancia de benevolencia" y de "tolerancia racional" en la apologético de Llull. Esta no pretende cambiar una creencia por otra, sino tender el puente de la tolerancia racional para (...)
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  8. Pedro Malferit en la polémica salmantina sobre el dominio indiano de España.Sebastià Trias Mercant - 2003 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 30:549-558.
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  9. Ecletismo, caridade e cura na Barquinha da Madrinha Chica.Marcelo Simão Mercante - 2002 - Humanitas 18 (2):47-60.
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    La metafísica del conocimiento de Karl Rahner: análisis de "Espíritu en el mundo".Jaime Mercant Simó - 2018 - Girona: Documenta Universitaria.
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  11. Les cartes Lul. Lianes entre mateu Obrador i Lluis s. vives.S. Trias Mercant - 2001 - Studia Lulliana 41 (97):91-110.
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    Ram 'on Llull, El Pensamiento y la Palabra'.Sebastià Trias Mercant - 1993 - Mallorca: Tall Editorial.
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    El lulismo barroco y Fray Francisco Marçal.Sebastián Trías Mercant - 1989 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 16:107-125.
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    Filosofía y sociedad: (hacia una ecología del lulismo de la ilustración).Sebastià Trias Mercant - 1973 - Palma de Mallorca: Diputación Provincial, Instituto de Estudios Baleáricos.
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    Pedro Malferit en la polémica salmantina sobre el dominio indiano de España.Sebastiá Trías Mercant - 2003 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 30:549-557.
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    Raices agustinianas en la filosofía del lenguaje de R. LLull.S. Trías Mercant - 1976 - Augustinus 21 (81):59-80.
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  17. Els escrits de liorenç pérez la causa lul· liana i la causa pia lu· liana.Sebastia Trias Mercant - 2005 - Studia Lulliana 45 (101):71-74.
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    Història del pensament a Mallorca: dels orígens al segle XIX.Sebastià Trias Mercant - 1985 - Mallorca: Moll.
    v. 1. Dels orígens al segle XIX -- v. 2. Temes marginals del segle XIX i el segle XX.
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  19. Hombre y filosofía a nivel arqueológico.Sebastià Trias Mercant - 1973 - Palma de Mallorca:
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    Cartas del abad Pascual a fray Gifreu sobre Ramón Llull.Sebastià Trías Mercant - 1998 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 5:109.
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    El hombre tridimensional en el lulismo de la Ilustración.S. Trías Mercant - 1972 - Augustinus 17 (68):397-420.
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    Las claves hermenéuticas del pensamiento de Ramón Llull.Sebastià Trías Mercant - 1997 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 4:51.
    The hermeneutic keys of Ramon Llull's thought. One of the greatest difficulties to understand Ramon Llull's philosophy is its hermeneutic approach to his thought. Some have valued extremely his latin scholastic Studies, others have searched for his Arab background. This article gives a critical review of his bibliography with regard to the subject under discussion and takes into account that the scientific knowledge of Ramon Lull's thought was never part of the university world of his time.It is the result of (...)
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  23. El pensamiento y la palabra.Sebastià Trias Mercant - 1972 - Palma de Mallorca,:
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    Filosofía y sociedad: (hacia una ecología del lulismo de la ilustración).Sebastià Trias Mercant - 1973 - Palma de Mallorca: Diputación Provincial, Instituto de Estudios Baleáricos.
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    Note for a reading of Kant's "Critique of Pure Reason".Sebastià Trias Mercant - 1982 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 4:65.
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    Ramón Llull, el pensamiento y la palabra.Sebastià Trias Mercant - 1993 - Mallorca: Tall Editorial.
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    The philosophy of education in the "Schola Maioricensis Lullistica".Sebastià Trias Mercant - 1983 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 5:181.
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    La raíz de la gnoseología jurídica en Francisco de Vitoria y Domingo de Soto.Jaime Mercant Simó - 2025 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 27:113-144.
    Tanto en Francisco de Vitoria como en Domingo de Soto, cofundadores de la llamada Escuela de Salamanca, encontramos un cuidadoso tratamiento acerca de la gnoseología jurídica. El objeto del presente estudio consiste en el análisis de una serie de pasajes textuales en los que se demuestra la raíz iusnatural de ambas doctrinas. Vitoria y Soto, al mismo tiempo que consideran los preceptos de la ley natural como obligatorios e indispensables, enseñan que existe una serie de grados de conocimiento iusnatural. Con (...)
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  29. The ends of harm: the moral foundations of criminal law.Victor Tadros - 2011 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book offers a critical examination of those theories and advances a new argument for punishment's justification, calling it the 'duty view'.
