Results for 'Virginie Paquette'

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  1.  14
    The Role of Passion in Psychological and Cardiovascular Responses: Extending the Field of Passion and Positive Psychology in New Directions.Robert J. Vallerand, Virginie Paquette & Christine Richard - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The present study fills a void in research on passion by examining for the first time the role of passion in physiological responses. The aim of the study was to investigate the role of passion, and the mediating role of cognitive appraisals, in the psychological and physiological responses to a stressful situation related to one’s passion. Students, who were passionate for their studies, completed the Passion Scale for their studies and the Cognitive Appraisal Scale. Then, they engaged in an education (...)
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    Beyond the Apnea Test: An Argument to Broaden the Requirement for Consent to the Entire Brain Death Evaluation.Erin Paquette, Joel Frader, Seema Shah, Robert C. Tasker & Robert Truog - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (6):17-19.
    Volume 20, Issue 6, June 2020, Page 17-19.
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    Theatricality from the Performative Perspective.Virginie Magnat - 2002 - Substance 31 (2/3):147.
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    Entretien avec Michel Henry.Virginie Henry Caruana - 2000 - Philosophique 3:69-80.
    Cet entretien réalisé le 30 novembre 1999 à Paris présente l’évolution de la philosophie de Michel Henry, depuis L’essence de la manifestation jusqu’à l’Incarnation. Il s’agit de présenter le projet, la place et la centralité de L’essence de la manifestation dans l’œuvre de M. Henry, puisque c’est dans cet ouvrage qu’il a mis au jour les présuppositions de sa phénoménologie de la vie et de l’intériorité subjective, présuppositions qu’il fera travailler dans tous les ouvrages qui lui succéderont, ceci jusqu’à L’incarnation. (...)
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    Parental programming: How can we improve study design to discern the molecular mechanisms?Virginie Lecomte, Neil A. Youngson, Christopher A. Maloney & Margaret J. Morris - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (9):787-793.
    The contribution of inherited non‐genetic factors to complex diseases is of great current interest. The ways in which mothers and fathers can affect their offspring's health clearly differ as a result of the intimate interactions between mother and offspring during pre‐ and postnatal life. There is, however, potential for some overlap in mechanisms, particularly epigenetic mechanisms. A small number of epidemiological studies and animal models have investigated the non‐genetic contribution of the parents to offspring health. Discovering new mechanisms of disease (...)
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    Revisiting Monique Wittig’s Lesbian for a Feminist Life.Elisabeth Paquette - 2021 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 11 (1-2):49-73.
    Sara Ahmed’s Living a Feminist Life draws explicitly from the writings of French second-wave feminist Monique Wittig. Given that Wittig’s work has fallen into obscurity in recent years, and that a number of critiques have responded to her theorization of the notion of “the lesbian,” this essay seeks to understand what Wittig has to offer to twenty-first-century intersectional feminist theory, like that of Ahmed. In this essay, I thus offer analysis and critique of Wittig’s discussion of race and slavery found (...)
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    Entretenez les relations!Virginie Bourget - 2008 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 2 (2):67-72.
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    Une chair exsangue.Virginie Foloppe - 2013 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 10 (2):59-70.
    Résumé Le silence de Lorna de Jean-Pierre et Luc Dardenne met en scène la grossesse fictive que Lorna s’invente suite à la disparition de Claudy. La perte de l’être aimé engendre une mélancolie qui s’appréhende dans une dépersonnalisation de la chair féminine. Est analysée la manière qu’ont les cinéastes de rendre présente la relation à l’absent, et de parler de leur création, soit d’une chair masculine qui crée, par l’intermédiaire de l’enfantement de Lorna, qui devient leur ego alter.
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  9. La culture de l'impunité envers la délinquance d'affaires.Virginie M. Giouli - 2012 - Filosofia Oggi 35 (1-2):83-90.
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    L'europe face au clonage humain: problèmes et perspectives juridiques.Virginie Grillet - 2001 - Médecine et Droit 2001 (49):1-8.
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  11. Le développement durable : enfant prodigue ou rejeton matriphage de la protection de la nature?Virginie Maris - 2006 - Les Ateliers de L’Ethique 1 (2):86-102.
    Although there exists a strong uncertainty surrounding the evaluation of the decline of biodiversity, and a larger uncertainty still regarding projections of the decline to come, there is no controversy on the fact that the current rate of extinction is in a crisis. The fact that this decline is above all of anthropic origin is the object of a consensus within the scientific community. This text thus takes as a starting point the existence of a true crisis of biodiversity. This (...)
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  12.  26
    Quelques pistes pour un dialogue fécond entre féminisme et écologie.Virginie Maris - 2009 - Multitudes 36 (1):178.
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    Un abaque à Delphes.Virginie Mathé - 2009 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 133 (1):169-178.
