Results for 'Vincent Morgan'

936 found
  1.  37
    Richard Beacon'ssolon his follie: Classical sources, text, and context in the conquest of Ireland.Hiram Morgan & Vincent P. Carey - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (1):207-213.
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  2. Social anthropology, ethnography, and the ordinary.Morgan Clarke - 2019 - In Michael Lamb & Brian A. Williams (eds.), Everyday ethics: moral theology and the practices of ordinary life. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
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    Buber and Education: Dialogue as Conflict Resolution.W. John Morgan & Alexandre Guilherme - 2014 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Alexandre Guilherme.
    Martin Buber is considered one of the 20th centuryes greatest thinkers and his contributions to philosophy, theology and education are testimony to this. His thought is founded on the idea that people are capable of two kinds of relations, namely I-Thou and I-It, emphasising the centrality of dialogue in all spheres of human life. For this reason, Buber is considered by many to be the philosopher of dialogue par excellence. After Buberes death the appreciation of his considerable legacy to the (...)
  4.  26
    The Convergence of Scientific Knowledge a View From the Limit.Vincent F. Hendricks - 2001 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    This book will be a rewarding reading for everybody who is interested in logical aspects of scientific knowledge acquisition. The presentation of the issues discussed in the book is exemplary. The author was able to present in parallel way three different perspectives under which the issues discussed in the book might be approached.
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    The moral philosopher, 1737.Thomas Morgan - 1737 - New York: Garland.
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    Books in Review.Glyn Morgan - 2000 - Political Theory 28 (5):714-718.
  7. The Parable of the Father's Heart.G. Campbell Morgan - 1949
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    The Measurement of Individual Differences in Cognitive Biases: A Review and Improvement.Vincent Berthet - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:630177.
    Individual differences have been neglected in decision-making research on heuristics and cognitive biases. Addressing that issue requires having reliable measures. The author first reviewed the research on the measurement of individual differences in cognitive biases. While reliable measures of a dozen biases are currently available, our review revealed that some measures require improvement and measures of other key biases are still lacking (e.g., confirmation bias). We then conducted empirical work showing that adjustments produced a significant improvement of some measures and (...)
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    Inwardness and Autonomy: A Neglected Aspect of Peirce's Approach to Mind.Vincent M. Colapietro - 1985 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 21 (4):485 - 512.
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    Experimental logic : Normative theory or natural history?Vincent Colapietro - 2002 - In F. Thomas Burke, D. Micah Hester & Robert B. Talisse (eds.), Dewey's logical theory: new studies and interpretations. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press. pp. 43-71.
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  11. Toward a Pragmatist Acknowledgment of the Freudian Unconscious: Para um Reconhecimento Pragmatico do Inconsciente Freudiano.Vincent Colapietro - 2008 - Cognitio 9 (2).
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    Entangling Alliances and Critical Traditions: Reclaiming the Possibilities of Critique.Vincent Colapietro - 1998 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 12 (2):114 - 133.
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    Terrestrial Hypotheses: A Slideshow.Vincent Bruyère - 2019 - Diacritics 47 (3):54-71.
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  14. Realism and the rational administration of the law in Beccaria.Vincent Chiao - 2022 - In Antje Du Bois-Pedain & Shaḥar Eldar (eds.), Re-reading Beccaria: on the contemporary significance of a penal classic. New York: Hart.
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    Marking Distinctions and Making Differences: Being as Dialectic.Vincent Colapietro - 1996 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 10 (1):1 - 18.
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  16. Scientia.Augustus De Morgan - 1915 - The Monist 25:320.
  17. The Philosophy of Edward Bellamy.Arthur E. Morgan - 1946 - Philosophical Review 55:312.
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    L’épochè de la parole (la parole soustraite de Heidegger).Vincent Houillon - 2011 - Alter: revue de phénoménologie 19:141-155.
    « … ne rendre à l’aventure que des sons vagues et profonds, devenir un arbre que le vent étreint et berce, c’est un but vers lequel on peut s’efforcer ; par le plus humain des moyens qui est le langage ; être sorti de l’humanité et préférer des sons de feuilles, de gong, d’avalanches, sortir de l’humanité et la surplomber, la couvrir de son ombre, la couvrir de son bruit, l’enfouir sous son feuillage, cela est digne d’efforts », Pierre Michon, (...)