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  30. Towards a true neural stance on consciousness.Victor Lamme - 2006 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 10 (11):494-501.
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    Wrongs and crimes.Victor Tadros - 2016 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    The Criminalization series arose from an interdisciplinary investigation into criminalization, focussing on the principles that might guide decisions about what kinds of conduct should be criminalized, and the forms that criminalization should take. Developing a normative theory of criminalization, the series tackles the key questions at the heart of the issue: what principles and goals should guide legislators in deciding what to criminalize? How should criminal wrongs be classified and differentiated? How should law enforcement officials apply the law's specifications of (...)
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  32. Criminal Responsibility.Victor Tadros - 2005 - Oxford University Press.
    This book provides a systematic, philosophically informed account of criminal responsibility. It begins by providing a general account of criminal responsibility based on the relationship between the action that the defendent has performed and their character. It then moves on to reconsider some of the central doctrines of criminal responsibility in the light of that account.
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  33. Poverty and criminal responsibility.Victor Tadros - 2009 - Journal of Value Inquiry 43 (3):391-413.
  34. Transparency and the Mindfulness Opacity Hypothesis.Victor Lange & Thor Grünbaum - 2024 - Philosophical Quarterly 74 (3):822-843.
    Many philosophers endorse the Transparency Thesis, the claim that by introspection one cannot become aware of one's experience. Recently, some authors have suggested that the Transparency Thesis is challenged by introspective states reached under mindfulness. We label this the Mindfulness Opacity Hypothesis. The present paper develops the hypothesis in important new ways. First, we motivate the hypothesis by drawing on recent clinical psychology and cognitive science of mindfulness. Secondly, we develop the hypothesis by describing the implied shift in experiential perspective, (...)
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  35. (1 other version)Distributing Responsibility.Victor Tadros - 2020 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 48 (3):223-261.
    A widespread view in moral, legal, and political philosophy, as well as in public discourse, is that responsibility makes a difference to the fair allocation or distribution of things that are valuable or disvaluable independently of responsibility. For example, the fairness of punishing a person for wrongdoing varies with her responsibility for wrongdoing; the fairness of requiring a person to pay compensation varies with her responsibility for the harm that she caused; the fairness of one person being worse off than (...)
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  36. On the rationality of thought-insertion judgments.Víctor M. Verdejo - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    Subjects experiencing thought insertion disown thoughts they are introspectively aware of. According to what I call “the rationality hypothesis”, thought-insertion reports are not merely intelligible, but also express, or potentially express, fully rational judgments in the light of highly disruptive experience. I argue that the hypothesis is ethically and theoretically motivated, and provides two insights into the philosophical significance of reports by subjects with schizophrenia. First, the reports can be seen as evidence that rational judgments of ownership of a thought (...)
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  37. Consent to Sex in an Unjust World.Victor Tadros - 2021 - Ethics 131 (2):293-318.
    This article explores the moral significance of consent in an unjust world by developing the view that the validity of consent depends on its causes. It defends the view that the causes of consent make it valid or invalid. It then shows how this idea helps us to distinguish different ways in which consent might matter morally where it has problematic causes. Finally, it uses this analysis to explore the moral significance of a range of problematic causes of consent, including (...)
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    The Concept of Passivity in Husserl's Phenomenology.Victor Biceaga - 2010 - Springer.
    The book outlines the contribution of passivity to the constitution of phenomena as diverse as temporal syntheses, perceptual associations, memory fulfillment and cross-cultural communication.
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  39. Aristotle and the problem of intentionality.Victor Caston - 1998 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 58 (2):249-298.
    Aristotle not only formulates the problem of intentionality explicitly, he makes a solution to it a requirement for any adequate theory of mind. His own solution, however, is not to be found in his theory of sensation, as Brentano and others have thought. In fact, it is precisely because Aristotle regards this theory as inadequate that he goes on to argue for a distinct new ability he calls "phantasia." The theory of content he develops on this basis (unlike Brentano's) is (...)
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  40. Wrongful Intentions without Closeness.Victor Tadros - 2015 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 43 (1):52-74.
  41. One equation to rule them all: a philosophical analysis of the Price equation.Victor J. Luque - 2017 - Biology and Philosophy 32 (1):97-125.
    This paper provides a philosophical analysis of the Price equation and its role in evolutionary theory. Traditional models in population genetics postulate simplifying assumptions in order to make the models mathematically tractable. On the contrary, the Price equation implies a very specific way of theorizing, starting with assumptions that we think are true and then deriving from them the mathematical rules of the system. I argue that the Price equation is a generalization-sketch, whose main purpose is to provide a unifying (...)