    Sur un bloc, connu depuis longtemps en raison d’une inscription (FD III, 4, 189) et déposé sur la terrasse Sud, à l’angle Sud-Est du Temple d’Apollon, on voit deux séries de lignes et deux demi-cercles accolés à deux d’entre elles qui n’ont jamais été signalés à notre connaissance. Il s’agit d’un abaque. Après avoir indiqué rapidement comment les Grecs utilisaient cet instrument, on décrit la pierre et donne les raisons d’une telle identification avant de rappeler les questions que pose cet (...)
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    The use of high-density electrophysiology in the early detection of cognitive and language impairments in preterm infants.Paquette Natacha, Vannasing Phetsamone, McKerral Michelle, Lepore Franco, Lassonde Maryse & Gallagher Anne - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  15. Convenir rationnellement de normes: le concept d'équilibre réfléchi.M. Paquette - 1998 - Philosopher: revue pour tous 21:9-23.
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  16.  34
    Husserl et l'absolu du Monde en phénoménologie.Éric Paquette - 1998 - Horizons Philosophiques 9 (1):51-71.
  17. L'ordre naturel selon Sade: la science comme fiction.Virginie Pasche - 2012 - In Adrien Paschoud & Nathalie Vuillemin (eds.), Penser l'ordre naturel, 1680-1810. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation.
  18.  30
    Getting closer: Synchronous interpersonal multisensory stimulation increases closeness and attraction toward an opposite-sex other in female participants.Virginie Quintard, Stéphane Jouffre, Maria-Paola Paladino & Cédric A. Bouquet - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 77:102849.
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    A Tissue-Level Electromechanical Model of the Left Ventricle: Application to the Analysis of Intraventricular Pressure.Virginie Rolle, Guy Carrault, Pierre-Yves Richard, Philippe Pibarot, Louis-Gilles Durand & Alfredo Hernández - 2009 - Acta Biotheoretica 57 (4):457-478.
    The ventricular pressure profile is characteristic of the cardiac contraction progress and is useful to evaluate the cardiac performance. In this contribution, a tissue-level electromechanical model of the left ventricle is proposed, to assist the interpretation of left ventricular pressure waveforms. The left ventricle has been modeled as an ellipsoid composed of twelve mechano-hydraulic sub-systems. The asynchronous contraction of these twelve myocardial segments has been represented in order to reproduce a realistic pressure profiles. To take into account the different energy (...)
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  20.  21
    Définir l’aide humaine en France : étude juridique.Virginie Scolan, Frédérique Fiechter-Boulvard & Jean-Yves Salle - 2011 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 5 (4):265-280.
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  21. Le biopouvoir a uepreuve Des travaux sur la biomëdecine: Succès politique d'un neolügisme.Virginie Tournay - 2005 - In Sylvain Meyet, Marie-Cécile Naves & Thomas Ribémont (eds.), Travailler avec Foucault: retours sur le politique. Paris: Harmattan. pp. 97.
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    (1 other version)Women's Memories in a Depressed Steel Valley: an Attempt to Deconstruct the Imaginings of Steel-working Lorraine.Virginie Vinel - 2010 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 12 (2):113-125.
    This paper is based on a research conducted between 2004 and 2006 and dealing with the memories of women in a steel valley struck by depression since the seventies, in the North-Eastern part of France. The imagery of steel-producing Lorraine coalesced in a rather standardized way around the figure of the steelworker working at the blast furnace. This research and the exhibition which followed from it, highlighted the activities of women, in the working place as well as in the domestic (...)
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    Belief in school meritocracy as a system-justifying tool for low status students.Virginie Wiederkehr, Virginie Bonnot, Silvia Krauth-Gruber & Céline Darnon - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Interventionnisme et faune sauvage.Virginie Maris & Élise Huchard - 2018 - Les Ateliers de l'Éthique / the Ethics Forum 13 (1):115-142.
    VIRGINIE MARIS,ÉLISE HUCHARD | : Considérant l’ubiquité de la souffrance dans le monde sauvage, la question se pose de notre obligation d’intervenir. Du simple devoir d’assistance dans des situations ponctuelles à des projets de transformation des conditions de vie animale à grande échelle, la défense de l’interventionnisme entre en conflit avec la pensée conservationniste qui valorise la naturalité ou l’autonomie des systèmes écologiques. Dans cet article, nous tentons de mettre en dialogue les intuitions interventionnistes et la pensée conservationniste. Nous (...)
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    Do (un)certainty appraisal tendencies reverse the influence of emotions on risk taking in sequential tasks?Virginie Bagneux, Thierry Bollon & Cécile Dantzer - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (3):568-576.
