Results for 'Vida examinada'

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  1.  7
    La relación entre theoria y praxis en la filosofía antigua: del socratismo al théos aristotélico.Francisco Javier Ruiz Moscardó - 2024 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 41 (3):527-538.
    Este trabajo pretende detallar la concepción metafilosófica del socratismo y del aristotelismo precisando la interrelación entre teoría y praxis que ambos proyectos desarrollan. A partir de un diagnóstico común a Michel Foucault y Pierre Hadot, según el cual el saber filosófico era inseparable en la antigüedad de una “existencia filosófica”, se expone cómo concibieron tanto Sócrates como Aristóteles este peculiar “modo de vida”, concluyéndose que las raíces del “biós theoretikós” aristotélico se encuentran en la “vida examinada” defendida (...)
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    Sócrates e a Parrhesía democrática.José Lourenço Pereira da Silva - 2019 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 24:019018.
    Neste artigo procuro mostrar que, embora Sócrates tenha sido um crítico da democracia ateniense, seu pensamento, como conhecido a partir dos primeiros diálogos de Platão, coaduna-se com os valores fundamentais da cultura democrática de Atenas. Para defender essa interpretação, focalizo um dos princípios mais importante da democracia grega: a liberdade de expressão. Primeiro, examino o conceito de liberdade de expressão. Esclareço que, no contexto político democrático, dois termos gregos comunicam dois sentidos conexos mas distintos da liberdade de expressão: isēgoría, que (...)
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    Bioética, “examen de sí” y educación superior: una perspectiva desde Nussbaum.Gladis del Socorro García Restrepo & Cielo Amparo Noreña Quiceno - 2016 - Escritos 24 (53):391-409.
    The article is the result of the research project “Higher Education in Humanistic Perspective: An Approach from Martha Nussbaum”, having Nussbaum’s book Cultivating Humanity: A Classical Defense of Reform in Liberal Education as the main referent for the considerations presented. Hermeneutics is used as the philosophical method. One of the purposes of the article is to reveal how higher education courses in human development might be transformed from the perspective of self-examination in Martha Nussbaum’s thought, understanding the latter as one (...)
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    Cien años de El tema de nuestro tiempo : un horizonte muy abierto.Jose Lasaga Medina - 2023 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 20:93-115.
    Se trata de analizar el puesto que ocupa El tema de nuestro tiempo en el conjunto de la obra de Ortega, en su camino hacia la llamada “Segunda navegación”, es decir, hacia su filosofía de madurez. Después de contextualizar el libro en la cultura europea de la época, describiendo las novedades que acontecieron en torno a 1921-23 y la situación histórica por la que atravesaba España, en plena crisis del sistema de la Restauración, se entra en el examen de los (...)
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    El concepto husserliano de cultura europea y el camino para la superación de su crisis.Elizabeth Ströker - 1993 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 5 (1):93-110.
    Siguiendo la trama de la Crisis de la humanidad europea y la fúosofía de E. Husserl, la A. examina primero en su origen y sentido esencial los cooceptos de cultura europa y de"Europa" -que le han valido a Husserl laacusación de "eurocentrismo"- para luego discutir el tema de la crisis europea, entendida como crisis de las ciencias y de la humanidad europea. La noción de cultura europea se esclarece exhaustivamente al destacar la nueva actitud del individuo frente al mundo y (...)
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    Ontologia, Linguagem e História Em Agostinho: Contradição e Sexualidade N’a Cidade de Deus.Luiz Marcos da Silva Filho - 2024 - Dissertatio 10 (supl.):243-270.
    Neste artigo, proponho-me investigar a sexualidade e a contradição a partir da análise do “início” da história n’A cidade de Deus, XIV, de Agostinho, onde a “vontade”, sob a figura privilegiada da “libido”, é disposta como princípio e fundamento da história por meio da elucidação de vários planos de contradições constitutivas da condição humana. Mais precisamente, se o pecado inaugura um regime de existência humana em ruptura com a essência, trata-se da passagem ou queda do ser humano da natureza para (...)
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  7. A figura der medeia no canto III Das argonáuticas.Elisa Costa B. De Carvalho - 2009 - Principia: Revista do Departamento de Letras Clássicas e Orientais do Instituto de Letras 2 (19):53-65.
    O presente trabalho apresenta a segunda parte do artigo onde a figura de Medéia no canto III das Argonáuticas será examinada. A fim de tornar a leitura mais clara e enriquecedora, fez-se necessário tecer alguns comentários sobre a vida e a obra de Apolônio Ródio, autor da obra aqui estudada.
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    Contratarianismo Hobbesiano?Mariana Kuhn de Oliveira - 2016 - Ethic@ - An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 15 (3):509-526.