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    Meeting the Systematicity Challenge Challenge: A Nonlinguistic Argument for a Language of Thought.Víctor M. Verdejo - 2012 - Journal of Philosophical Research 37:155-183.
    From Fodor and Pylyshyn’s celebrated 1988 systematicity argument in favour of a language of thought , a challenge to connectionist models arises in the form of a dilemma: either these models do not explain systematicity or they are implementations of LOT. From consideration of this challenge and of systematicity in domains other than language, defenders of connectionism have mounted a parallel systematicity argument against LOT which results in a new self-defeating dilemma, what I call here the systematicity challenge challenge : (...)
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  43. Why Aristotle Needs Imagination.Victor Caston - 1996 - Phronesis 41 (1):20-55.
  44. Levels of Explanation Vindicated.Víctor M. Verdejo & Daniel Quesada - 2011 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 2 (1):77-88.
    Marr’s celebrated contribution to cognitive science (Marr 1982, chap. 1) was the introduction of (at least) three levels of description/explanation. However, most contemporary research has relegated the distinction between levels to a rather dispensable remark. Ignoring such an important contribution comes at a price, or so we shall argue. In the present paper, first we review Marr’s main points and motivations regarding levels of explanation. Second, we examine two cases in which the distinction between levels has been neglected when considering (...)
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  45. How Many Points are there in a Line Segment? – A new answer from Discrete-Cellular Space viewpoint.Victor Christianto & Florentin Smarandache - manuscript
    While it is known that Euclid’s five axioms include a proposition that a line consists at least of two points, modern geometry avoid consistently any discussion on the precise definition of point, line, etc. It is our aim to clarify one of notorious question in Euclidean geometry: how many points are there in a line segment? – from discrete-cellular space (DCS) viewpoint. In retrospect, it may offer an alternative of quantum gravity, i.e. by exploring discrete gravitational theories. To elucidate our (...)
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  46. Solving Numerically Ermakov-type Equation for Newtonian Cosmology Model with Vortex.Victor Christianto, Florentin Smarandache & Yunita Umniyati - manuscript
    It has been known for long time that most of the existing cosmology models have singularity problem. Cosmological singularity has been a consequence of excessive symmetry of flow, such as “Hubble’s law”. More realistic one is suggested, based on Newtonian cosmology model but here we include the vertical-rotational effect of the whole Universe. We review a Riccati-type equation obtained by Nurgaliev, and solve the equation numerically with Mathematica. It is our hope that the new proposed method can be verified with (...)
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  47. “One Note Samba” approach to cosmology: How to connect Bose-Einstein Condensate, Ermakov-Pinney equation, Scalar Field Cosmology and Feshbach Resonance all at once.Victor Christianto & Florentin Smarandache - manuscript
    Inspired by “One Note Samba,” a standard jazz repertoire, we present an outline of Bose-Einstein Condensate Cosmology (BECC). Although this approach seems awkward and a bit off the wall at first glance, it is not impossible to connect altogether BEC, Scalar Field Cosmology and Feshbach Resonance with Ermakov-Pinney equation. We also discuss shortly possible link with our previous paper, where we describe Newtonian Universe with Vortex in terms of Ermakov equation.
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  48. Aristotle's Two Intellects: A Modest Proposal.Victor Caston - 1999 - Phronesis 44 (3):199-227.
    In "De anima" 3.5, Aristotle argues for the existence of a second intellect, the so-called "Agent Intellect." The logical structure of his argument turns on a distinction between different types of soul, rather than different faculties within a given soul; and the attributes he assigns to the second species make it clear that his concern here -- as at the climax of his other great works, such as the "Metaphysics," the "Nicomachean" and the "Eudemian Ethics" -- is the difference between (...)
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  49. Causal Contributions and Liability.Victor Tadros - 2018 - Ethics 128 (2):402-431.
    This article explores the extent to which the magnitude of harm that a person is liable to suffer to avert a threat depends on the magnitude of her causal contribution to the threat. Several different versions of this view are considered. The conclusions are mostly skeptical—facts that may determine how large of a causal contribution a person makes to a threat are not morally significant, or not sufficiently significant to make an important difference to liability. However, understanding ways in which (...)
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  50. Duty and Liability.Victor Tadros - 2012 - Utilitas 24 (2):259-277.
    In his recent book, Killing in War, Jeff McMahan sets out a number of conditions for a person to be liable to attack, provided the attack is used to avert an objectively unjust threat: (1) The threat, if realized, will wrongfully harm another; (2) the person is responsible for creating the threat; (3) killing the person is necessary to avert the threat, and (4) killing the person is a proportionate response to the threat. The present article focuses on McMahan's second (...)
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