    According to the Appraisal-Tendency Framework (Han, Lerner, & Keltner, 2007), certainty-associated emotions increase risk taking compared with uncertainty-associated emotions. To date, this general effect has only been shown in static judgement and decision-making paradigms; therefore, the present study tested the effect of certainty on risk taking in a sequential decision-making task. We hypothesised that the effect would be reversed due to the kind of processing involved, as certainty is considered to encourage heuristic processing that takes into account the emotional cues (...)
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  26.  18
    Early visual deprivation does not prevent the emergence of basic numerical abilities in blind children.Virginie Crollen, Hélène Warusfel, Marie-Pascale Noël & Olivier Collignon - 2021 - Cognition 210 (C):104586.
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    Visual experience influences the interactions between fingers and numbers.Virginie Crollen, Marie-Pascale NoëL, Xavier Seron, Pierre Mahau, Franco Lepore & Olivier Collignon - 2014 - Cognition 133 (1):91-96.
  28.  33
    Consent Is the Cornerstone of Ethically Valid Research: Ethical Issues in Recontacting Subjects Who Enrolled in Research as a Minor.Erin Talati Paquette & Lainie Friedman Ross - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (10):61-63.
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    Introduction: Liberalism in the Early Nineteenth-century Iberian World.Gabriel Paquette - 2015 - History of European Ideas 41 (2):153-165.
    SummaryThis essay is an introduction to a special issue on ‘Liberalism in the Early Nineteenth-century Iberian World’. The essay reviews why Iberian intellectual history, particularly liberal political thought, has been neglected in English-language scholarship. It offers suggestions for the incorporation of Portuguese and Spanish language texts into the broader canon. The essay then outlines persistent debates common to the study of liberalism in both Iberian and other national contexts, in an effort to instigate a dialogue between intellectual historians of Spain (...)
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  30.  23
    A common metric magnitude system for the perception and production of numerosity, length, and duration.Virginie Crollen, Stéphane Grade, Mauro Pesenti & Valérie Dormal - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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  31.  15
    Res publica. Étude et réception d’une constellation.Virginie Meltz Hollard - 2023 - Astérion 29 (29).
    Based on Claudia Moatti’s Res publica. Histoire romaine de la chose publique, we strive to draw the outlines of what would be a historical science of antiquity that would isolate, in order to protect itself, the political representations that link us to Rome? The aim here is to study the political concepts used in ancient Rome by placing, at the fore, language and anthropology of the practices that we are trying to identify, in the background. This feature therefore seeks to (...)
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    Social anxiety and information processing biases: An integrated theoretical perspective.Virginie Peschard & Pierre Philippot - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (4).
  33. Les miracles de la volonte.Virginie Caruana - forthcoming - Revue Internationale de Philosophie.
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  34. Le fondement politique de l'identité Des genres dans la linguistique de Chomsky: L'exemple du moyen-orient.Virginie M. Giouli - 2011 - Filosofia Oggi 34 (1-2):149-156.
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    Cosmopolitism and national priority: Attitudes towards foreigners in France between 1789 and 1794.Virginie Guiraudon - 1991 - History of European Ideas 13 (5):591-604.
  36. En articulation et rémanences: un espace de parole en suspens.Virginie Jaton - 2005 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 137 (2):149-156.
    La parution de plus en plus fréquente d�ouvrages (souvent collectifs) consacrés aux figures et aux ailleurs de la pensée suggère la présente note de lecture. Pluralités indéterminées de régimes de �scientificité�, richesses épistémologiques d�une complexité et du paradoxe: entre attentes et ambiguïtés, autant de relations, voire de résurgences, circulant dans les espaces discursifs. Recherches d�expression ou recherches de pensée? Peut-on alors imaginer une actualité d�une parole entre philosophie et géographie?
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    Effect of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on mood in healthy subjects.Virginie Moulier, Christian Gaudeau-Bosma, Clémence Isaac, Anne-Camille Allard, Noomane Bouaziz, Djedia Sidhoumi, Sonia Braha-Zeitoun, René Benadhira, Fanny Thomas & Dominique Januel - 2016 - Socioaffective Neuroscience and Psychology 6.
    BackgroundHigh frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex has shown significant efficiency in the treatment of resistant depression. However in healthy subjects, the effects of rTMS remain unclear.ObjectiveOur aim was to determine the impact of 10 sessions of rTMS applied to the DLPFC on mood and emotion recognition in healthy subjects.DesignIn a randomised double-blind study, 20 subjects received 10 daily sessions of active or sham rTMS. The TMS coil was positioned on the left DLPFC through neuronavigation. (...)
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    The Resistance of the Given and its Demythologization in Husserl’s Phenomenology.Virginie Palette - 2021 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2021 (2):58-72.
    The objective of this paper is to reconstruct Husserl’s two-pronged approach of sensory givenness. On the one hand, the phenomenological focus on intentional consciousness implies a virulent criticismof the positivistic myth of the sensory given. On the other hand, there is also a positive appeal to sensory givenness in phenomenology, without which phenomenology would not be worthy of its name and would, ultimately, be nothing other than a form of neo-Kantianism. In the context of transcendental genetic phenomenology, Husserl manages to (...)