    Thomas Scanlon buscou desenvolver uma abordagem contratualista da moralidade partindo de argumentos fundados apenas em princípios que ninguém poderia razoavelmente rejeitar. Ele acreditava que a maior parte das teorias contratualistas era fundamentada apenas em acordos realizados por agentes autointeressados e queria apresentar uma versão diferente de contrato social. Ele decidiu, então, chamar contratualismo sua teoria e outras fundamentadas na razoabilidade e contratarianismo aquelas fundadas na racionalidade entendida como busca pelo autointeresse. Essa se tornou uma distinção usual e Hobbes tem sido (...)
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    Pre'mbulo à filosofia do sentir político.André Abranches - 2022 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 31 (62):185-200.
    Ao analisar parte da tradição filosófica Ocidental e, em particular, contrapor o ensinamento de mestres e gurus do Oriente aos ensinamentos de escolas metafísicas e de ciência política do Ocidente, o presente artigo, poderá ser dito, insere-se na categoria de filosofia das civilizações. Não estando limitada, porém, a nenhuma dessas civilizações, a arte política, enquanto perícia daquele que governa ou leva a vida feliz, pode ser examinada no prolongamento das suas intersecções e enquanto questão filosófica independente. Neste artigo, (...)
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    O Caminho Depois Do Depois.Lux Ferreira Lima - 2023 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 14 (27):51-79.
    O presente artigo se propõe a analisar os desvios de expectativa acerca da transição de gênero realizados por dois autores estadunidenses - Thomas Page McBee e Janet Mock - na feitura de suas autobiografias: "Man alive” (2014) e “Amateur” (2018); “Redefining realness” (2014) e “Surpassing certainty” (2017). Através de análise documental e informado por estudos queer e trans, este trabalho se debruça sobre os empreendimentos levados a cabo pelos autores para estranhar e desafiar o lugar de conquista e estabilidade socialmente (...)
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    É preciso defender a amizade.Alexandre Filordi de Carvalho & Silvio Gallo - 2022 - Educação E Filosofia 36 (78):1763-1797.
    Este artigo homenageia a atualidade do curso A hermenêutica do sujeito, proferido por Foucault no Collège de France em 1982. Sabe-se que o tema central do curso é o cuidado de si como tekhné tou biou, examinado pelo filósofo nos momentos socrático-platônico, helenístico e cristão. Porém, tomaremos a questão da amizade, que atravessa as técnicas de si antigas analisadas por Foucault, para problematizar nosso presente. Após discutir a recepção que fazemos do curso quarenta anos depois, discutimos o atual momento do (...)
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  12.  27
    Giorgio Levi Della Vida: Remembered Ghosts(Extracts).Giorgio Dellaa Vida - 2004 - Diogenes 51 (4):59-79.
    Giorgio Levi Della Vida (1886-1967) was not only an eminent Islamologist, belonging to that tradition of Italian Oriental studies that stretches from Ignazio Guidi to Leone Caetani, Carlo Alfonso Nallino and Francesco Gabrieli - he was also a man with solid roots in his own time. He taught in Naples and Rome, then for the ten years 1939-1948 at the University of Pennsylvania. He was one of the few university teachers who, when the oath of loyalty to the Italian (...)
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    Giorgio Levi Della Vida: Remembered Ghosts (Extracts).Giorgio Levi Della Vida - 2004 - Diogenes 51 (4):59-79.
    Giorgio Levi Della Vida (1886-1967) was not only an eminent Islamologist, he was also a man with solid roots in his own time. He taught in Naples and Rome, then for the ten years 1939-1948 at the University of Pennsylvania. He was one of the few university teachers who, when the oath of loyalty to the Italian fascist regime was introduced in October 1931, opted not to accept that act of submission. His memoirs, Fantasmi ritrovati, were published in 1966; (...)
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  14. Trabajo y Tecnologia en el Mundo Andino. Santiago de Chile.Criar la Vida - forthcoming - Vivarium.
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    The Beginning of Wisdom: Unabridged Translation of the Gate of Love From Rabbi Eliahu De Vidas' Reshit Chochmah.Elijah ben Moses de Vidas - 2001 - Ktav Publishing House. Edited by Simcha H. Benyosef.
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  16. Surrogate Tourism and Reproductive Rights.Vida Panitch - 2013 - Hypatia 28 (2):274-289.
    Commercial surrogacy arrangements now cross borders; this paper aims to reevaluate the traditional moral concerns regarding the practice against the added ethical dimension of global injustice. I begin by considering the claim that global surrogacy serves to satisfy the positive reproductive rights of infertile first-world women. I then go on to consider three powerful challenges to this claim. The first holds that commercial surrogacy involves the commodification of a good that should not be valued in market terms, the second that (...)
