Results for 'Victorian Age, gothic, plot, characterization'

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  1.  5
    Knights of the industrial revolution: art and social change in the medievalist imagination of Carlyle, Ruskin, Morris and other Victorian thinkers.Muhammed Al Da'mi - 2013 - Denver, Colorado: Outskirts Press.
    This volume is by no means out of place for a reader in the twenty first century as resemblances between the age of the machine and our own digital age are surprisingly numerous, particularly with reference to the patterns of intellectual response to unprecedented stimuli. The worrisome parallelisms and analogues are purposefully kept off stage for the imaginative audience to complement the plot of the real drama of the Industrial Revolution as it was witnessed by such imaginative medievalist 'knights' as (...)
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    John Henry Newman and the Development of Doctrine: Encountering Change, Looking for Continuity by Stephen Morgan.Reinhard Hütter - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (4):1335-1339.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:John Henry Newman and the Development of Doctrine: Encountering Change, Looking for Continuity by Stephen MorganReinhard HütterJohn Henry Newman and the Development of Doctrine: Encountering Change, Looking for Continuity by Stephen Morgan. Foreword by Ian Ker (Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2021), xvi + 315 pp.St. John Henry Newman was controversial during much of his lifetime—as an Anglican as well as a Catholic. Nothing has changed (...)
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  3. The Aesthetic Regime of Politics.Martin Plot - 2013 - Azimith. Philosophical Coordinates in Modern and Contemporary Age 2 (I):137-149.
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    Reading biography.Michael Benton - 2007 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 41 (3):77-88.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reading BiographyMichael Benton (bio)Biographer, Biography, and the ReaderBiography is a hybrid. It is history crossed with narrative. The biographer has to present the available facts of the life yet shape their arbitrariness, untidiness, and incompleteness into an engaging whole. The readerly appeal lies in the prospect both of gaining documentary information, scrupulously researched and plausibly interpreted, and of experiencing the aesthetic pleasure of reading a well-made work of art (...)
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    Popular Culture in the Houses of Poe and Cortázar.Daniel Bautista - 2010 - Intertexts 14 (1):1-20.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Popular Culture in the Houses of Poe and CortázarDaniel Bautista (bio)"[…]at the age of nine I read Edgar Allan Poe for the first time. That book I stole to read because my mother didn't want me to read it, she thought I was too young and she was right. The book scared me and I was ill for three months, because I believed in it."…—Julio Cortázar1In interviews and essays, (...)
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    Modernism London Style: The Art Deco Heritage.Niels Lehmann - 2012 - Hirmer Publishers.
    In the 1920s, London was a city on the cusp of change. Just as dance halls and jazz-age decadence displaced wartime austerity, a new generation of artists and designers sought to enliven the city's architecture, erecting dazzling buildings in the emerging art deco style. In contrast with the aging Victorian structures that dotted the city, these bright and colorful buildings--from the Hoover factory to the Ideal House by Raymond Hood, who later designed New York's Rockefeller Center--communicated the city's aspirations (...)
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    Growth activity and structure at various organization levels in plants.Roger Buis - 1993 - Acta Biotheoretica 41 (3):231-247.
    The growth activity of an organ (variable y) is defined simultaneously by the instantaneous absolute ratedy/dt and its variationd 2y/dt2. The use of these two descriptors allows a sigmoidal (i.e. continuous and non periodical, as observed for the logistic function) growth curve to be discretized into a series of 5 growth states or phases which are delimited by the following singular values: max, Vmax (=0), max, adult stage. The (V, ) plot, termedgrowth trajectory, visualizes, e.g. in the case of Richards-Nelder's (...)
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    Augustine's Confessions: The Concrete Referent.Elizabeth Hanson-Smith - 1978 - Philosophy and Literature 2 (2):176-189.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Elizabeth Hanson-Smith AUGUSTINE'S CONFESSIONS: THE CONCRETE REFERENT The chief problem facing critics who would consider the Confessions as both a literary work and a philosophical treatise remains the connection between the first nine books, the autobiography, and the last four, the metaphysical speculations on time, eternity, epistemology, and theology. A persistent desire to justify the work as an aesthetic whole has led critics on a search for thematic and (...)
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    The origins of marxism.George Lichtheim - 1965 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 3 (1):96-105.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:96 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY the other hand, he tried like Ramsay to distinguish the "all being" of God from nature; he emphasized the doctrine of final causes and of God's "excellence" as man's chief end. It is possible that Edwards's enigmatic sermon on the Trinity may have been stimulated by Ramsay's speculation on this subject, though this is a mere guess. In any case, Ramsay must have made Edwards (...)