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  39. Capitalism and Modernity: The Great Debate. By Jack Goody.G. B. Paquette - 2005 - The European Legacy 10 (5):537.
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    Child and Parent Understanding of Clinical Trials: The Semi-Structured Comprehension Interview.Erin Talati Paquette, Julie Najita, Debra Morley & Steven Joffe - 2015 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 6 (2):23-32.
    Background: Understanding is an important goal of the informed consent process in research. We sought to assess the interrater reliability (IRR) and concurrent validity of two measures of understanding in child and young adult subjects and their parents. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional survey and interview-based study of children and young adults participating in a clinical trial for cancer, along with one parent per child or young adult subject. We estimated the IRR of the Semi-Structured Comprehension Interview (SSCI) and the (...)
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    Grandeur et misère de la mélancolie : Notes kierkegaardiennes.Éric Paquette - 2000 - Horizons Philosophiques 11 (1):150-152.
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    Introduction.Elisabeth Paquette, Amrit Mandzak-Heer & Dhruv Jain - 2018 - Philosophy Today 62 (4):1037-1048.
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  43. Philosophie des sciences et formation générale.M. Paquette - 1991 - Philosopher: revue pour tous 11:53-61.
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  44. Remarques sur l'analytique de l'amour.M. Paquette - 1998 - Philosopher: revue pour tous 22:33-50.
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    Kritik über D'Auvergne & Brenet (1998): De l'ôme.Virginie Pektaş - 2001 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 6 (1):278-279.
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    Les innovations de Naffāṯ b. Naṣr ou le troisième schisme chez les ibadites.Virginie Prevost - 2013 - Al-Qantara 34 (1):123-151.
    En plus de la sécession des nukkārites et des ḫalafites, l’imam rustumide Aflaḥ doit affronter la dissidence de Naffāṯ b. Naṣr. Après s’être vu refuser le poste de gouverneur de Qanṭrāra, Naffāṯ se met à calomnier publiquement Aflaḥ, auquel il reproche principalement ses goûts de luxe et son manque de combativité face aux Aġlabides. La propagande anti-rustumide de Naffāṯ séduit rapidement de nombreux ibadites, tant dans le Djérid qu’au djebel Nafūsa. Cet engouement montre à quel point, pendant le règne d’Aflaḥ (...)
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    Place de la nomenclature Dintilhac dans le cadre de l’expertise pénale (victimes vivantes) ou la question du dommage corporel au cours d’une instruction pénale.Virginie Scolan & Frédérique Fiechter-Boulvard - 2012 - Médecine et Droit 2012 (114):93-98.
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    Le Donné En Question Dans la Phénoménologie Et le Néokantisme: Des Critiques du Positivisme au Débat Avec Kant.Virginie Palette - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    Cet ouvrage explore les critiques du donné dans le néokantisme et la phénoménologie allemands. Il révèle la portée considérable de ces critiques, qui impliquent en même temps une controverse avec le positivisme de la fin du XIXème siècle et un dialogue substantiel avec l’Esthétique transcendantale de Kant. En posant les questions de la sensation et de la perception, la présente monographie permet de ménager un accès privilégié aux enjeux fondamentaux de la philosophie austro-allemande au tournant du XXème siècle. Lorsqu’il est (...)
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  49.  19
    Pediatric Intensivist and Pediatric Neurologist Perspectives and Practices on Death by Neurologic Criteria.Erin Talati Paquette, Ahmeneh Ghavam, Lainie Friedman Ross & Leslie Mataya - 2021 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 32 (3):195-205.
    Controversies surrounding the determination of death by neurologic criteria (DNC), also known as brain death, have become increasingly common over the last decade, occasionally leading to parental refusal of all or part of an evaluation or declaration of DNC. We performed a prospective, crosssectional study of pediatric neurologists and intensivists who participate in professional listservs to ascertain perspectives and practices concerning the evaluation of DNC, specifically on obtaining permission for evaluations and managing refusals. Of the 334 respondents who had performed (...)
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  50.  22
    Addressing Racism in the Healthcare Encounter: The Role of Clinical Ethics Consultants.Erin Talati Paquette, Kate MacDuffie & Vanessa Madrigal - 2022 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 33 (3):202-209.
    Clinical ethicists move in different environments and interface with a variety of stakeholders, and are therefore uniquely positioned to answer the call for equity and anti-racism. We describe why a clinical ethicist should contribute to anti-racism efforts and describe general approaches for addressing racism across institutional contexts, including: (1) addressing racism as a bedside clinical ethics consultant, (2) addressing a wider lens of anti-racism work across multiple ethics consults over time, and (3) addressing racism at the organizational level.
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