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    Gender and Hans Blumenberg’s Theory of Myth.Vida Pavesich - 2000 - International Studies in Philosophy 32 (4):83-105.
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    Priorities: Comments on Rational Sentimentalism by Justin D’Arms and Daniel Jacobson.Vida Yao - forthcoming - Philosophical Studies:1-10.
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    History of the Arabs.G. Levi Della Vida & Philip K. Hitti - 1939 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 59 (1):121.
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    (1 other version)The Ethical Aspect of Lotze's Metaphysics.Vida F. Moore - 1902 - Philosophical Review 11:99.
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  21. Michael Foucault i strukturalizm.Vida Gumauskaitė - 2006 - Colloquia Communia 80 (1-2):117-127.
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    The ethical aspect of Lotze's metaphysics.Vida Frank Moore - 1901 - New York: Macmillan.
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  23. Sefer Totsʼot ḥayim: kolel musar ṿe-hanhagot.Elijah ben Moses de Vidas - 2007 - Yerushalayim: [Ḥ. Mo. L.]. Edited by ʻAḳiva Aryeh Raz.
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  24. Global surrogacy: exploitation to empowerment.Vida Panitch - 2013 - Journal of Global Ethics 9 (3):329-343.
    Journal of Global Ethics, Volume 9, Issue 3, Page 329-343, December 2013.
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  25. A Papyrus Reference to the Damietta Raid of 853.G. Levi Della Vida - 1944 - Byzantion 17:212-22.
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  26. Reshit ḥokhmah.Elijah ben Moses de Vidas - 1963
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    Esu lietuvis pasienyje.Vida Savoniakaitė - 2017 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 93:117-130.
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  28. Sefer Totsʹot ḥayim.Elijah ben Moses de Vidas - 1970
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    Argument from Psychological Difference: Why It Makes Sense to Be a Scientific Realist Than an Instrumentalist.Vida Mia Valverde - 2020 - Kritike 14 (1):179-197.
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    Sema as Zikr: The Language of the Whirling Dance.Vida Mia Valverde - 2018 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 22 (1):85-100.
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    Modern Trends in Islam.G. Levi Della Vida - 1947 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 67 (3):217.
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  32. Boredom as Cognitive Appetite.Vida Yao - 2021 - In Andreas Elpidorou (ed.), The Moral Psychology of Boredom. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. pp. 231-250.
    Boredom can motivate us to perform actions that are painful, imprudent, morally objectionable, or unwise in other respects. It can also give rise to forms of akrasia: we may be unwilling to do what we know we must, simply because we will find it boring; when we are racked with boredom—bored stiff, bored to tears—actions that might otherwise never occur to us to do can begin to appear attractive, and sometimes remain attractive against our better judgment. But boredom is also (...)
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    Az-Zarnūjī, Ta'līm al-Muta'allim-Ṭarīq at-Ta'-allum. Instruction of the Student: The Method of LearningAz-Zarnuji, Ta'lim al-Muta'allim-Tariq at-Ta'-allum. Instruction of the Student: The Method of Learning.G. Levi Della Vida, G. E. von Grunebaum & Theodora M. Abel - 1948 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 68 (3):155.
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  34. The Good Fit.Vida Yao - 2023 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (2):414-429.
    Philosophers are now wary of conflating the “fittingness” or accuracy of an emotion with any form of moral assessment of that emotion. Justin D’Arms and Daniel Jacobson, who originally cautioned against this “conflation”, also warned philosophers not to infer that an emotion is inaccurate from the fact that feeling it would be morally inappropriate, or that it is accurate from the fact that feeling it would be morally appropriate. Such inferences, they argue, risk committing “the moralistic fallacy”, a mistake they (...)
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    An Album of Dated Syriac Manuscripts.G. Levi Della Vida & William Henry Paine Hatch - 1948 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 68 (1):69.
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    Niels Stensens Ungarnreise im Jahre 1669.Tivadar Vida - 1984 - Centaurus 27 (2):167-172.
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    The United States and the near East.G. Levi Della Vida & E. A. Speiser - 1947 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 67 (4):329.
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    Policy framing and resistance: Gender mainstreaming in Horizon 2020.Bianka Vida - 2021 - European Journal of Women's Studies 28 (1):26-41.
    Scholarship on gender mainstreaming in the European Union consistently highlights the disappointing implementation of gender mainstreaming. This article contributes to that discussion through the analysis of the first policy frame on gender equality in the work programmes of the EU’s Framework Programme for Research and Development, Horizon 2020, from 2014 until 2016. This article analyses how GM as a transformative strategy is contextualised by advisory group experts, and what is being achieved within Horizon 2020 work programmes. In opposition to the (...)