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    Wild Justice: A Study of Euripides' Hecuba (review).Georgia Ann Machemer - 1997 - American Journal of Philology 118 (1):134-137.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Wild Justice: A Study of Euripides’ HecubaGeorgia Ann MachemerMossman, Judith. Wild Justice: A Study of Euripides’ Hecuba. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995. xiv 1 283 pp. Cloth, $55. (Oxford Classical Monographs)Judith Mossman’s monograph on Euripides’ Hecuba deserves its accolades. It is well-written, well-argued, and shows a quality sometimes lacking in today’s publish-or-perish world, scholarly integrity. Sceptical of the theses she seeks to refute, Mossman nevertheless adopts no arrogant poses, (...)
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    Sophocles’s Enemy Sisters: Antigone and Ismene.Wm Blake Tyrrell & Larry J. Bennett - 2008 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 15:1-18.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Sophocles’s Enemy Sisters: Antigone and IsmeneWm. Blake Tyrrell (bio) and Larry J. BennettAt the core of the Oedipus myth, as Sophocles presents it, is the proposition that all masculine relationships are based on reciprocal acts of violence. Laius, taking his cue from the oracle, violently rejects Oedipus out of fear that his son will seize his throne and invade his conjugal bed. Oedipus, taking his cue from the oracle, (...)
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    Characterizations of the New Age.William Bloom - 2000 - The Chesterton Review 26 (1/2):218-219.
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    : Reading the Book of Nature: How Eight Best Sellers Reconnected Christianity and the Sciences on the Eve of the Victorian Age.Elizabeth Yale - 2024 - Isis 115 (1):189-190.
  14.  21
    : Psychic Investigators: Anthropology, Modern Spiritualism, and Credible Witnessing in the Late Victorian Age.Roger Luckhurst - 2024 - Isis 115 (1):187-188.
  15. Inventing the 19th Century: 100 Inventions that Shaped the Victorian Age. By Stephen van Dulken.S. Bennett - 2004 - The European Legacy 9 (1):109-109.
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    The Victorian Novel of Adulthood: Plot and Purgatory in Fictions of Maturity by Rebecca Rainof.David P. Deavel - 2017 - Newman Studies Journal 14 (2):85-87.
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    Newman a Tweeter? Social Media and the Victorian Age: Personal Reflections Gained from the Digitization Project.Mary Jo Dorsey - 2015 - Newman Studies Journal 12 (2):101-106.
    This essay is a reflection of the time I have spent working with Cardinal Newman’s archive at the Birmingham Oratory. I have had a chance to stop and carefully read his letters and diaries and to see Newman as a communicator extraordinaire! I suspect that the Cardinal would have had great command of today’s social media and communications technology. His laity could have been a wider and larger audience on a virtual level. Might this be an opportunity for a sociological (...)
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    Strange Science: Investigating the Limits of Knowledge in the Victorian Age.Matthew Stanley - 2017 - Annals of Science 74 (3):240-241.
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    Characterization of Reproductive and Morphological Variables in Female Elite Futsal Players.Marcos Roberto Queiroga, Danilo Fernandes da Silva, Sandra Aires Ferreira, Vinícius Müller Reis Weber, Daniel Zanardini Fernandes, Timothy Gustavo Cavazzotto, Bruno Sergio Portela, Marcus Peikriszwili Tartaruga, Matheus Amarante Nascimento & Edgar Ramos Vieira - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    We aimed to characterize the age of onset of training, age at menarche, menstrual periodicity, and performance perception during the menstrual cycle and examined the impact of these reproductive variables on body composition, morphology, and body weight satisfaction in Brazilian elite futsal players. The study consisted of 115 female Brazilian elite futsal players from the top national teams. Data were collected during the twentieth Women’s Brazil Futsal Cup. Players were interviewed and self-reported their age of onset of training, age at (...)
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    Catholicism, sexual deviance, and Victorian gothic culture (cambridge studies in nineteenth-century literature and culture 51). By Patrick R. O'Malley.Anthony Chennells - 2007 - Heythrop Journal 48 (5):816–818.
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    A Gothic Dystopia at the Antipodes.Claire Wrobel - 2022 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 21.
    This article offers an analysis of texts which were written in 1802-3 and published in 1812 under the title Panopticon versus New South Wales, namely Jeremy Bentham’s first two letters to Lord Pelham and A Plea for the Constitution, arguing that, in his attempt to show the superiority of his Panopticon plan over the transportation scheme, the reformer depicted New South Wales as a Gothic dystopia. ‘Gothic’ is here understood as a literary genre, an ideological term and a critical tool. (...)