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    Delos and the canonical plan of the Etruscan-Roman house.Vincent Jolivet - 2020 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 144.
    Le plan canonique rigoureusement normé de la domus étrusco-romaine, attesté dans la plus grande partie de l’Italie, pour l’essentiel, du vie au ier siècle av. J.‑C., a connu un succès très limité en dehors de la péninsule, où de fortes traditions autochtones, grecques ou puniques, semblent en avoir entravé le développement. Le cas de Délos présente un intérêt particulier à cet égard, compte tenu de l’importance de la composante italique de sa population. L’étude des maisons d’habitation du site, ici envisagée (...)
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    Λευκασ πετρη.J. D. Morgan - 1985 - Classical Quarterly 35 (01):229-.
    In the second Nekyia Hermes conducts to Hades the souls of the suitors slain by Odysseus: Even in antiquity the identification of the Λευκς πέτρη was a conundrum. It would seem that no ancient Greek scholar could plausibly locate this rock. According to the scholion in the codex Venetus Marcianus 613, one of the many reasons Aristarchos gave for athetising the whole of the second Nekyia was λλ' οδ οικεν ες Ἅιδου λευκν εναι πέτραν. Certainly Hades had πέτραι, but traditionally (...)
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    Observations.Arthur Ernest Morgan - 1968 - [Yellow Springs, Ohio]: Antioch Press.
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    (1 other version)Psychology and the Ego.C. Lloyd Morgan - 1899 - The Monist 10 (1):62-84.
  23.  25
    The one and only Fons bandusiae.Llewelyn Morgan - 2009 - Classical Quarterly 59 (1):132-.
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  24. “The First Amendment and the Claim that Muslim Emigrants Be Denied Entrance into the United States,”.Vincent Samar - 2016 - Emory International Law Review 30:2092-2104.
    Terrorist attacks throughout the world and particularly within the United States have given rise to a new chapter in the ongoing debate over liberty versus security. The most recent manifestation of this dispute focuses on whether Muslim refugees can be denied entry as a class into the United States, based on their religion alone, for fear they might be harboring potential terrorists. This Essay shows that such a policy cannot be justified under the First Amendment Establishment Clause, as well the (...)
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    An Economic Survey of Ancient Rome, V: Rome and Italy of the Empire.Vincent M. Scramuzza & Tenney Frank - 1941 - American Journal of Philology 62 (2):230.
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    Interactions of doctors with the pharmaceutical industry.M. A. Morgan - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (10):559-563.
    Objective: To assess the opinions and practice patterns of obstetrician-gynaecologists on acceptance and use of free drug samples and other incentive items from pharmaceutical representatives.Methods: A questionnaire was mailed in March 2003 to 397 members of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists who participate in the Collaborative Ambulatory Research Network.Results: The response rate was 55%. Most respondents thought it proper to accept drug samples , an informational lunch , an anatomical model or a well-paid consultantship from pharmaceutical representatives. A (...)
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    L'erreur est humaine: aux frontières de la rationalité.Vincent Berthet - 2018 - Paris: CNRS éditions.
    Les biais cognitifs amènent l'être humain à croire ce qui confirme ses croyances plutôt que ce qui les infirme. Ces comportements irrationnels influent de manière conséquente sur le maniement des probabilités, la compréhension du hasard et les prises de décision. Or, certains acteurs les exploitent pour en tirer profit, parfois aux dépens des autres. [Electre].
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  28. Heideggers Begegnung mit der mataphysischen Grundstellung Jüngers in den dreißiger Jahren.Vincent Blok - 2007 - In Heidegger-Jahrbuch. Frankfurt am Main, Duitsland: pp. 310-316.
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  29. The Middle East.A. Vincent - 1953 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 27 (3):270-293.
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    The general science of nature.Vincent Edward Smith - 1958 - Milwaukee,: Bruce Pub. Co..
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    Descartes et le principe de raison suffisante.Vincent Carraud - 1997 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 53 (3):725-742.
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    Puss in Boots Goes to Pleistocene Park.Vincent Bruyère - 2019 - Oxford Literary Review 41 (1):127-140.
    In this essay, EXT marks the spot where extinction leaves us grieving without grieving protocols—as if there was indeed a time that, paradoxically, only species extinction itself could afford. EXT...
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    The Reconstruction of Institutions.Vincent M. Colapietro - 1990 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 4 (3):237 - 248.