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  39. Decommodification as exploitation.Vida Panitch - 2024 - In Benjamin Ferguson & Matt Zwolinski (eds.), Exploitation: perspectives from philosophy, politics, and economics. New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
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  40. Commodification, Inequality, and Kidney Markets.Vida Panitch & L. Chad Horne - 2018 - Social Theory and Practice 44 (1):121-143.
    People tend to be repulsed by the idea of cash markets in kidneys, but support the trading of kidneys through paired exchanges or chains. We reject anti-commodification accounts of this reaction and offer an egalitarian one. We argue that the morally significant difference between cash markets and kidney chains is that the former allow the wealthy greater access to kidneys, while the latter do not. The only problem with kidney chains is that they do not go far enough in addressing (...)
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    Participation of Children in Medical Decision-Making: Challenges and Potential Solutions.Vida Jeremic, Karine Sénécal, Pascal Borry, Davit Chokoshvili & Danya F. Vears - 2016 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 13 (4):525-534.
    Participation in healthcare decision-making is considered to be an important right of minors, and is highlighted in both international legislation and public policies. However, despite the legal recognition of children’s rights to participation, and also the benefits that children experience by their involvement, there is evidence that legislation is not always translated into healthcare practice. There are a number of factors that may impact on the ability of the child to be involved in decisions regarding their medical care. Some of (...)
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  42.  19
    A Hurrian Goddess at Carthage?G. Levi Della Vida - 1948 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 68 (3):148.
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    A Neopunic Inscription in England.G. Levi Della Vida - 1940 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 60 (4):578.
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  44. The Undesirable & The Adesirable.Vida Yao - 2017 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 99 (1):115-130.
    The guise of the good thesis can be understood as an attempt to distinguish between human motivations that are intelligible as desires and those that are not. I propose, first, that we understand the intelligibility at stake here as the kind necessary for the experience of reactive attitudes, both negative and positive, to the behavior and motivations of an agent. Given this, I argue that the thesis must be understood as proposing substantive content restrictions on how human agents perceive objects (...)
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    Liberalism, commodification, and justice.Vida Panitch - 2019 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 19 (1):62-82.
    Anti-commodification theorists condemn liberal political philosophers for not being able to justify restricting a market transaction on the basis of what is sold, but only on the basis of how it is sold. The anti-commodification theorist is correct that if this were all the liberal had to say in the face of noxious markets, it would be inadequate: even if everyone has equal bargaining power and no one is misled, there are some goods that should not go to the highest (...)
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  46. Grace and Alienation.Vida Yao - 2020 - Philosophers' Imprint 20 (16):1-18.
    According to an attractive conception of love as attention, discussed by Iris Murdoch, one strives to see one’s beloved accurately and justly. A puzzle for understanding how to love another in this way emerges in cases where more accurate and just perception of the beloved only reveals his flaws and vices, and where the beloved, in awareness of this, strives to escape the gaze of others - including, or perhaps especially, of his loved ones. Though less attentive forms of love (...)
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    Exploitation, Justice, and Parity in International Clinical Research.Vida Panitch - 2013 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 30 (4):304-318.
    Consensus is lacking among research ethicists on the question of how broadly to understand the requirements of non-exploitation in international clinical research. Two types of principles have been proposed, minimalist and non-minimalist, grounded in two opposing conceptions of exploitation, transactional and systemic. Transactionalists have offered principles, which, it has been argued, are satisfied by minimal gains to vulnerable subjects measured against an unjust status quo. Systemicists have advanced principles with decidedly non-minimal mandates but only by conflating the obligations of clinical (...)
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  48. Hans Blumenberg's philosophical anthropology: After Heidegger and Cassirer.Vida Pavesich - 2008 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 46 (3):pp. 421-448.
    In this paper, I situate Hans Blumenberg historically and conceptually in relation to a subtheme in the famous debate between Martin Heidegger and Ernst Cassirer at Davos, Switzerland in 1929. The subtheme concerns Heidegger’s and Cassirer’s divergent attitudes toward philosophical anthropology as it relates to the starting points and goals of philosophy. I then reconstruct Blumenberg’s anthropology, which involves reconceptualizing Cassirer’s philosophy of symbolic forms in relation to Heidegger’s objections to the philosophical anthropology of his day (e.g., Max Scheler, Helmuth (...)
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    A Phoenician Fragment from Rhodes.G. Levi Della Vida - 1940 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 60 (2):260.
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    On Kirmiz.G. Levi Della Vida - 1941 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 61 (4):287.
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