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    Efran Sera-Shriar, Psychic Investigators: Anthropology, Modern Spiritualism, and Credible Witnessing in the Late Victorian Age Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2022. Pp. 236. ISBN 978-0-8229-4707-3. $50.00 (hardcover). [REVIEW]Gustavo Rodrigues Rocha - 2024 - British Journal for the History of Science 57 (1):161-163.
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    Tony Crilly.Arthur Cayley: Mathematician Laureate of the Victorian Age. xxi + 609 pp., illus., figs., apps., bibl., index. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006. $69.95 .Karen Hunger Parshall.James Joseph Sylvester: Jewish Mathematician in a Victorian World. xi + 461 pp., apps., index. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006. $69.95. [REVIEW]Francine F. Abeles - 2007 - Isis 98 (3):641-642.
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    James A. Secord. Visions of Science: Books and Readers at the Dawn of the Victorian Age. xiii + 306 pp., illus., bibl., index. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. £18.99. [REVIEW]Ruth Barton - 2015 - Isis 106 (4):942-943.
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  25.  40
    In Pursuit of a Scientific Culture: Science, Art, and Society in the Victorian Age. Peter Allan Dale. [REVIEW]Dennis Dean - 1991 - Isis 82 (2):391-393.
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    James A. Secord, Visions of Science: Books and Readers at the Dawn of the Victorian Age. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. Pp. xiii + 306. ISBN 978-0-19-967526-5. £18.99. [REVIEW]David Knight - 2015 - British Journal for the History of Science 48 (2):368-370.
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  27. Social, and Political Ideas of some Representative Thinkers of the Victorian Age, The. [REVIEW]Marshall Marshall - 1934 - Studies in Philosophy and Social Science 3:276.
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    The Social and Political Ideas of some Representative Thinkers of the Victorian Age. [REVIEW]T. H. Marshall - 1934 - Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 3 (2):276-276.
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    The animal estate: The English and other creatures in the Victorian age Harriet Ritvo ,viii + 347pp., $25.00. [REVIEW]J. P. Parry - 1988 - History of European Ideas 9 (6):757-759.
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    The Social and Political Ideas of the Victorian Age. [REVIEW]Stephen H. Roberts - 1933 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 11 (4):316.
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    Cities Built to Music: Aesthetic Theories of the Victorian Gothic Revival.Michael Bright - 1984 - Ohio State University Press.
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    Characterization of NIP theories by ordered graph-indiscernibles.Lynn Scow - 2012 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163 (11):1624-1641.
    We generalize the Unstable Formula Theorem characterization of stable theories from Shelah [11], that a theory T is stable just in case any infinite indiscernible sequence in a model of T is an indiscernible set. We use a generalized form of indiscernibles from [11], in our notation, a sequence of parameters from an L-structure M, , indexed by an L′-structure I is L′-generalized indiscernible inM if qftpL′=qftpL′ implies tpL=tpL for all same-length, finite ¯,j from I. Let Tg be the (...)
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    Characterizing Early Changes in Quality of Life in Young Women With Breast Cancer.Hend M. Al-Kaylani, Bradley T. Loeffler, Sarah L. Mott, Melissa Curry, Sneha Phadke & Ellen van der Plas - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    IntroductionYounger age at diagnosis is a risk factor for poor health-related quality of life in long-term breast cancer survivors. However, few studies have specifically addressed HRQOL in young adults with breast cancer, nor have early changes in HRQOL been fully characterized.MethodsEligible female patients with breast cancer were identified through our local cancer center. To establish HRQOL, patients completed the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Breast around diagnosis and 12 months later. Sociodemographic factors, genetic susceptibility to cancer, tumor- and treatment-related factors, and (...)
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    Stephen Murray, Plotting Gothic. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015. Pp. x, 290; 43 black-and-white figures. $45. ISBN: 978-0-226-19180-5. [REVIEW]R. Howard Bloch - 2017 - Speculum 92 (3):868-869.
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    (1 other version)Characterization in Drama and Oratory—Poetics 1450a20.Lionel Pearson - 1968 - Classical Quarterly 18 (1):76-83.
    It may not occur to a modern reader of the Poetics to think that Aristotle is drawing contrasts between poetry and oratory. But there is one aspect of tragedy which must have forced him to think of a contrast with oratory, especially forensic oratory, even though he seems to make no special effort to draw it to the reader's attention. This is the matter of characterization. He does not believe that it is the purpose of tragedy to illustrate character; (...)