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    The Ottoman Scramble for Africa: Empire and Diplomacy in the Sahara and the Hijaz.Vincent Hiribarren - 2018 - Journal of Islamic Studies 29 (2):272-274.
    The Ottoman Scramble for Africa: Empire and Diplomacy in the Sahara and the Hijaz By MinawiMostafa, xviii + 219 pp. Price PB £17.99. EAN 978–0804799270.
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    La Psychologie de la Religion dans L’Amérique d’Aujourd’hui.William Joseph Morgan - 1931 - The Monist 41 (2):318-318.
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  36. About vs concerns.Daniel Morgan - 2019 - In Brian Andrew Ball & Christoph Schuringa (eds.), The Act and Object of Judgment: Historical and Philosophical Perspectives. New York: Routledge.
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    Can One Be Rude to a Shoe? Saving Our Humanity and the Wrong of Rudeness.Julia Morgan - 2020 - Philosophy East and West 70 (4):1094-1108.
    Amy Olberding's book The Wrong of Rudeness is eye-opening and informative, while at the same time difficult to read, especially the first three chapters. To be clear, the difficulty does not lie in the prose or the concepts. The prose is accessible, examples relevant, and argument clear and cogent. My students recently made the comment that the women philosophers we read are clearer writers and provide more relatable examples than the male philosophers. These students would appreciate Olberding's book.Nevertheless, the book (...)
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  38. Dr. Weismann on Heredity and Progress.C. L. Morgan - 1894 - Philosophical Review 3:238.
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  39. Emil Fackenheim, the Holocaust, and Philosophy.".Michael L. Morgan - 2007 - In Michael L. Morgan & Peter Eli Gordon (eds.), The Cambridge companion to modern Jewish philosophy. New York: Cambrige University Press. pp. 256--276.
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    Philogelos 216.Gareth Morgan - 1981 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 101:141.
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  41. Petrified Life: Adorno and Agamben.Alastair Morgan - 2007 - Radical Philosophy 141:23.
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    Rethinking Constitutional Interpretation to Affirm Human Rights and Dignity.Vincent Samar - 2019 - Hastings Constitutional Law 47:83-144.
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  43. Toward a New Separation of Church and State: Implications for Analogies to Last Year’s Supreme Court Decision in Hobby Lobby by this Year’s Decision in Obergefell v. Hodges.Vincent Samar - 2016 - Boston College Journal of Law and Social Justice 36 (1):1-31.
    In June 2015, in Obergefell v. Hodges, the Supreme Court of the United States determined that there is a fundamental right to marriage that extends to same-sex couples. This Article analyzes the Obergefell decision in light of the Court’s 2014 decision in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby regarding religious protections that might by analogy be afforded under state Religious Freedom Restoration Acts. In particular, the article considers whether a government official may claim the right to religious freedom to deny issuing marriage (...)
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  44. Uma lança em África: los cuerpos imperiales de Gomes Eanes de Zurara.Vincent Barletta - 2009 - Res Publica. Murcia 21:71-84.
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  45. Mics in the ears : how to ask people in Cairo to talk about their sound universes.Vincent Battest - 2017 - In Christine Guillebaud (ed.), Towards an anthropology of ambient sound. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Être apte chez Spinosa: Entre refus de la téléologie classique et auto-organisation.Vincent Legeay - 2018 - Cadernos Espinosanos 39:163-213.
    L’article entend montrer qu’à partir d’une conceptualité classique, héritée de Descartes, Spinoza parvient à contrer l’argument cartésien de liberté et l’argument aristotélicien du finalisme par une structure théorique impossible à classifier à son époque, faisant penser à une tentative de formaliser l’auto-organisation comme le fondement de l’intentionnalité. À partir d’une analyse du texte spinoziste et sa compréhension de la _contrainte_, l’article entend montrer que la reprise d’un certain nombre de notions et de termes entourant ce thème ont été redisposés par (...)
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  47. Evolution and Entropy.Vincent E. Smith - 1961 - The Thomist 24 (2):441.
  48. Toward a Philosophy of Physical Instruments.Vincent Edward Smith - 1947 - The Thomist 10:307.
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  49. L'œil révélateur: Figures de la connaissance.Véronique Campion-Vincent - 1998 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 104:55-75.
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    Index.Vincent Descombes - 2016 - In Puzzling Identities. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. pp. 207-214.
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