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    What Can Brinley Plots Tell Us About Cognitive Aging? Exploring Simulated Data and Modified Brinley Plots.Jessica Nicosia, Emily R. Cohen-Shikora & Michael J. Strube - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Cognitive aging researchers have been challenged with demonstrating age-related effects above and beyond global slowing ever since Cerella raised this issue in 1990. As the literature has made clear, this has indeed proved to be a difficult task and continues to plague the field. One way that researchers have attempted to test for disproportionate age differences across task conditions is by using Brinley plots, or plotting the mean response latencies of older adults against the mean latencies for younger adults. The (...)
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    Characterizing alternative food networks in China.Zhenzhong Si, Theresa Schumilas & Steffanie Scott - 2015 - Agriculture and Human Values 32 (2):299-313.
    Amid the many food safety scandals that have erupted in recent years, Chinese food activists and consumers are turning to the creation of alternative food networks to ensure better control over their food. These Chinese AFNs have not been documented in the growing literature on food studies. Based on in-depth interviews and case studies, this paper documents and develops a typology of AFNs in China, including community supported agriculture, farmers’ markets, buying clubs, and recreational garden plot rentals. We unpacked the (...)
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  38.  21
    Gothic Matters of De-Composition: The Pastoral Dead in Contemporary American Fiction.John Armstrong - 2016 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 6 (1):127-143.
    In Alice Walker’s vignette “The Flowers,” a young black girl’s walk in the woods is interrupted when she treads “smack” into the skull of a lynched man. As her name predicates, Myop’s age and innocence obstruct her from seeing deeply into the full implications of the scene, while the more worldly reader is jarred and confronted with a whole history of racial violence and slavery. The skeleton, its teeth cracked and broken, is a temporal irruption, a Gothic “smack” that shatters (...)
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    Inertia processes and status quo bias in promoting green change.Svein Åge Kjøs Johnsen - 2016 - Human Affairs 26 (4):400-409.
    Change can be difficult to achieve, and system inertia may be considered relevant. There is a tendency for dynamic systems to enter into specific states characterized by stabilizing factors. The present work attempts to define inertia processes and explores these with regard to pro-environmental behaviour and decision-making. Inertia processes can be considered both within an organizational context and from the level of the individual, and may involve a number of psychological processes and aspects of the decision-making process. A few suggestions (...)
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    Characterizing Unaccompanied Foreign Minors: Educational Level and Length of Stay as Individual Difference Factors That Impact Academic Self-Efficacy.María del Carmen Olmos-Gómez, María Dolores Pistón-Rodríguez, Ramón Chacón-Cuberos, José Javier Romero-Díaz de la Guardia, Jesús Manuel Cuevas-Rincón & Eva María Olmedo-Moreno - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The aim of the present study is to analyze individual differences in academic self-efficacy within a population of Unaccompanied Foreign Minors from the European cities of Ceuta and Melilla. Variables describing educational level and length of stay were considered in a sample of 377 individuals being cared for in different youth centers. Of these, 63.4% belonged to the group who had stayed at the center for less than 9 months and 36.6% reported a length of stay of more than 9 (...)
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    Victorian modernism: pragmatism and the varieties of aesthetic experience.Jessica R. Feldman - 2002 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In Victorian Modernism: Pragmatism and the Varieties of Aesthetic Experience Jessica Feldman sheds a pragmatist light on the relation between the Victorian age and Modernism by dislodging truistic notions of Modernism as an art of crisis, rupture, elitism and loss. She examines aesthetic sites of Victorian Modernism - including workrooms, parlours, friendships, and family relations as well as printed texts and paintings - as they develop through interminglings and continuities as well as gaps and breaks. Examining the (...)
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    Reforming Philosophy: A Victorian Debate on Science and Society.Laura J. Snyder - 2006 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    The Victorian period in Britain was an “age of reform.” It is therefore not surprising that two of the era’s most eminent intellects described themselves as reformers. Both William Whewell and John Stuart Mill believed that by reforming philosophy—including the philosophy of science—they could effect social and political change. But their divergent visions of this societal transformation led to a sustained and spirited controversy that covered morality, politics, science, and economics. Situating their debate within the larger context of (...) society and its concerns, _Reforming Philosophy_ shows how two very different men captured the intellectual spirit of the day and engaged the attention of other scientists and philosophers, including the young Charles Darwin. Mill—philosopher, political economist, and Parliamentarian—remains a canonical author of Anglo-American philosophy, while Whewell—Anglican cleric, scientist, and educator—is now often overlooked, though in his day he was renowned as an authority on science. Placing their teachings in their proper intellectual, cultural, and argumentative spheres, Laura Snyder revises the standard views of these two important Victorian figures, showing that both men’s concerns remain relevant today. A philosophically and historically sensitive account of the engagement of the major protagonists of Victorian British philosophy, _Reforming Philosophy_ is the first book-length examination of the dispute between Mill and Whewell in its entirety. A rich and nuanced understanding of the intellectual spirit of Victorian Britain, it will be welcomed by philosophers and historians of science, scholars of Victorian studies, and students of the history of philosophy and political economy. (shrink)
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    Victorian Equations.Andrea Kelly Henderson - 2024 - Critical Inquiry 50 (2):252-276.
    As familiar as the form of the mathematical equation is to us, the ostensibly simple act of equating unlike things was an achievement many centuries in the making, and one that would ultimately redefine European mathematical enquiry such that its bias toward geometry and the concrete would be displaced by a bias toward algebraic abstraction. The moment of that displacement was the nineteenth century, and its broader significance is on particularly striking display in the British context, where the implications of (...)
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    The Age of Criticism, 1900-1950The Alien Vision of Victorian Poetry, Sources of the Poetic Imagination in Tennyson, Browning and Arnold. [REVIEW]Richard Kuhns, William van O'Connor & E. D. H. Johnson - 1953 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 12 (1):130.
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    Plotting Philosophy: Between the Acts of Philosophical Genre.Berel Lang - 1988 - Philosophy and Literature 12 (2):190-210.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Berel Lang PLOTTING PHILOSOPHY: BETWEEN THE ACTS OF PHILOSOPHICAL GENRE When Hegel wrote that philosophy's Owl of Minerva takes wing only at the falling of dusk, he did not mean that philosophy is always tardy, only that it comes late in the day. It may, however, seem both late and tardy to call attention now to the role of genres in philosophical writing, and still more beside the point (...)
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    The 'Enlightened' View of Aging: Victorian Morality in a New Key.Thomas R. Cole - 1983 - Hastings Center Report 13 (3):34-40.
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    Victorian Piety practiced.Michael O'brien - 2008 - Modern Intellectual History 5 (1):153-163.
    For some time, there has been reason for imagining that we live in neo-Victorian times. We are awash in restless evangelicals, profligate of stern and apocalyptic advice. We have had praying leaders who imagine that foreigners, usually with beards, require reform and invasion. Celts threaten secession and the Union is extolled. There is much talk of families, education, and the anxieties of class. Our novels grow long and vexed, and even have plots. Historians seek the common reader and write (...)
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    The Victorians were still faster than us. Commentary: Factors influencing the latency of simple reaction time.Michael Anthony Woodley of Menie, Jan te Nijenhuis & Raegan Murphy - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:150650.
    Woods et al. (2015) claim that secular Simple Reaction Time (SRT) slowing (Woodley et al. 2013), disappears once modern studies are corrected for software and hardware lag, and once Galton’s data are corrected for fastest-response selection. Here, this is challenged with a reanalysis of the secular slowing of SRT in the UK amongst large (N>500), population-representative age-matched (≊18-30 years) studies. Starting with Galton’s sample, this is assigned the simulated value estimated by Dodonova and Dodonov (2013, who like Woods et al. (...)
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    The Image of the Middle Ages in Romantic and Victorian Literature.Kevin L. Morris - 1984 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1984, The Image of the Middle Ages in Romantic and Victorian Literature looks at the impact of medievalism in the 18th and 19th centuries and the importance of post-Enlightenment literary religious medievalism. The book suggests that religious medievalism was not a superficial cultural phenomenon and that the romantic spirit with which it was chronologically connected, was intimately associated with the metaphysical. The book suggests that this belief gave birth to the metaphysical yearning and cultural expression of (...)
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    De plot van het leven. Toevalligheden en symmetrieën in evolutionaire geschiedenis.Hugh Desmond - 2016 - Dissertation, Ku Leuven
    If evolutionary history were to be replayed from the beginning, what would be the same, and what would be likely different? Would there be a human-like species, multicellularity, or even DNA? There is a great variety in the answers biologists give to this question, despite having the same access to empirical data and biological theory. For instance, Stephen J. Gould has claimed that evolutionary history is radically contingent, while Conway Morris holds that it converges onto specific biological structures that are (...)
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